Traditions and customs of Buryatia. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group "Customs and traditions of the Buryat people

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Buryatia has a unique history and interesting culture. Being in the arms of the rest of the people-Christian Russia with a European touch and a truly Asian Mongolia, the Buryat Republic absorbed the features of both these worlds.

Much has changed over several centuries of the existence of the region, but the Buryats to this day sacredly honor the heritage of their ancestors.

Buryat customs and traditions are worth knowing about. Today's article will tell about the attitude of the people to the world around them, about what is the highest value for them, how they used to live, will help to plunge into the atmosphere of Buryat holidays, joys and significant events.

So, we are going to visit the Buryats!

Love for nature

Buryatia is located in beautiful places among the hills, spacious steppes, and most importantly - next to the famous Baikal. It is not surprising that the locals treat their small homeland with special love and awe - to every peak, tree, boulder.

This attitude is rooted in shamanism, which reigned here for many centuries before the advent of Buddhism and Christianity. People believed that any natural phenomenon, place, forest, river has its own spirit that protects them.

The habit of worshiping memorable places and decorating them has remained: crossing the expanses of Transbaikalia, you can find bizarre posts on which tied ribbons of multi-colored fabric flaps sway.

Pillars made of wood or stone are called “serge”, and ribbons for decoration are called “zalaa”. With every breath of wind, the halls flutter, and people's requests for happiness, wealth, and healing are fulfilled.

The places where the pillars stand are considered sacred and are referred to as "barisa". Here you can not make noise, litter, spit, smoke, light a fire, swear, and even allow unclean thoughts.

tribal customs

The Buryat people, having settled in the territory beyond Baikal in the 17th century, were divided into clans, groups, tribes. Noyon was at the head of the clan.

Ancestors were very revered: if you approach a Buryat and ask what family he is from, he will list everyone, including the ancestor, up to the seventh generation. The main rule was exogamy, that is, a young man could not marry a woman of his tribe.

Traditions were dictated by lifestyle and activities. The Buryats then lived in the so-called "gers", often wandered to new places. Men were engaged in hunting, farming, animal husbandry, blacksmithing, and women were engaged in creating comfort, housekeeping, leather dressing, and felt making.

Even then, social inequality was traced: someone was richer, more noble, and someone could barely make ends meet. But the abyss did not give the custom of "tukhalamzha", or mutual assistance - the whole community helped each other, worked together when they sowed grain, harvested bread, sheared sheep, prepared hay, played a wedding or saw off their last journey.

Not a single member of the community was left alone, he always felt supported and found himself among people.

That is why the locals love to host guests so much. Previously, when there was no mail and messengers, it was not always possible to warn the owners of the arrival in advance. But when meeting guests, even uninvited ones, the Buryat people always rejoiced, tried to give the most cordial welcome.

The guests were generously treated, a rich table was laid, animals were often specially slaughtered, and, of course, presented with memorable gifts. To be a guest of such a hospitable people who will feed, drink, put to bed - is this not happiness?

Family values

Family is a support for anyone, his highest value. Everything that a person does, he does for family members, in the name of their good. This is how the Buryats have believed for centuries.

A typical family consists of a husband, wife and children. Often everyone lives with older relatives, grandparents.

It is interesting ! Sometimes there was polygamy, especially among noble families, when a man could feed, provide a decent life for all his wives and children. Also, a second wife was allowed if the first could not have children.

A woman in the family is surrounded by many prescriptions and prohibitions. She submits to her father, elder brother, and when married, to her husband, father-in-law. A wife should address her husband's relatives with respect, should walk in special clothes and a headdress.

In no case were girls allowed to attend the rites. It is curious and even a little wild for us that if a woman became a widow, then she was considered the wife of the brother of the deceased spouse.

Children are a great joy. The more of them, the better. No wonder the best blessing is the wish of sons, successors of the family, and daughters, who then create an alliance with a representative of another family.

It was believed that childless parents were punished by fate. Therefore, people who did not have their own children tried to adopt babies.

Important events

Holidays and folk festivals

The difficult working days of the Buryat people were replaced by holidays. On special occasions, fun activities were organized for children and adults. All talents were used: the ability to sing, dance, show of strength, sporting achievements.

Favorite pastimes are horse racing, chasing, archery, skill games, abilities. In a playful way, they imitated animals, competed in dice - this is the famous game called "walk". You can read more about the national Buryat games.

Favorite holiday - . In Buryat it sounds like "gaalgan".

This is not just one day, marking the onset of a new countdown. This is a whole two weeks, as if dressed in white clothes: white dishes are served on the table, guests dress up in white robes, and the holiday itself is translated as “white month”, which symbolizes purity, happiness, nobility.

On the eve of the holiday, services are held in datsans, in houses - rituals to cleanse the home. People visit each other for half a month, give gifts, feast, rejoicing at the arrival of the new year.

The Wedding Planner

In Buryatia, the bride and groom were often chosen while they were still sweetly huddled in the cradle. Parents agreed and sealed the terms with mutual gifts and wine from milk. After such an agreement, the girl and the boy could no longer choose other companions.

Marriages were early, the average age of the newlyweds was fourteen to fifteen years. In order to negotiate with the bride's parents, matchmakers were sent, and relatives performed a special ceremony led by a lama.

A dowry was prepared for the girl, which was only her property. The groom's parents prepared a ransom for the bride - "baril".

It is interesting! In families where there was a boy and a girl in each, they agreed on the exchange of brides. This ceremony was called "andalata". So the Buryats saved on the ransom.

The wedding consisted of several stages:

  • oral agreement;
  • matchmaking;
  • choice of the date of the celebration;
  • issuance of a ransom;
  • hen-party;
  • traditional bride search;
  • a trip in a wedding cortege;
  • wedding ceremony;
  • rite of consecration of the dwelling of the young.

Many of these customs are followed today as they were then.

The celebration is held on a grand scale, the guests dance, sing, compete in competitions and games. Guests pronounce toasts, which are the wishes of the new family.

All relatives give the newly-made wife expensive gifts. Her parents have phenomenal abilities - they remember the gifts of everyone in order to present them with a similar present in the future.

The Miracle of Birth

Pregnancy did not protect a woman from hard work around the house. But on the eve of the birth, she was not allowed to other household members, to the kitchen, to the hearth, because she was considered "unclean." A few days after the birth, the mother underwent a cleansing ceremony - "aryuulga".

A week after the significant event, the baby was laid in his own cradle in the presence of close relatives, neighbors, friends. At the birth of a child, the eldest, the most revered of those present, came up with a name for him.

It is interesting! If babies often died at their parents, the newborn was called by a name that should scare away unclean forces, for example, Shono - "wolf", Teneg - "fool", Balta - "hammer".

Child mortality, by the way, was very high. The reason for this is undeveloped medicine, childbirth at home, the hard work of the mother, even in the later stages. Therefore, fearing to lose the baby, the parents in every possible way protected him from prying eyes, took care of him, diligently took care of him.

A year later, the first birthday of the child came - Milan. It was a great holiday for all relatives who gathered for a rich feast. A sheep was slaughtered for a daughter, and a ram for a son.

Then life becomes easier. From an early age, children are taught what they will have to do in the future. The boys ride horses, learn how to handle bows and arrows, and the girls become their mother's helpers in household chores.


Archaeological finds tell us secrets about Buryat burials. They were buried, immersed in the ground, in suits lavishly decorated with metal, buttons, and precious stones. Sometimes, next to a man, his favorite weapon was buried - a bow, arrows, edged weapons, the saddle of his beloved horse.

Another way to bury the deceased was cremation. The body was burned, and the ashes were buried or scattered.

The arrival affected the Buryat burial customs. An important person became one who calculated a favorable time and method of burial, dressed the body in special matter, and also read prayers over it. The head of the deceased pointed to the west, he was buried shallowly, and sometimes he was completely left in a coffin on the surface or burned.

According to Buddhist beliefs, the death of a person is only the death of the physical body, and the soul will be reborn again in a new incarnation.


Buryatia is an amazing land of many traditions. If you ever find yourself there, then, of course, you will plunge into the amazing originality of this republic.

Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers!

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The Buryat wedding is the starting point of the new family of Buryatia, a significant event in the fate of everyone. Regardless of skin color, belonging to a particular nation, nationality, everyone tries to organize memorable fun. The organizers use well-established schemes, the heroes of the occasion come up with ideas, connecting all their imagination. Decorators, animators, DJs and artists are involved. Celebrations take place in castles, in the mountains, in hot air balloons and even in the depths of the sea.

In Buryatia, national traditions and customs are tenacious; the holding of the Buryat wedding is based on them. Reflecting the culture of the people, their mentality, they keep the memory and breath of their ancestors, the foundations of society, rooted for centuries. In terms of energy, according to researchers, they provide powerful support to the newlyweds, forming a reliable foundation for the well-being and prosperity of a young family. The Buryat people have absorbed the wisdom of their ancestors, although today they have somewhat modified their customs, injecting a little modernity. As a result of the synthesis of the old with the new, an interesting variation was obtained, which is widely used in cities and villages. Let's briefly dwell on them.

P.S. If you are interested, you can compare the differences in the marriage tradition of the Buryats and.

Buryats have several types of marriages:

  1. Marriage, in which during the redemption of the betrothed, bride price is paid.
  2. Marriage, carried out by the exchange of narrowed (andalyaat). When two families grow up with a son and a daughter each, parents, in order to save money, agree in advance on the exchange of daughters for their sons. Thus it is possible to avoid kalym.
  3. Secret marriage or marriage with the abduction of a girl.

The first two are based on matchmaking, marriage is concluded by prior arrangement of relatives on the part of the bride and groom.

The redemption of a loved one with the payment of bride price today is more of a tribute to tradition, is of an entertaining nature.

When creating a family, the Buryats adhered to exogamous prohibitions from ancient times. It was not allowed to enter into marriage relations with relatives on the paternal side up to 7-9 knees, while on the maternal side it was not forbidden.

The rite of "kidnapping the beloved" is inherent in a secret marriage. There are imaginary abductions and violent ones, without the consent of the girl. The first is caused by the poverty of the groom or the unwillingness to pay the dowry, it is usually carried out by prior agreement of the parties. The second type of abduction still occurs, but is rare.

Buryat wedding - matchmaking

The harbinger of the Buryat wedding is khadag tabilga, which means matchmaking.

In the old days, the future son-in-law and daughter-in-law were chosen in advance, when the children were still in the cradles. The agreement was sealed by the fathers by the exchange of sashes and hadags, which was tantamount to an inviolable legal act. In case of violation of the agreement, the offending party was obliged to pay a "forfeit" - 1-2 heads of cattle were enough. Now this tradition has almost been eradicated, and in some places it has changed. Now it is enough to pull the thread from the presented khadag and pass it back - this is how the bride's refusal is indicated. The narrowed woman retains the right to refuse until the main day of the ceremony.

For Buryats who professed shamanism, the shaman performs a ritual to appease the spirits, and Lamaism - the lama chooses an auspicious day for matchmaking and marriage. The choice is made by zuhrai.

On the day of the matchmaking, the groom's representatives (mostly only men) in the amount of 5 or 7 people (sometimes 3) go to the girl's house, where they are aware in advance how many guests are planned. When typing a group, there are deviations from odd numbers. An even number is allowed. Gifts are supposed to be exchanged, so this fact is not unimportant. The most honorary representative of the matchmakers is called Khudyn Turu. The honorary title is awarded without fail to a socially prosperous, physically healthy and large family man with healthy offspring.

There are certain requirements for "ambassadors":

  1. “A lame horse” is not acceptable - a serviceable car is selected. Parking is not allowed in front of the entrance to the house of the bride and groom, it is considered a bad omen.
  2. Matchmakers enter the house on their own along the “nara tooth” (in the direction of the sun). In some regions - immediately to the burkhan and make an offering.

Then the ritual conversation begins. In negotiations, endowment with a natural mind, resourcefulness and a sense of humor are important. Although everything was discussed long ago and in advance, the girl’s side pretends to be completely unaware of the reason for the guests’ visit, and the groom’s side jokingly tries to cope with the situation that created it with dignity and organically lead the conversation to the idea of ​​​​a meeting. Not an easy task.

What is burkhan and hadak

Many, having read the unfamiliar words burkhan and khadak, probably thought.

After all, it is with the proclamation of the honorary matchmaker: “Burkhan allowed,” the feast and the exchange of gifts at the time of matchmaking begin.

The most popular are cuts of fabrics for women (5 m) and shirts for men. The feast has a time limit - no more than 3 hours. In the end, both parties agree on the time of the wedding. Usually this is summer or autumn, earlier the day was chosen, adhering to the economic calendar of the nomad, but the life of a newly-made family must certainly begin on the new moon or full moon. The specific date and month were set later, at the datsan.

Burkhan(translated from Turkic - "master of the place") - a cult place in the house with the image of Buddha or another God of the Buddhist pantheon.

In open areas, it is placed on a hill or a crossroads. It is here that sacrifices are made, tribute to Burkhan is presented from all the most valuable for a particular person. For some, these are matches that are with him, for others - money. It is represented by a tall old tree, a huge boulder and pillars, which are traditionally tied with colorful ribbons.

Otherwise, Burkhan is a legacy of paganism, as the supreme God of Baikal is called.

In those parts, to this day, honors are paid to him, regardless of religion.

The wedding ceremony certainly stops near each holy place - burkhan, and there are many of them in each district. They skip a cup or two, have a hearty bite, sometimes they simply pour tarasun over the burkhan, leave an offering.

Young people are greeted with hadaks and white food - traditionally this is a bowl of milk.

They shower the newlyweds with rice, coins, grain, rose petals.

Important : Hadak is a long rectangular scarf from 0.5 - 1 m (rarely 4 m), which has a sacred meaning in Buddhist philosophy - it serves as the subject of a rite. Present in the heraldry of the Buryats. Depending on the color, it can be a symbol of prosperity, happiness, peace, or some other good intentions. Buryat Khadag has 5 colors. The Buryats express their respect to them and present them to each other in honor of an important event in life. In the house of a believing Buryat, there are hadaks of all 5 colors.

ritual ceremonies

A wedding in Buryatia is rich not only in traditions and customs, but also in ritual ceremonies.

After the matchmaking, the “Basaganai Naadan” takes place in the girl’s house. In the modern interpretation, this is not a traditional bachelorette party in the European sense, but a kind of farewell to the beauty. The evening is characterized by dressing the newlywed in a new outfit, braiding braids ...

All relatives are invited to the bride's house, then feasts continue in turn in the houses of all relatives. The fun lasts a week, the newlywed accepts treats and gifts - all this is taken to the groom's house.

The rite of "TukhereEn" is notable for treating relatives of the bridegroom's relatives to the groom's relatives. A huge bonfire is kindled at a pre-selected place, the spirits are coaxed with offerings of meat and milk vodka, an appeal is made to the deities, the patrons of the area.

Rite "khunzhelei nair". The most important attribute in the dowry of the bride was considered a blanket. The groom provided dressed sheep skins, and the bride - a finished blanket. It was here that the girl showed all her skill and creativity. The work of the bride was hung out for everyone to see and was evaluated publicly.

In the bride, outside of belonging to the social stratum, beauty, health, quickness, ingenuity, household skills, the ability to sew and embroider were valued.

The measure of a good groom was the possession of 9 qualities:

  • knowledge of blacksmithing;
  • mastery of a craft;
  • the ability to knit a whip;
  • pulling the string of a bow;
  • good rider;
  • excellent hunter;
  • the ability to fight;
  • good craftsman;
  • winner in competitions for strength and dexterity.

The final stage

The wedding ceremony ended with a ceremony that showed the important ability of the bride. In the father-in-law's yurt, when close relatives gathered, the household skills of the bride were tested. The main emphasis was placed on the ability to prepare milk vodka (tarasun): to kindle a fire, to correctly set the apparatus over a blazing fire without singeing the fur cuffs and the edge of the sleeve. The speed and quality of the prepared tarasun was the main measure of the bride's housekeeping. The newlywed, who passed this exam with honor, was awarded the highest praise and glorified her entire family.

After the ceremony, the young people move into a new house (a yurt upholstered in white felt). After a month of living together, the young wife goes to visit her parents in her father's house. She stays there for a week, and if she is recognized as a negligent hostess, she can stay forever.

The wedding of the Buryats, rich in traditions and customs, is celebrated by the whole district, the table is bursting with dishes, the fun continues throughout the week.

The menu of the Buryat wedding has an abundance of boiled lamb meat, the most honorable dish is the head of a ram. The meat is served in whole pieces in combination with a side dish. This is the main focus. There are usually three hot dishes. From non-alcoholic drinks, teas, juices, fruit drinks are repeatedly offered. For dessert, fruit.

The wedding evening program in the cities is traditional:

  • meeting guests with the newlyweds;
  • young;
  • artistic part (competitions, concert);
  • disco.

The original culture of the Buryat people is represented by a bright colorful festival of wedding ceremonies. To visit a Buryat wedding at least once - to plunge into the variety of customs and traditions, ritual ceremonies and generous treats, into a simple, benevolent atmosphere of universal joy and fun - is definitely worth it.

Pavlina Semyonov
Summary of the lesson "Customs and traditions of the Buryat people"

Topic: « Customs and traditions of the Buryat people»

Target: introducing children to customs and traditions of the Buryat people.


1. Enrich and expand children's knowledge about customs and traditions of the Buryat people.

2. Develop figurativeness of speech with the help of lexical and grammatical exercises.

3. Enrich children's vocabulary with small forms folklore: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles.

4. To form in children the skills of a collective game, interest in culture Buryat people

5. Raise respect for people of the indigenous nationality, interest, love and respect for customs and traditions.

Equipment: felt yurt, Buryat hat, dolls, a bag of bones - ankles, cards for playing cinquain. Occupation accompanied by a multimedia slide show.

preliminary work:

1. Designing the development environment "My native land"

2. Examining the illustrations: animals, birds, national clothes, dishes, illustrations of everyday life Buryat. (

3. Conversations by topic: "Buryat yurt", "Who are they Buryats?", "Family tree", "Ornament", "Clothes Buryat", "Food Buryat", "Craft".

4. Reading fiction literature: "Bear", "Omul barrel", "Legend of the swan girl", "Legend of Baikal and Angara", "Geser".

5. Introduction to Buryat folklore - riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, fairy tales.

6. Didactic games: "Find a pair", "Pick up a similar ornament", "Find Buryat costume"," Dress up a boy, a girl", "Collect items of clothing".

7. Movable Buryat games: "Mitten", "Camel and camel", "Hat, thread, knot".

8. Visit to the Museum of History Buryatia.

Bring up. Hello dear guests and friends! We welcome you with a wish of happiness and kindness, in order to remember and revive our good traditions.

Children come into Buryat costumes.

Bring up. Today on lesson we will get into the culture and life Buryat people. What you learn, tell yourself, you must remember in order to remember and continue customs and traditions of our ancestors.

Who are the ancestors? (These are our grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers - this is who gave birth to us)

- Guess my riddle: A house without a roof and windows,

And people live in it together (yurt)

Look at this yurt, they lived in such yurts Buryats. By Buryat custom boys sit on the right side, and girls on the left. The children are seated. Bring up. Let's remember how we were visiting the museum. stories Buryatia. What did you see in the yurt? (hearth, goddess, where the sacred books were placed, Buryat items; beds, tools)

What was the name of the settlement where they lived Buryats? (ulus)^Each ulus consisted of several yurts. In one ulus lived one relative, one clan. Everyone did the housework together, lived together. In uluses Buryats they lived only in winter and therefore their yurts were called winter roads.

What was the yurt made of? (the base is wooden, wooden slats, and felt was attached on top). The best pieces covered the north side from the cold wind.

In the summer, they often moved from place to place, and therefore the yurts were wooden, easily disassembled and assembled.

I propose to play a very interesting game.

Game "Yurt" (cinquain).

Children stand on a red ribbon, each child has his own path, the path is made up of colored rectangles. Whoever answers the question moves to the next rectangle.

Attention to the screen (on the screen - a yurt)

1. - What is it? (yurt)

2. - What is she like? (round, white, beautiful, etc.)

3. - What do they do in the yurt? (e / sivut, rest, play, etc.)

4. - Who lives in a yurt? (Buryats, people)

Let's make a beautiful sentence of your words - answers.

They live in a beautiful round yurt Buryats.

What is another name for a yurt? (dwelling, house, dwelling)

Guys, a yurt is the best housing invented by a nomad. It is light, heats up quickly, easily withstands frost and cold. (Children sit down)

What animals were bred Buryats? (goats, sheep, cows, horses and camels) Didactic the game: "Baby Animals"

The goat has a baby. (goat, and if a lot. (goats)

At the cow.

At the horse.

At the camel.

Well done, you know baby animals very well Buryats often wandered from place to place following the herd.

Problem situation

Bring up. Why did they roam? (we were looking for good pastures where the grass grew thick and juicy)

What are good pastures for? (the animals ate grass and gave a lot of meat and milk, wool, fattened their cubs)

And now we will move to the summer pasture. Examining and telling the "summer pasture"

Make up a story about the animals we see in the pasture, (children sit in their seats).

Name the main foods Buryat?

Didactic game "Dairy products and meat dishes"

Dairy screening products: sour cream, milk, cheese, foam-urma, butter, etc. Meat dishes - buuza, sharbin, khushuur, black pudding, meat sausage, etc.

Budamshuu enters to the music of Bud. - Sayin bina, uhibuud! Sagaan Yaraar! Sagaalganaar!

Now the holiday of the White month continues and I congratulate you all. They come with gifts. As the mistress of your house, Polina Bulgatovta, I present a khadak.

Did you recognize me? I am cheerful Budamshuu, I like to play and have fun. Let's play! I will teach you to speak fluently Buryat and Russian. Repeat after me

Buryat Russians

1. Sa - sa - sa - Sa - sa - sa - Sanzha sasali sasaa Beyasit the sly fox

2. Ca - ca - ca - Cy - sy - sy- Caba sasan sagalhyaa The fox has a mustache

3. Sa - sa - sa - Su - su - su - Saryuun dayda sagarna Have you seen the fox?

Bud. Here, well done! Now I will test your mind and ingenuity - I will tell you Buryat riddles:

1. Where is the nose, there is the tail, (needle and thread)

2. Silk circle - seven holes around, (head)

3. Two brothers live side by side, but do not see each other (eyes)

Bring up. - And our children know Buryat proverbs

1 child Rather than dishonor your name, it's better to break your bones.

2 children He gave his word - it is necessary to keep it, he began to work - it is necessary to complete it.

3 children Looking at your shadow - you become beautiful looking at your peers

You become smart.

4 children Anger torments the body, and the mountain - the horse.

Bud. What good children you have, they know such clever proverbs. For this, I want to give you another gift. (Pulls out a hat from the box - malachai). I will give it to you if you play a game with me - "Budamshuu Hat" Mobile game "Budamshuu Hat"

Bud. What kind of children you have - fast, dexterous, could not catch up with them. I give you this hat - malachai, you will play in a group. (Gives to teacher)

And what other items of national clothing Buryats you know? (Children's answers)

Bring up. Now we will show festive clothes Buryat. (Slide show)

I offer you a didactic game "Dress Buryat dolls"Children dress up dolls and talk about their dolls (What is your name, what did you wear, etc.). Bud. Did you know that the most favorite game in the family circle since ancient times is the dice game, which is called "Walk". The game "Step" - ankles, dice - this is an old Buryat game, both adults and children loved to play it. Varieties games: "We'll collect a big pile", "Guess how many bones are in the hand", "Tossing", Now sit back, let's play. Game "Step"

Good Wishes:

1 child So that the herds grow fat.

2 children So that comfort reigns in your home.

3 children To keep everyone healthy.

4 children So that luck and success live in the family.

Bud. Oh, thank you kids, big for the good wishes. Well, it's time for me to go to other children. Bayartai!

Children: Bayartai!

Bring up. Thank you all for your attention!

The Republic of Buryatia is part of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the Buryats are: Ekhirits, Bulagats, Khorints, Khongodors and Selengins.

Religious views in Buryatia are divided into 2 groups - eastern and western.

In the east, Lamaist Buddhism is preached, and in the west, Orthodoxy and shamanism.

Culture and life of the Buryat people

The culture and life of the Buryat people was influenced by the influence of various peoples on their ethnic group. But despite all the changes, the Buryats managed to preserve the cultural values ​​of their kind.

Since ancient times, the Buryats lived in prefabricated portable dwellings, the reason for which was the nomadic lifestyle. They erected their houses from lattice frames and felt coverings. Outwardly, it was very similar to a yurt being built for one person.

The life of the Buryat people was based on cattle breeding and agriculture. The economic activity of the Buryats affected their culture, customs and traditions. Initially, nomadic cattle breeding was in demand among the population, and only after the accession of Buryatia to the Russian Federation, cattle breeding and agriculture acquired material value for people. Since then, the Buryats have been selling their booty.

In handicraft activities, the Buryat people used mainly metal. Blacksmiths created works of art when iron, steel or silver plates fell into their hands. In addition to aesthetic value, finished handicraft products were a source of income, an object of sale. In order to give the product a more precious look, the Buryats used precious stones as decorations for products.

The appearance of the national clothes of the Buryat people was influenced by their nomadic lifestyle. Both men and women wore degles - a dressing gown without a shoulder seam. Such clothes were straight, expanding towards the bottom. In order to sew a winter deagle, it was necessary to use more than 5 sheepskins. Similar fur coats were decorated with fur and various fabrics. Everyday dagles were covered with ordinary fabric, and festive ones were decorated with silk, brocade, velvet and plush. The summer attire was called terling. It was sewn from Chinese silk and embroidered with gold and silver threads.

Traditions and customs of the Buryat people

The traditions and customs of the Buryat people are closely connected with their everyday life: farming, hunting and farming. Often from the ancestral yurts came various sounds of animals - ducks, pigeons, geese. And the inhabitants of this house published them when they played various games or simply sang songs. Hunting games include: Hurayn naadan, Baabgayn naadan, Shonyn naadan and others. The essence of these games was to show as plausibly as possible the habits of the animal, the sounds that it makes.

Many games and dances were not just entertainment, but also a kind of ritual. For example, the game "Zemkhen" was arranged so that unfamiliar clans would become closer to each other in communication.

Blacksmiths also had interesting customs. In order to consecrate their forge, they performed the rite "Khihiin Khuurai". If after this rite a dwelling burned down or a person died from a lightning strike, "Neryeeri naadan" was arranged, on the days of which special ceremonies were held.

Buryat settlements - uluses appeared on the shores of Lake Baikal in the 17th century. The family structure was based on the patriarchal-tribal system. Together with the Buryats, groups of Mongols-Dzhugars, Sartols, who fled from Mongolia because of tribal feuds, settled. When a Buryat is asked to name his clan affiliation, he begins to list ancestors in the male line up to the seventh generation.

The Buryats survived in the harsh Siberian conditions only thanks to their experience of mutual assistance, yurts were set up with common help, women felt felt and family ceremonies (weddings, funerals) were performed. Even with such a strong tradition of mutual assistance, social inequality existed among the clans. The top of the clan was richer, while the ordinary members of the clan fell into bondage to the rich, who found a way to use the poor pastoralists to their advantage.

Among the Buryats, the following age-old traditions were strictly observed:

  • If the cattle breeder cut livestock, then all the nearest neighbors were invited to the fresh meat;
  • The hunters had their own tradition, according to which they took part of their prey to a neighbor if he could not come to the hunter for a treat.
  • The Buryats are famous for their hospitality and honor the poor, who are generously given alms. They do not deprive their hospitality of visiting guests and travelers, allocating them, if necessary, both a table and a house.

Hosting is one of the oldest traditions, when guests gather and go around the nearby uluses. Usually such a visit takes place in the summer during a religious holiday - tailagan.

Why do Buryats especially value white?

The white color is very revered by the Buryats, who personify this color with purity and nobility. To seat a guest on white felt means to honor him. The Buryats, who considered themselves to be nobility, considered themselves white-boned: sagan yasu, and the poor, respectively, were called hara yasu, that is, black-boned.


Traditionally, as a sign of classifying himself as a sagan yas, a noble Buryat settled in a yurt made of white felt. Shamans, who also considered themselves to be white-boned, wore only white clothes and preferred white horses for riding.

The life of a Buryat cattle breeder was not monotonous. They had fun, arranging dances, games and choral singing. The games were mainly an expression of hunting traditions:

  • "Hurayn Naadan" (grouse dance);
  • "Baabgayn naadan" (Bear game).


In all games and dances, the performers tried to reproduce the movements, habits and voices of the depicted animals as accurately as possible. For children's games, a ball was rolled up from wool. Children from childhood were taught to shoot a bow, ride a horse and engage in wrestling.

A party

Special ongons-naadans were invited to youth parties, where they entertained the assembled youth. Some games and dances were ritual in nature. The mass game "Zemkhen" was organized so that young people from neighboring uluses would get to know each other. During the game, couples could form and, if mutual understanding was reached between the parents of the bride and groom, then the bride's parents arranged a bachelorette party.

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