Dance School: Salsa! What is salsa dance? Video. Where did this dance first appear? Characteristics and movements of salsa

Almost every dance at one time was assigned an unofficial definition. And if the waltz is a “dance of aristocrats”, tango is a “dance of jealousy”, then salsa is a “dance of passion”. After reading this article to end You will understand why salsa is considered such!

Traditionally, let's start with the origin of the word and its meaning. La salsa is Spanish for "sauce". About food and cooking we'll talk sometime next time, but for now let's talk about why salsa became just salsa.

If you believe" folk tales”, the dance owes its name to the famous Latin American performer Tito Puento (some called him the “King of the Mamba”). At one of the performances, a group of musicians presented to the public a kind of improvisation, consisting of the rhythms of the Cuban son ( national dance), tango, cha-cha-cha and boogie-woogie. famous performer, seeing how incendiary people began to dance to her, exclaimed: “Esto es una gran salsa!” (translated from Spanish - "This is a great sauce!"). Since that moment, this name has stuck to the dance.

So, we found out the history of the origin of salsa. But why is it called the "dance of passion"? Everything is relatively simple - because in the process of moving to the music, some gestures of partners are somewhat similar to love ardor, circulation strong feelings, which usually captures lovers. emotional people they can “give all the best” in the dance so much that from the outside they can seem like real lovers who cannot tear themselves away from each other for a minute! However, these are all feelings, it is necessary to say a few words about the “technical side” of salsa. That is - about the movements.

Like many Latin American dances, Salsa is danced to music with 4 percussion rhythms. It would even be more correct to say not “dancing”, but “walking”, because. all basic movements are made with the legs, arms and body rotation are used infrequently. Depending on the country and specific place/state/region, salsa has a different beginning: the first step is either done on the 1st, strong beat of the music, or on the 2nd. There are other characteristic features as well.

For example, after visiting the performance of the dancers, you can see the Salsa Casino, famous for its complex steps and special plastique. On the simple streets of this island, Salsa Cubana is usually danced - less mobile, but more emotionally saturated. It's like game of seduction between two partners, a mini-performance that will be watched by people unfamiliar with the hot temper of Latin Americans.

In Colombia, salsa is a kind of “work of art”, a “hymn” to the plasticity of partners, because there are a lot of acrobatic elements in the dance, which means that a lot of physical strength will be needed to do such a thing.

When salsa came to the US, it was somewhat modified. So, in New York, the dance seems to have been created: all steps must be performed so gently that from the outside it may seem like a defile of a graceful partner past her “companion” in the dance. Just imagine - viscous Latin tunes, elegant and at the same time seductive music, courtesy of partners ...

Do you play a song to try to move your hips or practice stepping back gently and stepping forward as quickly? Try enrolling in a dance school for salsa courses! Just a few sessions a week will bring results such as:

Strengthening the cardiovascular system (due to a clear rhythm and related movements, breathing normalizes);

Improving coordination (due to the need for transitions, the head will “get used” to frequent turns);

- and extension muscle mass(Salsa “needs” strong legs and the ability to move quickly);

And, of course, self-esteem will improve! It would be wrong to think that "only mobile and energetic people" can dance salsa. Any person can move, but you just have to do it several times to the music, not being embarrassed by your own body and not being afraid to show sincere emotions - and grace is guaranteed to you!

Video - Salsa Dance (Cuban Salsa)

And Latin America danced in pairs or in groups. The dance originated in the 1970s.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    Video lesson. Salsa dance. one

    Video lesson. Salsa dance. 2

    Salsa for Beginners: Basic Steps and Twists



Basic step

With minor adjustments for various styles salsa, the basic movements consist of fast-fast-slow steps to four percussive rhythms (counts, beats) in music. Every fourth count is used for slow weight transfer, pause, or, in some styles, for a kick (throwing the leg) or tap (kicking the floor with the foot). A number of styles have a clear definition of the beginning of the dance. Los Angeles, London - start at the count of "1" - a strong beat. New York (= Modern Mambo = Eddie Torres style = On 2), Puerto Rico, Palladium and Cuban Dream all start with "2".

Other types (Cuban, Colombian, Venezuelan) can begin on any beat of the music. In some regions, the strong beat is considered correct, in some - tiempo, in some - contratiempo, in some - not fixed at all.

The Venezuelan and Colombian styles also differ in that, due to the specifics of a number of elements in the dance, a rhythm shift can occur. That is, during 1 dance there may be a beginning of movements on “1”, and on “2”, and on other accounts. This happens after certain figures that can change the rhythm of the dance.

The Cuban-style dance can start at any beat, but the pattern of the dance cannot change in the middle of one dance.

Salsa in any style, as a dance, is tied to Latin American music with a 4/4 time signature, where the active beat falls on time. By virtue of last first active movement in the dance also begins on "one", whether it is a step or an active check into the parquet. In view of the fact that many styles use a check on the parquet for a strong musical beat (count of times), others often mistakenly perceive this as an active beat on 2. Moreover, an active first step can in no way begin on 3, as this contradicts everything musical laws and rules, the only exception is syncopation (dancing the broken rhythm due to complex movements until the next active beat). And, of course, the dance cannot start from the last 4th beat, as this is the end of the musical phrase. The most important thing in the dances of the Latin American group is musicality and rhythm, since the dancers are a verbal (?) continuation of the flight of the soul of the music itself (?).

salsa styles

In the world, salsa is divided into two types and five main subspecies:

  1. "Circular" salsa, it includes: Cuban salsa (casino), Venezuelan (Dominican) salsa and Colombian salsa.
  2. "Linear" salsa or Cross-body style salsa. Salsa includes Los Angeles, London, New York (on 2), Palladium and Puerto Rico.
  3. separate view due to the huge popularity, some also endure the rueda de casino (Rueda de Casino).

Cuban style

The basic step starts on any beat, steps and movements are performed using percussion instrument accents as the basis. geometric pattern dance - circular (the center of the circle is the center between the partner and the partner), however, sometimes there are linear components - mostly borrowings from Son and Rumba.

Cuban-style dancers use the so-called tep (short and light hit with the toe or heel of the foot on the floor) at the expense of 4 and 8. Characteristic features of salsa are 4/4 time, fast tempo, a complex rhythmic pattern, which is a combination of tumbao and clave rhythms.

One of the popular names for Cuban salsa is "casino salsa", which emphasizes the origin of this style. Cuban salsa originated in a Cuban casino based on the Rueda de Casino dance, which in turn is a descendant of the son, danzón, cha-cha-cha and rueda de cha-cha-cha dances. Around 1956, at the Casino Deportivo club, individual couples began to separate from the general rueda, which they loved to dance in this club and danced separately from all couples.

The Cuban Casino is characterized by a special plasticity, the source of which is rumba and sleep.

Most often, a tiempo is danced - on the first beat, in some provinces of Cuba (for example, Camagüey) salsa is danced on contratiempo (on a weak beat, “for two”), in Cuban villages simple people- on the third share.

Venezuelan (Dominican) salsa

The basic step starts on any beat. During one dance, the proportion for the basic step may change due to the specific elements of the Venezuelan salsa. The geometric pattern of the dance is circular, the center of the circle is usually the center between the partner and the partner. characteristic feature Venezuelan style is "impulse" dribbling. Salsa music for this style of dance is fast.

Colombian salsa

The basic step starts on any beat. During one dance, the proportion for the basic step may change due to the specific elements of Colombian salsa. The geometric pattern of the dance is not rigidly fixed, there can be both linear and circular elements. A characteristic feature of the Colombian style is the presence of a large amount of footwork and the permissibility of using elements of acrobatics. Salsa music for this style of dance is fast.

Salsa Los Angeles

The modern L.A. style of salsa was created around the 90s in Los Angeles by founders Luis Vasquez, Joby Vasquez and Luis's two brothers, Francisco and Johnny. The basic step of this style is danced to the strongest beat of the music - to count 1, the geometric pattern of the style is linear and is based on the movement of the cross body lead (translation of the partner along the line), salsa L.A. is characterized by a fast and dynamic tempo, many fast combinations, less improvised solos, but a lot of female and male style. The dance is aimed at the speed and clarity of performance, the use of acrobatic elements demonstrating and emphasizing the skill of the dancing couple.

Salsa New York

The style was created in New York by Eddie Torres, who himself calls this dance Modern Mambo, based on the Cuban son (traditional Cuban music and dance, which is the progenitor of salsa). The basic step to the weak beat of the music - on the count of 2, the partners step back. It is believed that since the partner starts with a step forward, this style was created to show the partner in all her beauty, so there are a lot of movements in it, where the partner, as it were, gracefully defiles past the partner. The geometric pattern of the style is a linear, fast and dynamic tempo, but at the same time soft and delicate leading, the figures are made in short impulses. The presence of solo compositions, pauses and delicate accents in music is characteristic. AT lesser degree acrobatic elements are used. It looks like a "cat", soft dance style.

Salsa Puerto Rico

The national style of salsa in Puerto Rico. A characteristic difference (from Modern Mambo) is that the girls step 2 not forward, but backward. From here come some features in the conduct and execution of various figures.

Rueda de casino

The geometric pattern of the dance is circular with the participation of two or more couples. All figures are performed synchronously at the command of the leader or singer (cantador). Rueda is somewhat reminiscent of a round dance, but is performed in pairs with a frequent change of partners and partners. Rueda is characterized by figures based on knots with a very clear and accurate exit, while not letting go of the partner’s hands until the exchange of pairs. The partners pass the partners in a circle and improvise according to the music.

Now in Cuba, the rueda de casino of the so-called new style has become widespread, which is characterized by the restructuring from a circle into a line as part of the rueda dance, the formation of several circles of the rueda either side by side or one inside the other, and the so-called dua - elements that dance as part of the rueda along two pairs that, after the end of the figure, return to general circle, as well as the use of acrobatic elements. Also, a modern figure is characterized by a more frequent change of partners and partners, so during the execution of one figure, partners and partners can change several times.

Rueda de Casino is divided into 2 subspecies: Rueda de Cuba and Rueda de Miami. The second subspecies arose in the USA under the influence of linear styles, in connection with which the dance uses a number of movements with a linear dance technique.

cuban dance, striking with its looseness and passion, unexpected combinations, cheerfulness and fun. This is a hymn to love and freedom, which is sung in the language of the body.

Traditional Latin American ballroom dancing most people associate with sports, but salsa successfully manages to fight against such stereotypes, because it is a great way of self-expression for people of any age category and does not require special physical training.

What is the beauty of Latin American salsa?

« Salsa" means "sauce" in Spanish. Indeed, salsa dance is such a mixture of styles and variations that you can hardly find the like of it. Hot, with spicy notes of exotic Latin America, it fully corresponds to the received name both in its content and in essence.

There is in the world a large number of legends associated with the history of the origin of this dance. According to one of them, salsa dancing was first started after the revolution in Cuba, in gambling clubs closed by order of the authorities. Another claims that it got its name from the signature savory sauce served in one of the small dance clubs Miami, where the sounds of Cuban music turn on even the laziest.

Be that as it may, in fact, Latin American salsa is increasingly walking the planet, winning millions of hearts. New ones open every year, many festivals of this dance are held, where virtuosos from different countries. Conducted master classes and dance evenings give such a charge of vivacity and adrenaline that it is enough until the new festival.

What is the attraction of salsa? It is believed that this dance is a complete improvisation. Sparkling movements, rotations and turns create the effect of a real show, where partners flirt, flirt with each other, demonstrating their skills.

There are two main types of salsa dancing in the world: circular, when the dancers rotate around their axis, and linear, when they move in a straight line. Each of them has its own distinctive features, formed under the influence of the culture of the country where this species the most common.

Cuban circular salsa casino (or rueda de casino) is complex figures hands, feints and the so-called “lever” leading of the partner, Venezuelan - impulse movements at a fast pace, Colombian - a combination of movements of linear and circular salsa dances, fast footsteps and elements of acrobatics.

Character traits linear salsa dance - a dynamic, fast pace of music, a smaller number of movements performed solo, clarity, acrobatic elements and a variety of their combinations that instantly form and captivate the eye.

Why is it fashionable to dance salsa today?

Today, the incendiary rhythms of Latin American music beat all possible records of popularity. They are heard from everywhere, and already at the sound of the very first notes, many want to throw away their routine affairs and plunge into the enchanting atmosphere of salsa dance.

So what's the problem? You should not restrain your desires, because, in addition to a great mood, this dance is an excellent way to train the body, keep it in good shape and make movements plastic. Practicing this dance is akin to active recreation when there is no serious exercise stress on the muscles.

Salsa dancing - an occupation for the soul, which guarantees a lot of positive emotions because it cannot but be liked. This is a great opportunity to look at yourself from a different angle, surprise your acquaintances and friends with your new opportunities and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Learning to dance salsa is no more difficult than mastering any other skill, you just need to dissolve in its sound, feel real freedom and indulge in incendiary rhythms and sensual emotions!

salsa(Spanish Salsa - “sauce”) - a style of music and dance that originated in Cuba in the early 20th century. It is of Afro-Cuban origin, although it reached significant development in the United States in the seventies. Having got there along with the music and culture of immigrants, salsa turned from folklore into universal social dance . Today "salsomania" embraces many people in all corners of the world.

It would seem, but what does salsa have in common with sauce? And in fact - this is a delicious mixture of traditional rhythms of many national cultures: Cuban (sleep, rumba), North American (jazz, rock, swing), Caribbean (bomba, cumbia), South American (samba, tango). Importance in salsa has improvisation and the idea of ​​flirting. in salsa no strict rules, but you can highlight 2 types and 4 main traditional styles, each of which has its own characteristics: circular salsa, including 2 styles - Cuban salsa or and ; linear salsa (Cross body style) includes , styles. It is considered a separate type - where the partners are transferred in turn to the partners that dance in a circle.

dance salsa in clubs, bars, on the street, on the beach, everywhere where incendiary rhythms sound!

Salsa styles:

Colombian Salsa- The basic step is danced to any beat of the music, the beat may change during the dance. AT this style both circular and linear elements are used equally. Distinctive feature style is the presence of a large number of footwork, as well as the use of acrobatic elements.

Salsa New York - the style, as the name implies, was created in New York, created by Eddie Torres based on the Cuban son. The main step is danced to a weak beat of the music. There are many movements in this style of salsa, where the partner gracefully defiles past the partner. The style is linear with a fast and dynamic tempo, but with a very delicate lead. The New York style is characterized by the presence of a large number of solo compositions, pauses and musical accents.

Salsa Los Angeles - The main step is danced to the strongest beat of the music: on the count of 1, the partners step forward. The style is linear with a fast and dynamic tempo, many fast combinations are used. The use of many acrobatic elements is typical, and speed and clarity of performance are also very important for style.

Salsa Casino- This is a Cuban style of salsa that began to develop from the middle of the 20th century. The style is based on traditional Cuban music and the dances of the son and guaracha. The basic step is danced to any beat of the music, but most often to the first. Casino salsa is a circular style of salsa, but it also has linear elements. A feature of the style are complex figures with hands.

Rueda de Casino- partners during the dance pass partners in a circle.

Dominican Salsa- The basic step is danced to any beat of the music, the beat may change during the dance. It is a circular salsa style, with linear elements. A feature of the style is impulsive driving.

Salsa Puerto Rico - Partners begin to dance the basic step forward.

Ease of learning: easy, accessible to study at any age
Prevalence: high
Speed: fast average, does not require special training
Social sphere: very extensive, a large number of discos, special trips, festivals

is modern dance, which is danced predominantly in pairs or sometimes groups. It originated in the 1970s in Latin America and the United States. It received its main development due to the spread of the music of the same name and carries the classical traditions and styles of various folk dances Latin America.

How do you dance salsa?

With a slight adjustment for different varieties of Salsa, the basic (basic) step is an alternation of fast-fast-slow steps to four percussive rhythms in music. Every fourth count is used to stop and transfer weight or kick. Regardless of the style of performance, salsa dance is danced to the Latin American music of the same name, which has a 4/4 rhythm with a pronounced count of times.

Types of salsa:

  • Circular salsa, it includes: Venezuelan (Dominican), Colombian and the most common Cuban salsa (casino).
  • Linear salsa or Cross-body style salsa. Salsa includes Los Angeles, London, New York, Palladium and Puerto Rico.
  • Salsa rueda de casino (Rueda de Casino) can be designated as a separate type.

Basically, the types of salsa differ from each other in what account is considered to be the first. There are two main options: count one or two. The pattern of the dance itself and the set of basic elements are also different. But in any case, salsa, extremely mobile and fast dance, which is characterized by active movements of the hips and a large number of different turns.

Where can you dance salsa?

The prevalence and popularity of salsa is due to its ease and accessibility of training. Due to the fact that this is a social dance and is performed mainly on the lead of a partner, it can easily be danced at various discos and clubs. Here, a frequent change of partner is practiced, which not only does not interfere with learning, but also significantly helps it. In large Russian cities there is a huge selection of schools that teach salsa, we have the most popular species are: Casino, New York and Rueda de Casino. Discos and themed clubs are also very common.

Video: Salsa dance

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