Last broadcast on Instagram with Natasha Friske. Natalia Friske (Natalia Kopylova)

Natalia's biography does not contain noteworthy pages. Having tried her hand at show business, the girl preferred the work of a stylist. But in 2018, she decided to take revenge and surprised the audience with the duet composition "Two Planets", forcing the audience to talk about her return to the stage.

Now the girl is getting ready to play leading role in a film about an older sister, the shooting of which was announced by her father Vladimir.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Friske was born on April 21, 1986 in Moscow. This is the younger sister of the popular singer Zhanna Friske. The girls' parents bore the surname Kopylov for a long time, but after the insane popularity eldest daughter the whole family became Friske. Father Vladimir was an artist, he performed in the theater, but over time the stage faded into the background, and he began to develop as a businessman.

Natalya loved her talented sister and tried to imitate her in everything. But only the girl did not have such amazing vocal abilities, although she graduated music school. Resigned to the fact that the singer's career is not for her, Natalya enters the Moscow Institute at the Faculty of Law. Her main specialization was a civil case, after studying which Friske defended thesis perfectly.

After graduation, the girl was sent to work in the prosecutor's office. Natalia managed to work there for only six months. For a fragile woman who dreams of being in the spotlight, being loved by the audience and enjoying popularity, it is difficult to put up with a “boring and monotonous” job. Friske clearly understood that criminal jurisprudence was not hers.


First time on big stage Natalia left in 2007. October 4 at ice palace Sports on the Khodynka field, the girl made her debut at the MTV Russian Music Awards'2007, when the Brilliant group performed for the first time with all its soloists, starting from the first day of the band's foundation.

Zhanna Friske and Natalia Friske

On the same day, Jeanne received far from the first award for herself. Natalya carefully learned the words, learned the dances, showing herself worthy on stage, after which she gave an interview to the press. The next day, the younger Friske went on tour with her sister to experience all the delights of such a beautiful, but at the same time difficult and exhausting work of a star.

After such a debut, the producers of the Brilliant group considered it right to take Natalya Friske into the team, where she could replace her older sister.

Natalya Friske and the "Brilliant" group - "Over the Four Seas"

In addition to vocal data, the girl was also suitable in terms of external parameters: with her height of 172 cm, her weight at that time did not exceed 55 kg. The producers felt that her potential was only being revealed and the future celebrity was maturing before them. The girl herself participated in castings several times and successfully passed them.

Natalya got into the group after the spectacular left. Most of all, the girl became friends with her stage partner -. In the person of Nadezhda, Natalya found a close friend who could listen, give advice and help unwind.

The youngest Friske stayed in the group for only 3 months: the exhausting tour schedule had a negative impact on her health. Natalia preferred a quiet specialty. Despite having a legal education, Zhanna's sister got a job as a stylist in a beauty salon. According to the girl, she found herself in this profession.

Personal life

Little is known about Natalia's first marriage, but her second wedding trip was a discussed event for fans of the Friske family. The girl became the wife of 26-year-old EMERCOM employee Sergei Vshivkov exactly one year after leaving the Brilliant group. The solemn ceremony was held in the Kuskovo estate.

In the summer of 2015, Zhanna passed away. Fans with trepidation experienced her illness and hoped for a speedy recovery. But most of all, relatives, including my sister, were worried. From the moment the singer was given a terrible diagnosis, and until last breath she was there. Natalya tried not to show excitement, to be strong, and this helped.

Natasha posted on in social networks photos where he and his sister are undergoing rehabilitation. For the last few weeks of the singer's life, many believed that she was on the mend, and only relatives saw how a loved one was fading away. became a tragedy for parents and sisters.

Natalya could not move away from the shock for a long time. The only consolation for the family was the singer's own son, especially since the youngest Friske does not yet have her own children.

Experiences and stress left their mark on the figure of Natalia, the girl gained weight. Only 3 years after the loss native person she decided to take care of herself. Thanks to a balanced diet and training with an instructor, Friske easily lost 10 kg and almost returned to her previous weight.

In order to remove the tummy, which Natalya calls hereditary, she turned to plastic surgeon. The result impressed not only the girl and her family, but also subscribers "Instagram": Natalia happily showed off her slim figure in the picture in a swimsuit.

Friske does not hide the fact that she resorted to plastic surgery to correct her waist. She told reporters about the liposuction procedure.

Natalia Friske now

In the winter of 2018, the premiere of the song "Two Planets" took place, which was performed in a duet by Friske and the ex-soloist of the Turbomoda group Alexander Popov. Musician's fans enthusiastically received new composition, and Natalia was showered with compliments.

Some called her return to show business a triumph. Alexander himself did not expect such a resonance, because the track was recorded at a home studio. After publication joint photo singer and sister Zhanna Friske started talking about changes in the girl's personal life, but Natalia assures that her husband remains the only beloved man in her life.

Natalya Friske and Alexander Popov - "Two Planets" (premiere 2018)

In addition to broadcasting the video for the hit, the artists performed on charity concert, dedicated to memory older sister Natalia "Zhanna Friske - I'm there!", Which took place in October 2018. In addition to relatives, others rose to the stage. The public was discouraged by the absence of Jeanne's close friends and colleagues - and Anna Semenovich - at the evening.

Natalya Friske in 2019 (photo from Instagram)

Vladimir Friske officially announced the start of filming the first feature film about his eldest daughter, which will start in 2019. According to the singer's father, Natalya Friske will play the main role. Writer Gennady Kurkin took up the script, and Rossiya-1, Channel One and NTV have already shown interest in broadcasting the project.

Singer Zhanna Friske passed away at the age of 41. Did not escape this fate and sister famous singer, Zhanna Friske, Natalia. Zhanna Friske was often in Gelendzhik. Here the singer was very loved. See also the photo gallery "Zhanna Friske: how we will remember her." Zhanna's sister Natalya shared her feelings with subscribers. Today at 13:00, 17:00 and 0:30 on REN TV will be released documentary about Jeanne Frisk.

Girl like her best friend, Zhanna, graduated from a music school, with honors. Natasha Friske was one of the most the best students Faculty of Law and gave hope to teachers. After Friske's performance, the youngest immediately went on tour. Of course, while Zhanna, Natasha's older sister, was alive, the girl constantly received offers from producers to join the group, but for inexplicable reasons she refused.

Updated ”Frisk turned out to be to the liking of both producers and fans. She is surrounded by fans and inexhaustible curiosity from admirers and the press, so Friske's sister's Instagram remains very visited. Sleep well baby. I love you my dear!!!”, Natalya Friske wrote on Instagram. The singer's sister, Natalya, is shocked by what happened: “My dear! Jeanne! It hurts so much that I can't find words! Lord, how I feel sorry for you, Jeanne. I'm sure you'll be happier there.

Jeanne, the kingdom of heaven to her, she was very bright, very soulful, very open and sincere. When it became known about serious illness Zhanna Friske, millions of people responded to the call for help. Rusfond received a bill from the US for $135,000 from a clinic that treats Zhanna Friske. Star Russian stage Zhanna Friske returned to Moscow after long-term treatment from cancer in the USA and a rehabilitation course in the Baltics.

The news, of course, is joyful, although it seems too bravura for those who understand how complicated and long the treatment process must be in the case of such a disease as Zhanna Friske. Zhanna Friske's condition deteriorated sharply: as her father Vladimir Borisovich said, the singer courageously struggles with another attack illness.

Instagram sister Friske Natalia

Although the girl was not a popular singer or actress, she is still famous in certain circles and fans of her older sister's work are interested in her. However, in 2007 Natalia made her debut on the stage of the Ice Palace as a singer. According to the press, the girl sang very well and showed a brilliant talent, like her older sister.

Producers musical group"Brilliant" say that Natalia will be an excellent replacement for her sister in the team. At that time, the family for the girl was in the first place. After the departure of Anya Semenovich from the Friske team, the youngest joined the group, becoming its soloist.

The first photos of the son of Zhanna Friske caused a scandal

Also on her page you can see the list of her friends, and see where Natalia has been, where she performed and what she is interested in. My dear! My lovely! Zhanna's close friend, Olga Orlova, is experiencing a great loss.

Natalya Friske about the death of her sister: Whom will I tell secrets to?

FAREWELL DELIVERED JEANNE…..FAREWELL FRIEND……..TRUE FRIEND……I AM CRYING……I IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE IT……. My motivation, and always will be. I offer my condolences to family and friends. Gosha Kutsenko admitted that he was familiar with the misfortune that happened to Zhanna: “Zhanka and I… Writer Daria Dontsova: “There are no words. Photo of 2000, Zhanna and I were assigned to conduct a concert. Jeanne... I wish strength to survive this tragedy to relatives and friends.

In addition to work and career, Natalia loves many other interesting and useful things: skiing, traveling, camping, hanging out with friends. In general, an active lifestyle is Natasha's credo.

On the evening of June 15, the singer died. Sleep well my baby doll.... And we will always…” But this one ended too soon. She was kind, sincere and strong. It was nice to think about each other and BELIEVE only in the good.

Zhanna Friske's first interview after returning to Moscow: I feel better, thank you ... Zhanna Friske: It was impossible to imagine that so many people would respond and support me with words, prayers and money!

Natalya Vladimirovna Friske(at birth - Kopylova) was born in Moscow on April 21, 1986 in the family of Vladimir Borisovich and Olga Vladimirovna Kopylov. His father served as an actor in the theater, but over time, the scene faded into the background, he began to actively develop as a businessman.

Natalia from an early age she tried to imitate her older sister in everything - the famous artist Zhanna Friske, with whom they had a 12-year age difference, but she did not have outstanding vocal abilities, although in her youth she was able to graduate from music school.

Resigned to the fact that the singer's career was not for her, Natalya entered the law faculty of the Moscow Institute, where her main specialization was "civil affairs". After graduating from high school, the girl got a job at the prosecutor's office and worked there for only six months.

The change of surname in the Kopylov family occurred after Zhanna became a member of the popular girl group "Brilliant" in 1996. The producer of the team did not like the name of the girl. He suggested that she take a more sonorous stage name. Jeanne did not hesitate for long - she chose the name of her grandmother along the line of her father, Paulina Friske, who was German by birth. The producers approved the new name of the aspiring singer. Following Zhanna, her father and younger sister Natasha decided to change their surname.

Natalya Friske. Variety and vocal activity

Realizing that criminal jurisprudence is not quite what she wants, the younger sister of the famous and popular singer Zhanna Friske began to storm the stage of show business. First time on big stage she appeared in the autumn of 2007: at the Ice Palace of Sports on the Khodynka field, she made her debut at the MTV Russian Music Awards 2007, when the group " shiny"She performed for the first time with all her soloists, starting from the first day of the band's foundation.

Natalya became best friends with her stage partner Nadia Ruchka. However, in 2008, the younger sister Zhanna Friske decided to leave the group, unable to stand frequent trips, close attention of the public and the media. She is She continued her studies at the institute in the same field - jurisprudence, and also arranged courses for make-up artists.

Natalya Friske. Personal life

Natalya entered into her first marriage in 2010 with her classmate, but they family life did not work out. In 2011, the couple broke up. Natalia did not talk about these relationships, but her second marriage became discussed and important event for many family fans Friske.

In August 2013, at that time, a 27-year-old girl became the wife of a 26-year-old employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Vshivkov, which comes from Perm Chernushki. solemn ceremony spent in the Kuskovo estate. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the wedding.

Her dad took the bride down the aisle, but Zhanna Friske could not fly to the wedding of her beloved sister, because a few months before this event she gave birth to a son Plato from TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, and was with a child in the USA. But the singer congratulated the couple on the phone and sent a valuable wedding gift on the occasion of the celebration.

Natalya Friske. Illness and death of sister Jeanne

On June 15, 2015 Zhanna Friske died. A terrible diagnosis - "brain cancer", which caused her death, was made to the artist during pregnancy, in 2013. Zhanna throughout this time tried to fight the disease, her relatives, including Natalia, were very worried about her. The younger sister tried to be with Zhanna all the time, supported her, accompanied her during treatment and rehabilitation.

In January 2015, some media wrote that Friska was getting better and she was getting into shape. However, this information was far from reality.

The last five months, according to the sister of the singer Natalya, Zhanna was unconscious, all the doctors abandoned her, and the sick woman was transferred to Vacation home under Moscow. Next to Zhanna were her relatives and close girlfriend Olga Orlova. At the time of the singer's death, her civil husband Dmitry Shepelev with his little son Platon were in Bulgaria. Upon learning the terrible news, the husband immediately flew to Moscow.

In 2015, the Brilliant group, whose soloists in different time there were both sisters Friske, she turned 20 years old, but because of the mourning for Zhanna, they decided not to celebrate the anniversary. But in February 2016, in honor of the team’s full age of majority - 21 years old (the group was created in March 1995), Andrey Malakhov, in his program “Tonight”, gathered almost all the soloists who have performed in these more than 20 years in this team, including Natalia Friske, Anna Semenovich, Olga Orlova, Ksenia Novikova, Yulia Kovalchuk, Anastasia Osipova and others.

Natalya Friske is not shy about sharing her grief with her followers on her Instagram page. Not so long ago, the girl's family experienced a bereavement, Natasha's sister, Zhanna Friske, passed away, popular singer. Great amount Zhanna's fans leave their comments with words of support on Natalia's pages on social networks, as well as on the singer's official website - You can do it too.

But now about Natalia herself.


The girl was born in 1986 in Moscow. Although she is fourteen years younger than her sister, she has always been very close to Zhanna. Both girls until a certain time bore the surname "Kopylova", but in the wake of Zhanna's insane popularity, the whole family, including parents, changed the surname on Frisk.

Of course, little Natasha dreamed of the same popularity, the same as that of her older sister. But, unfortunately, the girl did not have outstanding vocal abilities, although she nevertheless graduated from a music school. Giving up her dream of becoming a singer, Natalya Friske entered Moscow University, the faculty where future lawyers are trained, and graduated with excellent marks.

However, life still gave her a chance to become famous.

When Anna Semenovich decided to leave the "Brilliant" group and take up solo career, Zhanna offered her sister to the producers of the group as a worthy candidate to replace herself. The producers were interested in this proposal, and Natasha performed at the MTV awards in 2007 already as a member of the "Brilliant", after which she went on tour with the team. Especially during her work in the group, Natalia became friends with Nadia Ruchka. The girls are still friends.

After just a year, Natasha realized that the world of show business was not for her and left the group to continue her studies at the university. Now she works by profession, a lawyer.


Of course, many of Natalia Friske's posts on Instagram are dedicated to her sister Zhanna. The girl is very bored, the loss loved one turned out to be too with a strong blow. And from the photo of Natasha on Instagram, you can see how touchingly the members of the Friske family support each other. On her page, Natasha tries not to talk about Dmitry Shepelev, Zhanna's husband, who does not allow her grandparents and aunt to see little Plato. But it is clear that parting with the boy is not easy for the girl and her family members, because before the death of his mother he lived with them. And the poems from Natalia's Instagram, with which she accompanied the photo of her sister, touched many subscribers.

But on the official website of Instagram, the page of Natalia Friske is filled not only with sadness, because life goes on. Here you can see a photo of a girl with her husband, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergey Vshivkov, with whom Natasha is very happy. pictures with friends, beach holiday- all this is also here. And on her page, Natasha calls for charity. Almost every third post on Instagram is dedicated to raising funds for sick children.

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