The magical properties of melt water for health. miraculous water

Water has always been a great mystery to the human mind. Much that is incomprehensible to our mind still remains in the properties and actions of water. Watching the flowing or flowing stream of water, a person can relieve his nervous and mental stress. What caused it? As far as we know, water does not contain any substances capable of producing such an effect.

Some scientists argue that water has the ability to receive and transmit any information, keeping it intact. The past, present and future are dissolved in water. These properties of water have been widely used and used in magic and healing. Until now, there are still folk healers and healers who “whisper into the water”, curing diseases with this.

Flowing water constantly takes the energy of the Cosmos and gives it in its pure form to the surrounding near-Earth space, where it is absorbed by all living organisms located within the reach of the flow, since the biofield formed by flowing water is constantly increasing due to the energy released.

The faster the water flow moves, the stronger this field. Under the influence of this force, the energy shell of living organisms is aligned, “breakdowns” in the body shell (aura) invisible to the common man are closed, the body is healed.

Jets of cold water wash off energy dirt very well, filling the body with strength. This healing property of water is used in their practice by doctors and traditional healers, recommending their patients to regularly douse themselves with cold water. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during this procedure the water goes into the ground. If this does not happen, then the energy will begin to move from the head to the legs, thereby provoking diseases of the legs, joints and blood vessels. In the village or in the country, this is easier to do.

It is enough to go out into the yard, stand on the ground and douse yourself with water from a bucket or wash yourself from a spring. All energy dirt will go into the soil. In city apartments, you can use the following method, which allows negative energy to go into the ground. To do this, lay a small sheet of metal or ordinary aluminum foil on the bottom of the shower bath and, stretching a thin wire from it, bring it into the drain. This will allow the energy flowing from the body through the wire to go into the ground. Those who have no time to douse themselves with cold water or who do not want to do this can simply rinse their faces after visiting public places or walking around the city.

You can use the healing power of water without touching it. To do this, you need to open the tap at home, sit down so that your back is straight and your legs do not cross. Stretching your hands to the water so that its jet passes between the palms facing each other, you should hold them like that for a while. After some time, in place of the feeling of coolness, a feeling of renewal and filling with strength will come, which will gradually spread to the whole body, starting with the hands.

After you feel that for the first time there is enough energy, mentally thank the water for the gift of power and stop the session. This should be done because all living things on our planet are united by one living energy, which gives us the opportunity to understand each other and exchange energies.

It has several other properties hot water. Transferring heat to us, it does not transfer force, but only transforms one type of energy into another. Hot water, pouring streams of water into the body, relaxes, stimulating blood circulation and activating all the processes of our body for a short time. However, such water does not carry any new information. Hence, there is often a feeling of “relaxation” of the head after a hot bath or bath. Hot water only allows you to keep your own strength intact, but practically does not give strength. Therefore, after taking a warm bath or shower, one does not feel such cheerfulness as after a cold one.

The most useful for the body is a contrast shower, because it allows you to break away from someone else's negative impact and at the same time replenish your strength. Favorable for a person is an odd alternation of jets of cold and hot water: cold (cool) - hot - cold - hot - cold - in this sequence.

Too much alternation of water should not be abused, as this can lead to illness. The best option is to alternate jets of cold and hot water up to 25 times.

Men should start and end a contrast shower with cold water, and women with warm water. This makes it possible not only to gain energy, but also to activate your natural principle - feminine or masculine. You can take a bath. Imagine sitting (lying) in the bathroom that all the energy dirt descends from you into the water.

You can enhance the cleansing effect by dissolving sea salt in the bath - it collects negative energy. If, while taking a shower, imagine how water washes away with sweat and dirt all resentment, irritation or fatigue, other people's evil thoughts and feelings that could touch you during the day, this idea will enhance the energy impact of the flowing stream of water.

Water has a powerful protective potential. If you are in trouble, in a bad mood, or feeling (not related to a physical illness, but to depression), take a shower or bath.

When taking water procedures, one should not spit into the water, just as one should not spit on fire.

Energy-very strong water on the feast of Ivan Kupala (July 7), as well as the day before it, two weeks after the winter solstice (winter Solstice), on the days of the summer Solstice, on Epiphany (January 19).

Old healers claim that water protects the house from secret hostility, envy, evil, the evil eye. Therefore, after receiving guests, you should never leave “for later” washing dishes, because it is not known what thoughts were in their heads when they were in your house. Even a person who is kind by nature is not always in control of his thoughts. Therefore, you should thoroughly rinse the dishes with running water after the guests leave, wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information.

During wet cleaning, you can wash the floor or wipe the dust, saying: “I wash off the dirt and everything bad, but health and happiness remain in the house.” Water can wash away someone else's information, regardless of whether we think about this quality or not. Water very quickly and strongly perceives human thoughts and recharges into a healing one for a person. For example, if you had guests or just a person praised your child and you are afraid that he will not “jinx” him, bathe the child in warm running water. By doing this, you will protect the child's energy field from bad foreign energy.

Magical actions that bring a positive result include the ability to cleanse clothes from accumulated negative energy. And this is not just washing, but rinsing clothes in running water. Rinsing in the washing machine will not give the desired effect due to the lack of water flow, which carries away unnecessary information from the clothes or linen that you rinse. Experts also do not advise putting on a purchased or donated item or clothes without pre-washing, since there is no guarantee that no one has held it in their hands before you, and has not left energy information that you do not need on it.

For cleansing from energy dirt Vedic practice advises:

To cleanse an object, hold it for three days in water, changing the water every day. Or it is enough to hold it in running water for about an hour.

Healers say that water hears and understands human speech, so you can’t send curses to the river even during a disaster - you can incur big troubles.

If water is treated disrespectfully, clog it, water will surely punish a person with diseases.

If you have a bad dream, you need to hold your hands under running water (water from an open tap will do for this purpose) and tell this dream to flowing water. Preferably no one can hear you. And the water will take away both the bad content of sleep and its effect on you. But since water tends to take away not only bad sleep, it is not recommended to sing in the bath. When you sing, you are not just in a good mood, but a state of joy. Water will carry away absolutely any of your sensations and states, including the feeling of happiness. And in ancient times they never sang cheerful, soulful songs over the river. The river was recited. Listed their pain, which the water carried away.

Under unfortunate circumstances, step over the flowing water (stream, river - over the bridge).

If relations with your beloved (oh) have gone wrong, you need to come together to the reservoir and look at the water - the bad will leave your life and reconciliation will come.

If you sincerely love a person, but are afraid or embarrassed to admit it, say a confession to the water. It is necessary to slander the water so that the water oscillates from your breath. Give water to drink to the object of love. Drinking water will definitely convey your feelings to a person. This is what our ancestors said.

But water can be more than just beneficial. It can also harm a person. The most prominent representatives of such water are stagnant reservoirs- ponds and lakes, almost entirely overgrown with vegetation. Such reservoirs take energy from living organisms to prolong their existence. For the same reason, it is not advised to keep paintings, drawings, photographs depicting overgrown lakes and swamps in the house, since they also have a similar effect. True, this has not been proven by science, so treat this information as usual, as information suitable for unraveling it.

Knowledge about the application of the miraculous properties of the four elements - Fire, Earth, Water and Air was passed down from generation to generation, traditions and signs were created on the basis of this knowledge. For example, from the distant past, a tradition passed to us after bathing a child, dousing him with water and saying: “Like water from a goose, so with (the name of a boy or girl is called) - thinness.” This tradition carries a deep meaning: water is able to wash away not only dirt, but also bad energy from the body. Therefore, after a shower, a person becomes more cheerful, healthier. After all, the word "thinness" used to mean a broader concept: it united everything bad, and not just the absence of a person's normal physical weight.

Running water remembers and takes away everything: dirt, fatigue, accumulated negative energy - both yours and someone else's. It aligns the flow of energy in the energy channels of the body, helps to balance the biofield. In the same way, she cleans clothes when washing and the house when cleaning. Don't forget to wash mirrors because they can remember your bad mood for a long time, harming your health.

Hydrotherapy has been known since ancient times. It is mentioned in the Vedas (1500 BC), in all world religions, in medical treatises of the great healers of antiquity. Fresh and mineral water was widely used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt, the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, ancient Greece, Rome and Russia.

A huge role belongs to water in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Sections of water medicine are diverse. The main ones are:
Balneotherapy - baths, showers, baths, saunas and other water treatments.
Hydrotherapy - external therapeutic use of fresh water (rubbing, dousing, hardening, winter swimming, etc.)

How much we still do not know about the properties of those same 5 elements (space, air, fire, water and earth), of which, according to the ancient enlightened teachers, everything on our planet consists, including you and me!

And modern scientists claim that 75% of our body is Water.

Many of them today are studying its properties and effects on our body. For example, Rustum Roy, a professor at Pennsylvania State University, is doing a great job of researching the influence of intention on water molecules, and the main focus of his work is the study of structured water. During the experiments, he, in particular, found out that water molecules are collected in clusters that have the ability to store enormous amounts of information about the events taking place around. “Structured water is found in the cytoplasm of healthy tissues and is characterized by high solubility for body minerals. It's also found in healing water, the kind we're used to at healing water spas,” says Roy.

In Russia, Professor Konstantin Korotkov came to the conclusion that positive human emotions have an extremely beneficial effect on the properties of water and increase its energy. Negative emotions literally "spoil" the water. “In the first case, drinking such water will be good for health, and in the second case, a person who uses water can get sick,” says the professor. There was even a concept of "information pollution" of water.

And why not mention the most famous adept in the science of Water - the respected Japanese professor Masaru Emoto (read)? He writes books in which he talks about the numerous results of his experiments, and in the photographs taken during the experiments he shows wonderful structures resembling snowflakes that are formed by the words of Love and Gratitude, the sound of magnificent music and prayers.

So, the classical music of Beethoven and Bach, the Tibetan Sutra and prayers form water crystals of incredible beauty. But, as you might expect, rock music has the opposite effect, and in the photographs we see cracked, unsympathetic painful structures.

And here are examples of what water looks like before prayer:

Isn't it a big difference? :)

Of course, Professor Emoto also believes that water has a memory, and it can be viewed as a kind of liquid crystal, on which the reflections of all events occurring around are recorded. Both positive and negative information affect the cellular structure of water.

In general, if we remember that our body is 75% water, it’s even scary to think what happens when we are in places where aggressive people gather, when unfriendly citizens tell us nasty things, or, for example, we ourselves “participate in "We blame ourselves for something. So the next time (for those who have a highly developed imagination, it’s easier :)), when you are going to quarrel with yourself (I’m not talking about relatives) or listen to negativity addressed to you, you can immediately imagine how unsympathetic structures are at that moment water in your body will be filled, I remind you - 75% of your body!

So it's better, on the contrary, start every morning with words of love for your loved ones and yourself, because Love is reflected in the crystal structure of water, like this:

Just look how wonderful and gentle this crystal looks! Now we know where else the radiance and beauty of the woman we love comes from. And those who love are wrong, but at the same time they believe that one must be restrained and rarely utter words full of love and tenderness to others! Do not listen to anyone, say good words to your loved ones and yourself. Today, hundreds of psychological studies are already being carried out, and, for example, children who do not shine with beauty, all, as one, claim that they were unloved in childhood. Food for thought, right?

And going to sleep, be sure to say the words of gratitude, because after them the water looks like this:

In my opinion, this is one of the first illustrations of a positive way of thinking and negative, light and harmonious music and low vibration, confirmed experimentally and shown to us in photographs.

So, conclusions:

1. Water has the ability to remember information: positive messages increase the energy of water, and negative ones "spoil" it.

2. Negatively charged water is harmful to humans, positive- useful.

3. Words and our intention influence the structure(read, on the health of water).

4. We can consciously charge the water with a positive, healing or any other message.

5. Since we are also made of water, positive wishes, words of love and gratitude spoken to a person, including ourselves, have the effect of beautifully structuring our inner water, and making us healthy and happy!

Great water! Wonderful properties of water! Magic water! The magical power of water!

Good afternoon!

meets you Healthy Lifestyle and Rejuvenation Club !

Great water! Magic water!

Water - this is one of the most necessary for living beings, including man, substance. On Earth, except for water, there is no longer a single substance that is in liquid form under normal conditions, in large quantities, in liquid form under normal conditions for humans and relatively easy accessibility for organisms. In addition, no other liquid substance can provide all the vital processes in a living organism the way water does.

Great water. Wonderful properties of water.

The miraculous properties of water are manifested in our real life. It is raining, rivers are flowing, grass, bushes and trees are growing.

And on the days of baptism, the water collected on these days does not deteriorate and even shows healing properties.

Magic water. The magical power of water.

Water is a unique substance, the properties of which are not fully known to us.

Water retains these properties in the human body.

Water, through the blood and other body fluids, has access to every cell in the body.

Water is a total way of influencing the human body as a whole.

Consequently, the water that we drink and take with food is of great importance to our body, and with equal efficiency can both poison our body and treat it.

Wonderful water. Magic water.

Wonderful properties of water. The magical power of water.

Wonderful properties of water. The magical powers of water.

Water has many unique properties. Due to this, living organisms use it as the main material for their body.

Wonderful properties of water. Transport function of water and purification: Water carries nutrients to the cells, removes toxins and toxins, delivers oxygen. An aqueous solution of blood consists of 80 percent pure water.

The entire cleansing and excretory system of the body - lymph, sweat, urine - is also based on water, in which the products removed from the body are dissolved. We sweat and sweat up to one and a half liters of water per day, even in the shade and in a temperate climate.

The sewer system of our body, through which all the “slag” of metabolism is ejected from the body, also requires a lot of water for its normal functioning.

In addition, as we age, our body produces less and less hormones. 80% of hormones are known to be secreted in the small intestine. The more the small intestine is polluted with mucus, water-insoluble substances, the less hormones, the worse the digestive system works. And it's very easy to clean it. No need to buy special medicines or wait for something. It is necessary every day in the morning on an empty stomach, and also before each meal, drink 1-2 glasses of water. So water is immediately absorbed into the intestines and rinses it. Under no circumstances should you drink water while eating. We flush out the enzymes that digest food. But after eating after 2.5 hours it is good to drink another glass of water.

When poisoning a person, give more water. This is necessary in order to quickly remove poisonous products from the body, renew and purify the aquatic environment in the body.

Water can help relieve constipation and hemorrhoids, as it is a kind of lubricant for all digestive and excretion systems.

Wonderful properties of water: It is known that water dissolves in itself all known substances, however, it does not interact with the substances transported by it. In addition, water has a high fluidity in organs and cells in any of its conditions. No other liquid in the conditions of the Earth possesses a simultaneous combination of such properties!

Wonderful properties of water. Water allows us to breathe. Water delivers oxygen to the cells and helps the blood remove carbon dioxide. When we breathe with lungs, we lose 300-400 grams of water every day. And the skin, when breathing, spends twice as much water.

Wonderful properties of water. Water is a universal solvent and catalyst. Water dissolves in itself all known substances, but in relation to the body it is neutral! Water breaks down all nutrients into their primary components (proteins into amino acids, starches into simple sugars, fats into fatty acids). This explains why water helps the seed to grow and turn into a flower or a tree.

Water in the human body plays the role of a favorable environment in which various reactions take place.

Wonderful properties of water. Provides an important function of thermoregulation. Water helps to keep the human body temperature in the optimal range, at 36.6 C.

Water has a high heat capacity. Thanks to this, water provides the best conditions for the accumulation and preservation of heat, which is necessary for our body in order to maintain the stability of all processes in the body. Since for the regulation of processes in the body it is required to maintain the temperature with an accuracy of tenths of a degree.

Wonderful properties of water. Property of water: at the same time it has a high heat capacity and a rather low thermal conductivity. People also used this property of water to heat their homes with the help of central heating batteries, where water also circulates.

Wonderful properties of water. Water is a building material. Part of the water entering the body breaks down and is converted into micro and macro elements that are involved in the repair of cells, tissues and organs. Thus, water accelerates the processes of cell restoration and tissue regeneration.

Wonderful properties of water. Water is a means of dynamic protection of organs. Due to its “incompressibility”, water creates a dynamic hydroskeleton inside the cells and the whole organism.

The main vital internal organs of a person are in a suspended state in the body (lungs, heart, liver, etc.). Each of these organs has a significant mass. When we run, jump, walk, due to the laws of inertia, these organs are subjected to loads.

Water successfully performs the function of a shock-absorbing medium, and this made it possible to practically protect the internal organs from serious overloads.

Nature, as always, has found the easiest way! Thus, water protects bones and organs from impacts, holds together solid structures in the cell itself, and also serves as a lubricant for the joints.

Wonderful properties of water. Additional energy. The simplest example. During the cold season we eat hot soup and drink hot tea and milk. Water can bring heat energy into the body.

In addition, water activates metabolic processes in the body. True, the water must be of good quality, physiologically complete.

If water is physiologically complete, and has a certain structure and memory, the necessary redox potential, then the body receives clean additional energy.

Modern scientists advise children to give more water during exams, as water can eliminate fatigue.

How does water provide energy? First of all, it is from the water that the body takes all the important macro and microelements. It is from them that additional energy appears. When water enters the cell, pumps are turned on, passing through which pure energy is generated in the membranes of all cells. Without enough water, a person's energy drops and good health is replaced by severe fatigue.

Wonderful properties of water. Electrical conductivity of water. Water maintains the normal electrical properties of cells and carries the electrical charges by which cells communicate with each other. Water is an electrolyte. The electrolyte parameters in the human body are specific and are determined by minerals dissolved in water, which serve as carriers of electrical charges.

Very important! The water entering the body has a certain redox potential of water (ORP). It is good and desirable that a significant part of the incoming water correspond to the redox potential of the interstitial fluid in the body.

If drinking water does not match the redox potential of the intercellular fluid in the body, it penetrates into the tissues of the human body and takes electrons from cells and tissues that are 80 - 90% water. As a result, the biological structures of the body (cell membranes, cell organelles, nucleic acids, and others) undergo harmful oxidative destruction.

As a result, the body wears out, ages, vital organs lose their functions.

Useful water!

But these negative processes can be slowed down if “useful” water enters the body, which has protective restorative properties. This is confirmed by numerous studies in specialized research centers in Russia and abroad.

Wonderful properties of water. Water tones the skin and slows down the aging process.

In the days of our youth, cells are large due to water and release a lot of energy. Then the cells begin to shrink (shrink), and the intercellular space increases.

One of the main causes of premature aging and many diseases is the increased content of free radicals in the body, which are by-products of oxidation processes in the body. They take electrons from the cells, and they are damaged. Water can bind free radicals between cells and even remove them from the body. And this, in turn, strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, and also prevents many diseases, including oncology.

Wonderful properties of water. Fight stress.

With stress and anxiety, more water is expelled from the body to relieve tension from the body. All of these habits derive from the properties of water, as well as from the mechanisms of distribution of water under stress. People already in ancient times knew about these qualities.

In life, we ourselves notice how, with a little stress, water calms the body. For example, when you are very nervous at an exam or at a speech, before a responsible task, you may feel dry mouth. This removes moisture from the body to relieve tension from the body. If you do not drink water within half an hour, you will get a headache. Since water comes out through the skin to relieve increased tension.

Main product of consumption: drinking waterwater!

Wonderful water. Wonderful properties of water. Magic water. The magical power of water.

Our club will help you effectively use the properties of water to maintain health and rejuvenate the body.

Rejuvenation with water. Useful water. Water and health.

Water and rejuvenation. Rejuvenation with water. Useful water .

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The healing properties of melt water have been known since ancient times. Remember fairy tales about living water? Scientists believe that it was melt water, the benefits of which are comparable to real magic, that our ancestors called living.

The benefits of melt water

The special form of melt water molecules is the secret of its beneficial effect on the human body, regardless of its age. The general healing properties of the healing liquid are as follows:

The speed of metabolic processes increases;

Improves memory;

Insomnia passes;

Toxins and slags are removed from orgasm;

Increased immune defense;

Digestion is normalized;

Allergy goes away

Efficiency increases.

By improving the condition of all organs and blood composition, melt water can delay the aging process of the body.

Due to the increase in metabolic processes, cells begin to actively renew themselves, the number of young, perfectly healthy cells increases.

At the same time, melt water contributes to the normalization of weight. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, be sure to try drinking melt water in addition to diet and exercise. A glass of water before meals is what the body needs for quick and healthy weight loss.

The benefits of melt water for people suffering from vascular diseases are especially great. Since the magic liquid improves the composition of the blood, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, and the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced. In some cases, varicose veins disappear at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

On the basis of melt water, you can make compresses by applying them to sore spots. If you brew medicinal herbs, for example, celandine, and then freeze the broth, then the benefits of such an ice cube will be much greater than from the usual lotion. The tool will help, for example, hang out warts and pimples.

How else can you use the magical properties of melt water for healing:

In diseases associated with poor digestion and poor bowel function, you need to drink half a glass of melt water three times a day. They drink water in small sips, in no case in one gulp;

If you suffer from heartburn, you should drink water according to the same scheme: three times a day, half a glass;

Excellent results have been shown by the use of melt water in cases associated with immune or allergic processes.

Regular intake of thawed structured ice, combined with complex treatment prescribed by a doctor, alleviates the patient's condition in 4-3 days.

There is a strong itching of the skin with neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Redness and irritation of the skin gradually disappears, the sick person feels incredible relief.

It is important that melt water should not be taken as a panacea. This is not a medicine, it is not able to replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor, especially when it comes to serious diseases. The harm of melt water with a misunderstanding of the purposes of its intake can be significant. It is only about healing, preventing diseases and cleansing the body. For medicinal purposes, melt water is part of a comprehensive course that can only speed up recovery.

Harm of melt water

However, the miraculous liquid should not be included in the diet abruptly and abundantly. Remember that this is not ordinary water, it does not contain salts, minerals, additives that the human body needs or is used to.

First you need to take half a glass to accustom the body to the flow of life-giving moisture. Gradually, the volume of melt water can be brought to one third of the volume of liquid that a person should drink. the rest should be treated drinking water.

Harm from melt water can be if a person prepares it incorrectly. The technology of freezing and thawing has its own peculiarities, and it is important to follow all its requirements exactly.

How to prepare melt water

It is not necessary to prepare melt water for future use. A portion of fresh water is the best solution for prevention and general health improvement. Moreover, the process does not take much time:

Fill a pitcher or bottle with tap water. The optimal amount for preparing a serving is a liter;

Let it stand for 4-5 hours (you can pour water from the filter so that you do not need to defend it);

Pour the settled water into a plastic food container and put it in the freezer;

After two hours, open the lid of the container and remove the ice crust formed on top (it contains deuterium), return the dishes to the chamber again;

When two-thirds of the total volume freezes, then drain the remaining water - harmful chemistry is concentrated in it;

Leave a piece of ice at room temperature.

Melted ice is melt water. It is best to drink it with pieces of ice - such a drink will give you incredible vivacity and saturate you with energy for the whole day. The first glass, if possible, is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat in an hour. With a three-day intake of water, you should also follow the "rule of an empty stomach", that is, drink structured water before meals.

Up to a liter of melt water can be consumed per day. Start taking water gradually and be sure to drink in small sips. Remember that both your taste buds and your body need to get used to it.

Science has recently come to grips with the study of melted snow. Snow water differs from simple water in its molecular structure. Scientists were able to find out that one molecule of melt water is heavier than a molecule of ordinary water. Perhaps it is in the molecular structure of the melt water molecules that the secret of its benefits lies.

Scientists are also studying the effect of melted snow water on the growth of plants and animals. The experiment was carried out on a pig named Snowman.

The piglet was fed with ordinary food, like all other pigs, and he was given only melted snow water, brought from the street in a heat-protective bowl, to drink. The snowman was putting on incredible weight, and he was feeling great. Already six months later, the piglet weighed several kilograms more than his brother, who was fed with plain water.

Research scientists have aroused the interest of many livestock and poultry farmers in the country. Now ordinary farmers began to give their piglets melted water instead of the usual one. Their animals also showed high results in weight gain. And the experiment of poultry farmers showed that laying hens drinking melt water began to carry twice as many eggs.

Now farms are looking forward to the arrival of spring and the time of snowmelt in order to stock up on drink for their animals and birds.

The undoubted benefit of melt water is that by using it, you help your body in the fight against aging.

In the human body, the formation of new cells does not slow down even for a moment.

At the same time, old, dead cells interfere with the formation of new ones. Thanks to the use of melt water in the body, the metabolism is accelerated, and dead cells are more likely to be removed from the body, and young ones come to replace them.

The properties of melt water have not yet been fully explored. Perhaps it has a beneficial effect on the human body and is able to cure various diseases.

Have you ever wondered why at the end of February, when the fields are still covered with snow, combines and tractors are already plowing the arable land? Farmers cultivate all fields with snow so that all plants get equal heat and moisture.

Little is known about the property of snow to retain heat in the same way that wool does. That is why in the Far North there are so many buildings made of snow, like the Eskimos. And in such dwellings it is quite warm and cozy. And sled dogs, in order to escape from the great cold, burrow into the snow. To preserve potatoes, beets and other vegetables and fruits from the cold, snow warehouses are also being built.

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