The peoples of Russia. The lesson of the world around

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

  • Hello guys!

Here comes the winter

The sky is cloudy in the morning.

We have a lot of things to do

It's time for everyone to work.

You and me - we are the trackers

The door to knowledge is open

Isn't it time to take a look?

Well, friends, bolder on the road!

2.Updating knowledge.

The song about the Motherland sounds “I am you, he, she, together a friendly family”

  • Guys, what do you think, what is the Motherland? (symbols of Russia)
  • What does the word federation mean?

E. Axelrod's poem "Our House".

You won't find it on the world map

The house you live in.

And even the native streets

You will not find on the map the one

But we will always find with you

Our country, our common home.

  • Consider a map of Russia
  • What are the names of people who live in our country?
  • Why is the map colored in different colors?
  • Our country is great, strong and beautiful. But the country is not only forests, fields, rivers and cities. A country is, first of all, the people who live in it. We are Russians. Our country is strong with friendship different peoples, its inhabitants.
  • People of what nations live in our country?
  • What do you think we will talk about in class? (about the peoples of Russia, their traditions, what languages ​​they speak, what clothes they wear, about holidays)
  • Let's combine all our statements and formulate the purpose of our lesson (to find out what peoples live in Russia)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson (search for a solution to the problem)

V. Stepanov's poem "The Russian Family" (presentation - pictures of the peoples of Russia)

Different people live in Russia

Peoples from long time ago.

One likes the taiga

Others - the steppe expanse.

Every people

Your own language and attire.

One wears a Circassian

The other put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder.

One koumiss is preparing

Another prepares honey.

One sweeter autumn

Another mile is spring.

A Motherland Russia

We all have one.

  • Each nation speaks its own language, has its own history, culture and traditions.
  • And how do peoples understand each other if they speak different languages? (We live in one country, Russian is the state language, it should be known to all peoples living in Russian Federation)

Physical education "Dance" Pancakes - pancakes ""


  • What are folk traditions? (What is passed down from generation to generation, for example: folk holidays, rituals)
  • What Russian folk holidays do you know? (Shrovetide, Christmas, Easter)

Didactic material "Puzzles" + description of the holidays (Maslenitsa (Russian), Sabantuy (Tatar),

"The Feast of the Young Deer" (Nenets))

  • Collect puzzles, find which illustration of the holiday matches the description, and get ready to tell your classmates.


  • Each nation has its own traditions, but this does not make one nation worse or better than another, on the contrary, the culture of different nations makes the culture of Russia rich and diverse.

2. Suits.

  • Consider illustrations depicting people in national costumes. (Russians, Nenets, Mordovians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs)
  • Look at the Russian national costume. How are women and men dressed? (folk sundress, shirt, kokoshnik, caftan)
  • You already know that brave, hard-working Nenets people live in the Far North. Consider their clothes. The clothes are very warm. Why do you think? (It's very cold in the north)
  • What do you think the Nenets make their clothes from? (from reindeer skins, because clothes should be warm and comfortable)
  • The Nenets are dressed in fur pants, a fur shirt with a hood, which is called malitsa. It is decorated with fur and stripe.
  • And look what a beautiful Mordovian national costume.
  • A mandatory attribute of a women's costume is a red bullet belt.
  • Look. What is special about the national costume? (on the head of men is a skullcap. At the heart of the pattern, which is decorated Tatar costume, geometric ornament prevails)
  • The clothes of the Bashkirs are very diverse. But the basis of the Bashkir costume is a tunic for women, and a robe for men. Men's hats are with fur stitching, and women have decorated forehead bands.
  • Consider the Chuvash folk costume.
  • The basis of the Chuvash women's costume is a tunic-shaped shirt - a kepe and pants with a wide step - yem. Men wore kӗpe (shirt), yöm (trousers), boots, felt boots, bast shoes, hat, and the groom - ҫulӗk, kӗry tutri (embroidered back scarf with fringe).

Didactic material "Part-whole"

Conclusion: Every nation, creating nat. costume, strives to make it the most beautiful, because such clothes were worn on holidays in the old days.

3. Folk crafts

  • Russia is very rich in folk craftsmen and craftsmen.
  • What folk crafts do you know? ( Dymkovo toy, Khokhloma, nesting dolls, Gzhel)
  • Other peoples of Russia are also engaged in folk crafts.
  • In the North of Russia - carving on bone and sewing clothes from fur.
  • In the south of Russia (Ossetians and Ingush) they make beautiful clay dishes and beautiful carpets.
  • In Mordovia, women love to work with beads and knit.

Creative task "Folk crafts"

Conclusion: Every nation has something to surprise and amaze. Handmade household items folk craftsmen become real works of art, they reflect the character of the people and inexhaustible fantasy.


Listen to how the instruments of different peoples of our country sound. For a long time, the balalaika has been the favorite instrument of Russians. (balalaika melody, Tatar melody, lezginka, melody of the peoples of the north)

Physical education "Utensils"

Here is a large glass teapot,

("Inflate" the stomach, one hand on the belt)

Very important as a boss.

(The other is curved like a nose.)

Here are porcelain cups,

(Squat, one hand on the belt.)

Very fragile, poor thing.

Here are porcelain saucers,

(Whirl around, drawing a circle with your hands.)

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

(Stretch, close your hands over your head)

Here is a plastic tray -

He brought us dishes.

(Make a big circle.)

5. Primary comprehension and consolidation

  • What unites these peoples? nation?
  • What kind features these peoples, nations?
  • Now we know that in our country - Russia people live different nationalities. Our country is strong due to its unity and friendship of different peoples. And we are proud of our country and will do everything to save it, to make it more beautiful, richer and stronger. Every nation contributes drop by drop to the treasury of culture and history of our state. Each nation has its own songs, fairy tales, national costumes.

6. Reflection.

The music sounds "It's you, my homeland Russia"

  • Guys come out in a circle.
  • Pass the heart around the circle, the one who has the heart in his hands says:

"Today I found out..."

"It was interesting to me…"

"My mood…"

"I enjoyed doing..."

HomeworkR.t.p.7-8 task 5.


Technological map of the integrated lesson on the world around

(music, fine arts, technology) FGOS LLC in the 2nd grade on the topic "Russia as a multinational country" (the program "School of Russia" according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov "The World Around".

The goals of pedagogical activity:

to expand students' perceptions of Russia as a multinational country.


Educational- assimilation by students of the concepts of "people", "nation", "multinational people", "nations".

give an idea of national music, national costume, traditions.

Educational - develop cognitive interest students through the creation of a problem situation, the organization of game situations, the stimulation of manifestations of curiosity.

Educational - upbringing aesthetic perception students through music national traditions, education of love for the motherland, for one's land.

Planned educational outcomes




Will learn: understand that more than 100 nationalities live in Russia;

They will get the opportunity to get acquainted with some customs and traditions of the peoples of the North.

Regulatory: students act in educational cooperation in accordance with the adopted role;

cognitive : students control, evaluate the process and result of the activity;

Students deepen their understanding of the multinational composition of the Russian Federation.

Communicative:students work in collaboration (pairs, groups);

Agree on the distribution of work in joint activities.

Moral and ethical orientation:students show cooperation skills in various situations;

Students learn to find a way out of a problematic and controversial situation;

Students learn respect, culture and art of the peoples of our country and region;

Students learn to respect the opinions of their comrades, the ability to defend their positions and follow the rules of communication.

Methods and forms of education

Problem-search, health-saving; group, frontal, individual,


Electronic resource "Presentation", didactic material(puzzles, “Part-whole”, creative task"Folk Crafts"), demonstration material (costumes of the peoples of Russia, texts about folk holidays), musical fragments.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

Forms of interaction

Formed UUD

intermediate control

1. Organizational moment

Creates an emotional mood, reads a poem.

Listen to a poem, tune in to work in the lesson



show a positive attitude towards work

2.Updating knowledge

The music sounds "I, you, he, she ..."

Reading a poem

asking questions:

Guys, what do you think, what is the Motherland?

Full name of our country?

What does the word federation mean?

Listen to the poem and answer the teacher's questions.



Build a statement;

Participate in learning dialogue;

Show interest and respect for the statements of the children;

3. Motivation for learning activities

Creates problem situation in order for students to need to be included in learning activities. Organizes the formulation of the topic and setting the goal of the lesson by the students and fixes it on the board.

Children try to formulate the topic of the lesson, discuss the goal.



Independently form the goal of the lesson after discussion;

Know how to organize the workplace;


They strive to get involved in the work in the lesson, and are oriented towards participation in collective activities

Oral responses

Physical education minute

4. Search for a solution to the problem

Conversation on the topic “Russia is a multinational country” (presentation, poem by V. Stepanova “Russian family”, Identification of children of different nationalities among classmates (ask these children about their nationality). Work with a textbook.

Answer questions, talk about their nationality, get acquainted with nationalities and nationalities in the text (textbook, pre-prepared texts)



Process the information received and draw a conclusion based on the knowledge gained;


They convey their position to other students, formulate their thoughts orally, taking into account their life experience

Oral responses

4. Search for a solution to the problem (opening a new one)

1. Introduce presentation slides (holidays)


2. Organizes work to familiarize students with the costumes of the peoples of Russia.

Explains tasks and conducts group control:


3. Organizes work to familiarize students with folk crafts.

Creative task "Folk crafts".

4. Organizes work to familiarize students with the music of the peoples of Russia and instruments.

1. Get to know new information. Discuss and ask clarifying questions. Draw conclusions, express their opinion.

Independent performance of tasks in a group.

Take part in the game

Coloring the national dishes, reason, answer questions, draw conclusions.

They get acquainted with new information about folk holidays, music of the peoples of Russia.




They understand the special roles of culture in the life of society, form aesthetic feelings of observation and fantasy;

Define and express simple universal rules.


In the dialogue, the teacher develops evaluation criteria and determines the degree of success of their own work and the work of others;

Form the ability to rationally build their activities.


Oriented in their system of knowledge;

Summarize, systematize and process the acquired knowledge;

Game (didactic material for consolidating knowledge). Answers on questions

Exercise control and verbal responses.

4. Primary comprehension and consolidation.

He asks questions: what unites these peoples, nations? What are the distinguishing features of these peoples, nations?

Why should people live in peace, make friends?

Answering questions, drawing conclusions

are discussing.

Independent performance of tasks in groups.




Systematize the acquired knowledge by searching for information (in the textbook, teacher's story and recall in memory)


Focus on the information received.

The correctness of the performance of gaming and practical tasks.

Physical education minute: musical to the music of the peoples - the execution of movements.

5. The results of the lesson.


He asks the question: why is our state called multinational.

Turns on the music "It's you, my Motherland", invites the children to go out in a circle and pass a heart in a circle.

“The one who has a heart in his hands says:

Today I found out...

It was interesting to me…

My mood…

I enjoyed doing…”

Children answer the question (Suggested answer: because people of different nationalities live in our country and treat each other like brothers, kindly, with respect.) Determine their emotional state by passing a heart around in a lesson.




Understand the meaning of good, tolerant relations in a multinational country and accept it


Predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material

Assessing the work of students in the lesson in groups

6. Homework

D / z on the topic in workbook

Write down homework


MBOU "Rembuevskaya secondary school"Samoylenko Yu.O., Lukina M.A.,

Maksimova A.A., Zhiguli A.A., Yudintseva O.V.

MBOU "Lukovets secondary school" Korelskaya L.S.

World around (3rd grade)
Lesson 30.
- to acquaint students with two meanings of the term "people", a variety of cultures and customs of the peoples inhabiting
Lesson stages
During the classes
Formation of UUD
and technology
evaluation of educational
. Update
knowledge and
4 1 3
How do you understand the word "people"?
Based on the experience of previous lessons (for example, topic 23 was called “Power
people"), students can say that the people are all citizens of the state.
So, we can say that all citizens of Russia are the people of Russia.
There is a note on the board:
Citizens of Russia = the united people of Russia.
Teacher (addressing students, representatives of different ethnic groups):
What languages ​​do your peoples speak?
Pupils name, for example: in Russian, in Tatar, in Udmurt, etc.
Look at the map of Russia on p. 111. What is indicated by the words in red?
(Names of nations.)

Cognitive UUD
1. Develop skills
extract information from
2. Represent
information in the form
3. Reveal the essence,
features of objects.
4. Based on analysis
objects to draw conclusions.
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There is a note on the board:
There are many peoples in Russia.
- Look at the desk. What contradiction do you notice? Which arises
With the help of the teacher, students formulate the main question (problem) of the lesson:
How many peoples live in Russia - one or many?
The problem of the lesson is written on the board. It needs to be constantly
contact during the lesson, especially on last step lesson.
- Make a lesson plan.
Plan (approximate) 3
The teacher and the children make a plan.
- What did we do now? (Planned our activities.)
- What skill did you develop?
The teacher invites the children to express their assumptions about the problem of the lesson.
Perhaps the children will guess that the word "people" has two meanings.
. A joint
discovery of knowledge.
Finding a solution
3 1 4 4 3 2
1. The population of Russia is a mosaic of peoples.
The check of assumptions is carried out according to the fragment “Children of different nations” up to
the words "... live throughout its territory."
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5. Summarize and
classify by
6. Focus on
textbook spread.
7. Find answers to
questions in the illustration.
1. Develop the skill
listen and understand
2. Build speech
statement in
According to
assigned tasks.
3. Design your
thoughts verbally.
4. Ability to work in
couples and in groups.
1. Develop skills
show one's own

relationship with heroes
express your emotions.
2. Evaluate actions in
According to
a certain situation.
3. We form motivation
to learning and

The students, with the help of the teacher, come to the conclusion that many people live in Russia.
different peoples. You can imagine the diversity of the population of Russia with the help of
model "Mosaic of peoples".
The teacher before the lesson distributes to the children the details of the puzzle with the names of the peoples of Russia.
Details can be of the usual shape (square with two ledges and two
grooves) or in the form of a regular hexagon, square, etc. All
the parts must be the same and fit together in any order.
The desks in the classroom are shifted so that four large tables are obtained, on
which are exhibited signs: "European part of Russia", "Northern
Caucasus”, “Far North”, “Siberia and Far East". Each table has a sheet
paper, glue.
Before composing the mosaic, it is necessary to carefully consider the map on p.
125. Students should pay attention to the fact that the territory of Russia is huge
and conditionally it can be divided into several parts. Every citizen of Russia
can move freely throughout the territory, live and work in any
place of Russia. Next, the students in a chain read the names under the map
peoples of Russia and the names of the territories where the majority of representatives live
these peoples.
Assignment to students (not done on time, at a calm pace!): using
maps on p. 125 and 111 find out where the people indicated on the puzzle piece live. On the
a sheet of paper lying on the appropriate table, stick the puzzle pieces (to
there was no crowd, you can put a condition that near each table can
no more than two people). Attach the resulting four sheets to
map of Russia on the blackboard.
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The resulting model serves as an illustration of the main idea of ​​the lesson that
individual peoples ethnic groups are united by one homeland - Russia and represent
one Russian people.
2. Folk culture.
Further, the lesson can be built as a game "Fair", where children will
represent, beat, tell everything they know about food,
costumes, legends, tales, traditional activities, fisheries of different
peoples inhabiting Russia.
– What were we doing now?
- What skills did you develop?
2 1 4 4 6
Group work.
Let's go back to the main question of our lesson. What do we want today
to find out? (Is there one people in Russia or many?)
- What answer can you give to this question?
Pupils confer in groups, and representatives from groups express their version
problem solving. With the help of the teacher, the students should come to the conclusion that
the word "people" has two different meanings. In the first sense, "the people" is everything
citizens of one state. In the second sense, "people" is a large group
people, which differs from others by its name and special culture.
The application of new knowledge can be organized using questions 1-9 after
text. Particular attention should be paid to questions 7 and 8:
7. Explain how different peoples of Russia differ from each other. Tell me what
unites the peoples of Russia.
Regulatory UUD
1. Develop the skill
express one's own
assumption based on
work with material
2. Evaluate training
action in accordance
with the assigned task.
3. Predict
future work
(to make plan).
4. Exercise
educational and
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When students answer, it is important that the teacher mark as unifying
peoples, the moment is not only state unity, but also the fact that culture, life
representatives of different peoples connect them with each other. Families where mother and
father are representatives of different peoples living in Russia, meet
8. Why do you think Russia has become a common Motherland for many nations?
!!! It will be difficult for students to answer this question, since they have not yet
possess sufficient historical and cultural knowledge. The question is called
to orient students to the constant expansion of their knowledge in this
areas. Nevertheless, all versions of students should be heard and noted.
It is not necessary to answer all the questions in class, select one or two questions,
children liked, and the rest can be given to those who wish to take home.
personal reflection.

What was the level of the task?

Work in a workbook.
Completion of task No. 1, 2 N (independently), task No. 1, 2 P (work in
Questions to the student (formation of the self-assessment algorithm):
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Vi . homemade
V. Summary of the lesson.
- What did you have to do?
Did you manage to complete the task?
Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes?
Did you do it yourself or with someone's help?
What was the level of the task?
What skills did you develop while doing this task?
- Now, together with ... (student's name) we learned to evaluate our work.
Mandatory task for everyone: complete one of the tasks in the workbook for
topic 25, choosing from those that weren't done in class. The teacher can
invite students who wish to read the topic in its entirety, and also complete
creative task:
– Draw or describe the features of the traditional costume of one of the peoples
What work are we doing now?
– What have you learned?
- Who handled it easily?
Who has had a hard time so far?
Who or what helped you cope?
Who is happy with their work today?
Who would like to fix something? What? What do I need to do?
What mark would you give yourself?
– What did you learn new?
What did you find most interesting at the lesson today?
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Russia is a multinational state, on the territory of which more than 200 different peoples live. This diversity is made possible by large area occupied by the state. Let's find out what we know about the peoples of Russia?

central Russia

Central Russia is the largest and most populated region of the country. It was here that our ancestors - the Slavs - lived from time immemorial. Dense forests, in which it was always possible to hunt well, pick a lot of berries and mushrooms, full-flowing rivers rich in fish, have always attracted people here.

Representative Eastern Slavs is the Russian people, which makes up 80% of the population of Russia. This is the most numerous ethnic group on the territory of Europe. National language- Russian.

Southern Russia

The most multinational region is located in the south of the Russian Federation - North Caucasus. More than 100 different peoples live in a relatively small area. On the territory of Dagestan alone, representatives of 30 peoples have been living side by side for many years: the Lizgins, Avars, Dargins, Laks and many others. Moreover, each nation has its own language and customs.

Rice. 1. Inhabitants of the Caucasus

Hospitality is a long and good tradition for all the peoples of the Caucasus. Even unfamiliar or completely strangers welcome here very warmly. A guest in the house for every inhabitant of the Caucasus is the most honorable person who is given increased attention.

Volga region

In the east of the country there is an extended region - the Volga region. Many peoples live here, but the Kalmyks are the most remarkable. Three centuries ago, they lived in China, but due to numerous wars they were forced to leave their historical homeland. Having moved to Russia, they settled in the Volga region, where they took up their business as usual: breeding horses, camels, sheep.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

Rice. 2. Kalmyks are wonderful shepherds


In the center of the Russian Federation there is a beautiful region - the Urals, rich in all kinds of natural resources. Thanks to this, representatives of various peoples can be found in the region. For example, the Bashkirs live here - in the past they were excellent shooters and riders. In translation, the name of this people is translated as “leader wolf”, which, according to ancient legends, was the ancestor of all Bashkirs.

Western Siberia

Among the vast expanses of Siberia, the most densely populated is its western part. chief natural wealth this region are deposits of coal, gas, oil. However, Siberians are not only Russians, but also representatives of many other peoples: Tuvans, Buryats, Yakuts, Evenks. On the northern outskirts live such small peoples as the Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks, who from time immemorial have been engaged in fishing and hunting for sea animals.

Most small people Siberia - Kets, the number of which does not exceed one thousand people. They have long lived in the taiga and speak a dialect that almost no one else understands. Outwardly, the Kets are very similar to the American Indians.

. Total ratings received: 64.

§ 1 Multinational Russia

The main wealth of every country is its population. About one hundred and forty million people live in Russia.

If you look in main document Russian Federation - the Constitution, then we will see that it begins with the words "Russia is a multinational country."

Let's discuss and figure it out. What do these words mean? What peoples live in our country?

Listen to a poem by Vladimir Stepanov:

Different people live in Russia

peoples for a long time.

One likes the taiga

Others - the steppe expanse.

Every people

Your own language and attire.

One wears a Circassian

The other put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder,

One koumiss is preparing

Another prepares honey.

One sweeter autumn

Another mile is spring.

And Motherland Russia,

We all have one.

More than one hundred and eighty peoples inhabit its territory. Each nation has its own traditions, customs, holidays, its own language, its own costume. Such multinationality is the real wealth of Russia.

§ 2 Peoples of Russia

Russians make up most of the population of our country, therefore the state language is Russian.

Ancestors of the peoples Central Russia are Slavs. The Slavs include such peoples as Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians. Initially, these territories attracted people with their forests with mushrooms, berries, animals; rivers, full of fish. Tatars, Mordovians, Maris, Chuvashs also live in Central Russia.

Siberia is the most large territory Russia. It is inhabited by many different peoples who have well preserved their traditions, customs and languages. They live as a single family, helping each other. The most numerous indigenous peoples of Siberia are Buryats, Yakuts, Tuvans. Evenks settled in the taiga. Shorts and Altaians live in the mountains. Mansi and Khanty settle between the Yenisei and Ob rivers. But the seculpas, the Nenets, have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Tundra. In the North of the Far Eastern land live such peoples as the Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks. They catch fish and other marine life.

Multinational and the North Caucasus. Dagestanis, Chechens, Ingush, Ossetians and other peoples live in the Caucasus. The Caucasian land is very fertile, so people are engaged in agriculture and gardening. Its peoples have long been considered excellent warriors. They shoot and ride very well.

Since ancient times, many peoples lived on the territory of Russia. Shoulder to shoulder they stood up to defend their country. AT mass graves Russians, Udmurts, Altaians, Nenets, Ossetians and other peoples who fought in the Great Patriotic war. Once, during an interrogation, one of the Dagestan soldiers proudly answered the Nazis: “I am also Russian. We are all children of the same Motherland - Russia.

§ 3 Friendship of peoples

It is impossible to imagine Russian culture without such names as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev and others famous figures who sang the Russian land in their works. They were of different nationalities, but gave their whole soul and life to the service of Russia.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, whose father was a Dane and his mother a German, created " Dictionary living Great Russian language. He always claimed: "I am Russian in spirit."

All peoples must live in friendship, peace and harmony. Living on the same land, representatives of different peoples become similar to each other, enrich their culture and traditions. With great pleasure they see off Shrovetide with pancakes and pies. The Russian people like this holiday very much. Tatars celebrate their holiday - Sabantuy. In the summer, when all the work in the fields is finished, the people come out to celebrate him with dances, games, competitions in valor. The Buryats also have a similar holiday - Surkharban.

There are different religions in our country. But they all teach that you need to live in peace, love each other, respect and honor elders, do good, defend your homeland.

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