The problem of mistakes in human life - essay exam. The problem of historical memory

The culture of speech is a problem that is often raised by the authors of texts found in USE forms In Russian. We have identified the most popular aspects of this problem and selected arguments for each of them. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the article.

  1. M. A. Bulgakov in " dog heart» raised the problem of neglecting the culture of speech. Sharikov, transformed from a dog into a man, expressed himself ugly. He was rude and ill-mannered: he was rude to people, distorted his speech, invented offensive nicknames. The man constantly argued with the professor who transformed him, and insulted him. He also lied about his origins to the woman he wanted to marry. But the most terrible consequence of such an attitude to the language is a complete loss of understanding with the world. Good people turned away from Sharikov, and those who only used him for their own greedy purposes became his interlocutors.
  2. In the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" the image of a wealthy merchant Wild is presented. This is a grumpy and ill-mannered person who cannot live a day without a quarrel. In addition, he is a coward: he offends only those who are weaker than him and lower in position, not daring to argue with those who are more significant. At the same time, the man torments his family, which is always dissatisfied. wild - prime example a person who has problems with the culture of speech. Because of this, he also faces misunderstanding and becomes a lonely person, who is rescued only by money. Without them, no one needs him.

Lack and enrichment of vocabulary

  1. The problem of speech culture was touched upon Jack London in Martin Eden. Main character- a sailor who fell in love with a girl from high society. He wanted to be like her and her family, but at first he did not know how to behave and express himself. The people Martin met spoke abstruse words that he met only in books or did not know at all. His new environment was engaged in intellectual work and considered it necessary to receive an education. Martin Eden followed suit and learned to speak beautifully, intelligently and politely, in which he succeeded, and later became a writer and journalist. Reading books helped him a lot in self-development.
  2. In the work of I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the protagonist Ilya, who was distinguished by a passive character and lack of occupation, fell in love with Olga, a beautiful and talented noblewoman. The desire to please her made him begin to educate himself. The man began to read books, walk around the city and go to balls, where he got clever words and improved the culture of his speech. Ilya Oblomov for some time even became a completely different person for the sake of his beloved woman: literate, active, polite and well-spoken. Two things helped him succeed: communication with interesting people and reading.

Contamination of speech with jargon

  1. The work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” full of prison jargon. This is due to the fact that people are in their own special world, separated from the rest of society. Instead of "informing" they say "knock", instead of "chief of operational-regime communications" - "godfather". Prisoners are also called in slang - by number, not by name and surname. Thus, the atmosphere that reigned in the prison is shown: the lack of rights of prisoners and disrespect for them. After all, the attitude towards speech is a reflection of the attitude towards oneself. Prisoners are basically broken and downtrodden people who find no reason to respect themselves and those around them. Therefore, any person who gives himself credit should not clog his speech, otherwise society will treat him as if he does not need himself, and even more so.
  2. Jargon can be found in the work of V. V. Mayakovsky. For example, in the poem "About rubbish". The author, who is a supporter of revolutionary ideas, uses such words as "muzzle", "scum", "figure". This indicates the level of his speech culture. Despite his high intellect and creative talent, V. V. Mayakovsky considers the use of jargon acceptable. This creates a certain atmosphere of the work, and also accurately expresses the thoughts and feelings of the author. Thus, jargon can be used in art, but still in life, in communication with relatives and friends, colleagues and passers-by, this manner of expression can be detrimental to relationships.

Problems with diction

  1. One of the problems of speech culture is poor diction. In the book of M.N. Botvinnik and M.B. Rabinovich "Biographies of famous Greeks and Romans" written about the ancient Greek orator Demosthenes. In his youth, he had a weak voice, burr, stuttered and did not know how to behave in front of the public. However, after a series of failures in performances, he set about trying to correct his shortcomings. Demosthenes worked hard and after a while trained his voice, and his performances became successful.
  2. In JK Rowling's saga "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone» there is such a character - Professor Quirrell. He faked a stutter so that no one would suspect him of evil wizard Voldemort. At the same time, Quirrell tried to set the main character-student and his company on another teacher. A stuttering man was considered weak and worthless, until they learned that prudence and betrayal were behind the feigned problems with diction and self-doubt. Thus, a lack can become a tool in the hands of a person, it all depends on perception and abilities.

Illiteracy in writing and reading

  1. L. B. Geraskina in a story called "In the country of unlearned lessons" raises the issue of illiteracy. Loser Viktor Perestukin ended up in a place where he needed knowledge from the school curriculum in order to pass the test. One of them was the well-known sentence: “You can’t be pardoned by execution,” where you had to put a comma. The fate of the boy depended on her location. He solved this problem and survived, realizing how important literacy is.
  2. In the comedy by D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" there is a heroine, the lady-serf Prostakova. She is not literate, therefore, accusing Sophia of the fact that her letter is amorous, she cannot verify the correctness of this statement. The son of Prostakova Mitrofanushka is just as illiterate. His mother hired teachers for him, but only for prestige. In fact, little is done about his education and upbringing. Besides, it doesn't make any sense. The boy plays the fool all the time. That is why ignorant heroes in the final lose their privileged position.
  3. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

In literature lessons for the entire period of schooling, we met wonderful and talented writers who, in their works, raised a wide variety of questions from people's lives. And among the popular topics that have been touched upon by the writers is the issue of remorse. And this is not an unfounded statement, because there are multiple arguments about the problem of repentance, which I will cite from the literature.

The problem of repentance arguments

In general, this topic was touched upon by many writers, among them Pushkin, and Goncharov, and Dostoevsky, and Shukshin, and Astafiev, and Ostrovsky. And this is only a small smallness of all those whom I now remembered. But this is enough to give arguments on the topic: The problem of repentance, which was raised by writers.

So, Dostoevsky in his work “Crime and Punishment” showed us how hard it is to live in the world among people by committing a terrible act, in this case, it was murder. The protagonist could not stand the test of conscience, and repented of his deed. He confessed everything to the investigator and accepted the punishment.

Next, we see the hero Shukshin from the work "Kalina Krasnaya", where the hero is tormented by what he brought native person, native mother, so much grief. He repented, he admitted his mistakes and refused to help his former "friends" in the criminal past, which led to his death.

It is impossible not to recall the remorse of the boy who deceived his grandmother in the work “Horse with pink mane". Moral education does not allow the boy to live in peace and he came to his grandmother to confess his deceit. The child sincerely repented, so the grandmother forgave and handed over that long-awaited gingerbread. The very situation described in the work, where you need to find the strength to admit guilt, has become a lesson not only for the main character, but also for all of us.

We see repentance in Pushkin's work " captain's daughter”, where Pyotr Grinev admitted his mistakes committed in youth, in the work of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm", where the heroine repents of her betrayal.

The theme of repentance, which the writers have touched and touches, shows us that we need not only to admit guilt and repent, but also to take reciprocal actions in order to correct the situation, or atone for sins, only then relief comes, life takes on colors and life becomes easier.

What is the meaning of mistakes in human life? Do they always lead to negative consequences? Does it make sense to be afraid to make them on your way? V. Bim-Bad discusses these issues in his text.

The professor is forced to think about the problem of the role of mistakes in a person's life by the fact that, according to the results of psychological research, "a group makes a more decisive choice than the choice of any member of the group, interviewed individually." The author sees the reason for this phenomenon in the fear of "responsibility for the decision", which is identified with the fear of making a mistake (preposition 24).

The position of the author is contained in sentences 25-27. Bim-Bad believes that a truly intelligent, reasonable person will not sit idly by for fear of doing or saying something wrong. On the contrary, he will act and express personal opinion, and if he makes a mistake in something, he will not give up, but will draw a useful life lesson from the current situation. Therefore, the professor encourages us "not to be afraid to choose, think and try, do and observe the results." I fully agree with the opinion of the author and also believe that one must be courageous and self-confident in order to live (and not exist) with dignity.

Everyone can make a mistake, and therefore they are afraid to make it does not make sense. I will try to prove my opinion with two examples.

The novel by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter". Pyotr Grinev, who was under the strict control of his parents all his life, did not know much about life and, having gained freedom, fell into a trap. The hero met an adult man, drank with him and agreed to play billiards for money. The consequences were unpleasant: the young man drank himself to a loss balance, lost a large sum and let down his tutor Savelich. The hero reproached himself for what he had done for a long time, but this incident became a lesson for him for life, and in the future Peter did not get into such situations.

The second argument is the story of the great inventor Thomas Edison. Having suffered over a thousand failures that showed the scientist how not to invent a light bulb, he still managed to create something that forever changed the life of all mankind. To bring his idea to life, Thomas spent great amount time, effort, money and, of course, nerves, besides, for several years before the great discovery, the scientist had to listen to ridicule from others, but, in spite of everything, Edison did not give up and did not lose faith in himself, which helped scientist, in the end, to achieve the goal.

As you can see, no one is immune from mistakes - neither people who have received a good upbringing and education, nor brilliant scientists. So there is no point in being afraid to commit them. As G. Lichtenberg said: "Great people also make mistakes, and some of them so often that you almost fall into the temptation to consider them insignificant people."

Updated: 2017-05-08

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Essay requirements for the exam last years changed repeatedly, but one thing remained unchanged - the need to prove the correctness of their judgments. And for this you need to choose the right arguments.

The problem of repentance will interest us in the first place. In this article, we will present several variants of arguments, selected from school list literature. From it you can choose those that are best suited for your work.

What are arguments for?

When writing an essay for part C, you need to express your opinion on a given topic. But your thesis needs proof. That is, it is necessary not only to express your position, but also to confirm it.

Very often, the problem of repentance comes across in exams, it is quite easy to find arguments for it if the student is well acquainted with the school language. literary program. However, not everyone is able to immediately recall the desired work, so it is better to pick up a few arguments on the most common topics in advance.

What are the arguments

In order to fully reveal the problem of repentance, the arguments must be selected based on the basic requirements of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. According to them, all evidence is divided into three types:

  • Personal experience, that is, facts taken from your life. They do not have to be reliable, because no one will check whether this actually happened.
  • Information that was obtained by the student from the school curriculum. For example, from the lessons of geography, history, etc.
  • Literary arguments, which will interest us in the first place. This is the reading experience that the examinee must acquire during the course of study.

Arguments from literature

So, we are interested in the problem of repentance. Arguments from the literature will be required if you want to get a high score for an essay. At the same time, when choosing arguments, it is necessary to give priority to those works that are included in school curriculum or are considered classics. You should not take the texts of little-known authors or popular literature (fantasy, detective stories, etc.), as they may be unfamiliar to the inspectors. Therefore, it is necessary to refresh in advance the main works that were studied in school years. Usually in one novel or story you can find examples on almost all topics found in the exam. The best option would be to immediately select several works that are familiar to you. So let's take a look at a classic that raises the issue of remorse.

"The Captain's Daughter" (Pushkin)

In Russian literature, the problem of repentance is very common. Arguments are therefore quite easy to pick up. Let's start with our most famous writer A. S. Pushkin and his novel The Captain's Daughter.

In the center of the work is the love of the protagonist Peter Grinev. This feeling is wide and comprehensive, like life. What interests us in this feeling is that it was thanks to him that the hero realized the evil that he had caused to his loved ones, realized his mistakes and was able to repent. Thanks to the fact that Grinev revised his views on life and attitude towards others, he was able to change the future for himself and his beloved.

Thanks to repentance, his best qualities appeared in Peter - generosity, honesty, disinterestedness, courage, etc. We can say that it changed him and made him a different person.

"Sotnik" (Bykov)

Now let's talk about Bykov's work, which presents a completely different side of the problem of remorse. Arguments from the literature can be different, and you need to choose them depending on your statement, so it is worth stocking up on a variety of examples.

Thus, the theme of repentance in "The Centurion" is not at all similar to Pushkin's. First of all, because the characters themselves are different. Partisan Rybak is captured, in order to survive, he needs to hand over a comrade to the Germans. And he does this. But years pass, and the thought of betrayal does not leave him. Remorse overtakes him too late, this feeling can no longer fix anything. Moreover, it does not allow Rybak to live in peace.

In this work, repentance did not become an opportunity for the hero to get out of the vicious circle and get rid of suffering. Bykov did not consider Rybak worthy of forgiveness. On the other hand, a person must answer for such crimes all his life, since he betrayed not only his friend, but also his own and those close to him.

"Dark alleys" (Bunin)

The problem of remorse can also be seen in another light. Arguments for writing on the exam should be varied, so let's take Bunin's story "Dark Alleys" as an example. In this work, the hero did not have enough strength to admit his mistakes and repent, but retribution overtook him. Once in his youth, Nikolai seduced and abandoned a girl who sincerely loved him. Time passed, but she was never able to forget her first love, so she refused the courtship of other men and preferred solitude. But Nikolai did not find happiness either. Life severely punished him for his misdeed. The hero's wife is constantly cheating on him, and the son has become a real scoundrel. However, all this does not lead him to thoughts of repentance. Here, repentance appears before the reader as an act that requires incredible spiritual efforts and courage, which not everyone can find in themselves. It is for indecision and lack of will that Nikolai pays.

As an argument, an example from " dark alleys” is suitable only for those who, in their thesis, turned to the problem of retribution and retribution for those who did not repent of their atrocities. Only then will the mention of this work be appropriate.

"Boris Godunov" (Pushkin)

Now let's talk about the problem of belated remorse. The arguments for this topic will be slightly different, since we will be interested in only one of the aspects of repentance. So, this problem is perfectly revealed in Pushkin's tragedy "Boris Godunov". This example is not only literary, but also partly historical, as the writer refers to the description of the epoch-making events that took place in our country.

In "Boris Godunov" the problem is very clearly presented late regret. Arguments for written work on this topic must be selected taking into account the Pushkin tragedy. In the center of the work is the story of Godunov, who ascended the royal throne. However, he had to pay a terrible price for power - to kill the baby, the real heir, Tsarevich Dmitry. Several years have passed, and now it is time to repent. The hero is no longer able to correct what he has done, he can only suffer and suffer. His conscience haunts him, bloody boys begin to seem to Godunov everywhere. Those close to the king understand that he is weakening and going crazy. The boyars decide to overthrow the illegal lord and kill him. Thus, Godunov dies for the same reason as Dmitry. Such is the retribution of the hero for a bloody crime, repentance for which overtook him only after a few years.

The problem of human remorse. Arguments from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

The theme of repentance has become the basis for another great work, which has gained considerable popularity and love among readers.

The protagonist commits a crime to prove his inhuman theory of inferior and higher people. Raskolnikov commits a murder and begins to suffer, but tries in every possible way to drown out the voice of his conscience. He doesn't want to admit he's wrong. Remorse becomes turning point in the life and fate of Raskolnikov. It opens the way for him to faith and true values, makes you reconsider your views and realize what is truly expensive in this world.

Dostoevsky throughout the whole novel led his hero precisely to repentance, to the admission of his guilt. This feeling made the most best features Raskolnikov's character and made him much more attractive. Although the hero nevertheless suffered punishment for his crime, and it turned out to be very severe.

The problem of repentance: arguments from life

Now let's talk about another type of arguments. Such examples are very easy to find. Even if nothing like this has happened in your life, you can invent it. However, such arguments are rated lower than literary ones. So, for a good book example, you will get 2 points, and for life - only one.

Arguments based on personal experience rely on observations of one's own life, the lives of parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Need to remember

There are several general requirements for any essays, including those that reveal the problem of guilt and remorse. Arguments must necessarily confirm the thesis expressed by you and in no case contradict it. It is also necessary to take into account the following points:

  • Checkers only consider and evaluate the first two arguments, so there is no point in giving more examples. It is better to pay attention not to quantity, but to quality.
  • Keep in mind that literary arguments are ranked higher, so try to include at least one similar example.
  • Do not forget about examples taken from folklore or folk tales. Similar arguments are also taken into account, but are evaluated with only one point.
  • Remember that for all arguments you can score 3 points. Therefore, it is best to follow the following pattern: one example from folklore or personal experience, the second - from the literature.

Now a few words about how to write a literary argument correctly:

  • Be sure to include the last name and initials of the author and the full title of the work.
  • It is not enough to name the writer and the title, you need to describe the main characters, their words, actions, thoughts, but only those that are related to the topic of the essay and your thesis.
  • The approximate amount of text per argument is one or two sentences. But these figures ultimately depend on the specific topic.
  • Start giving examples only after you have expressed your position.

Summing up

Thus, the problem of repentance is widely represented in the literature. Arguments for the exam in the Russian language, therefore, it will not be difficult to pick up. The main thing is that all your examples confirm the thesis and look concise and harmonious. Often, the main problem of the examinees is not the choice of the work, but the description of it. Expressing an idea in a few sentences is not always easy. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to practice in advance. Take a piece of paper and try to concisely and clearly describe your judgments, without breaking out of the declared volumes.

The main thing is not to lose confidence and prepare as best as possible, then it will not be difficult to get.

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