Dead souls download fb2 full. Dead Souls

"Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol is a bright literary work that occupies a worthy place in Russian classics. The writer wanted to continue it, but it turned out that the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted only with the first volume. The book wins the heart of everyone who could see its depth.

In this poem, N.V. Gogol reflects his love for the endless expanses of his homeland, admires its beauty and purity. It can be seen that the writer loves both his native language and all the people living here. However, this does not prevent him from seeing the shortcomings of these personalities, which he vividly reflects in the main characters of the poem.

Before the eyes of the reader appears the main character - the landowner Chichikov, who travels to different provinces and buys up "dead souls", that is, those people who have already died. So he wants to get rich. During his trips, he meets a variety of people to whom he gives his assessment. And although their characters seem different, they are united by the fact that they all think about their own benefit and are too focused on material values ​​​​and satisfaction of base needs. These are also a kind of dead souls; souls in which there is no spirituality. They are dead, although people still seem to be alive.

This work combines humor and caustic satire, while it does not seem too rude. Chichikov can be considered a negative hero. But, if you look from the other side, those people who surround him are hardly a role model. The only difference is that Chichikov does not deceive himself in his aspirations. While reading the poem, you are imbued with love for Russia and with curiosity you begin to observe those around you, discovering in them the same features that the characters in the book have.

The work belongs to the Prose genre. It was published in 2007 by the Family Leisure Club. The book is part of the "List of school literature grade 9" series. On our site you can download the book "Dead Souls" in epub, fb2, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.9 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Category:Classical prose, School literature Year of writing:1842 Format:fb2 | epub | PDF | txt | MOBI Rating:

The poem "Dead Souls", published in 1842 by N.V. Gogol, is undoubtedly one of the most important works of Russian literature. Written as a travel novel (the main character is sometimes described as a new version of Odysseus), the poem, in fact, offers the reader a whole exhibition of typical characters of Russian reality of that time. The protagonist of the poem "Dead Souls", Chichikov, and one of them himself. This is a swindler, a swindler who decided to cash in on buying up the "dead" souls of serfs for a pittance, writing them down as if they were alive. Chichikov passes through the outskirts of the city of N and meets with the landowners, each of whom embodies one of the vices of the human race. It is not for nothing that the majority of Gogol's landlords have firmly entered the consciousness of the Russian reader, and their names have become common nouns, classic definitions for stinginess, stupidity, meanness, cruelty, wastefulness, etc.

Plyushkin, Nozdrev, Manilov, Korobochka, Sobakevich and his wife, and Chichikov himself - these names are familiar to many even before reading the poem itself.

Town N, although it does not have a name, does not mean that it is an unreal and non-existent place. On the contrary, the writer, apparently, believes that this is exactly what every city in Russia is, and therefore the name is not important. Gathered in a small area, all these landlords and their households personify a country eaten away by the worst human vices, corruption and lies, lust for profit and cruelty to the weaker and more dependent.

At the same time, the poetic image of a trio of horses is extremely important in the poem "Dead Souls". Its beauty and speed personify Russia itself, getting rid of diseases and vices and forging ahead, it is an image of rebirth and the dawn of a new life.

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The date: 24.03.2015
The date: 24.03.2015
The date: 24.03.2015
The date: 24.03.2015
The date: 24.03.2015

    I think that everyone who read this really very interesting novel is extremely sorry that Gogol could not finish it, because the story ended at a really very interesting place, and the secret of buying dead souls for me personally remained unrevealed. I liked this novel, there are a large number of colorful characters, a slightly strange protagonist, the atmosphere of that time is perfectly conveyed here, which I personally lack this, for example, in Lermontov's stories. I highly recommend reading.
    All that remains to be done after reading this novel is to come up with your own version of the continuation of events.

    When I re-read Dead Souls, I involuntarily caught myself thinking that how much time had passed, but in Russia, in fact, nothing had changed. All the same corruption, bribes, forgeries ... (((Only instead of landlords, we are now seeing the authorities, officials, businessmen not clean at hand, all the same forgery, deceit and cruelty.
    And once again I never cease to be surprised how aptly and bitingly Gogol managed to notice and describe the whole essence of the rotten system, only now there is no optimism that something can change for the better ...

    I read this book about 10 years ago and it's still relevant to this day. In the book, everything is described in a more caricature, sometimes funny, but the meaning itself was ahead of its time, since the principle of dead souls is used to this day. But as for the book itself, I was not enthusiastic about reading it, it was even boring in places, although there are a lot of interesting moments.

I read this story not in my school years, then I preferred to walk, cartoons and all that ...., but in adulthood, when you think that you already understand something in this life.

I didn’t read, or rather, I listened to this masterpiece of Russian classics performed by the excellent reader - Alexander Vladimirovich Klyukvin, I highly recommend it - it’s just a pleasure for the ears, but if everyone read books like that, then I would only listen to books ... ehh
Well, about the book. Phew .... after all, a world classic, you need to write something like that, but .... I only heard a wonderful story, with excellent humor, sarcasm and wonderful expressions about a Russian person that can be snapped up for quotes, and not only about Russian ... we are all characterized by the same character traits that are found in the book, some truths were exaggerated, in my opinion, to give expressiveness and emphasis, to highlight this or that character.
What immediately catches your eye? So this is how Russian writers used to praise their people, what was patriotism or something, ... or maybe not !!! But in the book it is straightforward that it is said about good quality, that all this is only characteristic of a Russian person about bad quality and distinguishes him from other nationalities. "Only a Russian person ...." occurs in the book probably 10-20 times or even more ... but it may be true .....
In general, I felt patriotism distinctly, albeit with a hint of laughter at our vices ...
And secondly, when I listened to the story, I noticed that I began to listen not so much to the plot, but more to the style, to the way the author wrote the story, to his style .... the author sees our bad sides of Russian nature, so to speak, and speaks of them honestly, tells them as they are, but all this is kind ... but I know, maybe with love or in those days it was not customary to write badly about their people, especially since the author wanted to be published, and who will read about their shortcomings.
Well, the story itself is .... just a good story, you don’t have to expect something supernatural from it, under the heading "a masterpiece of Russian literature", ...... you just need to enjoy the story and try to find yourself in it, find your character in characters or your character similar to you. After all, the author wrote about the characters of people.
Well, a few words about the main character, about Chichikov. An ordinary person who wanted to get rich and was not lucky in this matter. Neither good nor bad. No worse than any of the characters in the book, and no better. To be honest, I didn’t even focus on him, he was like a guide for me, like a friend who introduced me to different people in the city of N. An excellent story, listen, read, I liked it

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the greatest writers of Russia and Ukraine.
Until now, he is considered one of the standards of writing, and his works such as the story "Taras Bulba", the collection of short stories "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" and the play "The Government Inspector" are known all over the world, and are vivid examples of Russian literature and living , juicy language. Love for the motherland - Little Russia - is expressed by the author in every line, and the descriptions of the beautiful Ukrainian nature, folklore, life of indigenous Ukrainians are wonderful and unforgettable.
At the same time, The Inspector General reflects a caustic and juicy satire on the mores of Gogol's contemporary bureaucracy.

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That is why "Dead Souls" was accepted by the reading and thinking public with no less enthusiasm. The stunning characters of the novel are still the best illustration of the morals of the bureaucracy and the nobility of nineteenth century Russia. The plot of the novel is original and almost adventurous: the petty official Chichikov, an example of a cunning and flattering person, plans to make an incredible deal.

He decides to redeem the so-called “dead souls” from the landlords in the provincial provinces - those recorded in the old censuses of the population, but already dead peasants, who did not manage to be entered as dead in the general registers, and then sell them at exorbitant prices to some fool.
To this end, Chichikov embarks on a journey through Russia to find naive, stupid or greedy landowners in order to buy "dead souls" from them cheaply.

On the way, he meets the most amazing characters, each of which is a vivid type of human souls and personalities.
The beautiful-hearted dreamer Manilov, who builds stupid and unrealizable plans for the improvement of his villages, lisps with his wife and foolishly named and educates his sons.

A shy and superstitious old landowner, living alone and ruling her estate in the outskirts and far behind what is happening in the world.

The stingy and greedy landowner Plyushkin, who lives very miserably and stingily and collects various unnecessary and dilapidated things, sits on enormous wealth and is not even going to share it with his children, who ran away from a crazy father. And this is not a complete list of strange and amazing characters that Gogol brought out in the novel.

Under each of these characters, the central character of "Dead Souls", Chichikov, mimics, supporting the oddities and habits of each of them, flattering, adjusting, and all for the sole purpose of personal gain in order to get his strange goods cheaper.
The novel, conceived in two parts, ends at the most interesting place. The characters and service lines that clearly need to be revealed deeper remain unfinished.
Literary critics and biographers of Gogol have been trying for many years to find out the reason why the second part of Dead Souls never saw the light of day, and this is Gogol's main mystery. According to eyewitnesses, the second part was completely written, but in a fit of mental confusion, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol threw it into the fire.

"Dead Souls" is one of the greatest works that have been created in world literature. Along with the novels of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, "Dead Souls" were included in the golden fund of writing. The names of the characters in the novel are common nouns for characters similar to them, and the accuracy of the descriptions and the ruthlessness of Gogol makes Dead Souls a real gem of world literature.


Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol

(ratings: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: Dead souls

About the book "Dead Souls" Nikolai Gogol

"Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol is considered to be a model of classical Russian literature. Sometimes it becomes sad that such a deep work has to be read to schoolchildren who understand little, and as a result they simply do not perceive the book. Forcing Gogol to read is probably not the best way to instill love for his poem. Therefore, it is better to read "Dead Souls" as an adult, with the understanding that this work was included in.

At the bottom of the page you can download it in fb2, rtf, epub, txt formats.

Nikolai Gogol shows what people of the nineteenth century were like, what life itself was like in those distant years. Where did Russia move in general? It is difficult to give a clear answer to this question, since life itself consisted of continuous contradictions. Nevertheless, the hyperbolization of the character traits of a Russian person, shown on the examples of Chichikov, Sobakevich, Manilov, turns out to be relevant in many ways now.

How many of your acquaintances do you recognize, say, the Chichikovs? People who, for any price, are trying to get as much as possible, to squeeze the maximum out of others, to earn “all the money in the world” ... And on the way to their goal, the Chichikovs do not disdain any methods - deceit, theft, fawning. Yes, such acquaintances are, for sure, each of us.

And you, too, most likely saw the Manilovs. They are like a kind of dreamers who plan a lot of things, but do nothing. And they saw the Sobakeviches! They are always happy to criticize, throw mud at any person, believing that their opinion is the most important. Don't you know the Plyushkins? Aren't they now, "thirsty for freebies", breaking into stores during "sales", being led to various promotions, littering their home and soul with unnecessary things?

All this is our society. No, not the nineteenth century, but the twenty-first. Since the time of Nikolai Gogol, nothing has changed except for the scenery, we still have the same Dead Souls, only now with smartphones, in exclusive clothes, on exclusive cars and in exclusive houses. But just as empty inside.

We live, as before, in a society where bribes and servility are considered the norm. Gogol was right when he painted every one of our vices with such attention to detail. Sometimes it becomes funny, but at the same time you understand that all this is actually the purest terrible truth.

And even though the decor has changed, the essence of the Russian person has remained the same. Therefore, "Dead Souls" should be read by all those who still have a light burning inside that can make him a better person than those about whom the great Gogol wrote.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol

There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and that one, to tell the truth, is a pig.

Love us black, and everyone will love us white.

Ah, the Russian people! He does not like to die a natural death!

Sometimes, really, it seems to me that a Russian person is some kind of lost person. There is no willpower, no courage for constancy. You want to do everything - and you can't do anything. You keep thinking - from tomorrow you will start a new life, from tomorrow you will go on a diet - it didn’t happen at all: by the evening of the same day you’ll fill up so much that you just blink your eyes and your tongue doesn’t toss and turn; like an owl you sit, looking at everyone - right and that's all.

Stupid as the words of a fool may be, they are sometimes sufficient to confuse an intelligent person.

Youth is happy that it has a future.

Nothing can be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book ...

Often, through the laughter visible to the world, tears invisible to the world flow.

You are afraid of a deeply fixed gaze, you yourself are afraid of directing a deep gaze at something, you love to glimpse everything with perplexed eyes.

If you want to get rich soon, you will never get rich; if you want to get rich without asking about time, you will get rich soon.

We all have a small weakness to spare ourselves a little, but we will try better to find some neighbor on whom to take out our annoyance.

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