Daria Stavrovich: Leps is an anarchist, so I chose him as a mentor in Golos. Daria stavrovich What song did Daria stavrovich sing in her voice

A real sensation was caused by the unexpected appearance among the participants of the show "Voice" of the vocalist of the group "SLOT" Daria Stavrovich

The girl, better known to fans of youth heavy music under the pseudonym Nuki, performed The Cranberries' energetic song "Zombie" at blind auditions. With her hurricane energy (acting not at the expense of the technicality of the vocals), she made her way to the bones of the judges of the Voice, and as a result, everyone turned to her.

Despite this, the show's mentors were clearly unfamiliar with Nuki's work, feeling a little out of place. The performance of the girl naturally impressed Dima Bilan in a chair (where he climbed up with his feet, covering his face in a panic). Amazement was written on the face of Leonid Agutin (say, does this happen?). Polina Gagarina did not get tired of lavishing enthusiastic compliments. And only the imposing Grigory Leps said that a “ball gown” would not hurt an informally dressed girl. In response, the singer asked not to disappoint her and went straight to his team.

Nuki is well known in the world of heavy music. The erudite Kirill Nemolyaev, who for many years collaborated with the SLOT group as a music producer, spoke to the correspondent of the site about her as follows: “The participants of the SLOT are people with great experience, but at the same time they are young both in body and soul plus. Plus such an amazing person as Daria Stavrovich, who is now an absolutely self-sufficient unit. God forbid that it is enough for both the "Slot" and the solo album! Daria is such a versatile vocal and acting purposeful person that you can make anything out of her.”

Nuki in "SLOT" site, Evgeny Stukalin

Why did Nuki need the "Voice"? In response to this question, the singer told the KP correspondent the following: “So that a wide audience knows that there is a certain kind of musical culture that cannot be seen on TV. This music deserves to be heard - it has its own philosophy, energy and charisma.

Nuki in "SLOT" site, Evgeny Stukalin

The popularity of alternative music, in line with which Daria Stavrovich works, leaves much to be desired in Russia. “All over the world, the alternative is part of showbiz and mainstream. This is not the case in our country,” Nuki continues. - It's not fair. It just so happened. Taste, probably. In addition, I do not bend under the format. And no one limits me. There is no pressure - complete freedom. I can choose the repertoire. Maybe I was lucky to have a mentor: Grigory Leps is quite free in his views. He is, perhaps, an anarchist on the "Voice" (laughing). So I remain honest with myself and do not experience any discomfort.


Nuki in "SLOT" site, Evgeny Stukalin

Speaking about the choice of Grigory Leps as a mentor, Stavrovich remarks: “I think he feels me well and will not give what I don’t like. Grigory Viktorovich, I think, will not destroy my business card (meaning the special “screaming” timbre of the voice, which is achieved by the technique of splitting the ligaments, Leps himself often sings like this - Auth.). In addition, as they say, the organizers have reduced their caution and allow the artists to choose the repertoire. In general, I'm not in a bummer.

Nuki in "SLOT" site, Evgeny Stukalin

Daria Stavrovich, an accomplished singer, but not the fact that in the "Voice" she will be allowed to perform her own repertoire. “We'll see,” she says cautiously about this. - The project has rules. One of the mentors accurately noticed that this is a karaoke show. There is a certain format. Let's see - we will work in such a way as to remain ourselves.

Nuki in "SLOT" site, Evgeny Stukalin

The fifth season of the show "Voice" promises to be one of the most interesting and controversial, because many Russian stars have already "leaked" there. One of them is Alexander Panayotov, who also got into the Leps team. “I myself am shocked by my act,” Panayotov commented on this event to KP. I've been watching The Voice since the first season. And only the lazy did not come up to me with the question: “When are you there?”. Of course, I have not appeared on TV channels for a long time, but at the same time I am an active artist. Why should I take someone else's place? But the last straw overflowed the cup this year, when I was a jury member of the Igor Krutoy Academy competition in Sochi. There, my friends Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky convinced me to still send an application for the Voice.

Panayotov claims that he went to Golos on a general basis: “I took a number, stuck it on my chest and stood in a general line. This year I got into an accident - almost the second time I was born. After that, there was a serious reassessment of values. And I decided: if life is so short, you can’t waste time on pride, despondency about oblivion or complexes. This must be eradicated and at the first opportunity to go on stage. I do not claim laurels or someone else's place in the sun, but I will work on equal terms with everyone. Artists who were much more popular than me participated in The Voice.

There is intrigue. Let's place your bets, gentlemen!

This fall, Daria Stavrovich passed to the second stage of the Voice show. Heavy music lovers know her as Nuki, or the frontwoman of the alternative rock band Slot. In a blind audition, she wowed the jury with a "disgusting" rendition of the '90s hit Zombie. But Nuki chose the most “driven” of them - Grigory Leps.

- Daria, why do you need to participate in such a pop project as "Voice"?

In short: enlightenment and just having fun. And those who are somehow familiar with our modern rock scene, let them look with new eyes at everything that happens.

- Doesn't it bother you that the show is mostly pop directions?

“They are different, completely different. The format of the show, in my opinion, is still done by the participants themselves. I choose what I sing, how I sing, how I look.

Why did you choose Zombie for your blind audition?

— Because all the other compositions suitable for me were too brutal and unknown. And it's still a hit. A reasonable environment won and said: “Yes, Dash, you need to sing the song that people more or less know. At least for the blind.

- Would you go to another mentor if Leps had not turned around?

- I think not. I don't know what I would do there. Firstly, I know that Leps gives a certain freedom. It seems to me that his entire team, plus or minus, is left to itself. For me it's good. Agutin, by the way, is really doing something with his own. As a musician, I respect him very much, but, of course, he does not have the emotional palette that I have. It just seems to me that he would not have understood a lot and would not have allowed it at some stages. And Leps - do not care! (slams his hand on the table and smiles).

- And before that you had to somehow communicate with Leps?

— Yes, he is an anarchist (laughs).

- Who from the team of Grigory Leps do you like the most?

— I am attracted by the fact that they are all different there. Kirill Babiev, who sang Linkin park, also went to Leps. I understand him. And to whom else? A person (Grigory Leps) clearly has a natural drive.

- He once dropped: “I don’t understand why I haven’t heard this before.” I think that he is attracted by such a manner of singing, driving. Someone says: “Yes, they know everything, all this (blind auditions) is a set-up.” No, they really don't know Slot. We just seem to live in the same country, but in completely parallel universes.

- Do fans on the street often find out if they come up?

- Well, yes, often enough. After this broadcast on the "Voice" especially. I had such a period of time, several hours, when it seemed to me that I woke up famous. They just come up, ask like, "Is there life on Mars?" or simply wish good luck: "Tear everyone."

- As far as I read the contract, it's better not to win, because you end up in "slavery". I don't want to be a slave. You turn into some kind of corporate cover artist, and they squeeze the juice out of you there. We also agreed with Cash (the second soloist of the Slot group): if I go to Golos, then he goes to a rap battle (laughs).

For more than a month, the Internet has been discussing the appearance of Daria Stavrovich, the soloist of the Slot rock group, on the Voice show. Life met with the girl to find out why she came to the program and whether she would bend her rock line there.

We met Daria before the "Slot" concert at the Red club, when the band was checking the sound. While the sound engineer was eliminating interference from other musicians, a graceful girl in black impatience called: "Let's fry it already!" And in a minute she began to sing with a powerful voice. And after another five minutes, she was already sitting at ease in front of the Life operator and answering the correspondent's questions.

- People continue to discuss your appearance on the show "Voice". How did you get there?

To some extent, the members of the group persuaded me. And in general, more and more opinions appeared around me that I should do this: "Come on, show me there!" I was skeptical about how this show on Channel One was arranged. I thought that everything was probably tough there, they were imposing their own repertoire. But, oddly enough, everything turned out to be quite light. And I thought: why not, I will show the people what modern Russian rock music is like.

Why did they choose the song Zombie to perform on the show? It was written by the lead singer of The Cranberries in response to the terrorist attack in the UK in 1993, is the choice of this song a kind of response to world events?

This is an unconscious choice, rather a subconscious one. For some reason, this song was in the options, and in the end she won.

- What other options were there?

Korn was. (Smiling.) I have been wanting to play pranks for a very long time, even at a duel I persuaded the dude with whom I sang a duet to sing one of them, but I never persuaded him.

- Why was Leps chosen as curator?

Because he is an anarchist! (Laughs.)

- And this is why he is close to you?

He does not try to build something out of himself. Leps is real, as it seemed to me, and still, by the way, it seems.

- What are your expectations from the show? Would you like to bring something of your own to it? After all, it's quite poppy.

It's pop because people go there and sing pop! They really love it. Actually! Nobody imposes anything on them. Television raised this gray mass of people who practically began to love all this themselves, because they were shown it for a long, long time. And it seems to me that at some point Channel One itself, having heard the Voice show, realized that everything was the same, gray. And I decided to give the go-ahead to a freak like me.

- Do you try yourself in pop music at the show or will you bend your own rock line?

No, why would I pretend to be someone else? I'm fine as it is.

On the first day after the blind audition was shown, at some point I felt the attention. I felt a little like Gagarin, who returned from space. People approached in their own way: "You're done! So them, come on!" And the people are not from the culture, just the working class. It was very nice. The saleswoman in the store said: "Cool! I never thought in my life that I would like this kind of music!"

- You have such emotional performances, where do you get the drive for them?

Oh I do not know. (Laughs.) It's hard for me to judge, I've always been like that - and still am.

- Do you have a rather outrageous appearance, do you keep your stage image in everyday life?

Yes, that's who I am.

Do people react strangely?

Where? In the underground? No, in Moscow no one pays attention to each other, fortunately.

In 2014, you processed the music of Raymond Pauls for the musical "All About Cinderella", you also wrote the soundtrack for the series "Angel or Demon", would you still like to work in similar projects that bring together a mass audience?

For the musical "All About Cinderella" we made orchestrations, participated as co-composers and were the most powerful creative unit that participated in the creation of this production as a whole. There was no goal to get closer to the mass audience, I just wanted to have an unusual new experience for self-development. And as for the series - we were offered, we wrote this song. There was no particular purpose there.

- Next year the group turns 15 years old, have you implemented all the plans? What other tasks do you set for yourself?

One way or another, we develop creatively, do not change ourselves, ride around Russia, play concerts. In general, everything is fine. There are no goals for the next five years. There are immediate tasks: a new album, a tour or an anniversary concert. This is a lot of fun, in my life I did not think that I would live to see the anniversary.

- You travel all over the country, do the reactions of people at concerts differ in different regions?

In Siberia, the people are somehow hotter, in Central Russia it is cooler. In the Far East, they are also hot, they sing along well. We attract the same people, somewhere they are hotter, somewhere cooler, somewhere soulful, somewhere more driving. But still, these are the people of the "Slot" group.

- Is the audience changing? The group has been around for a long time. Who comes to concerts now?

The audience is more likely to change than not. These are people from 15 to 25 years old. And this age contingent always keeps exactly. And plus the old people who try not to forget us.

Daria Stavrovich (Nuki) is a Russian singer, vocalist of the alternative rock band Slot, a participant in the fifth season of the Voice project. He plays piano and guitar professionally.


Little is known about the young years of the singer. Nuka's parents are intelligent people: his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. By the way, Daria's mother is fluent in operatic vocals. The girl began to train her vocal abilities, barely learning to speak. Soon, playing the piano was added to the passion for singing.

By the age of 15, the girl was already clearly aware that her future was inextricably linked with music. Her idols of that period were the legendary Janis Joplin, Dolores O'Riordan of The Cranberries and Nina Hagen, the mother of German punk rock. She considered their vocals an example. Upon completion of her studies at the school of her native Velsk, Dariya entered the Nizhny Novgorod Musical College.

After graduating from college in 2006, Daria Stavrovich continued her education at the faculty of academic and pop-jazz vocals at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art. Her teacher was Ekaterina Belobrova, whom the girl calls her personal mentor.

Daria Stavrovich and "Slot"

In the same 2006, Daria became the vocalist of the alternative group Slot instead of the departed vocalist Ulyana Elina. She got into the group under the patronage of Maxim Samosvat (a former member of the Epidemic rock group), who was familiar with the founder of Slot Igor Lobanov.

"Slot" already had a reputation as a serious musical group with a full album behind their backs and several widely rotated clips. Guitarist Sergei Bogolyubsky gave her the nickname "Nuki", since all members of the band had nicknames. When Daria is asked a question about the history of the pseudonym, she denies them with the words "It's a long time ago, the pseudonym has no deep meaning and is not translated."

Slot - Wetting as he wants! (2015)

In 2007, "Slot" re-released the album "2 Wars", rewriting the vocal parts under Nuki. Soon the Trinity album saw the light of day. In total, for the period from 2006 to 2016, 7 Slot albums were released with the participation of Nuka. The bright, recognizable image of Nuka also had a positive effect on the image of the group. Dreadlocks, tattoos, piercings have become the hallmark of the girl. One of the group's most famous works - the song "Mirrors" - was accompanied by a stylish clip, where Daria finds herself in the role of a victim of a murderer from Jacksonville of the last century.

In 2014, Nuki was assassinated. The singer was terrorized for a long time by a 19-year-old fan from the social network, called for a date, but was refused over and over again, after which he began to threaten to deprive her of her voice. During the autograph session, he burst into the hall and plunged a knife into Daria's neck. The singer was hospitalized, and everything went well.

Solo career. Nokia

Daria Stavrovich combines work as part of Slot with a solo career. The debut album of the girl, the record "Alive", was released in 2013.

Nokia - Alive! (year 2013)

In the same year, she became a member of the Forces United project and, together with other metal artists, including Kirill Nemolyaev, Jarkko Kalevi Ahola, Maxim Samosvat, took part in the recording of a maxi-single in the styles of power metal, modern metal, hardcore.

In 2014, the production center of Igor Sandler awarded Daria Stavrovich with the honorary prize "Golden Note" with the wording "for the best rock performance."

In the same year, Nuki took part in the filming of the film School Shooter.

In 2015, the girl accepted the offer to voice Aria, a character in the ArcheAge computer game.

Daria Stavrovich at the Voice project

In 2016, Nuki, on the advice of her friends from Slot, came to blind auditions for the Voice contest on Pervyi. She chose a very characteristic song - "Zombie" from the Irish rock band The Cranberries.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the performance made a splash. All members of the jury turned to her at once - even pop star Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarina. But the most important thing for the girl was the recognition of her talent by Grigory Leps, to whom she dreamed of getting, because she considered him "a real anarchist."

Nuka's personal life

There is little reliable information about Daria's personal life. She does not like to comment on her amorous affairs.
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