Drawing on the face with paints associated with. Children's educational games, lessons, crafts

Face drawings are not just funny pictures and whimsical patterns, this is real holiday for every child. Often these events are part of animation program at children's parties. At the same time, the procedure for painting the face of small beauties is regarded in the same way as makeup for women. Probably, there is not a single child who would not want to feel all the delights of creating compositions using face painting on his own body. Parents, especially those who love to draw with their baby, need to understand how and by what means such arts are realized.

Ideas for a beautiful face painting for girls

Usually, when a drawing is applied by a professional, an album is offered to the client's attention, in which there are a number of ready-made layouts presented in the form of an artist's portfolio. Such a measure can greatly facilitate the choice of motive. At the same time, the theme of the holiday itself should be taken into account, for example, to make the image more harmonious and bright. Below are a number of ideas that will help you decide on the theme of the picture and make it easier to choose a composition.


Looks very nice Small child, which is adorable in its own right, with a painted face to match a kitten or puppy. You can choose a specific animal, taking into account the individual preferences of the child and his temperament. Such art is quite easy to implement on your own.

In order to turn a baby into an animal, it is necessary to emphasize three main areas of the face: eyes, nose and mouth. Stages can be adjusted depending on the chosen character. The most popular animal skins for girls are:

  • kitty;
  • fox;
  • tigress or lioness;
  • monkey;
  • mouse, etc.

Floral motifs

Floral motifs are perfect for older and more serious girls. Based on the traced flowers, a whole line characters:

  • Princess;
  • Mermaid;
  • fairy, etc.

The main color combinations for the flower ensemble consist of yellow, white, green and red. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to draw some complex bouquets with clear lines and specific colors. It is important to show imagination here, and the more intricate the drawing seems, the more happiness the little beauty has.


Butterfly is the simplest drawing of all face art compositions. The peculiarity of its application lies in the symmetrical drawing of the wings on each side of the face. To turn a girl into a butterfly, you can choose any colors, red, black, white, blue and the rest are suitable here. As a final touch, you can add two neat antennae, which will give more realism and resemblance to a butterfly.

How to draw face art on the face

There are many tools for drawing patterns on the face, and each of the tools will have its own characteristics. As means by which a colorful composition can be framed, there are:

  1. decorative cosmetics. This tool is very effective and easy to use, since the components are designed to be applied to the face. Such formulations are most often hypoallergenic, but some parents do not believe that the product can be used for children's skin. Bright mascara, lipstick, powder, shadows of unnatural or unusual colors can be used as a drawing element;
  2. face painting. This is the main tool in the hands of the face art artist. This tool is completely harmless and does not cause any allergic reactions, which allows it to be used even for the most delicate children's skin;
  3. water based markers. Markers are used only when it is necessary to draw clear lines or make intricate pattern. Drawn tattoos are performed in the same way. Water markers are harmless to the skin, but they can sometimes be difficult to wash off;
  4. food colorings. This is the only drawing tool that should be prepared in advance. To prepare the product, mix an ordinary baby cream with food coloring. desired color to get the desired shade. This drawing technique is also used quite often, since it does not cause any negative reactions in the body.

How to draw a picture on the face with your own hands

Drawings on the skin have nothing to do with ordinary art. If makeup is applied just for fun or for some festive non-public event, then it doesn’t really matter what and how will be depicted, the main thing is the process.

The main specificity of this kind of paintings is a bright and unique contrast of colors and feelings, reflecting the mood of the event and the child himself. For this reason, the more global the artist's fantasy is and the more colors are available, the more effective the image will be.

Why you should not paint patterns with watercolor or gouache

The fact is that the paints consist of non-natural components that clog pores and penetrate into the internal parts of the skin. As a result of such exposure, skin reactions in the form of an allergic rash often occur. However, if there are still no other options, and it is very necessary to apply “make-up”, then you should start by creating a base that can protect delicate baby skin from harmful paint components. As a base, you can use an ordinary baby cream.

Video tutorials for beginners on children's face art

After reviewing the presented video materials, you can clearly see that creating a pattern on the body is a simple process that does not require special skills and abilities. When creating a festive look for a baby, you can use the most different techniques and methods, combining them with their own fantasy approaches.

Face painting a cat for a girl at home

Master class on drawing a princess

Pencil drawing "Tiger"

Photo examples of children's face painting on the face

The photo illustrates examples of work that you can repeat yourself. Each of the drawings is a variant of how you can make a spectacular drawing on the face, based on the idea of ​​​​a finished sketch. Such template examples will allow beginners to touch the world of face art.

What could be more fun for a child than drawings on his face? They create a wonderful holiday atmosphere and help the little dreamer to fully feel like a naughty kitten or a cute dragon.

Face paints (children's face painting) are completely harmless to sensitive children's skin and are washed off with ordinary warm water with soap. With the help of face painting, you can not only draw attention to the child's costume, but also show the character of the character chosen by the kid, allowing the child to completely immerse himself in the fairy-tale world.

Choosing children's face painting

To please the baby, you, first of all, will need face painting, brushes of various thicknesses, as well as soft cosmetic sponges. When choosing face paint for children, maximum caution should be exercised, because makeup will be applied to child's face, the skin on which is very delicate and sensitive.

You should make sure that the selected paints are intended specifically for the skin. Otherwise, the child may have a severe allergic reaction, and in the worst case, even poisoning! Face paints must be categorized as hypoallergenic and contain only natural or organic ingredients. Chemical components in the composition of paints are completely unacceptable. The trade mark and type of paints must fully comply with certain quality standards.

High-quality face painting is sold in the form of a compressed powder,

which outwardly resembles the classic ones. In addition, you can also purchase a liquid analogue, which is sold in small jars. The compressed powder is simply diluted in a small amount of warm water to a creamy state, and then they can already be painted on the face.

When choosing brushes, soft bristles should be preferred. An ideal choice would be a brush made of natural hair. Then, during the application of face paint, it will not scratch the child's face.

The choice of sponge should also be taken very carefully. After all, it will be required in order to paint large areas of the skin. by the most the best criterion selection will become a sample. Place the sponge on the baby's face. If no particles remain after it, then it is completely suitable.

We develop the design of the future makeup

How to decorate the face with paints? If this process is new to you, then first of all it is worth developing several options for various children's images. Fantasy will help you with this. You can come up with a variety of images, ranging from a cheerful dog to magical superheroes.

Paint for face painting: do it yourself

If suddenly in a local store they simply don’t know what paints they paint on their faces, then

this problem is completely solvable. To please your child, any mother can make these magical paints on her own.

For this we need:

  • starch;
  • moisturizer (ideally for baby skin);
  • regular food coloring.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • put 3 tablespoons of starch, a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of cream in a deep bowl, and then mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • prepare a concentrated solution of food coloring;
  • adding a few drops of dye to the prepared mixture, to achieve the desired shade of paint.

That's it, you can call your tiger cub or kitten and start transforming to the end!

Makeup technique

What will be drawn on the child's face depends entirely on his imagination and the artistic abilities of his parents. But, regardless of who will be the model for body art (boy or girl), all drawings have one basis and a certain technique. Let's take a closer look at each stage of applying makeup.

1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials in advance:

Multi-colored face paints;

Brushes with which you will draw;

A set of cosmetic sponges or ordinary soft sponges (the main thing is that they do not leave any particles on the child's face) for applying the main tone to the baby's face.

2. Do an allergy test: apply a small amount of paint on the child's skin and wait a bit. True, sometimes the reaction does not appear too quickly, but within the next hour.

3. Remove all hair completely from the baby's face by securing it with a hair band. Dress up your little model, and put on clothes you don't mind getting dirty too. But even if you get dirty, don’t worry too much, because children’s face painting is a special face paint completely water-based, which is quite easy to wash off.

4. The first step in doing makeup is applying the base tone. He

should be evenly distributed on the face and have a smooth surface. To achieve this effect, wet the sponge with water, then dip it in the paint and start applying it on the face with short movements. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, otherwise, after it dries, cracks may appear on the surface. Particular attention should be paid to the areas around the eyes, lips and nose. Let the applied paint dry slightly.

5. Next, we begin to draw the contours and small parts. It is best to have a picture in front of your eyes that you have chosen as a reference, especially if you do not professional artist. The paint should be picked up on the brush. It should have a creamy structure, that is, it should not spread or drip from the end of the brush.

6. Face painting is applied to the face strictly at a right angle thin lines or strokes.

Favorite makeup characters

The most popular patterns for children are the muzzles of animals or insects, patterns of flowers and the faces of popular superheroes: Batman, Spider-Man, Superman and others. Girls prefer to transform into fairies, butterflies, ladybugs and dragonflies. They love to decorate their faces with floral patterns.

Of course, it is worth giving preference to kind fairy-tale or domestic characters, otherwise children can scare each other during the game.

Features of working with a child

A small child is a very difficult model to work with. It is unlikely that this fidget will be able to sit still for a long time, so get ready to work very quickly. Tune your baby to a working mood in advance, otherwise the laughter caused by a brush tickling your face can nullify all your work. You can turn on a cartoon or an audio fairy tale for him. This will help the child to more easily endure the forced calm. But the result will simply delight him and give him a lot of unforgettable impressions.

How to remove makeup?

Water-based face painting is very easy to wash off with ordinary warm water, and if face paints are based on cream or oil, then a little more effort and additional special tools will be required. If glitters were used additionally, you must first remove them. And only then you can remove the main paint.

Where to buy face paints?

Any toy store has a huge selection. various kinds face painting, but if for some reason in your city it is not possible to purchase this product, then you can place an order in any online store.

Children's holiday- a colorful and bright event. The best way to create the necessary atmosphere is face painting. Face drawings are 100% likely to please any child.

Do not think that it is suitable only for the smallest. If the drawing is of high quality and corresponds to the theme of the holiday, even a teenager will not refuse such an original element of the “costume”.

Children's skin is very delicate and easily susceptible to allergic reactions, so the use of any means is unacceptable. Even if the child of a neighbor / girlfriend is all right, there is no guarantee that everything will go the same for your child. Give preference to natural materials.

  1. Artistic brushes made of natural bristles. Synthetics cause rashes and irritation. In addition, the texture of synthetic materials is itself rough and leaves microscopic damage to delicate skin.
  2. Cosmetic sponges for make-up. If they are not there - cotton pads. They won't apply the paint as evenly, but it's better with them than rubbing with your finger.
  3. Decorative cosmetics. Mascara, pencils, lipstick, blush and shadows of any color. It is better and safer than ordinary stationery paints, but it is advisable to avoid using them, especially on young children (kindergarten).
  4. Special water-based markers.
  5. Face painting. Technological and safe method. Water-based paints are absolutely harmless to children's skin. Even if the child forgets and eats the paint, nothing will happen to him.
  6. Food colorings. An alternative when there is nothing in the stores, but it's scary to paint with gouache. Absolutely harmless.

Additional material - wet and dry wipes. It will be required in the process of applying paint to wipe the brushes and wipe the drawing.

If the drawing is large-scale, it is recommended to apply a base and apply a tone under it. Sometimes, even small pictures need a tone to create contrast. The base is usually a baby cream. It is smeared and allowed to soak in order to avoid the negative effect of some paints on the skin.

Always check for an allergic reaction. Apply paint/felt pen to the inside of your wrist and observe the reaction for an hour.

If there is no scabies, rash, redness, burning, any discomfort, apply on the face. Even specialized materials can, on an individual basis, cause allergies.

Body art on a child has one distinguishing feature- restlessness of the model. It is not difficult for an adult not to blink, look at one point and not move his nose for a certain time. The child does not have such talents.

Limit - 5-7 minutes. At the same time, the baby should be in a certain “environment” - there should not be temptations around that provoke fidgeting, twitching and other manifestations of mobility.

Set up a large mirror. Children with great pleasure and enthusiasm watch the application of makeup. They are so absorbed in the activity that they may not even notice the cake being brought to the table (but it's better not to risk it).

If you are not a professional artist, do not try to draw a masterpiece. You will waste time, get tired yourself, disappoint and tire the child.

Little things will be enough for a kid to be happy. If the drawing must certainly be chic, train in advance so that the picture is drawn with eyes closed. First try it on yourself, and then bring it to perfection on a child.

Do-it-yourself face painting paints

Make your own safe paints. You will need:

  • baby cream;
  • food colorings;
  • starch.

Proportions for one color. Knead again for each color.

  1. Mix starch (3 tbsp) + water (1 tsp) + cream (1 tsp).
  2. Add dye to the mixture drop by drop, stirring until the color of the desired saturation is obtained. To obtain a certain shade, several colors are mixed.

Simple drawings on the face: ideas for girls and boys

Ask your child first! Body art is done for him and he should like it! If the baby himself cannot choose - be modern and smart parents. Find out what the children in his company are fond of.

Believe me, the kid will be offended and ashamed to come to the holiday with a squirrel's muzzle, when everyone else will be in the images of Hellow Kitty and Spider-Man. Keep up with the times and fashion.

Popular topics:

  1. Animals. Cats, butterflies and squirrels for girls and dogs, bunnies for boys.
  2. Cartoon characters. Mermaids, Fairies for girls, Superheroes for boys (Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc.).
  3. Thematic drawings. On Halloween, skeletons, Witches; Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes for the New Year; water holidays - mermaids and water.
  4. Pirates are popular and appropriate at any event, for both boys and girls.
  5. Princesses and robbers.

If a costume is needed for a holiday, you can either supplement it with body art, or make body art the basis and finish the image with a couple of strokes. For example, Pirate - draw a couple of scars, a beard, a “patch” on the eye, make a hat out of paper and give a plastic saber from the nearest store (you can look at the cocked hat there, it will last longer).

The image is ready. With girls it’s even easier - a colorful butterfly on the face and a fluffy skirt on the dress. And you don’t need any wings behind your back, which interfere with running and cling to everything.

How to draw an easy drawing on the face of a child with your own hands

Let's take one picture for each method as examples.

General instruction:

  1. Remove hair from your face - tie it in a ponytail and put on a hoop.
  2. Apply foundation and tone (if needed).
  3. Draw the outlines.
  4. Fill in the main large elements of the picture with color.
  5. Draw small details.


Let's draw a kitten. You will need 2 brushes - a flat one with a rounded tip and a thin conical one. The tone is not needed, since the drawing is not large and consists of small strokes. The colors are matched to the dress. After applying a layer, let it dry before applying the second one.

Description of technology with step-by-step photo:


Need special pencils for face painting. Applying them is somewhat inconvenient - for clear lines, you need to pull the skin strongly. Thin lines will not work. Pencils are used for quick and easy drawing. It is not necessary to tint and apply a base when using specialized pencils. The drawing is based on symmetry.

Let's draw a tiger cub:

It is convenient and pleasant to draw with face painting. The drying time of the layers is significantly reduced. Applies gently and evenly. Symmetry is not required. The drawing area is small, so the tone and base do not need to be applied.

Let's draw a dog:

Why you should not paint with watercolor or gouache

Stationery paints contain chemical elements. The skin on the face is very delicate and sensitive. The simplest thing that ordinary paint can do is to prevent the skin from breathing. The worst is allergies. Up to a rash, redness and itching.

The price of drawings for children from professionals

If you order the services of masters, it is best to do it at a mass holiday, since the payment of a professional is hourly. On average, the cost of one hour of work is 400 rubles. And this is based on the fact that 5-7 minutes are spent per person. Typically used professional paints for body art, but there are exceptions. If you are not sure, take an interest in the documentation.

Another example of applying face painting is in the next video.

We can now take a close look at the details. And we'll start with the face. The face of a person is the first thing we pay attention to in any situation, and this also applies in a certain way to art: the observer will first of all consider a face with your characteristic features. Transferring a face to paper, especially drawing lively expressive expressions, is undoubtedly worth the effort.

In this tutorial, we'll get to know the main components face drawing - proportions, features and angle, and in next lessons Let's take a closer look at various facial expressions.

1. Proportions of the face

Full face:

In this position, the skull will be a flat circle, to which the outline of the jaw is added, which generally forms the shape of an egg, pointed at the bottom. Two lines perpendicular to the center divide the "egg" into four parts. To distribute facial features:

- Mark the midpoints of the left and right halves horizontal line. These points will be the eyes.

- Divide the vertical bottom line into five equal parts. The tip of the nose will be at the second point from the center. The lip fold will be at the third point from the center, one current below the tip of the nose.

- Divide the upper half of the head into four equal parts: the hairline (if the person does not have bald patches) will be located between the second and third points from the center. The ear will be located between the upper eyelid and the tip of the nose (if the face is at the same level). When a person looks up or down, the position of the ears changes.

It is useful to know that the width of the face is the width of five eyes or a little less. The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. It is uncharacteristic for people to have wide or too close eyes, but this is always noticeable (wide-set eyes give a person an innocent childish expression, and narrow-set eyes arouse suspicion in us for some reason). The distance between the lower lip and chin is also equal to the width of one eye.

Another criterion for measure is the length of the index finger above the thumb. In the diagram below, all lengths are marked according to this criterion: ear height, distance between the level of hair growth and the level of the eyebrows, the distance from the eyebrows to the nose, the distance from the nose to the chin, the distance between the pupils.


From the side, the shape of the head also resembles an egg, but pointed to the side. The center lines now divide the head into front (face) and back (skull) parts.

From the side of the skull:

The ear is located directly behind the center line. In its size and location, it is also located between the upper eyelid and the tip of the nose.
- The depth of the skull varies between two dotted lines (as shown in Step 4).

From the side of the face:

- Facial features are arranged in the same way as in full face.

- The deepening of the bridge of the nose either coincides with the center line, or is located slightly higher.

- The most prominent point will be the level of the eyebrow (1 point from the center).

2. Facial features

Eyes and Eyebrows

The eye is built from two simple arcs, shaped like an almond. There are no strict rules here, since the shape of the eyes can be completely different, but there are general recommendations:

- The outer corner of the eyes is higher than the inner, and not vice versa.

- If you compare the eye with an almond, the rounded part of the pupil will be from the side of the inner corner, decreasing towards the outer corner.

Eye Details

- The iris of the eye is partially hidden behind the upper eyelid. It crosses the lower eyelid only if the person looks down or squints (lower eyelid lifts).

- Eyelashes curve outward and are shorter on the lower eyelid (actually, it is not necessary to draw them every time).

- If you want to depict the oval of the lacrimal canal in the inner corner of the eye, as well as show the thickness of the lower eyelid, this is entirely up to you; Too much detail doesn't always look good. The addition of such details is proportional to the complexity of the drawing.

- The same can be applied to drawing the crease of the eyelid - it adds expressiveness and makes the look less anxious. I think it's best not to add a crease if you're doing a stylized drawing or if your drawing is too small.

The eye in profile is shaped like an arrowhead (sides may be concave or convex), with a slight indication of the upper eyelid and, optionally, the lower. In life, we do not see the iris in profile, but we see the white of the eye. When I was working on the lesson, many said that “it looks strange”, so the iris still needs to be marked.

As for the eyebrows, it's easiest to draw them after the eyes to repeat the curve of the upper eyelid. Most of the length of the eyebrow looks inward, and its tip is always a little shorter.

In profile, the shape of the eyebrow changes - it becomes like a comma. This "comma" continues the level of the lashes (where they curve). Sometimes the eyebrow seems to be one with the eyelashes, so you can also draw one curve for the top of the eye and the border of the eyebrow.

The nose is usually wedge-shaped - it is easier to visualize and give it three-dimensionality before adding details.

Partition and sides the noses are flat, which will be noticeable in the finished drawing, but already at the sketch stage it is necessary to designate them in order to subsequently correctly distribute the details. In our wedge, the lower flat part is a truncated triangle connecting the wings and the tip of the nose. The wings curve towards the septum to form the nostrils - note that when viewed from below, the lines that form the sides of the septum are in the foreground, parallel to the face. The septum protrudes lower than the wings (when viewed directly), which means that at a ¾ view, the distal nostril will not be visible accordingly.

The most difficult part of drawing a nose can be deciding which parts of the nose are best left out for a natural looking result. You don't always have to completely draw the wings of the nose (where they join the face), and in most cases the drawing looks better if you just draw the bottom of the nose. The same goes for the four lines of the nasal septum, where they connect with the face - in most cases it will be better if you draw only the lower part of the nose (wings, nostrils, septum) - you can alternately cover the lines with your finger to make sure . If the head is turned ¾, it becomes necessary to draw the bridge of the nose. You will need a lot of observation, trial and error to recognize the unique features of the nose. Cartoonists have this feature - you need to carefully consider the outlines of the noses in order to understand why they are depicted that way. We will come back to this issue in the next lessons.


Mouth and Lips Tips:

- First you need to draw the lip fold, since this is the longest and darkest of the three almost parallel lines that form the mouth. In fact, it is not a continuous straight line - it consists of several implicit curves. In the picture below, you can see exaggerated examples of the movement of the mouth line - note that they follow the line of the upper lip. This line can be "softened" in several ways: the depression above the lip can be narrower (to distinguish corners) or so wide that it becomes invisible. It could also be vice versa - underlip so full that it creates the feeling of pouting lips. If you find it difficult to keep symmetry at this stage, try starting from the center and drawing one line on each side.

- The upper corners of the lips are more visible, but you can soften them up by drawing two wide curves, or soften them so that they are no longer noticeable.

- The lower lip certainly resembles the usual curve, but it can also be almost flat or quite rounded. My advice is to mark the lower lip with at least a regular dash under the lower border.

- The upper lip is almost always narrower than the lower lip, and it protrudes less forward. If its contour is circled, it should be more pronounced, since the lower lip already stands out with its shadow (it should not exceed the size of the lip in size).

- In profile, the lips resemble an arrowhead in shape, and the protrusion of the upper lip becomes obvious. The shape of the lips is also different - the upper one is flat and located diagonally, and the lower one is more rounded.

- The lip fold in profile deviates downward, starting from the intersection of the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes down and rises again in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners. Never raise the line level when drawing in profile.


The main part of the ear (if drawn correctly) is shaped like a letter FROM from the outside and the shape of an inverted letter U from the inside (the border of the upper cartilage of the ear). Often draw a smaller U above the earlobe (you can put your finger to your ear), which goes further into a smaller letter FROM. Ear details are depicted around the ear opening itself (but not always), and their shapes can be quite varied in different people. The drawing can be stylized - for example, in the drawing below, an ear in its general view resembles elongated "@" characters.

When the face is turned to the front, the ears are depicted in profile, respectively:

- The lobe, formerly indicated in the shape of an inverted U, is now visible separately - the same when you observe the plate from the side and then see its bottom, as if it were closer to you.

- In shape, the ear opening resembles a drop and stands out against the general background of the ear.

- The thickness of the ear from this angle depends on the proximity to the head, this is another individual factor. However, the ear always protrudes forward - this has happened in the course of evolution.

Seen from behind, the ear appears to be separate from the body, mostly a lobe connected to the head by a canal. Do not underestimate the size of the canal - its function is to make the ears protrude forward. In this perspective, the canal is more significant than the lobe.

3. Angles

Since the head is based on a circle where facial features are outlined, changing the angle of the head is easier than it seems at first glance. However, it is even more important to observe the position of people's heads in different angles in life, in order to remember all the protrusions and depressions that overlap each other in the most in an unexpected way. The nose undoubtedly recedes considerably from the head (the eyebrows, cheekbones, center of the lips and chin also protrude); at the same time, the eye sockets and sides of the mouth form some depressions on our "circle".

When we drew the face in full face and in profile, we simplified the task to a two-dimensional image, where all the lines were flat. For all other angles, we will need to rearrange our thinking in a three-dimensional world and realize that the shape of an egg is actually an egg, and the lines that we used before to arrange facial features cross this egg like the equator and meridians on a globe: at the slightest changing the position of the head, we will see that they are rounded. The arrangement of facial features is just drawing intersecting lines under certain angle- now there are three of them. We can again divide the head into upper and lower parts, "cutting" our "egg", but now we need to keep in mind: the components closest to us look thicker. The same applies to drawing a face in a raised or lowered state.

man looking down

- All features are curved upwards, and the ears are "raised".

- Since the nose protrudes forward, its tip falls below the original mark, so it seems that it is now closer to the lips, and if a person lowers his head even lower, then the nome will partially close his lips. From this angle, you do not need to draw additional details of the nose - the bridge of the nose and wings will be enough.

- The arches of the eyebrows are quite flat, but can be curved again if the head is tilted too far.

- The upper eyelid of the eyes becomes more expressive, and it is enough to slightly change the position of the head so that they completely hide the orbits of the eyes.

- The upper lip is almost invisible, and the lower lip is enlarged.

man looking up

- All lines of facial features tend downward; the ears also move down.

- The upper lip is visible in full (which does not happen in full face). Now the lips look pouty.

The eyebrows are more arched and the lower eyelid is lifted, making the eyes look squinted.

- The lower part of the nose is now fully visible, both nostrils are clearly displayed.

The man turns

  1. When we see a person almost completely turned away, of the visible features remain brow ridges and cheekbones. The line of the neck overlaps the line of the chin and is located next to the ear. When a person turns, we also see eyelashes.
  2. Also, when turning, we can see part of the eyebrow line and the protrusion of the lower eyelid; the tip of the nose also appears directly from behind the cheek.
  3. When a person turns almost in profile, eyeballs and lips appear (although the crease between the lips is small), and the line of the neck merges with the line of the chin. We can still see the part of the cheek covering the wing of the nose.

Time to practice

use the method quick sketch, throwing on paper the facial expressions that you notice around you in a coffee shop or on the street.

Do not try to detail all the features and do not be afraid to make a mistake, the main thing is to convey the features from different angles.

If you find it difficult to draw in volume, take a real egg (you can boil it, just in case). Draw three lines in the center and add dividing lines. Observe and draw the egg with contour lines from different angles - this way you will get a feel for how the lines and the distances between them will behave from different angles. You can outline the facial features on the surface of the egg along the main lines and see how they change in size as the egg rotates.

AT recent times quite often at theme parties, exhibitions, carnivals or sports competitions there are people with unusual drawings on the face. Agree, this may be surprising, but certainly not boring. Face painting or face art is a type of popular contemporary art body art. This direction is gradually gaining momentum among fashionistas and is becoming a great way to spice up the holiday.

On the origins of face painting

Drawing on the human face has a long history. The cultures of many peoples of the world traditionally painted their faces, symbolizing readiness for war, marriage, life changes, etc. For example, African tribes made war paint to intimidate the enemy. Indian tribes with a face pattern showed their belonging to the animal world. In India, patterns were applied for religious and aesthetic reasons.

The modern art of face art came to us from Europe (and there from America), where face painting has long been practiced for carnival processions, holidays or sports matches.

Methods and materials for drawing

In order to apply the intended image to the face, you will need: desire, imagination, artistic preparation, tools and paint. If you do not have any visual skills, it is better to contact a specialist (there are face art studios in almost every city). Alternatively, you can pre-make a stencil and act on curly patterns.

As an improvised inventory you will need brushes different size, colored cosmetic pencils, as well as water-based paint. Alternatively, you can use theatrical makeup or special markers. You should not use paints that are difficult to wash off with water, otherwise it will be difficult to correct flaws when drawing a picture.

To begin with, it is recommended to draw on the face with a pencil: simple patterns are easy to draw on open areas of the face with your own hands. Thus, with the accumulation of experience, you will master the face art technique step by step. After all, this is essentially a creative make-up, familiar to any girl.

Drawing on the face - art directions

The direction and theme of the ornament on the face depend on the event for which you need a drawing. It can be a wedding, a theme party, New Year's Eve, an advertising campaign, a sports competition, an original photo shoot or a children's party.

Wedding drawing on the face

A wedding is an unforgettable holiday that requires vivid impressions. Therefore, the most daring girls are increasingly practicing drawing on their faces: beautiful, delicate patterns in the form of lace or floral motifs. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so as not to look sloppy or comical. Brides should not apply a picture on their face on their own if there is no relevant experience. This is where a professional should work.

Theme party

Fun feast in friendly company- a great occasion to practice the art of creating patterns on the face. There is no need to apply a flawless drawing in the salon. You can conduct the first lessons of drawing on the face at home. The main thing is that the ornament is spectacular. For example, on Halloween, you can compete with friends for the most awesome look. Or on Maslenitsa to beat the pancake theme, and on Ivan Kupala to draw the cherished flower on the face. The field for imagination is boundless! It is interesting, after all, to radically change your image for the evening.

new year drawing

New Year is always a fairy tale! Many salons have in their arsenal special sketches for the images of the Snow Maiden, snow queen, Santa Claus, bunnies and others fairy tale characters. Usually the drawing scheme contains "frosty" patterns, stars, icicles and other winter paraphernalia. Some clients order drawing on the face of an animal whose year is coming according to the Eastern calendar.

Advertising images

At various exhibitions and trade shows, drawing on a person's face will be quite relevant, some companies hire models to advertise their brand or a certain product. Accordingly, recognizable drawings on the face with the logo or slogan of the company are made on special order in order to attract the attention of potential customers.

Sports theme

During major competitions, the Olympics, football matches fans paint their faces in the colors of their favorite club or apply the symbols of the country. This is usually done in an artisanal way. However, some craftsmen approach the issue with inspiration, thus, unhurried step by step drawing on the face of club emblems or state emblems serves as a kind of ritual for them.

Drawings for a photo shoot

To take original pictures in a photo studio, girls often resort to the art of face art. With the help of non-trivial graphics, you can visually change the shape of the face or appear in an unusual role. Photography allows you to gradually change the images depending on the proposed drawings.

Children's face art

Drawing on the face with a pencil - what can be the best occupation kids. For them it will new game, new role and new sensations. Children can do this holiday anytime and anywhere, this is the special charm of the process. Boys prefer muzzles of cubs, wolf cubs and dogs. And the girls are cats, birds and chanterelles. You can simply draw a beautiful flower or a cheerful insect on the cheek. Instructions for drawing a picture on the face are not required, the main thing is that the child is comfortable and fun. In addition, the phased drawing of pictures on the face will teach the baby to perseverance and imaginative thinking.

Video: applying a flower pattern to the face

Basic rules for applying the right makeup

To make a beautiful make-up, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. A neat make-up always looks spectacular, attracting the attention of others. Young woman, tech-savvy its application, it can easily be transformed, emphasizing its advantages and causing enthusiastic compliments. Although makeup is predominantly women's art, not every lady owns it. And the presence of the most expensive and elite cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result if you do not master the rules for its use. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly, you can look spectacular and attractive in any situation, even without having an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes.

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman's face, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully obscured. Depending on the time of day and function, make-up can be daytime (close to natural) and evening, that is, intended for a solemn exit.

Everyday makeup refers to a simple look. It is designed to mask minor imperfections, give the face freshness and emphasize its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, the correct daytime makeup will only enhance the natural charm of the woman, while he will be invisible. Evening "make-up" is usually complicated, requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use of decorative elements, gloss, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, liner eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

Preparing for the makeup process

Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. Make-up should be applied only on clean skin. Therefore, first you need to remove the remnants of makeup, wash, wipe your face with tonic. Next, we determine the type of skin. Dry skin is important to moisturize with a day cream. In the case of oily or combination skin, apply a mattifying agent or base.

The durability and accuracy of the make-up, as well as the time spent on its creation, largely depend on this stage. It is important to pay attention to every little thing, try new techniques and choose a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will be worked out over time, and then the question of how to apply makeup correctly will no longer arise. On a cleansed and moisturized face, makeup lays down better and retains its durability longer. It is not allowed to apply new layers on the already existing "plaster". Definitely need to make-up removal. In general, the more the skin rests from cosmetics, the better it is. appearance and condition. If you have free time or during weekends, you can practice the use of face masks made by yourself or from a store assortment. The frequency of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

Washing with water for adult skin is not enough, it must be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. The cleansing is completed with a tonic or lotion. Care is selected depending on skin type and season. A caring agent can be a fluid cream, a nourishing or moisturizing cream, an emulsion.

How to apply foundation and foundation

Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out with the help of a corrector, concealer. They can "hide" dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding veins, pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect, foundation and powder should be applied, which also provide an even complexion.

To choose the color of the foundation, it is tested: it is applied to the inside of the brush.

For oily or combination skin, you can use products with a mattifying effect that will absorb excess sebum and eliminate oily sheen.

  1. Let's make a base. Before applying the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a matting effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, we hide circles, swelling under the eyes with the help of a corrector. Do this with the fingertips, soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should cover the sharp boundaries of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face more “soft”, gentle. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. We apply cream. Do not make too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and most expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream on the inside of the palm of your hand and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the borders of the face to its center. Blend thoroughly all over the skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give the face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color for the base and foundation. Too light shades will make the face doll-like, inanimate. The dark ones are able to create an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the brush - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand. To correct the shape of the face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural and darker. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonal, depending on the type of face.

Tools and cosmetics

Determining the color type of appearance, namely the shade of the skin, eyes and hair, is the next step towards flawless makeup. The right palette of shadows, blush and lipstick can embellish or completely transform the face of a woman. You can determine the gamma empirically, relying on the recommendations of professional makeup artists and your artistic taste. It is clear that for daytime makeup it is worth choosing nude and pastel shades that will not clearly stand out on the face. Bright, saturated colors, enchanting combinations, interesting textures are suitable for an evening look.

In any case, it is better to prepare the necessary cosmetics and tools in advance in order to apply everything at once and not be distracted by the search in the process of creating makeup. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of cosmetic and decorative products and do not forget about their storage time after opening the package.

A set of sponges and brushes of different shapes and sizes will help in the difficult but interesting process of creating "make-up". Cotton pads and sticks will correct errors and remove excess makeup. And of course, at a comfortable table with good lighting and a large (preferably magnifying) mirror, it will be easier to apply makeup.

  • Owners of a square face are recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. A dark remedy is to treat the area at the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • A round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark tool, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • With an elongated type of face, it is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not spare blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow above, full below), the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin should be highlighted in a light tone. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Makeup step by step

It is important to follow the sequence of applying cosmetics generally accepted by makeup artists. In make-up, especially evening, it is recommended to focus on any one part of the face. Usually it's the eyes. It is they who give unlimited scope for the use of unexpected shades of shadows, their interesting combination with the natural color of the iris. A wave of luxurious eyelashes, a bewitching look - these epithets are not in vain used to describe attractive women.

If there is a desire to highlight seductive lips on the face, this is easy to do with the help of bright lipstick. In this case, it is right to make eye makeup natural and inconspicuous. Focusing on two or more parts of the face will make the image puppet-like or too “womanish”. Confidence and accuracy are the hallmarks of a stylish and luxurious woman.

Eye makeup is the most responsible and difficult stage.

How to apply eye makeup correctly? The first thing to consider is what type of makeup you need to do. For a daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of shadows and a dark brown or black pencil. With a soft movement of the pencil, shade the lash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will acquire an expressive beautiful shape. Apply shadows with a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know which tone suits you, you can use universal shades - gray and brown tones are considered to be them. To achieve an increase in the eyes, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye, dark ones on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. For evening make-up, choose mother-of-pearl warm or cold tones. The final step is to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

It usually uses tools such as:

  • base for shadows;
  • pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • mascara.

In the daytime version, only light shadows and mascara can be applied, or only mascara. Evening or stage makeup is unthinkable without expressive arrows and rich colors; it allows the use of false eyelashes or rhinestones. Also, a solemn image should be combined with an outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

In a complex make-up of the eyes, eyeliner is applied after the base, then the shadows are shaded. There are a variety of makeup schemes - horizontal, vertical, "bird", "smoky ice", "banana". Their use depends on the shape of the eyes, the distance between them, the shape of the eyelid. The choice of mascara is determined by the natural density and length of the eyelashes. It can be lengthening, twisting, increasing volume. Waterproof samples provide more durable makeup. The color of the mascara may also vary. So, brown-eyed girls are recommended to use shades in the daytime. For a festive occasion, blue, purple, green or silver mascara can come in handy. Particularly extravagant ladies pay their attention even to the color red. Some manufacturers offer "2 in 1" products, consisting of a caring serum, which further increases the thickness of the hairs, and a coloring composition.

The shade of the shadows must necessarily be combined with the color of the eyes. For green-eyed girls, to create makeup, you need to use a warm color scheme. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades, brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, shades of a cold spectrum are suitable, for example, smoky, white, blue flowers. To achieve the desired effect when staining eyelashes, you can try several ways to apply mascara:

  • vertical, in which the brush moves vertically relative to the eyes, that is, parallel to the hairs;
  • blinking - quick strokes of eyelashes when horizontally touching them with a brush;
  • zigzags - alternating movements of the brush left-right and up-down.

One of the final steps is lip makeup.

To emphasize the natural beauty of the lips, choose light, but not very pale colors lipstick. Fresh shades are perfect for a summer make-up or a light make-up for every day. Choose light coral, clear berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, the lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what the girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create a classic. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, apply it with a brush.

Lips can be pre-softened with a balm and thus prepared for lipstick application. There are also special scrubs with fine exfoliating particles that gently remove the stratum corneum and chapped skin. Lip liner will emphasize, if necessary, correct their shape. Its color should match the lipstick or differ from it by several tones. A soft, well-sharpened lead will help to achieve a clear contour.

It is important to carefully paint over the lips with lipstick and capture their inner surface as much as possible so that the makeup looks beautiful and natural when talking, laughing. The first layer can be powdered or blotted with a cosmetic tissue, then another layer can be applied. So the lip makeup will become saturated and more resistant.

The shade of lipstick should be combined with the color of the shadows, skin tone. For each color type of appearance, there are recommendations for choosing cosmetics. With bright eyes, nude lipsticks are usually used, that is, lipsticks close to the natural color of the lips. In daytime make-up, you can limit yourself to liquid gloss or balm. Some people may like persistent lipsticks, but you should not abuse them, as they dry out the skin of the lips.

Blush - refresh the complexion

Give him a natural blush and complete the make-up. Their color is usually matched to the skin tone: pink and beige are suitable for fair-skinned, bronze or brown for dark-skinned. By changing the direction and width of strokes, you can correct the shape of the face, visually stretch it vertically or horizontally, increase or decrease the width. The optimal intensity, how to apply blush, is when they do not stand out on the face.

Understanding how to apply makeup beautifully and correctly is not difficult. Their practical implementation will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge. With such skills, a woman in any situation will feel confident and will be able to make the desired impression on others.

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