On the psychology of the Arabs. The deep vices of the Arab military machine, embedded deep in the mentality of the Arabs

Not only friendliness distinguishes Arab men. In many of their actions, they behave nonchalantly, do not worry about the future and are almost always in a good mood. They are extremely inventive in their actions, find non-standard and interesting solutions, and in most situations, entrepreneurialism plays to their advantage. Courageous and enterprising people are welcomed in Arab society, and therefore modest Arabs are quite rare.

Distinctive feature Arab nation is the love of work and the ability to do their job for a long time. All people, whether a simple worker or a high-ranking official or businessman, work every day for their own benefit, although they rarely enjoy their work. The thing is that many generations of Arabs worked hard in order to get out of poverty and improve their lives, so work for them became the responsibility of every person. The ability and the need to work made the Arabs a hardy and unpretentious nation. In the minds of the Arabs, the understanding was fixed that it is necessary to work hard, while being patient, self-confident and persevering.

Arabs like to spend their time outside of work beautifully. They demonstrate their love of life and love for beauty when communicating with relatives and friends. In general, the Arabs are considered peaceful, they do not often provoke scandals and quarrels, usually striving for the exchange of positive emotions and communication. They have a good sense of humor, for the most part they are optimistic and know how to joke sharply.

When communicating with other people, Arab men special meaning give style to the conversation of the interlocutor. They look at how the interlocutor selects words, builds sentences, decorates speech beautiful sayings and then draw conclusions about the person. The reason is in particular the Arabic language: it is very rich and involves the use of metaphors, hyperbolic statements, verbal turns. If the task is to convince an Arab man of something, or if you want to please him, to be remembered, then you should monitor the correctness of speech, its brightness. The Arabs turn off logical thinking when he hears beautiful words.

The vast majority of Arabs are dominated by emotionality. They react very violently to actions and words, trying to show their own emotions. They are sharp and impulsive, which makes this nation very temperamental. It is difficult for them to restrain emotions, and therefore a rush of feelings often takes up over calmness. The life of a real Arab is planned by the laws of the holy scripture of Muslims - the Koran. Religion plays a big role in the life of the Arabs. The ideal behavior of an Arab is submissive with remorse for his sins.

Worship and unquestioning obedience to God is very welcome. From the very first days of life, children learn from their parents that it is important to be an obedient believer and show humility, humility, and honorably accept all the difficulties that come up. Patience and endurance are in the blood of the Arabs. They know how to adapt, morally very strong people. Interestingly, their hallmark is superstition. They believe in predictions and various prejudices, they are very attentive to signs. Such a belief in omens and predictions is passed down from generation to generation and stimulates the Arabs to develop uncertainty about tomorrow, suspicion and apprehension.

In human relations, it is of great importance social status. People who have power and wealth can afford to be arrogant in relation to the environment and even sometimes rude. The manifestation of aggression and physical strength is a common occurrence among people with high incomes. People who are at the lower levels of society behave submissively and calmly accept the blows of fate, as it is ordered in the Qur'an. It is customary to address influential and wealthy people with respect and honor.

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52 comments on “ The mentality of the Arabs and ours is heaven and earth

  1. Victoria:

    I agree with Julia. I also sometimes like to travel, I often fly to the Emirates. Last year I was vacationing in Ajman and met a local Emirati. He works as a policeman at Dubai airport. He followed me for three days when I went to the beach, before to get to know me. We started a dizzying romance. He is very nice, well-groomed, modern. He showed me all of Dubai, all the sights. will never end. He took me to discos, restaurants, water parks, went on safaris. He was wealthy, but for all the time of our meetings he did not give me a single gift. When it was time for me to fly away, he asked me for my phone number and email .I didn’t fall in love with him, I was just pleased with such an interesting and well-groomed man. And I didn’t count on anything, I knew that such a relationship was temporary. When I flew home such nostalgia covered me that I didn’t want to realize that oh my fairy tale is over. He called me, said that he was bored, but the calls became less and less frequent, we also rarely communicated by email. I think he is married, but he beautifully hid everything from me. When we rode in his jeep, I accidentally I found a photo of two small children, a boy and a girl. When I asked who they were, he answered that they were the children of his younger sister, who is married to his Emirati friend. Then I did not attach any importance to anything, but now everything has become clear. I often remember this Emirati, but in my heart it’s very unpleasant that there are many like me. I read all the stories on this site for the Arabs, how they know how to bewitch girls, deceive, use it, and that’s it. It’s hard that I don’t meet a young man at home , only home and work. And how you want to feel loved, needed by someone and love yourself. I agree with many girls that it’s hard to switch to our men after the Arabs. that there are pluses and many minuses. There is another cop litet, another people who will never accept a girl who is not of their status and many other disadvantages. It’s a shame that the Arabs have nothing serious in relation to our girls, just how to spend time. A beautiful fairy tale with a beautiful deception! I also met one woman there , who once a year flies to rest in the Emirates, so she said that the local Emirates are sooo greedy, they never fork out just like that, but they promise mountains of gold when they meet a tourist. But she no longer reacts to them, she is well familiar with these tricks. These are the Emirates!

  2. Svetlana:

    Agree. But for some reason, I went to Egypt 5 times before (the sea was so impressive, and I wanted to see everything - Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, everything smelled of history), and many men, although I am far from a blonde, just really courted. I didn't even go to discos. Then with only one very a good man went 3 times, he came every day with his brother for me by car, the relationship (do not believe it!) Was purely platonic, and he honestly said that his mother wanted him to marry an Arab woman, which he subsequently did. He showed the city, and in the morning we drove to the hotel, I fell without legs in the room, the staff treated me with respect.
    But then I met him. I don’t want to say bad things, but he then acted like this with me and behaved so ugly, to put it mildly, that if his mother found out about this, she would regret that she gave birth to such a moral monster. He left me with a small child in his arms in his country because of a German woman who brought him thousands of euros, bought a car, and now gave birth to 2 sons. Never took care of the kids.
    Thank God it all ended like this for you. Thank God and do not get involved, and bequeath this to your children if you want them to be happy

  3. Svetlana:

    Girls. It's good that there is so much information about this now.
    And I gave birth to an Egyptian 2 children, as a result, I bring them up in Russia alone. Yes, the author of the article, pray to God that everything ended so well, do not regret it, nothing good comes out of this fairy tale except a fairy tale with a terrible end

  4. Olga:

    Svetlana, of course, your MCH (I don’t know if you were married to him) is a scoundrel and a scoundrel, but not all Egyptians are like that, believe me. I have been married to an Egyptian for about 5 years, and I will say that I do not need another husband for any gingerbread. A very decent person, takes care of my child (from my first marriage) as if it were his own. And his son loves him no less than his own father. In the resorts of Egypt there are a lot of stories similar to yours ... It is sad, of course, that because of such idiots, people get the impression of the whole nation.

  5. Darian:

    On the contrary, it seems to me that the mentality is basically the same. Until we found a big difference together, the food is the same, even the cartoons looked the same .. My husband's favorite little humpbacked horse

  6. Svetlana:

    I'm very happy for you. But this is an extremely rare occurrence.
    Even those who are married both according to those and according to our laws are rarely happy and ready to run away. I know women who are kept only by children and they are ready to run away, the children are 8 years old, they do not have Russian citizenship.
    And cruelty will manifest itself in six years. They have, excuse me, such jumps, this, apparently, from marrying cousins ​​(I'm not saying evil, but I think, because some actions cannot be explained). Our woman and three children lived in Luxor. The girl was 14, some goat told the Egyptian that his wife was helping his daughter communicate with young people, he saw somewhere that she (daughter) was talking with a classmate. They lived then for 10 years already. The husband took the children and rushed to the village. She is all gray-haired, the consulate cannot do anything, etc.
    Do you think, Olga, according to Islam, a woman should not talk to people, etc.? I will tell you a secret as a Muslim woman, what is not and is not, if it is not in the nature of flirting.
    And the Egyptians are so unsure of themselves that a brother is afraid to leave his brother and wife for 5 minutes, no matter how she cheats. And is it really normal for us, for example, for a brother to try to take his wife away from his brother?

  7. Svetlana:

    Yes, Victoria. Money-hungry creatures, they sell their wives, children, let them try to buy forgiveness from Allah when their wives curse them, and their children curse them, and their families curse them. They don't need it, they don't need it, that's all. Take care of yourself.

  8. Olga:

    “And you, Olga, think that according to Islam, a woman should not talk to people, etc. I will tell you a secret as a Muslim woman, what is not and is not, if it is not in the nature of flirting.
    And the Egyptians are so unsure of themselves that a brother is afraid to leave his brother and wife for 5 minutes, no matter how she cheats. And is it really normal for us, for example, for a brother to try to take his wife away from his brother?
    Svetlana, why did you decide that I think so? I am familiar with Islam, I have been studying this religion for 15 years. True, she herself has not yet accepted Islam. Everything that you describe, yes, is the place to be in Egypt. I also know that Upper and Lower Egypt are very different. Therefore I say that happy marriage with an Egyptian is possible, provided that he is from a normal (moderately religious, not radical), educated family. I also have examples happy marriage, and vice versa. Everything, in the end, depends on both the man and the woman. My husband's relatives (namely, relatives, not parents) also turned up their noses at first, because. I am Russian. But the power of persuasion is a great thing :))) My husband had the patience to explain and prove to them that not all Russians are "Sharmuts", as the majority of the population in Egypt thinks. So, girls, of course, there is no need to rush into the pool with your head. Marriage must be approached wisely: look at actions, at the family, analyze ...

  9. Olga:

    And another moment: you, Svetlana, are talking mainly about resort Arabs. I'm talking about a completely different stratum of the population. Therefore, probably, we see a completely different, so to speak, parallel Egypt.

  10. Svetlana:

    Olga, alas, no. I wrote that 83% of Arab Muslim women felt “courtship on the street” in Cairo. I know what it's like to live, say, in Cairo or in Hurghada - a little different. Then it should be I don’t know what social circle, so that all this does not manifest itself. Simply, apparently, either you are a rare exception, or your chosen one is well disguised. Ask at the consulate how things are with marriages. I still got off happily.
    The man with whom I linked my fate really worked in tourism, but by education he is an international journalist, Cairo University. He is fluent in French, German, English. Then he came to Moscow to study Russian at the Pushkin Institute. Knows 5 minus. Worked at Blue Sky.
    For those women who are not happy in marriage, as I told you, someone is really engaged in tourism, and someone is a lawyer.
    And yet, I have 2 children from this person, and as you understand, I gave birth to them not in one day, but I knew the person for 7 years. When I first came, I didn’t meet anyone at all. Then we talked with a pleasant Egyptian company (there were both Muslims and Christians), and I didn’t pay attention to any of them, although I enjoyed constant success, like, probably, all our girls. A surprise from them is possible at any moment, regardless of the "layers". Well, you're probably not married to an architect, right?
    I will say more, I didn’t immediately move to him, he knew my parents, I knew him, we had everything seriously, and not 2 weeks, and Big Love. I am a musulmanian.
    Olga, honestly, I love Egypt, this country is in my heart, I have like 2 homelands, and I sincerely and seriously approached my marriage, our union was based on love from the very beginning, at least from my side, but you have not yet know what will happen in a difficult situation. They all talk well. And here there was even a note about how one Egyptian threw his family in the UAE (wife and child), and he left, and his wife, poor, didn’t know that the visa was overdue, and there the fine was about thirty dollars a day per person .. if I am not mistaken. Well, is this the norm? And this occurs in 90% of cases. By the way, one woman who, at first glance, everything is in order, told me that her husband had repeatedly reproached her earlier, why wouldn’t she give him Russian citizenship, here are rich Muscovites ... and she says thank God. he managed to earn money somewhere, but that, too, could be expected in any way.
    Olya, how many of our people live off their families in Egypt and also support their husbands! I was shocked. My husband sent me money for the trip, but here, yes, they live, but everything is on her shoulders, so he still closes it with curtains, and in the evening ... on his own business. The girl left the Faculty of Mathematics at the University, the family sends money. The girl has turned into an old woman, and I give you one hundred percent, he walks - only on the way!
    I repeat once again: apparently, it was not necessary to marry sisters. The head is the most important part of a person. And there, because of poverty, until recently it was common.
    I will be glad if you are happy with this man, with the Egyptian, because I would like that this country with such a noble history of the Ancient World, with such a beautiful sea, the most beautiful for me, would be a home for our women, and not arena of loss

  11. Svetlana:

    My husband did work in tourism. He is an international journalist by training. Perfect English, French, German. In Russia, he studied Russian at the Pushkin Institute for 1.5 months, speaks 4+. Worked at Blue Sky. The cases concern both the wives of lawyers and the wives of musicians. 83% of Arab women experienced in Cairo (not in Hurghada) obsessive harassment from males. This is not the norm.
    In addition, I read a note, in the UAE, a husband (Egyptian) left his wife (Egyptian) with a child with expired visas, for a day there, if I'm not mistaken, you have to pay 30 dollars. Fine?
    You are the lucky exception
    Olga, honestly, how long have you been in Russia? And who paid for your trip there and back?
    My husband used to pay for the trip, when it's normal. And there it turned out that married girls live at the expense of their families, i.e. they are sent money from Russia, Hungary, and they go home for this or sit there for 10 years with their children without getting out, because. The husband uses this money for other needs.
    And there was also a girl from Belarus, everything from the birth of her child to rent and meals was paid by her mother through Western Union, and she considered this normal, and sometimes she had nothing to eat (maybe a week), there were no diapers, and her at that time, her husband did not live at home, he was fat, and she lost weight, melted like a candle, and flew home with her mother's money, even at the last moment, her mother sent money by taxi. And nothing, she also made a visa for this gigolo, and he is already there. Yes, he had a job. Only she had no money. I mean, there is a category of women for whom this is the norm.

  12. Olga:

    Svetlana, we actually live in Russia now, and we only go to Egypt on vacation for the time being. But, here, too, the husband works, although, unfortunately, not in his specialty. You probably know as well as I do that no one needs their education here. Perhaps my case is an exception, but just talking with my husband's family and friends, I see that there are good men in Egypt. Again, there are friends here who live with Egyptian husbands. It seems that they don’t complain about life either ... So, in every nation there are all sorts. And our men, why are they all so white and fluffy? Yes, everything is the same. It's just that for some reason it so happened with us that if a foreigner, then the demand from him is greater.

  13. Svetlana:

    Well then, yes, these are "rare Egyptians", like the Palestinians in St. Petersburg. Not everyone will visit us...
    But also, you will understand, here they will not engage in such nonsense like “why did you raise your hand?” (when you stop a taxi.), etc.
    Olga, I really like Egypt, very much, and therefore it’s a shame that I didn’t look for adventures on my ass, they knew each other for 3 years before the first daughter appeared. And I'm not convinced that yours, like everyone else, just most of the stories I know had an unpleasant ending, to put it mildly. Of all I know 1 couple, but nothing connects them there, sorry, children, etc. And then he is already beginning to be wiser (but they live in Egypt).
    I agree with our problems, but such cruelty that our man threw out a woman with his child without a livelihood and did not let her leave (if, say, she is from Ukraine, etc.), so that he would not buy a diaper for the child and , Olya, if I could tell you more, such cruelty, and even in almost every case known to me, I'm sorry, we don't have it.

  14. Nicole:

    I want to say a few words about their religion, rules, etc. This summer I was in America, on a student exchange program. About 20 Arabs lived in a nearby hotel, they naturally knew each other. In August, they also have Ramadan - they do not eat from dawn to dusk, you can not smoke, drink alcohol, sex is excluded. 100% observe units ... For the sake of interest, I asked one with whom I closely communicated why not everyone observes Ramadan. The answer was clear: "If we are not in Egypt, we may not observe it ... Only the most faithful adhere to Ramadan completely." If an Arab is not in his homeland, he is not like that ... He is quite ordinary, there is no talk of any religious affiliations.
    A friend is now dating a slave, they have known each other since the summer before last, but the relationship began this summer. He had to leave for his homeland, for a while, in June he will return to America, his girlfriend is there. I communicate with him almost every day, he goes crazy without her ... He can’t leave earlier, his parents won’t let him go, he constantly quarrels with them .. But he will come. It’s hard for her in America, but she doesn’t go home, she waits for him and is never afraid again not see. In Egypt, she will not move to him, he himself does not want to.
    What am I leading to. As for me, if you associate life with an Arab, want to live together, etc., but naturally fear their religion and traditions, build a common life outside of his homeland, on no man's land Of course, if he doesn't mind. And there will be love and family.

  15. Olga:

    Nicole, I remember you already wrote somewhere on this site about Egyptian students who did not observe Ramadan while in America. This is obvious hypocrisy, and the one who answered you in such a way that “If we are not in Egypt, we may not observe it ... Only the most believers fully adhere to Ramadan”, 100% knew that this was not so. A Muslim is a Muslim everywhere, in America, and in Egypt, and at the North Pole. My husband, for example, cannot be said to be very, very religious, but when he misses a fast during the days of Ramadan, he is well aware that this, to put it mildly, is not good. And he tries, if possible, to make up for the missed days during the year. And the rest you are right, they are the same people as we are :)))

  16. masha:

    To be honest, I generally wonder where you girls dig them up. They get married very early. And then, where will you meet him in order to find out whether he is or not, especially if he is not divorced, it is impossible in an Arab country, they can be deported from the country. As a rule, they don’t go to Europe, to go to their country, it’s too cool, a region with strict rules of conduct.

  17. Sofia:

    I got married at 22, I was married the same age.
    And ess-but not at the resorts we met.

    and now we are already 42 ... we are getting old.

  18. masha:

    If you didn’t meet at a resort, then you really took this seriously, because good boys rarely go there, and they don’t get to know each other on the street, although everything happens.
    Yes, okay, you're getting old, they also found my damn age, hah. It's not age.

  19. Sofia:

    Thank you. Yes, sometimes I look at my daughter - she will turn 16 this year - and I feel that I need to look at myself more critically, more critically.
    My husband quarreled with his father because of her terribly ... still doesn’t call him ... grandfather set out to look for a groom for his granddaughter (we lived with him in the spring, and my stalker flaunted there in awesome abayas). And my husband, although calm, will tear his throat for the children, sometimes he perceives everything too sharply. The mother-in-law and I persuaded him, persuaded him ... but he rested, "chock" - and does not want to put up with his father in any way.

  20. young woman:

    Victoria, "He took me to discos, restaurants, water parks, went on safari .... but for all the time of our meetings he did not give me a single gift."

    “I also met a woman there who flies to rest in the Emirates once a year, so she said that the local Emirates are sooo greedy, they never fork out just like that, but they promise mountains of gold when they meet a tourist.”

    about greed and gifts and deceit. he obviously did not intend to marry, this is what the kind of places you visited speaks about. not one (of course not sick in the head) Emirati will not go to discos and water parks with his wife - that's for sure. And again, how he met you can tell a lot about him. a good observant Muslim will not rummage around the beaches and look at naked women - he simply cannot do this. about greed ... so he drove somewhere and obviously paid himself anyway ... ours would not have been taken anywhere at all ...

    but about a friend. What is her purpose for flying? to see other people's sights or to earn extra money by showing your own? since such global conclusions .... or should he give every unfamiliar aunt "the key to the house where the money is" (c) ???

    ps did not want to offend anyone just an objective view of the situation.

  21. masha:

    The emirates took you to disco and restaurants, and you know that there is a special in the emirates. “vice police” and flirting with an Emirati can get you behind bars or you can simply be deported from the country for bad behavior, because not a single Arab goes to bars, restaurants and hotels at all, this is not Europe.

  22. young woman:

    masha, yes. behind bars for 3 months, like, and then go home in a forced state, so to speak .... yes, and they’ll tell the local one to go to jail and work (maybe they’ll be fired later) and the family and there will be a big, big scandal if it opens up ... they go to such places, but far from all and there is no respect for them from others (for example, if friends find out that they are like that in their company, they can become friends with him) ... well, in general, so .. about girls without marriage, the same thing ...

  23. Marina:
  24. Sofia:

    And don't forget the sticks. Seems like 90 grand... or she's 60, he's 90... Something like that.
    And of course, the closed border of the one that is being deported.

    And now in the Emirates new law on "returning citizenship to children of UAE citizens". So according to it, illegitimate children can have the citizenship of their fathers. And in accordance with this, the right of such fathers to demand a child for themselves. , and then - walk, goodbye ...

  25. masha:

    You turned down the sticks, try to give a European woman sticks, the whole European Union will come to you. As far as I remember, this applies to locals. About children, I can say that according to Muslim law, and the Emirates are the country of the “hard Koran”, children can be returned with their mother: girls stay with their mother until the first menstruation, i.e. before maturation, boys are up to 9 years old, and after they (the children) have the right to choose with whom to stay, but you yourself understand that if the children are Muslims, then they will choose their dad, dad has money, and dad decides everything.

  26. masha:

    "Girl" what do you mean by girls without marriage.
    I have been going to the Emirates for a long time, I have a rest, I don’t touch anyone, because I really don't need anyone there, because trying hard and not Europe, where is our world, where we understand each other, because the way we live. And so, Dubai is good only for married couples with children, and the surname of the husband and wife must be the same, this general requirement of all countries, if you are married, you will not be allowed into the United States or anywhere else if your husband came on a contract for a long time and you, as a wife, will have to take your husband's surname if you do not have one.

    I would like to add about the law “on the return of bastard children”, i.e. born out of wedlock, the law of the soil applies here, i.e. the father still needs to prove that the child was born in the Emirates, this rule also applies to the territory of the European Union, because. it was very difficult for lawyers when everything was in accordance with the continental system of law, where everything is decided by the right of blood, but there were two parents from different countries, and each dragged the child to their own country in order to put an end to this endless process, and the “war” of parents between themselves for a child, they took the Anglo-American system of law as a basis, i.e. where the child was born, he is a citizen of that country, which made life easier for both lawyers and children, and parents stopped dividing them forever.

  27. Marina:

    It’s really funny to hear about sticks and prison, this is the first time I heard this from you here. I have been flying to the Emirates for more than a year to my good friend, we live together, although he is not my husband! He is an Emirati, not married, but a modern Arab man. to ask you, where have you seen observant Muslims? How many times I fly to the Emirates, I have never met such people! And some girls, my friends also meet with Zalivs, fly to them, they rent apartments for them, some of them are married to locals emirates, but everyone has a girlfriend. Now it’s not a surprise for anyone that the Arabs live in two houses. And no one else has gone to jail for this and they haven’t beaten anyone with sticks. It’s just that if you have a local man with good connections, not just a man, then there are no problems. And if you mess with just anyone, then you can make problems everywhere! Of course, this is a chance to meet a good Emirati man, who is normal in all respects, few of them are not spoiled, there are all sorts of, and womanizers gone, miserly, liars ... only for further m communication you can find out a person is good, but at the first meeting, it’s too early to draw conclusions, the first impression is always deceptive! And about the morality police, I can answer that they themselves do not mind meeting a beautiful foreigner, after all, real people work in the police too.

  28. Sofia:

    About sticks.
    I don’t know about the “Europeans”, but about ours, about four years ago, exactly one of our women, Tatyana, in my opinion, the name, got to sit in prison (until the birth of a child), then sticks, then deportation with a baby.
    This happened because, unfortunately, the Russian consul practically does not get involved in such disassemblies. Up to the point that it is impossible to get an interpreter for the protocol or hearing of the case.

    About the last name. In real life, women do not take their husband's last name, they leave theirs. When registering a marriage in Russia, I added my spouse's surname to my own, it turned out to be terribly long.
    And when my parents went to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, by the way different surnames(parents) - there were no problems.
    I won’t say for sure about the law on bastards, but I know from numerous reports of an earlier period that if a lady gave birth in an Emirati hospital, already married, and the terms of delivery spoke of conception before marriage, both the parents and the child had problems, not immediately received a certificate. Those. from the Emirates it will begin to declare that the baby was born on the land of the Emirates ... although he may have just been conceived there ... in general, this is dumb, they give marriage licenses with such a creak, it costs so much money, and then they remembered the illegitimate.

    Foreign workers are easily put into kalabush, and tourists too. The protocols are all in Arabic, without a consul or a shaggy hand, getting copies and with a translation is almost impossible.

  29. masha:

    This is someone who loves to live like a lover, this is a woman without rights, I want to live and love, I want to throw it away and everything, no one will say anything, Arabs can officially have up to 4 wives, with the exception of Tunisia. Polygamy is officially banned here. Someone wants to live in the status of a wife, so that there are two marriages, one in Europe, one local.
    Of course, you are a curiosity for them, there is nothing to be surprised at.

  30. masha:

    It is clear that the status of a mistress is not a stable phenomenon. I want to live, I want to kick out.

  31. Marina:

    Yes, it’s better to have the status of a mistress than to believe in fairy tales of marriage with an Arab, and then be disappointed!

    Maybe such connections are temporary, I don’t argue, but at least I don’t complain about anything and don’t expect to be the wife of an Arab, because I’m familiar with their customs and I know that they don’t marry non-Christians.

    I just enjoy life. As has been said more than once, 90% of Arabs all try sex before marriage, sleep with Russians, Europeans, their Arabs. It is only in words that they observe, as well as drink alcohol, cheat on their Arab wives, have illegitimate children and much more.

    Just from decent families, they do not advertise their lives, do not openly do all this, but they are the same people as everyone else. When I met with a local from the Emirates, I saw a lot of things in their lives. I will say one thing that I would not want to be their wife, looking at how they cheat, they rarely see their wives, and most of them marry not for love, they got their son when he was old enough to get married, they found an emirate suitable for the status, they paid a rich mahr , the wedding was played and the whole life.

    They marry their own people only to procreate, because it’s supposed to be there, and sometimes they can’t even stay close to their wife for a long time, like strangers live under the same roof! And what kind of life is this ??

    Even my Emirati complained that if it were not for their traditions, invented by Muslims, they would not marry Arab women, because they are very capricious, spoiled, they cannot love at all, only money, gold is on their mind. I'm talking about Emirates.

    It’s easy with our girls, we are not such requests, cheerful, friendly, romantic and we know how to appreciate good men, we know how to give affection, love. However, traditions in these countries are above all and the cult of the family. That is life!

  32. young woman:

    I would like to ask you, where did you see observant Muslims?

    there are enough of them, but a female tourist will not see them. they will not approach her themselves, and in general they will not be in the company of strangers.

    It is now no surprise to anyone that the Arabs live in two houses

    if the wife finds out it will be another surprise!

    And no one has yet gone to jail for this and no one has been beaten with sticks.

    Just because you and your friends are lucky, fortunately, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Simply, if you have a local man with good connections, not an ordinary man, then there are no problems

    almost every local man has some kind of connection, the country is small, everyone knows each other .. if he himself has no acquaintances, then his friend, brother, matchmaker, etc.
    but this is far from a guarantee that he will get out of trouble on his own, and because of a girlfriend he won’t bother, maybe he will help, or maybe leave it like that ..

  33. young woman:

    Marina, As has been said more than once, 90% of Arabs all try sex before marriage, sleep with Russians, Europeans, their Arabs. It is only in words that they observe, as well as drink alcohol, cheat on their Arab wives, have illegitimate children and much more.

    think purely theoretically. how many mosques are there in emirates? therefore, how many imams? and how many old men and male children who, because of their health, who, because of their age, won’t even think about doing this 🙂 and no matter how bad it is, there are also observant ones and family ones who don’t cheat on their wives 🙂 the total will turn out already more than 10% 🙂

    It's just that the bad things are always immediately more evident.

  34. young woman:

    Yes, it’s better to have the status of a mistress than to believe in fairy tales of marriage with an Arab, and then be disappointed
    It’s easy with our girls, we are not such requests, cheerful, friendly, romantic and we know how to appreciate good men, we know how to give affection, love

    However, traditions in these countries are above all and the cult of the family

    everything is right. family is the main thing. one love will not be enough. if a woman can convince the martyr by all 200% that she will become a good wife and mother for his children (and this is quite difficult to do due to the difference in mentality), then she will marry .. and if she can’t, then he won’t risk it and try, why should he have problems with family, neighbors, sidelong glances at work, etc., and Arab women will not marry him if there is a divorce ... in general, in short, therefore they do not marry

  35. young woman:

    British couple sentenced in Dubai to a month in prison for kissing in a restaurant

  36. Marina:

    Let's not generalize here who is a kept woman and who is not! Muslim women aren't kept women, don't they work even once in their lives and sit on their husbands' necks? and a kept woman, so what? I didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t promise to marry, immediately told me about their customs, traditions, even if we remain only friends in the future, I won’t be offended. I live for today, I don’t look far into the future and now my life suits me perfectly! I don’t go to anyone and don’t impose on anyone how to live. This is the business of every person, and I advise you. Someone likes to be a wife, someone’s mistress, everyone has different opinions about this. you saw what Arab kept women, and what rights they give to their husbands, after a divorce, he is obligated to her and to support their children in addition. And our women, like horses, plow all their lives, for themselves, for their husbands, for children, in case of divorce, many cannot even sue alimony, and they drag their cross. states, you can only rely on yourself. A weak woman will not pull such a load, not all of us have horses !!!

  37. without name:

    hmmmm...I was surprised that you agreed with the kept woman's statement. “Even if she is a kept woman, so what?” after all, a kept mistress is different .. these are slightly different concepts. A man keeps a kept woman, a guarantee of payment for a relationship .. a mistress does not need to be supported, she can provide for herself, or be married woman which such relationships suit. After all, they say the truth: “The mistress loves, the kept woman works”

    and at the expense of Arab women ... so I didn’t say anything about them at all. if kept women, then official.

    I, in principle, didn’t impose anything on anyone and didn’t teach how anyone should live, I didn’t try to prick.

    there is a good joke about the kept woman))
    a married couple brag about their abilities to another couple on vacation) and the wife of one of the couples says: “We can afford: a house in Bulgaria, stocks, children studying in England, vacations around the world and .. getting ready to continue ...”)) here her the wife from the second couple interrupts and says: “Look, there’s that girl - and she points to a girl who simply amazes with beauty, grooming and attention in the eyes of many men - and so .. and we can already afford to support such a ...))

    I'm just saying this. remembered.

  38. Olya.:
  39. Marina:

    Yes, any girl would want to be in the role of a lover, with a normal man. I fly to him on vacation, we have an interesting time time together, we have many common interests, especially since I know English perfectly, there have never been any problems in communication! Please show me where we have normal men now who care at least a little about their women? If there are such, then they have a horde there is a lot of women, there is a lot of competition. And sometimes you want to feel weak, to be taken care of, protected, at least a little respected! beautiful woman and a bottle! This is where it all comes from. Women fly to other countries, in search of a better life, to find a worthy partner for her, even if she doesn’t marry, but she will induce a normal man in society, with whom it will be nice to be around, and not run away from him to want! And the kept woman, she or her mistress, the main thing is that both of them should be good together, even if it’s temporary! You look around, how many beautiful and decent girls in our country, but not in demand, and each of them wants at least a small , but to experience your share of happiness, but where and by whom ??!

  40. without name:

    Well, about any girl you have already turned down)))) I would not want) to temporarily use some married man to use my youth and freshness. why spend the best years of your life on such relationships? ... if you please. you have to appreciate yourself. and at the expense of "normal men" ... you need to represent something from yourself ... and then you already want a man accordingly. there are plenty of cute faces... but nothing original. Here are the men who use it and throw it away. especially since they are allowed to do it ... so why not ... it’s a sin not to use it ..
    none of my acquaintances wants a “no” wife for himself .... they are looking for all the values ​​\u200b\u200b.. but they are not there)) the women themselves are placed under them.

    and if a girl is unlucky in a relationship ... then you need to think about why. often she herself attracts such relationships.

    ... I didn’t promise to marry, I immediately told about their customs, traditions .... I live for today, I don’t look far into the future, and now my life suits me perfectly!

    this is satisfactory for now. and no one knows how long this "today" will last. you have a rather unstable situation: maybe 5 years, maybe a month, it’s unknown. don’t be so careless, it’s actually very scary to be left alone, no stake, no yard, no job, no family, no children, nothing, and even in age not the first freshness when it will be difficult for yourself to find anyone and start everything from scratch without a penny of money: (he can go and get married at any time and he has a job .. he doesn’t lose anything .. what can not be said about you. not are protected in no way and the martyr has no obligations to you and you can’t present anything ... think about your future. ask him to find a job for you ... it will be easier for him to do this than just acquaintances .. all the more there are connections .. now it’s very difficult of course, I don’t argue, but who knows… that would be just fine… and there would be no problems with a visa, and in the event of your breakup, you would remain adapted to life

  41. Marina:

    Without name, this is your opinion and how you look at all things, but each person is individual and looks at things with his own eyes, and does not live as he is told! My young man is not married, but even if he marries, I always I’ll stay on good terms with him, he didn’t do anything bad to me. Secondly, I also wouldn’t want my youth and freshness to be used by those men who are completely unpleasant to me and who don’t interest me, suffering from alcohol addiction and an inferiority complex! Most of us are such suitors, you see. I didn’t want to offend anyone, but there’s nothing to hide, just look where our men are heading and what they have brought women to, and then you will argue! And relationships do not develop from originality, not from what is needed imagine, but you have to be yourself and live as you see fit. There must be a spark and attraction to each other when you are drawn to a person, and not the falseness that is imposed, what you need to be in order to comply with accepted standards. live for the public and or for myself?! First of all, I live for myself, as I like and as I want, and what will happen next, I never bothered about this. It’s impossible to predict everything. And thank you girl for the advice! him on this occasion, he just offered me such an option.

  42. masha:

    I did not think that my words would cause such a heated discussion.
    If, of course, it is possible, then I will say that everyone chooses for themselves, I spoke exclusively without emotions from the point of view of law, no more, and I do not like to advise. Everyone lives as best they can, as it turns out, life is long and short, no one knows how and what will happen. We dream of one thing, it turns out another.
    The fact that the Arabs are accustomed from childhood to take care of women, because they are all different, like us, so I do not idealize but also do not beg their virtues. Each side has two medals.

  43. Nihat:

    vo mnogom vi pravi,arabi ne ocen uvajayut jon,no eto ne islam,po islamu muj doljen lyubit svoix jon,uvajat,obxodits s imi nejno,laskovo,jal shto seycs soblyudyuwshix eto vso malo i malo,no i v Emiratax beuzlosvno est.ya sam inshallah jenyus na emiratke, shtobi o nix ne govorili, ob ix rastoticvelnosti, krayne uvleceniem brillantami, seravno krasivie musulmanki s abayyoy.

  44. ANYA:

    Nihat the fact of the matter is that our girls don’t ask much from a man, but they should be like Arab women - I want gold, I want diamonds, or go to hell !! and then we cry and suffer !!

  45. Marianne:

    The more girls fly around Eastern countries, the more they lose their minds and empty their wallets! There are countless examples when they brought all the money to Khabibs and Ashkyms, got into debt, went to reckless acts ... and for whom such sacrifices??) I know one such a Russian from Perm, she is married, but has been wandering for 3 years already as to her ashkym in Kemer, who works as a security guard in a nightclub in Kemer.))) According to her, she carried almost all the money, she also gives him gifts so that he does not forget her. And besides her, he lights up even more, with various equally naive tourists. As soon as the husband reacts to all this, it’s completely incomprehensible to me what kind of family this is?!)) Of course, our women are falling lower and lower, and they themselves are to blame .They think that she is the only one he has, but in fact, a fallback for fun. She flew in for her money to hang out, also with gifts, well, what kind of ashkym or habib would refuse such a fool?) I don’t understand such women at all! How can you be so stupid in our time and believe all the guards, animators, garsons and other cheap personnel working in resorts. In the resorts of Turkey, in general, only Kurds come to work when the season is in season. They are all poor people and from the villages. and for false compliments to fuck any Natasha, Dasha or Masha there ...) How can one be led to such a redneck at all? And there are more young ladies arriving from Moscow, from St. Petersburg, from the North. In Egypt, in my opinion, the same system, who works in resort towns. It's funny when you read some stories about love in Kemer and Hurghada, how you flew for a week to sunbathe and fell in love with a garcon or a habib who works as an animator at the hotel.))) Learn to respect yourself a little, and not run after all sorts of nonentities. Anyway, they are on you won't get married!)

    Olga, if you like him, then maybe let him come, for example, on vacation. Just let him deal with the arrival (visa, tickets, accommodation). It will be an act on his part. And you look at it in real life. Nevertheless, communicating only on the Internet is difficult to fully understand a person, and even more so, in such a short time. Yes, and he, at the same time, will look at our life ... Many of them think that we have here, as in Europe. But it's not like that at all! But I’ll say right away that it’s very difficult for a foreigner to get a (decent) job in Russia…

  46. Olga:

    Thank you very much for the advice! Otherwise, it’s somehow scary, not for myself, but for my son! So then I’ll do it!

Arab features

The material was "taken away" from the site http: // site /

“They,” he says, “slightly above average height, strong and well built; their skin is tanned or swarthy and elastic. The face is oval, with a bronze tint, the forehead is large, high, the eyebrows are black and well-defined, the eyes are also black, lively and sunken. straight nose, medium size, the mouth is well defined, the teeth are even, beautiful and white as ivory, the ears are beautifully shaped and of normal size, slightly curved forward; the auditory openings are parallel to the external or temporal commissure of the eyelids. Like the representatives of other peoples, some attractive differences can be noted among Arab women; admire the graceful lines of their arms and legs, the correct proportions of their hands and feet, the nobility of their manners and gait, etc.

Arabs of Upper Egypt photographed near Thebes by G.Lebon.

The Bedouins, or Arabian shepherds, are usually divided into tribes scattered along the edges of the fertile lands, on the border with the deserts: they live in tents, which they transport from place to place. They are very similar to others, however, they have brighter eyes, softer features, and are slightly shorter than settled Arabs. They are also more agile, and despite their thinness, they are very strong. They have a lively mind, a proud and independent character; they are distrustful and secretive, but bold and courageous. They are especially distinguished by their dexterity, have a deep and rare mind. They are regarded as excellent riders and rightly praised for their skill with spears and javelins. As for the rest, they have great ability in all arts and professions.

Among the features noted by Larrey, most of all among the Arabs whom I happened to see, I was struck by the amazing sparkle of the eyes, especially in children, the dazzling whiteness of the teeth, the grace of hands and feet and the nobility of manners. But today these characteristics are inherent only to nomads.

The only practical difference available today for distinguishing between the Arabs, besides the main difference already mentioned by us, is that which is based on the countries where they live. This is what we are going to use in describing the Arabs, Syria, Egypt, Africa and China. We will pay more attention to the description of psychological traits, the importance of which we have shown to be higher, than to physical types, which are very different, as we have already established. However, a reproduction of our photographs will give more information about these types than the longest explanations.

(1) indigenous people Middle East and North Africa who speak Arabic and identify with Arab culture; (2) Arabic-speaking desert nomads, Bedouins. The second meaning of the term is older, since for the first time the term Arabs began to be used to refer to the nomads of northern Arabia already in the 9th century. BC. The first meaning, which is broader, is more applicable to modern realities and corresponds to the practice of its use by the majority of Arabs.

The countries, the majority of whose population are Arabs in the broad sense, form in their unity what has come to be called today the Arab world. In northern Africa, these are Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, and Egypt; in western Asia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq; in Arabia - Saudi Arabia, Yemen and a number of other coastal states. There is also a small Arab population in Israel. The Arab world has almost 130 million people, of which 116 million are Arabs.

However, the population of the Arab world does not have common origin. Although early history Arab culture was associated with the Arabian Peninsula, over the centuries, many other peoples were Arabized through the adoption of the Arabic language and Arabic culture. For almost all of them, Arabization went through Islam, the main religion of the Arab world. Arabs are as diverse in their physical characteristics as they are in ethnic origin. Arabic " racial type" does not exist. Some Arabs fit the stereotypical description of thin people with an "eagle nose", dark skin and black hair, but these features are not typical. Negroid Arabs are similar in appearance to sub-Saharan Africans, and light-skinned Maghreb Arabs are often physically almost indistinguishable from most Europeans.

The Arabs are divided into three main groups: Bedouin pastoralists engaged in breeding sheep, goats or camels, peasant farmers and urban dwellers. In addition, there are several small groups leading a different way of life. Some Arabs live in villages, farming for a few months of the year and migrating with their animals for the rest of the year. One such group is the Sudanese baggara pastoralists. The Arabs of the swamps of the Tigris and Euphrates deltas are fishermen and hunters; The main occupation of the inhabitants of the coastal Arab villages, especially on the Red Sea, is sea fishing.

Long since serving as an arena of confusion different cultures, trade and other contacts between the three continents, the Arab world includes a number of non-Arab minorities. Although many of them have had significant Arab influences, none of them consider themselves Arabs. Such minorities include the descendants of the pre-Arab peoples of northern Africa, such as the Berbers and Tuaregs, Kurds in Iraq who speak a language related to Persian, as well as Jews, Armenians and some peoples of the geographic region of Sudan. The Copts, the Christians of Egypt, also speak Arabic, but consider themselves to be the original pre-Arab Egyptians.

BEDOUIN HERDERS Most Bedouins live in Arabia and the neighboring desert regions of Jordan, Syria and Iraq, but some Bedouins who insist on their Arab origin live in Egypt and the northern Sahara. The exact number of Bedouins is unknown, since no serious attempts were made to conduct a census of these nomads. According to rough estimates, their number is from 4 to 5 million people.

The image of the Bedouin, often considered the most colorful figure among the Arabs, is largely romanticized by Europeans and other Arabs. Many see the Bedouins as the "purest" Arabs, up until the 20th century. who have kept the way of life of their ancestors unchanged. In reality, they, like most peoples, in the course of their history are subjected to continuous external influence and change.

Bedouin Society. The Bedouin lead a strictly tribal lifestyle. The Bedouin tribe consists of several groups who consider themselves related by kinship through the male line and descended from a common male ancestor.

Tribes can have from a few hundred to fifty thousand members. Each tribal group is subdivided into own names small subgroups with their own common ancestors, and so on. down to a division of several families called "hamula" (hamulah). Some of the largest tribes have up to five or six levels of such subgroups. "Hamula" consists of a number of closely related families, it can be a group of brothers or cousins ​​with their families living together, grazing their livestock together and staying together when moving. The family is the smallest social unit, consisting of a man, his wife or wives, their children, and sometimes including the wives and children of that man's sons.

The organization of the Bedouin tribe is mobile. Its parts often bud off and unite again, from time to time strangers join the tribe. But at the same time, the very idea of ​​kinship remains unchanged, and genealogies are transformed through the invention of new kinship ties and in other ways in accordance with the changes taking place in the composition of the tribe or its divisions.

The tribe and each of its parts is headed by a sheikh, who is considered senior in wisdom and experience. In the largest divisions, the position of sheikh can be inherited in the circle of certain families. Shaykhs of all levels manage jointly with a council of adult males.

The Bedouin prefer marriages within the "hamula". Often these are related marriages, since all people of the same generation in the “khamul” are cousins ​​and cousins. Ideally, marriages are arranged by the parents of the young couple, and the "dowry" for the bride is provided by the groom's family. Despite these customs, Bedouin poetry is rich in stories of secret love and escapism with lovers.

economic life. Bedouins lead a nomadic lifestyle. In winter, when light rains fall, "hamuls" constantly migrate with herds and flocks through the desert in search of water and pastures. Most of them follow a regular sequence in visiting certain wells and oases, i.e. plots of fertility in the lifeless expanses of the desert. In the completely dry summer time, the "hamuls" gather near the tribal wells, where the water supply is more reliable. Each tribe and its divisions are forced to defend their grazing lands, they often have to fight for the rights to land and water. Some Bedouin sheikhs own entire agricultural areas, receiving tribute from them in addition to their usual means of subsistence.

The Bedouins recognize two main activities - camel breeding and sheep and goat breeding. The camel breeders consider themselves superior to the sheep breeders, and sometimes the latter sometimes pay tribute to the former. Sheep breeders often maintain close relations with the inhabitants of villages and cities, sometimes hiring themselves as shepherds. Camel breeders, who consider themselves the only true Arabs, try not to resort to this method of activity, seeing it as a humiliation of their dignity. For all Bedouins, the camel is a very valuable animal both for riding and for transporting goods. This animal supplies Bedouin camel breeders with milk for food and wool for making cloth, and also serves as a valuable trade item.

Necessity forces the Bedouin to produce part of the right products food, but usually they consider this kind of occupation degrading and therefore enter into barter relations with the village and urban population, offering skins, wool, meat and milk in exchange for grain, dates, coffee and other products, as well as factory fabrics ( with which they supplement their own production), metal utensils, tools, firearms and ammunition. The Bedouin use little money.

Since all their belongings should easily fit on animals for frequent migrations, the Bedouins use very little furniture. Their tents are quickly dismantled and consist of wide panels of knitted sheep's wool, stacked on a frame of poles and poles.

Bedouin men. The Bedouin men take care of the animals and manage the migration operations. They love hunting and fighting various animals, achieving great skill in this. They often find themselves involved in intertribal and internecine squabbles, not only related to issues of property (for example, water rights), but also to issues of honor. The Bedouins, like most other Arabs, are very sensitive to issues of honor and dignity; their infringement is considered a serious insult and can lead to bloodshed.

Cases of bloodshed are also associated with attacks on caravans and villages for the purpose of robbery or extortion of payment for so-called "protection". However, in recent times As planes and trucks replace camel caravans as the main form of transportation, and as Middle Eastern governments' police forces become more efficient, such raids and attacks become rarer.

The greatest pride of a Bedouin man is his horse. The famous Arabian horse, however, is used mainly for racing and light walks and never for hard work. It is poorly adapted to the conditions of the desert and serves mainly as an object of prestige, available only to those men who can afford this luxury.

Bedouin. Bedouin women are busy with household chores, sometimes taking care of sheep and goats, but most of the time they take care of children, weave material for tents and clothes, and take care of the kitchen. Although they are usually segregated in lesser degree than the women of villages and cities, Bedouin women are carefully guarded against contact with strangers. As a rule, they live in a separate part of the family tent, denoted in Arabic by the word "harem", and must go there when strangers appear.

Food. The main product of the Bedouin daily diet is camel milk, fresh or after special fermentation. Dates, rice and products made from wheat flour or sorghum are an addition to it. Bedouins rarely eat meat, on the occasion of holidays and other special celebrations, for which they slaughter a sheep and roast it over an open fire. Their favorite hot drinks are tea and coffee.

Clothing. There is considerable regional variation in Bedouin clothing styles. For West Africa typical male outerwear with a hood - "gellaba" and a dressing gown also with a hood - "burnus". Further east, Bedouin men wear a long-skimmed, nightgown-like robe - “galabey”, and over it a spacious open-front robe - “aba”, for those who are more in contact with the villages, a jacket is more characteristic. European style. Men wear a special headdress - "kufiya", fixed on the head with a cord ring - "agalem". The aba and keffiyeh may be worn loosely draped or wrapped around the body and head for weather protection. Women wear dresses resembling "galabea" or dresses with a distinct bodice. In addition, they may wear loose bloomers and a variety of jackets or different types of "aba". Women's hair is always covered with a scarf. Some Bedouin women may also wear a "haiq" - a special curtain for the face, and in other groups, when they appear unknown man women simply cover their faces with part of their headscarf.

Religion. Among the Bedouins there are both Christians and Shia Muslims, but the majority belong nominally to either Wahhabi or Sunni Muslims. The Bedouins are not as religious as the Muslims of villages and cities, but at the same time they regularly perform the five daily prayers prescribed by Islam. Because most Bedouins are illiterate, they cannot read the Qur'an themselves and must rely on the oral transmission of religious ideas. Together with many residents of villages and cities, they share a belief in the evil eye and evil spirits as the cause of illness and misfortune, as well as in the healing and protective powers of the tombs of various Muslim saints.

ARAB PEASANTS About 70% of Arabs live in villages. Most of the villagers are farmers, called fellahs in Arabic, but there are also masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, shepherds, fishermen, shopkeepers and people of other professions among them. Village houses of adobe brick or stone are built closely together without any clearly distinguishable plan. Around the houses are fields, orchards and vineyards. The degree of soil fertility is different everywhere, but the lack of water is a ubiquitous phenomenon, so irrigation is required for survival. The big problem in the countryside is poverty, which is slowly yielding to the impact of modern social reforms and technological changes.

Rural economy. The most important crops grown in the villages are cereals - wheat and sorghum, bread is the staple food. Wherever possible, vegetables are grown. Other important crops in various regions are dates in the desert oases, citrus fruits on the Lebanese coast, figs, grapes, olives, apricots, almonds and other fruits in the foothills and other areas where water is more abundant. In some regions, notably Egypt, cotton is an important cash crop.

Arab farmers use many ingenious ways to conserve and distribute their limited water supply. In some cases, they direct water from natural streams into a complex system of canals and sluices, through which they allocate water to eligible users. Water wheels can be used to lift water from one level to another. In recent years, dams have been built for large irrigation systems and hydroelectric power generation.

Part of the farmers, especially in the mountainous areas, are independent owners of the land, while the majority of the fellah are tenants who must give a significant part of the produced product to the owners of the land. Usually such landowners are townspeople, but some powerful Bedouin sheikhs are also large landowners. Some landowners give the peasants modern agricultural equipment, but most of them are quite conservative. Ownership of land by owners who do not live on it is a serious problem in the Arab world. social problem, which many governments are trying to solve in different ways.

Villagers often maintain close relationships with the Bedouins and with the townspeople. Peasants exchange their products with them for services, goods or money. Some farmers are recent Bedouins and may have family ties to them. An even more important trend is the constant migration of farmers to the cities in search of better paid jobs. Part of the peasants alternately moves between the countryside and the city, but a constant urban population includes many people born in the villages and maintaining their ties with them. The active growth of school education, noted in the Arab villages in the 20th century, served as a factor in the increase in the desire of rural residents to live in the city.

rural society. Most of the farms in the Arab village consist of married couple and their children. Some households may also include sons' wives and their children. However, adult brothers and closely related cousins ​​and their families most often live nearby. As with the Bedouins, several families form a "hamula". Preference is given to marriages within the village. Muslim Arabs also marry inside the "hamula", i.e. between cousins ​​and cousins. Many Arab peasants are members of large tribal groups whose membership spans many different villages. Several of these tribes trace their origins to the Bedouins.

Most Arab peasants have a deeply developed sense of belonging to their village, the inhabitants of which usually help each other in case of an external threat. They are also paid Religious holidays or a funeral. Most Over time, however, the villagers find themselves divided into separate factions, and there is little cooperation in most activities that concern the community as a whole.

URBAN ARAB Arab cities are commercial, industrial, administrative and religious centers. Some of them are in many ways similar to European metropolitan areas with large buildings, wide streets and busy car traffic. In the 20th century Arab cities have grown and changed, especially due to the influx of migrants from the countryside. However, in some of the smaller towns and in older areas of larger cities, the traditional type of city life can still be observed.

The old Arab city remains today almost the same in cities such as the capital of Yemen, Sanaa, and in a number of other small provincial centers. In large cities such as Aleppo in Syria, much of the old city remains, but modernity still prevails in them. In the Arab world metropolis of Cairo, the old city is surrounded by a dominant new one, and in Beirut (Lebanon) traces of the old city are completely erased.

Traditional city. The traditional Arab city, and those old districts of modern cities that still exist, are characterized by narrow streets and closely built houses, often with shops and workshops on the ground floors. Such shops and workshops united by specialization form bazaars, called in Arabic “suk”. In these bazaars, merchants and artisans display goods, often making them in small shops that open directly onto the street. The owner of the shop can invite the buyer for thick sweet coffee, over a cup of which a leisurely trade is carried out about any bronze product or handmade carpet. Numerous food vendors in the bazaars sell a variety of spiced honey confectionery and spiced meat products.

There is no clear division between commercial and residential areas in an Arab city, although it is often clearly divided into neighborhoods, each serving a different community. ethnic background, religion or trade specialization. The main public buildings are religious buildings and, sometimes, fortifications. Important social centers are coffee houses where men drink coffee, smoke, play different games and discuss the news.

Modern city. The new Arab cities are modeled on European ones, not only physically, but also in terms of municipal organization and institutions - such as hospitals, museums, railways, bus services, radio and television stations, schools, universities and factories. Each city differs in the extent to which new forms have replaced the old ones, although old traditions are largely continued in new ones. New residential areas, for example, retain traditional small shops and coffee shops. There are very few suburban communities.

Urban social organization. In the traditional city, the system of municipal government did not go far beyond controlling markets and maintaining a kind of police force. The family and religion were at the center of the concerns and feelings of the townspeople, and not the city as a community. Family life did not differ in its image from rural life, except that there were great differences in the levels of wealth and social status.

In the 20th century this situation has changed. As before, the inhabitants of the modern Arab city cherish and identify with their families and religion, but now both of these feelings are forced to compete with loyalty to the state. Built from samples developed countries The educational system had a powerful impact on the middle and upper classes of the cities, who were largely interested in relaxing the demands placed on them by family and religion and in promoting the idea of ​​social equality between men and women.

The position of women. In the 20th century the position of Arab women, traditionally subordinate to men, has changed significantly, especially in large urban centers. Arab countries are rapidly increasing the number of schools for girls, in most Arab countries women have the right to vote, and access to professional activities is becoming more open for them. Islam-permissible polygamy, the practice of which was once limited to a minority of Arabs, is becoming increasingly rare. Moreover, most Arab polygamists now have no more than two wives, and not at all harems, as depicted in the movies.

Today, however, even in the cities, many Muslim women go out to people wearing veils, which are a symbol of the fact that a woman needs to be protected from strangers. In recent years, due to the growth of fundamentalism in the Arab world, the number of such women is increasing, and even many European women who come to Arab and Islamic countries are forced to go out in Islamic clothing.

STORY The history of the Arabs is difficult to separate from the history of the Semitic-speaking peoples in general. Historical evidence from Mesopotamia begins to separate the Arabs from their other Semitic neighbors no earlier than the 1st millennium BC. At that time, the Arabs of southern Arabia had already established flourishing cities and kingdoms, such as Saba at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. The northern regions of Arabia were inhabited mainly by Bedouin nomads, although in late pre-Christian and early Christian times, under Roman influence, two medium-sized trading kingdoms, Petra and Palmyra, were established by the more settled minority of the north. The northern and southern Arabs were connected by trade routes through western Arabia. This region in the era of Christianity was inhabited by townspeople and nomads who spoke Arabic and considered their origins to go back to the biblical patriarchs (either to the son of Abraham - Ishmael, or to the grandson of Noah - Noktan), and in the city of Mecca they worshiped idols in the temple, for the first time presumably built by Abraham.

By the 5th–6th centuries AD northern and southern Arabian civilizations declined. However, at the beginning of the seventh century, a merchant from Mecca, Muhammad, had the insight to begin preaching revelations that served to create the religion and community of Islam. Under Muhammad and his successors, the caliphs, Islam swept the entire Middle East. And a hundred years after the death of Muhammad, the territory of Islam spread already from Spain through North Africa and southwestern Asia to the borders of India. Although the Bedouin contributed to its initial spread to Syria and its neighboring regions, the ancestor of Islam was a city dweller, and further it was developed mainly by the literate people of the city. Despite the fact that many Arabians, by their migration to other regions, contributed to the spread of Islam, the initial stage was the acceptance of non-Arabian converts into the Arabian tribes, who were already familiar with the Arabic language during the process itself. Later, Arabic became the main language in the territories from Morocco to Iraq. Even those who remained Christian or Jewish in their religion adopted Arabic as their primary language. Thus, the majority of the population of this region gradually became Arabs in the broadest sense of the word.

The spread of Islam provided the Arabs with a network of useful contacts, and together with dependent peoples - Christians, Jews, Persians, etc. - they built one of the greatest civilizations known to the world. Period from 8 to 12 centuries. laid the foundation for a great body of great Arabic literature in the form of poetry and prose, a brilliant tradition of art, elaborate and complex legal codes and philosophical treatises, a rich palette of geographical and historical research, and great progress in science, especially in the fields of astronomy, medicine and mathematics .

In the first centuries of its existence, the Arab empire was politically united under the rule of the caliphs, but by the middle of the tenth century its fragmentation began and it soon fell victim to the crusaders, Mongols and Turks. In the 16th century Ottoman Turks conquered the entire Arab world, dividing it into provinces of their empire. In the 19th century the British and French effectively took control of most of North Africa, while in Egypt and Syria a wave of demands for Arab independence was rising.

During the First World War, the British organized an uprising against the Ottoman Empire in Arabia. The Arabs assisted the British in the conquest of Syria and Palestine in the hope of gaining independence after the war, but instead fell under the complete control of the British and French. Arab demands for independence and unification resumed. European management stimulated modernization, but at the same time it resulted in the settlement of the French in the best lands of Algeria and European Jews in Palestine.

During and after World War II, all Arab peoples, with the exception of the Palestinians, eventually gained full independence, although the Algerians did not succeed until after eight years of war from 1954 to 1962. Since 1991, various agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization began to be put into effect. (OOP); these agreements outline the arrangements for future Palestinian self-government.

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Lies are very common among Arabs, and the truth is not worth much to them ... An Arab does not feel remorse if, thanks to a lie, he achieves his goal ... He listens more to feeling than to facts, is more interested in impressing than telling anything true. Moreover, the Arabic language gives its speaker the possibility of exaggeration.
sociologist Saniya Hamadi. "Character and Temperament of the Arabs"

The Arab is forced to exaggerate in almost all forms of communication in order to be properly understood. If an Arab says only what he thinks, without the exaggeration expected from him, the listeners will doubt his innocence and even suspect him of completely opposite intentions.
Egyptian scholar Ali Shubi

Arab culture is completely different than ours. In our culture, the spoken word obliges, but in Arabic it decorates. The word in this case is intended not for communication, but for ornament. Enter the mosque and you will see decorations woven from letters - this is the letter and verbal function in the Muslim understanding.
Shimon Peres

No Arab has yet admitted that he made a mistake, that he was to blame for the failure of the battle, that he did not calculate his strength. The Arabs, with whom I communicated and fought in their ranks for 7 years, always someone else is to blame for their troubles.
Lawrence of Arabia

In order to accept Islam, one needs atrophy of the psyche, a willingness to live like an ant or a bee that does not have its own will and its own personal appearance.
Lawrence of Arabia. "Records of Memory"

The Israelis do not understand why the Arabs are constantly demanding this or that gesture and concessions in their favor, and their demands are constantly growing. Because in their cultural baggage, the concept of "I owe you" simply does not exist. As soon as you conceded something to me, this is only proof that you are a weakling, you have no choice, that power, and therefore right, is on my side, and therefore I rely on more and more.
They will not hate you more if you show them your strength - on the contrary, they will begin to respect you.

For the psychology of the Arabs, the absence of retribution is synonymous with the absence of courage and determination. They themselves can refuse revenge only because of fear, and they will not accept any other explanation.
psychologist Vadim Rotenberg. "ONLY ONE QUESTION"

At christian cross four ends: the top symbolizes good, the bottom - evil, the right - strength, the left - weakness.
The Muslim crescent has only two ends: strength and weakness.
Good is where there is strength, and evil is associated with weakness.

Because Islam is based on materiality, it has developed an anti-productive culture. Why plant a tree whose fruits I will not enjoy?
When there is no good and evil, the only criterion for development is direct profit.

An Arab does not steal or rob - he just makes a living. The Arab states will never have a developed economy, wherever they go, the desert will come.

Arabs plunder not only matter, but also spirituality.
The mosque on the Temple Mount has no value for Islam, the Temple Mount itself has been abandoned for centuries, which can be clearly seen from the old photographs. It only became sacred to Muslims when they stole it from the Jews.
The tomb of Yosef was of interest to the Arabs like last year's snow, when it was under their rule, but as soon as it was taken from the Jews, a mosque was immediately built there and the place was declared sacred.
They do not have their own holiness, so they even have to steal it.
Moshe Feiglin. " World War"
* * *
Arabs are characterized by industriousness, in which there is no discipline and scrupulousness, lack of initiative and enterprise, carelessness and carelessness in relation to the future, increased reactivity, impulsiveness, intemperance in the manifestation of their feelings and emotions;
- a tendency to exaggeration in assessments of the surrounding reality, not so much the logical understanding of the information received, but special attention to the form of presentation and the eloquence of the speaker;
- the spread of superstitions and prejudices;
- arrogance and rudeness in the relationship of the highest to the lowest,
- ostentatious subservience in the speech and manners of behavior of the lower in relation to the higher.
Vladimir Krysko. "Secrets of Psychological Warfare"

So, imagine the main street of a small Arab city on a hot summer day. On the spacious loggia of one of the most beautiful houses in the city, a wealthy merchant lay down to rest after a hearty dinner, sweetly yawning in anticipation of the usual afternoon "keyf". But suddenly the ears of the rich man hear the sharp cries of the boys who started a ball game right under his windows. An angry merchant rises from the couch and tries to shout and threaten to drive the troublemakers away from his home. But the boys are not going to run away, openly mocking the owner and his threats. And then the merchant embarks on a trick. Having mastered himself and grinning into his mustache, he informs the noisy boys in a casual tone of fresh "news":
“By the way, while you’re chasing the ball around here, free dates are being handed out in the marketplace ...” As you might expect, the boys are blown away from the street where the rich man lives, and he, terribly pleased with himself and his deceit, tries to take a nap. But a minute later, the cunning Arab jumps up, as if scalded, from his bed and, clutching his head, shouts: “Well, what an ass I am! While I'm lying here, the damned boys will grab all the free dates!
This parable, like a drop of water, reflects one of the main features of the Arab national psychology - the ability to create bright myths out of nothing and then devoutly believe in them, hating anyone who dares to doubt their reality. Conversely, any "genuine" phrase uttered by an Arab in a conversation, or an oath, confirmed by his own signature and seal in any written document, means absolutely nothing.

Islamic terror did not arise as a reaction to the Arab-Israeli conflict or the policies of the West, it was the result of the rejection of a significant part of the Arabs of the laws modern world generally. The Arab peoples feel humiliated by their inability to respond to the challenges of the times, Arab mentality cannot adapt to the pace and rhythm of the life of the modern world - and a return to the norms of medieval Islam is for them the only way to resist the inevitable loss in the competition of civilizations.

Princeton University professor Michael Doran

“In the simplest way, quite in the spirit of the times and in accordance with the prevailing methods of proof from tradition (“naklyan”), it was possible to justify the admissibility of deception by referring to the Holy Scripture - the Koran, writes A. Ignatenko. - The book provides a wealth of material for this. So, there is a whole series of "verses" (Qur'anic verses) in which Allah performs "makr" (deceit, cunning, deceit). “And they were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and Allah is the best of cunning” (3:47) ... Allah also resorts to “kayd” (intrigues, deceit): “... after all, My cunning is strong” (7:182); “…because my wiles are strong” (68:45). "They were plotting a trick, and I am plotting a trick" (86:15-16). God,
the above quotes are quite enough, considering that even one word written in the Qur'an on behalf of Allah was and is a mandatory guide to action for a Muslim. We also note that the abundance of Arabic concepts denoting deceit and deceit (makr, kayd, huda, as well as “kizb”, “ibram amran” and many others) cannot be considered a mere accident. So, for example, in the language of the Eskimos of Greenland there are about seventy words denoting snow and ice in a different state, and in the dialect of the Pamir Tajiks, the phrase “walking” sounds completely different when it comes to moving up or down, moving across the plain , on a glacier, on a mountain slope, etc. In short, whoever has something hurts talks about it ... And he speaks very brightly and with pleasure.

The Arabs retained the patriarchal customs of their ancestors; they are the very contradiction; they are both cruel and servile, superstitious and enthusiastic, ardent, greedy for faith and fiction; they have retained the youth of the soul and, being obsessed with some idea, are capable of great deeds.

A free, proud, generous Arab can be impudent and quick-tempered; he embodies all the vices and virtues of his nation: the need to constantly attend to his needs makes him active, the many sufferings that he is forced to endure makes him calm. The Arab loves independence - this is his only joy, he hates all power and is ready to fight against it with exceptional cruelty. An Arab is often driven by a sense of revenge. Honor for an Arab is above all. The sword, eloquence and hospitality are what constitute the glory of a nation. The sword for the Arab is the only means to defend his rights; the underdevelopment of writing gives special weight to eloquence, thanks to which disputes can sometimes be resolved peacefully, without the use of weapons; hospitality for an Arab is part of the universal code. Here are Desverger's words:

"Perhaps the most striking feature of the Arab's character is the close interweaving of a penchant for robbery with hospitality, a craving for theft and generosity, cruelty and chivalrous generosity, i.e. a combination of polar opposite qualities. The story of the same Arab causes the listener to repeatedly change feelings of contempt and admiration.It is difficult to understand the character of an Arab if one does not consider him from the point of view of the conditions of existence of the nation as a whole, isolated from the rest of the world and forced to live on such an ungrateful land.The poverty of the Arab lands justifies the propensity of the Arabs to plunder: deprived of rich pastures and fertile lands the Arabs correct an injustice of fate by force, plundering caravans of goods, they make no distinction between open war and ambush, armed robbery, the robbery of a traveler, is to them as laudable as the capture of a besieged city, as the seizure of foreign territory.

Arabs seldom allow words to betray secret feelings; they are firm in their intentions and terrible in revenge. These are merciless enemies, these are false friends of strangers
These people do not obey momentary impulses, they follow a predetermined system. Having a rather limited mind, but strong will and perseverance, they are capable of such a high social organization that provides them with triumph over enemies and tyrannical power over others.

Arabs are very sensitive to insults, hints, ridicule.
Sometimes they perceive completely innocent actions and words as an insult.
Russian journalist Dmitry Zgersky:
- Where a European perceives criticism in his own address or in
address his country thoughtfully and agree with it, the Arab will be indignant,
get offended, retaliate. In the company of Arabs, as a rule,
will gladly laugh at the Russian Ivanushka the Fool, but any mockery
in the same vein over an Arab fool will be taken as a personal insult

Dostoevsky says that one can learn from the inhabitants of the prison what the people are like. Judging by Arab people on the prisoners, applying the method of Dostoevsky, the picture turns out to be ugly: they are all without exception scammers, bigots, all living things are the object of their sexual passions. No less than a woman, they are excited by a man, a teenager, a boy, and even an animal.

An Arab cannot be trusted. It seems that he is your friend, but suddenly the beast wakes up in him, and he may well put a knife in your back. Any attempt to escape is doomed to failure, among those preparing to escape there will definitely be an informer.

Much has been written in Russian literature about the feeling of remorse. An Arab does not grieve too much about the past. What was, was. Repentance won't help. Why repent?
During an afternoon walk, one prisoner hit another on the head with a stone. I saw this picture. In the depths of the yard, two prisoners are sitting and talking peacefully. Suddenly, one of them grabs a stone - the only one in the entire prison yard - and begins to hit his interlocutor on the head with it. Until the very moment when he grabbed the stone, it was impossible to imagine how tragically their conversation would end. There was no transition from idyllic conversation to stone blows to the head. The absence of any transition from idyll to attempted murder is very characteristic of the atmosphere of the East.

First of all, the reaction of the Arab and Jewish prisoners who found themselves around the yard at that time is curious. The Arabs pushed each other aside to testify to an officer who immediately appeared there. The Jewish prisoners, seeing the fight, began to move away from the battlefield, pretending that they had not seen or heard anything.

An Arab of noble origin was brought to trial, who in a field not far from Herzliya raped a beautiful Arab woman and left her there. He was assisted by three of his servants. The accused will receive 15 years in prison. What happened in the field near Herzliya?

In one of the noble Arab families, a beautiful daughter, the pride of the family, grew up. Her father demanded a huge bride price for her, and made it a condition that the groom come from a noble family. A competition began among young people in the district: which of them will get the beauty? Who has more money? Who is of more noble origin? But the father of the beauty is in no hurry. Years go by, and passions among the suitors are heating up more and more. Beauty, meanwhile, "overripe": she is already 22 years old! And her father still hasn't decided who to marry her to. And while he hesitates and ponders, a certain young man takes a decisive step.

A few years ago he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. But now love has been replaced by hate. Hatred for the father of this beauty and for her entire family. So he kidnaps her, rapes her and throws her into a field where jackals howl. And all this means this: "yes, you are really beautiful and your father is proud of you, but I give you a kick in the ass just like I give a kick in the ass to some four-legged one." Such is the way of thinking of the Eastern man of "noble" blood. A young aristocrat walks into prison with his head held high. Years of imprisonment will brighten up the thought that now the father of this girl will have to marry her off without a bride price, because not one of the noble young people wants to marry her.

Arab prisoners are embarrassed by each other if they are not dressed. Obviously, the naked male body excites the sexual instinct in them no less than the naked female body in us. Many Arabs can only urinate when no one is watching. Otherwise, they get nothing. They are not able to urinate if they know that someone is looking at them or even listening. Many Arabs "in the wild" are distinguished by the same sensitivity. But here, in prison, because of the eternal thirst for a normal sexual life, this abnormal sensitivity develops in them beyond all measure. An Arab prisoner will not urinate before going to bed until the other inhabitants of the cell are asleep. He will wait at least half the night to make sure the inmates are asleep.

The Arab is "panerotic". Not only a woman, any living being excites the sexual instinct in him: a man, a child, an animal. A man excites an Arab no less than a woman. And even more - a young man. Do not leave him indifferent and pets

I have always been amazed at how easily and naturally the Arabs lie.

It's not that it surprises me that people lie, it's interesting that this is part of national character people.

This is the skill, predisposition and ability to speak words that not only do not reflect reality, but are often its complete opposite.
Arabs sincerely do not notice the contradictions between the fantasy that they produce in their minds (often without realizing it) and the "facts of reality."
Therefore, in a sense, it is not correct to use the expression “he lies” in relation to an Arab. And in the same way, the words “he tells the truth” are not applicable to him. In any situation, it will be about his fantasy world and, therefore, about what it is beneficial for him to say at the moment.
I wrote this answer not because I found among the Arabs the features of character noted here, but only because these features are constantly, hourly and everywhere manifested in their behavior. In all habitats.

The nature of the Arab reveals irascibility, lack of culture, complete primitiveness of the social organism, extreme greed for money, dishonesty in trade transactions and treachery.
Indeed, a barely defenseless guest leaves the shelter of his host, as all friendly relations end, unless they are based on kinship and a longer acquaintance. The same Arab who left his entire tent at the disposal of a guest would not consider it a crime to rob him in the desert in the most treacherous way, if only the guest’s baggage seemed to him worthy of attention, and his readiness to defend himself was doubtful.
These contradictions in the nature of the Arab are the result of evolutionary opposite processes: physical, associated with the deterioration of the climate, and hence with increasing poverty, and ethnic, developed in the course of the struggle for life amid extremely unfavorable conditions.

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