Gravity on other planets: a detailed analysis. Problems that the colonizers of Mars will face

From a technical point of view, human flight Mars seems at the present stage of the development of cosmonautics no more difficult undertaking than in its time an expedition to moon. Experts believe that the technology itself is almost ready to organize the first interplanetary expedition. But before the Martian manned mission takes place, scientists have to solve numerous biomedical problems. Moreover, today it is already obvious that in developing a strategy for the Martian project, the human factor will be the main priority, and the person will be the most vulnerable link in the mission, which largely determines the very possibility of its implementation.

Medical and biological support of the Martian manned expedition is a new task for scientists. The use of many well-proven principles, methods and means of biomedical support for orbital manned flights for a Martian mission is unacceptable. Among the features of interplanetary flight are, in particular, other conditions for communication with the Earth, the alternation of gravitational influences and a limited period of adaptation to gravity before starting activity on the surface of Mars, increased radiation, and the absence of a magnetic field.

The 438-day orbital flight carried out at the end of the last century at the station " World» doctor-cosmonaut Valeria Polyakova showed the absence of fundamental biomedical restrictions for long-term space missions. At present, no significant changes in the human body have been identified that could prevent a further systematic increase in the duration of space flights and the implementation of the Martian expedition, - emphasizes the director of the Institute of Biomedical Problems, academician Anatoly Grigoriev.

Another thing is the problem of protecting astronauts from galactic and solar cosmic radiation, which will increase significantly outside the earth's magnetosphere. For two years of flight, the total dose of radiation can exceed the allowable one twice. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a special anti-radiation protection. Currently, developers tend to give priority to structural protection: tanks with fuel, water and other supplies are located around the living compartment. This provides protection of approximately 80-100 g/cm 2 .

Astronauts can be seriously irradiated when they are on the surface of Mars. Measurements made by the Russian HAND device installed on the American device Mars Odyssey showed that during solar flares the intensity of the neutron flux reflected from the surface of the planet can increase by several hundred times and reach doses that are lethal to astronauts. Consequently, they can land on the Martian surface only during periods of solar "calm".

Another problem is the nutrition of astronauts. It would seem that the practice has been worked out for years. The crew of the spacecraft are waiting for the same as today, sublimated (dried) products. It is enough to add water, warm up - and on the table. However, no matter how good and tasty these products are, they need to be diversified with more familiar food. The idea to have birds on the ship so that the astronauts eat eggs has disappeared. As experiments have shown, newborn chicks have not been able to adapt to weightlessness. It turned out to be easier with fish and shellfish, but they grow too slowly, and astronauts are unlikely to be able to eat fresh fish on the way to Mars. What can be said with complete certainty is that there will be a greenhouse on board the interplanetary ship. True, small.

Specialists of the Institute of Biomedical Problems have designed a prototype of the "space garden". It is a cylinder in which a bunch of rollers impregnated with fertilizers is placed. Its inner surface is covered with hundreds of red and blue diodes, playing the role of sunlight. The rollers rotate as the plants grow, bringing their tops closer to the light source. While on some rollers the greens only sprout, on others it is already possible to harvest. A prototype of the installation allows you to get about 200 grams of greenery every four days. With an increase in the number of rollers and light sources, the productivity of the machine increases. In addition to providing food, “space agriculture” will also help solve the problem of regenerating the atmosphere on board an interplanetary spacecraft.

Then there are the water issues. It is estimated that an astronaut needs 2.5 liters of water per day. So there should be several tons of it on board. Part of the water will be returned to circulation with the help of regeneration systems. The ideal option is to create closed physical and chemical systems on the ship, with the help of which a complete circulation of substances is achieved. But, apparently, this is a matter of a rather distant future.

There are psychological issues as well. Due to the large distance to Mars, the radio signal will only propagate in one direction for 20-30 minutes. The control center simply does not have enough time to intervene in emergency situations. The earth, at best, will become a consultant, and the main decision-making process will move aboard the ship.

And, before the Martian manned expedition starts, scientists will try to solve many of these problems in the course of the Russian Mars-500 experiment. This will not be a real flight, but a very accurate imitation of it: a crew of six will spend 520 days in a ground complex consisting of five pressurized, communicating modules. One of them will simulate the surface of Mars.

The modules are stuffed with equipment that registers all kinds of parameters inside them and monitors the medical indicators of the testers. It will be important for scientists to understand how people in a team act in an environment close to the conditions of a Martian flight. All the results - from how relations developed in the team, to the diet - will be analyzed by specialists. This will take into account the maximum possible situations that may arise in a real flight, and contribute to their resolution.

To date, there are already quite a lot of people who want to participate in the "terrestrial interplanetary flight" - mostly men. To some extent, this is understandable: it has already become clear that women, in terms of physiological and psychological qualities, are much less likely than men to be the first to set foot on Mars. Six people will participate in the experiment, although in a real flight to the planet, only four people will be part of the expedition.

It is noteworthy that soon after the Mars-500 experiment was announced in Russia, the United States also began to recruit volunteers for a simulation flight. True, the testers will spend only four months in it.

Matter of finance

America invested approximately $25 billion in the Apollo lunar program in the 1960s and 1970s. Those missions that were carried out after Apollo 11 cost a little less. The road to Mars will cost earthlings much more. In order to get to the Red Planet, it is necessary to overcome from 52 to 402 million km. This is due to the peculiarity of the orbit of Mars.

In addition, the mysterious space is full of various dangers. Because of this, there is a need to send several astronauts at once. At the same time, the flight of just one person will cost about a billion dollars. In general, the high cost of a flight can be safely included in the list of "Problems of flying to Mars."

People interacting with space technology and devices have special clothes. It is necessary to protect against microbes that are able to live in space conditions. A rather complex organism is deinococcus radiodurans, for which 5000 grays of gamma radiation is not dangerous. In this case, the death of an adult occurs from five grays. In order to destroy this bacterium, it must be boiled for about 25 minutes.

The habitat of Deinococcus can be almost any place. It is difficult to predict what will happen if a bacterium ends up in space. She might be a real disaster. In this regard, there is a heated discussion on the part of critics of issues related to the landing of a person on planets where life can exist.

Way to travel

Today, all space activities are carried out with the help of rockets. The speed required to get off the ground is 11.2 km/s (or 40,000 km/h). Note that the speed of the bullet is about 5,000 km / h.

Flying devices sent into space run on fuel, the reserves of which burden the rocket many times over. Moreover, it is associated with a certain danger. But recently, the fundamental inefficiency of rocket devices has been of particular concern.

We know only one way of flying - jet. But combustion of fuel is not feasible without oxygen. Therefore, aircraft are not able to leave the earth's atmosphere.

Scientists are actively looking for an alternative to combustion. It would be great to create anti-gravity!


As you know, man is a social being. It is difficult for him to be in a confined space without any communication, as well as to stay for a long time as part of one team. The Apollo astronauts could have been in flight for about eight months. This prospect is not alluring.

It is very important not to let the astronaut feel lonely during the space travel. The longest flight was carried out by Valery Polyakov, who was in space for 438 days, of which more than half he arrived there almost completely alone. His only interlocutor was the Space Flight Control Center. Over the entire period, Polyakov carried out 25 scientific experiments.

Such a long period of the astronaut's flight was due to the fact that he wanted to prove that it is possible to carry out long flights and at the same time maintain a normal psyche. True, after Polyakov's landing on Earth, experts noted changes in his behavior: the astronaut became more withdrawn and irritable.

I think it is now clear why the role of psychologists is so important when sending astronauts. Specialists select people who can be in the same group for a long period of time. Those who easily find a common language get into space.


The main task of a spacesuit is to create increased pressure inside it, since in space conditions a person’s lungs can “explode”, and he himself can swell… All spacesuits protect astronauts from such troubles.

The disadvantage of modern spacesuits is their bulkiness. As the astronauts noted, it was especially inconvenient to move around in such a suit on the Moon. It has been observed that lunar walks are made easier by jumping. The gravity of Mars suggests a freer movement. Nevertheless, it is difficult to create similar conditions on Earth in order to carry out original training.

In order to feel comfortable on Mars, a person needs a more tight-fitting spacesuit, the weight of which will be about two kilograms. It is also necessary to provide a way to cool the suit and solve the problem of discomfort that such clothing creates in the groin in men and in the chest in women.

Martian pathogens

The famous science fiction writer HG Wells in his novel "The War of the Worlds" told that the Martians were defeated by terrestrial microorganisms. This is the problem we may face when we get to Mars.

There are suggestions about the presence of life on the Red Planet. The simplest organisms can actually be dangerous adversaries. We ourselves can suffer from these microbes.

Any pathogen of Mars is capable of killing all life on our planet. In this regard, the astronauts of Apollo 11, 12 and 14 were in quarantine for 21 days until it was determined that there was no life on the moon. True, the Moon does not have an atmosphere, unlike Mars. Astronauts intending to travel to Mars must be placed in long-term quarantine upon their return to Earth.

artificial gravity

Another problem for astronauts is weightlessness. If we take the earth's gravity as a unit, then, for example, the gravitational force of Jupiter will be equal to 2.528. In weightlessness, a person gradually loses bone mass, and his muscles begin to atrophy. Therefore, under the conditions of space flight, astronauts need long-term training. Spring trainers can help with this, but not to the extent necessary. An example of artificial gravity is centrifugal force. The aircraft must have a huge centrifuge with a spinning ring. Ships have not yet been equipped with such devices, although such plans exist.

Being in space for 2 months, the body of the astronauts adapts to the conditions of weightlessness, so returning to Earth becomes a test for them: it is even difficult for them to stand for more than five minutes. Imagine the impact an 8-month trip to Mars would have on a person if bone mass decreases at a rate of 1% per month in zero gravity. In addition, on Mars, astronauts will need to perform certain tasks, getting used to the specific gravity. Then the return flight.

One way to create artificial gravity is magnetism. But it also has its drawbacks, since only the legs are magnetized to the surface, while the body remains outside the action of the magnet.


Currently, there are enough spacecraft that can safely get to Mars. But we need to take into account the fact that there will be living people in these machines. Aircraft should be spacious and comfortable, because people will stay in them for a long time.

Such ships have not yet been created, but it is quite possible that in 10 years we will be able to develop them and prepare them for flight.

A huge number of small celestial bodies collide with our planet every day. Most of these bodies do not reach the surface of the Earth due to the atmosphere. The moon, which does not have an atmosphere, is constantly attacked by all sorts of "garbage", as its surface eloquently testifies. A spaceship that is going on a long journey will not be protected from such an attack either. You can try to protect the aircraft with reinforced sheets, but the rocket will add a lot of weight.

The Earth is protected from solar radiation by the electromagnetic field and the atmosphere. In space, things are different. Astronauts' clothing is equipped with visors. There is a constant need to protect the face, as the direct rays of the sun can cause blindness. The Apollo program developed ultraviolet blocking with aluminum, but astronauts traveling to the moon noted that various flashes of white and blue often occur.

Scientists have figured out that rays in space are subatomic particles (most often protons) that move at the speed of light. Once in the ship, they pierce the skin of the ship, but no leaks occur due to the particle size, which is much smaller than the size of an atom.

Each of us has ever thought about life outside the Earth, but not everyone knows what role its magnetic field plays in the viability of the body. The hypothesis of scientists that life on Mars is possible has good reasons. What conditions are necessary for this, and what role the magnetic field plays in life support, we read below.

Mars magnetic field

The magnetic field is a kind of protective shell that deflects all the negative effects of the wind, electric charges of the Sun or other planets. Not every planet has such a protective field; it is produced by internal thermal and dynamic processes occurring in the center of the core of a cosmic body. Particles of molten metal, being in motion, create an electric current, the presence of which on the planet participates in the creation of a protective layer.

The magnetic field of Mars definitely exists, it is distributed very weakly and unevenly. This is due to the immobility of the cooled core relative to the surface. There are places on the planet where the manifestation of the field is several times greater than the strength of the impact on other parts of the fourth planet. The presence of the strongest magnetic field in the southern areas was established by the Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer, while it was practically not detected by the instrument on the northern side.

The magnetic field near Mars was previously quite strong, it has a residual character, preserving the so-called paleomagnetism. This field is not enough to protect against solar radiation or the effects of winds. Thus, the unprotected surface leaves no opportunity for water or other particles to linger.

To the question of whether Mars had a magnetic field, and whether it exists now, one can confidently give a positive answer. The presence of a small field on a neighboring planet indicates that it existed earlier, having a greater force than today.

Why did Mars lose its magnetic field?

There is a theory that even 4 billion years ago the magnetic field of the red planet was quite strong. It was similar to the earth and was stably distributed on the surface of its crust.

A collision with some large cosmic body, or, as some researchers claim, with several large asteroids, affected the internal dynamic processes of the core. ceased to produce electric currents, as a result of which the field of Mars weakened, its distribution became heterogeneous: it became stronger in some areas, while others remain unprotected. In these places, the Sun is two and a half times stronger than on Earth.

How strong is gravity on Mars?

Due to the weak and unevenly distributed magnetic field, gravity on Mars has the same low parameters. To be more precise, compared to the earth's gravity, it is 62% weaker. Therefore, all subjects located here at times lose their true mass.

The force of attraction on Mars depends on several parameters: mass, radius, and density. Despite the fact that the area of ​​Mars is approaching the area of ​​the Earth, there are large differences in the density and diameters of the planets, the mass of Mars is 89% less than the Earth.

Having the data of two similar planets, scientists have calculated the force of attraction of Mars, which is quite different from the earth. The force of gravity on Mars is as weakened as the magnetic field. Low gravity rearranges the work of a living being. Therefore, a long stay of a person on the Red Plane can adversely affect health. If a way can be found to overcome the consequences of weak gravity on human health, the time for the exploration of other planets will rapidly approach.

In addition to the force of gravity, there is a value on the planet itself - the gravitational constant, which shows the force of gravity between the planets. It is calculated relative to two planets, Mars and Earth, Mars and the Sun separately, taking into account the distance between them. This value is fundamental, since the distance between them also depends on the gravitational force of the planets.

Martian gravity calculation

To find the force of gravity on Mars, you need to apply the formula:
G = m(Earth) m(Mars) /r2
Here is the gravitational constant, r is the distance from the centers of the Earth and Mars.
Substituting the values, we get
5.97 1024 0.63345 6.67 10-11 /3.488=3.4738849055214
Thus, the value of Martian gravity is 3.4738849055214 N.

Why is Mars different?

The force of gravity of Mars relative to the Earth depends on the size of the planets, the mass and the distance between their centers. A planet with more mass exerts the greatest degree of gravitational attraction. Thus, the Earth, having the largest mass, exerts the greatest force of attraction relative to Mars. As the distance between planets increases, the force of gravity between them decreases.

The gravity of the Earth, having high rates, is capable of attracting objects with greater force than on Mars. Thus, the terrestrial gravity, in comparison with the Martian one, makes it possible to maintain vitality and vitality on Earth. While on Mars, the low gravitational force does not hold even water on the surface of the planet.

A comparative analysis of the nature of the force of attraction on Mars relative to the force of gravity of the Earth allows us to answer the question why there is no such magnetic field on Mars as on Earth.

Despite the similarities of the two planets: areas, the presence of polar caps, a similar tilt of the axis of rotation and climatic changes, Mars and Earth have significant differences. The pressure on Mars is 99,992.5 millibars lower than on Earth. The seasonal temperature of Mars is many times lower than on Earth. So, in winter the minimum indicator of -143 degrees was registered, in summer the surface warms up to 35 degrees of heat.

Scientists are busy considering the conditions under which life on the fourth from the Sun will be possible. At the moment, research on the Red Planet is not enough to collect data, since the low magnetic field and the force of gravity complicate the stay of a person on the planet, or rather, expose his body to undesirable changes, which is hardly compatible with life.

The upcoming human flight to Mars has stirred up the entire earthly community, becoming the most discussed topic in the last half century. This is indeed a noble event in the history of terrestrial civilization, from which we expect not only the colonization of Mars, but also an evolutionary turn to " a cosmic man«.

Martian cities are the future of the Fourth Planet

Going on a journey along unknown roads, one must also assess the danger of the planned enterprise. Cosmos does not like the hurried, because it is well known that outer space is not distinguished by the complaisance of a good disposition.

Most of the problems associated with the long duration of a space flight (excluding radiation effects) are reduced or eliminated with the help of artificial gravity.
Whereas the adverse effect of the lack of gravity and the influence of the radiation situation are the biggest obstacles to the development of the solar system.

The advanced position in the study of Mars is occupied by NASA, which is actively advancing on the territory of the Red Planet. A similar mission is being pursued by Elon Musk and Co., concentrating serious power on.

But if one wants to go beyond low Earth orbit, then the Moon seems to be a more obvious choice, since the low effects of gravity can be studied more thoroughly, and three days from home.

Our next door neighbor is a great place to test out long-range spaceflight technology, isn't it? On the Moon, you can “run in” well and refine the design of habitable bases to the maximum in an alien environment.
And another point - when working out lunar tasks, spacecraft designs can find more advanced technologies for long journeys. Do you agree with this?

So why is NASA unwilling to return to the Moon in favor of human presence on Mars? Why is Space X so persistently ignoring the Moon as it rushes towards Mars?

However, now we are not pursuing the goals of a conspiracy theory, allegedly: “they obviously know something about the catastrophe going to Earth,” so they want to go to the Red Planet. We are simply interested in the question of distant wanderings.

The weak attraction of artificial gravity.

The concept of artificial gravity is conjured up by shots of giant spinning space station modules, such as in "Space Odyssey 2001". This looks like the most acceptable solution in terms of long-term space flights. Yes, this is a look at the question through the eyes of not a specialist, but a potential traveler.

However, creating even primitive structures to obtain artificial gravity is apparently a more difficult task than what NASA or Space X is ready to solve with the current level of technology.

Weightlessness can be both delightful and insidious. On the one hand, this allows astronauts to do things that are impossible on Earth: for example, moving large equipment with a slight movement of the hand. And, of course, it is of great interest to scientists: from biology to the material sciences of hydrodynamics.

Prolonged human stay in weightlessness has been studied for many decades, and the conclusion is alarming - serious consequences for the health of astronauts. The researchers scored, from bone fragility and loss of muscle mass to loss of vision.

NASA is planning space flights beyond Earth orbit, to Mars, lasting six to nine months. They are developing ways to eliminate the consequences of weightlessness. The confrontation is mainly about compiling daily hourly exercises, which is a priority for the agency.

Yes, experts are developing a set of exercises to counteract weightlessness, leaching calcium from the bones. At the same time, no one is experimenting with a countermeasure - the creation of gravity. Yet it has long been proposed as a means to provide at least partial severity, perhaps sufficient to relieve health problems.

However, surprisingly, artificial gravity is a low priority at NASA and Space X. Maybe the agencies are not yet ready to fully go into space, in too much of a hurry, sending people on an already dangerous path?

No manned Martian mission spacecraft has some form of rotating structure to create the effect of gravity.
Even the gigantic SpaceX spacecraft, which is designed to carry 100 people at once, does not create artificial gravity - and in fact, this is already a habitable station in space.

Specialists on the problem of gravity say:

Michael Barratt, NASA astronaut and physician, explained the reasons why the agency did not adopt artificial gravity as a countermeasure against weightlessness: We can keep the bones and muscles, the cardiovascular system in order, he said during a 2016 conference in September in Long Beach. California State. We don't need artificial gravity.

The astronaut's point of view was echoed by NASA officials: Bone loss, muscle loss, vestibular function, these are the kinds of things that we can control to function normally with exercise, says Bill Gerstenmaier.

Elon Musk, presenting the project of the Martian mission, was not concerned with the problem of weightlessness, rejecting the creation of local gravity for the crew of the ships. “I think the issues on the merits are resolved,” said the Space X mastermind.
In passing, saying that there are much more long-term flights to the ISS than the time in the planned trip to Mars.

Technical implementation of artificial gravity.

However, experts have considered options for creating gravity. A serious problem is the technical side of the spacecraft project, which implements the idea of ​​artificial gravity, either through a rotating module, or by creating some kind of centrifuge.

“We looked at a lot of vehicle designs, trying to provide artificial gravity in a variety of ways. In fact, it just doesn't work,” explains Gerstenmeier. This is a significant upgrade of the spacecraft. It's a lot of work, while the task is simply to get to Mars.

Worse, experts believe: turning on one section of the ship to maintain gravity could create a new set of problems, because astronauts will have to regularly readjust between weightlessness and gravity.

In turn, this can provoke a syndrome of adaptation of space. Astronauts will have to cross zones of weightlessness and gravity several times a day, which can be more problematic than just being in zero gravity.

Barret noted that he and his colleagues have technical concerns about the design of artificial gravity spacecraft. Astronauts are afraid of artificial gravity. Why? We don't like big moving parts.

Vision problems have been noted in some astronauts, which may lead to an overestimation of the importance of artificial gravity. At the same time, the cause of visual impairment is not known, and there is no guarantee that gravity can fix the problem.

There are many ideas about why this is happening. One of the factors is the increase in carbon dioxide levels, experts believe. Thus, the level of carbon dioxide on the ISS is ten times higher than in normal atmospheric conditions on Earth.

- Most likely, the lack of gravity is due to the lack of technology, which today simply does not exist to solve the issue. After all, even Gerstenmeier, somewhat skeptical about the need for gravity, does not completely exclude this.
Yes, as we now understand gravity on spacecraft-stations is a matter of future technologies.

Today, the participants of the Martian race strive to be the first to arrive on Mars and deploy at least something suitable for life there.
Mankind needs a feat: weakened by a long flight, on an alien planet, in an atmosphere unsuitable for life, the colonists will build shelters and build life on the Red Planet.
But can someone tell me why there is such a hurry when the attack looks like a flight?

On other planets, why it occurs, why it is needed, as well as its impact on various organisms.


People have dreamed of traveling to the stars since ancient times, starting from the time when the first astronomers examined other planets of our system and their satellites in primitive telescopes, which means, in their opinion, they could be inhabited.

Many centuries have passed since then, but alas, interplanetary and even more so flights to other stars are impossible even now. And the only extraterrestrial object that researchers have visited is the Moon. But already at the beginning of the 20th century, scientists knew that gravity on other planets was different from ours. But why? What is it, why does it arise and can it be destructive? We will analyze these questions.

A bit of physics

He also developed a theory according to which any two objects experience a mutual force of attraction. On the scale of the cosmos and the universe as a whole, such a phenomenon manifests itself very clearly. The most striking example is our planet and the Moon, which, thanks to gravity, revolves around the Earth. We see the manifestation of gravity in everyday life, we just get used to it and do not pay attention at all. This is the so-called. It is because of her that we do not soar in the air, but calmly walk on the ground. It also helps to keep our atmosphere from gradually evaporating into space. For us, it is conditional 1 G, but what is the force of gravity on other planets?


Mars is the most physically similar to our planet. Of course, living there is problematic due to the lack of air and water, but it is located in the so-called habitable zone. True, it is very conditional. It does not have the terrifying heat of Venus, the centuries-old storms of Jupiter, and the absolute cold of Titan. And scientists of recent decades have not abandoned attempts to come up with methods for terraforming it, creating conditions suitable for life without spacesuits. However, what is such a phenomenon as gravity on Mars? It is 0.38 g of the earth, which is about half as much. This means that on the red planet you can jump and jump much higher than on Earth, and all weights will also weigh much less. And this is quite enough to hold not only its current, “frail” and liquid atmosphere, but also a much denser one.

True, it is too early to talk about terraformation, because first you need to at least just land on it and establish permanent and reliable flights. But still, gravity on Mars is quite suitable for the habitation of future settlers.


Another planet closest to us (except the Moon) is Venus. This is a world with monstrous conditions and an incredibly dense atmosphere, beyond which no one has been able to look for a long time. Its presence, by the way, was discovered by none other than Mikhail Lomonosov.

The atmosphere is the cause of the greenhouse effect and the appalling average surface temperature of 467 degrees Celsius! Sulfuric acid is constantly raining down on the planet and lakes of liquid tin are boiling. Such an inhospitable force of gravity is 0.904 G from the earth, which is almost identical.

It is also a candidate for terraforming, and was first reached by a Soviet research station on August 17, 1970.


Another planet in the solar system. Or rather, a gas giant, consisting mainly of hydrogen, which, closer to the surface, becomes liquid due to the monstrous pressure. According to calculations, by the way, in its depths it is quite possible that one day it will flare up and we will have two suns. But if this happens, then, to put it mildly, not soon, so you should not worry. The force of gravity on Jupiter is 2.535 g relative to the earth.


As already mentioned, the only object in our system (except the Earth) that people have visited is the Moon. True, disputes still do not subside, whether those landings were a reality or a hoax. However, due to its small mass, gravity on the surface is only 0.165 g of Earth's.

The effect of gravity on living organisms

The force of attraction also has various effects on living beings. Simply put, when other habitable worlds are discovered, we will see that their inhabitants differ greatly from each other depending on the mass of their planets. For example, if the Moon were inhabited, then it would be inhabited by very tall and fragile creatures, and vice versa, on a planet the mass of Jupiter, the inhabitants would be very short, strong and massive. Otherwise, on weak limbs in such conditions, you simply cannot survive with all your desire.

The force of gravity will play an important role in the future colonization of the same Mars. According to the laws of biology, if you do not use something, then it will gradually atrophy. Astronauts from the ISS on Earth are met with chairs on wheels, since their muscles are used very little in zero gravity, and even regular strength training does not help. So the offspring of colonists on other planets will be at least taller and physically weaker than their ancestors.

So we figured out what gravity is on other planets.

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