Turn right from a wide lane. Right turn path

Compliance with traffic rules for your own safety, as well as the safety of other people, should not be difficult. However, their violation is ubiquitous. There are several reasons. Inexperienced drivers allow great amount errors, especially on busy tracks. Motorists with experience ignore the rules, thinking that they will not be punished, relying on their skills. A long wait in traffic jams, the emergence of urgent matters forces drivers to make illegal maneuvers. Traffic control on the roads is carried out by traffic police officers. A fine for an illegal turn out of your lane, driving under a prohibited sign, illegal movement along arrows and other maneuvers is one of the most frequent. It is necessary to understand exactly when and how to make a turn and a U-turn on the road.

It's easiest to stick to the signs you learn to get driving license. It is the sign that is the pointer that regulates the course of transport. However, the number of penalties for ignoring pointers is high.

The driver must clearly understand: of blue color allows movement to this direction, and white-red indicates that the maneuver is prohibited. In traffic rules, a solid line defines straight ahead movement. Failure to comply with the instructions threatens with a fine from the employees of the State traffic inspectorate.

When making a turn / U-turn, the motorist enters the oncoming lane, which is fraught with a huge danger to life. Therefore, several signs have been created for a safe maneuver. The article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia defines the prohibition to turn around under the sign "Turn is prohibited", for a left maneuver - "Turn to the left is prohibited", "Movement straight", "Movement to the right". Violation of the rules specified in the signs entails a fine of 500–1500 rubles.

Recovery in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles is received by drivers who violated the rule "Direction of traffic in lanes." This sign is posted near the intersection. It is forbidden to maneuver to the left from the right (far) lane. In this case, you can go straight or to the right. The installed sign "Turn to the right is prohibited" involves moving to the left and straight ahead. A fine is issued in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Employees of the State traffic inspectorate vary the amount of fines depending on the degree of danger of the maneuver. For example, a U-turn in the wrong place, driving into the oncoming lane provokes serious accidents. The forbidden turn to the right is not so dangerous, therefore, the amount of penalties for the driver is less than in the first case. The ban on turns between intersections, however, allows you to turn right if you need to enter the adjacent territory and yard areas. For such an action, inspectors cannot stop and fine anyone.

Lane driving

"Movement in lanes" is a sign that is not used very often, such as a turn sign. There are several types of pointers:

  • beginning / end of the strip;
  • restriction of movement: by speed and type of vehicles;
  • path along this lane;
  • path along several lines;
  • lane maneuvering.

A penalty of five hundred rubles will be collected from the driver who will not drive through the territory between the rows. It is strictly forbidden to move along the outline of the lane. The same amount will have to be paid for moving without turning on the turn signal in right time. This action should be made into a habit. However, some drivers, especially young ones, forget to do this. One and a half thousand rubles, the traffic police will charge for overtaking in an unauthorized place. Provided that overtaking is carried out towards the oncoming transport, the penalty will increase to 5,000 rubles. For such a violation, you will be deprived of a driver's license for up to 6 months. A driver who wants to bypass some obstacle in the lane, who has driven towards other cars, will pay the state 1,500 rubles. Many cities have trams. Traffic police fine drivers for driving on rails. The penalty corresponds to the movement in the opposite direction.

Each lane may have a sign indicating which mode of transport is allowed in that lane. Trucks, for example, may not go everywhere. If the inspector notices such a type of transport in the left lane, the driver will be fined for violating the speed limit. Cars cannot drive on bike lanes and bus lanes. This violation will cost 2,500 and 1,500 rubles, respectively. In St. Petersburg and the capital, the collection is twice as expensive.

Newbie drivers are often confused by conflicting signs and markings. What is more important? There is only one answer in the traffic rules - the sign is more important than the markings. If the arrow pointer allows you to turn left from the second row, the driver can do so. In the case of the absence of markings, it is necessary to take into account the signs. If it is possible to move in three rows, it is necessary to do this, but only up to the sign. Next, you need to rebuild in accordance with the pointer. The penalty for violation will be 500 rubles.

Features of turning in traffic rules: the subtleties of making a movement and fines

Turn, its features are spelled out in the traffic rules. In order to turn left, you should move from the nearest lane. A motorist cannot turn off the wrong lane, just because he did not think or did not see the turn in time. It is important for him to predict the possibility of a turn in advance, to rebuild in advance. If this does not happen, you should not create an emergency and start the maneuver from the wrong lane, it is better to drive straight to the next turn. It is possible to turn if there is a corresponding marking.

In cities where there is a tram service, you need to be especially careful when turning left. It is necessary to make sure that there is no tram in order to make a maneuver near passing lines. Then you can go to the rails, and start turning from them. The rail track must run flush with the roadway. Such maneuvers are possible provided that there are no signs nearby prohibiting it. Such signs have an arrow straight ahead. All drivers must drive without turning. With this sign, you can not turn.

When making a turn, it is important to be extremely careful and take into account the signs and markings. Do not forget that pointers take precedence.

Drivers will be penalized according to the seriousness of the situation that arises from the violation. If the markup or sign is misinterpreted, the fine will be 1000-1500 rubles. Any excuses from the driver on the bottom of an unnoticed marking line or its absence will not be taken into account.

Subtleties of left turns

This maneuver is classified as dangerous for motorists and pedestrians, especially at intersections. It is important not to lose sight of the traffic that is moving towards you. The motorist is obliged to give way to cars that move to the right and straight ahead. When turning left, you can cause damage to people crossing the road on the side of the intersection where the motorist intends to turn. He must let them pass without accelerating.

The main road and the green light of the traffic light indicated the following rules for maneuvering:

  1. In the presence of traffic that is traveling towards you, you need to drive closer to the center of the intersection. Other vehicles will be able to bypass the vehicle that is turning.
  2. The center should not be reached at a distance of about 2 meters. This sets the distance to resume moving.
  3. If the car moves along the main road or during the green signal, it is necessary to let the oncoming traffic pass.
  4. By letting the pedestrians pass, you can complete the maneuver.

The corresponding sign requires you to give way to everyone when turning left: cars, pedestrians at the crossing. When crossing an intersection with this sign, you must in any case reduce your speed.

The presence of the sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited" requires a stop to the stop line or in front of the center of the intersection. The presence of an additional arrow at the traffic light greatly simplifies the task for motorists. When you see it in a lit state, you can make a left turn.

The risk of an accident increases due to such shortcomings:

  • a prematurely started maneuver with an obstacle in the form of a pedestrian, i.e. stopping in the oncoming lane;
  • orientation to a deliberately false signal from an oncoming car;
  • the beginning of the maneuver before the completion of the maneuver of another machine;
  • maneuver with a closed view;
  • movement to the left of several cars at the same time.

Under no circumstances should you violate traffic rules or drive very fast when turning.

Reversal rules

You can expand:

  • in the presence of appropriate signs (pointer in the form of an arrow);
  • in the presence of a broken line;
  • at crossroads;
  • in a 100m area surveyed.

If a motorist makes a maneuver at an intersection, he must clearly calculate the dimensions of the car and the road, the presence of signs. To make such a U-turn, according to the rules, is possible only from the left lane. In this case, it is necessary to first give way to the car that is in a priority position. With a dividing strip, you can turn around to the far lane. If it is not there, you can maneuver to the near lane. It is strictly forbidden to drive to the intersection itself and turn around at that marking. You need to turn around to this markup.

Outside the intersection area, you need to turn on the left side, if the width of the road allows it, or on the right (far) side, if it does not. It is important to pass all traffic that is approaching from both sides. Check-in must also be made on the extreme side. When visibility is less than 100m, this maneuver is not recommended. Do not forget to turn on the signals so as not to interfere with the movement of cars and not create a prerequisite for an accident.

Prohibited U-turn and Penalty

U-turn in the wrong place is fraught with punishment, because it creates the possibility of an accident. Such turns are considered:

  1. Hard to see markup. According to the law, where it is difficult to see it, a sign is put up. A double solid line means "Going straight".
  2. You cannot make a U-turn between adjacent intersections at the break of the dividing lanes, you should go straight to the nearest sign. To do this, set a sign indicating the movement of the car straight ahead.
  3. U-turn prohibited for drivers contrary to signs, markings.
  4. Maneuver with stay in the lane of oncoming traffic.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to turn around at bus stops.
  6. A U-turn at a railway crossing poses a danger to all road users.
  7. In tunnels, on all bridges, U-turns are prohibited by law.
  8. On the pedestrian crossing cannot be unrolled.

The penalty for a prohibited U-turn varies depending on the degree of security risk traffic. For violation of one or another sign or marking, the fine will be up to one and a half thousand rubles. U-turns in the wrong place will cost 500 rubles. When such a prohibited place is a motorway, the fine will be 2,500 rubles for a double violation. If you move a solid line, you will have to pay an amount of up to 1,500 rubles. In case of a similar offense, but with a drive into the oncoming lane, you need to pay 5 thousand rubles. Traffic police inspectors can take away the rights for a period of four to six months. The issued fine may consist of several articles, then the amount will be much larger.

When making maneuvers, you must always remember not only the traffic police, who can impose a fine for prohibited actions. It is important to understand that any unauthorized maneuver may be the last or endanger the lives of others. In this case, a completely different code comes into play.

Turning right can and should be decomposed into three separate steps:

I - Preparing for a turn

II - Actually turn

III - Exit the turn

First stage

If you changed lanes before turning right extreme right lane , then this is not enough.

Need to borrow far right position , and believe me, it's not the same thing.

extreme band it can be so wide that 2-3 cars can easily fit there, and motorcycles are not worth counting. BUT extreme position implies such an arrangement of your car on the roadway that no one wants to drive between you and the sidewalk (Fig. 6, 7).

Rice. 6. Far right lane

Rice. 7. Far right

If you start turning from position 2 (Fig. 6), then expect trouble. It is too likely that a motorcycle, or maybe an ordinary car, will drive into the interior of your car. Therefore, before any turn to the right, it is necessary to remember the difference between stripe and position, think about the "nimble" who like to climb into all sorts of "cracks" and take a real extreme right position on the road.

When preparing to turn right, you must also remember the difference in the trajectories of the movement of the front and rear wheels of the machine (see Fig. 2). Particular attention should be paid to trucks with trailers.

In preparation for a right turn, the driver of a long vehicle is forced to take a little to the left in order to avoid the rear wheels of the car or the wheels of the trailer colliding with the sidewalk corner (see Fig. 3 d).

Drive into the yard or other territory adjacent to the road; drivers of long vehicles Vehicle can only be pre-shifted to the left. And, of course, there are "wise men" who are in a hurry to climb into the gap that has formed, intending to drive straight (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Long vehicle maneuver

Keep in mind that a truck driver is not able to see a low car on the right in the gap between himself and the sidewalk, and bodywork and other work in a car service are now expensive.

Unfortunately, this accident is a classic, which should be known and remembered not only by drivers of long vehicles, but also by drivers of "nimble" small cars.

If the configuration of the site forces you to pre-shift to the left before starting to turn right, then you must check the rear of the moving traffic and ensure the safety of the maneuver.

Now let's look at the same situation from the other side. If you see that before the place of a possible right turn, the truck or bus in front moves slightly to the left, then most likely the driver is preparing for a right turn. In this case, you should slow down and give him the opportunity to calmly complete the maneuver.

Fortunately, the above situation on the roads does not occur every day. Usually, before turning to the right, it is enough just to take the extreme right position, and the safety of the maneuver at this stage will be ensured.

Second phase

When turning to the right, you should keep the extreme right position throughout the entire maneuver (Fig. 9). This is the requirement of traffic rules and logic. Let's formulate this rule a little shorter:

When turning right, keep to the corner of the sidewalk.

And if at this time the road you are turning into is crossed by pedestrians? Maybe go around them a little? That's what some careless drivers do.

Rice. 9. Turn right

Traffic rules provide for this situation. When turning right and left, drivers must give way to pedestrians!

How to give in, it's up to you. You can smoothly stop at some pre-planned point of the trajectory. You can simply reduce the speed to a value that allows you to quickly take the right decision about stopping or continuing the movement, depending on the development of the situation. Sometimes (not often and only for "seeing" drivers), the best way give way is to increase the speed of movement. But in any case, you must save determined by law and logic end position trajectory!

An attempt to bypass pedestrians along an intricate trajectory naturally leads to an accident with a blow "from behind to the side" or "from the front to the forehead" (Fig. 10). Therefore, I advise you, especially at first, when turning to the right, keep the corner of the sidewalk and give way to pedestrians, as cultured drivers from "far abroad" do. And there you look, and it will become a habit.

Rice. 10. The classic mistake when turning right

Third stage

For safety reasons, at the end of the right turn, it makes sense to drive along extreme right lane. A little later, having assessed the situation on the road, it will be possible to start rebuilding to the neighboring lane, if it is included in your plans.

But what if there is a truck at a distance of 10 meters after the turn at the sidewalk?

In this case, you have a choice of two options for the next steps.

Rice. 11. Exit the turn

You can "dare" to exit the turn immediately to the second lane (Fig. 11, trajectory A). But this kind of turning requires fast and correct analysis crossroad situations. It is necessary to control all cars approaching from the left, as well as "supporting" you from behind.

For a "beginner" turning along trajectory A can be an overwhelming task. Therefore, it is better to use the recommendations for rebuilding in difficult situation. Immediately after the turn, you should stop in the extreme right position, wait for the complete absence of cars behind you, and only after that go around the "bad" truck (Fig. 11, trajectory B).

Turning at an Intersection: A Practical Teaching Technique

O driving through intersections a lot is said. The rules for driving through regulated and unregulated intersections. Who will go first and second, who needs to give way when turning right and left - of course, you need to know all this. But in addition to the ability to determine the order of movement, one must also master the technique of making turns at intersections. But not much is said about it.

Usually this topic given to the instructor. Practice is, of course, good, but without theoretical preparation, the first turn can be the last. Therefore, with the technique of turns, first of all, it is necessary to understand on paper and only then on the road.

We continue publishing author's materials of Sergey Fedorovich Zelenin devoted to topical methodological issues of teaching safe driving within the framework of the driver training program in driving schools. S. F. Zelenin is one of the country's leading and authoritative profile specialists, who has devoted almost a quarter of a century to the development and practical application progressive methods of training future drivers.

Through the intersection, you can drive straight, right, left and in the opposite direction (turn around). Traveling directly, as a rule, does not raise questions. detailed consideration require turning right, left and U-turn.

Let's start with a less complicated maneuver - turning right.

Right turn can be mentally broken down into three distinct stages:

I - Preparing for a turn

II - Actually turn

III - Exit the turn

First stage.

If you changed lanes before turning right extreme right lane, then this is not enough. Need to borrow extreme right position(Rules of the road, further SDA - clause 8.5), and believe me, this is not the same thing.

extreme band it is so wide that two or three cars can easily fit there, and motorcycles are not worth counting. Extreme position involves such an arrangement of your car on the roadway that no one wants to drive between you and the sidewalk (Fig. 1, 2).

If you start the turn from 2 (Fig. 1), then expect trouble. It is too likely that a motorcycle, or maybe an ordinary car, will drive into the interior of your car. Therefore, before any turn to the right, it is necessary to remember the difference between stripe and position, to think about nimble people who like to climb into all sorts of cracks and take a real extreme right position on the road.

When preparing to turn right, you must also remember the difference in the trajectories of movement of the front and rear wheels of the machine. Particular attention should be paid to trucks with trailers.

In the process of preparing for a right turn, the driver of a long vehicle is forced to take a little to the left in order to avoid the rear wheels of the car or the wheels of the trailer colliding with the corner of the sidewalk (SDA - clause 8.7).

Drivers of long vehicles may enter a courtyard or other area adjacent to the road only with a preliminary shift to the left. And, of course, there are “wise men” who are in a hurry to climb into the gap that has formed, intending to drive straight (Fig. 3).

It must be taken into account that the truck driver, as a rule, is not able to see the low car on the right in the gap between himself and the sidewalk.

Unfortunately, this accident is a classic one, which should be known and remembered not only by drivers of long vehicles, but also by drivers of nimble small cars.

If, before starting to turn right, the configuration of this place forces you to resort to a preliminary shift to the left, then you are obliged to control the moving traffic from behind and ensure the safety of the maneuver (traffic rules - clause 8.7).

Now let's look at the same situation from the other side. If you see that before the place of a possible right turn, the truck or bus in front moves slightly to the left, then most likely the driver is preparing for a right turn. In this case, you should slow down and give him the opportunity to calmly complete the maneuver.

Second phase.

When turning right, the traffic rules (Section 8.6) oblige the driver, if possible, to keep the extreme right position throughout the entire maneuver (Fig. 4). Let's formulate this rule a little shorter: when turning right, keep to the corner of the sidewalk.

And if at this time the road you are turning into is crossed by pedestrians? Maybe go around them a little? That's what some careless drivers do.

Traffic rules provide for this situation (clause 13.1). When turning right and left, drivers must give way to pedestrians crossing carriageway .

How to give in, it's up to you. You can smoothly stop at some pre-planned point of the trajectory. You can simply reduce the speed to a value that allows you to quickly make the right decision to stop or continue moving, depending on the development of the situation. Sometimes (not often and only for experienced drivers), the best way to yield is to speed up the traffic. But in any case, you must save determined by law and logic trajectory extreme provisions!

An attempt to bypass pedestrians along an intricate trajectory naturally leads to an accident with a blow from behind to the side or from the front to the forehead (Fig. 5).

Therefore, I strongly advise you, especially at first, when turning to the right, keep the corner of the sidewalk and give way to pedestrians, as cultured drivers from far abroad do. And there you look, and it will become a habit.

Third stage.

For safety reasons, at the end of the right turn, it makes sense to drive along extreme right lane. A little later, having assessed the situation on the road, it will be possible to start rebuilding to the neighboring lane, if it is included in your plans.

But what if there is a truck at a distance of 10 meters after the turn at the sidewalk?

In this case, you have a choice of two options for the next steps.

You can dare to exit the turn immediately to the second lane (Fig. 6, trajectory A). But such a turn option requires a quick and correct analysis of the situation at the crossroads. It is necessary to control all cars approaching from the left, as well as propping you up from behind.

For a beginner, turning along path A can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is better to use the recommendations for re-
building in a difficult situation.

Immediately after the turn, you should stop in the extreme right position, wait for the complete absence of cars behind you, and only after that go around the parked truck (Fig. 6, trajectory B).

I would like to emphasize that when exiting a turn, in no case you can not be in the lane intended for oncoming traffic(SDA - clause 8.6). And this rule applies to any turn. When turning right to go into the oncoming lane, you still have to manage, but when turning left this is very likely.

About preparation for left turn and technique for its implementation next issue magazine.

The article was prepared by the editors Educational literature Publishing House "World of Autobooks".

The material used fragments of the book of the publishing house "World of Autobooks".

Any turn, right or left, has its own trajectory. Consider Today right turn path.

The turn to the right can be divided into three stages:

  1. Preparing for the turn.
  2. Turn.
  3. Exit the turn.


Preparing for the turn. By the rules of the road you know that right turn we can only carry out with extreme right lane , and also, before turning right, you need to take extreme right position.The two highlighted expressions are not the same thing.

extreme lane it can be so wide that a couple of cars can easily fit there.

BUT extreme position means that no one wants to try to pass between your car and the sidewalk. If you start turning from position 2, then expect trouble.

It is too likely that a motorcycle or a car will drive into the interior of your car.

Before each turn to the right, it is worth remembering the difference between "stripe" and "position" and remember the "nimble" on the roads.


The second stage of the turn to the right is the turn itself. Starting a turn from the extreme right position, you should hold this position throughout the turn. You can say a little shorter:

"Lick the corner when turning right."

Angles are different, so depending on the shape of the corner of the sidewalk or lawn, the trajectory of the car can be smooth or "broken line" .

"Broken" trajectory

When doing this, do not forget about the effect of shifting the rear of the car to the center of the turn.

The illustration shows how to keep your car's wheels from being hit by a curb and avoid hitting the feet of a pedestrian standing on a sidewalk corner. Before the start of the turn, you need to move a little away from the edge of the carriageway and from this position start turning to the right.

Turn in the "angular" place

Shifting to the left before turning right is allowed only in narrow passages without heavy traffic (for example, in courtyards). On normal roads, such a maneuver will be dangerous due to cars moving nearby, and, as a rule, there is no need for this, since at intersections all corners are usually rounded.


The third stage of the turn to the right is the completion of the turn, i.e. exit from the turn. It is desirable to complete the turn to the right with the exit to the extreme right lane, according to the rules SDA .

If pedestrians are crossing the road at this time, can they be avoided?

According to traffic rules - when turning right and left, you must give way to pedestrians .

How to give in, it's up to you. You can smoothly stop at a certain point in a pre-planned trajectory. You can reduce the speed of movement to a value that allows you to quickly make the right decision (stop or continue moving) depending on the situation. But attempting to bypass a pedestrian is unacceptable, as it usually leads to an accident with a rear-to-side or front-to-front impact.

Based on the described “perspectives”, it is necessary to approach any intersection with a carefully developed plan for all your subsequent actions, including with full readiness to give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway onto which you are going to turn. At the same time, the trajectory of the turn, determined by the Rules and logic, must be preserved. All of the above applies to both turning right and turning left.

I think everything is clear with pedestrians. But what if a car is parked a few meters from the turn by the sidewalk?

In this case, you have at least two options:

  1. You can “dare” to exit the turn immediately to the second lane (trajectory “A”), but this requires a more thorough analysis of the situation at the intersection.
  2. Or you turn into the right lane, immediately after the turn you stop in the extreme right position, wait for the complete absence of cars behind you, and only after that you go around the standing car (trajectory "B").
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