Scenario of the play "golden key" for elementary school. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Scenario of the play "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"


(Based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key".)

Scenario for children's theater where the children will play.





STORYTELLER: There was a man named Carlo. He was poor and lonely. And then one day, he said to himself: “Well, why do I live alone? I'll make myself a little boy out of wood. Everything will be more fun for the old man.” And Carlo began to carve a boy out of wood, but before he had time to finish the work, the boy began to spin and spin, and when Carlo cut out the boy's nose, the boy tried so hard to escape that the nose stretched out. And when the work was finished, next to Carlo stood a small wooden boy with a perky long nose.

(Music. The curtain opens. Papa Carlo's house. He sits and cuts a log. A painted hearth hangs on the wall. Papa Carlo (if possible) quietly removes the log, and Pinocchio should also quietly appear near Papa Carlo (i.e. Pinocchio should be where hide something.

CARLO: Well, what a faggot you are! Would not spin, the nose would turn out normal! And so you will be called by me - Pinocchio.

BURATINO: Pinocchio, so Pinocchio!
And who are you?

CARLO: I am Papa Carlo.

BURATINO: Well, great! (Looks around, pokes his nose at the painted hearth).
And what's that?

CARLO: This is a painted hearth. He's been here for a very long time. Back when I was little
boy, he was already hanging here.

BURATINO: And what is behind this hearth?

CARLO: You are so curious!
So, some kind of iron door, but the key to it has long been lost, and I don’t know what is behind it.

BURATINO: Ah-ah-ah! There must be some mystery here!
It would be nice to know! !

CARLO: How curious you are, Pinocchio!

BURATINO: Interesting!
Papa Carlo! May I go for a walk?

CARLO: Wait, Pinocchio.
First you have to go to school. You can't read or write, after all.

BURATINO: And why should I?

CARLO: Then, so that you become smart and prudent. And so that Papa Carlo could you
be proud.

BURATINO: OK! Then I went to school.

CARLO: Wait! Don't forget to take the alphabet! It will teach you how to read. (gives alphabet)

BURATINO: Well, then did I go?

CARLO: Go son. And see, be a diligent student.

(Music. Pinocchio leaves. Carlo waves to him. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So Pinocchio went to school. But he was very curious, because it was not in vain that he had a long nose. And long noses, as you know, stick everywhere, even where they don’t belong at all.
Therefore, Pinocchio walked and looked at everything around.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on the stage with the alphabet under his arm. He jumps, looks around. Suddenly he stops at the sign: “PUPPET THEATER OF KARABAS-BARABAS”. can read.))

INVITED: Puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas! Puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas!
Hurry! Hurry!
All for the show!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio became curious about what it was, and he decided to enter the theater.
But they wouldn't let you in without a ticket.
And since he had not yet become smart and prudent, he sold his beautiful alphabet and bought himself a ticket with the proceeds.

(Pinocchio hands out the barker the alphabet, receives a ticket, waves it merrily and runs to the theater. Music. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio stuck his long nose where he shouldn't have, and forgot his promise to Papa Carlo to go to school and become smart and prudent.
And now let's see what came out of it.

(Music. The curtain opens. The theater of Karabas - Barabas is on stage. Pinocchio enters and watches what is happening in the theater.
Various on stage fairy tale characters. Pierrot comes out and begins to read his sad poems. He has long sleeves, a cap on his head, painted tears and eyebrows to make his face look sad.)

Malvina, Malvina
My bride.
She ran away
To foreign lands. (cries).

(All the dolls also begin to cry. Karabas runs out - Barabas with a whip and starts waving it, screaming and whipping in all directions).

KARABAS - BARABAS: Damn dolls!
There you are!
You must laugh when he cries!

BURATINO: Don't hit them!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Who else is this?

BURATINO: I am Pinocchio.

KARABAS - BARABAS: Nasty wooden boy!
How dare you order me, Karabas - Barabas, the richest of the owners of puppet theaters!
You will get whips from me too! (swings).

BURATINO: Don't you dare, or I'll tell Papa Carlo and he'll deal with you!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Who is Papa Carlo?

BURATINO: Papa Carlo lives in the Poor Quarter!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Ha ha ha! In the Poor Quarter!
What can he do to me, the richest and most powerful owner of the Puppet Theatre?
Ha ha ha! After all, he has nothing!
He doesn't even have a hearth to cook his own food!

BURATINO: But he has a painted hearth!

KARABAS - BARABAS: (worried). Painted hearth? Papa Carlo?


KARABAS - BARABAS: Does he know what is behind this painted hearth?

BURATINO: Yes! There is an iron door!
But he doesn't have the key, and he doesn't know where that door leads.

KARABAS - BARABAS: Dear, pretty Pinocchio!
Go quickly to Papa Carlo, he must have been waiting for you for a long time.
And tell him to keep this painted hearth, and for that I will give you 5 gold pieces to give them to Papa Carlo.

BURATINO: 5 gold?

KARABAS - BARABAS: Yes, here they are! (considers). 1,2,3,4,5 .
Go to your Papa Carlo!

(Pinocchio takes the money (it should be 5 large yellow circles), clamps it in his fist and runs out of the theater. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio left Karabas - Barabas is almost a rich man, because 5 gold pieces is a lot. And he hurried to Papa Carlo to give him the money.
But everything is not so simple!
Indeed, at the time when Karabas - Barabas gave Pinocchio 5 gold coins, there were friends in the theater Karabasa-Barabasa: the sly Fox Alice and the mischievous Cat Basilio. They decided to lure out 5 gold from Pinocchio by cunning. Therefore, the Cat Basilio pretended to be blind, and the Fox Alice was his guide.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on the stage. He joyfully hops around the stage, waving his hand with 5 gold pieces above him. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear. Basilio the cat in dark glasses, with a stick in his hand, stretches out his other hand for Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are moving arm in arm across the stage.)


(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio stop near Pinocchio.)

FOX ALICE: Kind Pinocchio, give alms to the poor blind man!
Do you have money?

BURATINO: I have 5 gold.

(Shows. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio greedily stretch their hands to them).

BURATINO: But I must give them to Papa Carlo! (He hides his hands with gold behind his back).

FOX ALICE: Stupid Pinocchio, you only have 5 gold pieces!
After all, you can have many more!

BURATINO: Like this?

FOX ALICE: But like this!
We know how to do it!
If you want, we will tell you!


FOX ALICE: Necessary moonlit night and today is just a moonlit night ...
So, on a moonlit night, you need to go to the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools and bury your coins there, and say the words: “Crex, Fax, Pax! » . Then pour it with water, and in the morning a tree will grow, on which there will be coins visibly-invisibly!

BURATINO: And where is this Country of Fools?

FOX ALICE: You have to go straight, then turn right, then straight again.
And you will see the Wonderland of Fools!
And don't forget to wait until nighttime to bury your money there. (rubs hands).

Just don't peek!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding?
We are going in a completely different direction!
Let's go Basilio the Cat!

(Music. Pinocchio walks across the stage. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio seem to walk in the other direction, and then turn and, stealthily walk on him, or just peep.
Pinocchio looks around, buries the money, waters it, utters the words "Crex, Fax, Pax!" and goes to bed. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are quietly digging for money. The music ends. Fox Alice grabs the money.)

BASILIO: Give me money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! Let's share!


(Fox Alice puts 5 gold on the dais so that the audience can see how she will divide the money.
Then she (in accordance with the text), takes one gold.)

FOX ALICE: That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Why did you cheat? Come on first! (Repeats the previous procedure.)
That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what are you saying, Cat Basilio!
Well, how can I deceive you, my faithful friend!


(Pinocchio wakes up and gets up, sees that his hole has been dug out and there is no money.)

BURATINO: Whoa, cheaters!
Give me back my money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio, hold him!

(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio grab Pinocchio. Cat Basilio holds him, and Fox Alice slaps him on the pope.)

FOX ALICE: Here are the cheaters! (spanking)
Here's your money! (spanking)
Don't be so gullible! (spanking)
Where is it, Cat Basilio? So he can't complain to his Papa Carlo?

CAT BASILIO: Let's throw it in the river!

FOX ALICE: Correctly!
Take him by the hands, and I by the legs!
One two Three!

(They grab Pinocchio, swing it to the count: one, two, three and throw it into the river.
Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, the little gullible Pinocchio ended up in the river. But he was wooden and could not drown. So he was carried downstream by the river.
And in this river a very long time ago, for as long as 300 years, the old turtle Tortila lived.
It was she who caught Pinocchio from the river.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is sitting. Next to him is the Turtle Tortila.)

TURTLE TORTILA: Poor little stupid Pinocchio!
So why are you so trusting?

BURATINO: (offended) Why are you calling?

TURTLE TORTILA: I have lived on earth for 300 years and have seen a lot in my lifetime.
That's so little boys (turns to the hall) and girls are easily fooled when they don't want to go to school to be smart and sensible.
Well, don't worry!
I will give you a golden key! (holds out the Golden Key)

BURATINO: Is he really golden?

TURTLE TORTILA: Yes, it is indeed golden.
And there is a secret associated with it.

BURATINO: Secret? Interesting!

TURTLE TORTILA: It was dropped into the river by a man with a long beard.

BURATINO: With a long beard?
Maybe it was Karabas-Barabas?

TURTLE TORTILA: May be! I don't know what his name was. But he cursed so hard, so
demanded that they get him a key from the bottom, that he scared away all the fish!

TURTLE TORTILA: He had to leave empty-handed. And then the fish got the key from the bottom of the river and gave it to me.

BURATINO: Interesting!

TURTLE TORTILA: Well, goodbye, Pinocchio!
It's time for me to rest.

BURATINO: And I have to go to Papa Carlo, otherwise he, probably, was already waiting for me.

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And Pinocchio set off on his way back. The road passed by a small house in which the girl Malvina lived with blue hair.
Pinocchio remembered how the sad Pierrot read poems about her and decided to visit her.

(Music. The curtain opens. Malvina is sitting, writing. Pinocchio enters.)

BURATINO: Hello Malvina!
Are you that Malvina, about whom the sad poet Piero reads poetry all the time?

MALVINA: Yes it's me.
And what is your name?

BURATINO: My name is Pinocchio.
Papa Carlo sent me to school, and I ended up in the theater of Karabas - Barabas!

MALVINA: I ran away from this Karabas-Barabas.
He swings his whip all the time!

BURATINO: And I almost got tired of it!

MALVINA: What, you never went to school?

BURATINO: No never.

MALVINA: So you can't even read or write?

BURATINO: No I do not know how to.

MALVINA: Then sit down and write!
I will teach you!

BURATINO: Or maybe I'd better go?

MALVINA: No, sit down and write!

(Pinocchio sits down and takes a pen.)

MALVINA: Well, I planted a blot!
One more!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio laughs and plants another blot.

MALVINA: We'll have to put you in a closet for your outrages!

(Music. Malvina takes Pinocchio by the hand and leads into the closet. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So Pinocchio ended up in a closet where there were a lot of spiders.
... But he very soon managed to escape from there, and he went further, home to Papa Carlo.
But new adventures await him along the way!
After all, Karabas-Barabas managed to find out that the Turtle Tortila gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio. But this Key Karabas-Barabas has long been looking for.
Therefore, Karabas-Barabas began to wait for Pinocchio by the road, and there he met his old friends Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.
“How good,” thought Karabas-Barabas, “they will help me.”

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Karabas-Barabas, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.)

KARABAS-BARABAS: It's good that I met you!
You are what I need.

BASILIO: And what happened?

FOX ALICE: Yes, what happened?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I found out that the Tortilla Tortilla gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio! To that wretched wooden boy! And I'm just looking for it!

BASILIO: Who are you looking for? Pinocchio?

KARABAS-BARABAS: No, golden key!

BASILIO: Why do you need him?

CABARAS-BARABAS: He opens the iron door behind the painted hearth in the closet.
Papa Carlo!
I think there are… treasures!

FOX ALICE: This Pinocchio is lucky! We threw it into the river!
And not only did he not drown, he also received the Key to the door,
behind which treasures lie!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, can you help me catch Pinocchio before he meets his Papa Carlo?
And I will generously reward you for this!

FOX ALICE: How generous is that?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I'll give you three gold coins for this!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding? Cat Basilio!
He wants us to fight Papa Carlo for three gold coins!


FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! He wants to fool us!
He is the most tight-fisted of all puppet theater owners!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, if you don't want to, you don't have to!
I can handle it myself!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! After all, it won't work!

BASILIO: It won't work!

FOX ALICE: Five gold!

Let there be five gold!

FOX ALICE: Let's go Basilio the Cat!
Let's help our friend find Pinocchio! ... And then - and treasures!

(Pinocchio appears.)

Give me the Golden Key! He's mine!

BURATINO: No, I won't!
(removes his hands with the Key back.)

ALL: Give it back!


ALL: Give it back!

(Everyone rushes to Pinocchio.)

BURATINO: Papa Carlo!

(Papa Carlo appears with friends.)

CARLO: I'm here my boy!

(Music. Papa Carlo and his friends free Pinocchio. During the brawl Karabas-Barabas wraps his long beard around a tree.)

CARLO: Well, we finally found you!
What is your key?

BURATINO: This is the Golden Key!
Tortilla Tortilla gave it to me!

CARLO: So after all, this is probably the Key to the iron door behind the painted hearth!
My grandfather also told me that this door can only be opened with the Golden Key!
Let's go home and try to open this door!

(Music. Pinocchio, Papa Carlo and his friends go home. Karabas - Barabas, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio are going to follow them.)

FOX ALICE: Well, let's run after them! And then we'll be late!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Wait for me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what happened to you?

KARABAS - BARABAS: I got a beard!

FOX ALICE: Well, cut it off!

What am I Karabas - Barabas without a beard?

FOX ALICE: Well, then stay with your beard!
Run, Cat Basilio!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Okay, cut it!…

(Fox Alice takes out scissors and cuts his beard, and at this time he howls: “What kind of Karabas-Barabas am I without a beard?” - 2 times.)

FOX ALICE: All right, let's run faster! And then we'll be late!

(Music. They run off the stage. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, everyone came to Papa Carlo's closet.
What is there, behind the iron door?

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio, Carlo and his friends are on the stage. Everyone goes to the painted hearth, removes it. They open the door with the Golden Key and see the inscription: “FAIRY LAND.” The Fairy comes out from behind the door.)

FAIRY: Welcome to our Fairyland!
In it, all people live together and happily!
But only kind people but the evil ones cannot enter!

BURATINO: And can I bring my friends here: Pierrot, Malvina and all the artists from the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater?

FAIRY: Of course!
In our fairyland have your own puppet show and they can all work there.

BURATINO: Then we'll call them!

ALL: Friends, come here!

(Music. Everyone comes. Karabas - Barabas and Fox Alice stand aside and shake their fists, and Basilio the Cat - with a stick. But no one is afraid of them.)

CARLO: And now, friends, let's all dance!

(Music: Polechka. The fun begins. Everyone dances the Polechka, except for Fox Alice, Cat Basilio and Karabas-Barabas. The curtain closes. The music stops playing.
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear on the proscenium (before the curtain)).

FOX ALICE: (says looking into the room) It's always like this: you work, you work, and everything goes to others!
(speaking to Cat Basilio) Let's go, Cat Basilio, my old faithful friend!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat walk hand in hand along the proscenium along the curtain.)

BASILIO: Give alms to the poor blind man...
Give alms to the poor blind man...

(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio leave the stage. Music sounds.)



A musical performance based on the fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy "Pinocchio".



Papa Carlo


Cat Basilio

fox alice





Painting #1

There is a table on the stage, a picture with a hearth. Papa Carlo carves a doll.

Presenter: against the background of unhurried music (choice of musical


Once upon a time there lived a lonely man, his name was Carlo.

And he decided one day to cut a wooden boy out of a log.

Papa Carlo: Good log. From it you can cut an excellent

wooden boy. Eyes, mouth, nose.

The log squeaks. Papa Carlo drops it, then picks it up again, cuts it.

Pinocchio: from behind the scenes

Oh, it's ticklish!

Papa Carlo throws a log, it rolls backstage and from behind the scenes under cheerful music Pinocchio runs out.

Papa Carlo: Who are you?

Pinocchio: I'm Pinocchio!

Papa Carlo: Good boy. Only the nose is too long, shorten it!

Pinocchio jumps around Papa Carlo, grimacing.

Papa Carlo: Stop messing around, Pinocchio, what do you want?

Pinocchio: I want to eat!

Papa Carlo: Well, sit still, I'll bring you something to eat.

Pinocchio: (looks at hearth). And now I'm going to eat!

(pierces the hearth with his nose). Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Papa Carlo: I'm here, my boy!

Pinocchio: I want to go to school!

Papa Carlo: And I already bought you an alphabet!

Pinocchio: Oh! Where is your jacket?

Papa Carlo: I sold it so you could study.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo! I will learn, grow up and buy you 1000 new jackets!

The curtains are closing.

Painting #2

In the proscenium, a boy with a poster - a poster "The Puppet Theater of Karabas-Barabas", a postcard, a cash desk on the table.

Pinocchio: How you want to go to the theater. Please tell me how much is the entrance fee

Boy: Four soldos, wooden man.

Pinocchio: He sighs and throws up his hands.

Maybe you can buy an alphabet book with wonderful pictures from me!

Boy: With pictures? Come on!

Pinocchio: Then give me a ticket in the very first row!

Pinocchio sits in the front row.

Painting #3

To the music of "The Elephant" by C. Saint-Saens, the curtain opens Karabas Barabas.

"Elephant" - music by C. Sen - Sans O.P. Radynov. Program " Musical masterpieces". "Listening to music" disc number 7.

Karabas-Barabas: (Bows and announces.)

The show starts!

Pierrot enters the stage.

Pierrot: (Very sad and slow)

Hello dear audience!

My name is Piero!

Now we will play for you the comedy "Girl with blue hair" or

"Thirty-three slaps."

Harlequin: (Comes out from the other side, speaks cheerfully, abruptly)

Hello, I'm Harlequin!

Why are you sad?

Pierrot: Malvina fled to foreign lands,

Malvina is gone, my bride.

I'm crying, I don't know where to go

Isn't it better to part with the puppet life.

It's a girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: Ha! Ha! Ha! Listen, are there girls with blue


From the public: No! Not!

Harlequin: Hey dolls, look! It's a rascal Pinocchio!

All the dolls appear from behind the scenes and call Pinocchio.

Dolls: Pinocchio, come to us! Go here!

Pinocchio runs to the stage.

Dance "The bird danced the polka" - music. A. Rybnikova.

A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic". Cassette. No. 2.

Karabas-Barabas: Who prevented the presentation of our comedy?

The puppets run away in fear. different sides, press their palms to their cheeks or cover their face with them.

Karabas-Barabas: Hey Pinocchio, you are wooden, today I will melt

you fireplace.

Karabas - Barabas grabs Pinocchio by the hand and drags him.

Pinocchio: Oh! Ouch! Ouch!

Karabas - Barabas: Oh, good log. Stop crying, climb into the hearth.

Pinocchio: Poor me, unfortunate me. I tried sticking my nose into the hearth,

just punched a hole in it.

Karabas - Barabas: How could you poke a hole in the hearth?

Pinocchio: Yes, because the hearth was painted in Papa Carlo's closet!

Karabas - Barabas: Your father Carlo? I give you life.

Here's five gold pieces for you, take them to Papa Carlo. And most importantly

let him protect the picture with the hearth.

Karabas - Barabas leaves.

Pinocchio: That's a coin - five gold!

I will buy gifts for dad with them.

There will be a jacket, there will be a pie!

Everything I could do for my dad!

Alice and Basilio: That's a coin - five gold!

He will buy gifts for dad with them!

There will be a jacket, there will be a pie!

Everything he could do for dad.

Alice: Hello, smart Pinocchio!

Basilio: Hello, kind, Pinocchio!

Alice and Basilio: Where are you in such a hurry?

Pinocchio: To Papa Carlo!

Alice: I don’t know if you will find poor Carlo alive, he’s really bad

from hunger and cold.

Pinocchio: (shows a coin). Did you see this? I will buy him gifts.

Alice: Clever, prudent, Pinocchio!

Would you like to have 10 times more money?

Pinocchio: Of course I do! And how is it done?

Basilio: Easy. Come with us to the land of Fools and sow yours

coin. It will grow into a tree with golden leaves.

Alice and Basilio dance and take Pinocchio away with them.

Picture number 4.

Forest. Malvina's house.

"Dance of Artemon and Malvina" - music by D. Shostakovich.

O.P. Radynov. Program "Musical Masterpieces". "Puppet Dance"

To the music, Pinocchio runs out from behind the scenes.

Pinocchio: Help! Help! Falls in the middle of the stage.

Malvina: Ah! Oh! It's Pinocchio! Walks around him.

Artemon, what's wrong with him?

Artemon: Woof, Woof! The patient is more alive than dead.

He must be treated with a cus-tor-coy!

Pinocchio: No need for castor oil. I'm alive!

Artemon: (Jumps and barks).

Woof! Woof! Woof! That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it!

Malvina: And now, wash your hands, sit down at the table, we will solve the problem.

Pinocchio: (To the side) That's how you got in!

Malvina: You have two apples in your pocket, Artemon took one apple from you,

how much do you have left?

Pinocchio: Two!

Malvina: Why?

Pinocchio: But because I won’t give my apple to anyone, even if he fights.

Malvina: Artemon, take this rascal to the closet!

The curtains are closing.

Pinocchio in the proscenium.

Pinocchio: Also my teacher. Is this how children are raised?

So don't sit, don't do that. I'll leave.

Walks through the hall. Sounds disturbing music (optional) music director), Pinocchio rushes about.

Pinocchio: Now I will plant money. Here! Not here!

Alice and Basilio run in in their t-shirts.

Basilio: Trick or treat.

Alice: Where is your money?

Basilio: Money, brat.

Alice: I'll tear it to shreds.

Basilio: That's where the money is. The cat and the fox take away a coin.

Alice: And we will throw you into the swamp.

Pinocchio is picked up by the armpits, circled, planted on a leaf of a water lily.

Picture number 5.

On the floor are leaves representing a swamp. Tortilla on one sheet, Pinocchio on the other.

Frogs come out from behind the curtains.

"Song - dance of frogs" - music by V. Nikolaev.

N. N. Alparova, V. A. Nikolaev, I. P. Susidko “Musically - game material for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren: Golden autumn, part 2.

Moscow Humanitarian Publishing Center "Vlados" 2000, page 21.

To the music comes Tortilla.

"Romance of the Turtle Tortilla" - music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Duremar peeps out from behind the curtains, rubbing his hands, he overhears the conversation between Tortilla and Pinocchio.

Tortilla: Stupid, gullible Pinocchio. I would sit at home and study.

Pinocchio: I would like more money for Papa Carlo!

Tortilla: Don't worry, I know a great secret.

He removes a golden key from his neck and hangs it around Pinocchio's neck.

Tortilla: With this key, you need to open the door behind the painted hearth and this

bring you happiness!

Pinocchio: Hurrah! Now pecking at me!

Sounds like "Duremar's Song" - music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Duremar enters the stage, he sings and dances.

Duremar: The birder sings about the birds,

The fisherman sings about the fish

And I sing about leeches

I sell them for money.

Frogs: But from greed, qua - qua, and from stinginess,

But from meanness, qua - qua, and from stupidity.

Your product will not help, evil, nasty, Duremar!

Duremar catches frogs with a net. The frogs run away. At this time, Karabas Barabas enters. Duremar catches Karabas Barabas with a net.

Duremar: Excuse me, my dear sir.

Karabas Barabas shakes his head.

Duremar: To earn your forgiveness, I will reveal a secret that I

Karabas: There is only one secret in the world that I want to know. It's a secret about

golden key.

Duremar: Listen! Old Tortilla gave the golden key to this

wooden boy, we must catch up with him!

Karabas: And take away the golden key!

"Dance of Karabas Barabas and Duremar". "Gavotte" - music by L. Wenzel.

"Musical and rhythmic movements for children of preschool and school age» Part 2. T. F. Koreneva.

Moscow. Humanitarian publishing center "Vlados". 2001 page 13.

In the proscenium Pinocchio meets Pierrot.

Pinocchio: Oh Pierrot, hello!

Pierrot: Hello, Pinocchio. I'm looking for a girl with blue hair.

Pinocchio: Let's go, I'll take you to her.

Picture number 6.

The curtains open.

Malvina is sitting at the table. Pinocchio and Pierrot enter.

Pinocchio: Here, I brought Pierrot, educate him.

Malvina: Ah! What happiness! (in an adult voice).

Boys! Not-med-len-but go brush your teeth, wash your hands.

Artemon, lead them.

Everyone leaves, Pinocchio grumbles, mimics Malvina.

Pinocchio: Immediately! Immediately!

Artemon jumps out from behind the curtains.

Artemon: Wow! Woof! Karabas Barabas is running here!

Pinocchio: No panic! Be-zh-zhim!!!

Carabas - Barabas and Deremar are running towards the dolls.

Karabas: Ha-ha-ha! So cleverly, the golden key itself goes into my hands.

Duremar: Give me the dog, Poodle, I'll throw it to the leeches so that

my leeches got fat.

Karabas: Come to me, my children!

Karabas and Duremar are catching dolls. The dolls dodge.

Duremar: Take the villains! They ran away from the owner of the theater!

Pinocchio: Hey, dolls, stop being afraid of them, there are more of us!

Now we will deprive him of the most precious thing - his beard.

Pinocchio grabs Karabas Barabas by the beard, the rest of the dolls swing at him. The dog barks.

Papa Carlo appears.

Papa Carlo: Oh, you scoundrels and liars!

He swings the stick, raises the stick up.

Pinocchio runs around the stick, Karabas Barabas, running after Pinocchio, gets entangled with his beard on the stick.

Papa Carlo: So you are punished for your greed.

Drives Karabas Barabas and Duremar away.

And now let's go home.

The back expands.

Sounds "Musical snuffbox" music by A. Lyadov.

O.P. Radynov. Program "Musical Masterpieces". "Listening to music" disc №10..

Papa Carlo, dolls, Pinocchio approach the picture with a painted hearth.

Papa Carlo: Pinocchio, get your golden key, and we will open the door to

Magic country.

Pap Carlo takes a picture with a hearth, there is a door. Pinocchio opens it with a golden key, on the stage "Magic Country".

Pinocchio: No wonder I got wet in the swamp. Now we'll put on a comedy

"Extraordinary Adventures"

All: (in chorus) BU - RA - TI - BUT!.

Papa Carlo: Comedy is when everyone is having fun.

Dance "Pinocchio" music by A. Rybnikov.

Elena Makarova

The New Year holidays have flown by, spring will come imperceptibly! And there, not far from graduation balls!

In the publication of the script for the children's play "The Snow Queen" I talked a little about our theater "Kid": all the texts were written for specific children, speech and creative possibilities everyone.

The script for this play was written in 1997. We put on a performance for each graduation celebration(the first part of the holiday is short, solemn).

The musical accompaniment of the performance is the themes of the characters from the famous film "Golden Key", the song of the police is performed to the melody of the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult" (M. Minkova and A. Gorokhova) from the television film "The investigation is being conducted to the bear" Connoisseurs ", the final the song is performed to the melody of the song about the Olympic bear (A. Pakhmutova, A. Dobronravov).

The script has gone through five productions. I hope that it will be useful to someone in their work.

Recommended for staging in the preparatory school group and primary classes.



Madame Carabas



Poodle Artemon

Papa Carlo

Cat Basilio

fox alice

Turtle Tortilla

Hostess of the Tavern


Cop I

Cop II


Cop IV

From behind the closed curtain, Pierrot comes out with tears in his eyes.

Pierrot: Attention! Attention! Farewell tour.

There is despair in my eyes, but this is my role.

Only a golden ray will touch the old roofs,

Farewell tour of the Malysh Theater!

Pierrot leaves, opening the curtain. All the characters slowly, sadly go out into a semicircle, approximately distributing themselves at their corners. Everyone sings the song "Far, Far Away"


Far, far beyond the sea

There is a golden wall.

In the wall of that cherished door,

Behind the door is a big country.

Unlocked with a golden key

Treasured door in the wall.

But where can I find this key?

Nobody told me.

The dolls go behind the curtain. The rest of the characters sit in their corners. Enter Madame Carabas. Sings.


I invite you to the play

There will be many things to do here.

I love my dolls

Like their own children.

I'll show you a show.

Ah, it's just a delight.

Ah, it's just amazing.

Ah, it's just a sight.

Madame Carabas stops where she is. Tapping the bail with a whip, he watches the exit of the dolls. The dolls come out and line up in two lines on both sides of Madame Carabas. The dolls dance and sing.


Long live our Madame Carabas,

We love very much

And we respect you very much.

And you are not a tormentor,

And just our good teacher.

Puppets take the form of hanging puppets (hands hanging, head down)


Hey old and young (sings)

Because I do good

Drive your gold

And don't forget the silver!

I'll show you a show.

Ah, it's just a delight.

Ah, it's just amazing.

Ah, it's just a sight.

Dolls sing "Long live ...". Madame Carabas, pushing the dolls, takes them behind the curtain. Papa Carlo comes out with a log, accompanied by Cricket. Cricket plays the violin. Both sing:


From fragrant curls,

Shavings and rings,

Help me in my old age

And to your delight.

Soon, soon wooden

The man will come out

Will sing to me under the hurdy-gurdy,

Stomp around the yards.

Papa Carlo "makes" a doll out of logs. The cricket sings.


He's almost ready now

Kind man.

You put hope in it

And give me some clothes.

He will save everyone from sorrow,

Heal from need

Will sing to everyone under the hurdy-gurdy,

Stomp around the yards.

Suddenly, the log begins to “bounce” in the hands of Papa Carlo and, jumping, “runs away” behind the curtain. Carlo and Cricket try to catch him. Shout:

"Ai, oi, stop!"


Sonny turns out

Cheerful such!


Help will be in old age,

Give everyone peace.

He will learn to read

Both the account and the letter.


Learn to please me

Any skill

Buratino jumps out from behind the curtain. Dancing. Carlo and Cricket dance with him.


Everyone, everyone

I will tell everyone and everyone.

I can do everything, I can

Me and the sea knee-deep,

I am a log man.


Dad will give the ABC,

You will know a lot.


Put on a new shirt

Stockings and shoes.

And the alphabet is cheerful

Take it with you.


Keep and take care of her

And gain knowledge.

Run to school faster

Look, don't get lost.

Pinocchio takes the alphabet from Papa Carlo and runs away to the audience. He sits in the front row among them.


Under the stairs, behind the stove

I lived alone.

And singing songs

He made everything.

I took an old log

(The hunt came to me).

And the son of wood

I cut myself.

Papa Carlo and the cricket go to their corner (Papa Carlo's closet).

Puppets come out from behind the curtain. They sing and dance very sadly.

Polka bird dancing

On the lawn, at an early hour Tail to the left,

nose right

This is the polka "Karabas"


Oh, have more fun

Smile a little.

Oh, madam will wake up now,

They will quickly deal with us, Av, Av, Av!

The puppets continue the song already merrily:

The bird danced the polka

Because it's fun

Tail to the left, nose to the right

This was a field.

The puppets make an asterisk. They dance. The music stops. Everyone quickly rebuilds into a semicircle.


Let's cheer up the audience

Let's put on a show now.

(referring to Pierrot)

I will beat you

And you will shed bitter tears!




Let me be offended

And let the audience see the tears

And what can you do, if we are, So our Karabas teaches.

Harlequin "gives" Pierrot cuffs. Puppets are considered in chorus.

One slap,

two butt pads,

Three cuffs,

33 slaps.

Pinocchio can't stand it and runs onto the stage.


Hey Hey! Performance

Doesn't sound like a joke. Stop for a minute!

This is not a performance

And just a farce!

I won't let you hurt dolls!

The dolls begin to explain Pinocchio:

Artemon: Wait, don't make noise, don't shout.

Malvina: Be careful, don't wake up madam.


I do not beat Pierrot, I do not scold,

I kinda hate him.


Madame composed a play for us,

We must do everything now.

Malvina: Here is Pierrot

Pierrot: Here is Harlequin

Harlequin: Nice poodle Artemon,

Artemon: And beautiful Malvina!

All dolls: The theater is small, but it is full!

Dolls praise Pinocchio.


wooden man,

In new shoes.


In a smart cap, scarlet,

With the alphabet in hand.


You are so funny, kind,

Joyful, funny

Let it be home for you

Our own theatre.


So glad,

I am so glad,

I found myself a friend

To our theater

To us on stage

All dolls:

New doll has arrived!

Pinocchio runs out into the middle of the hall. Sings.


I gladly entered your house,

I've known everyone since childhood

I am not a scientist, not a poet,

And conquered the whole wide world.

I am recognized everywhere

Tell me what's my name

All: Boo-ra-ti-but!

Pierrot: On his head is a cap.

Harlequin: And the enemy will be fooled.

Artemon: He will show his nose to everyone.

Malvina: And make your friends laugh!


I am recognized everywhere

Tell me what's my name

All: Boo - ra - ti - but!

The dolls dance merrily. The music cuts off abruptly. Madame Carabas appears. She is trying to catch up with Pinocchio. The dolls try to stop her, but to no avail. Madame catches Pinocchio.

Madame: You brought trouble to the theater

And the dolls laughed to tears.

Simple, stupid log

Caught you anyway

You are now my first enemy, You will quickly melt my hearth!

The dolls bow their heads and sadly go behind the curtain. Madame Karabas and Pinocchio in

theater corner, repeating the name Bu-ra-ti-no.

All: Boo-ra-ti-but!

Cricket: Flashing pictures one after another

Their mood is changing.

Let's see how the cute hero does!

After all, adventure lies ahead!

Duremar exits. A cat and a fox follow him. Duremer sings. cat and fox

put away from Duremar.

Duremar: The bird-catcher sings about the birds,

The fisherman sings about fish.

Cat: And you sing about leeches.

Fox: You sell them for money.


Applications are being accepted

For medicinal leeches.

From bronchitis, tonsillitis,

From the liver, spleen,

And from the flu.

These goats will help you.

My dear leeches.

Cat and Fox:

But out of greed

And from stupidity.

But from meanness

And from stupidity

Your product won't help

Evil, nasty, Duremar!

Duremar drives away the Cat and the Fox with a net. Continues to sing.


The florist sings about flowers,

The beekeeper sings about bees.

Cat: And he sings about leeches.

Fox: Sells them for money.


Eliminate leeches,

And acne and warts.

From bronchitis, tonsillitis,

From the liver, spleen,

And from the flu

These goats will help you

My dear leeches.

Cat and Fox:

But out of greed

And from stupidity

But from meanness

And from stupidity

Your product won't help

Evil, nasty, Duremar!

Duremar runs after the cat and the fox. They hide from him. Duremar goes to the corner where the swamp is marked. The cat and the fox reappear.

The cat and the fox turn away, offended at each other. From the pond where the house of the turtle Tortilla stands, his mistress comes out and turns to the cat and the fox.


It's been three days in a row

I sit and wait.

I have many thoughts

Want to tell?

Cat and Fox: Yes of course?

The cat and the fox sit at the feet of the turtle and listen. The turtle is singing.


Three hundred years ago

I was young.

Someone dropped it then

There is a golden key in the pond.

And revealed the secret to me, my grandmother.

Key opens the door

To the world of happiness and kindness,

But she can find

Only the hero

Who cares for the weak

Heart and soul.


We are, we are heroes

(jumps up) Look at us.

We will open any door

(gets up slowly) Give us the key now.

Turtle: Also me, there were heroes,

What to talk empty?

I know who to give

That golden key.

Papa Carlo made

Son for myself

The boy is kind and sweet

This I know.

And we are with the old Vodyany,

We'll give him the key.

The turtle importantly goes into the pond. The cat and the fox are whispering, thinking how to outsmart the Waterman.

Well? Do you hear, do you understand?

Do you know who will come?

This old galosh Pinocchio is waiting!


Ah, Basilio, don't whine!

All this is nonsense!

The key will give us Water,

He is such a simpleton!

Let's mud by the pond

stir and stir,

And then we are Vodyanoy

Let's wake up!

The cat and the fox, joyfully finding a way out, dance the tango. In the dance they approach the pond and muddy the water in it with their tails. Awakened by the noise, Vodyanoy jumps out and sings.


Oh, oh, oh, oh!

So where can I find peace?

In vain, in vain, in vain, in vain

I fall asleep-ah-ah-ah!

I'm so tired,

I whole century no longer slept!

And here and there

Everyone climbs into my pond!

The cat and the fox take the Waterman by the hand. They caress him, and they themselves quietly search his pockets. They also sing.

Cat: Oh, hello, Uncle Water!

Fox: Well, how are you, our dear?

Water: Well, what a life - a tin, I live like a toadstool!

Cat: Where are your girlfriends and friends?

Fox: Why haven't I seen them for a long time?

Water: Well, what about my girlfriends -

Leeches, yes frogs!

Fox (aside): Fi, what a mess!

Cat: Our dear uncle Vodyanoy,

Listen to us now with Lisa

Fox: Where is your golden key?

Our dear Uncle Vodyanoy.

The merman rejoices that he has found friends.


I love when with me

Everyone is kind and gentle.

And you have a golden key

I will, of course!

The cat and the fox take turns dancing with the Water Tango, leading him to the pond. The waterman takes out a golden key from the pond. The cat and the fox snatch the key from the Waterman's hands, and push him into the pond.


Here is the key!

And in it the solution

Our beggarly problems!

The misfortunes will stop

He will cheer you up

I'll drink and eat!

Fox: Fi, glutton!

The cat and the fox go to the Tavern of the Three Minnows. The fox carries the key held high above his head. The cat always wants to take the key away. At this time, the dolls come out. Each has a little cat, pressed to the chest. Pinocchio goes first. He is holding a banner that reads "Free the Dolls". The puppets go around the whole hall and stand in a semicircle, singing. ("Whirlwinds are hostile.")

All puppets left their native theater.

The theater is empty, he was left alone.

We will see freedom and we will be glad!

And we learned goodness and evil!

In our theater, in our theater

Let everyone laugh who is lucky!

Let's leave adversity and cold, hunger

We know that happiness lies ahead of us.

Our theater is cheerful, our theater is young!

Go ahead, Pinocchio, go!

Suddenly, Madame Carabas runs up to the dolls. She is already kind and sweet.


cute dolls,

Wait for me!

You forgive my terrible character.

I will stop hurting you

I'll try to be kind.

I was cruel, angry and angry.

A golden key will help me become good.

Tortilla itself,

For a hundred years this key has been kept

Last years

And in the cold, and in the heat

Keep this key

Old man, Water!

Pinocchio: So what are we up to? Forward!

Artemon: Come on, puppet people!

Pierrot: Let's find the golden key!

Harlequin: He will give it to us, Vodyanoy!

Malvina: If we ask permission

And very kindly ask.

The dolls and Madame Carabas go behind the curtain. The hostess of the Tavern and the lad come out and sing.

Mistress: At the crossroads of three roads

My tavern is worth it.

And whoever steps on the threshold

Get a meal.

Cook: decent meal,

Delicious excellent

And if you want another

Order and you're done!

Mistress: Oh, how I rejoice at the guests,

I feed everyone famously

And I sincerely wish you

Big appetite!

Cook: decent meal,

Delicious excellent

And if you want another

Order and you're done!

At this moment, the cat and the fox, who were eating fish with appetite, are trying to escape from the tavern without paying for dinner. The hostess and the cook catch them by their tails.

Mistress: Eat, eat

Don't piss off the owner.

Cook: Hey you tramps listen up

And run the money!


Ah, you vagrants-parasites,

Eat a delicious lunch!

Nobody could do it for me

Get out of the door for free!

Together: Police!

The cops come out and sing:

Our service

Both dangerous and difficult.

And at first glance

It's like it's not visible.

If someone, somewhere,

Calls us sometimes

Night or day

So let's cook

He is his golden

And then we guarantee peace

We are together with you!

Cop I: I am a wonderful policeman. I go where I want.

And those I need

I'll take you to jail.

Cop III:

I see everything and hear

I am always on guard.

I know who breathes what.

Where is the joy, where is the trouble.

Cop II:

All citizens are happy with me

There is a use for me

But disturb the order

Never need to.

Cop IV:

Hey poor and rich

(aside) Don't disturb the order.

Jokes are bad with the law!

We will pick up everyone to the crumbs!

Cop III:

What is the noise in the room?

What are your violations?


weird cop,

Here are these parasites;

Wanted to sneak away

Didn't pay for lunch!


We didn't blink an eye

They, as given the move!

Cop II:

To jail both at once!

For crackers and water!

Mistress, listen

Could you forgive us?


We can for all meals

Great to pay!

Cat and Fox:

We have a golden key

It's small but golden!

Cop I:

Just this key

Looking for Karabas.

Cop 4:

And you, and you dove,

Go to jail now!


I have one suggestion

Don't spoil your mood

Let's all go to the theater together now,

We can meet Madame Carabas there.


She'll get together somehow

And she will deal with them.

Everyone walks towards the curtain. Puppets come out from behind the curtain. Madame Carabas walks ahead. All the heroes are gradually attached to them. At this time, the curtain opens, behind which fairy theater. Children walk around the hall and stand in a semicircle. In the future, all the characters, speaking their words, take two steps forward.


How long have we been walking around the world,

And we can't find the key.

Cop IV: The robbers were caught

Cop II: They stole your key.

Cat and Fox:

You forgive us

(fall to their knees)

Madame Karabas.

We will return the key to you now.

let us stay

Live in the theatre.

We are honest - fair

We will serve you.


Well then, stay

Try to work.

The cat and the fox give the key to Madame Carabas. They get up and take their places. Det, and passing the key to each other, they give it to Pinocchio.

Fox: I will become a faithful dog to serve.

I sing songs

And guard the theater!

Pinocchio, having received the key, raises it high above his head.


Here it is, the golden key,

Since childhood, he has been associated with a dream.

Key opens the door

Good luck,

Heart to Heart!

Everyone sings the song "Far, Far Away":

Far, far beyond the sea

Worth the golden hay.

In the wall of that cherished door,

Behind the door is a big country.

Unlocked with a golden key

Treasured door in the wall.

But where can I find this key?

Nobody told me.


The play is over,

The music suddenly stopped


But is it?

And now it seems


It sounds and will be for a long, long time

Sound in the soul of each of us.


And will call to unknown distances

Ringing, sparkling rainbow-arc

Cop IV:

As if they gave us the "Firebird" in our hands

Or a golden key from happiness.

Cook: Big, mighty, fabulous power

Sometimes a fairy tale is so full

Turtle Tortilla: What seems like the unquenchable sun,

She is like an ocean.

Mistress: Every day we will wait with excitement,

Like a door to a magical land we will open.

Pinocchio: And the golden key of childhood again

More than once on life path we will remember.

Everyone sings a song:

Sing I verse and chorus:

Helium-filled balloons are distributed, and at the same time there is a performance

artists, then the children continue the song II verse and chorus.

While the children sing the second verse of the song, the teachers open the windows. Children invite their parents and together with them release balloons through the windows, saying goodbye to the theater and kindergarten, as if passing the baton to the kids who will come to this theater in the fall.

Again the hall becomes quieter

The fast time of miracles is melting.

The fairy tale leaves us inaudibly

Returns to the fairy forest.

Don't be sad, smile goodbye

Remember these days, remember.

Wish your wishes come true

We wish you all a new meeting.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart.

Let's keep our friendship.

Goodbye, see you again.

We wish each other success

Goodness and love without end.

Our childhood sonorous echo

Remains in verses and hearts.

Goodbye friends, goodbye.

Our theater is a magical goodbye.

Wish your wishes come true

Wish you all a good meeting.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart.

Let's keep our friendship.

Goodbye, see you again.

B U R A T I N O.

(Based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key".)

The script for the children's theater, where the children themselves will play.




STORYTOR: Once upon a time there was a man named Carlo. He was poor and lonely. And then one day he said
to himself: “Well, why do I live alone? I'll make myself a little boy out of wood. Everything becomes me
Riku will have more fun." And Carlo began to carve a boy from a tree, but he had not yet
finish the job, as the boy began to spin and spin, and when Carlo cut out
the boy's nose, the boy was trying so hard to escape that his nose was stretched out. And when work
was finished, next to Carlo stood a small wooden boy with a perky
long nose.

(Music. The curtain opens. Papa Carlo's house. He sits and cuts a log. A painted hearth hangs on the wall. Papa Carlo (if possible) quietly removes the log, and Pinocchio should also quietly appear near Papa Carlo (i.e. Pinocchio should be where hide something.

CARLO: Well, what a fidget you are! Would not spin, the nose would turn out normal! And so you will
my name is Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: Pinocchio, so Pinocchio!
And who are you?

CARLO: I am Papa Carlo.

BURATINO: Well, that's great! (Looks around, pokes his nose at the painted hearth).
And what's that?

CARLO: It's a painted hearth. He's been here for a very long time. Back when I was little
boy, he was already hanging here.

BURATINO: And what is behind this hearth?

CARLO: How curious you are!
So, some kind of iron door, but the key to it has long been lost, and I don’t know what is behind it.

BURATINO: Ah-ah-ah! There must be some mystery here!
It would be nice to know! !

CARLO: How curious you are, Pinocchio!

BURATINO: Inter-resno!
Papa Carlo! May I go for a walk?

CARLO: Wait, Pinocchio.
First you have to go to school. You can't read or write, after all.

BURATINO: And why should I?

CARLO: Then, so that you become smart and sensible. And so that Papa Carlo could you
be proud.

BURATINO: All right! Then I went to school.

CARLO: Wait! Don't forget to take the alphabet! It will teach you how to read. (gives alphabet)

BURATINO: Well, then I went?

CARLO: Go, son. And see, be a diligent student.

(Music. Pinocchio leaves. Carlo waves to him. The curtain closes).

STORYTOR: So Pinocchio went to school. But he was very curious, because he was not in vain
had a long nose. And long noses, as you know, stick everywhere, even where they don’t
Therefore, Pinocchio walked and looked at everything around.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on the stage with the alphabet under his arm. He jumps, looks around. Suddenly he stops at the sign: “PUPPET THEATER OF KARABAS-BARABAS”. can read.))

INVITED: Puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas! Puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas!
Hurry! Hurry!
All for the show!

STORYTOR: Pinocchio became curious about what it was, and he decided to enter the theater.
But they wouldn't let you in without a ticket.
And since he has not yet become smart and prudent, he sold his beautiful
ABC and bought a ticket with the proceeds.

(Pinocchio hands out the barker the alphabet, receives a ticket, waves it merrily and runs to the theater. Music. The curtain closes).

STORYTOR: So, Pinocchio stuck his long nose where he shouldn't have, and forgot his promise
Papa Carlo go to school and become smart and sensible.
And now let's see what came out of it.

(Music. The curtain opens. The theater of Karabas - Barabas is on stage. Pinocchio enters and watches what is happening in the theater.
There are various fairy-tale characters on the stage. Pierrot comes out and begins to read his sad poems. He has long sleeves, a cap on his head, painted tears and eyebrows to make his face look sad.)

PIERO: Malvina, Malvina
My bride.
She ran away
To foreign lands. (cries).

(All the dolls also begin to cry. Karabas runs out - Barabas with a whip and starts waving it, screaming and whipping in all directions).

KARABASS - BARABAS: Cursed dolls!
There you are!
You must laugh when he cries!

BURATINO: Don't hit them!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Who else is this?

BURATINO: I am Pinocchio.

KARABAS - BARABAS: Nasty wooden boy!
How dare you order me, Karabas - Barabas, the richest of
puppet theater owners!
You will get whips from me too! (swings).

BURATINO: Don't you dare, otherwise I'll tell Papa Carlo and he'll deal with you!

KARABAS - BARABAS: And who is Papa Carlo?

BURATINO: Papa Carlo lives in the Poor Quarter!

KARABAS - BARABAS: Ha-ha-ha! In the Poor Quarter!
What can he do to me, the richest and most powerful of
owners of puppet theaters?
Ha ha ha! After all, he has nothing!
He doesn't even have a hearth to cook his own food!

BURATINO: But he has a painted hearth!

KARABASS - BARABAS: (alarmed). Painted hearth? Papa Carlo?


KARABAS - BARABAS: Does he know what is behind this painted hearth?

BURATINO: Yes! There is an iron door!
But he doesn't have the key, and he doesn't know where that door leads.

KARABAS - BARABAS: Dear, pretty Pinocchio!
Go quickly to Papa Carlo, he must have been waiting for you for a long time.
And tell him to keep this painted hearth, and for that I will give you
5 gold pieces to give to Papa Carlo.

BURATINO: 5 gold pieces?

KARABAS - BARABAS: Yes, here they are! (considers). 1,2,3,4,5 .
Go to your Papa Carlo!

(Pinocchio takes the money (it should be 5 large yellow circles), clamps it in his fist and runs out of the theater. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTOR: So, Pinocchio left Karabas - Barabas is almost a rich man, because 5 gold is
lots of. And he hurried to Papa Carlo to give him the money.
But everything is not so simple!
After all, at the time when Karabas-Barabas gave Pinocchio 5 gold pieces, in the theater there were
There were friends of Karabas-Barabas: the cunning Fox Alice and the mischievous Cat Basilio. They are
decided to lure 5 gold from Pinocchio by cunning. Therefore, Cat Basilio refuted
rushed blind, and Fox Alice was his guide.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on the stage. He joyfully hops around the stage, waving his hand with 5 gold pieces above him. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear. Basilio the cat in dark glasses, with a stick in his hand, stretches out his other hand for Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are moving arm in arm across the stage.)

CAT BASILIO: Give alms to the poor blind man...

(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio stop near Pinocchio.)

FOX ALICE: Good Pinocchio, give alms to the poor blind man!
Do you have money?

BURATINO: I have 5 gold pieces.

(Shows. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio greedily stretch their hands to them).

BURATINO: But I have to give them to Papa Carlo! (He hides his hands with gold behind his back).

FOX ALICE: Stupid Pinocchio, you only have 5 gold pieces!
After all, you can have many more!

BURATINO: How is it?

FOX ALICE: And so!
We know how to do it!
If you want, we will tell you!


FOX ALICE: It must be a moonlit night, and today is just a moonlit night ...
So, on a moonlit night, you need to go to the Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools and bury
your coins, and say the words: “Cracks, Fax, Pax! » . Then pour water over
in the morning a tree will grow, on which there will be coins visibly-invisibly!

BURATINO: And where is this Country of Fools?

FOX ALICE: We must go straight, then turn right, then straight again.
And you will see the Wonderland of Fools!
And don't forget to wait until nighttime to bury your money there. (rubs hands).

BURATINO: All right!
Just don't peek!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding?
We are going in a completely different direction!
Let's go Basilio the Cat!

(Music. Pinocchio walks across the stage. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio seem to walk in the other direction, and then turn and, stealthily walk on him, or just peep.
Pinocchio looks around, buries the money, waters it, utters the words "Crex, Fax, Pax!" and goes to bed. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are quietly digging for money. The music ends. Fox Alice grabs the money.)

BASILIO: Give me the money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! Let's share!

BASILIO: Come on!

(Fox Alice puts 5 gold on the dais so that the audience can see how she will divide the money.
Then she (in accordance with the text), takes one gold.)

FOX ALICE: It's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Why did you deceive? Come on first! (Repeats the previous procedure.)
That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what are you talking about, Cat Basilio!
Well, how can I deceive you, my faithful friend!

BASILIO: All right!

(Pinocchio wakes up and gets up, sees that his hole has been dug out and there is no money.)

BURATINO: Oh, deceivers!
Give me back my money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio, hold him!

(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio grab Pinocchio. Cat Basilio holds him, and Fox Alice slaps him on the pope.)

FOX ALICE: Here are the deceivers! (spanking)
Here's your money! (spanking)
Don't be so gullible! (spanking)
Where is it, Cat Basilio? So he can't complain to his Papa Carlo?

CAT BASILIO: Let's throw him into the river!

FOX ALICE: That's right!
Take him by the hands, and I by the legs!
One two Three!

(They grab Pinocchio, swing it to the count: one, two, three and throw it into the river.
Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTOR: So, the little trusting Pinocchio ended up in the river. But it was made of wood and
couldn't drown. So he was carried downstream by the river.
And in this river a very long time ago, for as long as 300 years, the old turtle Tortila lived.
It was she who caught Pinocchio from the river.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is sitting. Next to him is the Turtle Tortila.)

TURTLE TORTILA: Poor little stupid Pinocchio!
So why are you so trusting?

BURATINO: (offended) Why do you call names?

TURTLE TORTILA: I have been living on earth for 300 years and have seen a lot in my lifetime.
That's how little boys (turns to the audience) and girls easily
fooled when they don't want to go to school to be smart
and prudent.
Well, don't worry!
I will give you a golden key! (holds out the Golden Key)

BURATINO: Is it really Golden?

TORTILA TURTLE: Yes, it's really Golden.
And there is a secret associated with it.

BURATINO: A secret? Interesting!

TURTLE TORTILA: It was dropped into the river by a man with a long beard.

BURATINO: With a long beard?
Maybe it was Karabas-Barabas?

TURTLE TORTILA: Maybe! I don't know what his name was. But he cursed so hard, so
demanded that they get him a key from the bottom, that he scared away all the fish!

TURTLE TORTILA: He had to leave empty-handed. And then the fish got the key from
the bottom of the river and gave it to me.

BURATINO: Inter-resno!

TURTLE TORTILA: Well, goodbye, Pinocchio!
It's time for me to rest.

BURATINO: And I have to go to Papa Carlo, otherwise he must have been waiting for me.

(Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: And Pinocchio set off on his way back. The road passed by a small house,
in which lived the girl Malvina with blue hair.
Pinocchio remembered how the sad Pierrot read poems about her and decided to go to her

(Music. The curtain opens. Malvina is sitting, writing. Pinocchio enters.)

BURATINO: Hello, Malvina!
Are you that Malvina, about whom the sad poet Piero reads poetry all the time?

MALVINA: Yes, it's me.
And what is your name?

BURATINO: My name is Pinocchio.
Papa Carlo sent me to school, and I ended up in the theater of Karabas - Barabas!

MALVINA: I ran away from this Karabas-Barabas.
He swings his whip all the time!

BURATINO: And I almost got it from him!

MALVINA: What, you never went to school?

BURATINO: No, never.

BURATINO: No, I can't.

MALVINA: Then sit down and write!
I will teach you!

BURATINO: Or maybe I'd better go?

MALVINA: No, sit down and write!

(Pinocchio sits down and takes a pen.)

MALVINA: Well, I planted a blot!
One more!

STORYTOR: Pinocchio laughs and plants another blot.

MALVINA: We'll have to put you in a closet for your outrages!

(Music. Malvina takes Pinocchio by the hand and leads into the closet. The curtain closes.)

STORYTOR: So Pinocchio ended up in a closet where there were a lot of spiders.
... But he very soon managed to escape from there, and he went further, home to
Papa Carlo.
But new adventures await him along the way!
After all, Karabas-Barabas managed to find out that the Turtle Tortila gave the Golden Key
Chick Pinocchio. But this Key Karabas-Barabas has long been looking for.
Therefore, Karabas-Barabas began to wait for Pinocchio by the road, and there he met
his old pals Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.
“How good,” thought Karabas-Barabas, “they will help me.”

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Karabas-Barabas, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.))

KARABASS-BARABAS: It's good that I met you!
You are what I need.

BASILIO: What happened?

FOX ALICE: Yes, what happened?

KARABASS-BARABAS: I found out that the Turtle Tortila gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio! This
wretched wooden boy! And I'm just looking for it!

BASILIO: Who are you looking for? Pinocchio?

KARABASS-BARABAS: No, the Golden Key!

BASILIO: Why do you need it?

CABARAS-BARABAS: He opens the iron door behind the painted hearth in the closet
Papa Carlo!
I think there are… treasures!

FOX ALICE: This Pinocchio is lucky! We threw it into the river!
And not only did he not drown, he also received the Key to the door,
behind which treasures lie!

KARABASS-BARABAS: Well, help me catch Pinocchio before he meets his
Papa Carlo?
And I will generously reward you for this!

FOX ALICE: How generous is that?

KARABASS-BARABAS: I will give you three gold pieces for this!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding? Cat Basilio!
He wants us to fight Papa Carlo for three gold coins!


FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! He wants to fool us!
He is the most tight-fisted of all puppet theater owners!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, you don't want to and you don't have to!
I can handle it myself!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio! After all, it won't work!

BASILIO: It won't work!

FOX ALICE: Five gold pieces!

KARABASS-BARABAS: All right! So be it!
Let there be five gold!

FOX ALICE: Let's go, Cat Basilio!
Let's help our friend find Pinocchio! ... And then - and treasures!

(Pinocchio appears.)

Give me the Golden Key! He's mine!

BURATINO: No, I won't give it back!
Tortilla Tortilla gave it to me! (removes his hands with the Key back.)

ALL: Give it up!


ALL: Give it up!

(Everyone rushes to Pinocchio.)

BURATINO: Papa Carlo!

(Papa Carlo appears with friends.)

CARLO: I'm here, my boy!

(Music. Papa Carlo and his friends free Pinocchio. During the brawl Karabas-Barabas wraps his long beard around a tree.)

CARLO: Well, we finally found you!
What is your key?

BURATINO: This is the Golden Key!
Tortilla Tortilla gave it to me!

CARLO: So this is probably the Key to the iron door behind the painted hearth!
My grandfather also told me that this door can only be opened
Golden Key!
Let's go home and try to open this door!

(Music. Pinocchio, Papa Carlo and his friends go home. Karabas - Barabas, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio are going to follow them.)

FOX ALICE: Well, hurry up, run after them! And then we'll be late!

KARABASS - BARABAS: Wait for me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what happened to you?

KARABAS - BARABAS: My beard is stuck!

FOX ALICE: Well, cut it off!

What am I Karabas - Barabas without a beard?

FOX ALICE: Well, then stay with your beard!
Run, Cat Basilio!

KARABASS - BARABAS: Well, okay, cut it! ...

(Fox Alice takes out scissors and cuts his beard, and at this time he howls: “What kind of Karabas-Barabas am I without a beard?” - 2 times.)

FOX ALICE: All right, let's run faster! And then we'll be late!

(Music. They run off the stage. The curtain closes.)

STORYTOR: So, everyone came to Papa Carlo's closet.
What is there, behind the iron door?

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio, Carlo and his friends are on the stage. Everyone goes to the painted hearth, removes it. They open the door with the Golden Key and see the inscription: “FAIRY LAND.” The Fairy comes out from behind the door.)

FAIRY: Welcome to our Fairyland!
In it, all people live together and happily!
But only good people can enter it, and evil people cannot enter!

BURATINO: And you can bring my friends here: Pierrot, Malvina and all the artists from the puppet
Theater of Karabas - Barabas?

FAIRY: Of course!
Our Fairyland has its own puppet theater, and they can all work there.

BURATINO: Then we will call them!

ALL: Friends, come here!

(Music. Everyone comes. Karabas - Barabas and Fox Alice stand aside and shake their fists, and Basilio the Cat - with a stick. But no one is afraid of them.)

CARLO: And now, friends, let's all dance!

(Music: Polechka. The fun begins. Everyone dances the Polechka, except for Fox Alice, Cat Basilio and Karabas-Barabas. The curtain closes. The music stops playing.
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear on the proscenium (before the curtain)).

FOX ALICE: (says, looking into the hall) That's how it always is: you work, you work, and everything goes
(to Cat Basilio) Let's go, Cat Basilio, my old faithful friend!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat walk hand in hand along the proscenium along the curtain.)

BASILIO: Give alms to the poor blind man...
Give alms to the poor blind man...

(Fox Alice and Cat Basilio leave the stage. Music sounds.)


Description: The scenario of the fairy tale-alteration "Pinocchio" for adults on new way. Suitable for anniversary, New Year, wedding.


Papa Carlo
Other Karabas dolls - optional.

The scene is imitated as a carpenter's workshop. There are unfinished stools and tables in the corners. Papa Carlo works on the stump.

Papa Carlo's song, to the music from Metallica's song, Nothing Else Matters.


Papa Carlo: like this Magic world where children are made from logs. I will have a daughter, or maybe a son.

Pinocchio appears: Here I am!

Papa Carlo: O! Behold, my duty is done. Now we need to load someone else. Come on, son, go to school.

Pinocchio: What is a school? I have a bad feeling about something.

Papa Carlo: School is friends, new knowledge, a canteen and a lot of interesting things. Here's your library card.

Pinocchio: Why is he to me? - Brings it closer to the eyes, pierces his nose.

Papa Carlo: Well, how impractical you are. Why are we Italians and not Germans? So I could get a primer for free. And so you have to spend money.

Pinocchio: What is money? I have a good feeling.

Papa Carlo: You have three coppers. Buy a primer.

Pinocchio: I have a premonition that with this money you can only buy a ticket for the bus.

Papa Carlo: Listen, homegrown psychic, go study, you were told.


Pinocchio: Well, here's more! I am a child going to school.

Song Pinocchio. To the music from the song "Youngster", "15 years old".


Karabas-Barabas: Ugh! Do you have any idea how sad the lyrics of this original song are?

Pinocchio: I know. I also know that you are a fool!

Karabas-Barabas: So! Come on, my servants, come here!

His troupe comes out - Malvina, Harlequin, Pierrot and Artemon.

Karabas-Barabas: So! Here are the main signs of a local loafer. Catch and neutralize.

The troupe runs off to catch Pinocchio.

Pinocchio goes to the square. The tortoise Tortilla approaches him.

Turtle Tortilla: Can you tell me where the Elephant cafe is?

Pinocchio: Granny, this is Italy, not a film about Stirlitz.


It was an introduction to the story. For purchase full version go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 R kill

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