Recording Sofia festival. All-Russian Festival of Orthodox Culture and Traditions "Sofia

The idea of ​​the festival Orthodox culture and traditions "Sofia" belongs to the People's Artist of Russia, the great bass, the best performer of sacred music Vladimir Matorin and the rector of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Srednye Sadovniki, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, whose spiritual children are many famous people art.

Since 2012, concerts of sacred music dedicated to the Baptism of Russia have been organized on the territory of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God. The popularity of these concerts exceeded all expectations. About 1000 parishioners and guests gather every year to listen to masterpieces of Russian spiritual, classical and folk music. Both venerable performers and young, beginning musicians perform at the concerts. Among the guests and listeners there are always delegations from small towns of Russia.

In 2015, for the first time, the traditional festive concert program complemented by a musical review-competition creative teams and performers "Small Towns - Pearls of Russia". The theme of the competition: "Orthodox and folk traditions in Russian music. Main tasks and goals: increasing interest in national musical traditions; propaganda of spiritual, folk music, Russian classics and the best works contemporary Russian composers; education of performing culture, promotion of talents and assistance in their creative growth.

33 teams and individual participants from 20 small towns in Russia will present their work to the judgment of an authoritative jury. The co-chairs of the jury will be famous actor theater and cinema Egor Pazenko, People's Artist of Russia Nina Terentiev and Deputy Chairman of the Board Charitable Foundation revival of culture and traditions of small towns of Russia Valentine Vakhrushev. The artistic directors of the participating teams will also take part in the jury.

The grand opening of the Festival will take place on July 25, 2015 at 12:00 pm on the territory of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki at the address: Moscow, Sofiyskaya nab., 32.

At 19.00 the results of the Festival will be summed up, Laureates and Diploma winners will be determined. Best Performer will take you to native city the highest award of the Festival - the Grand Prix.

Sacred and folk music will be performed State Academic Choral Chapel Russia named after A.A. Yurlova. Artistic Director and chief conductor- Honored Art Worker of Russia, Professor Gennady Dmitryak. People's Artists of Russia Yuri Rozum and Vladimir Redkin together with the scholarship holders of the Yuriy Rozum International Charitable Foundation, they will perform works. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

The organizers of the Festival were:

  • Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Russia;
  • Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Sredny Sadovniki;
  • Nonprofit Partnership Center for the Revival of Traditions.

General Partner of the Festival: MSUTU(Moscow State University technologies and management. K.G. Razumovsky, First Cossack University)

With organizational support:

  • Association "Folk art crafts of Russia";
  • Yuri Rozum International Charitable Foundation

General sponsors:

  • M VIDEO;


  • PC "Paris Commune";
  • VINTEGRA Group of Companies

Company Fazioli provided a piano for the performance of artists.

Information support:


Festival of Orthodox culture and traditions "Sofia" was held opposite the Kremlin walls

Despite the cloudy weather that has been over the capital for the last week, on Saturday, July 25, the sun came out. On this day, on the picturesque Sofiyskaya embankment, opposite the Kremlin walls in the temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God, about two hundred people gathered for the musical review competition "Small Towns - the Pearls of Russia" of the First Festival of Orthodox Culture and Traditions "Sofia".

This year the Festival was timed to coincide with the 1027th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia and one of its goals was to find talented performers from the outback. 36 teams and individual participants from 20 small towns in Russia came to the festival this year. Vyazma, Konakovo, Meleuz. The theme of the competition was Orthodox and folk traditions in Russian music. The audience heartily applauded the Cossack ensembles, which are the bearers of the Orthodox faith and are famous for their folk musical traditions.

When the song “When we were at war” sounded from the stage, especially impressionable citizens wiped away a tear. The head of the Cossack choir "Khutor Razumovsky" of the First Cossack University Andrey Kargopolov explained the popularity of the Cossack groups.
- There was a period in Russia when a folklore pit arose. Then a cliché appeared that folk culture is kokoshniks, a bear and a balalaika. But for the last 5-10 years, it has been raining. Like mushrooms, youth folklore groups began to appear. Thousands of children are involved folk culture and Cossack including. I am convinced that it is necessary to educate from the cradle, and I am very glad, looking around and seeing little ones who run around in hats, and grandmothers who pass on some experience to them. It can be seen that this is not violent, but naturally- said the artist.

The security of the event was provided by 10 Cossacks of the Central Cossack Army, who kept order. The festival passed quietly and without any incidents.

Rector of Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) Valentina Ivanova noted with satisfaction that the Cossacks are being revived not only from the standpoint of civil service, but also the preservation of Orthodox culture.
- Russian culture is multifaceted, multifaceted and diverse. Its guardians are the people in all its formations, organizational structures. One of such organizational formations and manifestations of the people is the Cossacks. The Cossacks keep the tradition of carrying public service for border protection, protection public order. At the same time, the Cossacks throughout their existence preserved the Russian Orthodox culture, - said the rector of the First Cossack University.

Range musical directions the festival was wide: vocal performers, dance groups, shepherd's horns and even a saxophone. Filipp Antonov, a festival participant, said that, despite the apparent discrepancy between the rhythmic jazz music with the traditions of Orthodox culture, many jazz performers were religious people. Philip took 17th place and received a diploma of the festival participant.

The real discovery of the festival was the horn choir from the city of Nerekhta Kostroma region. A team of five people played on unique homemade shepherd's horns. Art, almost lost in the 20th century, is carefully guarded by the Nerekhta people. Last year they recorded their first album.

The Grand Prix of the musical review-competition "Small towns - the pearls of Russia" was won by the laureate international competitions Nikita Karo.
- Today I sang two songs. One is called "Ataman Dashing", the second is Russian folk song"I'll go outside." I chose these two songs because they are characteristic and expressive. By doing them, you can show acting skills and reveal their vocal abilities, - said the winner.

The festival participants received certificates and diplomas, and the laureates received valuable prizes.

The idea of ​​holding the Festival of Orthodox Culture and Traditions "Sofia" belongs to the People's Artist of Russia, the great bass, the performer of sacred music Vladimir Motorin and the rector of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Srednye Sadovniki, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, whose spiritual children are many famous people of art.

Moscow hosted the third festival of Orthodox culture and traditions "Sofia »

The festival was organized by the President of the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Russia National artist Russia, the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia V.A. Matorin and the rector of the church of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Srednye Sadovniki in Moscow, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin.

The Chairman of the Federation Council V.I. Matvienko addressed the participants of the festival with a welcoming speech: “I am sure that the talent and skill of the performers will find a warm response in the hearts of the audience. I wish you all happiness, health, and further creative success.”

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. target program "Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia" SV Medvedev.

The festival was held for two days, about 90 creative teams performed, representing all of our huge country: Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, the republics of Udmurtia, Karelia, Dagestan, Chuvashia, regions - Moscow, Kaluga, Bryansk, Tula, Tver, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Orenburg, Astrakhan, Belgorod, Smolensk, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Tyumen, Samara , Murmansk, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, etc.

It was a festival of bright original talents, magnificent singing voices, unusual, incendiary dances and dances, excellent performance in Russian musical instruments. real holiday our multinational Russian culture. A celebration of music, dance, vocals. During these two days in the center of Moscow, at the walls of the gray-haired Kremlin, Russia itself sang and danced. The audience greeted each performance with thunderous applause. The organizers of the competition also thought out an online broadcast of the performances of creative teams, and an online vote was held for the audience.

The competition was evaluated by a competent jury headed by the chairman - People's Artist RF, famous Russian opera singer N.N. Terentyeva. The members of the jury were L.V. Artemyeva, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesinykh, S.S. Matorina - Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesinykh, V.I. Vakhrushev, deputy. Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Russia, G.V. Vlasyonok, merit. artist of Russia, ch. director and presenter of the Russian State Musical Television Center. The members of the jury were also the leaders of the creative teams that performed at the competition.

The Grand Prix of the competition was awarded to the Ensemble of Russian Ethnic Music "Layers" and the family folklore quartet "Istoki" from the city of Kostomuksha (Republic of Karelia). Diploma winners of the prestigious competition "Sofia-2017" were also artists from the city of Verei, Naro-Fominsk district, Mikheeva Anna and Chernyshenko Marusya. According to the results of the audience voting, the winner was exemplary ensemble variety dance"Avades" from the Rostov region.

On the third day of the festival, a magnificent concert of the soloist Bolshoi Theater V. Matorin and pianist Y. Rozum.

L.N. Kiseleva,

MP Aprelevka,

member of the jury of the competition "SOFIA-2017".

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