Why Pelagia has no children. Pelageya Khanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children, daughter - photo

The rival of the recently born singer hoped to the last that the hockey player Telegin would return to her

The rival of the recently born singer hoped to the last that the hockey player Telegin would return to her

On January 21, the popular singer PELAGEYA became a mother for the first time. Her fans learned about this during the KHL hockey "star game" in Ufa, where her husband, 24-year-old striker of CSKA and the Russian national team Ivan TELEGIN, was presented with a tumbler with a congratulatory inscription. Happy dad literally hovered over the ice, now and then shaking the club like a baby, apparently, saying hello to his beloved, who this time could not attend the game. And then he could not stand it and confessed: a daughter was born, they named Taisia. He didn't say another word. But the former civil wife of Ivan, whom he left with the child for the sake of Pelageya, did not remain silent and spoke about how their relationship is developing now.

A scandalous story in which, unexpectedly for everyone, the ex-mentor of the show “Voice” and “Voice. Children, "everyone is still procrastinating: charming Fields (real name Pelagia) took the hockey player away Ivan Telegin from a family where the baby had just been born.

In the hope of returning a common-law husband, a 26-year-old Evgenia Nour I even decided to make a public confession in one of the talk shows, but in the end I was still left with nothing.

If I knew that after that program so much criticism would fall upon me, I would never go there, - Zhenya sighs. - Even Ivan's sister, with whom we communicated very closely, suddenly began to write on social networks that I could not be trusted. Why she climbs, I do not understand. Moreover, she herself has not communicated with her brother for two years - they had a serious conflict. By the way, I tried to reconcile them with Vanya, because Katya, like no one else, knows who Telegin really is. He is a strange man: today he says one thing, and tomorrow - quite another.

- I know that some even doubted that you really gave birth to a baby from Telegin. Isn't it embarrassing?

Yes, some crazy people study photos of my son almost under a microscope, and then send their conclusions. Like, why the boy's eyes are not the same as Ivan's? But I do not pay attention to this - I myself know the truth, and Telegin has no doubts about this. Otherwise he wouldn't give me a penny.

You used to complain that the money that Ivan gives you is sorely lacking. Has the situation changed now?

Initially, he gave 50 thousand a month, sometimes less. I thought that this was enough to rent an apartment and support a small child. It did not suit me, but Ivan refused to discuss it with me. Even after the TV broadcast, he was in no hurry to solve the problem, he only scribbled angry text messages to me: they say, well, have you disgraced the whole country? Fortunately, my lawyer managed to negotiate with him, and now Telegin pays me and my son the amount that we can normally exist on. Naturally, when Mark grows up a little, I plan to go to work. Doesn't intend to be kept.

Does the father even see the child?

I do not want to offend anyone, so I will answer this way: extremely rarely. Do not communicate with Mark and Telegin's parents. In fact, I myself would like to look Ivan in the eyes, ask - why did he do this to us? But he simply avoids it. I think he's ashamed of cheating and living with two women at the same time. After all, it turns out that Pelageya became pregnant just a month after I gave birth to Ivan Mark. Is it normal?

- Didn't you even suspect that your husband had an affair on the side?

- We were together for 3.5 years, we were fine, and suddenly everything ends abruptly. A month before Mark was born, I went into labor. The doctors insisted that I go to the hospital. While I was in conservation, I thought that they were waiting for us and loved us at home, but when my son was born, everything changed dramatically. Ivan left, saying nasty things to me, while not really explaining anything. I think that all this month his godmother “worked” him well - he himself would not have thought of this. It was she who brought Telegin to Pelageya, because she herself is from the world of show business and has long been friends with Polina. Apparently, at some point this woman did not like me, so she decided to introduce her godson to another. Nobody even thought of me. When all this happened, I almost lost my mind. She was so upset that she couldn't eat or sleep. She even started to faint. It's good that there were friends nearby who supported me. Of course, there were those who did not spare my nerves, and now and then reported: “Your one is now on fire in the club with Pelageya.” I hoped to the last that he would take a walk and come back. But this did not happen.

- The other day Ivan became a dad for the second time ...

Well what can I say? I am very glad that a new person has appeared in the world. In fact, I try to stay away from their family - all this was too hard for me. Although, of course, it’s impossible to completely move away: every now and then I get insults and even threats from Pelagia’s fans. For some reason, they think that I somehow offended her. On that program, they put me up as an almost fallen woman who specially became pregnant from Telegin, gave birth to his son and forcibly tries to keep him, while destroying the happiness of the great singer. But no one knows that Ivan walked in a terrible way while I was in storage. He always loved fun, noisy parties, clubs. We actually met there. At that time, I was not free - I had a serious relationship with another man. But Ivan courted me so persistently and wooed me for almost half a year that I gave up. And what is the result? He was fine with me until I "fell out of the cage" due to pregnancy. I know Ivan very well - everyone should live by his rules: if he is having fun, everyone around him should also smile and light up. He's just young yet, not worked up. I'm sure even now he doesn't realize what he's done.

- And you didn’t manage to explain yourself to Pelageya herself? Did she not understand that she was breaking up the family?

- She asked this question a million times and could not understand why she decided on this, because outwardly she seems very decent and kind. I do not think that Ivan could hang noodles on the ears of an adult woman. I think she just fell head over heels in love with him. Ivan knows how to achieve, knows how to seduce a girl. If he likes someone, he will do everything to draw attention to himself. So he seemed to be able to charm the strict mother of Pelageya. Although in fact, I think, she accepted the choice of her daughter philosophically: he is young, strong, healthy, promising - you can give birth to such a man. There are no men left in showbiz for a long time, and the woman's biological clock is ticking. Apparently, my mother weighed everything and realized: you need to take it. So it’s not me, not Pelageya, who is to blame for our situation, but only Ivan. It remains to be hoped that he went berserk and settled down. Although, to be honest, it's hard to believe - the wrong person is Telegin.

Always smiling and cheerful, Pelageya is used to keeping a respectful distance with unfamiliar people. It is not easy to earn the trust of the girl hosting the Voice of the Children show. The owner of a beautiful voice is very shy and believes that there is no competitive spirit in her, so all competitions are held as the next step to achieve the desired goal.

But modesty and small stature do not prevent the singer with a chic biography from remaining the most beloved performer of our time. She always looks great and this is not surprising with such parameters: Pelageya Sergeevna's height is 163 cm and her weight is 53 kg. But until recently, the girl looked different.

A lover of Siberian high-calorie cuisine weighed 7 kg more. The right diet helped the star of show business, when food is eaten in small portions 5-6 times a day.

The folk diva was born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk, which is considered the third city in the Russian Federation in terms of population. According to the horoscope - Cancer, so she is always sensitive to people and suffers from increased emotionality. By nature - an introvert.

In an interview, the singer admits that she always starts crying when talking about her loved ones. Such an amazing feature of a strong and strong-willed star seems incredible to fans. Many mistakenly consider the name Pelagia a pseudonym, but it is real, and is translated as "sea".


Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova became a world star thanks to her mother. Jazz performer Svetlana from early childhood provided her daughter with the opportunity to do only what she likes. But at the same time, the girl knew that there were certain prohibitions that should not be violated.

For example, Pelageya was not allowed to watch TV programs that did not carry important information. And Soviet cartoons were encouraged because they helped my daughter develop as a person.

From the age of three, the plump girl loved to dress up in her mother's clothes and show her own productions. Polya, as she used to be called at home and at work, sang songs from the popular movie Goodbye, Mary Poppins! and danced. Then mother Svetlana, who worked as a director at a local theater, decided to send Pelageya to a ballet school.

But the girl was not accepted because of her excess weight. Therefore, an adult woman dances very rarely. She talks with admiration about her mother, who, having used up her resources as a singer, managed to start everything from scratch, becoming not only a stage director, but also a teacher of acting and directing.

Interesting fact! Little Polya made her first performance on stage at the age of 3 years. Mom, who organized an exhibition of her fabric paintings in the city on the Neva, included the restless singer in the program. But Pelageya, who received an enthusiastic applause from art connoisseurs, was frightened and burst into tears on stage. The girl still remembers this moment, considering the performance a failure.

Pelageya managed to correct the mistake made three years later. Mom Svetlana was invited to the radio for an interview. The singer, who lost her voice, was unable to sing, and her daughter decided to seize the moment and show her talents. This performance in front of a large audience of listeners with the Siberian lamenting song "Dropped the Ring" returned the little girl self-confidence.


The creative mother, who instilled in Pelageya a love of books and art, helped her become a bright and interesting person. A young intellectual at the age of 8 read the book by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", enjoying the fantastic story of the main character.

Seeing that her daughter was not inclined towards the exact sciences, Svetlana Khanova allowed her to focus on humanitarian subjects. It was this thoughtful parental approach that made Pelagia what she is today.

The singer admits that she was given grades in chemistry, physics and other exact sciences simply so that she could move to the next class. But she knew literature and other subjects better than her classmates. Everything that Pelageya has achieved, she owes to her mother. According to the star, there was no such figure in her life as dad. And Paul's grandmother did not live to see the birth of her granddaughter. It was in her honor that the performer of folk music was named.

Carier start

A young soloist with a strong voice entered the stage at the age of four. And already at 8 she became a student of a specialized school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. The girl managed to get on the course out of competition. She was invited by a teacher who was fascinated by her voice.

A year later, at one of the competitions, the girl was noticed by the founder of the Kalinov Most group, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Revyakin. The composer persuaded Paul to take part in the show "Morning Star" in the capital of the Russian Federation. The performance was amazing. The gifted singer received her first significant award, becoming the "Best Folk Song Performer of 1996". But the most unexpected was the receipt of a bonus of 1000 in foreign currency.

In 1997, the aspiring pop star signed a contract with the independent music company Feelee Records and recorded the first two songs: "Kozak" and "Lubo, brothers." Having decided to start a career as a performer of non-standard music, the gifted girl moves to Moscow with her mother and begins a new life in the world of show business.

To become a professional in the pop field, Pelageya agreed to enter school No. 1113 with a musical and choreographic bias. She also attended classes at the RAM. In her school years, the artist distinguished herself by singing in a duet with such world stars:

  • rock musician Garik, founder of the Sunset Manual bands, P.S. "Brigade C";
  • leader of the Nautilus group Vyacheslav Gennadievich Butusov;
  • the legendary British rock band Depeche Mode, performing music in their own unique style;
  • Alexander Feliksovich Sklyar, founder of the Va-Bank group and organizer of the alternative music festival;
  • Inna Yuryevna Zhelannaya is the leader of the Farlanders folk group and the soloist of the Alliance group.

A talented girl is repeatedly invited to interesting and vibrant projects, but they all take place during the holidays. Mom does not allow the girl to leave school for a long time. In 1997, the aspiring artist became a member of the KVN team of her native city.

Working in a humorous team helped Paul open up and realize the significance of the scene in her life. But then the girl realized that KVN is not what she wants to spend time and effort on. Therefore, Pelageya left the team, maintaining warm friendly relations with its participants.

In 1988, the girl spoke at the G8 Summit in front of the heads of foreign countries.

In 1999, a crisis comes and the artist is forced to terminate the contract with the creators of alternative music Feelee Records. Svetlana Khanova becomes her new producer. Fascinated by non-standard melodies, the daughter and mother gather a company of virtuoso musicians and become the organizers of the Pelageya collective.

The first performance of a group performing folk-rock music takes place at the Central House of Arts. A crowded hall and fully redeemed tickets - this is the first resounding success, followed by a series of performances in the cult club "Chinese Pilot Jao-Da". The group has the first loyal fans.

Rise, popularity

The artist admits that the real touring life for her began only as a student. Living in the metropolis, Pelageya often took part in competitions and recorded her first albums. But mother Svetlana believed that her daughter should not be distracted from her studies.

Having graduated from high school as an external student, the girl goes to get higher education at GITIS at the pop vocal faculty. Folk-style music has repeatedly attracted the attention of the government. Pelageya and her team are invited to important events for the country.

And in 2001, the aspiring star receives an apartment under the patronage of the government of the capital of Russia. In 2003, the group's first album was released and solo songs recorded in childhood were released.

Small changes are taking place in Pelagia's team. Instead of two solo guitars, a solo and a bass appear. Young people led by leader Pavel Deshura receive an invitation to the main square of Moscow. The unusual sound attracts the attention of new fans, and alternative music performers are awarded the title of "Discovery of the Year" by the popular FUZZ magazine.

According to the press and critics, the Pelageya group has become a symbol of the revival of Russian alternative rock and roll. A strong team managed to make a breakthrough in the world of music, returning people to love for folk and folklore motives. Each time, speaking to the public, members of the group give the fans an unusual fairy tale.

That is why Pelageya always gathers full houses, and tickets for her concerts are sold out a few days before the start of the performance.

Personality and character

Pelageya admits that fame made her change and become more closed to the public. At a certain point, the girl stopped liking that acquaintances and strangers climb into her personal life.

The artist never allows herself to make rash decisions. The girl considers each proposal from people famous in show business, weighing all the pros and cons. The talented performer also does not consider herself ambitious. The opinion of her relatives is important to her, and not strangers who know her only from interviews for the press.

The star loves loneliness and regularly travels to Israel to devote his free time to meditation and indulge in a vow of silence. Even when going on tour to other cities and countries, the artist prefers to spend time in her room and only occasionally has dinner with the team.

But despite the isolation of the Field loves to travel and always expresses emotions without hiding behind masks. She lives with her heart, while being very reasonable, but not restrained. Earlier, in her youth, Pelageya was amorous and expressed her contradiction to everything.

So she became a blonde when she heard that the blonde hair color would not suit her. But, having repainted, the girl realized that she had become more feminine and soft. Still, hair color plays a great role in the development of personality. As a person with a strong emotional background, Pelageya suffers from frequent mood swings and admits that she needed to be born under the sign of Libra.

She is not afraid to look ugly or ridiculous, she does not play in public. A charming girl does not give interviews to dubious publications and does not seek to promote herself.

Pelageya is a wonderful psychoanalyst. She is always trying to help her friends sort themselves out. For their sake, the folk diva is ready to leave the walls of her own apartment, as she believes that she is responsible for her loved ones.

Personal life (romances, marriages, children)

Pelagia's biography is an open book. The young woman does not hide her emotions from the public and tells life stories with pleasure. She is open to fans and relatives, but does not want strangers to climb into her personal life. Therefore, the artist is always silent about her novels. But some details still became known to fans.

The first husband of the ethnic music performer was the director of the TV show Comedy Women Dima, with whom the marriage began in 2010 and ended in 2012. The reasons for the divorce, the man and the woman were silent, tightly closing the door to their personal lives.

A quiet wedding in the family circle and the same divorce without a scandal in the press still caused a lot of gossip in the journalistic environment. But interest in Pelagia's ex-husband quickly faded away.

In 2016, Ivan Telegin and the folk diva announced their upcoming wedding, and at the same time there were rumors that the singer had destroyed the hockey player's family. A man in love not only divorced his wife, but also abandoned a newborn baby. For a long time, Pelageya continued to sing on stage and behave as if nothing had happened. This behavior caused a new wave of rumors.

Then, on June 16, 2016, the singer and hockey player were married, and in 2017 the woman refused to participate in the jury on the Voice TV show. The reason for the increased secrecy was the pregnancy of the star and the birth of her daughter Taisiya Sergeevna Telegina on January 26, 2017.

Then the couple appeared in the program “Once Upon a Night”, telling a love story and devoting fans to interesting details of their personal lives. A sharp change in Pelagia's behavior was received with enthusiasm by the fans. The secretive singer has finally stopped being afraid to reveal personal details.

But the woman once again surprised the fans when the documentary “Pelageya. Happiness loves silence" (2017). In it, the artist told a true story about divorce, the birth of a daughter and the beginning of a new life.

Lifestyle (sports, diets, hobbies)

The main and main occupation of the star is music. From early childhood, carried away by performances on stage, Pelageya devoted her life to the revolution in the Russian stage. But this did not stop her at some point from coming up with her own buckwheat diet, which helped her lose weight.

A special diet from the star is fruits combined with sour-milk products and buckwheat. It is mandatory to consume daily from 1 to 2 liters of mineral water without gas.

The artist takes an active part in charity events, helping children. She practices yoga and loves cooking according to eco-friendly recipes.

Fields has a special craving for chic dresses with a long train. She loves to go shopping, buying beautiful clothes, and is proud to meet Yana Diaghileva.

Participation in various projects

Artistic Pelageya loves to laugh and does not hide her emotions. Accustomed to the stage since early childhood, she regularly takes part in interesting musical projects:

  • In the middle of summer 1999, she performed in the French resort town of Evian-les-Bains at a world-class music festival.
  • 2003 was a significant event in the life of the artist, who was invited as a performer to celebrate the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.
  • In 2009, she took part in the show "Two Stars", singing a duet with two-time winner of the "Nika" award Daria Moroz.
  • She became the host of the Field-mmusic mini-festival and took part in the production of the American jazz singer Bobby McFerrin Bubble.
  • She was invited to the "Salt" program conducted by Our Radio to record the song "Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow" in collaboration with the legendary M. Gorshenev.
  • In 2011 she performed the song in the performance of the famous composer Nikolai Sergeevich Borisov "Winter's Tale".
  • In 2015 she was invited to KVN as an honorary member of the jury.
  • From 2012 to 2017 she acted as a mentor in the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children" in the company of the charming Dima Bilan.

Life today

In February 2018, Pelagia was invited to celebrate the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev. The woman agreed to sing in front of honored guests, even though she became a mother a month ago.

Currently, the artist's personal life is surrounded by rumors that she is divorcing her husband Ivan Telegin, but the woman does not comment on this information.

A long silence is quite in the style of the singer, who also acted in 2013, when there were rumors about her breakup with her husband Dima.


The first full-length album called "Pelageya" was released in 2003. Before that, there was only the single "Lubo" (1999), which became the most favorite song of many military personnel. Then the singer delighted fans with the following music discs:

  • the song "Single", released in 2006;
  • studio album "Girls' Songs" (2007);
  • concert recording "Siberian Drive" (2009) in collaboration with the folklore theater "Transbaikalia";
  • album "Paths" (2010), recorded in two parts;
  • in 2013, the artist announced the imminent release of the new album "The Cherry Orchard", but the release was postponed indefinitely.

Prizes and awards

Pelageya is an extraordinary personality, causing enthusiastic statements from politicians, world stars. She is often invited to important events for the country. The artist began to receive awards from early childhood:

  • in 1994, the schoolgirl was a member of the special fund "Young Talents of Siberia" and deservedly topped the list of "New Names of the Planet" at UNESCO;
  • in 1996 she reached the final of the "Morning Star" competition and received the award "Best Folk Song Performer";
  • in 2007 she received the award for "Best Rock Album of the Year", the "Discovery of the Year" nomination from the Muz TV channel and the award "For the Best Mixing";
  • in 2008 she was awarded the Triumph Prize for her significant contribution to the cultural heritage of the country;
  • in 2009 - an award from Our Radio for skillful music in the style of rock and roll and the award "Soloist of the Year".

Continues cooperation with world-class stars and never ceases to amaze fans with new concerts and songs.

Social media accounts (links and activity)

Pelageya does not seek to share personal photos on social networks and PR due to the large number of subscribers. Therefore, there are no official pages in any popular network, and its fans lead the page on Instagram.

All possible accounts are fake. In past years, the artist regularly visited the forum on the Pelagea.ru website, but now it is practically not active.

Pelageya was born into the family of a jazz singer, whose professional fate was tragic. After a long illness, the mother of the future star lost her voice. However, she found herself on the stage. It is not surprising that little Polya - that is the name of the singer's relatives, grew up in a creative environment, and almost from birth she absorbed the culture of vocal mastery.

Prodigy girl

The little girl took to the stage for the first time at the age of four. Even then, she showed interest in singing. And her mother and stepfather noticed that her daughter was developing faster than her peers. And it's true: Polina's passion for vocals did not harm her school performance. And then the family moved. Pelageya and her parents really wanted the girl to go to a certain school, but there was no place in the sixth grade. “Nonsense,” the future singer thought, and externally passed the program for the whole year, enrolling immediately in the seventh.

When the talented little girl turned nine, the legendary Dmitry Revyakin from Kalinov Most came on tour to Novosibirsk, where the Pelageya family lived.

Hearing a unique voice, he not only offered to show the girl in Moscow, he sent a video with Pelageya's performance to the Morning Star program. There, a little Siberian was noted and invited to speak. So Polya received her first recognition - a prize for the best performance of a folk song.

However, according to the singer herself, her childhood was far from being spent in music schools and studying solfeggio. There were toys, and beloved parents, and real children's adventures. Mom, of course, tried to promote the talented Field, but did not put much pressure, and always left a choice. And, when Pelageya decided to enter GITIS at the age of 14, she blessed her unusual child. The school was completed externally, and a very young, but sensible girl beyond her years became a student.

No joke: love!

Pelageya met her first husband when she was 11 years old. Then the Novosibirsk KVN team needed a singing girl, and Polya was a well-known person in Siberia, so they remembered her. The girl liked the offer, and she agreed. Dima Efimovich, who was then 22, performed for the same team. Sharing the stage with the young singer, he could not even think of her as a woman.

Some time later, Dmitry married the St. Petersburg kvnschitsa Polina Sibagatullina, known under the pseudonym Madam Polina, but he forgot to think about performing with Pelageya. The couple got into the Comedy Women project together, Dima became a director, his wife performed in humorous numbers. But the marriage did not work out, and soon the couple divorced. And then - a fatal meeting! The same little girl, Pelageya, again enters the arena of his life!


They got married without fanfare, and even in her team they did not know that Polya had changed her last name for several months. The first family life for the singer began, which took a lot of effort and attention. But not only life turned out to be demanding: the husband, who had long dreamed of a child, began to put pressure on the star with questions about the heirs. On the other hand, my mother joined in, grumbling that the simple TV presenter Efimovich, the brilliant Field, was not suitable for husbands ... After two years of legal marriage, the couple terminated the relationship.

Then Pelageya will call herself monogamous and complain that after the divorce, a hole has remained in her heart that will not heal for a long time. And in the backstage world they will gossip, they say the charming handsome Dima looked to the left, which was the reason for the final parting.

And I love a married ...

Sad sighs, a slight haze of sadness at the bottom of open eyes, gossip about an affair with Bilan ... For several years, all the attention of the singer was given to the show "Voice", and Pelageya was not involved in any amorous affairs. And then on the set next to the judge of the "Voice" they began to notice a tall handsome man.

They recently stopped hiding their high relationship. Now Polya also goes to hockey matches to cheer for CSKA, and her new lover, hockey player Ivan Telegin, can be seen in a red chair next to the beauty in between filming a TV show.

It is not known for certain when the lovers met, and what happened between them over the past time, but persistent rumors circulate around the network that Pelageya took the hockey player away from an exemplary family.

Moreover, Telegin was not only married. Four months before the divorce, his son was born. They also say that a painful affair with a married man has been tormenting the singer's heart for a long time. Familiar stars are sure: Pelagia would never have dared to take her husband and father away from the family. Therefore, Ivan himself broke the vicious circle. The feeling for the talented beauty turned out to be too deep, and he simply could not live by deceit.

In 2016, the singer married Telegin, and in early 2017, their daughter Taisiya was born to the couple. A month after giving birth, she took the stage at a gala concert in honor of the birthday of Nikolai Rastorguev, and a little later she led a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the Voice show together with Dmitry Nagiyev. But despite this, the actress does not want to return to work early in full force and tries to devote more time to little Tae.

Who would have thought that Ivan Telegin and Pelageya divorced? No, of course, the divorce has not been formalized, but the behavior of the famous hockey player caused heated discussions and gossip on the network. The reason is several pictures in which Telegin accepts either congratulations or manifestations of love from a certain brunette who languidly rolled her eyes in a kiss.

Pelageya does not show it, but the latest news about her wife forced the singer to comment on the photo in honor of the next birthday of the faithful, the celebration of which took place on February 28, 2018.

Everything is fine with us. No need to be nervous. Girls of easy virtue behave the way their parents raised them. Neither I nor Ivan are responsible for this. If someone thinks that the Telegins are getting divorced, I will disappoint you: now we are in the Kremlin and are heading to Vladimir Putin, where the winners will be awarded. I love Ivan very much and am proud of his achievements.

It is obvious that Pelageya does not want to betray emotions, but her anxiety about the candid photo involuntarily came out: she calls the swarthy beauty, clinging to her husband, a girl of easy virtue.

If you can still put up with the first photo, which captured Telegin with a beauty clutching his gold medal, and pass everything off as a congratulation, then the second picture involuntarily suggests Ivan's betrayal. All the same girl, all the same passionate emotions, while neither at the airport nor at the restaurant where the hockey player was congratulated, Pelageya was not observed.

Karina Lebedeva - who is she?

Karina Lebedeva is the same brunette with whom Telegin kissed at a celebration dedicated to his 26th birthday. The girl is the same age as the champion, moreover, they studied together at school No. 52 in Novokuznetsk. Not only the parents of former classmates are familiar, Karina communicates well with Telegin's mother and enters her house.

photo instagram.com

A close friend of Lebedova commented on the situation and believes that the latest news that Ivan Telegin and Pelageya divorced have no basis. “The whole fault of Karina is that she was silent. She should have told in time about her long-standing friendship with Ivan. Now she is suffering." A friend also felt sorry for Pelageya: “She is not pleased, the whole country says that the stars are getting divorced. It got to the point that Pelageya was reminded of the story of how she took Ivan away from the family. All of this gets on your nerves."

If Pelageya made a terrible scandal to her husband, she can be understood, the main thing is that he does not actually run away from her.

A friend added: “And about the love relationship between Karina and Ivan Telegin, this is complete nonsense. Who has not kissed a friend in a fit of feelings? And Karina had many reasons to express her joy. By the way, she not only danced with Vanya, she also showed attention to other men. But this does not mean that she is their mistress?

Fans came to the defense of the Telegin family: “Can’t a girl just congratulate a friend?”

Indeed, a girl can and should congratulate a friend if she wants to, but both in the photo at the airport and in the photo from the celebration on February 28, 2018, Karina clings to Ivan. All her behavior speaks of what feelings excite her blood, and not just the joy of the countryman's victory.

Maybe Lebedeva is worried about the current situation. She is trying to make amends with Telegin's wife, saying that “Pelageya has absolutely nothing to worry about. Ivan Telegin and Pelageya divorced because of me? That's funny! A scandalous photo with a kiss that lasted no more than 1 second is nothing more than an episode taken out of context. The video shows that it was a congratulation on the victory and happy birthday. People who have no idea what was happening just took advantage of situations, journalists cannot live without gossip, and therefore seized on this information.

Pelageya came back

Pelagia does not look like a star with a quarrelsome character. She openly shares photos, talks about her family and her husband. He calmly answers questions about his first marriage and sincerely rejoices at the success of his spouse.

Recall that the artist's first marriage was registered in 2010, but Pelageya lived with Dmitry Efimovich for two years, and few people were interested in the fact that the spouses were getting divorced.

Two years ago, the singer tied the knot with Ivan Telegin. The decision to marry was made immediately after the end of the Ice Hockey World Cup. The strength of the marriage was also confirmed by the birth of a common child: on January 21 last year, a daughter, Taisiya, was born in the Telegin family.

But envious people cannot forgive Pelageya that in 2016 she took Ivan away from the family. At the time of his acquaintance with the singer, Telegin lived in a civil marriage with the spectacular dancer Evgenia Nour, who awarded him with his son Mark. According to Evgenia, Ivan began dating a new passion a month before the birth of his son. The heir did not keep Ivan in the family. When the child was 3 months old, the hockey player went to a folk singer. Ivan's choice was approved by his friends, the coach, and his mother. They were happy that the athlete found a woman very similar to him, and about the first family they were unanimous in their opinion that "this marriage has long been bursting at the seams."

The confessions of Evgenia Nour in the program "Live" caused a lot of criticism. Accusations fell on Pelageya that she "destroyed someone else's family."

A clear conscience is the best pillow. I sleep peacefully. I couldn't be happy taking someone away from the family.

Less than two years later, the latest news about the star couple appeared on the network: Ivan Telegin and Pelageya divorced! It’s not easy for the mentor of the Voice show, but the spouses in all the photos on the Instagram look happy and loving. Let's hope that Ivan will not repeat the past experience and will not leave another young mother with a child in her arms.

Dmitry Efimovich is a Russian director of serials in the genre of comic TV shows, screenwriter. He was born on March 26, 1975. He received his first higher education with a degree in mathematics, and then studied to be a film and television director.

Released from KVN

In 1997-1998, the director played for the combined team of Novosibirsk University, a three-time champion of the Major League of KVN. This determined his further creative destiny, allowing him to engage in the implementation of television projects, club and concert activities together with the residents of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. He is better known to regular viewers of the TNT channel as: Dmitry Efimovich - director of Comedy Woman.

To date, the director's portfolio has already included several successful projects. Having started his career at the age of 30 with partner work on the creation of the Comedy Club show (three seasons in 2005 and two each in 2012-2013), he continued it in the series Our Russia (in the first seasons of 2006). Then he independently acted as a director of the first 35 issues of Comedy Woman (2008) and tried himself as a screenwriter and director of the mini-series Mitrich. Russian Depression" in 2010.

Made in Woman

The television show Comedy Woman, which premiered in 2008, was originally called Made in Woman. Now it is unofficially referred to as the "Women's Comedy Club". But Dmitry Efimovich, as one of the creators of the project, was not going to follow this path. He immediately determined that the new brainchild should not be like the female version of the Comedy Club, but should become a variety show, which will include incendiary humor, songs with dances, and clown eccentricity. Unfortunately, Made in Woman lasted only four issues in the given version, and then, after a break, it became exactly what Efimovich wanted to avoid - Comedy Woman, as if a soft answer to tough male humor. All the participants in this show once started in KVN. The former spouses of Dmitry Efimovich are also former KVN students.

"Our Russian"

The series in the sketchcom genre was born in 2006 with the assistance of Semyon Slepakov and Garik Martirosyan. It ridicules many negative social phenomena, such as corruption, football fans, "concern for the people" of some politicians, and others. Despite its topicality, "Our Russian" causes a lot of criticism from critics. The film is accused of inciting ethnic conflicts and corrupting the audience, so the creators had to cut some episodes.

Polina the first

At first there was a couple - Dmitry Efimovich and Polina Sibagatullina. The director's first wife is one of the participants in Comedy Woman, where she performs under the pseudonym Madame Polina. She plays the role of a very peculiar "Bosnian poetess - secular alcoholic", born allegedly in Sarajevo and earning a living by poetry. According to legend, the Muse comes to her either in the morning or with port wine. Thanks to this stage role, the artist won fame among a wide audience of viewers. Sibagatullina's career began in the KVN team and was one of the brightest members of this talented team. Already in the debut season of 1999, the team managed to reach the final of the Major League, taking third place. In the same year, Sibagatullina became "Miss KVN".

Polina II

Pelageya Khanova, an ethno-folk singer, known on the stage simply under the name Pelageya, took part in two KVN games as part of the Novosibirsk State University team in the 1997 season. Now the ex-husband of Pelageya Dmitry Efimovich noticed her as an eleven-year-old girl, and married her after thirteen years. At that time, the young vocal singer was the youngest member of the club. In 2000, she created an art-folk group in Moscow under her own name. For the second time, young people met already in the capital, and their romance began here. In 2010, the couple got married, after which Khanova, taking her husband's surname, became Efimovich. This fact was hidden for a long time even from her colleagues from the Pelageya group. Officially, the singer acquired her current name after receiving a passport, and before that she was recorded in the documents as Polina Khanova. The artist changed her name to Pelageya to avoid legal errors. In the family, since childhood, she was called by her current name in honor of her great-grandmother.

Marriages and divorces

What caused the director to part with two popular actresses is a secret, but Dmitry Efimovich's family life did not work out. From fragments of rare interviews of ex-wives, it is clear that the name Polina is not the only thing that unites them both. According to the stories of former colleagues from Comedy Woman, the cause of the collapse of the alliance with Polina Sibagatullina was insurmountable differences between the partners, the main of which was the absence of a child. Subsequently, Polina herself repeatedly called the relationship with Efimovich a mistake. Busy in shows and performances, she doubted that she would be able to devote time to the child. Dmitry Efimovich lived with her for only two years.

In marriage with Pelageya, the same situation repeated itself. The singer also could not give her husband a baby. One of the most sought-after performers on the Russian stage has a tour scheduled months in advance. I had to choose: either a career or a child. And in 2012, two years after the wedding, Pelageya filed for divorce, returning her maiden name. Efimovich is already under 40, so his desire to have children is understandable. But Dmitry's infidelity was also mentioned among them.


It is not known for certain whether Dmitry Efimovich, whose photo was once seen by one of the winners of the show "The Battle of Psychics" Natalya Vorotnikova, knows about her prediction that he will have two more families. The psychic prophesied with a person much younger than him. It is she who will give birth to the director of Comedy Woman long-awaited child. But this union will not last long. He later marries a woman with whom he will be together for the rest of his life.

What to do and who is to blame?

Currently, Dmitry Efimovich is working on new television projects, which are expected to be released on the screen soon. What will they be? The director himself knows: everything that he has done so far is only a rehash of ready-made foreign content. Almost 98 percent of the program production of Russian television is purchased from abroad. The director many times wondered why foreigners are preferred, and not the promotion of their own projects. Lack of personnel, insufficient funding, leadership crisis? Doesn't Russia have its own talents?

Dmitry Efimovich, whose biography in his professional and personal life continues to be written further, according to the western horoscope Aries, according to the eastern - Cat (Rabbit). When combining horoscopes, a Wild Cat is obtained. It seems that the director of the series likes to "walk on his own." Efimovich's personality is contradictory, it is reflected in the conflict of his character: he left the consistently successful TV shows, broke up with his beloved women ... And this means that eternal questions will arise before him again and again.

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