Why Malakhov leaves the first channel. Malakhov's conflict with Channel One: latest news

The decision of Andrei Malakhov to leave Channel One is connected with the desire of the channel's management to add more political topics to the talk show Let They Speak on the eve of the presidential elections in Russia, BBC Russian Service reports.

Earlier, the employees of the television company explained that Malakhov's conflicts with the leadership began in May, when producer Natalia Nikonova, who previously headed the First's special projects studio, returned to the channel again.

According to the publication's sources, Malakhov's team was dissatisfied with topics that appeared on the program with the arrival of Nikonova. Previously, the program has always specialized in discussing the social agenda and show business: from the mass poisoning of Hawthorn to Dana Borisova's drug addiction. Now the program began to appear political topics.

As the interlocutor of the publication explained, Nikonova returned to the "First" in order to "shake up the socio-political bloc before the presidential elections." The conflict, which resulted in Malakhov's threat to quit, developed not only because of this, but also because of Nikonova's attitude to the program and the people working on it in general. “She did not take into account that the team was already established,” the interlocutor sums up.

It is noted that several episodes of the show, aired since May, were indeed devoted to politics. So, on June 27 and July 12, the show talked about the murder of former deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv. On July 10, a program about Oliver Stone's film about Vladimir Putin was released.

But, according to Mediascope data, political topics are of less interest to viewers. The rating of Direct Line with the President on Channel One turned out to be lower than the rating of Let They Talk on the same day. In Malakhov's studio, scandals with actor Alexei Panin were then discussed.

Earlier it was reported that journalist Yegor Maksimov on Twitter posted information that the permanent host of Channel One Andrei Malakhov decided to switch to VGTRK. Later in VGTRK information. TV critic Irina Petrovskaya is sure that the information about Malakhov's departure to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is 80% false. "It's like suggesting that Putin will move from the presidency to work in the Moscow mayor's office," she added. Malakhov is a sane person, but there is no common sense to leave the First, says Petrovskaya.

Other experts interviewed by the publisher believe that Malakhov is not a propagandist and is not connected with politics. “It is rather like a drug that a significant part of our fellow citizens are on - if it goes to another channel, they will watch it there,” concluded political scientist Grigory Dobromelov.

Let us clarify that neither Channel One nor Andrey Malakhov himself confirms the information about the dismissal. However, the departure of the TV presenter is being actively discussed on the Web, and some companies and even the Spartak hockey club are in a hurry to offer the TV presenter a job.

So, the leadership of HC Spartak turned to Malakhov with a proposal not to interrupt his professional career and continue it as the host of the club's home matches, follows from

On Channel One, a new episode of the program "Let them talk" was released with a new presenter. So why did Andrey Malakhov leave Channel 1?

Why Andrey Malakhov left Channel One: the latest news about the TV presenter Live, Andrey Malakhov news today 09/03/2017

Earlier it was reported that one of the possible reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One is a conflict over maternity leave. According to Elle magazine, citing sources, the TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, and the leadership of the First refused to let Malakhov go to care for the child.

The essence of the conflict lies in the fact that the new producer of "Let them talk" extremely sharply commented on Malakhov's desire to go on parental leave. He said that talk shows are not a nursery, and the TV presenter must make a choice of who he wants to be in the future.

The leading account of such a statement of the question is absolutely unacceptable and even cynical. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, parental leave can be granted not only to the mother, but also to the father.
Malakhov hinted at who is to blame for his departure from Channel One

Earlier it became known that Nikita Dzhigurda and Alexei Panin could take the place of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov in the talk show “Let them talk”. One of the first candidates is the host of "Live" Boris Korchevnikov.

WhyAndrey Malakhov left Channel 1: politics could be the reason

The reason for the conflict between Andrei Malakhov and the leadership of Channel One was that they decided to add politicians to his famous talk show Let Them Talk.

The BBC Russian Service writes about this with reference to the channel's employees who shared information on condition of anonymity. According to them, the problems began back in May, when producer Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One. She suggested that the releases of the program “Let them talk” should be more often devoted to discussing political topics, which caused discontent among Andrei Malakhov and his team, who always tried to focus on social issues in their programs.

As the BBC notes, political topics are more often discussed in the talk show "Live" on the channel "Russia 1" - "double" and competitor "Let them talk", from where producer Nikonova returned to "First", then how in Malakhov’s studio they often talk about “stories about which it is impossible to remain silent and recall funny videos from the Internet in the Aftar Zhzhot series.”

Where did Andrei Malakhov go? Latest news about him. Andrey Malakhov will become the new host of the live talk show?

Andrei Malakhov's team, following the presenter, packed their things in boxes and left the Ostankino television center.

Until recently, it was not clear whether Malakhov would make a “transfer jump” to another TV channel. For more than 15 years, the showman led the program “Let them talk”, which appeared on Channel One under various names, but the essence of the program did not change from this. Guests and talk show experts have repeatedly said that Malakhov managed to maintain his reputation and not get his hands dirty, digging into the dirty laundry of Russians for many years.

Together with Andrei Malakhov, his colleagues on the set, editors and assistants, who were looking for heroes with incredible stories to transfer, are also moving to Rossiya 1.

45-year-old TV presenter Andrey Malakhov will become a father for the first time this fall. All six years of his marriage to the publisher of glossy magazines Natalya Shkuleva, people wondered why the couple has no children. And so it happened. For the first time, Andrey Malakhov broke the silence and confirmed the rumors about the replenishment in his family.

Why Malakhov left the first channel

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov posted an open letter on the StarHit portal addressed to the CEO of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst.

“Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man's life, I gave 25 of them to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you have done, for the experience that they gave me, for that amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together, ”wrote Malakhov. In his letter, Malakhov addressed other employees of Channel One, thanking them for their work on joint projects.

Galkin ridiculed Malakhov

TV presenter Maxim Galkin ridiculed an open letter from his star colleague Andrei Malakhov to the CEO of Channel One Konstantin Ernst. The video was published on Galkin's page on the social network Instagram, while the account is not verified. In this parody clip, Galkin plays two roles - himself and an old woman. The heroes discuss Malakhov's open letter to Ernst and the TV presenter's transition from Channel One to the Russia 1 channel.

Galkin is trying to explain to the old woman that the program "Live" is being filmed at Gorky's film studio, which is located a ten-minute walk from Ostankino, and if Malakhov is so bored, then he can, in between filming, "at least go kiss them every day, with ordinary workers. “I must tell Andryusha, he doesn’t know,” the old woman answers with understanding.

"Live" in Russia on Monday collected a rating of 5.1% and an audience share of 20.8%, on Tuesday - 3.2% and 13.7%, respectively, on Wednesday - 3.2% and 14.1%. Information for Thursday is not yet available.

The ratings of "Let them talk" have indeed declined lately, but not too much. For example, in April 2017, according to the analytical service Mediascope, the rating of the program was 6.2% with a share of 18%. A year before, in April 2016, the rating was 6.8% with a share of 20.8%. The rating and share of the release of the program dedicated to the case of Diana Shurygina amounted to 7.1% and 19.6%, respectively. At the same time, on the YouTube channel “Let them talk”, the release is even more than 17 million times.

“Today we were supposed to have the first shooting of “Live” after the summer holidays, but they were not, because there was no Boris Korchevnikov. And everyone is talking about Malakhov, who will take his place, ”said a representative of the country’s main television channel.

Passions around Andrey Malakhov do not subside. They just dissuaded them from the topic “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Russia channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. All of a sudden, a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the New Wave (details).

Today Ksenia Sobchak is the most discussed figure in Russian show business. The editor-in-chief of the LʼOfficiel Russia magazine last week announced that she intends to run for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2018. Now journalists sleep and see how to interview a TV presenter. So, yesterday Ksenia appeared on the air of the show "Live". She talked with Andrei Malakhov about the upcoming elections, and also told the whole country why Andrei left Channel One.

Ivan noticed that, in fact, Mitya was going to leave Channel One, but he chose a very unfortunate moment for this, since all attention was riveted on the story with the star “Let them talk”. Urgant called layoffs hosts of the First“great outcome”: “The outcome, when Andrey Malakhov brought out two more presenters (Alexander Oleshko and Timur Kizyakov. - Approx. ed.). And this despite the fact that all the Jews, as it were, remained on the canal.

Why Malakhov left Channel 1, what is the reason. Breaking news.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing to each other letters, not SMS. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in a Saturday show and other projects, ”the Starhit website quotes the text of the letter.

"Malakhovgate" is entering ever new orbits, coloring the bleak TV landscape of August. Recall, host of the show Channel One“Let them talk” Andrey Malakhov leaves Channel One with a scandal. Officially, the parties, as you know, are silent. But unofficially they frolic to the fullest, honing their wit. (details).

“I didn’t comment on your recent video against the background of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you might guess, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

“Nikonova is a professional, of which there are few. At the First, she developed a vigorous activity, seizing the reins of the Malakhov program, and even offering the leadership ideas for new projects, including the recently launched Dmitry Shepelev show, ”the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes an employee of the First.

But the reason for Malakhov's departure from Channel One, again based on rumors, is the conflict with the new producer "Let them talk." Rumor has it that Andrei simply did not want to turn his show into a political project, because he believes that people are interested in ordinary human stories.

Malakhov left channel 1 for channel 2. Latest details.

"Well, have you lost me? I'm here: Andrey Malakhov, "Live", TV channel "Russia" - says the presenter in the video.

Following Malakhov, the team of editors also switched to the second button, which prepared all the high-profile broadcasts - they were looking for stories, themes, twists. The most scandalous heroes, among which, by the way, Diana Shurygina and Dana Borisova, will also “move” to competitors.

Malakhov left channel 1 video. Breaking news.


TV presenter Andrey Malakhov broke his silence about his scandalous departure from Channel One, which is banned in Ukraine.

According to rumors, the pregnancy of his wife Natalya Shkuleva pushed Malakhov to leave the popular talk show “Let them talk,” the presenter wanted to go on maternity leave, but the management refused him. According to another version, Malakhov left due to a conflict with the new producer of the show and an unwillingness to turn the program into a political one.

Rumors about Malakhov's departure appeared at the end of July, but then they were not particularly believed. However, the information spread rapidly, acquiring more and more details.

Here are two main versions. Both involved the new producer of "Let them talk" Natalya Nikonova. She had previously worked on Channel One, but then went to a competitor, the Russia 1 channel. There she was the producer of the show "Live", which is very similar to "Let them talk." Returning to Channel One, Nikonova decided to add more politics to Malakhov's program. Andrew was categorically against it. There was a conflict between the presenter and the producer. And Malakhov went on vacation, allegedly writing a letter of resignation.

The new TV presenter of the talk show “Let them talk” Dmitry Borisov told who he was the first to inform about the offer to head the eminent program. According to him, Andrey Malakhov, the ex-presenter, who immediately gave some advice, became this person.

Borisov shared that it was Malakhov who became the first person to learn about the initiative of the representatives of Channel One to head this show. In a brief dialogue, the former host was kind and wished good luck to his replacement. In addition, as Borisov emphasized, Andrey Malakhov insisted that he urgently start thinking about a new image for his new work.

The annual competition "On Vacation with Andrei Malakhov", which is held for the fifth time by StarHit magazine, is again in search of fellow travelers.

Over the years, the winners of the competition have rested in the company of a famous TV presenter in the resorts of Greece, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Sardinia and Cyprus. Where the participants will go this year remains a mystery. But the glossy edition is slowly determined with the winners. This time, among the lucky ones was our Ugra resident Elena Lykosova, who has been successfully working as a nurse in the children's intensive care unit of the maternity hospital in the city hospital No. 1 in Megion for many years.

The fact that Elena will go on vacation with Andrey Malakhov was a complete surprise for the Ugra woman. Especially for the 50th anniversary, her daughter Ekaterina wanted to surprise her mother and sent a touching letter to the editor. Malakhov was so impressed by this story that he decided to personally come to Megion and congratulate Elena Lykosova on this significant event.

Unexpectedly, Andrei Malakhov himself came to congratulate me on my anniversary and invited me to go on vacation with him. I am extremely happy and grateful to my daughter for this surprise. I can't believe this is all happening to me. And I expect new emotions and impressions from the trip, - said the Ugra woman.

The arrival of Malakhov himself was an unexpected and at the same time a joyful event for the entire Megion city hospital. The team is very happy for their colleague and hope that she will remember this vacation for a lifetime.

On September 5, Dmitry Shepelev and Andrey Malakhov went on the air with programs dedicated to the actor Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife Lyudmila Porgina, Regnum reports.

Recall that on February 27 of this year, Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident, his wife was driving. The accident involving the artist occurred 12 years after the accident, as a result of which he received a severe head injury.

As the source clarifies, Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife were invited to the “Actually” program on Channel One. They talked about the accident in which they got in the winter. 45 minutes earlier in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live ”the same topic was discussed, Karachentsov’s wife became the guest of the talk show.

According to the editor, who previously worked on both TV channels, this was done on purpose. The expert explained that on "Russia 1" they originally planned a different topic for a talk show, but they abruptly changed the concept when they learned about the completed filming of "Actually" with Karachentsov. A similar operation was carried out to increase ratings, but did not bring the desired results: "Actually" was watched by 14.6 percent of viewers, while "Live" - ​​only 10.6 percent.

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For a long time, everyone will be occupied with the question of why Andrei Malakhov left the first channel and "Let them talk", as versions will be built on this subject.

The departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One was, to put it mildly, unexpected for most viewers. There are plenty of rumors and conjectures about this fact, and it is unlikely that the real reason will become the property of the Russians. However, many involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief. They forced Malakhov or he wished it himself, everything happened voluntarily and Andrei passed the fateful fate of Listyev and the question of why Malakhov left the first channel will not be reflected in the story with a fatal and sad tinge.

Version number one: format change

The programs “Let them talk” have already changed their format more than once. They came out with elements of the "Big Wash", when the unexpected and sometimes implausible stories of the heroes received publicity. The audience also remembers warm, almost family programs, when famous artists and singers were honored. No less memorable broadcasts on the eve of major competitions and music competitions.

The heroes of the program were completely different people from the janitor to the crowned persons. Such a long reminder is not without reason. One of the versions of Andrey Malakhov's departure from "Let them talk" is a change in the transmission format. This statement seems somewhat strange. Since, as a host, Malakhov is a 100% professional, and this version clearly does not give an answer why Malakhov left the first channel. He knows how to find a common language with artists, politicians, athletes, as well as with ordinary people from the outback. It is hard to believe that he was not subject to the need to change his own image.

On the other hand, the version suits everyone quite well. Since it is not only difficult to imagine that a conflict of unprecedented strength broke out on the First and main TV channel of the country, it is not only difficult, but even disgusting. Professionals with a capital P must find a common language and manage their emotions. Working in a large team means this. Therefore, why Andrei Malakhov left with Let them say this version is not unambiguous.

Oil on fire from former guests of the program: is it really a scandal

Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda came to the rescue. This couple, where both, each other stands. It put millions of viewers in an uncomfortable position. After all, not much is not enough, they took away their pet (by their own admission of the spouses). The figure skater and champion, of course a great personality, Marina Anisina announced that she took the statement to the police not only to Andrei Malakhov, but also to the entire group that worked with him in 2015 in France, where a scandal erupted (the essence of which could not be see details). However, shedding light on this story is not possible. Since the newly created team also failed to reach an agreement and a meeting with the Dzhigurda-Anisin couple. The couple refuses to have a dialogue in the format offered by the editors of the channel. Moreover, it is quite obvious that these are not questions of fees. This version answers the question why Malakhov left the first channel even less convincingly.

Topic for future broadcasts: how Malakhov became a nanny

Another original version of why Andrei Malakhov left the first channel and the program “Let They Speak”, which even seems funny to viewers: Andrei decided to become a babysitter. It was thrown by Malakhov himself in one of the first interviews, where he, half in jest, indirectly confirmed his departure from Channel One. Of course, how could the public take seriously the statement of such a popular presenter that he was going on leave to care for a newborn child.

However, to the presenter himself, this could hardly seem funny. After all, the maternity sums in his situation are quite decent. At the same time, it is easy to combine the upbringing of a child with the periodic conduct of weddings and other celebrations.

If this were true, the case would be unprecedented and set an example for other husbands in many ways at once. This means not only the touching union of a child and a father, but also the prospect of earning a wife, the possibility of building her career. In better times, and touch the topic of another person, for sure, this person would become the hero of "Let them talk."

Counting other people's millions is not a rewarding, troublesome, and useless business. There are special services for this and it is worth leaving this privilege to them. But it should be noted that when asked why Malakhov left the first channel, there is a version that Malakhov left the program for a million (unspecified currency), and she also has the right to life.

New presenter and pen test: is everything so smooth

The personality of a sports newsman is already well known to the public. Although the intrigue about the name, as well as the fact that Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, persisted for a long time. There were rumors about the appearance in the studio, as the host - Dmitry Shepelev. However, a person known and impeccable in the eyes of the whole country was needed here. Yes, Shepelev himself will forgive, the scandal with Zhanna Friske's family was and is not in his favor.

To support the new presenter also Dmitry, but already quite well-known people of the country came to Borisov. True, the freedom of action that Malakhov possessed is not yet felt. Sharp questions, slight irony and manifestation of other human qualities were not seen by viewers in the new programs of the channel.

This is forced to mentally return to the truth of the Dzhigurd-Anisin version, although it is quite difficult to attribute to Malakhov not tact, impudence or other qualities with a touch of “yellowness”. However, Borisov's stiffness makes one think that "there is no smoke without fire" and the new presenter has already been warned about something.

The viewers fell in love with “Five Evenings” so much, and after that “Let them talk”, that its popularity is still kept at a fairly high level. Probably, it will remain so, moving along the well-trodden with an inertial engine. The answer to the question - why A. Malakhov left the first channel and "Let them talk" will remain for years and years of interest to those who are fans of Andrei Malakhov's activities.

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