How much does Olga Buzova earn per month? How much does Olga Buzova earn?

Olga Buzova’s lightning-fast rise to the top of music charts, Instagram blogger ratings and even the Forbes list of “50 show business and sports stars” in Russia was not followed only by the lazy. In 2018, the artist and businesswoman earned $3.9 million.

Filming clips, concerts and shows, the Buzcoin cryptocurrency, her own clothing line and a chain of restaurants in Moscow, a blog with 14 million subscribers - an active girl succeeds in all areas and receives solid fees. She is known as the host of Doma-2, the face of the TNT channel, and even as the author of books. How did the career of a girl from a family of St. Petersburg employees develop, who at the age of 18 got to the casting of a reality show and managed to make a millionth fortune? How much does the "queen of outrageous" earn now?

How much does the richest girl in Russian show business earn

Olga Buzova - rapidly taking off to Olympus Russian show business a star who, in three years, managed to turn from a little-known participant in the Dom-2 television project into popular singer, artist, businesswoman, blogger, earn more than 3.9 million dollars in 2018, get on the 6th line of the Russian Forbes rating "50 stars of show business and sports". In terms of monthly income, it is only five times inferior to the world.

Reference! Olga's rise began with her divorce from hockey player Dmitry Tarasov. The event fueled interest in Olga from the public: on this wave, she released several music videos and managed to type in the social networkInstagramover 13 million subscribers. The “explosive” growth of its income is confirmed by specific figures: $800,000 in 2016, $2.2 million in 2017, and $3.9 million in 2018.

Table 1. How much Buzova O.I. in 2018, rub.

* Forbes

Olga Igorevna Buzova was born in Leningrad in 1986 in a family of employees. After graduating from school, she decided to try her hand at a career in television:

  • 2004 - passed the casting for participation in the television project "Dom-2", in which she spent 4 years;
  • 2005-2007 - wrote two books "Romance with Buzova" and "It's a hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde";
  • 2005-2006 - host of the TV and radio program "Romance with Buzova" together with Roman Tretyakov;
  • 2007 - leading column "Caution, stylists!" and "Black Label" on the TNT channel;
  • 2008 - host of the reality show "Dom-2" and editor-in-chief of the magazine "World of Reality Show. House 2";
  • 2008 - debut as an actress in the series "Univer" on TNT;
  • 2010 - participation in theater production"Chic wedding";
  • 2012 - launch of his own clothing line together with the C&C brand;
  • 2009-2014 - participation in TNT television projects “Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”.

Reference! In 2012, Olga Buzova married athlete Dmitry Tarasov. However, in 2016 the couple broke up. According to unconfirmed reports, the girl received as a result of the divorce proceedings from ex-spouse not less than 30 million rubles.

Immediately after the divorce, Olya went headlong into her career. She released two songs, “But People Didn’t Believe” (2017) and “Get Used” (2017), which fully reflected her experiences associated with failure in her personal life. The TV star actively took up the promotion of Instagram.

However, 2018 became a real breakthrough in her career, during which Olga Buzova earned about $ 4 million. She was allowed to do this:

  • Work on television (projects "Dom-2", "Marry Buzova");
  • Blogging on Instagram and Youtube;
  • Release studio album songs, 5 singles, 4 clips;
  • Launch of own cryptocurrency "Buzcoin" on the platform "Buzar";

In 2018, the Buz.Food restaurant chain began its work together with Karen Melkoyan. The businesswoman plans to get into.

Reference! The result of vigorous activity former star"Doma-2" became the 6th place in the Forbes "50 stars of show business and sports" rating, as of July 2018.

What makes up the earnings of Olga Buzova

For 2016-2018 Olya Buzova climbed into Russian ranking Forbes from 32nd to 6th place. She managed to win the title of the richest girl in Russian show business. In 2018, its income exceeded 260 million rubles.

"I I’m not afraid of competition, it’s just the opposite, something that can stimulate you to continue developing.”

A significant increase in the fortune of a businesswoman and TV presenter occurred due to a number of sources.

  1. TV show House 2"

As a presenter and editor-in-chief of the television project magazine, Buzova receives 500-700 thousand rubles. per month. And this is not less than 60 million rubles. in year.

  1. Blog on the social network Instagram

One advertising post on the TV presenter's page costs from 250 thousand rubles. She posts at least 6 posts a week. The blogger advertises not only cosmetics, but even chips, shoe insoles, pet food. The result is an annual income of 75 million rubles. As of November 2018, Olga has more than 14 million subscribers.

  1. Youtube channel

Video blogs, announcements and clips of Olya on the Youtube channel are regularly watched by about 600 thousand followers. Advertising of a social network brings about 20 million rubles to the leader. in year.

  1. Concert activity

Although tickets for a star's concert cost from 800 thousand rubles, the singer's performances gather full houses. On tours, one performance of an artist - 3-4 songs with two dancers on stage - costs 700-900 thousand rubles. Show with effects and a group of dancers - from 800 thousand rubles. for one song.

In addition, she performs at corporate parties and private concerts, where the rate starts from 500 thousand rubles. in an hour.

More information about Buzova's earnings in 2018 and her career growth- in the video:

Many ill-wishers are outraged that Olga Buzova's salary is 500 times higher and 1200 times higher than the average pension of Muscovites. However, others insist on the high performance of the TV presenter, her ability to succeed in many areas of activity.

How Olga Buzova's income changed in 2014-2018

In 2018, Olga Buzova was recognized not only as the most rich woman Russia, but also the most requested person in Russian show business on the web. The number of queries "Buzov" in Yandex exceeded 28 million per month. In terms of the number of mentions, she is second only to Ksenia Sobchak: 15 thousand and 45 thousand per month, respectively.

The TV presenter has luxury real estate in St. Petersburg, while in Moscow she shoots one of them.

Reference! Not all businesswoman projects were successful. According to the portalstar hit. en, clothing stores Olga Buzova Design and jewelry Bijouxroom barely provide their payback. And the TV star’s book “The Price of Happiness” with flavored pages lost its relevance after Olya’s divorce and did not justify the huge investment: its cost fell from 2000 to 50 rubles.

Buzova's maximum income continues to bring show business: concerts, performances, activity in in social networks. "50 stars of show business and sports." In the list of main Russian celebrities she took a steady 6th place, losing only to Alexander Ovechkin, Sergey Shnurov, Philip Kirkorov, Grigory Leps and Ivan Urgant.

Table 4. Fees Russian stars show business in 2018, USD

Celebrity Requests, million Sphere Fee per year $
1 Alexander Ovechkin 16,5 Hockey 14,9
2 Sergei Shnurov 4,4 Music 13,9
3 Philip Kirkorov 10,2 Music 8,9
4 Grigory Leps 13,3 Music 8,2
5 Ivan Urgant 5,4 TV 8,5
6 Olga Buzova 28,9 TV 3,9
7 Dima Bilan 7,7 Music 7,7
8 Evgeni Malkin 0,4 Hockey 9,5
9 Stas Mikhailov 9,9 Music 7,4
10 Ksenia Sobchak 12,3 Media 1,4

Although the TV presenter "Dom-2" is inferior to her colleagues in terms of income, she is in the lead in terms of media mentions and queries in Yandex. In 2018, Olya was often called the "Queen of outrageous" in the media for her bright and non-standard images, as well as the "Queen of Instagram" for big number subscribers and large earnings on advertising.

Higher education. Orenburg State University(specialization: economics and management at heavy engineering enterprises).
December 8, 2018 .

March 30, 2018

Weddings, childbirth, operations for participants - at the expense of the project

Ex-leader of "House-2" Ksenia Sobchak and the main star of the TV project in 2018 Olga Buzova. Photo: social networks.

The TV project "Dom-2" has been on the air for 14 years. Reality show - a long-liver on domestic television, it brings a good income, the project has a lot of advertising. Therefore, most likely, in the coming years it will not be closed. Representatives of different public organizations in different time opposed the project - demanded to ban it, etc. But no one has won Dom-2 yet, and most have simply forgotten about its existence.

The project continues to be watched, most often by young people and pensioners. And the main audience of viewers is always interested in another question: how much are they paid there?

Marina Afrikantova with her mother. A woman knows how to stir up conflicts. Photo: social networks.

The most bright Star"House-2" Ksenia Sobchak (hosted a TV show from 2004 to 2012). She did not hide her income on the TV project. Ksenia Sobchak after leaving own initiative with Doma-2, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, she announced her wages on the project. Sobchak told what she received at Dom-2 100 thousand dollars per month - at the rate of those years, this 3 million rubles per month.

Ksenia Sobchak is the star of the "first echelon", so her income was higher than that of the other presenters and co-hosts. They say that Olga Buzova earns about 50 thousand dollars- in 2018, this is an average 3 million rubles.

Unemployed youth strive for a TV project in order to earn extra money. However, not everyone is lucky.

The popularity of Olga Buzova for last years steadily growing, as well as her earnings. The star of the Dom-2 project surprises with his talents in various fields and is no longer limited to work on the TNT channel. There are already legends about how much Buzova earns. Let's try to understand this in more detail.

Who is Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova went to school at the age of 5 and quickly became an excellent student among seven-year-olds

The future television star was born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad. About Us early age She was an active girl and took part in school amateur performances. At the age of 18, Olga was cast for the Dom-2 project, where she spent several years as one of the participants in the program. During this time, she gained immense popularity in Russia and Russian-speaking countries, which gave impetus to her career in show business.

Olga spent four years on the Dome-2 project as a participant and, according to the results of the audience voting, was recognized as the best participant in the entire history of the television project

Olga began to be invited to various shows as a host, and she showed herself in this role on high level. In 2007, she launched her own program on TNT "Roman with Buzova", as well as a similar program on the radio. Then there were the programs “Morning on TNT” and “Caution, stylists!”. Since 2008, Buzova has become the host of Dom-2 and one of the editors of the magazine of the same name.

In recent years, the Dom-2 star has taken part in several dozen projects on television, including the Battle of Psychics, Taxi, Dancing, etc.

In addition, she wrote several books, tried her hand at films, began solo career singers and went into business.

Main sources of income

From the age of 18, Olga's main source of money has been and remains Dom-2. The total income is about 50 million rubles. per year., this amount includes salary, fees and contracts with project sponsors. However, Olga decided not to limit herself to this and is actively looking for other ways to earn money.

Account on Instagram

At the end of last year, Buzova's Instagram had 29 different posts about advertising a particular brand.

The number of its subscribers has already reached 13.2 million people, and this attracts a lot of advertisers of the highest level. Olga advertises restaurants, hotels, food, clothing and footwear brands, cosmetics, beauty salons and more on her account.

A huge push and mass popularity of the channel brought, oddly enough, a divorce from the football player of the Russian national team Dmitry Tarasov. Prior to this event, the cost of an advertising space was 100-120 thousand rubles, after the divorce - 250 thousand rubles. Today, this figure may well reach 400-500 thousand rubles, since the popularity of the host Dom-2 is still growing. Buzova does not hesitate to advertise almost everything and is ready to cooperate with any advertisers.


The cost of the book "The Price of Happiness", which tells about the ideal family relationships, decreased after Buzova's divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasrvy

The host of Dom-2 wrote 3 books about her favorite project:

  • "Romance with Buzova";
  • “An affair with Buzova. Love online";
  • “It's a hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde.

The total circulation amounted to more than 100 thousand copies.

In addition, she wrote a book about her life with Dmitry Tarasov called The Price of Happiness. The book was published in two versions costing 1.7 thousand and 5 thousand rubles. However, the novel did not become a bestseller, although it definitely paid off and brought in a considerable income.

Buzova's income from her literary activity is about 400 thousand rubles. per month.


According to various sources, Buzova has been among the top three leaders of the country for many years in a row.

Buzova is the best at being a leader. She is a welcome guest at any event. The cost of the 45-minute entertainer of the star is estimated at 1 million rubles.

A full-fledged concert, where Buzova is not only a presenter, but also a singer, costs 1.5 million rubles and even more.

Music and vocals

An average of 2-3 thousand people gather for each Buzovaya concert

For the last 5–6 years, Buzova has been periodically working as a DJ and recording her tracks. In 2017, she released solo album titled "Kissing Sounds".

During the first days, many songs became hits and took a leading position on i-Tunes.

AT this moment Olga gives about 15 concerts every month. The ticket price is 2-10 thousand rubles.


Olga Buzova Design clothes are sold through social networks or multi-brand stores

Buzova decided to try herself in the design field. Since 2012, she has collaborated with the Italian brand C&C Milano. More than 40 stores were opened throughout the country, which were called C&C by Olga Buzova. However, they soon closed down. Buzova was repeatedly accused of plagiarism, and the business went bankrupt.

But the host of "Dom-2" could not calm down and launched a new clothing brand Olga Buzova Design. These are different blouses, women's dresses, shirts and more. The average price of a product is 5 thousand rubles.


All goods from Buzova's jewelry store were made in China, and similar products could be found in any Moscow subway crossing

In 2015, Olga opened the first jewelry store in Moscow with her sister Anna. Later, two more stores appeared in Sochi and Khabarovsk, as well as an online store. There is little information about earnings on jewelry, so it is difficult to evaluate this income item.


BuzFood operates on the principle of self-service: an order is made at the counter, it is promptly prepared and served mainly in disposable utensils

In June 2018, the Buzfood restaurant was opened in the very center of Moscow. On the day of the presentation, Buzova treated everyone to food for free, and several thousand people visited the institution. The advertising move turned out to be successful, so the restaurant project will certainly pay off, given the popularity of the owner of the establishment and the good location of the facility.

Olga Buzova also launched her own brand of chocolate and water - BuzChocolate and BuzAqua, respectively.

The TV presenter intends to develop BuzFood as a network project.

Theater and cinema

Buzova's theatrical activity is often criticized, with some performances the audience left en masse before the end of the performance.

The first role was one of the episodes of the series "Univer", where she played Kuzi's girlfriend. Then there was a minor role in the series "Poor People", as well as the film "Burn" (2017). Film earnings are unknown.

Buzova has her own theater, which tours throughout the country. This is another source of income, however, data on earnings from theatrical activities no.

Cryptocurrency Buzcoin

According to experts, the price of buzcoin can grow due to the fact that it is issued by a popular person

One of the promising areas of Buzova's activity is the creation of the Buzcoin cryptocurrency, for which the blockchain platform has been developed. With its help, you can make friends, look for a job and much more.


Buzova and Tarasov signed at the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow on June 26, 2012, and then gathered friends on the ship

A sad divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov, according to rumors, brought the TV presenter about 30 million rubles. after the transfer of property. Buzova competently took advantage of the scandalous hype around this and raised her popularity to unprecedented heights which affected all other areas of its activity.

How much does Buzova earn?

If we summarize all the data and calculate the total annual income of Buzova, it turns out that she earns about 100 million rubles. in year. This is 8-9 million rubles. per month. However, the figures do not reflect the whole the real picture, since it is not known who helps Buzova in the conduct of her affairs and how much money she spends on her projects. There are too many areas of activity in which the TNT star is involved, so you can’t do without the help of people from outside.

According to the Russian Forbes, in 2016 Buzova was in the TOP-40 richest celebrities in the country with an income of more than 50 million rubles. in year. Much has changed since then, and better side for Buzova, and an income of 100 million rubles. for 2017 is quite real.

The total profit of Olga Buzova exceeded $2.2 million.

Olga Buzova is a controversial person. Many consider her a stupid woman who uses only her spectacular appearance and the once won popularity on Dom-2. Others idolize her and consider her an icon in the fashion industry. The very same star scandalous project does not pay attention to spiteful critics and actively uses himself to earn money, sparing no time and effort for this.

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// Photo: Roman Sukhodeev /

Recently, the host of the Dom-2 reality show was accused of flying to Monaco on a date with a married oligarch for money. Olga denied the rumors, saying that she works without rest and can afford an expensive resort. And it is true. Having joined the ranks of abandoned wives, Buzova did not lose heart, she earned on her own divorce - so good that any oligarch would envy. In addition, Olga revealed herself creatively - she sang about what was in her soul. She doesn't know how otherwise. StarHit considered that on Instagram ads alone for last six months the star was enriched by 20 million rubles.

From chips to shoe insoles

It's no secret that Instagram has long become a platform for making money. After a divorce from Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov, the popularity of the leading House-2 has skyrocketed. This is how the Russian people work - either we hate it, or we pity it all over the world. But Olga, however, was worried and, like any public person, she could not hide the sad changes in her personal life.

The star was actively supported by followers, the number of which grew by leaps and bounds. Already in March, Olga became number 1 in terms of the number of subscribers on Russian Instagram and immediately doubled the price of advertising. If last year it cost 120 thousand rubles to publish an advertising post on a star's blog, then in the spring the price was already 250 thousand rubles. Buzova promotes absolutely everything that can be useful to ordinary people: shoe insoles, chips, a hotel for cats, washing machines, cold drops… And it works! Approximate income for 6 months amounted to 20 million rubles.

Only for love

Like all stars, Olga also earns money at corporate parties and private events.

“For a million and a half, she will act as a host at your holiday, plus she will sing 2-3 songs for free,” her director Aram Archer told StarHit. - A million rubles is worth a 45-minute concert by Buzova as a singer. As a bonus, Olya can congratulate the birthday man and take a couple of photos with him. But private dinners should be discussed directly with her. If he gives good, then it's not a question.

For club sites, the prices are slightly lower, and there are two options for working out. “The first is a talk show,” Archer continues. - She goes on stage with two dancers and sings 3-4 songs, plays a DJ set. Such a program costs 750 thousand rubles. The second option is a 45-minute performance. The price is 850 thousand rubles.

As a result, in six months the singer earned at least 11 million rubles from private and club performances. And whether there will be more! According to Aram, the schedule of the star is scheduled until the beginning of 2018.


At the disposal of "StarHit" was the household rider of the star. The director, probably for security reasons, travels with her. Air travel must be in business class. Departure from Sheremetyevo Airport and only by Aeroflot airline. Upon arrival, Buzov needs to be met and taken to a five-star hotel in a luxury car - Mercedes, BMW or Lexus. The artist has no special preferences regarding the number. Unless it should be a suite with the presence of still water, fruit slices and a large number towels.

The organizer must also provide Three meals a day for the whole group and agree on a restaurant. A per diem option is possible - 7 thousand rubles a day. In the dressing room, you must have cheese slices, juice, 10 bottles of still water, a bottle of white wine, a bottle of whiskey, and a hookah. During concert program you need to put two guards near the stage ... True, where were they when they visited Olya during a performance at a party as part of music festival"Heat" a completely naked man ran out?


Buzova deftly manages to combine musical career with the main work - since 2008 she has been leading the Dom-2 project on TNT. And even if Olga stops tour activity, salaries at the telestroke will be enough for a comfortable life. According to some reports, the star receives at least half a million rubles a month. In addition, Olya is engaged in business. She owns an online clothing store, Olga Buzova Design, and a jewelry boutique, Bijouxroom, which she co-owns with her sister Anna.

Despite decent incomes, there are also enough expenses. The girl spends money not only on Louis Vuitton bags (from 200 thousand rubles), Christian Louboutin shoes (from 40 thousand rubles), restaurants and holidays in Monaco, but also on recording songs and shooting videos. It came out in February debut video for the song “I Get Used to”, where she appeared in Jimmy Choo sandals worth 90 thousand rubles and Cartier bracelets for 400 thousand rubles.

“As much as I spent on shooting this video, I won’t name the exact amount, but it is estimated in millions, I’ve never spent before,” Buzova admitted. - Unless I bought an apartment for my mother, I don’t have my own. I don’t have producers, sponsors, I invest in myself.”

Olga gives salaries to the director, PR agent and dancers from her wallet. She also has three dogs that need to be fed too!

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