Vlad Litovchenko biography. Biography

Vlada came to the modeling agency for company with her friend and, by a lucky chance, was at the right time in the right place! After working as a model at Liniya-12, Vlada began to combine this work with the position of an agency manager, and in 1997 she moved to L-Models as a director.

The name of Vlada Litovchenko is well known not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. President of Ukraine's leading modeling agency Karin MMG, founder and president of the charitable foundation "Gifted Children - Future of Ukraine", recently a student of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and simply one of the most beautiful women in Ukraine!

Her face is well known on the covers of leading domestic glossy magazines and on calendars, she is admired on colorful big boards throughout our country, she starred in the videos of the best pop artists of Ukraine ... Thanks to her ability to work and incredible dedication, Vlada comprehends more and more peaks .

* Vlada Litovchenko is the “face” of five brands. Namely: the domestic trademark "Rosarium" from DR.Sante (2005), the salon of exclusive fur products "Soft Gold" (Ukraine), the Osmany Laffita brand (Czech Republic), the boutique of a young domestic designer Evgeny Fenenko. Since May 11, 2007, Vlada Litovchenko has been the "face" of the Jaguar company in Ukraine.

* Student of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

* President of the Charitable Foundation "Gifted Children - Future of Ukraine".

* Vlada Litovchenko was included in the 100 most influential women in Ukraine (according to the Focus magazine),

* Has the titles: "Woman of the III millennium" and "Beautiful symbol of the nation" (2006),

* Vlada Litovchenko was named "The Most Stylish Woman of Ukraine" (according to the results of the "Women's Magazine" rating),

* And also entered the 100 most beautiful women in the world (according to Playboy magazine, 2006),

*In June 2007 Vlada entered the TOP-10 secular ladies of Ukraine,

* Starred in more than 80 covers of glossy magazines.

A new flash mob with the participation of Ukrainian stars calls to say “no!” to your pants. The idea of ​​such an action belongs to the designer Anastasia Ivanova, and her slogan reads - "Life without trousers: 21 days in a dress." Svetlana Volnova, Vlada Litovchenko, Elena Bondarenko and Olga Sumskaya, Lilu, Solomiya Vetvitskaya, Natalia Rozinskaya and many others who want to demonstrate their femininity agreed to support the action by giving up their pants. The action started on November 19, and its participants will share the results of their success on their pages on the network. read...

The news of Vlada Litovchenko's divorce surprised the secular capital. How could it be, because it seemed to everyone that the marriage with the Dnepropetrovsk businessman Sergey Prokaev was stable and indestructible, like a state border! Only for Viva! Vlada frankly told all the details of the breakup and named the reasons that prompted the former spouses to take such a serious step. Four years ago Viva! was a witness of the nascent love between Vlada Litovchenko and Sergei Prokaev - then the couple immediately after the wedding went on a wedding weekend to Karlovy Vary and appeared on the pages of the magazine in the first joint photo shoot in the status of husband and wife. read...

The ex-model, and now the head of the All-Ukrainian Fund "Enabled Children - the Future of Ukraine" and Advisor to the Minister for Family, Youth and Sports, spoke frankly about her divorce from her husband. Who initiated the divorce of Vlada Litovchenko and Sergei Prokaev? Look for details and reasons in the exclusive interview. Four years ago VIVA! she was the first to tell her readers about how the relationship between Vlada and Sergey was born. Then the story of their love seemed like a real fairy tale - just two and a half months after they met, the couple decided to get married. read...

Vlada Litovchenko, president of the modeling agency Karin MMG, went to celebrate her birthday in Georgia. On the trip, Vlada took her closest ones: her mother, as well as her daughters Christina and Margarita. And this purely female team ended up in the war ... As Vlada admits, she often visits Georgia, because her close friend lives there. “But why I ended up in Tbilisi at just such a moment - who knows ... Perhaps it was a test sent to me,” shared with Viva! this strong woman. Vlada arrived in Tbilisi on August 5, and on the 7th, together with relatives and friends, she celebrated her birthday at the Melnitsa restaurant on the banks of a mountain river. “Nothing foreshadowed trouble,” Vlada recalls, “but on the night of August 7-8, we heard the sounds of explosions - it was Tskhinvali being bombed.” read...

Only for Viva! Vlada frankly told all the details of the breakup and named the reasons that prompted the former spouses to take such a serious step.

Four years ago Viva! was a witness of the nascent love between Vlada Litovchenko and Sergey Prokaev - then the couple immediately after the wedding went on a wedding weekend to Karlovy Vary and appeared on the pages of the magazine in the first joint photo shoot in the status of husband and wife.

Read more about the acquaintance and wedding of Vlada Litovchenko and Sergey Prokaev in

On September 29, the president of the modeling agency Karin MMG, Vlada Litovchenko, married her chosen one, businessman Sergei Prokaev. The happy newlyweds spent their first wedding weekend in Prague and Karlovy Vary, where they went at the invitation of Viva! and travel company "Loyal".

For Vlad, as well as for Sergei, this was the third marriage - then they both thought that they had tied the bonds of Hymen forever. The couple met in May and got married in September. They planned to live happily ever after until old age, give birth to a daughter in marriage and not interfere with each other's careers. It did not work out, the guest marriage did not justify itself:

“Life at a distance, as a rule, is romantic and full of adventures only for the first time. But family life involves the constant presence of a husband and wife nearby - then you better feel your man, his problems, then you can help in time, be needed at a certain moment. Of course, living in two cities and meeting only on weekends turned out to be a serious test for Sergey and me. We weren't ready for this."

Vlada, you are now going through a difficult period, troubles at work and in your personal life: both the scandal associated with your appointment as deputy general director of the National Kiev-Pechersky Reserve and the recent divorce became known to the public. However, you look great and don't seem upset at all. Tell me what keeps you from getting discouraged?

I really can not boast of my excellent internal state. If you look globally at the changes that are taking place in my life, for me, a persistent and strong person, now is not the easiest period. It has never been so hard for me to have problems in my personal life and at work at the same time. But I consider the current situation as a period of fateful trials, which I must first of all pass with dignity and beauty.

You were already married as a mature woman, and you didn’t have rose-colored glasses, like an 18-year-old girl, but surely there were hopes that did not come true?

Yes, I had great hopes, a great sense of faith in this union and the feeling that it was forever. At least that's what I thought for myself. I perceived my marriage with Sergey in my life as stable and reliable, but due to circumstances beyond my control, we broke up.

- When did you break up?

You have been married to Sergei for four years. When did you realize that the fairy tale was over? What was the defining moment, after which it became clear - the matter is heading for a divorce?

The fact that the feelings were gone, and we became strangers to each other, I did not immediately understand. For me, there were no hints, signals, transformations. We lived our usual problems and worries. Perhaps at some point it was necessary to change something, maybe to become more sensitive and attentive.

- It turns out that it came as a surprise to you when Sergey offered to disperse?

Women are often convinced that men always initiate divorce. I cannot say which of us was the initiator or who was the first to suggest dispersing. Is this the crux of the matter? The final result is important - there is no family.

- So, you yourself understood at some point that you don’t want to go to Dnepropetrovsk this weekend?

It’s just that at some point I realized that Sergey and I have no present and, worst of all, no future. Family is the growth of each of the family members, it is the ability to listen, hear each other, the ability to solve problems, draw the right conclusions, and most importantly, the ability to save love. This is much more important than the property of being needed by each other. And those couples who bring love and do not turn the family into a habit or even more terrible option - into duties or obligations, are called happy families.

- Whose initiative was it to disperse?

We made this decision together over the phone. Neither me nor Sergey had a desire to meet each other halfway, save our marriage, stay together and build relationships.

You lived in two cities - you have your whole life in Kyiv: work, family, friends, in Dnepropetrovsk - your husband. You had to make compromises. Sergey sacrificed something for you?

The very formulation of the question lays the meaning, which was not originally. I entered this marriage as a mature, formed, financially secure person. For me, the main thing was relationships and love - neither I nor he sacrificed anything. Since the key figure in building relationships is still a woman (because she is naturally more flexible, wiser, knows how to take a hit, where you need to bend, give in, play along), I would like to talk now only about myself. But do not blame yourself for shortcomings and mistakes, but simply take responsibility for the fact that, perhaps, something did not work out for me in this union. Somewhere I did not hold out, did not finish the game, was not patient enough, loyal.

- Do you like to do self-digging?

No, but life itself makes you do it. It always seems that only you are right. The main mistake in relationships is when people do not want to listen to others and listen to the desires and aspirations of the second person. When one stubbornly, categorically, uncompromisingly says that only his opinion, his position is correct.

- Are you talking about Sergei now? Was he such a peremptory and tough person?

I can't say what Sergey was like.

What is the main lesson for yourself that you learned from your marriage to Igor Litovchenko, your former husband, what mistakes did you try to avoid already in your marriage with Sergey?

I know that fate sends me difficult men, who at first are attracted by strong, bright women with their position in life. But then this strength and position in life will eventually play against her, will become her huge problem. If such a woman begins to notice that a man is annoyed by her independent opinion, independence, then she must certainly change. Any man in a relationship wants to be the leader. And the role of a woman is to create such a cozy nest for her husband, to surround him with such attention and care so that the man feels good and comfortable with her.

I have a friend who says that taking care of him helps her keep her husband - she always serves him breakfast and dinner, regardless of what time her husband leaves or comes home. She always meets and escorts him. To the question: “Why, because you don’t feel sorry for yourself, do you get tired too?” - she answered me: “At some point, I realized that if I don’t do this, I will be left alone.” I think it is very important for a man to have a constant sense of the presence of a woman. She should be simply necessary for her husband, but at the same time unobtrusive, there should not be a lot of her so that she does not press and irritate.

Did Sergei seek solace in you when he was in trouble? Or was he a closed person, and he didn’t let you close to him, didn’t share his problems?

I don't like closed people. A couple must share everything with each other. In fact, men with high incomes do not need women. It used to be that they had to be washed, fed, thought about what he would wear. Now any of them can hire a whole staff of assistants, while the personal secretary will remind you what time he has a hairdresser, massage therapist or personal fitness trainer, and the stylist will pick up a wardrobe ...

- Of course, but it's more pleasant when all the care comes from the woman you love, and not from the secretary or stylist.

In this case, a woman should become simply irreplaceable for her man. Believe me, and it's not about her appearance, position or housekeeping. The question is its exclusivity and necessity. A man must be attached to his woman and must understand that without her his world will collapse.

Sergey, like most business people, probably devoted most of his life to work and devoted little time to you. Did he let you into his life, shared his problems? Were you involved in his life?

I do not want to take responsibility, hiding behind the fact that I did not hear, did not fully understand, did not devote enough time and attention. Men are inherently workaholics if they do something well, seriously, fruitfully, and often equate work and personal life, but at some point they realize that in fact they did not really live. Formally, such a man has everything - a successful business, material well-being, a family, but the main thing - love and happiness - is not. Especially in Ukraine, happiness and financial prosperity are used to being side by side. People say that if a woman marries a rich man, then she is very lucky. Why is it lucky? Not always wealthy men are happy themselves, and far from always they know how to make their loved ones happy.

- When you parted, did you reproach each other or silently dispersed?

When our family life with Sergey came to its end, there were not even any complaints. For me personally, it became clear that without love and happiness I can no longer live.

- Did you sign a marriage contract?

No, we didn't have it.

- Will there be a division of property?

We have already divorced, and each came out of this marriage with assets that the other side did not encroach on. Each of us came with what we left with.

- Is it true that the ex-husband asked you to sign a non-disclosure document about your family life?

In fact, it was my initiative - to sign a non-disclosure agreement. If people get divorced, everyone has some share of claims to each other, then at least out of respect for those bright feelings that were, there is no need to put it on display. Sooner or later, the grievances will go away, and a lot of good things will remain in the memory. Be that as it may, I am grateful to this man for the four years of our life together, and I will always remember only the best. But I would not want information about our relationship or personal characteristics to be made available to the public.

- Do you think you will be able to remain friends with Sergey in the future, or at least friends?

It all depends on our desire and life circumstances. Perhaps, after some time, everyone admits their mistakes, the degree of guilt. Therefore, it happens that after a while people take a step towards each other. How it will happen in our situation, I do not know.

- Tell us, how did your girls react to the divorce and, in general, to marriage with Sergey?

For four years, the girls became very attached to Sergei. I had a long period between marriages, and each of the daughters wanted to see their mother happy. It was Sergey who impressed them with a man who could make their mother happy. He is good-looking, handsome, stately, sociable, wealthy, free, with grown-up children. Of course they liked him. Accordingly, the daughters were upset when they learned that we were breaking up. They are my children, so they will support me in any situation. Girls do not give any assessments, do not criticize, do not condemn. They still tell me that I am the best mom in the world.

- Did Sergey's children accept you? Did you communicate with them?

Yes, we had good friendships. Some family holidays, birthdays were spent together. The son of Sergei from his second marriage, Nikita, became my favorite. He is only two years older than my youngest daughter Christina - he is 14 years old, so we often took him with us on trips. I treated him like my own child. Nikita is a contact guy, and quickly found a common language with my girls. Communicating with each other, they gave Sergey and me more time to be together.

Your eldest daughter Margarita is already 21 years old and she probably already has a boyfriend. What do you advise her when choosing a life partner?

First of all, I teach to appreciate the relationships that she develops. Rita has friends, young people. I teach my daughter to be more condescending to the shortcomings of other people, to be able to listen, to be able to resolve conflicts not by ultimatums or tantrums, but by the method of educational work. Margarita lives separately, so I do not control her life every day. She has a friend, what kind of relationship they have, to be honest, I don’t know. I only know that they spend a lot of time together - they go to clubs, theaters, cinemas.

Vlad Litovchenko
Name at birth Vlad Kerdina
Date of Birth August 7(1970-08-07 ) (48 years old)
Place of Birth Brovary, URSR
Citizenship Ukrainian
Occupation culture, science, charity, patronage
Spouse Unmarried
Children Margarita (1988), Christina (1999)
Awards and prizes

Miss Ukraine-1995

Website Official website Vlada Litovchenko
Vlad Litovchenko  at Wikimedia Commons

Litovchenko, Vlada Vladimirovna(August 7, 1970, Brovary, Ukrainian SSR) - public figure, Head of the International Fund for Cultural Cooperation, Advisor to the Minister on Family, Youth and Sports (2008-2011), Associate Professor of the International University "Ukraine", course "UNESCO World Heritage", Miss Ukraine 1995.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 1

    ✪ Startup Tour 2016 (live). day 2.


Biographical information

Vlada Litovchenko was born on August 7, 1970 in Brovary, Kyiv region. She graduated with honors from the Glier Music College in piano, the Odessa Conservatory, and the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. And also, postgraduate studies of the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

  • 1985 - graduated with honors from the Kiev State Higher Musical College named after Reinhold Gliere, piano class
  • 1994 - graduated from the Odessa State Musical Academy named after. A. V. Nezhdanova in piano
  • 1994-1996 - host of the UT-3 TV channel
  • 1995 - "Miss Ukraine 1995" (at that time Vlad Kerdin)
  • 1998-2009 - General Director of the Center for Creative Development of Youth "Karin Models"
  • 2007 - Head of the Charitable Foundation "Gifted Children - the Future of Ukraine"
  • 2009 - graduated from the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
  • 2010 - implements the Program of social adaptation for girls "I - BEREGINYA"
  • 2010 - implements the Program "Dialogue of cultures and civilizations"
  • 2011 - implements the All-Ukrainian program for the replenishment of 24 regional libraries of Ukraine for youth "With a book in the heart"
  • 2011 - launches the All-Ukrainian cultural and educational project "All-Svіtnya spadshchina in the hands of the youth"
  • 2012 - implements the information project "Our Spadshina", dedicated to the cultural and natural heritage of Ukraine
  • 2012 - for the second time successfully implements the All-Ukrainian social and educational project "I am Bereginya"
  • 2013 - founded the International Foundation for Cultural Cooperation
  • 2013 - On October 12, Kyiv hosted the first Asian Cuisine and Culture Festival in Ukraine in 2013, initiated and organized by the International Foundation for Cultural Cooperation, the Embassies of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Pakistan and Japan.
  • 2013 - graduated from the Postgraduate Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
  • 2013 - became a senior lecturer at the International University "Ukraine", the course "UNESCO World Heritage"
  • 2014 - Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
  • 2015 - "900 Arguments in Oleksandr Dovzhenko's Film Studio", project coordinator Vlad Litovchenko
  • 2015 - “Borschiv shirt. Traditions and Modernity”, project curator Vlada Litovchenko
  • 2015 - Vlada Litovchenko organized the International Children's Festival "Children for Peace"
  • 2015 - organized the International cultural and educational project "We are the same Shevchenko word"
  • 2015 - Candidate of Historical Sciences, dissertation topic "The role of UNESCO in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in Ukraine"
  • 2016 - the second International cultural and educational project "We unite Shevchenko's word", project organizer Vlad Litovchenko
  • 2016 - Shevchenko's open lesson with the participation of the nation's intellectual and cultural leaders, organized by Vlad Litovchenko
  • 2016 - Honorary President of the Golden Key International Children's Film Festival
  • 2016 - in August, Vlada Litovchenko became the chairman of the Council of the Agrarian Party on culture and spirituality

Science degree

Candidate of Historical Sciences, the topic of the dissertation is “The role of UNESCO in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in Ukraine”

Brand model career

Vlada came to the modeling agency for company with a friend and, by a lucky chance, was at the right time in the right place. Litovchenko began to combine this work with the position of agency manager. Actually, the Karin MMG agency (Karin Model Management Group) Vlada headed from 1998 to 2009.

Vlada Litovchenko is the face of five brands Osmany Laffita, Dr. Sante Rozarium", "Evgeny Fenenko", "M" Yake Gold". Since May 11, 2007, Vlada has been the "face" of the Jaguar company in Ukraine.

Literary activity

In 2003, together with Mila Shcherban and Yan Mednikov, Vlada co-authored the first Ukrainian textbook on the modeling business, Profession: Model. He also maintains a blog on Ukrayinska Pravda. Vlada also led the columns "Style" in XXL magazine, "Etiquette" in "Cosmolady" and "Getting Ready for the Season" in "Chercher la femme" and "Women of the Future" in L'Officiel. In 2011, he was a member of the jury of the Young Word literary competition. In 2011-2012, she initiated and prepared a series of printed materials on the cultural and natural heritage of Ukraine in The Day newspaper, as well as a series of reports Our Heritage in the Voice of Ukraine newspaper and on the website of the UNIAN News Agency.


  • "Miss Ukraine-1995"
  • "Order of St. Stanislaus", 2007
  • "Award for a significant contribution to the charitable activities of Ukraine" from the Kyiv State Administration and the Red Cross Society, 2008
  • "Rating of business Ukrainians" according to Weekly.ua magazine, 2009
  • Certificate of Honor "For Charity" of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, 2009
  • Project "Women changing the world" (in the nomination "Charity") from the newspaper "Evening News", 2009
  • Order of the "Holy Righteous Anna" from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 2010
  • VIVA! The most beautiful 2010»
  • "Rating of the most important Ukrainian philanthropists" from the newspaper "DELO", 2010, 2011
  • In May 2011 in Georgia she received an honorary medal of the 5th Tbilisi International Competition for Young Pianists for her significant contribution to the development of world musical culture, 2011;
  • Medal of Dignity of the President of the Republic of Palestine for the implementation of the international project "Heart of the World" (2013)
  • Entered the 100 most influential women in Ukraine. The owner of the titles "Woman of the III millennium" and "Beautiful symbol of the nation." Named "The Most Stylish Woman of Ukraine" (according to the results of the "Women's Magazine" rating).

A family

1995-2004 - was married to Igor Litovchenko.

2007-2012 - was married to Sergei Prokaev.

Vlad has two daughters. The eldest - Margarita (1989) - graduated from the Kyiv Institute of International Relations, is employed. The youngest - Christina (1999) - a student.

Vlad Litovchenko

Vlada Prokayeva (Litovchenko), President of the Gifted Children - Future of Ukraine Charitable Foundation, is convinced...

Vlada Prokayeva (Litovchenko), a resident of the Gifted Children – Future of Ukraine Charitable Foundation, is convinced that in order to look 100%, you need to have a sense of proportion and dignity, and always follow the dress code. These simple rules allow Vlada to "get to the point" with an outfit both at important business meetings and at social events of the first magnitude.

Chanel, Zuhair Murad, Valentino, Aina Gasse
handbags and shoes

"Evening dresses are a special topic for any woman, a moment of self-expression. Especially if you have a more formal work dress code, then choosing an evening outfit, you can shine in full glory. The most important thing is that there is a sense of proportion, dignity, and also understanding of the real situation. To make the clothes appropriate. When it is an official ceremony, and when the dress code gives more freedom, and you can wear a dress a little more low-cut, a little more transparent. Here, the taste and knowledge of etiquette will come to the aid of a woman."

“If a woman has a sense of proportion and taste, then the word “taboo” will no longer be relevant for her. Understanding her age, type of figure, the appropriateness of clothes - that’s all. Then there will be no punctures. There is nothing more ridiculous than the appearance of a young girl in a miniskirt and over the knee boots in an official institution, as I had to observe in the ministries of Ukraine.There is a certain dress code, and it should be observed.Well, in the evening, of course, you can show off in all its glory.The most important thing is to feel harmonious and comfortable ".

"I am a supporter of comfort. In everyday life I like clothes that are comfortable and, at the same time, presentable. But, more and more involved in the public sphere, I have to change the style of clothing to business, and leave my favorite comfortable clothes for travel and weekends. But even there T-shirts are becoming more and more classic, and now I prefer trousers to jeans. In everyday life, I love the T-shirts of the joint brand of Aina Gasse and Vlada Litovchenko :). And the style of Valentino and Chanel. "

"Shopping for me is a big burden. If I already start shopping, then this process is accompanied by a feeling of excitement. You go to boutiques - you buy a dress in one, and in the next you already need to buy shoes for it, and so on. And then another whole evening you scroll through your memory of what you haven't bought yet, what you haven't paid attention to. So often the next day I go and buy some more things."

jacket, sweater, belt - Chanel, pants Ralph Lauren

"But whatever one may say, shopping is, of course, a pleasure when I shop for my daughters, especially for the younger Christina. Then this is my favorite thing to do."

"There are only two stores for me in Kyiv - the Chanel boutique and Happiness. Abroad, I definitely go to the Valentino boutique. Until the Zara store opened in Ukraine, 80% of the summer wardrobe was from there, because these are high-quality and fashionable clothes. Also , at one time, it was Morgan and Nuf-Nuf and Patrizia Pepe and the American brand Bebe, but now I have left all this for my eldest daughter."

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