The events of the Great Patriotic War are forever imprinted in our history, memory, and also in our hearts. On the example of the heroism of great warriors and everything

"Liberation of Europe" - Victory salutes. Worked on the project: Konstantinova N. Kuzmina E. Yurchenko A. Conclusion: At the Victory Parade. Question of our work Plans of the Nazis Liberation of Europe Victory Parade Conclusion. Liberation of Europe. What goals did the Soviet Union pursue when starting a liberation campaign in Europe? Victory parade. Nazi plans.

"Victory in the Second World War" - Visit the local history museum. After the war, your relatives looked for you, wrote to the unit in which you served. Help students conduct interviews with wartime children. The main characters of the story are foreman Vaskov and five girls anti-aircraft gunners. Barinova Olga - an essay based on the work of V. Zakrutkin "The Mother of Man".

"WWII 1941-1945" - Near Moscow. November 1943 1) the Battle of Kursk 2) the liberation of Kyiv 3) the battle for Stalingrad 4) the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad. G.K. Zhukov. Correct answer. Which of the following was a consequence of the battle near Moscow? I.S. Konev G.K. Zhukov A.M. Vasilevsky I.D. Chernyakhovsky. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in dates and events.

"Stages of the Great Patriotic War" - Smyatkina I.A. GOU SPO (SSUZ) "Polytechnic College". Homework on the contour map. Consolidation of the passed. Map. Task number 1 on the contour map.

"Partisan detachment" - Elements of guerrilla warfare. The formation of Soviet partisan detachments. The Bryansk partisan republic was formed. False partisans. Completed by students 7 "A" Shley Dmitry and Tsinevsky Victor. Great Patriotic War partisans. Jewish partisan detachments. Sabotage occupied a significant place in the activities of partisan formations.

The eve of warIn the spring of 1941, Soviet intelligence
almost daily reported to Stalin
about Hitler's plans. Soviet spy
R. Sorge (Japanese attache of the USSR)
reported not only transfers
German troops, but also about the timing
German attacks. But Stalin was
sure that the war with Germany
may not begin until the summer of 1942.
May 5, 1941 Stalin took over
powers of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
There was a concentration of troops and
weapons on the border with Germany.
Captured in 1941
by the Japanese police,
1944 shot

eve of war

realized that the Red Army was not
ready for an offensive war.
At the same time, it was impossible to give
Germans have a reason to be accused of
violation of the non-aggression pact.
On the night of June 22, 1941, Stalin

June 21, 1941, 13:00. German troops
receive the code signal "Dortmund",
confirming that the invasion will begin on
the next day.

First day of the war

Sunday 22 June 1941 at 3:15
minutes Moscow time German
planes crossed the Soviet border.
The Great Patriotic War began.
It will last 1418 days and will pass
several stages


1st stage (22 June 1941 – November 1942) German army
had strategic initiative. Red Army
actively defended, trying to disrupt the plans of the enemy
and seize the strategic initiative.
Stage 2 1943 - a radical turning point in the war. Soviet
military potential exceeded military capabilities
Germany and its satellites.
Stage 3 (1944 - May 9, 1945) offensive operations against
all front, restoration of borders, liberation of the world
from fascism.
June 22, 1941-May 9, 1945

Getting rid of the "Judo-Bolshevik" oppression

With the start of the offensive, Germany began
propaganda war.
Fighters and commanders were called
go over to the side of the Wehrmacht, the population
- to meet the "liberators"
Saboteurs tore communication, sowed panic,
destroyed commanders, did everything
to break the will to resist

The beginning of the war

The Nazis launched an offensive
in three directions Leningrad, Moscow and
Kiev. It's fascist here
command has concentrated
the greatest amount of power.
At noon on the first day of the war with
addressed the people
first vice chairman
SNK, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs
USSR V. M. Molotov.

Forces and plans of the parties

The Barbarossa plan called for
waging a "lightning war" against
USSR in three main directions - on
Leningrad, Moscow and Kyiv.
The basis of the tactics of the Red Army before the war was
warfare concept
"with little blood, on foreign territory."
However, the attack of the Nazi armies
forced to reconsider these plans.

border battles

Not a single border post
For 11 days, the border guards of the Volodymyr-Volynsky border detachment, Lieutenant A.V., fought.
During this time, about 100
By June 30, only ten remained alive.
border guards.
On July 1, the enemies digged and blew up
the building where the fighters were hiding
(defense ended).
In December 1957 Alexey Lopatin
posthumously received the title of Hero
Soviet Union.
Lieutenant Alexei Lopatin

border battles
19 days defended
united Karelian-Finnish
group under the command
N.F. Kaimanov.
Detachment of 146
people (personnel 5, 6 and
7 outposts and attached platoon of the 51st Infantry Regiment) reflected
numerous attacks
enemy (2 battalions
Finnish rangers)
Nikita Fadeevich Kaimanov

border battles
For almost a month our fighters
NKVD officers,
civilian population
fought against
Individual fighters
fought until August
even after moving
to the fortress" 1950
Major Gavrilov Petr
led a group of fighters from the 1st
battalion of his regiment

Heroic actions of pilots
During the first days of the war, almost 400
Luftwaffe aircraft.
To destroy motorized formations
long-range bombing aircraft were used
46 crews did not return from 24 to 26 June
A.S. Maslov
June 26, 1941
N.F. Gastello

Failures of the Red Army in the summer-autumn of 1941.

The failures of the Red Army in the summer-autumn of 1941.
The enemy advanced deep into the Soviet land by 350 - 600
In a short time, the Red Army lost more than 100
More than 20 thousand guns were destroyed or captured
and mortars, 3.5 thousand aircraft, 6 thousand tanks, more
half of the logistics warehouses
The main forces of the troops of the Western Front were in
environment. In fact, in the first weeks of the war
all the forces of the first echelon were defeated
Red Army. A military disaster seemed

The first big losses of the USSR
German troops in the Baltics in 5 days
occupied all of Lithuania
June 30 captured Riga.
in 18 days of fighting, German troops
moved deep into Soviet territory
at 400-450 km.
in Ukraine, where the most
powerful forces of the Red Army, the Germans,
Hungarians and Romanians advanced a little
slower, but also here by July 7, 1941
Soviet troops retreated to 300-350 km. On June 22, 1941, the first
Deputy Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V.M.
Molotov made a speech about
06/22/1941 announced
mobilization of citizens 1905 –
1918 year of birth. For the first
days, 5.3 million people were mobilized.
In total for the years of the Second World War
35 million people mobilized

Civil uprising

July 3, 1941 workers' initiatives
Leningrad on the creation of a national
militia. Total in the Second World War in the militia
more than 4 million people entered. (activists, not

Leadership of the armed struggle

On June 24, 1941, the Stavka was formed
High Command
(People's Commissar of Defense S.K. Timoshenko)
On July 10, it was transformed into
Headquarters of the High Command
(I.V. Stalin)
August 8 I.V. Stalin becomes
Supreme Commander - SVGK
Working body Rates -
General Staff of the Red Army
June 30, 1941 formed
GKO, chairman I.V. Stalin
(unlimited powers)

Battles of the summer-autumn of 1941

Battle of Smolensk (July 10 - September 10, 1941
year, July 16, Smolensk fell)
On July 30, the Germans went on the defensive (for the first time since the beginning
campaigns) - P.A. Kurochkin, M.F. Lukin
Formed a reserve front under the command
G.K. Zhukov.
On September 6, 1941, the city of Yelnya was taken (the first
successful offensive operation).
September 2 (2000) the day of the Russian
Pavel Alekseevich
Mikhail Fedorovich
guards. The Soviet Guard was born here.

Siege of Leningrad (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944

On July 10, Army Group North resumed
offensive in the Baltics (08.28. - Tallinn was taken),
September 8, 1941 - the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad.
Finns blocked the city from the north.
The assault attempts were unsuccessful - the Germans
went to the blockade ...
By December 41, the workers received 250 g of bread,
the rest 125
On November 41, the Road of Life is organized…

The most difficult time in the defense of Leningrad was winter
From November 20, 1941 to the end of April 1942 along the "Road of Life"
262 thousand tons of food was delivered to the city.
The diary of a little
Leningrader Tanya Savicheva (1930-1944).

Heroic defense of Leningrad.

In total, about 1 million people died from hunger, disease, and bombing.
Leningraders. But the city persevered.
January 18, 1943 The blockade of the city was broken and
a corridor recaptured from the enemy with a width of only 8-11 km
uninterrupted supply of Leningrad began.
Reflection of an air raid near
St. Isaac's Cathedral in 1941
November 1941 - Road of Life

July 7 - September 26, 1941 - Kyiv
defensive operation
offensive group on Moscow
direction), turning the 2nd tank
group (Maximilian von Weichs) to the southwestern direction. Kyiv capitulated
19 September.
Commander of the Southwestern
front was killed in battle.
By the end of September continuous
the front line was
Kirponos Mikhail
1892 – 20.09.1941

Attack on Donbass and Rostov-on-Don
(October 30 - 250 - day defense
Sevastopol - July 4, 1942).
A. Deineka "Defense of Sevastopol" 1942
Valery Volkov
1929-1942 pioneer hero

Battle for Moscow

On the night of July 22, 1941, the enemy committed
the first massive air raid on
September 30, 1941
attack on Moscow against the troops of Bryansk
front (A.I. Eremenko)
October 2 against the troops of the Western Front (I.S.

Battle for Moscow

On October 12, the Moscow zone was created
defense, which included a support strip and two
line of defense.
On October 15, the State Defense Committee adopted a Resolution on
evacuation of Moscow. Panic broke out in the city
which lasted 3 days.
On October 20, a state of siege was introduced in Moscow.
position. (the appearance of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR I.V. Stalin No. 227
dated July 28, 1942, better known as the order "Not a step
November 19, 1942, near Stalingrad, shock groups of the Southwestern Front N.F. Vatutin and the Don Front K.K.
Rokossovsky launched a counteroffensive.
By February 2, 1943, this grouping was completely
destroyed. Its commander, Field Marshal F.
Paulus surrendered.
Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)
Battle of Stalingrad (Operation Uranus) - November 19, 1942 - 2
February 1943

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Slides captions:

The main battles during the Great Patriotic War.

On September 30, with the transition to the offensive of the 2nd Panzer Group, the German command launched Operation Typhoon.

September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942 - the fighting of Soviet and German troops in the Moscow area.

Forces of the parties Western, Reserve, Bryansk, Kalinin, North-Western Fronts By September 30, 1941, the troops of the first three fronts numbered 1,250,000 people. army group "Center" - 1.929.406 people.

Trofimov Nikolai Ignatievich Hero of the Soviet Union. Already in the morning of November 16, bombs rained down on the position of the company from the air. Explosions rumbled one after another. Before the chilling wind had time to dispel the smoke, chains of enemy submachine gunners rose. The Nazis marched to their full height in close ranks. As soon as they approached about a hundred meters, a whistle rang out. At this signal, the Red Army opened fire. The attack was repulsed. Then the enemy threw 20 tanks at them and, under their cover, an even larger group of machine gunners. They countered their powerful armor and rapid-fire guns with grenades, bottles of combustible mixture, anti-tank rifles and their unbending courage, generated by their ardent love for the Motherland. In this legendary battle, almost all of them died, but they delayed the advance of the Germans to Moscow, destroying 32 tanks in the process. Among the Panfilov heroes was our countryman N.I. Trofimov. N.I. Trofimov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

Losses 1 806 123 people.

Blockade of Leningrad from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 (the blockade ring was broken on January 18, 1943) - 872 days.

Diary of Tanya Savicheva

Famine in Leningrad Workers - 250 grams of bread per day Employees, dependents and children under 12 years old - 125 grams each Personnel of paramilitary guards, fire brigades, extermination squads, vocational schools and schools of the FZO, who were on boiler allowance - 300 grams First line troops - 500 grams [source not specified 316 days]

The number of victims of the besieged Leningrad Most of the inhabitants of Leningrad who died during the blockade are buried at the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery. In a long row of graves lie the victims of the blockade, the number of which in this cemetery alone is 640,000 people who died of starvation and more than 17,000 people who fell victim to air raids and artillery shelling. The total number of civilian casualties in the city during the entire war exceeds 1.2 million.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of the war of the USSR Germany The Stalingrad Front (commander - S. K. Timoshenko, from July 23 - V. N. Gordov). It included the 62nd, 63rd, 64th, 21st, 28th, 38th and 57th combined arms armies, the 8th air army and the Volga military flotilla - 37 divisions, 3 tank corps, 22 brigades, in which there were 547 thousand people, 2200 guns and mortars, about 400 tanks, 454 aircraft, 150-200 long-range bombers and 60 fighters of the air defense forces of Army Group B. For the attack on Stalingrad, the 6th Army was allocated (commander - F. Paulus). It included 13 divisions, in which there were about 270 thousand people, 3 thousand guns and mortars, and about 500 tanks. The army was supported by the 4th Air Fleet, which had up to 1200 aircraft from the Axis Army Group B (commander M. Weichs). It included the 6th Army - Commander General of Tank Forces Friedrich Paulus Army Group "Don" (commander - E. Manstein). It included the 6th Army, the 3rd Romanian Army, the Goth army group, the Hollidt task force. Two Finnish volunteer units 17 July 1942 - 2 February 1943

Commanders of the USSR Germany A.M. Vasilevsky K.K. Rokossovsky A.I. Eremenko V.I. Chuikov Zhukov G.K. Erich von Manstein Friedrich Paulus


Square "Fighted to death!" The face of General Chuikov V.I.

Pavlov's House Panorama

Composition of a grieving mother with a dead warrior in her arms

Bakanov Sergey Semenovich Hero of the Soviet Union. On June 22, 1941, he was called to the front by the Biysk district military commissariat. During the war he was wounded 5 times. Participated in the capture of Stalingrad, Belgorod, Kerch, Sevastopol, Warsaw.

Hero of the Soviet Union Kaulko Ivan Demidovich. In the Battle of Stalingrad, by personal example, he led artillerymen into battle and ensured the fulfillment of the task of his regiment. For this fight, Kaulko was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Battle of Kursk (July 5, 1943 - August 23, 1943, also known as the Battle of Kursk, German offensive Operation Citadel A radical change in the course of the war.

Commanders Konstantin Rokossovsky Georgy Zhukov Erich von Manstein Günther Hans von Kluge Walter Model

Losses to Soviet sources Belfry in memory of those who died on the Prokhorovsky field 500 thousand total losses on the Kursk ledge. 1000 tanks according to German data, 1500 - according to Soviet less than 1696 aircraft

Nekrasov I.M. On October 26, 1943, he was awarded the title: Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1943, after the battles on the Kursk Bulge, I.M. Nekrasov was awarded the rank of major general.

slide 1

Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945

slide 2

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Enemy aircraft inflicted massive strikes on airfields, railway junctions, naval bases, military units and many cities of our country.

slide 3

The Nazis decided to destroy our state, seize the lands and wealth of the USSR, exterminate as many Soviet people as possible, and turn the survivors into slaves. Having entered the Soviet land, the Nazis committed monstrous atrocities, carried out mass executions.

slide 4

The whole country has risen. Everyone stood up who could hold weapons in their hands, who could defend their homeland. Yesterday's schoolchildren besieged military registration and enlistment offices, asked to go to the front, adding a year or two to themselves. And they left not to return.

Slide 5

The border guards were the first to take the blow. Despite the huge superiority of the enemy, the heroic border guards held out to the last bullet, to the last grenade, courageously defending every inch of their native land.

slide 6

With the beginning of the shelling of Brest at dawn on June 22, the units located in the city were alerted. At 7 o'clock the enemy broke into the city. The heroic defense of Brest began, which lasted over a month and was an example of the legendary valor and courage of Soviet patriots.

Slide 7

In the first months of the war, our Army retreated. By July 10, the Germans had already captured the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, most of Ukraine. In three weeks, our troops lost 3,500 aircraft, 6,000 tanks, more than 20,000 guns and mortars. Many of our soldiers died.

Slide 8

Hitler attached exceptional importance to the capture of Moscow. He believed that as soon as his troops entered Moscow, the Soviet people would be subdued. The Nazis called their plan of capture "Typhoon" But these plans were not destined to come true.

Slide 9

On September 8, 1941, the Nazis managed to close the blockade ring around Leningrad. The blockade of the city began, the longest and most monstrous in world history. It lasted 900 days and nights.

slide 10

Our soldiers fought heroically against the enemy near Smolensk. The most glorious participants in the battle of Smolensk - 4 divisions - were the first to receive the title of Guards.

slide 11

The Battle of Stalingrad was the fiercest of all the battles of the Second World War. The defenders of Stalingrad were stronger than death. In the glow of fires, in the incessant roar of explosions, they fought for every house, for every floor for 200 whole days, and they won.

slide 12

As a result of the Battle of Kursk, the strategic initiative finally passed to the Red Army. For 50 days there were fierce battles on the ground and in the air. On July 12, the largest tank battle in the history of the Second World War took place near Prokhorovka, which ended with the victory of Soviet tankers.

slide 13

Victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear. Thousands of people selflessly worked in factories and collective farm fields, providing the defenders with weapons and food. Women, old people and teenagers stood up to the machines and machines. Scientists created samples of weapons and military equipment that surpassed the equipment of the enemy.

Slide 14

The whole country - the army and the people, the rear and the front - united under the slogans: "Death to the German occupiers!", "Everything for the front, everything for victory!". The country has turned into a single formidable military camp.

slide 15

They collected parcels, wrote sincere letters, congratulated on the holidays. Soldiers and officers read these letters in moments of calm between battles. Such news from home raised the morale of the soldiers.

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