What will happen in the next issue of the battle of psychics. The fight of extrasensories

Continuation of the popular project. The release date for season 19 of the TV show will tentatively take place on September 1, 2018. Having been on the air for more than ten years, the “Battle of Psychics” has acquired a huge army of fans who watch it regularly. According to some critics, viewers love projects related to mysticism and secrets, which is why this transmission format has taken root on domestic television. Even 18 seasons later, this show is on TNT good ratings, and constant discussion in the press.

The release date of the 19th season of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" will be held on September 1, 2018. While fans of the project are waiting for new releases of the program, tentatively in October.

"The Battle of Psychics" is an analogue of the British program, the format of which was acquired by the Russian channel. Currently, the host of the TV project is the actor Marat Basharov. According to him, on film set"Battles" are really amazing things. Whoever does not believe in magic, or some other otherworldly things, will definitely change his mind after what he sees. Despite these statements, there are reports in the press with enviable regularity that this show is a staged performance, where everything is decided in advance, and where there is not a drop of real mystical events. But one way or another, the program has remained a favorite among viewers for many years. Bright members that demonstrate supernatural abilities surprise and amaze the audience. Each season brings stable rating numbers.

Release date of the episodes of the 19th season of the TV show "Battle of Psychics"

Namerelease date
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 1Fall 2018
Battle of psychics 19 season 2 releaseFall 2018
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 3Fall 2018
Battle of psychics 19 season 4 releaseFall 2018
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 5Fall 2018

Continuation of the Russian reality show of an esoteric orientation. The project was created by the TV channel "TNT" in February 2007 on the basis of British show Britain's Psychic Challenge.

Watch online all episodes of the 18th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" for free, series in good quality You can from September 23, 2017 on our website and the VKontakte group.

Battle of Psychics season 18 release date

Namerelease date
Battle of Psychics Season 18September 23, 2017

Programs of this type have gained wide popularity in the United States, Israel, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Mongolia, in recent times aired in Estonia and Latvia.

The domestic version of the battle of psychics was created by producer Maria Shaikevich, director Fyodor Torstensen, Olga Schmid, and Oleg Chaurs.

Every year, before the release of the new season, the management of the channel, represented by the host of the program Marat Basharov, announces the casting of participants in the show "Battle of Psychics", read the details of the casting of the 18th season below.

Fans of exciting and extreme TV shows are invited to get acquainted with the rating novelties recent years- from the first channel - "" and the channel "TNT" - "".


Each casting and selection of participants in the program takes place by testing their psychic abilities.

Candidates will have to pass two selection tests, for example, to guess what kind of object is in the black box, or to determine what kind of person is behind the screen.

Based on the results of the first test, from 30 to 40 applicants will be selected who can most accurately describe the hidden object or person.

In the second challenge, candidates have to find a person hidden in the trunk of one of 30 cars in an underground parking lot.

From 8 to 13 magicians, sorcerers, witches, sorceresses, or other personalities calling themselves by different, mysterious names, who showed the best results, are allowed to participate in the main tests of the "Battle of Psychics".

If you not only feel, but also understand the whole essence of our wonderful world, consider yourself unique, have psychic and other inexplicable magical powers and want to help people so that millions of people know about you.

We are offering to you, fill out a form to participate in the casting of the 18th season of the reality show "Battles of Psychics".

Posters and photos


Since 2007, a show has been aired on the TNT channel, which is watched with enthusiasm and great interest by viewers from different countries. On the official websites dedicated to the competitions, they published in advance information about the release date of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” Season 19. Novice sorcerers, witches or shamans will be able to check under the cameras unusual abilities and prove its uniqueness to the multi-million audience. Until the seventh season, inclusive, the program was hosted by Mikhail Porechenkov, but from the eighth season, the notorious Marat Basharov unexpectedly becomes the host. So far, he is in no hurry to give his place to a new applicant, so his appearance on TV is expected in the next releases.

Thanks to high ratings and a large audience of viewers do not plan to close the show, and moreover, the producers have already named the day when the release date of the "Battle of Psychics" season 19 will take place, namely - September 22, 2018.

Bridges between worlds

Participants in the show "Battle of Psychics" are recruited from those who were able to pass the three main tests. Casting begins with a simple task "Screen", when the magicians and sorcerers in the hall must "see" what is behind the impenetrable curtain. For this Candidates may use any of the usual methods from fortune-telling on cards to reading energy from a hidden object. Those who pass this tour go on to the "Luggage" challenge, where in a huge parking lot in the trunk of a random car they hide an ordinary spectator from the site. The last step selection is considered to be a meeting with "Mr. X", at which blindfolded psychics must describe the person sitting in front of them in a chair.

All those who could not demonstrate their skills at the proper level are sent home, and those who have become full participants in the mysterious program. Now in every new series psychics will be given unusual tasks. At the end of the week, impartial judges who took part in the trials will deliver their verdict. The most powerful magician will be presented to the audience , his photo will be brought in a white envelope, and in a black one there will be a photo of the one who failed the check and must leave the show. What tests await new participants in the project, you will find out after the release date of the episodes of the 19th season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT.

The prize is waiting for its owner!

Already in the fall of 2018, the first episode of the new season will be released, but the exact day of the premiere may be postponed. The approximate start date is September 22, the names of the participants are still unknown. It remains to wait for the release date and guess which of the psychics will prove themselves in the new series and take home the main cup to the enthusiastic applause of loyal fans!

Release schedule for all episodes

Series Name release date
19×01 September 22, 2018
19×02 September 29, 2018
19×03 October 6, 2018
19×04 October 13, 2018
19×05 October 20, 2018
19×06 October 27, 2018
19×07 November 3, 2018
19×08 November 10, 2018
19×09 November 17, 2018
19×10 November 24, 2018
19×11 December 1, 2018
19×12 December 8, 2018
19×13 December 15, 2018
19×14 The final December 22, 2018
19×15 Special issue 1 (digest) December 29, 2018
19×16 Special issue 2 January 12, 2019
19×17 Special issue 3 January 19, 2019
Season 19 Episode 18 Special issue 4 January 26, 2019 (19:30)

Terrible exposure of the project

TV channel TNT pleased the viewer with a program of a completely new format. The first issue of the "Battle of Psychics" was released at the very beginning of 2007. This is an analogue of the transmission of the British TV show. Our version was produced by Maria Shaikevich. Since then, this program has occupied a leading position in the rating of TV channels, attracting a large audience to the TV screen.

People with paranormal abilities that defy common sense have always attracted the attention of the public. Some of the people treated this with distrust, not recognizing their ability to work miracles. Others perceived their talent as a miracle from above. How many people, so many views on this matter, but the fact that they do not leave anyone indifferent is obvious. A strict jury will not make concessions to any of the participants. Their every step will be carefully monitored, and at the slightest violation, the player will be disqualified. Ten program participants must complete a task where their abilities will be used to the maximum. After the next round, their number will decrease and by the end of the game there will be only three people left, among whom the best one will be selected and the prize in the form of a glass hand will go to him by right. And this is not the only prize. In addition, the finalist will have the prospect of visiting the states and already on the spot to continue the fight for a more significant fee, but this is only if he manages to convince the host of the show of his extraordinary abilities.

21/09/2017 - 10:32

Only a few days separate the fans of the Battle of Psychics show from the release of the new season. The TNT channel has already launched promotional videos with might and main, and many fans already know that the beginning of the Battle is scheduled for September 23 at 20.00.

While viewers are waiting for the first release new battle, out of curiosity, you can now satisfy a little. So, many are wondering if Mary Kerro will participate? No, it definitely won't. Apparently, the Estonian has calmed down and will now only be a spectator and fan. But people close to Alexander Sheps will still be on the project. Some fans found out somewhere that there will be his brother Oleg, and others saw the winner of the show with his student Elena, who successfully coped with the casting.

It is not excluded the appearance of such characters as Kuznetsova, Vlasov and Malinovsky. All this trinity different time She said that she was not averse to taking revenge. However most of participants of the 18th Battle will be beginners.

Basharov will again meet viewers every new issue, while Safronov and Sotnikova conduct tests.

Soon! Don't miss out on TNT -new season transmission: "Battle of psychics". @bitva_extrasensov_tnt @safronov_sergey @tnt_online #Illusionists #safronovbrothers #Safronovs #Safronov Brothers #Safronov #SergeySafronov #tnt #battle of psychics #new season #battle of psychics18 Posted by Nadia Tikhonov (@nadusha_tihonova) Sep 4 2017 at 12:00 PDT

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