Permanent epithet. What is an epithet in literature? Examples

one of the tropes of folk poetry: a word-definition, which is stably combined with one or another defined word and denoting in the subject some characteristic, always present generic sign (pole track, red girl, good fellow, blue sea, clear field, black clouds) . Such P. e. (see epithet) were a means of typing. Moreover, the word used with P. e. acquires a new quality, a meaning that differs in meaning from each of the words separately. The combination of a red maiden means " beautiful girl, nothing special from the others does not differ: neither more beautiful, nor smarter, nor richer than others. If the ancient storyteller, the singer needed to characterize the special properties of his characters, he was looking for an epithet of an individualizing character. Prince Vladimir, who has decided to marry, wants to find a bride worthy of his princely title, and creates the image of an ideal girl, from his point of view: white snow...

P.'s role e. in folklore is huge. They are one of the main artistic expressiveness epics and songs, tales and legends. One P. e. widely used in all types of folklore: good fellow, the field is clean, the sea is blue, the forests are dark, the meadows are green. Others are found mainly in certain genres of folk poetry, while performing specific ideological and artistic functions. For example, in fairy tales, P. e. fantastic character: golden palace, crystal bridge, underworld, firebird, flying carpet. In the epics of P. e. serve as an important tool in creating images of heroes, describing their armor and battle conditions: mighty hero, good horse, kalena arrow, damask club. In contrast to the epic genres of folklore, where P. e. perform mainly a descriptive and pictorial role; in folk lyrics, the function of P. e. predominantly expressive, emotional-evaluative. For example, in traditional lyrical songs, such emotional and evaluative E. are often found: dear mother, dear father, dear friend, soul-maiden, poor little head, tears are burning. Are specific P. e. ditties: a cheerful talyanka, expensive fun, a cute jerk, a desperate little head.

P. e. found in epic poetry different peoples. Thus, Homer's Iliad is characterized by P.e.

Lit .: Epithet in Russian folk art. - M., 1980; Lazutin S.G. Poetics of Russian folklore. - M., 1981; see also lit. to the article Epithet.

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What is a "permanent epithet"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

permanent epithet one of the tropes of folk poetry: a word-definition, which is stably combined with one or another defined word and denoting in the subject some characteristic, always present generic sign (pole track, red girl, good fellow, blue sea, clear field, black clouds) . Such P. e. (see epithet) were a means of typing. Moreover, the word used with P. e. acquires a new quality, a meaning that differs in meaning from each of the words separately. The combination red maiden means "a beautiful girl, no different from others: neither more beautiful, nor smarter, nor richer than others." If the ancient storyteller, the singer needed to characterize the special properties of his characters, he was looking for an epithet of an individualizing character. Prince Vladimir, who has planned to marry, wants to find a bride worthy of his princely title, and creates the image of an ideal girl, from his point of view: white snow ... The role of P. e. in folklore is huge. They are one of the main means of artistic expression of epics and songs, tales and legends. One P. e. are widely used in all types of folklore: a good fellow, a clean field, a blue sea, dark forests, green meadows. Others are found mainly in certain genres of folk poetry, while performing specific ideological and artistic functions. For example, in fairy tales, P. e. fantastic character: golden palace, crystal bridge, underworld, firebird, flying carpet. In the epics of P. e. serve as an important tool in creating images of heroes, describing their armor and the situation of battles: a mighty hero, a good horse, a red-hot arrow, a damask club. In contrast to the epic genres of folklore, where P. e. perform mainly a descriptive and pictorial role; in folk lyrics, the function of P. e. predominantly expressive, emotional-evaluative. For example, in traditional lyrical songs, such emotional and evaluative E. are often found: dear mother, dear father, dear friend, soul-maiden, poor little head, tears are burning. Are specific P. e. ditties: a cheerful talyanka, expensive fun, a cute jerk, a desperate little head. P. e. found in the epic poetry of different peoples. Thus, Homer's Iliad is characterized by P.e. Lit .: An epithet in Russian folk art. - M., 1980; Lazutin S.G. Poetics of Russian folklore. - M., 1981; see also lit. to the article Epithet. L.E. Tumin

AT school curriculum a lot of attention is paid to the epithet: whole lessons are devoted to it, starting from the fifth grade and ending with the ninth. epithet is important means of expression used not only by writers, but also ordinary people in everyday speech. Perhaps they are not so ornate and do not represent any artistic value, but each of us uses them almost daily.

This figure of speech was actively used by poets and writers of the 18th and 19th centuries, thanks to which the modern Russian language was formed. These are Pushkin, Derzhavin, Baratynsky and others. The epithet is artistic definition phenomenon or object, helping to imagine this object more vividly, to feel how the author relates to it. As we used to say - a colorful definition. Word in figurative meaning is an epithet. Examples: sad man- here the word is used in its direct meaning; sad weather- portable. Dictionaries give other definitions, more detailed.

Extended definition of an epithet

An epithet is a word or a whole expression, which, thanks to the structure and special functions in the text, is able to acquire a new semantic connotation or even meaning, thus highlighting unique individual features in the depicted object and forcing it to be evaluated from a new, unusual point of view.

The epithet can interact with any of the types of semantic transfers - metonymy, metaphor, hyperbole, oxymoron, etc., coloring the text in a certain tone. The maximum tangible expressive function of this figure of speech becomes when it forms a synonymous (sometimes quasi-synonymous) series, in which each of its members sets off or complements the epithet. Examples: dull, sad weather; sad, mournful reflection of withering.

Permanent epithet

One that, combined with the defined word, forms a stable figurative and poetic expression. That is, these are such phrases or phrases, hearing which, we no longer feel that this is an epithet. Examples: gold autumn , blue ocean. Especially a lot of constant epithets we meet in folklore: red damsel, good fellow, clear field.

In addition, there are groups of epithets that are found mainly in any specific genres of folk poetry: fairy tales are characterized by constant epithets that are fantastic in nature - crystal bridge, golden palace.

The grammatical form of epithets, its characteristics and functions

Philologists differ on these points. Some are sure that only the definition expressed by the adjective can act as an epithet. Others are inclined to believe that the grammatical function of the word-epithet can be different, the main thing is the defining position to another word. In other words, both the verb, and the adverb, and the gerund, under certain circumstances, are an epithet. Examples: ghostly reigns(I. Brodsky), sneak, playing hide and seek, the sky comes down(B. Pasternak). As we can see from the definition and explanations, epithets are indeed found in everyday speech: are we not talking about a gloomy sky or sad rain? These figures allow us to make our speech figurative and pleasant.

Russian language

What is an epithet and how to find it?

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Epithet - poetic device A that gives a definition or expression to a word. Used in literary texts, sometimes in poetic and lyrical works.
The purpose of the epithet will be to emphasize something special, its special expressiveness, which the author wants to draw attention to.

The use of such an artistic technique allows the author to add subtlety, depth and expressiveness to the text. With the help of an epithet, the author's creative intent is indicated (see).

Simple and fused epithets

  • simple - there is one adjective, an epithet for the word, for example: silk curls, deep eyes;
  • fused - they have two or more roots, are perceived as one whole, for example: wonderfully mixed noise.

There is such a thing as the epithet of authorship, which is less common than others. Gives the sentence a unique meaning and additional expressiveness. When you have such texts in front of you, you begin to understand how complex and wide the worldview of the writer is.

The presence of epithets in the presentation gives a sense of a special semantic depth, which is filled with irony, bitterness, sarcasm and bewilderment.

Epithets help to give brightness to images

Types of epithets

In Russian, the epithet is divided into three types:

general language

Norm of literary phrases. There are about 210 epithets for the word “silence”: deaf, exciting, grave, sensitive.
Common language epithets are:

  • comparative. They are used to compare and liken one object to another (dog barking, bear look, cat purring);
  • anthropomorphic. It is based on the transfer of human properties and signs of objects to a natural phenomenon, for example: a gentle breeze, a smiling sun, a dull birch;
  • amplifying tautological. Repeat and intensify the signs of the object: soft cotton wool, soundlessly in silence, serious danger;

folk poetic

Such epithets appeared thanks to oral folk art. Basically, the folklore flavor has been preserved. Unlike others, they are limited in compatibility: blue river, orange sun, brown bear.


A rare semantic association. Basically, they are not reproduced, but they have an occasional character, for example: chocolate mood, chamomile laughter, stone thunder.
Such combinations do not fit into the framework of general literary norms, but the effect of animation is created, expressiveness is enhanced.


When techniques are used in set phrases, for example: Far Far Away kingdom, good fellow. When writing fiction, authors use:

  • evaluative epithets (unbearable heat, lost feelings);
  • descriptive (tired heart);
  • emotional (dull autumn, sad time).

Thanks to epithets, the artistic phrase becomes more expressive.

How to find epithets in the text?

Let's try to figure out what epithets are in Russian and how to recognize them in writing? They are placed immediately after the word being defined.

In order to achieve depth in the story and enhance the specificity of the sound, the authors arrange the epithets in a vertical position, that is, they are separated from each other. Famous Russian poets, when writing poems, placed them at the end of the line. When reading such creations, the reader felt a sense of mystery.
To identify them in a work of art, you need to remember that they act different part speech. They are used as an adjective: the golden laughter of bells, the mysterious sounds of the violin.

It can also be found in the form of an adverb, for example: fervently prayed. Often have the form of a noun (evening of disobedience); numeral (third hands).
For conciseness, statements can be used as participles and verbal adjectives(what if I, thoughtful, can you come back?), gerunds.

Epithets in literature

What is an epithet in literature? An important element, without which it is impossible to do without when writing artwork. In order to write a captivating story that will attract the reader, it is important to resort to such techniques. When there are a lot of them in the text, this is also bad.

When a certain image, object or phenomenon is described by epithets, they will become more expressive. They also have other purposes, namely:

  • emphasize feature or a property of an object that is described in the presentation, for example: blue sky, wild animal;
  • explain and clarify the sign that will help to distinguish one or another object, for example: purple, crimson, gold leaves;
  • be used as the basis for creating something comical, for example. The authors combine words that are contrasting in meaning: light brunette, bright night;
  • allow the writer to express his opinion on the described phenomenon;
  • to help inspire the subject, for example: the first spring bell rumbles, rumbles in the dark blue sky;
  • create an atmosphere and evoke the necessary emotions, for example: alien and lonely to everything;
  • form readers' opinions on what is happening, for example: a small scientist, but a pedant;

Often use epithets in poems, stories, novels and short stories. They make them alive and exciting. They evoke their emotions in readers about what is happening.

It is safe to say that without epithets, literature would not fully exist.

epithets in metaphor

In addition to the forms of epithets, they are divided according to signs:

  • metaphorical. The epithet is based on artistic technique, as a metaphor, for example: easy winter drawing, autumn gold, barren birches;
  • metonymic. Their goal is to create a metonymic essence of the subject, for example: birch, cheerful language, its hot, scratchy silence.

Morning can be different and epithets will help

If you use such techniques in your story, then the reader will be able to perceive the described objects and phenomena more strongly and more vividly. In everyday life, art and fiction epithets play an important role.

The main task of oral and written speech is communication between people, the ability to convey their thoughts, judgments, assessments and emotions to each other.

At the same time, the emotional side is no less, and sometimes even more important, than the actual component. To express their feelings and impressions, mankind has come up with many ways, one of which is the use of various epithets in speech. What it is? Let's figure it out.

Word "epithet" is of ancient Greek origin and means "applied". In fact, this is an addition to the main word or concept, designed to make it more expressive and vivid.

Most often, adjectives become epithets, but other parts of speech can also play this role - adverbs, numerals, and even nouns. The epithet usually comes before the main word, but this is not necessary. It may not be one word, but a whole expression that gives a stable concept a new semantic or emotional connotation.

AT literary creativity epithets are used extremely widely. Poetic works are most saturated with them, however, this powerful speech tool is also actively used in prose and even in everyday speech.

Like any other figurative means, epithets developed and improved over time, which can be seen by analyzing literary works past and present.

In folk art and in the earliest literary works, epithets, as a rule, describe the properties of objects and phenomena, highlighting their key features, but practically without touching on the emotional, personal component: red maiden, pure gold, untold riches .

With the development of literature, the role and structure of epithets became more complicated, acquiring new properties and functional content. This is most clearly expressed in the works of poets Silver Age and subsequent period: silly plate clattered, edge of limit, lazy-passionate rosehip etc.

Modern literature, especially postmodern works, have further complicated both the structure and the semantic content of epithets, sometimes allowing for very unusual expressive devices: diathesis bloomed, diapers were golden .

Epithets - important element speech, giving it expressiveness, convexity and emotionality. With their help, the narrator gets the opportunity to express his attitude to the described objects or present them to listeners / readers in a new, unusual light.

Often, with the help of epithets, the atmosphere is recreated historical era, social group or ethnic color. It is a powerful tool for word processing visual images, their emotional and artistic content.

Both epithets and metaphors are widely used by poets and prose writers to create vivid works of art. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish, and where is an epithet. However, if you approach the issue thoughtfully, the difference becomes obvious.

An epithet is a figurative definition that describes a stable feature of the depicted object, creature or concept: fragrant apple, instant reaction, silently testify . Most often it is expressed in one word that complements the main word and describes its inherent property. An epithet cannot exist on its own and is always a complement.

At the same time, a metaphor is almost always a speech construct of several words that carry an independent semantic function - they transfer the properties or image of one object or concept to another.

Metaphor evokes in the mind an associative connection between seemingly completely different concepts, actions or things. This association only works for this particular case: a scattering of dewy pearls on the grass, a winter cold reigned in the heart etc.

It is easy to see that an epithet can be part of a metaphor. Metaphor will never be part of an epithet.

Descriptive epithets: lead cloud, fragrant flower, fun to bounce, gentle waves .

Permanent epithets, or folklore-poetic: good fellow, open field, clear falcon, sharp sword .

Metaphorical epithets: winter silver, sad friendship, mourning border, piercing gaze .

Metonymic epithets: scratching whisper, birch cheerful tongue .

Any classification is rather conditional, since the same epithet can successfully be included in several different classification groups.

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