Buryat people. National character Separate nationality or not


representatives of the descendants of the Mongolian superethnos, formed in the XII-XIV centuries, live in the Irkutsk and Chita regions in rather difficult conditions.

The development and life of the Buryats for a long time of their existence were characterized by a low level of economic relations, for a long time they were determined by the patriarchal-tribal system, close and stable ties only within a narrow circle of relatives and relatives. As a rule, they led a nomadic lifestyle, were isolated from the outside world, which formed their serious dependence on the forces of nature, contributed to the emergence of many traditions and rituals associated with relationships with it. Each tribe, each clan could rely only on their own strengths and capabilities, there was nowhere to wait for help.

At the same time, the harsh conditions of Transbaikalia and the Baikal region "did not tolerate" hasty decisions, vague reflections and verbosity. The younger generation was also brought up through the direct inclusion of people in the system of the traditional Buryat worldview, determined by the conditions of life in the steppe, forest-steppe, and taiga. The main emphasis was placed on a visual-effective vision of the world and was aimed mainly at the formation of special sensory sensitivity and concrete-figurative thinking. For survival, the high development of spatial orientation, physical endurance, observation, a good eye, attentiveness and composure, that is, a very peculiar set of features that occupied a special place in the national character of the Buryats, was essential.

That is why in the national psychology of the Buryats, on the one hand, such qualities as restraint, prudence, reticence, weak expression of emotions and feelings, inner balance, and on the other hand, collectivism, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, diligence, stability of family ties, reticence and restraint in interpersonal relationships, respect for elders, the desire to bypass sharp corners, conformity, patience in relationships.

Today, the Buryats are people with a peculiar psyche, the features of which must be taken into account in interethnic relations.

Ethnopsychological dictionary. - M.: MPSI. V.G. Krysko. 1999

See what "Buryats" are in other dictionaries:

    Buryats- Buryaaduud ... Wikipedia

    BURYATS Modern Encyclopedia

    BURYATS- (self-name baryaat) people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (250 thousand people). In total, there are 421 thousand people in the Russian Federation. They also live in northern Mongolia and northeast China. The total number of 520 thousand people (1992). ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    BURYATS- BURYATS, Buryats, units. Buryat, Buryat, husband. One of the Mongolian peoples in Siberia. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    BURYATS- BURYATS, yat, units. yat, a, husband. The people constituting the main indigenous population of Buryatia. | female Buryat, i. | adj. Buryat, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    BURYATS- (self-name Buryat, Buryaad), people in the Russian Federation (421 thousand people), the indigenous population of Buryatia (249.5 thousand X. They also live in the North of Mongolia Northeast China. The Buryat language of the northern subgroup of the Mongolian group of the Altai family ... ... Russian history

    Buryats- (self-name Buryat, Baryaat) nationality with a total number of 520 thousand people. Main resettlement countries: Russian Federation 421 thousand people, incl. Buryatia 250 thousand people Other settlement countries: Mongolia 70 thousand people, China 25 thousand people. Language… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Buryats- ryat; pl. (singular Buryat, a; m.). The people, the indigenous population of Buryatia; representatives of this people. ◁ Buryatka, and; pl. genus. current, date weaves; and. Buryatsky, oh, oh. B. tongue. Bie customs. In Buryat, adv. Speak Buryat. * * * Buryats (self-name ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Buryats- (local Russian name Bratsky) the most common and most numerous foreign tribe of Eastern Siberia, inhabiting the Irkutsk province and the Trans-Baikal region; the area occupied by them begins in the west near the rivers Ii and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Buryats- (self-name Buryat) nation, the indigenous population of the Buryat ASSR. They also live in the Aginsky Buryat national district of the Chita region of the RSFSR, the Ust Ordynsky Buryat national district of the Irkutsk region of the RSFSR and some other areas ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Buryats. (ed. 1901), N. B. Veselovskaya. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1901 edition (publishing house `Moscow. Typography of I. A. Baladin. `). AT…

Buryats and Kalmyks are representatives of a group of Mongolian peoples living on the territory of our country. They trace their origin from the descendants of the XII-XIV centuries. Mongolian superethnos, consolidated as part of the Russian state.

Buryats live in the Irkutsk and Chita regions in rather difficult conditions. The development and life of the Buryats have long been characterized by a low level of economic relations, for a long time they were determined by the patriarchal tribal system, close and stable ties only within a narrow circle of relatives and relatives. As a rule, the Buryats led a nomadic life, were isolated from the outside world, which formed their serious dependence on natural forces, contributed to the emergence of many traditions and rituals associated with relationships with nature. Each tribe, each clan could only rely on their own capabilities, they had nowhere to wait for help.

The harsh conditions of Transbaikalia and the Baikal region did not tolerate hasty decisions, vague thoughts and verbosity. The younger generation was brought up through the direct inclusion in the system of the worldview traditional for the Buryats, determined by the conditions of life in the steppe, forest-steppe, taiga. The main emphasis was placed on a visual-effective vision of the world, the formation of special sensory sensitivity and concrete-figurative thinking. For survival, the high development of spatial orientation, physical endurance, observation, eye, attentiveness and composure was essential, i.e. a very peculiar complex of features that occupy a special place in the national character of the Buryats.

  • 1. Above all - consent.
  • 2. At sea - a swimmer.
  • 3. In war - a hero.
  • 4. In teaching - the depth of thought.
  • 5. In power - the absence of guile.
  • 6. In speeches - wisdom.
  • 7. In a foreign land - steadfastness.
  • 8. In work - skill.
  • 9. In shooting - accuracy.

Nine virtues of a Buryat man

That is why in the national psychology of the Buryats, on the one hand, such qualities as restraint, prudence, laconicism, weak expression of emotions and feelings, internal balance, and on the other hand, collectivism, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, diligence, stability of family ties, respectful attitude towards elders, the desire to get around sharp corners, conformity, patience in relationships.

Today, the Buryats are people with a peculiar psyche, the features of which must be taken into account in interethnic relations.

Kalmyks- people living in the steppe space of the southeast of the European part of Russia and leading their origin from the Oirats tribe, who came to us from Mongolia.

Historical chronicles testify that since ancient times, the Oirats, in their national character, were more independent, united, independent, persistent and diligent in comparison with the Mongols. Subsequently, having migrated to South Russia, the Kalmyks mastered the vast expanse of the steppe, which was extremely sparsely populated. The dry and waterless steppe has become a place for grazing cattle, sheep, horses and a large number of camels. In their economy there were new breeds of farm animals for Russia, the most adapted to the difficult conditions of the Lower Volga region and the foothills of the Caucasus.

The Kalmyks developed their own original system of using vast steppe pastures. Academician I. I. Lepekhin at the end of the 19th century. wrote about the Kalmyks: "They are useful. They occupy empty steppes, unsuitable for any habitation. We should see in them not only representatives of the military service, protecting our borders from the raids of the Kirghiz-Kaisaks and Kubans, but good and numerous inhabitants, receiving from cattle breeding the best slaughter and working cattle.

Many researchers believe that such national psychological features of the Kalmyks as endurance, unpretentiousness, perseverance, diligence, the ability to be content with little, ensured the success of their life in rather difficult natural and climatic conditions.

The head of the Kalmyk family was the father, and all other members of the family had to unquestioningly obey him and carry out all his orders. The mother was in charge of the household. Despite the fact that the Kalmyk woman was completely subordinate to the man, she enjoyed freedom and independence in housekeeping and in everyday life.

P. Nebolsin, a researcher of the customs and traditions of this people, wrote: “Kalmyks differ from the tribes professing Islam in that their women have human, not slave, significance. Many Muslims exclude them from communication with the male sex, not only in fun, but also even in prayers. Among the Kalmyks, the rights of a woman are balanced in both cases with the rights of a man. A man, even if it was the owner himself (of an ulus or ayil), noticing that a woman he met wants to get off his horse, he must dismount himself and help her get off the saddle. A woman, wife or daughter, treats guests herself ".

Kalmyks in domestic life, equal in their relationship to their wives, are far from despotic and do not like to interfere in the affairs of their wives. Kalmyks in every possible way avoid quarrels with their wives and consider it below their dignity to start them.

In addition, men (not to mention women) are completely alien to foul language, they consider all swearing to be a "sour word" and despise lovers of "verbal sourness". A woman in Kalmyk society, in a family, is an adviser and assistant to her husband.

Ya. I. Dubrova

As a result, in the psychology of the Kalmyks as a whole, such traits as an even and equal attitude towards almost all other people, regardless of their gender and social status, the desire to peacefully resolve controversial problems in communication and interaction with partners and even opponents, an orientation towards conflict-free behavior, reaching agreement by non-violent means.

In addition, Buddhism, which they inherited from the Mongols, had a serious influence on all aspects of the life and work of the Kalmyks, which could not but be reflected in their psychology. For this reason, it consolidated such social values ​​as contentment with what is in life at the present time, self-restraint in desires and dreams, the desire not to think about the difficulties of life, the ability to easily and quickly overcome them, and indifference to other people's suffering. The Kalmyks also developed such qualities as sobriety of thought and rationalism, resistance to suffering, unpretentiousness, unpretentiousness, perseverance in achieving real goals.

Do you recognize anyone?)

Buryatia... Ulan-Ude... It's no secret that many non-Buryats live in this city, and local Buryats have forgotten a lot about the traditions of their people. Often many of these people have a Western way of thinking and behavior, which in many cases is fundamentally different from that adopted by the Eastern peoples. To clarify some features of the Buryat-Mongolian character, this article was written. I hope it will help to be more tolerant not only to your neighbors, but also to yourself.

1. So, the first thing that catches your eye is a long greeting. Take, for example, a normal conversation at a meeting. There is a dialogue like:
- Amar mende (Hello)!
- Mende amar (Hello)!
- Beetnay hain gү (How is your health)?
- kain (Good)! Tanai bee hain gu (How is your health)?

Then the conversation turns to the health of relatives, livestock, weather and can take up to half an hour. During this time, the interlocutor collects as much information as possible about his opponent, analyzes it by deduction, cleaner than any Sherlocks.

A sharp-minded person can draw a huge number of conclusions from just one laconic meeting.

Today, the ancient etiquette of a tedious greeting is annoying, especially if you are a determined person and are used to "taking the bull by the horns" right away. But it is best to remember that your haste can greatly offend, even offend. So it's better to look at the whole situation as a test of patience and deduction.

2. To speak only good... It's a pity that in today's hectic time more and more people see only the negative in everything, they are looking for weak points for barbs. News about blood, violence, cruelty become the most rated. But it was not always so. Traditions call to speak only good, kind, bright. So the standard conversation of the Buryat-Mongol must necessarily tell about the positive, and only if necessary briefly slide into problems.

Because of this character trait, many Buryats seem closed and even hypocritical. Here it will be useful to recall the truth, which has been confirmed many times, that our life is what we ourselves attract into it with our own words. So are traditions passed down from generation to generation meaningless?

3. Among the Buryat-Mongols, slowness and slowness are highly respected. Sometimes it looks a lot like slowness. One gets the feeling that others have mental disorders, to which everything "reaches" for an extremely long time.

But in action, this person will be fast, accurate, accurate and will come up with the most correct solution. There is even a Russian proverb about this, which says: "Whoever thinks for a long time will think of something."

Under such conditions, it can be very difficult for a person with Russian thinking, with a habit of rushing, collecting and "giving away" negativity. But only at first glance. So let's take care of each other!

We have been living in this sunny city for five years. We are my beloved husband (Russian), our children (mestizo), I (Buryat) and all our living creatures. Previously, we lived abroad and returned, so to speak, to my ethnic homeland. Despite the fact that we have everything you need for a comfortable stay in Ulan-Ude - your own house, car, job - the thought of changing your place of residence sometimes comes to mind. And I will try to tell you truthfully about the pros and cons of life in the city of Ulan-Ude.

Population and language

I would like to immediately draw attention to the inaccuracies in the previous review “Irkutsk vs Ulan-Ude”: firstly, in Ulan-Ude the ethnic Buryat population is 60%, 30% Russian and 10% others, although recently there has been an increase in the number of migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, so maybe a little more than 10%. All markets and construction sites are occupied by citizens of these countries, local entrepreneurs are very unhappy with this, moreover, fixed-route taxis are also gradually moving to them, which annoys me too, because drivers simply do not know the city.

Secondly, the knowledge of the Buryat language of young people does not depend on religion in any way, there are many examples of Irkutsk Buryats who profess Christianity or shamanism, who speak the Buryat language perfectly. I also agree with the opinion about the imposition of the Buryat language on the non-Buryat population, especially students, which is extremely annoying not only for Russians, but also for adequately thinking Buryats. Personally, I absolutely do not understand the meaning of teaching the Buryat language, for example, to an Armenian boy. Where will the Buryat language be useful to him? But it is included in the mandatory program, and in some educational institutions it is necessary to take an exam. But it should be noted that the Buryats are very respectful of Russians who know the Buryat language, and sometimes you can understand what the Buryats standing next to you are saying about you. That's what my husband does. By the way, the Buryats have a very bad habit - to discuss Russians in Buryat.

About mentality

The Buryat mentality can be described in one word - restraint. The Buryats are very restrained in their emotions, I would even say they do not know how to rejoice, but when it comes to negative emotions, here they give vent to feelings. If you are “lucky enough” to quarrel with a Buryat woman, leave. You will lose so much strength and nerves, it will cost you more. In general, the Buryats are vindictive. If they quarrel, then once and for all, and if they are friends, then for real. Russians are simpler, and they will quarrel and make up, well, as everywhere and as at all times. All people, of course, are different, many are simple and sincere, and many are arrogant and arrogant. Interethnic marriage every twentieth, mostly a Buryat man marries a Russian woman, respectively, there are more and more mestizos, I think this is the nation of the future!

About work and real estate

There is work, but not for everyone, but for those who have protégés. Good positions are always occupied, even if they are actually free, because the children of deputies, judges, etc., etc. apply for such positions, well, as in all Asian republics. There is work, but mainly in the field of trade, we have a lot of shopping centers, all kinds of branded stores, Chinese markets and supermarkets. If you open a business here, then you need to focus on the poor population, in Russian speaking, we have few rich people. The husband opened a construction company, bought an expensive special. equipment and hoped to receive orders for the construction of cottages, low-rise buildings. But in the end, for twenty ordinary log houses, 7 * 8 in size, there is one cottage. The principle is the same in all areas, whether you sell soap, juice, water - twenty cheap ones will buy one expensive product. The average salary is 15,000 rubles, the population takes loans with pleasure, there is always a queue in banks. An interesting fact is that a loan for a mink coat is very popular (here the principle probably does not apply), there is no money, but we love to “show off”.

Real estate is constantly rising in price, today 1 sq. m new building costs from 40,000 rubles. Secondary housing is more expensive in our country, and often looks unpresentable, but people are simply afraid of freezing in new houses and are already ready to overpay for proven housing. The city has grown in all directions at the expense of the private sector, one-story wooden houses surrounded Ulan-Ude in a dense ring. The cost per square meter of such housing is very affordable, about 15,000 rubles. Many come from the regions of the republic, bringing old houses with them, and buy an inexpensive summer cottage (about 300,000).

As for realtors, this brother, as elsewhere, is not distinguished by decency. In my life there have been several cases of deception by realtors, and in both realtors were Buryat women of respectable age.


Winter is cold. The end of January and the beginning of February 2014 is -36 outside, but in general, the winter this year is abnormally warm, the average temperature is about -15, although usually -27 is a normal temperature for winter in Ulan-Ude. And this is a huge minus! People living in the private sector, like us, are suffering. I’m not afraid of this word, it’s really incredibly difficult and expensive to maintain a house of more than 100 sq m, there is no gas pipeline, and there won’t be; electricity is expensive −2.75 rubles. for 1kW; coal remains - 3000 rubles per 1 ton or firewood - 5000 a small truck (for about 1 month) - this is how people suffer when working as stokers. Accordingly, the rent is not modest, for a one-room apartment 4000 rubles / month. And yet, in addition to the fur coat mentioned above, you need to buy high boots made of deer skins, worth 12,000 rubles, but this is already a real necessity, so your legs will not “remain” at the bus stop.

Summer is hot. In summer, the temperature also goes over 30, but again, in 2013, the summer was abnormally cold. The swimming season lasted two weeks, but in general we swim on Lake Baikal only in August, the water is either still cold or already cold.

Chronic avitaminosis. I, on purpose, want to focus your attention on this minus of our climate, potatoes and EVERYTHING grow well in our country. Everything else is of Chinese origin, I will not describe the taste of these products, since they are absent. Of course, grandmothers have cucumbers, but this is not enough, there are berries and mushrooms in the forest, but they still remain in the forest. Nothing grows because of the sandy soil and the sharply continental climate. And so you want to feed the kids with real juicy melons and sweet watermelons ...

Prices: beef meat - 270 rubles, bread -17 rubles, milk - 36 rubles, pears (Uzbekistan) - 180, apples (China) - 50 rubles. Prices, as you can see, are quite normal, you can live.

In the end, I want to say, or rather shout out loud: I so want to feed the children with juicy melons, sweet watermelons, swim at least three months a year and throw these high boots to hell!

Kazulina Iryna

The work is devoted to an interesting and relevant topic. The fact is that at present international cooperation is actively developing, there is a gradual interpenetration of cultures through the exchange of information in various spheres of human activity. Human communities belonging to different nations, countries and continents are no longer isolated. All this requires interaction, mutual understanding and cooperation. This requires an elementary understanding of each other, knowledge of languages ​​and cultures of other peoples.

The topic of comparing proverbs and sayings in different languages ​​is very interesting in terms of the abundance of material and literature about it. However, this also creates a difficulty for every new researcher - you need to find your own, not yet explored, niche. Turning to the topic of the peculiarities of the national mentality in the proverbs and sayings of the Russian, English and Buryat languages, the author took the right step. That is how, in a narrower direction, it is necessary to begin the study of repeatedly researched topics.



MO "Kurumkansky district

District Department of Education

MBOU "Kurumkan Secondary School No. 1"

Scientific and practical conference of young researchers

"Step into the Future"

Section: foreign languages

Topic: Reflection of the features of the national mentality in proverbs and sayings of the Russian, English and Buryat languages

Completed by: Kazulina Irina,

Student 8 "b" class

Head: Dorzhieva T.D.

English teacher

Kurumkan 2014


  1. Determination of national mentality…………………………………………..p.3-4
  2. The manifestation of the national mentality in proverbs and sayings……….......p.4-5
  3. National specifics of proverbs and sayings……………………………………..p.5-7
  4. National themes of Russian and English proverbs and sayings…………...pages 7-9
  5. The commonality of moral values ​​reflected in the proverbs of Russian, English and Buryat folklore……………………………………………………………….pp.9-10



The main theme of the work- comparative analysis of proverbs, sayings, reflecting the national character of the Russian and English people.

Main problem- to follow the examples of some proverbs and sayings of national character traits, as well as whether there are proverbs in English and Russian that have equivalents and what difficulties arise in their translation.

Relevance my work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the mentality of the Russian and English peoples based on their folk proverbs and sayings. At the moment, folklore is a rather little-studied topic, but there are more and more people interested in this topic.

Research methods: Analysis and synthesis of data, comparison of information sources, generalization of theoretical and practical material.

For the analysis of proverbs and sayings, the following were used: the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people", "Dictionary of modern English proverbs and sayings" and "English proverbs and sayings and their Russian counterparts" edited by V.S. Modestov.

Goals of the work:

1. Study the scientific literature containing the necessary information on the interpretation of proverbs and sayings.

2. Define the concept of the mentality of the people.

3. Consider the proverbs and sayings of these peoples.

4. Conduct a comparative analysis of Russian and English proverbs and sayings, identify analogues from each other.

5. Compare Russian and English mentalities based on the analysis of proverbs and sayings, draw a conclusion.

Practical significancemy work will be in the use of materials in the lessons of English and Russian languages ​​on the topic "Proverbs and sayings".

§1. Definition of national mentality

The national mentality is manifested in the reflection of the features of life, customs, history and culture, mainly in its combat units, among which we include proverbs and sayings. The main purpose of proverbs is to give a popular assessment of the objective phenomena of reality, thereby expressing the worldview. Proverbs and sayings express the mindset characteristic of the people, the way of judgment, the peculiarity of the view; life and everyday life, spirit and character, mores and customs, beliefs and superstitions are manifested in them.

Based on this, we can conclude that the national mentality is a way of thinking, a psychological mindset, and features of thinking. The national mentality is inextricably linked with the national character, which is understood not only as a set of specific, peculiar features inherent only to a given people, but also as a peculiar set of universal universal human qualities.

Here is what the well-known philologist I. M. Snegiryov said about this: “It seems that nowhere is the external and internal life of peoples expressed with all its manifestations so sharply and vividly, as in proverbs, in which their spirit, mind and character are clothed.”

National character is a set of the most significant defining features of an ethnic group and a nation, by which representatives of one nation can be distinguished from another. Every nation has its own special character. Much has been said and written about the secrets of the Russian soul, about the Russian national character. And this is no coincidence, because Russia, having a long history, experiencing a lot of suffering, changes, occupying a special geographical position, incorporating the features of both Western and Eastern civilizations, has the right to be the object of close attention and targeted study. The character of the people and the fate of the country are closely interconnected, they influence each other along the entire historical path, therefore, an increased interest in the national character of the Russian people is noticeable. As the Russian proverb says: you sow a character, you reap a destiny.

The national character is reflected both in fiction, philosophy, journalism, art, and in language. For language is a mirror of culture, it reflects not only the real world surrounding a person, not only the real conditions of his life, but also the public self-consciousness of the people, their mentality, national character, way of life, traditions, customs, morality, value system, worldview, vision of the world. Therefore, the language should be studied in inseparable unity with the world and culture of the people who speak this language. Proverbs are a reflection of folk wisdom, they store the idea of ​​​​the people about themselves and therefore you can try to comprehend the secrets of the Russian national character through Russian proverbs

§2. Manifestation of national mentality in proverbs and sayingsProverbs and sayings most clearly illustrate the lifestyle, geographical location, history, and traditions of a particular community united by one culture.

The national mentality is manifested in the reflection of the features of life, customs, history and culture, mainly in its combat units, among which we include proverbs. The main purpose of proverbs is to give a popular assessment of the objective phenomena of reality, thereby expressing the worldview. Proverbs express the mindset characteristic of the people, the way of judgment, the peculiarity of the outlook; life and everyday life, spirit and character, mores and customs, beliefs and superstitions are manifested in them. The secret of the origin of proverbs is hidden in them. Many proverbs invade the sphere of business relations, customs, become part of them. The poetic expression of thought in these proverbial judgments is only unconsciously - an artistic form of expressing reality: “The boundary is both yours and mine”; "The frogs are screaming - it's time to sow"; “Dry March and wet May make good bread”;

In all these proverbs, their vital and practical meaning is most important. These are advice, everyday rules, observations of the weather, an expression of social orders that one has to obey, that is, life, business life in all its manifestations. Everyday and social orders were reflected in such proverbs not as a concomitant circumstance, but as their direct expression. These proverbs arose in everyday life and did not go beyond everyday use. This is the oldest type of folk sayings. It can be assumed that the entire complex and ramified area of ​​the so-called "customary law", i.e. unwritten laws and rules of human society, life, orders, expressed in the first proverbial judgments, in their formulas.

Proverbs help to better understand the national character of the people who created them, their interests, attitudes to various situations, their way of life, traditions. When learning a foreign language, there is contact with the culture of the people. An important historical and lexical layer of each language is folklore, including proverbs and sayings.

§ 3. National specificity of proverbs and sayingsThe national specificity of proverbs and sayings is most clearly revealed when comparing different languages. It is known that Russians and Englishmen are people living in different social and natural conditions and having different histories, religions, customs, moral principles, psychology, etc.

Here, for example, is a number of English proverbs that completely coincide with Russian ones both in meaning and in means of expression:

These proverbs coincide, apparently, because the behavior, manners of people or certain life situations evoked the same associations among the British and Russians. Let us now consider proverbs that coincide in meaning, but differ in means of expression.

English version

Literal translation

Russian equivalent

Every family has a black sheep

Every dog ​​has its day

There is no rose without a thorn

An open door may temp a saint

Scratch my back and I will scratch yours

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Little strokes fell great oaks

Every family has a black sheep

Every dog ​​has its day

No rose without a thorn

An open door and a saint will seduce

Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Too many cooks will spoil the soup

Small blows and oaks are felled

Every family has its black sheep

Every dog ​​has his day

Sweet honey, yes the bee stings

Do not put it badly - do not introduce a thief into sin

One good turn deserves another

Too many cooks spoil the broth

A drop hammers a stone

In principle, there is a semantic similarity, but nevertheless there are significant differences between these peoples, as evidenced by further research.

Russian people -patient and enduring, not losing heart from failures and believing in his own strength. Patience is undoubtedly a value, which is reflected in the following proverbs:

For patience God gives salvation. A century to live, a century to wait. Live for a century, hope for a century.

Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman. Wait, we'll take ours. Without patience, you will not be saved.

Patience and hard work will grind everything.

Qualities such asforethought, caution, are presented in English idioms somewhat richer than in Russian:

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. Let sleeping dogs lie. Sleeping dogs should not be awakened. - Do not wake famously while it sleeps.

Don't put your hand between the bark and the tree. Don't put your hand between the bark and the tree. - Their dogs squabble - do not poke your nose at someone else's.

Love for the Motherland is considered - and, apparently, quite rightly - an integral feature of the Russian national character. This is again reflected in folk proverbs:

And the bones are crying at home(according to legend, the howl of bones is heard in some graves).The sea is for the fish, the air for the birds, and the universal circle is the homeland for man.. For the fatherland lay the belly(about warriors).

The English, on the other hand, do not use such words as patriotic, motherland, fatherland about themselves and their own country.

§4.National theme of Russian and English proverbs and sayings.

In this paragraph, we will consider a number of sayings and proverbs of the Russian and English peoples that characterize them.

In Russian folkloreThe most common proverbs and sayings related to the following topics:

Experience, skill:

The work of the master is afraid. Not the gods burn the pots. An old bird is not caught with chaff.


Under a lying stone and water does not flow. Who gets up early, God gives him. You can’t pull out a fish without labor without labor.


That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth. The hero who is a mountain for his homeland.


Patience and work will grind everything. There is no boredom when your hands are busy.

In English folklorethe following human qualities are more often displayed


Don't trouble troubles till trouble troubles you. - Do not wake famously while it sleeps.

Give never the wolf the weather to keep. Don't let the wolf feed the sheep. Don't let the goat into the garden.

Life experience:

Don't burn your house to fright the mouse away. Don't burn down the house to get rid of mice. Don't shoot sparrows with a cannon.

Wait for the cat to jump. Wait until the cat jumps. - Keep your nose to the wind.

Skills and abilities:

The dog that trots about finds a bone. A dog that prowls will always find a bone. - Who seeks will always find.

If two men ride on a horse, one must sit behind. If two people are riding a horse, one should sit in the back. “Two heads on the same shoulders are cramped.


As busy as a bee. Busy (hardworking) like a bee.

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. Whoever wants to eat the fruit must climb the tree.

English society is built on the desire to take a higher place in society, which is welcomed and encouraged. Particular importance is attached to money as the basis of individual freedom. Time is money. The more, the merrier. In for a penny, in for a pound. A fool and his money are soon parted. But along with them are such proverbs as Better to be without gold than without a friend. They are rich, who have true friends. There is no richer person who has many friends. Better be born lucky than rich. express other values, which are nevertheless more important and much more significant.

It is well known that Russian culture is characterized by a high standard of sincerity and openness, hospitality and generosity. It is not for nothing that the expression “Broad Russian soul” has taken root in the language. On the one hand, sincerity and openness make a person more vulnerable and dependent on partners who can use information in their own interests. But thanks to sincerity and openness, prerequisites and favorable conditions can be created for establishing, creating and strengthening friendships, or at least for meaningful, intellectually rich communication. The British would perceive Russian generosity as extravagance, and expensive gifts simply alarm them, and sometimes repel them. In the Russian proverb, as in a mirror, there is a reflection of hospitality and generosity, whether he is rich or poor: “To the first guest the first place and the first spoon”, “Honor to the red guest”, “Sit down, so you will be a guest”, “Honor to the guest, honor to the owner”, “Although not rich, but glad to the guests”, “Without lunch, the conversation is not red”, “The river is red by the banks, and lunch is pies”, “The rich, the glad.”

For the Buryat people, hospitality and generosity are also key characteristics: Adahanay alag bulagyn haykhan, ailshaday alaglaad huukhan haykhan. Tolerance has also always been an integral part of the national character, which was largely formed under the influence of the religion of Buddhism, the fundamental principle of which is compassion and tolerance for all living beings. This explains the understanding that the strength of peoples lies in unanimity, friendship and justice: Eb negete hүnүүd ilagdahagyi, elbeerge haitai bulgan elehegyi. (Friendly people cannot be defeated; a well-dressed sable skin will serve forever).

§ 5. The commonality of moral values ​​reflected in the proverbs of Russian, English and Buryat folklore.

Each nation is unique, and this is of interest to the world community. But at the same time, high ideals are characteristic of all peoples, and this is proved by a comparative analysis of English, Russian and Buryat proverbs.

In their sayings, peoples ridicule such human vices as greed, deceit, licentiousness, stupidity, boastfulness, laziness, envy; glorify truthfulness and honesty, kindness and courage, resourcefulness and foresight:

It is better to lose an eye than a good name (Russian);neree hukharankhaar, yahaa hukharankhaar deere (Buryat.),those. it is better to break bones than a good name;a good name is better than riches,those. a good name is better than all riches.A burnt child dreads the fire. (English), those. a burned child is afraid of fire; mogoido hadkhuulhan khun mondogoy ulkhankhaa aidag (Buryat),those. stung by a snake is afraid of a colorful ribbon; a frightened crow and a bush is afraid (Russian).Whoever praises himself never gets on that path (Russian);i.e. a fool praises himself, a madman praises his wife;each bird loves to hear its own song(English), i.e. each bird loves to listen to its song.Lies have short legs (Russian); Liars should have good memoriesi.e. liars must have a good memory,long hudalsha hүn doholon hүnhөө tүrүүn hүsegdehe (Buryatsk),i.e. even the lame will catch up with a liar.Lazy and not worth the grave (Russian); edihen gahai, yabakhan khorkhoi (Buryat), Idle folks lack no excuses (English),those. Loafers always have excuses.

Many proverbs reflected the desire of peoples for learning and knowledge:teaching-light, ignorance-darkness (Russian); nohoyguy ail duliitey adli, nomgy hun hokhortoy adli (Buryatsk),i.e. an ulus without a dog is like a deaf person, and an illiterate person is like a blind person;Knowledge is power (English), those. knowledge is power.

Each of the peoples has many sayings that glorify labor as a source of life. Sometimes labor was a forced, heavy burden for the common people. Despite this, the peoples in their proverbs respected honest labor and contempt for idleness:labor feeds and clothes (Russian); azhalguygөөr alganash barikhagүysh (Buryat), i.e. you can’t catch a perch without labor;and cat in gloves catches no mice (English),those. A cat with gloves won't catch a mouse.

Proverbs condemn drunkenness and alcoholism as the causes of a person’s moral decline and many troubles:wine is not a friend of the mind, wine creates guilt (Russian); azhalaar bayazhadag, arkhyaar үgyrdeg (Buryatsk),those. wealth is in labor, poverty is in wine;Eat the grapes, not the vinethose. grapes are better than wine.

The proverbs of peoples equally reflect the attitude towards family, love and friendship, homeland:Happy is he whose friends were born before him.(eng.) . Do not have a hundred friends, but have a hundred rubles. (Russian) (Russian) Ehe nohoin khusakhada, baga nokhoi khusakha (Buryatsk).East or West home is best (English). ehe (Buryat).


Different social and natural conditions played a huge role in the formation of the mentality of these peoples, as evidenced by the significant differences between the Russians, Buryats and the British. At the same time, the proverbs of the British, Russians and Buryats have much in common, since the ideas of high ideals are the same everywhere, regardless of the place of residence and belonging to a particular nation.

After analyzing the problem of the relationship of proverbs with the national culture of peoples, the following conclusions should be drawn:

1. Each nation has its own proverbs, which reflect the conditions of its life and life, its history, its labor activity and social relations. In this work, we will try to trace the connection between the cultures of the two peoples - the British and the Russians - in their proverbs.

2. The connection of proverbs and sayings of different peoples shows how much these peoples have in common, which, in turn, contributes to their better mutual understanding and rapprochement. Proverbs and sayings reflect the rich historical experience of the people, ideas related to work, life and culture of people.

3. Russian proverbs most clearly illustrate the lifestyle, geographical location, history, and traditions of a particular community united by one culture. In them, Russian people are good-natured, patient, hospitable, ready to help each other, conscientious, patriotic, while the British are rational, freedom-loving, independent, restrained.

4. The main sources of the appearance of English proverbs are: expressions that came from life, borrowings, proverbs that came from the Bible and Scripture, famous sayings of famous people Close connection with situations of reality is due to the nature of the sources of proverbs, the main of which are folklore tradition, ancient beliefs specific life circumstances. The “Western soul” is much more rationalized, ordered, organized by the mind of civilization than the Russian soul, in which there always remains an irrational, unorganized and disordered element. This thesis is confirmed by proverbs and sayings.

5. In proverbs and sayings, the wisdom and spirit of the people are manifested, and knowledge of proverbs and sayings of a particular people contributes not only to a better knowledge of the language, but also to a better understanding of the way of thinking and character of the people.

List of used literature

1. Vasilyeva L. "Dictionary of popular English proverbs." 2003.

2. Vyaltseva S.I. "The Speech Use of English Proverbs". 1977

3. Dal V.I. "Proverbs of the Russian people". 1957

4. Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian Proverbs and Sayings. 1967.

5. Komissarov V.N., Retsker Ya.I. "Manual for translation from English into Russian". 1960

6.Kruglov Yu.G. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings. 1990

7. Kuzmin S.S., Shadrin N.L. Russian-English dictionary of proverbs and sayings: 500 units - St. Petersburg: MIK \ Lan, 1996.

8. Kunin A.V. English-Russian phraseological dictionary. M., 1967.

9. Selyanina L.I. Variants of English proverbs. 1970.

10.Internet resources:


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