Their application. Job training systems

Name of activity Essence of activity Advantages Flaws
subject It is based on the idea of ​​consistently mastering the skills and abilities of manufacturing individual parts. Training is carried out in the process of creating finished products with increasing complexity In the learning process, the necessary details are created, the results of their work are felt Difficulties in choosing products that provide skill growth. Repetitive, lengthy, and marginally effective. Inability to teach various types of operations
operating room Consistent mastery of the methods of performing individual operations that are not interconnected within a single technological process, independence from the developed products Gives the opportunity to master operations that need to be learned in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of a constant increase in complexity Knowledge, skill and habits are formed in the form of isolated "pieces" that do not constitute a single whole. Insufficient application in practice (training is carried out for individual operations that are not always applied in production)
Operational-flow After performing individual operations, the part is passed on by the conveyor, and the student repeats the same operation with another part. To master another operation, the student moves to another place Operations are clearly assimilated during the execution of the labor process The complexity of the organization and the significant duration
Combined Training begins with the mastering of the most important techniques in the specialty, and then continues in the process of manufacturing integral products with a gradual increase in complexity in the workplace Two goals are achieved: improving the ability to perform complex work on the basis of several operations, which ensures the technological process; the task is carried out in the conditions of a real organization of labor It is difficult to ensure a clear link between operational activities and complex work in accordance with the limits of the PT cycle
Operational-subject Formation of individual skills and abilities in the process of manufacturing parts Gives you the opportunity to master the operations in the process of manufacturing parts The impossibility of forming the necessary degree of skill

Rice. 2.19. Algorithm for compiling a professional training program

Rice. 2.20 Hierarchy of educational content

Related Dictionary

Educational and qualification levels: qualified worker, junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master.

Types of education: general, polytechnic, vocational.

General education mastering knowledge from the basics of science and preparing students to receive professional education.

Polytechnic education one of the types of education, the tasks of which are: familiarization with various branches of production; knowledge of the essence of many technological processes; mastering certain skills and habits of servicing the simplest technological processes.

Vocational education is education aimed at mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

Profession This is the ability to perform work that requires a certain qualification from the individual. The profession requires a certain designation of the range of knowledge and skills.

in the field of education - the focus and content of training in the preparation of a specialist (determined through the object of the specialist's activity and reflects the type of activity and the scope of its use in work);

· in the sphere of labor - a feature of the orientation and specifics of work within the profession (the content of the tasks of professional activity).

Qualification it is the ability of an individual to perform duties and work at a certain level. It requires a certain educational and qualification level and is reflected through the profession.

Qualification characteristic - This is a state document that includes a list of requirements in knowledge, skills and abilities that a specialist in this profession of one or another skill level should possess.

Academic plan - This is a document approved by the Ministry of Education, which defines for each type of educational institution a list of subjects, the order of their study over the years, the number of weekly hours for their study, the structure of the academic year.

The curriculum is a document approved by the Ministry of Education, which provides a description of the content of the educational material, indicating sections, topics. estimated number of hours to study them.

Textbook it is an educational book that reveals the content of educational material from a specific subject in accordance with the requirements of the current program.

Tutorial this is an educational book that contains the content of educational material that does not always meet the requirements of the current program, but goes beyond its limits; additional tasks are determined, aimed at expanding the cognitive interests of students, the development of their independent search cognitive activity.

Knowledge - it is the result of cognitive activity, verified by social practice and its display in the human mind is logically ordered.

Skill it is the ability to perform certain actions based on relevant knowledge; ability and willingness to apply knowledge in practical activities on the principles of consciousness.

Skills application of knowledge in practice, which is carried out at the level of automated actions through multiple repetitions.

Manufacturing process - it is a set of basic technological processes and transformations, as well as human labor actions.

Questions and tasks for control

1. Arrange the concepts in a logical sequence: special education, vocational training, theoretical training, vocational education, practical training.

2. Name the cross-cutting components of the content of education.

3. What are the goals of general education?

4. What are the goals of vocational education?

5. What are the goals of polytechnic education?

6. Name the functions of special education.

7. Name the functions of vocational education.

8. What is the difference between the concepts of special education and education in vocational schools?

9. What are educational levels? What educational levels exist in Ukraine and in what educational institutions are they prepared?

10. What is the educational qualification level? What educational and qualification levels exist in Ukraine and in what educational institutions are they prepared?

11. Which educational institutions in Ukraine train bachelors?

12. What educational institutions in Ukraine train specialists?

13. In which educational institutions of Ukraine are masters trained?

14. Which educational institutions in Ukraine train junior specialists?

15. What are the levels of education and what levels of education exist in Ukraine?

16. What is a profession? Give examples of the names of professions in any field of technology.

17. What is a specialty? Give examples of the names of specialties in any field of technology.

18. What is a qualification? Give examples of the names of qualifications in any field of technology.

19. Specify the means of activity of the teacher during the analytical stage.

20. Name the types of professional activity.

21. What are the goals of the analysis phase?

22. What are the ways to optimize the content of education.

23. What is a qualification characteristic and what sections does it consist of (for the VET system)?

24. What is the subject of the analytical activity of the teacher?

25. What is the means of analytical activity of the teacher?

26. What is the product of the analytical activity of the teacher?

27. What is the sequence of actions of the teacher when performing analytical activities?

28. What is "special education"? What is the difference between "special education" and "vocational education"?

29. Describe the activities of a worker in any field of technology.

30. Describe the activities of a junior specialist, bachelor in any field of technology.

31. Give a description of the activities of a specialist in any field of technology.

32. Describe the activities of the master in any field of technology.

33. Name the elements of the structure of general educational activities.

34. Name the elements of the structure of professional activity.

35. Name the activities of workers: electricians, electricians, repairmen.

36. Describe the methodology for analyzing the professional activities of a specialist.

37. Name the list of subjects of general education that form cognitive activity.

38. Name the list of subjects of general education that form mental activity.

39. Name the list of subjects of general education that form communicative activity.

40. Name the list of subjects of general education that form the orientation of the individual.

41. Name the list of subjects of general education that form the labor activity.

42. Name the list of subjects of general education that form an aesthetic orientation.

43. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the worker studies.

44. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the junior specialist studies.

45. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the bachelor studies.

46. ​​Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the specialist studies.

47. What are the professionally oriented disciplines that the electric power worker studies.

48. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that a junior specialist studies.

49. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that the bachelor studies.

50. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that a specialist studies.

51. Name the components of professional training for electric power industry and electric power industry specialist.

52. What is the production process and what are its elements?

53. What are knowledge and skills, how are they interconnected?

54. What skills do you know? Give examples.

55. What are the goals of theoretical education?

56. What are the goals of practical training?

57. How is the theoretical training program formed? What is the object of study (generalized object of activity), what is the functional structure of activity?

58. What are the generalized elements (themes of the program) of theoretical training for a worker in the electric power industry.

59. What are the generalized elements (program topics) of theoretical training for an electrical engineer.

60. What is the labor process? What are the types of labor processes and what are their characteristics?

61. What is a system of industrial training? What types of industrial training systems are known?

62. Describe the subject system of industrial training.

63. Describe the operating system of industrial training.

64. Describe the integrated system of industrial training.

65. Describe the modular system of industrial training.

Tasks for independent work

Exercise 1.

For the given 3 working professions (fitter, installer, repairman or adjuster), determine the elements of the complex structure of activity (goal, subject, subject, means, process, product). The analysis should be carried out on the basis of the study of the available qualification characteristics of working professions, as well as the available tables in Appendix 2.19, 2.20,2.21

Table 2.19

Task 2

For a given working profession, analyze the structure of activity, determining the professional purpose and conditions of use (answer in the table).

Table 2.20

Specify the type of work processes.

Name the system of industrial training and draw up its structure.

Determine the elements of the generalized object of activity and characterize them.

Draw up a program of theoretical training

Draw up a perspective-thematic plan for professional training



Industry, its structure and characteristics

Industry is the leading branch of the national economy, functioning along with other sectors - agriculture, forestry, transport, communications, etc. Industry includes industrial enterprises (plants, factories, power stations, mines, mines, workshops, combines, etc.) and their associations, as well as research, design, design and technological institutes, laboratories, bureaus and other organizations.

Industry creates conditions for more efficient use of the country's material and labor resources, for achieving maximum results at optimal costs. The social division of labor has led to the emergence of a number of industries, each of which is specialized in the production of individual products and even their parts.

An industry is a set of related enterprises characterized by the unity of the economic purpose of their products, the uniformity of raw materials consumed, the commonality of technological processes and technical base, a special professional composition of personnel and specific working conditions.

Industry supplies the individual branches with the means of production, primarily implements, extracts minerals, processes various raw materials, and produces industrial and food products.

According to the nature of the impact on the object of labor, industry is divided into mining and manufacturing. The first is engaged in the extraction of minerals and other substances provided to man by nature, the second - processes raw materials and materials into finished products. According to the economic purpose of the products produced, the industry is divided into two divisions - A and B. The industry of group A is mainly engaged in the production of means of production and includes industries that produce both basic elements (machines, mechanisms, apparatus, structures, etc.) and circulating means (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy). Group B includes the light and food industries, which produce mainly consumer goods and foodstuffs.

In the process of production, all sectors of the economy interact, supplying each other with raw materials, materials, tools, provide everything necessary for the non-productive sphere and science.

The technical equipment of industry in all branches of the national economy serves as the basis for a steady increase in labor productivity and a continuous increase in the scale of production.

Industry is the basis for the reorganization of agricultural production. It processes agricultural raw materials and produces the bulk of consumer goods. Consequently, the satisfaction of the immediate needs of the people largely depends on the development of industry.

The development of industry, especially heavy industry, contributes to a more rational distribution of productive forces, an all-round development of all economic regions of the country, and the expedient use of natural resources.

Production and technological processes

Each enterprise unites a team of workers, at its disposal are machines, buildings and structures, as well as raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel and other means of production in the amounts necessary for the production of certain types of products in a specified quantity within a specified time frame. In enterprises, a production process is carried out, during which workers, with the help of tools, turn raw materials and materials into finished products that society needs. Each industrial enterprise is a single production and technical organism. The production and technical unity of an enterprise is determined by the common purpose of the manufactured products or the processes of its production. Production and technical unity is the most important feature of the enterprise.

The basis of the activity of each enterprise is the production process - the process of reproduction of material goods and production relations, the production process is the basis of actions, as a result of which raw materials and semi-finished products are converted into finished products that correspond to their purpose.

Each production process includes main and auxiliary technological processes. Technological processes that ensure the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products are called basic. Auxiliary technological processes ensure the manufacture of products used to service the main production. For example, preparation of production, energy production for own needs, production of tools, equipment, spare parts for repairing enterprise equipment.

By their nature, technological processes are synthetic, in which one type of product is made from various types of raw materials and materials; analytical, when many types of products are made from one type of raw material; direct, when the production of one type, products from one type of raw material is carried out.

The variety of production products, types of raw materials, equipment, methods of work, etc., also determines the variety of technological processes. Technological processes differ in the nature of the manufactured products, the materials used, the methods and methods of production used, organizational structure and other features. But with all this, they also have a number of features that allow you to combine various processes into groups.

It is generally accepted to divide technological processes into mechanical and physical, chemical and biological and combined.

During mechanical and physical processes, only the appearance and physical properties of the material change. Chemical and biological processes lead to deeper transformations of the material, causing a change in its original properties. Combined processes are a combination of these processes and are the most common in practice.

Depending on the type of prevailing costs, technological processes are distinguished: material-intensive, labor-intensive, energy-intensive, capital-intensive, etc.

Depending on the type of labor used, technological processes can be manual, machine-manual, automatic and hardware.

In any technological process, it is easy to single out its part, which is repeated with each unit of the same product, called the technological process cycle. The cyclic part of the process can be carried out periodically or continuously; accordingly, periodic and continuous technological processes are distinguished. Processes are called periodic, the cyclical part of which is interrupted after the inclusion of an object of labor (new) in these processes. Such technological processes are called continuous, which are not suspended after the manufacture of each unit of production, but only when the supply of processed or processed raw materials is stopped.

The main elements that determine the technological process are the expedient human activity or labor itself, objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity or labor itself is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various movements, monitor and control the impact of tools on labor objects.

The subject of labor is what a person’s labor is aimed at. The subjects of labor that are converted into finished products in the process of processing include: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products.

Means of labor - this is what a person affects the object of labor. The means of labor include buildings and structures, equipment, vehicles and tools. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to the instruments of production, that is, equipment (especially working machines).

Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics

The type of production, as the most general organizational and technical characteristic of production, is determined mainly by the degree of specialization of workplaces, the size and constancy of the range of production objects, as well as the form of movement of products through workplaces.

The degree of specialization of workplaces is characterized by the seriality coefficient, which refers to the number of different operations performed at one workplace.

The nomenclature is understood as a variety of production objects. The range of products manufactured at the workplace can be constant and variable. The permanent nomenclature includes products, the manufacture of which lasts for a relatively long time - a year or more. With a constant nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products can be continuous and periodic, repeating at certain intervals; with a variable nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products changes and may be repeated at indefinite intervals or not repeated.

There are three types of production: single, serial and mass.

Single production is characterized by a wide range of manufactured products and a small volume of their output. Single production is characterized by the following features: the use of universal equipment, universal fixtures and tools, the placement of equipment in groups by type, the longest cycle for manufacturing parts. Experimental, repair and other production shops are organized according to the principle of single production.

Serial production is characterized by a limited range of products manufactured by periodically repeating production batches (series) at a given output volume.

A production batch is a group of products of the same name and size, launched into processing simultaneously or continuously for a certain period of time.

Serial production is conditionally divided into small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production. Serialization of production is characterized by a serialization coefficient (K) of securing operations for one workplace. If from 2 to 5 operations are assigned to one workplace, i.e., the coefficient K = 2/5, then such production is considered large-scale, with K = 6/10 - medium-scale, with K> 10 - small-scale.

Serial production is characterized by the following features: the need to change machine tools from one operation to another, since several operations are assigned to one workplace, the location of equipment along a stream (in large-scale production) or on a group basis (in small-scale production), the presence of interoperational storage of products, a long cycle of manufacturing products .

Mass production is characterized by a narrow range and a large volume of products produced continuously for a long time. In mass production, one invariably repeating operation is performed at each workplace. Mass production is characterized by the following features: the location of equipment in the sequence of operations, the use of high-performance equipment, special devices and tools, the widespread use of transport devices for transferring products along the production line, mechanization and automation of technical control, short cargo flows on the processing line, the shortest duration of the production cycle.

As the degree of specialization of workplaces increases, the continuity and direct flow of movement of products through workplaces, i.e., in the transition from single to serial and from serial to mass production, the possibility of using special equipment and technological equipment, more productive technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, as well as mechanization and automation of production processes. All this leads to an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in the cost of production.

The main factors contributing to the transition to serial and mass production are the increase in the level of specialization and cooperation in industry, the widespread introduction of standardization, normalization and unification of products, as well as the unification of technological processes.

Forms of organization of industrial production

Industrial production is distinguished not only by a high level of technical development, but also by very perfect and constantly developing forms of organization, which have a great influence both on its economy and on location. The main forms of industrial production organization are concentration, combination, specialization and cooperation.

Concentration - the concentration of the means of production of labor, and consequently, output in large enterprises.

The technical and economic advantages of large enterprises, in particular the possibility of systematic modernization of equipment, increasing its productivity, reducing specific capital investments, more economical use of labor, raw materials and fuel, better opportunities for combining and specializing production, contribute to increasing labor productivity and reducing product costs. However, it should be noted that large enterprises are not always the most efficient. The issue of the optimal size of industrial enterprises is decided taking into account the nature of production and the conditions for providing them with raw materials, fuel, energy, water, labor, the conditions for the discharge of wastewater and harmful gases, and also taking into account the consumption of their products.

Combination is a form of industrial organization in which industries producing various products are combined in one enterprise - a combine.

The plant is characterized by the technological and territorial unity of its constituent industries and constant links between them. These industries are located on the same territory as close as possible to each other, they have a common energy base and fuel economy, a common repair base and a water supply system, a single transport network and storage facilities, a single system of administrative management, technical management, material and technical supply and sales of products.

There are three types of combination:

The combination that has developed on the basis of successive stages of processing raw materials, for example, textile mills as part of spinning, weaving and finishing shops; metallurgical plants combining the production of iron, steel and rolled products.

Combination based on the use of production waste, for example: the production of cement from blast-furnace slag, the production of sulfuric acid based on sulfur dioxide in non-ferrous metallurgy, or the use of wood waste to produce hydrolytic alcohol.

Combination that occurs on the basis of the complex processing of raw materials or fuel, for example: energy-chemical use of fuel, i.e., its simultaneous use for the production of chemical products and energy, the simultaneous production of electrical energy and heat at combined heat and power plants, the extraction of several metals from the same ores .

The combination is widespread in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, timber, textile and other industries.

The combination reduces capital costs for the construction of enterprises, it contributes to the comprehensive, integrated use of raw materials and fuel and the disposal of production waste, reduces transportation costs for the transportation of raw materials, fuel and semi-finished products, speeds up production processes and reduces labor costs, which ultimately provides - growth in labor productivity and reducing production costs.

Specialization is such a process of social division of labor, in which there is a separation and isolation of industries focused on the production of a particular product or part of it, as well as on the performance of a separate technological operation.

There are three types of specialization:

1. Subject - specialization in the production of a specific finished product, for example, an automobile plant, a shoe factory.

2. Detailed - specialization in the production of a part of the product, individual parts, for example, a bearing plant, a plant that manufactures individual parts of radio receivers ...

3. Staged (technological) - specialization in the performance of a specific production operation, for example, a foundry, an assembly plant, a spinning mill.

The level of specialization is the higher, the fewer items of finished products and parts of the annual product are produced by the enterprise, the less it performs technological operations.

The development of specialization in industry is associated with the mass and flow of production, the introduction of specialized, high-performance equipment, the use of advanced technologies, the mechanization and automation of production processes, the improvement of skills and labor productivity, workers and engineering personnel, which reduces the cost of production while improving its quality. All this determines the high economic efficiency of industrial specialization Specialization in industry cannot be carried out successfully without cooperation.

Cooperation - close production ties between individual enterprises or industries that are jointly involved in the manufacture of a specific finished product.

Cooperation contributes to the division of labor in industry and its specialization, which ultimately leads to a better use of the production capabilities of each enterprise, an increase in their productivity and a reduction in production costs.

The development of specialization and cooperation creates new opportunities for the rational distribution of production. The allocation of individual processes for the processing of raw materials, semi-finished products, the manufacture of parts, machine components as independent productions allows each of them to be placed most rationally. In this way, the issues of its organization, technical progress, specialization and cooperation, the range and quality of products are more correctly resolved, production management is simplified and cheaper. .

Industrial cooperation of enterprises requires strict standardization of technological processes and certain types of products supplied. Standardization is a set of measures aimed at a limited number of varieties of various products, materials, products, processes, etc. Standardization ensures the production of products with strictly defined properties, quality and dimensions, provides interchangeability of parts and assemblies, as well as the possibility of mechanized assembly of machines.

Standardization is closely related to the unification of products. Unification means the use in the production of machines and other products of the same type of parts and assemblies, equipment, tools, homogeneous graded materials, etc.

Reducing the number of used types and sizes of parts, assemblies, mechanisms, devices, tools greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of designing machines, their production and operation.

As a result of the standardization and unification of products and their components, an increase in the serial production, the creation of prerequisites for improving economic indicators, an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of production, a reduction in the terms of technical preparation of production and a reduction in the cost of its implementation are achieved.

Elements of the technological process

The technological process of production of any product includes three main elements: the object of labor, the means of labor and labor,

Items of labor. Under the objects of labor is understood the totality of forces, substances and objects of nature, on which people act in the course of their production activities; are the natural basis of material production, one of the necessary material conditions of human life.

The “Object of Labor” element combines raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel, etc.

Raw materials are one of the most important elements of production, affecting the technology and product quality. The success and economy of the industry depends on the provision and quality of raw materials.

A raw material is an object of labor that has undergone a change in the process of its extraction or production. Thus, viscose fiber obtained from wood is a raw material for the textile industry; iron ore, mined from the bowels of the earth, is a raw material for the metallurgical industry, etc. Depending on the origin, raw materials are divided into natural and artificial.

Natural raw materials are divided into organic and mineral. The organic includes wool, flax, cotton, wood, etc. The mineral includes iron ore, chalk, asbestos, etc.

Artificial raw materials are characterized by the fact that they are obtained mainly by chemical means from various types of natural materials. This type of raw material includes chemical fibers, synthetic rubbers, soda, etc. Artificial raw materials are divided into organic and mineral, organic materials include: viscose, acetate fiber, etc., mineral - silicate, metal fibers, and other materials.

Depending on the participation in the manufacture of products, raw materials and materials are divided into basic and auxiliary. The main ones also include objects of labor, which form the material basis of products. Thus, iron ore forms the basis of iron smelting, textile fibers - the production of fabrics, metal - the manufacture of machines, machine tools, wood - the production of furniture.

Auxiliary items include such objects of labor that do not constitute the material basis of the products produced, but give them qualitative properties, ensure the operation of equipment and the normal course of the technological process. For example, dyes give fabrics a certain color; fuel, lubricating oils, catalysts ensure the operation of equipment, the normal flow or acceleration of the process.

A semi-finished product is a product whose manufacture is completed at one production site, and it is at the stage of transition to another site.

Fuel and energy. In the production process, a person uses not only various substances, but also energy. Processing parts on machine tools, melting and heating, electrolysis and other processes are unthinkable without the use of energy and fuel. Previously, it was the muscular energy of a person, then they began to use more advanced energy - hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, intra-atomic, etc. Electric current, fuel, water vapor, compressed air, gases are used as energy-heat carriers. Raw materials, as one of the main elements of the production process, have an ever-increasing influence on industrial production and its economy. The economic efficiency of social production largely depends on the range and quality of raw materials.

The economic performance of industrial enterprises is largely determined by the level of raw materials and fuel costs for the production of finished products. This is explained by the fact that in all sectors of the manufacturing industry, the costs of raw materials and fuel make up the largest part of production costs.

Preparation of mineral raw materials for processing. Any mineral mined from the bowels of the earth, except for the useful mineral part, always contains a certain amount of low-value or useless, and sometimes harmful impurities for this production.

Therefore, at present, not a single type of raw material is processed without preliminary preparation or enrichment.

Enrichment refers to a number of technological processes for the primary processing of mineral raw materials, with the aim of separating useful minerals from impurities that are not of practical value under the present conditions.

The enrichment task is also to create conditions that allow efficient consumption of minerals in the relevant industries.

The enrichment process includes the following stages: crushing, sorting and enrichment.

Crushing is carried out in order to obtain a certain piece size. For crushing, various crushing machines are used - neck, roller, cone, hammer, drum, etc. After crushing, the raw material is sorted to separate it into grades according to the size of the piece. For sorting, sorting devices of various designs are used.

Methods of mineral processing are based mainly on the use of physical and physico-mechanical properties of minerals - specific gravity, fineness, friction coefficient, shape, color, magnetic permeability, wettability and some other properties.

Enrichment based on the difference in the specific gravity of valuable components and waste rock is called gravity.

The process of magnetic enrichment is based on the difference in the magnetic properties of minerals. Grains of minerals with high magnetic susceptibility are easily deflected or stick to a magnet in a magnetic field, while non-magnetic grains pass freely through a magnetic field.

The method of flotation enrichment is based on the use of physical and chemical properties of minerals according to the principle of their wettability by a liquid.

Ways to reduce the consumption of raw materials and materials. The type of feedstock determines the nature of the technological process and its modes, affects the yield, quality and cost of finished products and a number of other production indicators. Properly selected raw materials (materials) should be available (non-deficient) and cheap, not require large expenditures of labor, time, energy during processing, ensure the best use of equipment and the highest yield of a high-quality product. For example, the replacement of ethyl alcohol with petroleum gas not only changes the technology for the production of synthetic rubber, but also reduces its cost by a factor of three; one ton of plastics replaces on average about three tons of non-ferrous metals.

With the development of technology and the growth of labor productivity, the share of the cost of raw materials, materials, in the cost of industrial production is constantly increasing. Therefore, the economical and rational use of raw materials is of great importance, especially for material-intensive technological processes.

With the current scale of production, the savings in raw materials and materials turn into large additional reserves.

Savings in materials usually manifest themselves in the form of a decrease in consumption rates, i.e. processing allowances are reduced, the shape of the blanks approaches the configuration of the finished product, and therefore, less time is spent on manufacturing products.

Saving materials reduces the need for them from consumers. This leads to a reduction in labor costs in enterprises producing raw materials, to a reduction in transportation costs.

Other ways to reduce the material consumption of products are:

a) improvement of product designs;

b) improvement of technological processes;

c) rationalization of planning and organization of production;

d) all-round strengthening of labor discipline;

e) liquidation of marriage;

f) reducing the weight of machines through the use of more economical materials, welded cast and welded stamped structures, rational rolled profiles, replacing cast blanks with forged ones, steel with ductile iron, non-ferrous metals with plastics and wood with plastics.

Tools. To perform any technological process, a person creates and uses various means of production, among which the instruments of labor (machines, machine tools, apparatus, etc.) play a decisive role.

The development and improvement of technological processes is associated primarily with changes in technology.

Technique is a set of artificially created tools of labor, human activity, and, above all, tools for influencing the environment in order to produce the necessary material goods.

The nature of technology has changed and is changing in the course of the historical development of production. From simple primitive stone and wooden tools of primitive society, man came to modern machines, automatic lines, workshops and automatic factories, space rockets and ships.

Depending on the purpose and natural-material characteristics, tools and means of labor are divided into groups.

Buildings belong to that part of the means of labor that does not directly participate in the production process, but contributes to its normal implementation. The group of industrial buildings includes the buildings of the main and auxiliary workshops, laboratories, as well as all the premises directly serving production (offices, warehouses, garages, depots).

Structures are a variety of engineering and construction objects (mines, overpasses, dams, water intakes, treatment facilities, bunkers, reservoirs, and other devices) necessary for production.

Power plants are power equipment designed for the production or processing (conversion) of energy. This group includes a variety of engines, steam engines, turbines, electric generators, compressors, electric transformers, rectifiers, etc.

Working machines and equipment are tools intended for technological purposes. These include melting and heating furnaces, various machine tools, presses, mills, filters, autoclaves, etc., as well as machines and mechanisms for moving objects of labor in the production process (transformers, conveyors, cranes, roller tables, etc.). According to the method of impact on the object of labor, machines and equipment are divided into mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, chemical, electrical. Working machines and equipment are the most important elements of fixed assets that determine the production capacity of an industrial enterprise. The equipment is universal and special. The first can be used for work of a different nature, the second - only to perform certain operations.

Transmission devices are designed to transfer electrical, thermal and mechanical energy from the engine machine to the working machines. These are power lines, air - and steam pipelines, gas and water distribution networks, etc.

Vehicles include vehicles such as electric cars, cars, locomotives, wagons and other inter-shop and intra-shop transport vehicles.

The group of laboratory equipment is a variety of means of control and testing, as well as measuring, regulating, counting devices and instruments.

The last group includes a variety of tools, fixtures (technological equipment, production, household and other inventory).

Labor in technological processes. When performing each technological process or part of it, one or another amount of labor of a worker of the appropriate qualification is expended. All labor, considered as an expenditure of the worker's physical strength, as the work of the brain and nerves, is the basis of all production.

Labor costs are measured by its duration - the time during which it is carried out. This time is divided into different types according to the nature of use.

Building Basics technological process

Organization of the technological process. The organization of the technological process is understood as a rational combination of living labor with material elements of production (means and objects of labor) in space and time, ensuring the most efficient implementation of the production plan.

The organization of the technological process is based on the division of labor (single form) and its specialization in individual jobs. As a result of specialization, the manufacture of products and their parts takes place in justified areas of the enterprise with a consistent transfer of the object of labor from one workplace to another. Thus, the total technological process is divided into separate parts, separated in space and time, but interconnected by the purpose of production.

The division of labor necessarily presupposes its combination, since each partial work acquires a certain meaning only in combination with other partial works. Therefore, the specialization of labor receives its complement in its cooperation. Consequently, the objective necessity of organizing the technological process follows from the internal division of production into separate, but interconnected parts.

The composition of the technological process. The technological process includes a number of stages, each of which consists of production operations. An operation is a technologically and technically homogeneous part of the process, completed at this stage, which is a complex of elementary works performed by a worker (or workers) when processing a specific object of labor at one workplace,

Operation - the main part of the technological process, the main element of production planning and accounting. The need to divide the process into operations is generated by technical and economic reasons. For example, it is technically impossible to process all surfaces of a workpiece at the same time on one machine. And for economic reasons, it is more profitable to divide the technological process into parts.

An operation consists of a number of steps, each of which is a completed elementary work (or a set of completed actions). Receptions are divided into separate movements. Movement is a part of the reception, characterized by a single movement of the body or limbs of the worker.

Such a division of the technological process into separate elements is of great importance, since it makes it possible to analyze it, to reveal the smallest features of labor costs, and this is especially important for setting work rates and opening up a reserve for increasing labor productivity.

The structure of the technological process. The structure of the technological process is understood as the composition and combination of elements that determine the scheme for constructing the process, i.e., types, quantity and order of production operations. A process flow diagram can be simple or complex. It depends on the type and nature of the manufactured products, the quantity and range of requirements imposed on it, the type and quality of raw materials, the level of development of technology, the conditions for cooperation, and many other factors.

Simple processes consist of a small number of operations, their raw materials are a homogeneous mass or contain a small number of components. The products of such processes are mostly homogeneous. Their technological scheme is relatively simple. These include the processes of brick, glass, spinning production, mining enterprises, etc.

Processes of the second type are distinguished by the complexity of the construction scheme, multi-operation, a wide variety of materials used, equipment used. Complex processes have a developed form of organization and require significant space. Examples of them can be the processes of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, etc.

Development of the technological process. At the heart of any industrial production, as noted, is the production process, which includes a number of technological processes.

Before starting the manufacture of a production object (machines, devices, mechanisms, etc.), it is necessary to design a technological process.

Technological design is a complex job. All the technical and economic indicators of the process being developed depend on how carefully it is carried out. Technological design consists, first of all, in choosing the most economical method for obtaining blanks and parts for given specific conditions, establishing a rational sequence of processing operations, assigning the necessary production tools and regulating their use, as well as determining the labor intensity and cost of the manufactured product .. Technological process should be planned in such a way that equipment, tools, fixtures, raw materials, production areas are used to the fullest and most correctly, subject to maximum ease and safety of work.

To draw up a technological process, it is necessary to have a number of initial data. These include:

type and nature of production facilities;

production program;

the requirements it must meet;

production capabilities of the enterprise (availability of equipment, energy capacity, etc.).

For this, drawings, diagrams, specifications, GOSTs, volume and production plan, equipment lists and passports, tool catalogs, instructions for testing, acceptance, as well as other regulatory and reference data are used.

The main technical document of production is a working drawing, which is a graphical representation of manufactured parts and products, the requirements for them in terms of shape, size, types of processing, control methods, grades of materials used, weight of workpieces and parts, and, consequently, material consumption rates. In production, schemes are also widely used that allow you to learn the sequence of work.

When developing a technological process, the volume of output is also taken into account. With a large production plan, for example, in conditions of large-scale and mass production, it is beneficial to use special types of tools and fixtures, specialized equipment and automatic lines. In the conditions of a single (individual) production, they are guided by universal equipment and devices and a highly skilled workforce.

A significant influence on the formation of technology is provided by the conditions in which it should be implemented. If a technological process is being developed for an existing enterprise, then when choosing its options, one has to focus on the available equipment, take into account the capabilities of procurement and tool shops, and the energy base. In some cases, this limits the choice of processing methods. When developing technology for a newly designed enterprise, these restrictions disappear.

The developed technological process is drawn up by a number of documents, technological maps, in which all provisions, modes and indicators of the technology used are regulated.

The most important of these documents is a technological map, which contains all the data and information on the manufacturing technology of any part or product, a complete description of the production process for operations indicating the equipment, tools, fixtures, operating modes, time standards, qualifications and categories worker.

The economist uses the specified documentation with the information contained in it to standardize labor and establish the number of workers, determine the need for raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and analyze their consumption, calculate and analyze the cost, plan work, etc.

Modern technology makes it possible to produce the same product or perform the same work in different ways. Therefore, in technological design, there are ample opportunities for choosing technological processes.

With the existing variety of methods and means of production, several options for the technological process are often developed and, when calculating the cost, they choose the most cost-effective option.

To reduce the number of compared options, it is important to use standard solutions, recommendations of normative and guiding materials and not to consider those options from the implementation of which it is not expected to obtain tangible positive results.

Process products. The end result of the technological process is the finished product, i.e. such products and materials, the process of work on which at this enterprise is completely completed, and they are completed, packaged, accepted by the technical control department and can be sent to the consumer. Items that are not finished are called work in progress.

Products are divided into the main, which is the purpose of production, and by-products, obtained along the way. For example, in blast-furnace production, the main product is pig iron, and by-products are blast-furnace slag and blast-furnace gas, which are used in the national economy. In addition to the main and by-products, the so-called waste is usually obtained in the production process, divided depending on the possibilities of further use into returnable and non-returnable. The former can still be useful in other production, the latter are called waste.

Carrying out the technological process, a person sets himself two tasks:

1) get a product that would meet his needs;

2) spend less labor, materials, energy, etc. on its manufacture.

Each product can satisfy one or another human need only if it has a quality that determines its purpose. Without proper quality, the product becomes unnecessary for a person and the labor and natural objects expended on it are spent uselessly.

Product quality should be understood as the correspondence of its features and properties to the requirements of technical progress and reasonable demands of the national economy, arising from the conditions of practical use of products.

The quality of a product is not its permanent property. It changes with the production process and increasing requirements for finished products by consumers.

Improving production technologies allows us to continuously improve the quality of our products. The higher its level, the more efficient and productive social labor. The use of more advanced products in the national economy leads to a reduction in the cost of operation and repair, lengthens the service life and therefore, as it were, increases the volume of production of products. But an increase in the quality characteristics of goods often introduces significant changes in the production process, makes the technology more complicated, and lengthens the cycle of work. The number of operations and equipment increases, the complexity of processing increases. All this can lead to an increase in cost, a decrease in capital productivity, and additional capital investments. Therefore, improving the quality of products should pursue strictly defined, economically justified tasks. But even if improving the quality of products requires additional costs, then the value of products usually increases in a greater proportion than the costs increase. Product quality is closely related to profitability.

Ways to improve technological processes

The improvement of technological processes is the core, the core of the entire development of modern production. The improvement of production technology has been and remains one of the decisive directions of the unified technical policy, the material basis for the technical reconstruction of the national economy.

Since technology is a way of transforming the initial object of labor into a finished product, the ratio between costs and results depends on it. The limited labor and fuel and raw materials means that the technology must become more economical and help reduce costs per unit of final product. At the same time, the more limited this or that type of resources, the faster and on a large scale the improvement of technology should ensure their savings.

Improving production technology, its intensification is also the creation and implementation of new processes using less scarce raw materials, secondary fuel - raw materials, reducing the stage of processing of raw materials, creating low-operation, low-waste, waste-free technological processes.

The transition of technology to a qualitatively higher level of creating fundamentally new technological processes is one of the main signs of the ongoing scientific and technological revolution. From a long-term perspective, this is the main way to make fundamental changes in production efficiency and resource saving.

In the improvement of technological processes, the following areas are important.

Typification of technological processes. The same product can often be obtained using different technological processes. Numerous processing methods make it necessary to use typification of technological processes that are similar in nature. Typification consists in the reduction of diverse technological processes to a limited number of rational types and the introduction of these uniform processes in a number of industries.

When typing is carried out, first of all, products are divided into classes according to the generality of technological problems solved in their manufacture.

The second stage of typification is the development of a standard technology. If the products are very similar in terms of their design and technological features, then a single technological process can be designed for them. If the degree of unification of products is less, then a technological process with less detail is developed for such products.

Typical technological processes contribute to the introduction of the most progressive technological processes into production. The use of standard processes simplifies the development of processes for specific products and reduces the time required for this, as well as accelerates the preparation of production for the release of products.

Typical technological processes are used at enterprises of mass, large-scale, serial, as well as small-scale production with repeated production of the same products. With small batches of products and frequent reconfiguration of equipment, their use does not provide a tangible economic effect compared to processing according to individual processes. Under these conditions, the most productive and economical is the group technology.

For the development of group technological processes, a classification of products is also carried out. They are combined into classes on the basis of the homogeneity of the equipment used for their processing, and within classes - into groups on the basis of the geometric shape, dimensions and generality of the surfaces to be processed. For the main product of the group, the most characteristic products are taken that have all the features of the products included in this group. For each group of products, a technological process is developed (called a group process) and group adjustment using the same technological equipment.

Group technology provides savings in labor and material costs at all stages of production, makes it possible to effectively use working time, equipment and funds to further improve the technological level of production. Thus, the time spent on the development of technological processes is reduced by 15-20% compared to the cost of developing individual processes, and the time spent on designing and manufacturing group equipment is reduced by an average of 50%.

In a number of cases, the development of technology follows the path of combination, which is understood as the combination of several different technological processes in a single complex. The combination ensures the most complete use of raw materials and waste, reduces the size of capital investments, and improves the economic indicators of production. The basis for creating combined processes can be:

Comprehensive use of raw materials

Use of production waste.

A combination of successive stages of product processing.

The degree of typification and combination is the most important indicator of the technical and organizational level of technology.

Economic efficiency and technical and economic indicators of technological processes

Using all the achievements of technological progress, the old ones are being improved and new, more efficient technological processes are being introduced. Economic efficiency is very difficult to express by some unambiguous, generalized indicator. Technical progress usually gives a complex effect, which finds its expression in saving living labor, i.e., increasing its productivity, saving embodied labor - raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, tools, saving capital costs, improving the use of fixed assets, in improving the quality products, facilitating work and increasing its safety.

Thus, the economic efficiency of the technology used is determined by a number of indicators that are directly related to the technical improvement and economic development of production. Such technical and economic indicators represent a system of values ​​that characterize the material and production base of the enterprise, the organization of production, the use of fixed and circulating assets, and labor in the manufacture of products. These indicators reflect the degree of technical equipment of the enterprise, the loading of equipment, the rationality of the use of material and raw materials, fuel and energy resources, human labor in the production process, the economic efficiency of the technology used, etc. Using them makes it possible to analyze technological processes, determine features, progressiveness the latter, identify bottlenecks, find and use production reserves. The solution of these tasks is achieved by studying and comparing these indicators based on an analysis of the elements of the technological process in their relationship, taking into account all interacting factors.

All technical and economic indicators are divided into quantitative and qualitative. The former determine the quantitative side of the technological process (the volume of products produced, the number of pieces of equipment, the number of employees), the latter determine its qualitative side (the efficiency of the use of labor, raw materials, materials, fixed assets, financial resources).

Technical and economic indicators are natural and cost. Natural ones give one-sided characteristics (labor intensity, raw material consumption, process or operation time, etc.). Therefore, when addressing issues of economic efficiency of technology, cost indicators are also needed - cost, profit, capital productivity, etc.

In connection with the material objects of the production process, all technical and economic indicators can be combined into the following groups:

1. Technological indicators, i.e. indicators characterizing the properties of the object of labor. These include, first of all, those indicators, the value of which affects the course of the production process. So, for example, technological indicators characterizing wood pulp used in the pulp and paper industry include fiber length, moisture content, resin content, etc.; the properties of metal parts processed by cutting are determined, first of all, by the composition of the metal (alloy), its tensile strength (or hardness), and geometric dimensions. Although the total number of technological indicators is quite large, for each production process their number is quite limited.

Structural indicators, i.e., indicators characterizing the tools of labor. These include the properties of tools that affect the production process - this is the power of working machines, their passport data.

Labor indicators are indicators that characterize the industrial and production personnel of an enterprise. These indicators include the number of workers by profession, category, as well as indicators characterizing qualifications, etc.

Production indicators characterize the course of the production process and its results. These include the applied operating modes of the equipment (pressure, temperature, speed, etc.), the productivity of the equipment, site, workshop, consumption coefficients, indicators characterizing product quality, and many others.

Economic indicators affect the efficiency of the production process and characterize this efficiency. These include prices, tariffs, wage conditions, the standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments, the cost of production, etc.

Of the totality of indicators that make it possible to determine and compare the level of the technological process and its operations, it is necessary to single out the following: cost, labor intensity, labor productivity, unit costs of raw materials and materials, energy and fuel costs, intensity of use of equipment and production areas, capital productivity, value investments and their payback period. In some cases, other, private indicators are used that additionally characterize the production processes: power-to-weight ratio, mechanization and automation coefficient, power consumption, etc.

The most important and general indicator is the cost. It is formed from various costs according to their purpose.

Scientific and technological progress in industry and its economic efficiency

Scientific and technological progress in content represents the progressive development of the productive forces of society in all their diversity and unity, which is reflected in the improvement of the means and objects of labor, management systems and production technology, in the accumulation of knowledge, the improvement of the use of national wealth and natural resources, and the increase in efficiency. social production.

The main task of technical progress is the all-round economy of social labor and the provision of high rates of production growth. Its main directions are electrification, mechanization, automation, chemicalization, intensification, gasification.

Electrification means the maximum introduction of electrical energy as a driving force and for technological purposes (electrometallurgy, electric welding, electric heating, electrolysis, electric spark processing, etc.). The use of electrification speeds up production processes, raises productivity and the cult of labor, creates the preconditions for the introduction of mechanization and automation.

Mechanization is the replacement of manual labor by machines.

Until now, manual labor still predominates in a number of production processes. Their mechanization continues to be an important direction of technical progress.

Automation is the highest form of mechanization, in which the technological process is carried out by automatic machines operating without the direct participation of workers, whose functions are limited to observation, control and regulation. As a result of automation, labor is facilitated and its productivity increases sharply.

Chemicalization is the introduction into production of high-performance chemical processing methods and the maximum use of chemical industry products. It contributes to the introduction of hardware processes that are easily automated, helping to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.

Intensification consists in improving the use of labor tools per unit of time through the use of increased (intensive) modes of operation (high speeds, high pressures, temperatures, special catalysts, oxygen, etc.), it dramatically speeds up production processes and increases their productivity.

Technological progress has not only economic but also social significance. It facilitates and radically changes the work of people, helps to reduce the length of the working day, creates conditions for the elimination of essential differences between mental and physical labor.

Scientific and technological progress, generating new technology, new materials, technological processes, methods of management and organization of production, making changes in the structure of production, is the material basis for the constant achievement by society of saving living and embodied in the means of production of labor. And this, in turn, serves as a source of expanded reproduction of the social product, growth of the national income, accumulation of the consumer fund, and a systematic rise in the material and cultural standard of living of the people.

The development of science causes qualitative changes in production technology as well. Technology is a form of influence of the means of labor on the object of labor, the method of its transformation changes mainly as a result of changes in the means of labor. But there is a feedback when the requirements of technology necessitate the creation of new means of labor. Thus, the use of chemical materials in industry leads to the replacement of mechanical processing by shaping.

The main direction of technology improvement is expressed in the transition from discontinuous, multi-operational machining processes to progressive processes based on chemical, electrical, electrophysical and biological technologies (plasma metallurgy, volume stamping, spindleless spinning and shuttleless weaving).

An important direction in the improvement of technology is to ensure the most rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. Technological processes are being developed and introduced into production that ensure the reduction of waste and their maximum utilization, as well as systems for the use of water in a closed cycle. New effective methods and systems for the development of mineral deposits, progressive technological processes for their extraction, enrichment and processing are being widely introduced, which make it possible to increase the degree of extraction of minerals from the bowels, to drastically reduce losses as a result of the harmful effects of waste on the environment.

Traditionally, exercises are called the main method of industrial training.

At the same time, in many manuals that deal with the organization and methodology of industrial training, there are certain contradictions when interpreting the essence of exercises as a teaching method. On the one hand, exercises are declared as "the main method of industrial training", on the other hand, when revealing the system of exercises, it is recommended to correctly set their number, it is advisable to distribute them over time, it is noted that continuous exercises can continue until the skill improves and fatigue.

This means that exercises, with such an interpretation, are understood only as the practical development of the initial skills to perform the studied labor techniques and operations, i.e. "training exercises". The same thing that happens in the process of industrial training after mastering the basics of the profession, i.e. after conducting training exercises, it is already referred to another method - "independent work" of students, where the main goal is not so much the solution of educational problems as the performance of educational and production work.

Thus, the statement that exercises are the main method of industrial training does not correspond to the disclosure of their essence.

In this regard, let us consider the place and role of exercises in the process of industrial training, based on the fact that they are indeed the main method of industrial training.

The system of exercises (and the whole variety of exercises makes up a coherent system) should be based on their didactic goals. Above, when characterizing the logic of the process of industrial training, its main didactic goals were identified, which are in hierarchical interdependence: working out the correctness and accuracy of performing labor actions; development of high-speed indicators of labor actions; formation of professional independence; education (formation) of a creative attitude to work. Moreover, each subsequent goal necessarily includes the previous one; each previous exercise prepares the next one. This ensures consistency in the construction and system of exercises, ensures their continuity, more consistent progressive advancement of students in mastering the basics of professional skills.

To consider the features of a rational organization and methodology for managing the implementation of exercises (namely, the success of industrial training as a whole depends on this), it is necessary to classify them in a certain way. It is not advisable to single out the types of exercises according to their didactic goals, i.e., to work out the correctness of performing labor actions, accuracy, speed, independence of performance, educating (forming) a creative attitude to work, it is not advisable, since the achievement of these goals in the educational process occurs constantly, on each stage of learning, is not "tied" to any specific time period of the educational process, and such a "binding" is very important for the effective organization of the process of continuous learning.

The most acceptable basis for classifying the types of exercises is their content at certain periods of the learning process. On this basis, exercises can be distinguished: for working out the elements of labor actions - labor techniques and methods; on

development of labor operations; on mastering the implementation of integral labor processes; on the management of automated technological processes.

As you can see, with such a classification, these types of exercises “cover” the entire process of industrial training, since industrial training is both mastering the techniques and methods of the labor process, mastering the main labor operations and types of work characteristic of the profession, and improving and developing professional skills. and skills in the course of mastering (performing) a variety of holistic labor processes characteristic of the profession, specialty, and mastering the methods of managing technological processes (when teaching mainly the professions of instrumental labor).

Thus, the classification of exercises based on their content, taking into account the time (period) of execution, once again confirms the didactic statement that exercises are the main method of industrial training. Moreover, based on such a classification, it can be argued that the entire process of industrial training is a sequential chain of gradually and constantly becoming more complex exercises, in the process of which more and more new educational and labor tasks are solved, new didactic goals are achieved.

At first, when studying labor methods and operations, the correctness of labor actions is worked out, then - the achievement of speed of action, accuracy, speed, professional,

"dexterity"; when performing training and production work characteristic of the profession being mastered (exercises in the development of labor processes, exercises in the management of technological processes), new tasks of the process of industrial training, i.e. system of exercises, is the achievement of a given labor productivity, pace, rhythm of work, the development of various options for combining technological operations in a real technological process, various typical and specific ways of using tools, fixtures, devices, mechanisms, etc. Permanent, cross-cutting, increasingly complex goals and objectives are the achievement of labor independence, the formation of a technical culture, the mastery of professional creativity, which has an unlimited number of manifestations and levels. Even without a specially formulated educational goal, it is always present in the process of industrial training - the accumulation and improvement of industrial experience in its various manifestations.

Thus, the concept of the process of industrial training as a sequential chain of exercises is not a logical conclusion, but a real pedagogical phenomenon.

When considering the method of exercises, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the relationship between the concepts of "exercises" and "independent work of students", bearing in mind that these terms are often used side by side, that independent work of students in some cases is referred to as an independent method of industrial training. Based on the assertion that industrial training is a sequential chain of exercises, the term "independent work of students" in the understanding of the independent method of industrial training is illegal. The independent work of students should also be considered as exercises characteristic of periods of industrial training, when the educational activity of students is largely independent, that is, independent of the master, character. The leading didactic goal in this case is the development and formation of professional independence of students in its various manifestations. Thus, "exercise" and

"independent work" of students correlate as a whole and a part.

Why is there such an emphasis on substantiating the assertion that industrial training is a chain, a system of ever more complex interconnected exercises? because exercises are a method of learning, moreover, actually industrial training. Such an understanding of the process of industrial training inevitably leads the master to the priority of solving educational problems over solving purely industrial problems, to approaching the entire process of industrial training primarily as an educational process. Reducing the process of industrial training to "independent work" of students voluntarily or involuntarily

"pedagogically demobilizes" the master, turns him more into an organizer of the students' productive labor than into a teacher of their professional skills. As we can see, such a purely theoretical reasoning leads to important practical conclusions.

Consider the features of each type of exercise of such a classification.

Exercises in mastering labor techniques and methods

These are mainly training, preliminary exercises for mastering the elements, methods of performing labor operations.

The indicative basis for the implementation of such exercises is the theoretical knowledge of students; demonstration by the foreman of the relevant labor techniques and methods and the necessary explanations at the same time; descriptions and instructions and explanations in the instruction card; the image of the method of performing the reception, the type of work on a visual aid - a poster, a slide, a movie-video fragment. The main purpose of these exercises is to form the initial skills of students to correctly perform the basic elements of the labor process - labor techniques and methods of actioncorresponding to the pattern shown by the master and the description in the instruction card. Such exercises are, as a rule, the initial stage of mastering a new operation or type of work. They are usually carried out for a short period of time - no more than 1-2 hours are carried out by performing purely educational work that has no production value (tiles, training rollers, plates, fabric scraps, wire waste, etc.) and consist of multiple repetitions learned labor actions (labor movements, installation, rearrangement, settings, adjustments, refueling, trial processing, assembly-disassembly, etc.).

As the students master the profession and gain experience in the transition to studying a new labor operation provided for by the curriculum, exercises for the initial development of techniques and methods for its implementation are carried out selectively - only for working out more complex, new in content techniques and methods. Simpler and easier-to-learn elements of the labor operation are worked out when performing the operation as a whole.

A special kind of exercises in the development of labor techniques and methods are exercises for working out the correct sequence of labor actions. Such exercises are most typical when mastering the techniques of switching on and off and controlling the machine, setting up, adjusting, adjusting, entering data, taking readings-results, etc. technological operations, where an algorithmically clear sequence of actions is required to obtain a positive result. When they are carried out, introductory instruction in a growing profession is usually combined with the exercises themselves. At the same time, with repeated repetition of an already mastered sequence of actions, each time adding a new element of a holistic action, a certain stereotype of the corresponding labor activity is created, which is fixed during the exercises.

Exercises in mastering the initial techniques and methods for performing some operations that are complex in design (mainly manual labor) are performed using training devices that have devices that signal the correct working out of labor movements.

Exercises in the development of labor operations, types of work

The goals of such exercises are more complex compared to exercises for mastering labor techniques and methods. They include the formation of students' skills to correctly and efficiently perform all tricks and methods the operation under study in their various combinations in accordance with the sample shown by the master and the recommendations of the instruction card; expansion and improvement of special knowledge of students. In the training programs of industrial training, a relatively small amount of time is allocated for the implementation of such exercises ("operational" topics of the program), sufficient only for the initial mastery of the operation as a whole, bearing in mind that the consolidation and improvement of previously mastered operations and types of work, the formation of strong professional skills and skills will be carried out at the later stages of industrial training, when the main means of industrial training (and, consequently, subsequent exercises) will be works of a complex nature, including the previously mastered basics of the profession.

The success of the exercises to a decisive extent depends on their guidance from the master of industrial training. In relation to exercises on the development of labor operations and types of work, the objectives of such a manual can be formulated as follows:

  • 1) to ensure that students perform learned labor actions with the least number of errors;
  • 2) to ensure that the mistakes and shortcomings of students are necessarily eliminated persistently and to the end; in no case should the wrong actions of students be allowed to be fixed;
  • 3) to ensure such a process of conducting exercises so that students constantly move from lesson to lesson in mastering a profession - this is one of the main features of exercises as a teaching method.

The methodological techniques and rules of rational management at this stage of training can be very diverse, depending on the place of the operation in the general process of industrial training, on the content of the exercises, on the actual level of preparedness of students, on the pedagogical qualifications of the master of industrial training, etc. The main thing here is that that the master must show special "pedagogical care" and even

"pedagogical vigilance" in order to prevent pedagogical marriage, when not all students have mastered the basics of the profession well enough. It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to make up for lost time later, when the foreman faces new tasks of a technical and technological nature, voluntarily or involuntarily distracting him from solving the problems of actual industrial training. It is at the stage of mastering the basics of the profession by students that the true pedagogical skill of the master of industrial training should be manifested.

Exercises in the development of labor processes

This is the most widely used type of exercise. In fact, after mastering the basic techniques and operations that form the basis of the profession, the further process of industrial training is an exercise in mastering labor processes, because the practical part of the content of the profession is the performance of certain labor processes - the manufacture of parts and products, repair, maintenance, adjustment, adjustment of equipment, assembly, installation, tailoring, customer service, etc.

An important didactic question: why does the content of the educational and production activities of students during this period of industrial training consist of exercises? After all, exercises as a method of industrial training are multiple repetitions of certain labor actions in order to improve them. When it came to exercises in the development of labor techniques, operations, such a question could not arise. Multiple repetition of techniques and operations was carried out in order to master and improve them, a certain time was allotted for this. What, then, when performing exercises on the development of labor processes is repeated many times, what is being improved, what is the essence of the students' exercises?

It has already been emphasized above that the process of industrial training is primarily a process learning, and everything that students do as part of this process must be considered from the standpoint of solving learning problems. What are these tasks during the period when students perform various, typical for the corresponding profession, specialty, educational and production work of a complex (that is, combining all previously mastered labor techniques, methods, operations, types of work) character?

First, it happens further development, improving the methods of performing previously mastered labor techniques and operations, bringing the initial skills formed at the same time to the level of skills, automated components of skillful activity, which is achieved through repeated execution (repetition). Secondly, typical methods of rationally combining previously worked out labor operations into a holistic process of performing work of a complex (completed) nature are being mastered. Moreover, development does not happen by itself, it must be taught. Thirdly, it is formed and developed professional independence of students. It also cannot happen spontaneously, this process must be controlled. Fourthly, the professional skills of students - the main goal of industrial training - is a certain level performance

labor. It (labor productivity) is not formed spontaneously, in the course of work, it must also be specially formed using special methodological techniques. Fifthly, a student - a future skilled worker, a specialist, naturally, cannot and should not perform work using only those labor methods and operations and in their content (design, sequence of execution, combinations and relationships) in which they were mastered. them in the early stages of education. Ways to perform work as they master technical skills are improved, students master new, advanced, high-performance methods of performing work. As they gain experience, they master new technologies, special types of work, etc. And they need to be trained in all this. Therefore, attributing to the exercises the entire process of students performing increasingly complex production work is quite justified.

In addition, during this period of industrial training, students develop such important qualities that characterize their professional skills as a culture of work, a creative attitude to work, and the economic feasibility of their educational and production work. The process of their formation, as well as purely professional qualities, requires special attention, special purposefulness both on the part of the master and students.

The organization of leadership in the development of labor processes by students is largely determined by the specifics of the educational tasks disclosed above, as well as the content of the educational and production work performed. The general approaches and rules of such guidance are generally the same as in the guidance of exercises for working out labor operations. However, it should be emphasized that the nature of the master's instructions to students in the process of current instruction as they accumulate experience to a large extent changes - now they are increasingly required to make decisions on their own, independently check the correctness of the work performed and evaluate its results.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the importance of monitoring the correct implementation by students of previously learned techniques, the organization of workplaces, and labor safety. These indicators of professionalism are of a "cross-cutting" nature, and it is necessary to work out these elements constantly, throughout the entire period of industrial training, at each stage. The correct execution of techniques and the application of working methods ensures accuracy, speed, quality and productivity of labor and is the basis of students' professional skills.

Process Control Exercises

These exercises occupy a special place, since to a certain extent they "absorb" exercises in mastering labor techniques and methods, as well as exercises in mastering labor operations. Such exercises are most typical in the training of skilled workers and specialists, the content of whose work greatly complicates or completely excludes the allocation of "educational units" for their systematic study and practical development in an educational institution (operators and apparatchiks of chemical (petrochemical) production, apparatchiks and operators food industry equipment and other specialists whose content of work is the functions of control and regulation of production processes associated with the analysis of the received data on the state of the process and the adoption of the necessary decisions, as well as the motor skills necessary for the quick and correct implementation of the decision made; to a certain extent, drivers of transport means, machinists of road-building machines, cranes, etc.), allows you to immediately use existing production equipment for educational purposes. A specific feature of the training of such workers and specialists is that in the conditions of an educational institution it is practically impossible to have an appropriate material base for their full-fledged industrial training - industrial apparatus, installations, units, etc. Therefore, practical vocational training of such workers and specialists is carried out as as a rule, in production conditions, first through observation exercises, and then understudies.

Of great importance for mastering the methods of controlling technological processes is preliminary theoretical training of students, knowledge of the essence of technological processes occurring in devices, installations, units, machines. However, to control the technological process, even on the basis of a detailed understanding of the phenomena and processes,

taking place in the apparatuses, it is not enough to have only the knowledge gained in special subjects. Studying at the workplace the schemes of technological processes, the device and the rules for operating equipment, students simultaneously get acquainted with the main methods of controlling the technological process: how the machines are started and stopped, how deviations from the normal course of the process are regulated, how individual technological operations are performed, how their results are recorded and etc.

A significant place in teaching students the management of technological processes is occupied by special exercises using simulators(Issues of the organization and methodology of exercises using simulators will be disclosed in a separate section of the chapter).

An important task to be solved during the process control exercises is the development of students' abilities to make rational decisions in the current production situations. One of the effective methodological methods for the implementation of these tasks is the solution of the so-called technological tasks organized by the master in the form of business games. In technological tasks, a verbal description of production situations is given, characterizing both the normal course and various violations of the technological process, including emergency ones.

Students are required to determine both a way to maintain the normal operation of the serviced equipment, and a way to detect a given violation, its possible causes, outline a solution and describe actions to eliminate violations and bring the system back to normal in each specific case.

Technological tasks can be offered in two versions: with answers to the questions posed and without answers. In the first case, the essence of the exercises is the analysis of specific situations and the study of typical technological solutions. Such variants of the task are offered to students at the initial stage of training (for example, in the educational laboratory of processes and apparatuses for chemical production) and are a good addition to the instructions for servicing the apparatus, installation, unit.

As students gain experience, they must be involved in independent decision-making, first in simple, and then in more complex production situations. Therefore, at this stage, they are offered technological tasks compiled according to the second option.

As a rule, workers, specialists in the indicated professions (apparatus chemists, operators of various installations, machinists of various units, etc.) receive information about the operation of an apparatus or installation on the basis of instrument readings. Therefore, along with verbal descriptions of certain situations in such problems, instrument readings are given. These can be drawings or photographs of instruments with instrument readings corresponding to a given situation. For the same purposes, it is practiced to make mock-ups of control panels of the unit with mock-ups of instruments, on which the arrows and pointers are set to the position provided for by the condition of the technological task. When working with such models, visual information (instrument readings) can be supplemented by the corresponding auditory information (reproduction of sound recordings of noise, signaling devices, etc.).

Exercises with the use of simulators

Simulators that simulate the conditions and content of human production activities allow creating optimal conditions for the effective formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform this activity. With the use of simulators in the process of industrial training, students perform exercises to develop labor skills and abilities in cases where the conditions of the learning process do not allow for the effective organization of such exercises in a real production environment.

The use of simulators has the following advantages:

contributes to a better orientation of students in the transition from studying the theory in the classroom in special subjects to mastering practical actions, activates the learning process;

creates an opportunity to bring students closer to the production environment, while at the same time eliminating the risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns;

allows students to set, repeat and vary the necessary modes of operation of equipment and production situations at any time, which is often impossible under production conditions;

simulates (simulates) difficult working conditions, up to emergency situations, which students cannot get acquainted with when working on existing equipment;

allows you to repeatedly simulate and predict interference and malfunctions until they are completely eliminated;

contributes to the consolidation of self-control techniques in students - a decisive factor in the formation of many skills and abilities, especially when equipping simulators with special means and feedback devices.

An essential advantage of simulators is the use of an accelerated time scale. Under production conditions, changes in the parameters of real technological processes, for example, chemical and petrochemical production, occur relatively slowly, and in order to complete all the actions to control the units at a normal process scale, a significant amount of time is required. The accelerated flow of the technological process on the simulator model of the unit, installation allows you to master the control process in a much shorter time.

The simulator as a tool that allows modeling technical objects, the production environment and, accordingly, the activities of students, must meet the pedagogical and ergonomic requirements, providing for the optimal combination of technical, psychological, physiological and didactic parameters. In the classification system of teaching aids, simulators refer to models of controlled technical objects that reproduce or imitate their characteristics with varying degrees of accuracy.

An important factor in the use of simulators is the simplification and division of the work activity mastered by students so that training can be continued in real production conditions. Therefore, for educational purposes, not the entire production environment, not all work activities mastered by students and not all operations are modeled, but only the most difficult to learn and the most significant in the real conditions of the labor process, on which the success of future independent work of students depends. However, the closer the model is to the actual conditions for performing the corresponding technological operation, the higher its effectiveness as a learning tool.

By design and purpose, the used simulators can be divided into the following groups.

1. Simulators that simulate the device and functions of technical objects. They are designed to practice techniques, methods of maintenance and management of real objects. These include, for example, car simulators, simulators, simulating process plants for chemical production, etc. Simulators that simulate devices and functions of technical objects can be built on the principles of physical and mathematical modeling based on electronic computers. In most cases, such simulators are physical models, which are understood as an object, process, situation, etc., which have a number of physical properties similar to the original, but differ in size, weight and the absence of secondary phenomena and details. A large number of simulators - physical models - were created for preliminary practical training of hoisting machine operators, vehicle drivers, etc. All these devices, to a greater or lesser degree of approximation, reproduce the cab of the driver, the driver and the main controls, which are connected to the system of light, sound and other signals. On such simulators, it is usually possible to form the initial skills to perform sequential actions in basic elementary situations, while providing immediate signaling of all incorrect actions and completely eliminating accidents and breakdowns.

Simulators have also become widespread for training operators and adjusters of automatic machine tools and lines, as well as specialists servicing control panels of power plants and systems. Usually they are simplified models of the control panel and control of the corresponding technological process in production. They reproduce process signaling systems, handles, buttons and other remote controls.

  • 2. Simulators designed for the formation of skills of intellectual activity. These include, for example, simulators-simulators that fix the malfunction of the equipment, apparatus and are intended for training in troubleshooting; simulators for training adjusters of automatic machine tools and automatic lines to search for the causes of defects, etc. At the same time, the task of modeling, copying the device and functions of technical objects is not set. The purpose of such simulators is to teach students algorithms, the rules for performing certain mental actions (for example, the rules for analyzing the causes of marriage, etc.).
  • 3. Training devices designed to facilitate the formation of any motor skill. Training devices do not, as a rule, model the device and functions of technical objects. An example of such training devices is a simulator for working out the coordination of hand movements when filing metal with a file, cutting with a hacksaw, hand coordination during figured turning of parts on a lathe, etc. In recent years, due to the widespread introduction of electronic computer technology into the educational process is increasingly being used computer modelling technological and other production processes using specially created pedagogical software (PPS). At the same time, the main affinity of imitation of the technological process and feedback is the computer itself. In this case, the simulator of operator activity is built on the basis of a visual image of a real object, which coincides with it so much that working with a computer imitates a real performing


As experimental studies and advanced pedagogical experience have shown, all private technologies of simulator training for controlling automated equipment are based on a general exercise algorithm, which includes the following main stages: setting a certain situation by the master, training mode on the simulator > analysis by students of the content of the task > determining the state of the system simulated on the simulator , identifying deviations from the norm, their magnitude and nature > students making a decision and determining the algorithm for bringing the system back to normal > students working with the controls of the simulator to bring the system back to normal > working out methods of activity > current monitoring of the state of the system based on the data of the information part of the simulator > analysis by the master and students of the success of training exercises according to the indications of the control panel of the simulator > justification by students of the results obtained.

When organizing exercises on the simulator, it is necessary to familiarize students with a special visual language, ways of encoding information; shape, size, spatial orientation, letters, numbers, color, brightness, flickering frequency, logograms, image signs used in the displays of the simulator, various indicators, screens, scoreboards. This is especially important in the training of skilled workers and specialists of various profiles, for example, for apparatchiks (operators) of chemical and petrochemical industries. The simulator, intended for training such specialists, simulates the normal technological regime and characteristic deviations and malfunctions, including emergency situations. When the process parameters go beyond the allowable limits, sound and light alarms are triggered. Students, receiving information about the violation of one or another parameter according to the indications of control and measuring instruments, make a certain decision and return the process to normal mode, which is carried out using manual or remote controls. The simulator also allows you to demonstrate the operation of the installation in automatic mode. The master monitors the correctness of the actions of students according to the readings of control and measuring devices, as well as sound and light alarms. In addition, the actions of students are recorded on self-recording devices, which allows for control and self-control.

The use of simulators in vocational education is not an end in itself and not a tribute to fashion, but an urgent need. This is a reasonable creation of artificial conditions that have great didactic advantages and potential reserves. Such artificial conditions create real opportunities, firstly, for planning all parts of the learning process (presenting educational information, mastering it, performing educational activities, analyzing the nature and quality of this activity, corrective actions on it, etc.), and secondly, for their optimal functioning, thirdly, to manage the cognitive activity of students. Exactly

the availability of opportunities for managing the cognitive activity of students ensures the effectiveness of the use of exercises using simulators.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

1. The concept of technological education.

3. Systems of labor and technological training.

1 The concept of technological education

The importance of instilling a technological culture among young people is now recognized worldwide: UNESCO has developed the 2000+ program (International Project on Science and Technology Literacy for All).

In this regard, the basic curriculum (in the invariant part) of general educational institutions of Russia, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 1993, includes a new educational area "Technology".

As you know, technology is defined as the science of the transformation and use of matter, energy and information in the interests and according to the plan of man. This science includes the study of methods and means (tools, equipment) for the transformation and use of these objects.

At the school, "Technology" is an integrative educational area that synthesizes scientific knowledge from mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology and shows their use in industry, energy, communications, agriculture, transport and other areas of human activity. It is planned to study this area from grades I to XI (see curriculum) in the amount of 808 hours.

The structural model of education includes basic (invariant) content and additional pre-professional and professional training courses.

The study of the integrative educational field "Technology", which includes basic (that is, the most common and promising) technologies and provides for the creative development of students within the framework of a system of projects under the guidance of specially trained teachers and with an adequate educational and material base, will allow young people to acquire general labor and partially special knowledge and skills, as well as provide her with intellectual, physical, ethical and aesthetic development and adaptation to socio-economic conditions.

These goals can be achieved if the necessary attention is paid to the polytechnical, economic and environmental aspects of activity, familiarization with information and high technologies, high-quality performance of work and readiness for self-education, restoration and preservation of family, national and regional traditions and universal values.

Target subject technology:

The main goal of the educational area "Technology" is to prepare students for independent working life in a market economy.

This implies:

I. Formation in students of the qualities of a creatively thinking, active and easily adaptable personality, which are necessary for activities in new socio-economic conditions, from determining product needs to its implementation.

P. Formation of knowledge and skills in the use of means and ways of converting materials, energy and information into the final consumer product or service in conditions of limited resources and freedom of choice.

Preparing students for conscious professional self-determination through differentiated learning and the humane achievement of life goals.

Formation of a creative attitude to the qualitative implementation of labor activity.

V.Development of versatile personal qualities and the ability of professional adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions.

The objectives of this subject:

In the process of teaching the subject "Technology" the following tasks should be solved:

a) the formation of polytechnical knowledge and environmental culture;

b) instilling elementary knowledge and skills in housekeeping and calculating the family budget;

c) familiarization with the basics of modern production and services;

d) development of independence and ability of students to solve creative and inventive problems;

e) providing students with the opportunity for self-knowledge, studying the world of professions, performing professional tests for the purpose of professional self-determination;

f) education of hard work, enterprise, collectivism, humanity and mercy, commitment, honesty, responsibility and decency, patriotism, culture of behavior and conflict-free communication;

and) mastering the basic concepts of a market economy, management and marketing and the ability to apply them in the implementation of their own products and services;

h) the use of consumer products as objects of labor and their design, taking into account the requirements of design and arts and crafts to increase competitiveness in the implementation. Development of aesthetic sense and artistic initiative of the child.

To solve these problems, the content of the subject "Technology" can be divided into 10 main sections:

Technologies for processing structural materials and elements of mechanical engineering.

Electronic technologies (electroradiotechnology: electrical engineering, radio electronics, automation, digital electronics, robotics, high technologies - the use of computers in process control).

Information technology - the use of PCs to solve practical problems.

Graphics (technical drawing, drafting, decoration and design work).

Culture at home, textile and food processing technologies.

Construction repair and finishing works.

Artistic processing of materials, technical creativity, the basics of artistic design.

Branches of social production and professional self-determination.

Production and the environment.

10. Elements of the home economy and the foundations of entrepreneurship.

The main part of the study time (at least 70%) is devoted to practical activities - the mastery of general labor skills and abilities.

Along with traditional teaching methods, it is recommended to use the method of projects and cooperative activities of students.

During the entire period of study "Technology" each student completes 10 projects (one per year, starting from grade II). The project is understood as a creative, completed work, corresponding to the age capabilities of the student. It is important that when implementing projects, starting from the elementary grades, schoolchildren participate in identifying the needs of the family, school, society in a particular product and service, assessing the available technical capabilities and economic feasibility, in putting forward ideas for developing the design and manufacturing technology of products (products) , their implementation and evaluation, including implementation opportunities.

Much attention is paid to information technology in the program.

If the school does not have the necessary computer technology, the study of information technology can be replaced by artistic processing of materials or the implementation of educational projects.

In the variable and optional parts of the curriculum, a number of hours can be allocated to the study of other vital areas of pre-professional and vocational training (Appendix 1).

Since 1995, in accordance with the new programs, it is possible to implement the following sections on the material base available in schools:

in primary school: materials processing technologies (natural, paper, wire...), home culture (rules of conduct, table setting), home care (cleaning, washing dishes, caring for houseplants, etc.), information technology (learning games on PC in the presence of a display class), the implementation of creative work - projects. To implement the "electrical engineering" module, the simplest electrical designers are needed, for the "elements of technology" module, mechanical designers;

in secondary school: technologies for processing structural materials and elements of mechanical engineering, culture at home, technologies for processing fabrics and food products, artistic processing of materials, construction and repair and finishing works, information technology (if there is a display class), project implementation;

in the upper grades: home economics and the basics of entrepreneurship, production and the environment, social production and professional self-determination, information technology (if there is a display class), artistic processing of materials, technical creativity, introduction to artistic design (optional), project implementation.

One of the means of the personality of a specialist and the formation of her professional culture is the content of professional education.

Principles and criteria for selecting the content of vocational education:

The principle of compliance of the content with the requirements of the development of society. Science, engineering and technology, culture and personality; the principle of constant renewal of the content of vocational education;

The principle of unity of the content and procedural aspects of vocational training;

The principle of structural unity of the content of vocational education at different levels of its formation;

The principle of humanization of the content of vocational education;

The principle of fundamentalization of the content of vocational education;

The principle of integrating the content of vocational education, consistency and interdisciplinarity and professional excellence.

In accordance with the State Standard of Vocational Education, the basis of the professional cycle is theoretical and industrial training. Theoretical training includes a general professional (general technical) cycle of disciplines and a cycle of special disciplines.

The content of industrial training in a systematized form is a list of those types of professional activities that are included in the functional composition of the activities of a specialist in the relevant profile in the functional composition of the activities of a specialist in the relevant profile and which the student must master in order for his skills and abilities to meet the requirements of the qualification characteristic.

The logic and sequence of the formation of practical skills and abilities necessary for a specialist in the course of industrial training determine the structure of the content and the logic of constructing disciplines of a special cycle. According to their content, these disciplines form the knowledge basis of industrial training.

The disciplines of the general professional (technical) cycle contribute to the expansion of the professional horizons of the future specialists of a wide range of training are the basis for realizing the possibilities of changing labor and mastering related professions.

The specific content of each special and general professional subject reflects the content and structure of the activities of these disciplines; it is possible to group the state of training of the future specialist in a certain way and identify a number of common components of the group.

The first group is educational material that reveals technical issues.

These include: the theoretical foundations of the design and operation of equipment used by a specialist;

The second group is educational material that reveals the issues of production technology. This includes the theoretical foundations of labor and technological processes, issues of labor safety, hygiene and industrial sanitation, and fire fighting equipment.

The third group is educational material on the organization and economics of production. This includes information of an organizational and economic nature, an analysis of the main directions for increasing labor productivity.

When analyzing the content of specialist training as a whole, industrial training is responsible for the formation of a practical base for the specialist’s activity (skills and skills), theoretical training is responsible for the formation of a theoretical base (knowledge).

At the present stage, the experience of a specialist's creative activity and the experience of his emotional and value attitude to reality are also becoming particularly relevant in the content of vocational education.

Education today is focused on training a morally mature specialist who combines the moral and business qualities of a person who thinks creatively, easily adapts to rapidly changing conditions of professional activity, and is able to find newer and original solutions for the professional training of future specialists, the formation of their moral maturity, the integration of which with professional competence , the professionalism of the individual will allow solving one of the most pressing contradictions of the surrounding world - the contradiction between the colossal growth rates of the benefits of civilization and the possibility of self-destruction of mankind, between the obvious transformation of the knowledge and experience of professionals and the moral degradation of the individual, the loss of the moral ideal.

3. Systems of labor and technological training

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks of educational institutions implementing them of various organizational and legal forms, types, types, systems, governing bodies, education and institutions and enterprises subordinate to them.

Education as a process includes the goal, objectives, content, forms and methods of interaction between the learner and the learner. The results of the educational process are the level of education, which is expressed in knowledge, skills, personality traits, as well as in the development of cognitive abilities.

Vocational training systems are the main starting points that determine the procedure for dividing the content of training, the grouping of its parts and the sequence of mastering the parts by students.

The main elements, educational units of systems can be:

1. objects of labor;

2. labor operations, techniques, actions, movements;

3. professional duties

4. functions of a specialist - his professional duties

5. production situations;

6. professional projects (independent creative activity);

The choice of training systems depends on:

1. From the material and technical support of the educational process, the level of qualification of the teacher, the levels of abilities of the student;

2. from what is taken as an independent initial part of training - a training unit;

3. from the characteristics of the content of the work of specialists in the relevant profession.

Consider the main learning systems.

I.Subject system of education

It arose historically first in the period of handicraft production.

During his apprenticeship, the student made a set of typical items typical of the profession.

System advantages:

1. Earlier, the inclusion of students in productive work, from the first days, students got acquainted with the technological process of manufacturing a product;

2. The system aroused students' interest in the profession, because they saw the result of their labor;

System disadvantages:

1. the system did not provide for the development of operations in the sequence corresponding to the complication of these operations;

2. there were no special exercises for practicing techniques and operations, students often mastered mistakes, and they had to relearn.

II. Operating system training.

With the emergence of manufactories, there was a division of production, the technological process began to be divided into operations. There was a need for specialists of a narrow profile.

The essence of the system lies in the fact that the students mastered a number of technological operations, built on the principle of complication. All the studied operations were part of the technological processes of manufacturing products in the field of a particular profession.

System advantages:

1. The system provided students with universal knowledge and skills to perform technological operations, i.e. did not tie students to a number of products;

2. increase in labor productivity.

3. Improving the quality of education through the implementation of the principle of systematicity and consistency.

System disadvantages:

1. the learning process was considered as a simple combination of technological


1. Gorbunova T.V. industrial training methodology. Lecture course. Kaluga: publishing house of KSPU im. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, 2003. - 100s

2. Ernanova N.E. Fundamentals of vocational training: Textbook. - 2nd ed., corrected. And extra. - Yekaterinburg, UGPPU, 1999, 138s

3. Shalunova M.G., Erganova N.Eyu Practicum on the methodology of vocational training: Textbook. - Yekaterinburg, Ural. state. prof. - ped. un-t, 2001, 61s

4. Muravieva G.E. Theoretical Foundations for Designing Educational Processes at School: Monograph / Ed. Dr. ped. sciences, prof. MM. Levina. - M.: Prometheus, 2002 .- 200s

5. Simonenko V.D. Technology: textbook. for 5 cells. general education institutions: an option for boys / V.D. Simonenko, A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Samorodsky; ed. V.D. Simonenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. - 191 p.: ill.

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Comprehensive development of a lesson of educational practice on the topic

"Cuff Processing"

(speciality - "tailor")


Ignatieva P.N.

student of group MPO-47

Grade "___" (___________)


Ptitsyna O.M.

"____" __________ 2016

Yakutsk, 2016


Introduction …………………………………………………………….…………….........3

.. ……………………………………………………………………………………….…………..5

Section 2. Educational and methodological complex for the lesson of educational practice "Cuff processing"….. ………………………………………………………………....13

2.1. Program of educational practice ………………..…………………..……..……....14

2.2. Calendar-thematic plan ………………………………………..……….22

2.3. Complex methodological support of the lesson. Attachment 1…………….....23

2.4. Sources of preparation for classes. Annex 2.……………………..……..26

2.5. Intersubject communication. Appendix 3 ………………………...……………….27

2.6 List of training and production works……………….………………...…..29

2.7. Lesson plan for educational practice of the specialty "tailor"…………………….30

2.8. Lesson summary…………………………………………………………………...35

2.9. Instructional-technological map on the topic “Processing of the cuff” ITK4.5.1…..………………………………….……………………………………………….. .44

2.10. Task card 4.3.1 …………………………………………..…………..…43

2.11. Test 4.6.1……………………………………………………………………………..41

Conclusion …………………………………………...…………………….………...45

Bibliography …………………………………………………………….........46


Currently, the labor market is in demand for a worker with an advanced level of qualification with experience in creative design activities (TKD). This trend is reflected in the National Educational Initiative "Our New School", which emphasizes that modernization and innovative development is the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century.

Practice shows that one of the effective means of shaping and developing the professional competence of a future worker is the interconnected general structure of two-stage training sessions culminating in a control and verification session-competition of professional skills and an annual group competition of professional skills, forming a single construct that contributes to the systematic, phased formation of the experience of TKD as bases of professional competence of the future worker.

We expect that the final forms of education - complex work - reveal the level of formation, readiness for independent performance of a specific work, professional and creative independence of students. The master of industrial training assumes that future workers will competently perform activities in accordance with qualification characteristics. The expectations of the masters and teachers, the often expressed instructions or the lack of confidence in the responsibility of the children causes psychological stress in the students, excessive excitement prevents them from showing the quality of learning that they actually possess. These circumstances served as the basis for the search for other forms of control of knowledge and acquired professional competencies of students.

Developing the content of the lesson, the master p / o plans a system of production problem situations, the implementation of which requires mini-rationalization, improvement in technology, in the designs of the equipment used, tools, etc. Tasks include not only the practical implementation of typical production-complex work according to the program, but also questions for oral or written answers on the material of special and general technical subjects. At the same time, students are guided by the fact that the results of their work are evaluated according to a number of criteria. Of these, the main ones are: the quality of the work performed, a good assessment in the theoretical part, the use of rational methods, the implementation of complex work, compliance with time standards, the manifestation of creativity in the implementation of the technological process, independence, rationality in the organization of the workplace and compliance with safety regulations. It is these requirements that constitute the basic level of professional competence of a worker of any skill level.

Thus, the interconnected general structure of a number of two-stage occupational training sessions, culminating in a control and verification session - a competition of professional skills, forms a single construct that contributes to the systematic, phased formation of the experience of TKD and the professional competence of the future worker, as well as the generalization of the experience of professional and creative design activities. , monitoring the quality of the formed skills and abilities when performing tasks of an executive, search, research nature.

Section 1. Preparation of the master of industrial training for classes

For successful pedagogical activity, the content and quality of preparation of the master of industrial training for classes is of great importance. Preparing for classes, the master designs, “models” the activities of himself and his teachers. And it is very important that the preliminary model is as close to reality as possible.

Naturally, the real design of the upcoming educational process requires a deep knowledge of the theory of training and education, a great deal of personal experience in practical work, and a creative analysis of the achievements of advanced pedagogical experience. The preparatory work of the master for classes includes two main stages: advanced preparation for the academic year, study of the next topic of the curriculum and the current one for the lesson. In the content of the preparatory work at each of these stages, one can single out personal training, preparation of educational and material equipment for classes and planning the educational process.

Training, as a rule, does not have a limited time frame and is carried out almost throughout the entire academic year. It includes the study by the master of the main documents of the State Standard for Vocational Education by profession (group of professions): professional characteristics, a list of mandatory components of the content of training by profession, a list and description of the procedure for conducting control procedures and requirements for compiling control tasks to check the compliance of students' knowledge and skills with the requirements of the standard , as well as a working curriculum for a profession, working curricula for educational practice and special subjects. This is especially important if new educational documentation is introduced in the upcoming academic year. Studying it, the master determines what new knowledge, skills and abilities should be acquired by students, what is the sequence of the educational process in general and educational practice in particular, what links between theory and practice are provided in the curricula. Together with teachers of special subjects, specific ways and means of interdisciplinary connections are outlined, changes are made to the sequence of study and the content of educational material.

At the stage of preparation for the academic year, the master studies new technical and methodological literature, materials on advanced pedagogical experience, scientific and pedagogical information, develops the missing educational and technical documentation, as well as documentation of written instructions, takes part in career guidance, in staffing the group and educational institution generally. He also takes part in the development (refinement) of planning documentation: lists of training and production work; plans for educational and production activities of an educational institution and a training group; schedules for the implementation of educational and production work in student teams; schedules for loading the equipment of training workshops and production units of the educational institution; schedules for the movement of brigades of students to workplaces, workshops, sections of the enterprise in the process of educational practice; passports for comprehensive educational and methodological support for the process of educational practice; plans for the development of the material and technical base of the educational institution, as well as other documents regulating and ensuring the normal implementation of the process of educational practice; in the development of a working program of educational practice based on the documents of the State Standard for Vocational Education, the working program of educational practice, their adjustment as they are improved and introduced into practice of new equipment and technology for performing work in the profession.

The master pays great attention to the preparation for the academic year of the educational and material base of the educational institution: he takes part in the repair and maintenance of educational and production equipment, the adjustment of technical teaching aids, the development and production of visual aids, if necessary, makes samples (standards) of educational and production work and etc.

To work on expanding and improving the educational and material base of the educational process, he attracts students, widely uses the possibilities of educational workshops, technical circles.

At the stage of preparation for the study of the educational material of the topic, the master first of all analyzes the content of the curriculum, highlighting what labor techniques, methods, types of work students should study, plans the sequence of their study, if necessary, makes adjustments to the content and structure of the topic material, outlines ways to establish links between lessons on the topic, between theory and practice.

In preparation for studying the "operational" topics of the curriculum, he plans a system of lessons on the topic. When distributing the educational material of the topic into lessons, one should proceed, first of all, from the requirement of clarity of purpose and certainty of the content of the lesson. At the same time, its feasibility and accessibility, the complexity and laboriousness of the labor techniques and methods studied and practiced in the lesson, their novelty for students, interconnection, importance for the performance of work in the future, objects of educational and production work on which they will be worked out are taken into account. In this work, a formal approach to the distribution of material is unacceptable, when the labor methods and methods provided for mastering are mechanically distributed over a certain number of lessons on the topic.

Experienced masters of industrial training record the results of planning a system of lessons on “operational” topics in perspective-thematic plans for studying the topic, where, in addition to distributing the material of the topic into lessons, training and production work, training exercises, the main objects of complex methodological support of lessons, connections with special subjects are reflected.

It is much more difficult to distribute the topics of the curriculum related to the performance of complex work by students, since it is impossible to ensure frontal learning in this case. Experienced masters of industrial training plan the study of such topics, based on the so-called cognitive tasks of the lesson planned for consideration in the lessons. The cognitive task of the lesson reflects the new that students learn in this lesson, and is a single common group for all students, regardless of the educational and production work being performed. In terms of content and complexity, cognitive tasks can be different depending on the content and place of the topic and lesson in the educational process, the success of studying the previous educational material, learning conditions, pedagogical erudition and experience of the master. The subject of lesson cognitive tasks is adjusted in preparation for the next lesson.

Preparing comprehensive methodological support for the study of the next topic, the master, on the basis of a list of educational and production works, determines the specific content and types of work that students will perform when studying it, checks the availability of the necessary materials, blanks, semi-finished products, personally checks devices, mechanisms, devices to be used, selects the necessary educational and technical documentation, checks the availability and condition of visual aids, technical teaching aids, didactic materials necessary for studying the topic. Such preliminary preparation allows systematically, without disruption, to conduct lessons on complex methodological support.

In preparation for the lesson, the master analyzes the results of previous lessons, on the basis of which the content, topic and purpose of the upcoming lesson are specified. The topic determines the general name of that part of the educational material that will be studied in the lesson, i.e. “what is being studied”, and the purpose of the lesson is “what is being studied for”, “what needs to be achieved”. Defining the goal of the lesson, the master sets himself and the students the main task that must be solved during the lesson (“teach ...”, “reinforce ...”, “work out ...”, etc.).

Preparing for the lesson, the master determines its structure and time for each element. Both the structure and the distribution of time largely depend on the period of study, on the place of this lesson on the topic. So, when studying "operational" topics, as a rule, special training exercises in working out individual labor techniques and methods that make up the operation are an integral structural part of the lessons. When conducting lessons, where the basis is the implementation of educational and production work of a complex nature, this structural element, as a rule, is absent.

Mandatory structural elements of the lesson are introductory briefing, exercises (independent work) of students and current instruction by their master, final briefing. These elements are usually given a certain place during the lesson, although in some cases, when studying labor operations, introductory instruction to students can be combined with exercises.

When distributing the time of the lesson according to its elements, it is necessary to take into account the real conditions for studying the educational material. Usually, 45 minutes are allotted for introductory briefing, 28 minutes for the final briefing, the rest of the time is for exercises (independent work) of students and their current instruction.

The most important element of preparing the master for classes is the definition of specific educational and production work that students will perform in the upcoming lesson. Taking into account individual characteristics, the level of preparedness of students, educational material and other conditions, the master outlines who, what and how much training and production work will be performed, sets the total number of works per group, prepares blanks, materials, tools, devices, everything necessary for high-quality performance lesson, checks the serviceability of the equipment, the quality of materials and the compliance of blanks with the requirements of the working drawing, diagram, technical documentation.

Preparing for the lesson, the master carefully thinks through all the most important moments of its conduct: what and when to explain, what labor techniques and in what sequence to show, to whom and what questions to ask, when and what visual aids and technical means to use, how to organize exercises, on what moments to pay special attention in the process of current instructing students how to control the work of students. Thus, when preparing for a lesson, the master thinks over not only his own work, but also the future work of his teachers. At this stage of preparation for classes, he outlines, designs forms and methods for the most effective solution of educational problems: selects examples and facts illustrating the connection between the work of students and the general tasks (in particular, production ones) facing the educational institution, outlines ways and means based on the material of the lesson. education in students of accuracy, frugality, responsibility, culture and labor discipline, creative attitude to educational and production activities.

A number of features has a preparation for lessons that use "problem situations". At the same time, such problem situations are selected that are organically related to the lesson material, the formulation of the cognitive task, the forms and methods of introducing students into the situation, ways of discussing and solving problem tasks in the process of introductory conversation and exercises, the content and forms of summarizing the resolution of the problem situation under discussion are thought out.

In preparation for conducting non-traditional lessons - lessons-competitions "Who is better", "Who is faster"; creativity lessons (“Auctions of Ideas”); lessons - business (role-playing) games, etc. the master develops detailed scenarios for their implementation. An important element in the preparation of such lessons is comprehensive methodological support. These are lessons that are difficult to prepare and conduct, so they are conducted, firstly, in case of urgent need (and not just for variety), and secondly, so that the lesson turns out to be effective both in content, and in form, and in procedure, and results and impressions. Otherwise, you can not count on the interest and activity of students.

The final step in preparing the master for the lesson is drawing up a lesson plan, which serves as a working document during its implementation.

The lesson plan of educational practice is drawn up, as a rule, in relation to the organizational structure of the lesson.

There are no standard, mandatory forms of lesson plans for educational practice, because the form of the lesson plan, as well as its content, the depth of disclosure of the procedure for conducting, varies depending on the content of the lesson, its didactic goals, the nature of educational and production work, the organization of exercises (independent work) of students and other reasons. The content of the lesson plan largely depends on the experience of the master - an experienced master draws up a lesson plan, usually more concise and less detailed than a novice master.

The lesson plan indicates the topic and purpose of the lesson; the main educational and production work that students will perform; complex methodological support of the lesson, specially prepared for the lesson; reflects the organizational structure of the lesson, as well as the time for its individual structural elements.

The lesson plan usually reflects: an explanation plan, questions for conducting conversations with students (when updating the knowledge and experience of students and when conducting heuristic conversations); labor techniques and methods of performing educational and production work, which are planned to be demonstrated to students; features of the technology for performing educational and production work, which should be paid special attention to students in the process of introductory instruction. The lesson plan indicates the content of the training exercises of students; procedure for the implementation of training and production work; the goals of the main bypasses by the foreman of the workplaces of students; homework content for students.

The scheme is presented in the practical part:

This chart is in no way a form to fill out and should be considered as a guide only. In this regard, it should be noted that in a number of educational institutions it is practiced to issue masters with a printed single form of lesson plans, which they fill out when preparing for lessons. Such a practice should be recognized as fundamentally wrong, since it inevitably leads to formalism, both in planning and in conducting a lesson. The lesson plan reflects the projected content and procedure for conducting the upcoming specific lesson in a specific training group, characteristic of a particular master of industrial training, his pedagogical style, erudition, experience, which cannot be foreseen in any standard forms.

Often the question is raised about the possibility of using their lesson plans drawn up in the past. Such a formulation of the question is essentially incorrect, since it does not stimulate forward movement. The lesson plan is the master's working document for conducting a specific lesson. There are no lessons that are an exact copy of each other. Students with their individual characteristics are changing, educational practice programs are being improved, equipment and technology are developing, the experience of the master is growing - all this brings features to the content, organization and methodology of conducting lessons and, of course, should be reflected in lesson plans. In this regard, the question posed should be answered in the negative: the lesson plan for educational practice is always compiled anew each time. As for previously compiled similar lesson plans, it is possible to use them as material in the preparation of new lesson plans.

Analyzing and summarizing best practices, the following general recommendations can be identified that should be considered when developing lesson plans for educational practice:

The lesson plan should not include and disclose items that reflect the permanent standard duties of the master: checking the attendance of students, examining their appearance, etc.;

When drawing up a lesson plan, one should use a unified system of signs and designations of its points, use a single grammatical style for recording plan formulations, emphasize the main points of the plan;

Questions for conversations with students (repeated, heuristic, control) during the introductory briefing are reflected in the wording and sequence as they will be offered to students;

The main part of the lesson is the exercises (independent work) of students and the current instruction by their master in the lesson plan is reflected by listing the exercises that students perform (this is especially true for lessons in which labor techniques and labor operations are studied, practiced), and indicating the goals of the main detours master of students' workplaces;

In cases where a large number of various labor methods and types of work are practiced in the lesson, the lesson plan indicates the approximate time for each of these exercises.

For masters who begin their pedagogical activity, it is recommended to draw up an outline of the introductory briefing together with the lesson plan. This is not an obligatory element of the master's preparatory work, but a properly drawn up outline helps to conduct a high-level briefing. The summary usually summarizes the main essence of the content of the briefing material, provides tabular data, calculations, sketches, etc. The summary is usually compiled on the whole topic or subtopic, supplemented with extracts from special journals, new books, brochures on the exchange of experience, materials of scientific and technical information and other sources, and is a collection where the master introduces everything new that he has learned and studied.

It has already been emphasized earlier how important it is for the master to demonstrate labor techniques in conducting lessons of educational practice, especially in the study of operations. For a successful demonstration of tricks, it is not enough to have only high professional qualifications. Many skilled professionals involuntarily demonstrate labor techniques not as clearly and confidently as they usually perform them at their workplace. Labor actions undergo great changes when they are demonstrated in slow motion. The fact is that the work of the muscular system of the arms and body during a slowdown in pace is completely different than at a normal working pace, and a specialist who has a good command of techniques under normal conditions makes mistakes when these conditions change.

Therefore, masters of educational practice, especially beginners, are strongly recommended to practice showing labor techniques in advance when preparing for a lesson. It is necessary that a more experienced work colleague or a senior master be present at the same time, who would be able to assess the success of the show from the outside and would help to avoid mistakes in doing so. The rehearsal of the show along the way gives the master the opportunity in practical conditions to check the serviceability of equipment, tools, fixtures.

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