The best Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition rating. The best sports nutrition companies

The most popular and well-known category of sports nutrition is protein. It is intended to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. That is, protein itself (and protein shakes are nothing more than dry protein) does not grow muscles, it is just a building material for new muscle fibers. Protein shakes can be drunk by anyone who is deficient in protein foods.

Gainers are also a popular product, and not only among bodybuilders. Like protein, gainer is used to compensate for the lack of carbohydrates, first of all, since gainers are protein-carbohydrate dry concentrates. Often the main reason for the lack of muscle mass growth in the presence of weight training is the lack of carbohydrates in the diet. Gainers, as well as protein, can be consumed by anyone who has an increased need for carbohydrates or simply does not have the opportunity, for example, to have breakfast.

Creatine is a more highly specialized supplement, but just as well-known as protein and gainer. Creatine is taken when you need to increase strength or short-term endurance, as well as increase muscle mass. Recognized as the most effective supplement in sports nutrition.

Amino acid complexes and BCAA (BCA) are sources of amino acids in the diet. In general, a person gets them from protein foods or protein supplements. But sometimes there is a need for quick or additional intake of amino acids. BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine), 30% of which make up muscles. Their additional intake promotes faster recovery after training.

Omega-3 and vitamin-mineral complexes They also make up for the deficiency of essential healthy fats and vitamins and minerals. During weight loss, when there are calorie restrictions in the diet, such supplements are strictly recommended, since the body does not receive these essential substances in the required quantities with food. Both omega-3 and vitamin supplements are allowed for use by everyone, including those who have nothing to do with sports at all.

Also referred to as sports nutrition fat burners, testosterone and nitrogen boosters, joint and ligament health supplements, pre-workout supplements, isotonic drinks and electrolytes. All these additives perform more narrowly targeted functions.

Of course, like any other business, the production and sale of sports nutrition has its own marketing tricks, so you should carefully read the label of the product you are purchasing. When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to product composition, concentration of main and auxiliary ingredients, volume of one serving.

Why is sports nutrition necessary?

The purpose of sports nutrition follows from its main advantage. By supplementing a basic balanced diet with the necessary supplements, you can get the desired results from your workouts faster. After all, everyone wants to lose weight or gain muscle quickly, preferably in no longer than a month, but the body is not capable of this. Taking sports nutrition will also not help you achieve the desired results so quickly, but it will still speed up this process.

However, due to the fact that each body is individual, reactions to taking sports supplements may also be different. Allergies are also possible, but this is a matter of health, not the quality of the supplements.

Remember - sports nutrition has contraindications. Before you start taking it, be sure to consult your doctor!

Although, if you purchased a counterfeit of a well-known brand or simply low-quality sports nutrition, then this will be the problem. That’s why it’s so important to know which manufacturers you should trust with your health.

At the same time, you can often hear that this or that supplement does not work. Here, too, questions may arise regarding the quality of the supplements used, but it often turns out that either the supplement was taken incorrectly, or there was no diet, training, and rest.

It is worth recalling once again that sports supplements alone will not create a fitness model out of a person who has never exercised before in one month. Only hard work on yourself will help you achieve your goal. And sports nutrition will become a faithful assistant on this path.

Among the fashion trends of recent years, an active lifestyle, the desire to be in good physical shape and have an ideal figure deserve special attention. For this reason, young people and older people are increasingly going to gyms, where they actively work on exercise machines, trying to get a slender torso. At the same time, the efforts of many athletes who have achieved good results would have been in vain if not for sports nutrition - an integral part of the athlete’s training program. In addition to traditional food, albeit rich in vitamins and minerals, the athlete’s body needs additional nutrition in the form of special preparations. They differ in many characteristics; drugs should be selected depending on the athlete’s weight, body composition and training intensity. A sports nutrition rating that takes into account the opinions of athletes and experts can help you make the right choice.

Top 5 sports nutrition

Sports nutrition offered to those who want to have a good figure and always be at their best is represented by different types. Particularly noteworthy are the so-called gainers - a protein-carbon product designed to quickly gain muscle mass. The rating of sports nutrition manufacturers will allow you to choose a trusted manufacturer whose products have received greater recognition, but do not forget about the characteristic features of each drug. An important component is the composition and quality of amino acids, a list of which can be obtained from a specialist. Preparations that contain pure products (free amino acids) that are easily digested are somewhat more expensive. You should not trust unfamiliar companies that, under the guise of amino acids, sell protein that costs less. We offer a rating of sports nutrition companies 2016, which will help the athlete make the right choice:

Before choosing a multivitamin complex or nutritional supplements for athletes, you need to know the sports nutrition rating in order to find out which sports nutrition is best. Since the ratings are compiled by independent experts in the field, you can be confident in their reliability.

The best manufacturers

Top most popular sports nutrition manufacturers worldwide:

  • . The company was founded 13 years ago in the Denver area (USA). 14 famous scientists are already working on the creation and development of more than 20 positions. In our own research and development center, all products are tested on professional athletes involved in various sports that require maximum power output. Tops the rating because it produces the best and safest supplements in the whole world.

Muscle Pharm, Creatine

  • Muscletech. This company is distinguished by the presence of scientists from various scientific fields and large production volumes. Muscletech manufacturers invest huge amounts of capital in the creation and subsequent detailed study of new sports medicine drugs.
  • Optimum Nutrition. The company has been operating for more than 26 years and considers its main task to be the production of the highest quality products at an affordable price. It is distinguished by a wide range of products: from supplements needed by astronauts to its own health food stores.
  • Dymatize Nutrition. The company was founded 22 years ago and initially produced high-quality nutritional products for athletes and nutritional supplements. Today, Dymatize Nutrition offers more than 300 different types of dietary supplements.
  • Top secret nutrition. A relatively young company that is rapidly gaining momentum, it produces sports nutrition and various nutritional supplements. Top secret products have a large audience - they are suitable for athletes of all categories: amateurs, beginners, and professionals.

Top Secret Nutrition, Garcinia Cambogia with White Kidney Bean Extract

Vitamin-mineral complex

Vitamins for men are becoming increasingly popular, because playing sports (as well as strengthening joints and ligaments) and maintaining vitality and physical tone are impossible without additional replenishment of substances that cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities from food. This rating is based on the ratio of efficiency, quality and accessibility.

Top vitamins and minerals designed specifically for men:

  • . The most effective remedy that not only increases physical capabilities, but also improves intellectual abilities. Since the complex is designed specifically for men, it can increase libido.

Opti-men Optimum Nutrition is the most effective remedy

  • ADAM from NOW FOODS. Vitamins provide the presence of all micro- and macroelements in the ratio that is necessary for the normal functioning of all male organs. We entered the rating thanks to the competent development of the composition.
  • Monster Multi from CytoSport. The complex of vitamins and minerals perfectly restores lost energy during significant stress on the body: diets, stress, physical activity. The drug was also included in the rating due to its ability to be taken at any age, starting from adolescence.
  • VitaForm from ALLMAX. Contains all the vitamins and minerals that men need in general for vitality and health. Particular attention is paid to the healthy functioning of ligaments and joints.
  • . The vitamin and mineral complex ensures fat burning, promotes the formation of muscle mass, and promotes rapid protein absorption.

Animal Pak 44 Universal Nutrition, vitamin and mineral complex ensures fat burning

  • Daily fomula Universal Nutrition. Contains all the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals needed by the male body, and also has enzymes that promote optimal absorption of nutrients.
  • MultiPro 32X AST. These vitamins fully satisfy the needs of men involved in athletics in all organic substances. Contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
  • Orange Triad Controlled Labs. This multivitamin complex is great for increasing and strengthening the immune system, for healthy and strong ligaments and joints, and for feeling energetic throughout the day.
  • Dr. Feel Good SAN. A nutritional supplement for men, which, in addition to its composition for improving physical performance, can improve mood and mental performance. It also cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances.
  • Armor-V MusclePharm. The complex consists only of natural ingredients, promotes the prevention of the cardiovascular system, the production of hormones, and increases endurance.

Strengthening joint tissues

Playing any sport puts a lot of stress on the joints and tissues that surround it (muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves). In order to prevent the development of chronic diseases, you should take vitamins that make them stronger and more resilient. In order to choose the right complex, it is advisable to initially study the ratings of the most popular brands.

  • - the best sports nutrition to prevent destruction of ligaments and joints. It has the ability to immediately restore connective tissue after serious physical exertion, relieves inflammation, and improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

Universal Animal Flex - the best sports nutrition to prevent the destruction of ligaments and joints

  • Labrada Elasti Joint. Vitamins can quickly restore damage to ligaments and joints, relieve fatigue and pain after injury, and have antioxidant properties. Included in the rating due to the developed powerful formula, which is aimed at maintaining the health of ligaments and joints.
  • BioTech ARTHRO GUARD. Relieves pain when spraining the ligaments of the knee and elbow joints, makes ligaments and tendons more elastic, helps accelerate the renewal of skeletal tissues (bone and cartilage), improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Ultimate nutrition Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM. For men who play sports, this is an indispensable drug, as it contains the necessary vitamins for the normal functioning of joints, ligaments and cartilage. It is especially good to use in the period after injury.

Ultimate nutrition Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM

  • Puritan's pride joint soother powder. Vitamins are intended for men exposed to serious physical activity, for older age groups and people who want to maintain the health of ligaments and joints. The complex makes all bone and cartilage tissue more flexible and strong, promotes the production of synovial fluid, which generates lubricant for joints.
  • Olimp Labs Collaregen. Vitamins are provided primarily for men who have problems related to the musculoskeletal system, as well as for the purpose of providing prevention. The nutritional supplement makes the skin more elastic, accelerates the process of cartilage restoration, and strengthens hair and nails.

Where to buy sports nutrition from the best manufacturers

Many sports nutrition stores sell a huge number of different vitamin and mineral complexes. Of course, such stores should be trusted. But these complexes are produced mainly abroad and our prices for them are greatly increased. It is much cheaper to order vitamin-mineral complexes on the American website iherb, where prices are much cheaper, there are always promotions and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Therefore, if you have already decided which sports nutrition is best for you, then any of these complexes can be found on iherb using this link.
Also, if you liked the sports nutrition complex that is listed in the article, you can simply click on the desired link and immediately get to iherb.

Good day, dear User!

On this page you can see the results of voting by more than two and a half thousand people on the question “The best sports nutrition brand in your opinion.” Your result is now also part of this survey.

Dymatize 15448
Weider 5743
Universal 4136
Optimum Nutrition 26298
Power System 3027
Ultimate Nutrition 5375
SAN 6935
Axis Labs 600
Muscle Tech 6208
Multipower 3373
Twinlab 2268
Prolab 1010
Syntrax 2799
Dynamic Development 575

Let's summarize briefly:

From 1st to 3rd place are the “GIANTS” of sports nutrition, which have their own production and research bases.

Dymatize Nutrition is a sponsor of the US Olympic team; at the moment, the company's facilities have placed a government order for the production of special nutritional mixtures for the US Army and Navy. Comments are unnecessary here, the 1st place is unambiguous, especially since the company profiles itself in the affordable/budget price segment and can afford low prices.

Optimum Nutrition is another “Giant Manufacturer” in the American ratings, occupying the undisputed 1st place. In our country, its place can be explained by its relatively high price in relation to the same Dymatize. Optimum has been producing dry formulas for a very long time, and has a branch (branch) producing baby food. In the case of Optimum, talking about quality and raw materials is a sign of bad manners; consistently good results year after year.

Muscle Tech is a leader in the development of innovations in sports nutrition and more, the company spends huge sums annually on the creation of new products and substances. The only existing company that has a contract with the US Ministry of Health for more than 3 years, many laboratories of this company are located in the legendary Silicon Valley, all (you heard right, absolutely all) Muscle Tech products undergo mandatory CLINICAL APPROBATION. It has its own production base, specialized in the production of specialized nutrition for athletes and medical needs (parenteral, etc.). The only negative is the price, but you have to pay for quality.

The rest of the companies in the ranking are solid “middle”, some have an incredible track record of fighting for the sports nutrition market: Ultimate Nutrition (35 years on the market), Universal Nutrition (25 years on the market) and Twinlab (15 years on the market) with their own production bases. But those who use the proprietary technological recipes of the leaders (as an option for one of the top three), often produce only effective and proven products. The result is like the saying “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” The remaining companies are small companies that place their orders at the facilities of the “giants”, have their own technological recipes, but cannot compete with the “giants” in production volumes and prices.

Sports nutrition is produced in many countries. Russia was no exception, creating a dilemma for consumers - to support the domestic manufacturer or remain faithful to foreign products.

Quality of Russian sports nutrition

In Russia, raw materials for sports nutrition are not produced; they use imported ones, so calling the final product Russian can only be conditional. Since some manufacturers use raw materials from China to save money, the issue of quality remains open. Sports nutrition consumers have mixed reactions to the Russian product.
Some are convinced that it is no worse in terms of performance than imported products, and even exceeds its level. Others refuse it, not trusting it, since it is relatively new on the market. Price often plays a decisive role, given that the rise of the dollar has undermined the solvency of many. But the final choice should be based not on the image of the manufacturer, but on reviews of the absence of negative consequences and effectiveness.


Sports nutrition made in Russia has a number of advantages:

  1. Low price. Since packaging takes place in Russia, there are no additional costs for transporting goods from abroad. This allows domestic producers to maintain a low pricing policy, compared with imported analogues.
  2. Ease of access. Russian-made goods can be found in almost any sports store.
  3. Simple composition. Russian-made sports nutrition does not offer consumers complex chemical compositions, without having its own laboratories and factories for their production.

Did you know?In the USSR there was no sports nutrition as such. Milk powder and egg powder were used instead.


Russian sports nutrition also has some disadvantages:

  1. Raw materials of questionable quality. To save money, many manufacturers use not European raw materials, but imported ones from Asian countries.
  2. Low quality packaging. Most Russian manufacturers use zippered bags, while foreign manufacturers use plastic jars. Soft packaging is cheaper, but can be damaged during transportation. It also makes it difficult to use.
  3. Taste qualities. Foreign manufacturers add natural additives for a pleasant taste. Since the goods are cheaper in Russia, their addition is often ignored. And not all consumers are to their taste.

TOP 10 best domestic sports nutrition companies

When rating domestic sports nutrition manufacturers, pay attention to the availability of appropriate certificates that confirm quality. But make the final result in favor of one or another manufacturer after you have tried the product yourself and analyzed the pros and cons.

Important!Choose sports nutrition depending on your specific need. Lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, etc.- There are different drugs for this.

Level UP

Manufacturers of this brand position it as a high-class product because they use high-quality raw materials and modern production technology. Offer a variety of product flavors and packaging to choose from - soft and in plastic.

Proteins from the following manufacturers are used for protein shakes: Arla, Fonterra, Agrimark and Ingredia. Products with low levels of lactose, high levels of protein and amino acids.

Video: Level UP complex protein - Russian multicomponent of the highest class

Do4a Lab

Sports nutrition, which uses raw materials from Germany (but the plant is located in China). Has all the necessary documentation and relevant certificates. Characterized by a high level of dissolution. Affordable in price, with a full list of product components. The manufacturer excludes the presence of dyes in the compositions.

Video: sports nutrition

Fitness Formula

Premium line of sports nutrition, which is represented in 50 regions. The company works without intermediaries, so the price is low. It is characterized by a high level of openness, since the brand and products have the same name. Maintains constant contact with consumers to understand and meet their needs. Products are sold only in chain stores and from partners, which eliminates the possibility of encountering a fake. You can order on the website.

Video: whey protein FitnessFormula


On the company’s website you can purchase ready-made products or combine the ingredients yourself. The company creates food that meets:

  • duration of training;
  • climatic conditions of the region in which the consumer lives;
  • sweating intensity;
  • weight and gender.

Did you know?Sports supplements are called "supplements" because they do not replace the main products, but onlytheircomplement. There is no need to cook them.

You can only purchase goods via the Internet, which saves costs on logistics and keeps prices low. Before placing an order, the company offers a free consultation with a nutritionist. The food is in the form of an easily soluble powder.

Video: turbo mass "IRONMAN"


Produced in St. Petersburg and distributed throughout Moscow. A varied assortment with a wide selection of flavorings. The brand’s products are divided into three categories: protein-carbohydrate cocktails, isotonic drinks and capsules:

  1. Cocktails are recommended for those who want to build muscle and increase body weight. The quick result is explained by the optimal combination of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  2. Isotonic drinks are recommended for athletes who are preparing for competitions. Speed ​​up metabolism, improve performance and relieve muscles from stress.
  3. Capsules - high quality vitamins. Helps cope with fatigue.

Video: R-Line sport nutrition


This research and production company supplies products to many sports teams in the Russian Federation. The drugs were created by scientists. The company has a research and development base where it develops innovative ideas for its products, for which it has already received many awards. Its sports nutrition meets international standards ISO 9001 and has a Russian Federation anti-doping certificate.

The range includes:

  • proteins to increase muscle mass;
  • amino acids to restore energy;
  • gainers for muscle growth;
  • isotonics to quench thirst and fill the body with useful components;
  • vitamins and supplements to improve immunity levels;
  • carnitine for fat burning;
  • testosterone boosters to increase testosterone levels;
  • nitrogen donors to improve blood circulation;
  • bars to quickly satisfy hunger.

Video: review of sports nutrition Academy-T


Full brand name - Muscular Development. Manufacturer - "ART Modern Scientific Technologies", the production of which is located in an ecologically clean area. It has all the necessary certificates for the production of products for the manufacture of which it uses foreign raw materials. Products can only be purchased on the official website.


A brand that cooperates simultaneously with domestic and foreign manufacturers. Always on the lookout for new technologies for the production of food additives and their benefits for the body. Previously, it provided raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. The company positions itself as a supplier of products that help maintain energy and quickly recover after grueling workouts. The preparations contain soluble dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The manufacturer is characterized by an extensive range, the action of which is aimed at building muscle mass and recovery after intense sports activities. Has multiple certificates that confirm the high level of the company. Before using raw materials, they are tested. Before the product is released, it goes through several stages of purification and filtration, but even after that it is not sent immediately to potential buyers, but is tested for effectiveness and safety.

The product is packaged in vacuum packaging, which is easy to use and allows you to transport the drug without fear. The company is not as popular as foreign manufacturers, but is known in narrow circles. Consumers note the absence of negative effects on the body and the good solubility of the product.

Natural-based drugs, made according to the original recipe; often used by professional athletes of Russian teams. The raw materials used for their production are NGREDIA (France), LACTOPROT (Germany), ARLA FOODS INGREDIENTS (Denmark), LACTALIS (France) - leading European companies.

Important! Sports nutrition and anabolic steroids are completely different concepts. Steroids are pharmacological drugs that act like hormones and are considered doping in professional sports.

The Binasport brand has positively established itself outside of Russia. It is a registered trademark in the USA, China, Turkey, Iran, and the European Union.
Sports nutrition is a must for people who devote a lot of time to sports, especially professional athletes. It is based on natural supplements, does not harm the body, helps to cope with heavy loads and improve results.

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