Three meals a day as indicated. HB nutrition what does it mean

When booking hotels, we choose different types of food. How are such designations deciphered? Which option should you choose? We talk about the features of food in hotels in different countries.

RO (Room Only)

This symbol is assigned to hotels where there is no food. The tourist uses the cheapest option - lodging for the night, or room only. Housing without meals is sometimes referred to by other letters - RR, OB, EP, BO, AO and NO.

BB (Bed and Breakfast)

Type of food BB in hotels stands for "bed and breakfast", or bed & breakfast. It provides accommodation for the night and meals in the morning. Breakfast is served differently. During the buffet, you yourself choose food from a set of dishes on offer. Hotel restaurants usually serve scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages, meats, sausages, cheese, fruit, butter, bread, coffee or tea. Sometimes national dishes are exhibited: in Thailand - Pad Thai noodles, and in Spain - jamon and tortilla.

Continental breakfast (CB/CBF), consists of three or four dishes. Baking, honey, butter and coffee. Omelet, bread and coffee. Scrambled eggs, bun and tea. Flakes or muesli, yogurt, cheese or ham are added to the extended CBF. All lovers of a light snack like this food.

English or American breakfast (AB/ABF) includes scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, strips of fried bacon or sausage, fresh or canned tomatoes. They add a few mushrooms, white beans, jam, a couple of toasts with butter, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. Hearty and high-calorie food that energizes for a long time!

(Photo © / Niska)

HB (Half Board)

Half board is popular all over the world, or half board - meals twice a day. This is usually breakfast and dinner, but sometimes they offer breakfast and lunch. At the same time, drinks are served only for breakfast - at other times they must be purchased separately. There is a variation of HB+ with pre-paid drinks.

HB is a profitable option for outdoor enthusiasts. It will suit you if you spend most of the day on excursions, by the sea or on the ski slope.

(Photo © / Welcome Piram Hotel)

FB (Full Board)

Tourists who rest in a hotel or on the nearest beach love full board - three meals a day. Standard FB only serves free drinks at breakfast. Sometimes guests are offered FB + with free local alcohol.

(Photo © / Camping Village Roma)

AI (All Inclusive)

All-inclusive meals are common in 4 * and 5 * hotels. If you chose Al, then in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will get snacks and barbecue, which include any drinks. Sometimes meals are provided around the clock, or 24 hours.

There are two service options: buffet style and a la carte restaurants. The buffet is the most democratic model, and it is actively used in beach hotels. All the food is in plain sight, so guests can easily and quickly find dishes to their liking.

4* and 5* hotels often offer guests a-la carte. Tourists choose dishes, and they are served by waiters. The menu includes two or three types of soups, a couple of appetizers and salads, hot dishes and a limited number of soft drinks and alcohol. You can order anything. In luxury hotels there are several a la carte restaurants with different types of cuisine - Italian, Mexican, Chinese, and others.

UAI (Ultra All Inclusive)

The "ultra all inclusive" includes any alcohol, including imported - like Scotch whiskey or French cognac. With this type of food in the hotel, you can count on a second breakfast and afternoon tea. Meals are served when it is convenient for the guest. The guest can eat around the clock. Even when the cooks are not working, he will be served a meat, cheese plate and bread so that he can kill the worm.

(Photo © / AZIMUT Hotel Smolenskaya)

Meals for children in hotels

What will the child eat during the holidays? This topic worries all parents. The restaurants of 4 * and 5 * hotels offer a children's menu, but this does not mean that among the dishes there will be many healthy salads and cereals. Often, to the delight of the little tourist, the hotel serves various fast food.

The problem is solved by a buffet or ordering an individual menu. In addition, fresh fruits and vegetables are easy to find in shops and markets.

(Photo © / Aquamarine Resort & SPA)

Food in Turkey

In Turkish hotels, all types of food are used, except for RO. There are few hotels with only breakfast, and all inclusive service is very widespread. However, according to tourists, the food is not varied enough. Hotels serve crayfish - apricot vodka and local wine, but their quality is slightly worse than that of real strong alcohol from Europe.

(Photo © / Ramada Plaza Antalya)

Dining in UAE hotels

In the hotels of the United Arab Emirates, Al and UAl meals are common, but due to Muslim traditions, there is no alcohol or it is very limited. Some hotels make an exception, but staying there is expensive.

If the hotel is far from the main building, it is better to choose all-inclusive meals. For a large excursion program and long walks, stay on half board or BB, because food in the city is 1.5-2 times cheaper than in a hotel restaurant.

(Photo © / B Business Hotel & Spa)

Dining in hotels in Egypt

In Egyptian hotels, the all inclusive system works well. Tourists are offered a menu close to European. Restaurant menus include fish, chicken, lamb and beef, but no pork. There is little national food in hotels, so be sure to try Egyptian tea, grilled squid, lamb ribs and other exotics that are sold on the streets.

(Photo © / Amwaj Oyoun Resort & Casino)

Dining in hotels in Thailand

Hotels in Thailand offer all types of food, but tourists usually take BB, that is, only breakfast. Thai food is of high quality and cheap, so it is more profitable to eat in street eateries for locals, from mobile carts, and in restaurants designed for tourists.

(Photo © / Siam Bayshore Resort Pattaya)

Meals in the hotels of Crimea

For a holiday on the peninsula, you can order "all inclusive". There are such hotels in Koreiz, Feodosia, Peschanoe, Evpatoria, Alushta and Big Yalta. If you want to save money, choose half board or BB, and eat in coastal restaurants and resort cafes-diners.

(Photo © / Crimean Breeze Residence)

Introductory image source: © / Villa Sofia.

Modern life is unimaginable without the Internet. Every day there are more and more users of the virtual network, and even inveterate conservatives (grandparents) are also trying to master this useful and not very resource.

One of the most important inventions of the Internet is, perhaps, social networks. With their mobility and fast pace, they influenced the spelling of many words. Shortening words on VKontakte is a common thing, as it is very convenient and saves time when you need to write a message quickly.

So what is BB VKontakte?

Many users have noticed that there are more and more abbreviations for VKontakte words, and not everyone succeeds in keeping up with the new "words". At the end of a dialogue or VKontakte conversation, you might notice when instead of the usual “bye” they write - BB.

What does BB VK mean - this is bye-bye (from English bye-bye - bye-bye). That is, it turns out that BB VKontakte is nothing more than an ordinary farewell to an interlocutor or a group of interlocutors. This is a commonly used abbreviation, it can also be seen in different groups, where people write different stories, and at the end they attribute "BB".

Like many other words we know (manager, applicant, state, champion, etc.), the phrase "bye-bye" is borrowed from a foreign language. This phrase, in its original form, is not clear to everyone, therefore, when it is reduced, it is not surprising that it becomes incomprehensible to users who do not particularly follow newfangled trends.

Benefits of social media abbreviations:

  • Time saving. It is convenient to write two to three times fewer characters, especially when there is not enough time.
  • Grammar freedom. It's easier to remember how the abbreviation is spelled rather than the full word. When writing a short version of a word, there is less chance of making a mistake.
  • fashionable. If the user uses abbreviations, it can be judged that he is not new to the Internet space. For young people, this trend seems cool.

Despite all the advantages of using abbreviated words in various blogs and social networks, one should not forget that excessive enthusiasm for current and fashionable trends in social networks can cause one to forget one's native language. Moreover, not all users of social networks like these innovations, and your friends may be among them. Therefore, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation!

If you have an opinion please share it in the comments.

what does FB food mean? Before you go on vacation, many ahead of time begin to think about how to spend it correctly and with maximum impact. Some want to go to their country house and improve it, while others dream of distant countries and beautiful five-star hotels. When planning a trip, you need to find out in advance details about the surroundings, attractions, and of course, do not forget about food. We will talk about the last point in this article, what does FB hotels mean?
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So let's continue FB nutrition what does it mean? This abbreviation stands for " full board”, and translates as “full board”.

FB in hotels- this is a full board, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner

What does the type of food in BB hotels mean?

As you probably understand, food in the hotel plays one of the most important roles. This point must be clarified when choosing a hotel and purchasing a ticket.

Since ancient times, a gradation has been developed denoting different types of nutrition, consisting of letters of the Latin alphabet. Today, almost every hotel adheres to these rules. Therefore, you need to take into account that the main set of dishes will vary significantly depending on the class of the hotel.

Let's take a look at how the type of food " full board” is convenient, and to whom it is most suitable. As already mentioned above, this is breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a rule, the morning meal includes a variety of juices and hot drinks, while for dinner and lunch they are ordered for an additional fee.

Relatively recently, a new standard has been developed - " fb plus". It is still the same three-time board, but with one addition. It began to include alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, at your request. Unfortunately, alcohol is not of very high quality, and is usually locally produced.

Everyone who chose the system Facebook, you will not regret it, because it guarantees a full and varied diet. You don't have to think about where to have a quick bite to eat and save a little bit of money.

Usually FB is that notorious " Buffet", which many have heard about, but not everyone has tried. This is really a brilliant invention, and not only for guests, but also for staff. Approaches to food and portions themselves are not limited. The main feature is self-service, which allows visitors not to depend on In this case, the waiters make sure that the table is always full of food, and if necessary, clean the dirty dishes.
In rare cases, in some hotels, lunch is served according to a previously compiled menu, which includes hot, salad and soup.

Where can you find FB hotels?

This type of food is common throughout the "ball", but this type of "gluttony" has gained the greatest popularity in such resort states as Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, that is, where Russian tourists often visit. In the EU, this type of boarding house is not particularly in demand, due to European greed and poverty. How can I ask you to go on vacation if you are all in debt and credit? So the inhabitants of the European Union are spinning as best they can, preferring a cheaper form of recreation. After all, it’s not for nothing that in resort towns there are such a huge number of cafes with inexpensive promotional dishes. It is clear that in an attempt to save money, tourists will eat outside the hotel.

It is worth noting that big fans of all kinds of excursions also do not dislike FB food. Because it can be very difficult for them to be in time for lunch. Usually fb food popular in resort towns where no one wants to go anywhere. Everyone is sitting on the beach and sunbathing like obedient "kids".

Yes, I almost forgot, FB hotels are also suitable for families with children. After all, having a burden in the form of little kids in their hands, no one in their right mind will trample for a couple of hundred kilometers to see the pyramids of Giza. And in general, children want to eat much more often than adults, because they have a young and developing body.

By reading this article, you have learned FB nutrition what does it mean, and now you will be aware when you start planning your next vacation.

Hi all! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is in modern hotels? What is buffet, continental or american breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I myself was confused, I could not remember what letters denote breakfast, dinner, or a three-time diet. Therefore, I decided to write a short post, where I will decipher all these “hieroglyphs”, describe the possibilities of one or another option.

Modern hotels provide guests with a different concept of food. Before you is a brief table, in more detail I will decipher each item below.

RO (room only)
without power
BB (bed breakfast)single meal - breakfast
HB (halfboard)two meals a day - breakfast dinners or breakfasts lunches and non-alcoholic drinks during meals
HB+ (halfboard plus)two meals a day - breakfasts dinners non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local production during meals
FB (full board)three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks during meals
FB+ (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local production during meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, additional meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)reinforced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) - translated means "only a room." Accordingly, food is not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) - translates as "bed and breakfast." Moreover, breakfast in different countries or even hotels can be either buffet style or continental (CB), American (AB) or English.

  • CB (Continental breakfast) - translates as "continental breakfast". Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (american breakfast) - differs from the continental only in the presence of hot dishes: scrambled eggs, sausages.

Half board (HB) - in Russian "half board". In some hotels you can choose: "breakfast dinner" or "breakfast lunch". Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during the meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB +) - “half board plus”, differs from HB only in that some alcoholic drinks are included in the price. Usually locally produced and most often only at mealtimes.

Full board (FB) - translated "full board". The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in HB, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - “full board plus” or “extended board”, local alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) - translated means "all inclusive". The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon tea, late dinner, other snacks. Unlimited non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 am.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - "ultra all inclusive". Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with free access to A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site). Such a concept includes more choice and more variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, all drinks are included in the price.

Food regulations in hotels may be different. Most often, especially in resort areas, the concept of buffet food is widespread. The buffet is an opportunity to choose and arrange your own diet. With this system, dishes are arranged in the hall, and tourists themselves choose and put food on a plate.

So far, few places in Russia have switched to the "buffet" system. Many hotels and sanatoriums still have a custom menu system. Moreover, in sanatoriums, most often the choice of dishes occurs in advance (2-3 days in advance), as a rule, a list of only ¾ of the dishes is offered according to a predetermined list.

0 Most people are waiting for their vacation like manna from heaven, trying to choose their country of residence, type of hotel, etc. However, many citizens, in the heat of their dreams, forget one of the most important points that they will eat in a foreign land. Today we will talk about another option, this is BB power type what does this mean inquisitive travelers ask. Our website was created solely to help you find answers to most of your questions. Therefore, I recommend bookmarking this resource, because you never know at what time you will need to find out the meaning of a particular concept.
However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read a couple of good publications on random topics. For example, what does Geographic wine mean, what is Kosher food; what does freeze-dried coffee mean; how to understand the word Gam, etc.
So, to continue, what does the Type of food in BB hotels mean? This abbreviation stands for "bed breakfast", which can be translated as "bed and breakfast". This concept implies a roof over your head and a light morning snack.

BB power type- means a buffet breakfast, and coffee or tea is provided to you, as if for free. Also, no alcoholic drinks are included.

What does FB food in hotels mean?

BB food in hotels- this type of snack is included in the price of any tour, and you cannot refuse it

When you arrive at the resort, you should understand that when powered by BB Of course, you will not die of hunger, but you will be deprived of all the "holidays" of taste. A similar system is provided for people who have purchased business or sightseeing trips. This breakfast is called "continental" and is served in two and three star hotels.
Such a breakfast usually includes sliced ​​cheese, ham or sausage, a small roll such as a bagel with jam, coffee, and a tiny package of yogurt. If your hotel also has a buffet, then the guests are also offered fruit and vegetable salads, boiled eggs and a large selection of all kinds of pastries.

If the hotel is more prestigious and expensive, then you may be able to taste some hot dishes or scrambled eggs. In addition, you will receive juice from a special apparatus, although in fact it is a chemical concentrate diluted with tap water.

Some people are quite satisfied with this way of eating, as they have lunch and dinner in nearby cafes. Summing up, we can confidently say that this type of snack is quite beneficial for a certain type of travelers and tourists.

By reading this article, you have learned what does BB food type mean in hotels, and now you can plan your vacation with this knowledge in mind.

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