Christmas musical. Christmas theme in classical music, music class

In the old days they "caroled" on the eve of Christmas throughout Russia. Songs - "carols", which are called the Newborn Christ, are very diverse and often testify to ancient times of its origin.



Music and Christmas.

Day Christmassince ancient times it has been ranked by the Church among the great twelfth feasts. The Gospel depicts this greatest, all-joyful and miraculous event in this way: I announce to you - says the Angel to the shepherds of Bethlehem, -great joy that will be to all people: for today is born to you in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly, with an angel, a numerous heavenly army appeared, glorifying God and crying out: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!

On this day, something great happened Christendom event - the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Jesus in Hebrew means "salvation." Jesus Christ was sent by God to earth to atone for sins and save mankind. The Old Testament prophets predicted the place and time of the birth of the Savior of the world - 5508 from the creation of the world. So, January 7 (December 25, old style) is the birthday of the Son of God on earth. From this day begins the countdown.

According to the Gospel tradition, the mother of Jesus Christ Mary and her husband Joseph lived in Nazareth, and they came to Bethlehem, following the order of the ruler Augustus, to appear for the entire population for the census. Since many people gathered for the census of the Roman Empire, Mary and Joseph could not find a place to sleep, and therefore they had to seek refuge in a small cave, where shepherds usually hid due to bad weather. There Mary gave birth to the Son of God.

Then an angel descended from heaven and informed the shepherds, who were awake at that moment, that God had been born. The shepherds were the first to come to bow to the baby. shone in the skyStar of Bethlehem. Focusing on her, three wise men (Magi) came to the cave with Mary and Jesus Christ and brought gifts to God: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold symbolized royal power, incense - the will of God, myrrh - the fate of the prophet. By the way, it was from those ancient times that the tradition came to make the Star of Bethlehem and decorate the New Year tree with it.

One of the first mentions of the day of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ dates back to the fourth century. Jerusalem, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Serbian Orthodox Churches, as well as the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, celebrate Christmas on January 7 in the new style (which corresponds to December 25 in the old style). Julian calendar which these Churches adhere to). This holiday comes to people frosty night at the hour of the midnight temple service in the glow of candles, in the light of the stars and the loud singing of the choir.

The sounds of children's voices, praising God, like an angelic voice, fill the Universe with triumph. Heaven and earth glorify the Nativity of Christ. On earth, at least for a short time, peace reigns, and hearts are filled with good will. The feast of the Nativity of Christ itself lasts twelve days. The last day before the holiday is called Christmas Eve.its name comes from a special food that is traditionally eaten on this day - sochiva. Sochivo is made from boiled wheat and honey.

In the Orthodox Church, hours are celebrated, called Royal, because from time immemorial, kings have been present at this Divine service, worshiping the newborn King of kings.

Christmas has long been accompanied by colorful folk customs. In many countries, as in Russia, he was considered one of the main family holidays. Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic rite - Christmas time. Christmas ceremonies eventually turned into Christmas ceremonies.

After the first star rises, everyone sits down at a table set with twelve meatless dishes and dine in solemn silence. For the Russian people, one of the most fun periods of the year is Christmas time, during which mass celebrations, games take place, songs are sung, everyone has fun and jokes. bypass the surrounding houses. Such visits are called caroling.

The mummers also went caroling - they acted out Christmas stories in roles, and besides, other Christian stories that are always popular among the people.

Passing from house to house with the news of the Bethlehem shepherds, the mummers glorified the coming into the world of the Savior, who showed the only way to true happiness - through love for others, opened the doors of mercy and compassion.

In the old days they "caroled" on the eve of Christmas throughout Russia.Songs - "carols", which are called the Newborn Christ, are very diverse and often testify to the deep antiquity of their origin.

Christmas Christ's rich in customs since antiquity. These include strictfast to the first star in Christmas Eve January 6, and the ignitioncandles on the windowsill on the night of January 7, which was, as it were, a sign that the Most Holythe Virgin Mary and righteous Joseph can find shelter in this house, and, of course, carols.

As a rule, carols do not have authors, they are often illiterate in literature, but magnificent in their semantic structure, in sincerity and joyful kindness. As a rule, a carol is a small Christmas story about greatest event and the glorification of the main persons of that night, which brought the most joyful, most important message - was bornSavior peace!

Caroling on the night of 6 to 7 January. Most often, children and young people go caroling. In Christmas carols, it is customary to glorify Christ, congratulate the owner and mistress of the house, and ask them for treats.

Rolled young!
We found a carol
In the Mironov yard.
Hey, uncle Myron,
Take good things to the yard.
Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose.
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon
Or a warm pie
Or butter, cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,

Or a silver ruble!


An angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”.
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We rule our way to the house,
We praise Christ God.


Christmas Eve
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail!
Who will not give a pie,
To that chicken leg,
Pestle, yes a shovel,
Humpback cow.


caroling, caroling
I will go to any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Sweets, come on.
And cookies and sweets
And with nuts sherbet,
And halva, and chocolate,
Pastila and marmalade,
delicious cake,
sweet ice cream
We will eat ourselves
And feed each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Good word to remember!


Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In the den of the poor
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ Lord,
On your birthday.
Give to all people
World of Enlightenment!


carol, carol,

carol, carol,

Christmas Eve!

Good aunt,

The pie is sweet

Don't cut, don't break

Give it quickly

two, three,

We've been standing for a long time

Let's not stand!

The stove is heated

I want a pie!


And God bless that

Who is in this house!

The rye is thick for him,

Dinner rye!

Him with an ear of octopus,

From the grain of his carpet,

Half-grain pie.

The Lord would give you

And living, and being,

And wealth!

Christmas, the angel has arrived

Christmas, an angel has arrived,
He flew across the sky, sang a song to people:
“You people, rejoice, triumph all day,
Today is Christmas Day!”

The shepherds were the first to come to the cave
And they found the baby God with the Mother,
They stood, prayed, bowed to Christ -
Today is Christmas Day!

We have all sinned, Savior, before You,
All of us, people, are sinners - You are the only Saint.
Forgive sins, give us leave -
Today is Christmas Day!

Heaven and earth

Heaven and earth, heaven and earth
Now they are celebrating.
angels people angels people
They rejoice merrily.

Angels sing, give glory.

A miracle, a miracle is proclaimed.

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem
Joy has come!
Pure maiden, pure maiden,
She gave birth to a son!

Christ was born, God became incarnate,
Angels sing, give glory.
The shepherds play, the Shepherd is met,
A miracle, a miracle is proclaimed.

The night is silent, the night is holy

The night is silent, the night is holy
There is light and beauty in the sky.
God's Son is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
In the Bethlehem den lies.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep Holy Child.

The night is silent, the night is holy
And bright and clean.
Praises the joyful choir of angels,
Far announcing space
Over the sleeping earth
Over the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy
We sing Christ.
And with a smile the baby looks,
His gaze speaks of love
And shines with beauty
And shines with beauty.

You, the owner, do not torment

You, the owner, do not torment
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Either from the oven pies,
Or money piglet,
Or cabbage soup!
Give you God
full yard bellies!
And in the stable of horses
In the barn of calves
To the hut guys
And kittens in the oven!

little boy

little boy
Sat down on the bed.
plays the pipe,
Carol amuses.
Give me a dumpling
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.
It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids.

This night is holy, this night is salvation

This night is holy, this night is salvation
Announced to the whole world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.

That night, the shepherds did not sleep near the flock.
A bright angel flew to them
From heavenly light gave.

Great fear seized those children of the desert,
He said to them: Oh, don't be afraid,
The whole world is joy now.

Where Christ was born to save people,
You go take a look
For great peace.

And suddenly a song was heard from the heights of heaven:
Glory, glory to God in the highest,
Goodwill on earth.

The musical legacy associated with Christmas is limitless. However, music, light and spiritual, penetrates into the very depths of human soul, revealing that secret, which he cannot comprehend in another way. May hearts open to Christ at Christmas, and joyful gospel fill our souls.

Christmas is one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays among Christians around the world. In our country, Christmas has not been celebrated for such a long time that people are used to considering the New Year's Eve more significant. But time puts everything in its place - the country of the Soviets did not last even one century, and the third millennium has already begun since the birth of Christ.

A fairy tale, music, expectation of a miracle - that's what Christmas is. And from that day, Christmas time began - mass folk festival, gatherings, sleigh rides, fortune-telling, funny dances and songs.

Christmas rituals and entertainment have always been accompanied by music, and there was a place for both strict church chants and fervent folk ones.

Plots associated with Christmas served as a source of inspiration for artists and composers who worked at the very different time. A huge layer of religious music by Bach and Handel cannot be imagined without referring to events so significant for the Christian world, the Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov beat this theme in their fabulous operas and ballets, Christmas carols that appeared back in the 13th century are still very popular in Western countries.

Christmas Music and Orthodox Church

Christmas classical music has its origins in church chant. AT Orthodox Church to this day, the holiday begins with a bell chime and then the kontakion “Today the Virgin gives birth to the most essential” is sung. The troparion and kontakion reveal and sing the essence of the holiday.

Famous Russian 19th composer century D.S. Bortnyansky largely devoted his work to church singing. He advocated the preservation of the purity of spiritual music, protecting it from the excesses of musical "decoration". Many of his works, including Christmas concerts, are still heard in Russian churches.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

The sacred music of Tchaikovsky occupies a separate niche in his work, although during the composer's lifetime it caused a lot of controversy. Tchaikovsky was accused of the predominance of the secular principle in spiritual creativity.

However, speaking of the theme of Christmas in classical music, first of all, the masterpieces of Pyotr Ilyich come to mind, quite far from church music. These are the opera "Cherevichki" based on the plot of Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" and the ballet "The Nutcracker". two perfect various works- story about evil spirits and a children's Christmas story, united by the genius of the music and the theme of Christmas.

Modern classic

Christmas classical music is not limited to "serious genres". Songs, especially loved by people, can also be attributed to the classics. The most popular all over the world was born more than 150 years ago. It can be considered a musical symbol of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Today, the music of Christmas, having lost much of its ritualism, has retained the emotional message of the festive celebration. An example can be given famous movie"Alone at home". American film composer John Williams included several Christmas songs and psalms in the soundtrack. Old music while playing in a new way, conveying an indescribable festive atmosphere (forgive the reader for the tautology).

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas is one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays among Christians around the world. In our country, Christmas has not been celebrated for such a long time that people are used to considering the New Year's Eve more significant. But time puts everything in its place - the country of the Soviets did not last even one century, and the third millennium has already begun since the birth of Christ.

A fairy tale, music, expectation of a miracle - that's what Christmas is. And from that day, Christmas time began - mass festivities, gatherings, sleigh rides, fortune-telling, funny dances and songs.

Christmas rituals and entertainment have always been accompanied by music, and there was a place for both strict church hymns and perky folk carols.

Plots related to Christmas served as a source of inspiration for artists and composers who worked at various times. A huge layer of religious music by Bach and Handel cannot be imagined without referring to events so significant for the Christian world, the Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov beat this theme in their fabulous operas and ballets, Christmas carols that appeared back in the 13th century are still very popular in Western countries.

Christmas classical music takes its origins in church hymns. In the Orthodox Church to this day, the holiday begins with a bell ringing and a troparion in honor of the Nativity of Christ, then the kontakion “The Virgin Gives Birth to the Most Substantial” is sung. The troparion and kontakion reveal and sing the essence of the holiday.

The famous Russian composer of the 19th century D.S. Bortnyansky largely devoted his work to church singing. He advocated the preservation of the purity of spiritual music, protecting it from the excesses of musical "decoration". Many of his works, including Christmas concerts, are still heard in Russian churches.

The sacred music of Tchaikovsky occupies a separate niche in his work, although during the composer's lifetime it caused a lot of controversy. Tchaikovsky was accused of the predominance of the secular principle in spiritual creativity.

However, when talking about the theme of Christmas in classical music, the first thing that comes to mind is Pyotr Ilyich's masterpieces, which are quite far from church music. These are the opera "Cherevichki" based on the plot of Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" and the ballet "The Nutcracker". Two completely different works - a story about evil spirits and a children's Christmas tale, are united by the genius of music and the theme of Christmas.

Christmas classical music is not limited to "serious genres". Songs, especially loved by people, can also be attributed to the classics. The world's most popular Christmas carol "Jingle Bells" was born over 150 years ago. It can be considered a musical symbol of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Today, the music of Christmas, having lost much of its ritualism, has retained the emotional message of the festive celebration. An example is the famous movie "Home Alone". American film composer John Williams included several Christmas songs and psalms in the soundtrack. At the same time, the old music played in a new way, conveying an indescribable festive atmosphere (forgive the reader for the tautology).

Merry Christmas everyone!

Why was it necessary to write about the country of the Soviets? The holiday of Christmas is holy, it should bring joy! But apparently it is more important for the author to express his opinion about the USSR than to reveal the stated topic.

As for the text, very sparingly! Not only that musical material nothing at all was affected, so they also affected it only at the level of names.

Music lesson on the topic:

"Music of Christmas"

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of students' knowledge about the holiday of Christmas, about cultural traditions different countries.



      • further accumulation of listening experience: perception of Christmas works;

        singing Christmas carols and carols;


      • development of the ability to analyze, compare and generalize spiritual and folklore Russian music;

        development of creative thinking and initiative of students in the process of perception of Christmas music;

        development of the ability to operate with existing knowledge in the process of analyzing works of Russian sacred music and folklore.


    to acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating Christmas, the images-symbols of this holiday based on the gospel narrative, with the generally accepted version of the origin of the holiday and the features of its meeting in different countries peace;

    the formation of students' ideas about a single cultural space on the basis of combining in one lesson musical works as samples of the culture of different peoples.

Lesson type:- a lesson in communicating new knowledge.

Software: computer, audio equipment, piano

Didactic material:

    P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" (fragment from the ballet "The Nutcracker");

    F. Gruber "Silent Night" (Christmas hymn);

    Troparion of the Nativity of Christ (fragment);

  • Drawings of students;

During the classes.

The entrance of students to the class to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet The Nutcracker (Waltz of the Flowers)

    Organizing time.

/P.I. Tchaikovsky ballet "The Nutcracker"/

    What do you think our lesson will be about today?

/new year, Christmas/

    A conversation about Christmas. Reading poetry.

    When is Christmas celebrated abroad and here in Russia?

    How many of you know the Christmas story?

/student answers/

    Christmas is a wonderful holiday celebrated by people all over the world. Many works of art are devoted to this event.

    Name what?

/poems, songs, icons, films/

    What verses about Christmas do you know?

    The teacher's story about the creation of the Christmas carol. Listening and analysis

piece of music (F. Gruber "Silent Night").

It was night in the modest apartment of teacher Gruber. It was night there, not only because neither the Christmas tree nor the lamps were lit in the apartment. It was night because they had recently been struck by a great trial: the only child, tiny Marihen, had gone away, recalled by God to heaven. The father resigned himself to this departure, but this loss dealt such a blow to the heart of the mother, from which she could not recover. She couldn't cry. For days on end she remained motionless, absent from this world. In vain did the teacher courageously endure grief speak many words of consolation and heartfelt admonition to her, in vain did he surround her with caring courtesy and tenderness; the poor mother remained insensitive to everything, as if she were only a body without a soul, wandering in this world that could give her nothing more.

On this Christmas Eve, Gruber, called by duty, went to the village church. With deep sadness he looked with eyes wet with tears at the charming spectacle of children embraced with joy. Then he returned to the cold darkness of his apartment. In the corner of the room, the mother, seated deep in her armchair, looked like marble or ice. He tried to tell her about the worship, but the answer to everything was deathly silence.

Dejected by the futility of all efforts and attempts to bring his heartbroken wife back to life, the poor teacher sat down at the open piano. How many times does it musical talent conjured up melodies that lull, console and lure to heaven, but what was there to tell the poor friend that evening?

Gruber's fingers wandered at random over the keys as his eyes searched the sky for some vision. Suddenly they stopped at a star shining in the sky with an unknown brilliance! From there, from above, a ray of love descended, which filled the heart of the mourner with such joy and such peace that he suddenly began to sing, improvising that clear melody that we repeat every Christmas. That evening, for the first time, a melody composed by Gruber was heard: Silent night, wondrous night. Everything is slumbering ... Only the reverently young couple does not sleep ... "

There is a star in the sky! The school teacher, seeing her, seemed to call her with his singing to his sad apartment. And when he sings, the inconsolable mother awakens and returns to life! The trembling shakes her and breaks the ice sheet that has bound her heart! A sob breaks out of her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. She gets up, throws herself on her husband's neck, and together with him finishes the song she has begun. She's saved!

Brother Gruber ran 6 km that night to Pastor Mohr and repeated this hymn with him. It was December 24, 1818.

Today this Christmas carol is sung all over the earth and in almost every language of the world.

    Listening to the Christmas prayer "Troparion of the Nativity of Christ."

    So, if Christmas carols are sung in European countries, then in Russia main music Christmas is considered a prayer called Troparion. Let's listen...

    Guys, so what is TROPAR?

/student answers/

* Troparion (church.) - chants in honor of any Orthodox holiday or saint. (S.I. Ozhegov)

    Independent work students with text.

/independent work with the text "Gifts of the Magi" (children's bible)/

Adoration of the Sages .

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem and said: "Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we saw His star in the east and came to worship Him." Hearing this, Herod the king was alarmed, and all him. And, having gathered all the high priests and scribes of the people, he asked them: "Where should Christ be born?" they said to him: "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written through the prophet: and you, Bethlehem, the land of Judah, are in no way less than the governorships of Judah, for out of you will come a Leader who will shepherd My people Israel ..." Then Herod, secretly calling the wise men, he found out from them the time of the appearance of the star and, sending them to Bethlehem, said: "Go, carefully inquire about the Child and, when you find it, inform me so that I can go and worship Him." In fact, the king decided to kill the Baby, because he was afraid that He could take his throne in the future. The wise men, after listening to the king, went. "And behold, the star that they saw in the east went before them, until at last it came and stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy."

Arriving in Bethlehem, the wise men entered the house, over which the star stopped. Seeing the Child with Mary, His mother, they worshiped Him and, opening their treasures, brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

    Gifts are placed under the Christmas tree, where did this tradition come from?

    What did the wise men bring to little Jesus?

Each of the gifts had a certain canonical meaning and served as a sign of recognition of Christ:

gold is a symbol royal power;

incense (Lebanon) - recognition of his divinity;

myrrh - recognition of his human beginning.

* Incense - a fragrant substance obtained from the bark white wood in India and Arabia. It is used for perfumes, incense, is part of incense (church incense).

* Smyrna - precious oil, balm, used for anointing

    Conversation about ancient rite- carol.

    So, it's Christmas...

    How do people celebrate Christmas?

/ sing songs, dance, ride a hill, have fun /

    What songs do people sing at Christmas? What are their names?


* carol - an old Christmas and New Year ritual song.

(S.I. Ozhegov)

    What type of RNP can these songs be classified as?


    What is the name of the rite itself? What is its essence?

/rite - carols/

* Kolyada - an old Christmas and New Year rite, accompanied by a round of neighbors with ritual song(S.I. Ozhegov)

    Guys, what is the essence of this rite?

/student answers/

    Singing Christmas carols.

    In the last lesson, we learned carols. Let's do them together.


carols familiar to students /


Today we will also decorate the Christmas trees with you. You have Christmas trees on your desks, decorate them with balls of the color that matches your mood during the lesson.

    Summing up the activities of students in the lesson.

    Today at the lesson you learned new words. Let's remember what they mean.

Our lesson has come to an end.

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