Draw spring flowers for children. We draw spring with children in stages with paints

Step by step drawing flowers with children, it is best to start not with drawing itself, but with the child's acquaintance with the future object of the image. Of course, it is best to consider fresh flowers. Moreover, the species that we suggest you draw are clearly not exotic plants. But if you draw with children in winter, then just look at the pictures, discuss the shape of the petal, the entire corolla, stem, leaves. Pay attention to the child how the leaves and flowers are attached to the stem.
In our pictures, the flowers are painted with paints. But you can do it with colored pencils, pastels or even felt-tip pens. Such pictures made by children can become a gift-postcard for the holiday. And tulip and mimosa - in general traditional theme for mother's holiday on March 8.

Dandelion - step by step drawing flowers with children

Dandelion - perhaps the most famous flower especially for city kids. This plant is a companion of man, it grows everywhere. It blooms very early, in May. And by June, already acquire a fluffy air cap. Of course, a person could not pass by such a common plant and figured out how to use it. It is eaten in Europe, China and America. A salad is prepared from young leaves, jam and wine are made from flowers, and a coffee surrogate is made from ground roots. But for modern children, the most important thing is that you can weave wonderful spring wreaths from dandelions! This is the most useful use of this plant for children!

How many dandelions in yellow sarafans!
They circle the meadow, they are very friendly with the sun.
We will weave wreaths from them for both mother and daughter.
N. Golubeva

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a dandelion flower.

Chamomile - step by step drawing flowers with children

Chamomile is a very Russian flower, in fact one of the unofficial symbols of Russia. The most common and familiar chamomile to children is chamomile officinalis. Such a flower grows in a bush on which it blooms at the same time a large number of small fragrant flowers. The leaves are very openwork, similar to dill. And single, large, very beautiful daisies are a popovnik. It is less common, usually in meadows or sunny forest edges. Often you can meet him in gardens in summer cottages. It is this popovnik chamomile that we suggest you draw with your children.

Chamomile hugged a white chamomile,
And stand in an embrace - heart wide open!
Summer girlfriends, white daisies,
The forest fairies wove shirts for you.
Y. Moritz

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a chamomile flower.

Cornflower - phased drawing of flowers with children

Another beautiful meadow flower is cornflower. It is a little more difficult to draw because of the carved zigzag shape of the petals. Be especially careful when choosing of blue color for coloring flowers. Bright, rich "cornflower blue" color will make your work bright and elegant.

Who is the blue cornflower?
Dormant river?
Deep sky turquoise?
Or the back of a dragonfly?
A. Transverse

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a cornflower flower.

Mimosa - step by step drawing flowers with children

Mimosa - the smell of these flowers is strongly associated with the holiday of March 8. And let the botanists say as much as they like that this is not a mimosa, but some kind of silver acacia, and the real mimosa is completely different, it grows in Brazil and folds its leaves even from a light touch. No, for all the inhabitants of Russia, mimosa is just such twigs with fluffy yellowish balls. If they appeared on the shelves, then spring will come soon!

yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
Sheltered from frost
Mimosa in their branches.
E. Savelyeva

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a mimosa flower. If you paint your mimosa with paints, it will be very interesting and beautiful to draw fluffy yellow flowers using a regular cotton swab. Dip the stick in yellow paint and press it against the paper.

Tulip - step by step drawing flowers with children

Another spring Flower- tulip. It is more complicated than mimosa, but if you carefully study the shape of the flower, then the children will quite cope with such work. But the stem and leaves are simple. In our picture, the tulip is probably the most traditional color for these flowers - red. But you can paint tulips in almost any color - yellow, pink, white. There are even "black" tulips.

All tulips dressed up
In colorful coats
And every outfit
Very bright and rich

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a tulip flower.

Narcissus - step by step drawing flowers with children

Perhaps the most difficult for children to draw from all the colors presented here. The main difficulty is that the daffodil with its elongated center must be drawn in perspective, which is quite difficult for the guys. But you can try. Be sure to discuss the form with the children! A flower can be not only one-color, as in the picture, but also with white petals and a yellow center.

The spring flower has signs so as not to be mistaken:
The leaf is like that of garlic, and the crown is like that of a prince!

The scheme of phased drawing with children of a narcissus flower.

Drawing snowdrops using non-traditional drawing techniques for children 5-7 years old

Botyakova Tatyana Alexandrovna, educator of the Krasnoborsky kindergarten "Kolosok" Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material Description: The master class will be useful for teachers preschool education and parents in order to develop the creative abilities of children. This material is suitable for visual activity with older children.
Purpose: interior decoration, a wonderful gift for loved ones, and can also be used as a product for an exhibition.

Target: performance spring landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques.

- to form the ability to create an image of snowdrops using non-traditional drawing techniques.
- develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing;
-develop fine motor skills fingers;
- develop Creative skills children;
- educate independence, accuracy.

Snowdrop is the first breath of spring. It got its name from the ability of the plant to break out of the ground and bloom with the first warm spring rays of the sun, when the snow melts a little. Translated from Latin meaning "milky flower". Probably, this name reflects the delicate snow-white color of the snowdrop.
There are many legends about snowdrops. One of them says that when God expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, it was winter on earth and it was snowing. Eva froze and began to cry. She sadly recalled the warm gardens of Eden. To console her, God turned several snowflakes into snowdrop flowers. So the first flowers on Earth may have been snowdrops.
According to another Russian legend, once the old woman Zima, with her companions Frost and Wind, decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, spread its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed a fearless flower, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring.

The Snow Maiden cried
Seeing off the winter.
Sadness followed her
Everyone in the forest is a stranger.
Where I walked and cried
touching birches,
Snowdrops have grown
Timofey Belozerov

- gouache;
- landscape sheet;
- brushes;
- coarse salt.

Execution sequence:
We take a landscape sheet of paper, arrange it vertically. To tint the sheet, we wet it with water and shade the paint on it with a brush from deep blue to blue.

With a thin brush we draw the stems of future snowdrops and grass. It is difficult for children to draw with a brush right away, so you can draw all this in advance with a simple pencil.

Draw snowdrop leaves.

When the paints dry, you can start painting the buds of the snowdrops themselves with white gouache. You need to draw quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry.

Sprinkle with coarse salt.

Shake off the salt.

Using the poke method, we apply a snowball and also sprinkle with salt, shake off.

The picture is ready.
It remains to arrange it in a frame.

yana kosareva
Abstract of the drawing lesson "Spring Flowers"

Target: educate children's creative abilities through non-traditional technology drawing.


Introduce non-traditional technique drawing by wet sheet . Form skills draw spring flowers. To acquaint with the work of A. S. Pushkin "Cold Winds Still Blow".To consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring and spring flowers. Develop technical skills, hand-eye coordination. Cultivate accuracy and diligence in work.


Sheet of paper A4,

Watercolor paints,

jar of water,

Reproductions of paintings by Henri Fanin-Latour , Plisyuk Natalya Valerievna "Snowdrops" "Morning of Spring"

Pictures with the image of coltsfoot, tulip, lily of the valley.

Hello guys, I would like to know what season is it now? (Spring)

And how did you guess? (signs of spring). Well done. Listen to how Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin talks about this time of year.

Cold winds still blow

And bring the morning frost

Just on the thaw spring

Appeared early flowers,

As from a wonderful kingdom of wax,

From a fragrant honey cell

The first bee flew out

flew early flowers

Tell about the red spring,

Will there be a guest soon, dear,

Soon the meadows will turn green

Soon at the curly birch

Sticky leaves will unravel

Fragrant bird cherry blossoms.

Guys look around us collected pictures with flowers who remembers what they are called and who wrote them? Right Henri Fanin-Latour "Daffodils in an Opal Glass Vase", Plisyuk Natalya Valerievna "Snowdrops" Vladimir Nikolaevich Kudrevich "Morning of Spring". Who will tell me which flowers are drawn here. (spring) What else do you know spring flowers(tulips, lilies of the valley, coltsfoot).

I suggest you to be artists today and draw spring flowers. But before that, we'll take a break.

Physical education minute Flowers

One - two - three rose flowers(squatting, getting up)

Reached for the sun high: (stretch on toes)

They felt nice and warm! (looking up)

The breeze flew by, the stems shook (swing arms to the left - right above the head)

Swinged to the left - bent low. (lean to the left)

Swinged to the right - crouched low. (lean to the right)

Wind run away! (threaten with finger)

You don't break the flowers! (squat)

Let them grow, grow

Children will be happy! (slowly raise hands up, open fingers)

Sit down. Today we will draw in unusual technique . The technique is called "on a wet sheet". To do this, we need a sheet of paper, it is fixed on cardboard so that our sheet does not wrinkle, a brush, palettes, a jar of water, watercolor paints and sponge. All this is on your tables. First we need to wet a sheet of paper with a sponge, but make sure that your sheet is not too dry or very wet. Then we will paint the background light green color how to make it (correctly mix green color with white, this will be the field. After that, let's start draw spring flowers. We know at the flower has a stem, leaves and flower. Let's start draw from the stem, for example, a snowdrop stem is thin and curved, we paint it with green paint with the tip of a brush, after that we will take blue paint for flower, at the end we draw oval leaves. To draw coltsfoot, we also draw the stem, it is straight and short, after that we draw flower priming in a circle and then draw round carved leaves. If you want draw a meadow with tulips. Need draw long stem with green paint, after which we draw flower, and which tulips have flowers(children's answers). That's right, I want draw a pink flower, for this I mix red and white on a palette color. Then I draw oval petals. And I finish with long oval leaves. Now imagine your spring meadow and draw it. And to make you feel better was drawn, I will turn on the music of the famous Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky "Waltz Colors» .

Summarizing. Guys, you and I got a whole meadow spring flowers. Let's remember what we did lesson.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Spring Flowers" (second junior group) Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Spring Flowers" (second junior group). Cognitive leading task. Summarize children's ideas.

Purpose: to cultivate a stable understanding of the vulnerability of nature and its dependence on man. Tasks: - educational to consolidate the knowledge of children.

Summary of GCD on drawing in non-traditional techniques in the middle group "Spring Flowers" Abstract GCD for drawing in middle group. Theme: Spring Flowers ( unconventional techniques drawing). Purpose: To teach children non-traditional techniques.

Program content: Consolidate children's knowledge of flowers as a type of plant. Continue to introduce children to what flowers are a part of.

Pedagogical goals: to help design a spring flower from pasta, to teach how to use plasticine, paints, improvised and natural.

What You'll Be Creating

In this tutorial, I'll show you the process of creating a spring arrangement that was inspired by peony and cherry blossoms, popular symbols of spring and bloom.

To draw this beautiful flower arrangement, we use colored pencils, which are a powerful artistic tool. The great news is that the pencils are very easy to use.

What will you need

  • Two sheets of paper
  • Graphite pencil (I recommend HB)
  • Pencil sharpener

And pencils of various colors:

  • Chocolate
  • Grey
  • Raspberry red
  • Pink
  • Lilac
  • Blue
  • emerald green
  • light green
  • Yellow
  • Cream (or light beige)
  • White

My colored pencils are watercolor, although this option does not have of great importance. We will work without erasing strokes.

1. How to Create a Pencil Sketch of Flowers

Step 1

I'm in in general terms I create the outline of the composition. Using a pencil, I drew an oval for the peony, as well as small circles for the cherry blossoms.

Step 2

I drew the heart of the peony and filled it with small circles to bring out the texture.

Step 3

The ability to add any color to your sketch is entirely up to you.

Step 4

I drew a couple of new petals in front of the existing petals and then outlined them with red pencil.

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

I imagined that the petals were arranged around the center of the flower, so I added another row of petals. I singled out new group with purple petals.

Step 8

Another layer with petals, this time I circled them with a red pencil.

Step 9

Peony is almost ready. I'll add a few more petals to hide at the base and then trace them with a blue crayon.

Step 10

It's time to isolate the cores of the cherry blossoms. I drew small circles with a pencil.

It is not necessary to draw these circles geometrically exactly in the center of the flowers. The flowers are turned into several different directions; moreover, they are organic objects that cannot look the same.

Step 11

Each cherry blossom has five petals which I will draw with a pencil. It will also be a great solution if we diversify our flower arrangement with a small cherry bud.

Step 12

Step 13

Our pencil sketch is complete. You can leave the sketch as it is, or highlight the shading areas, as I did for the central part of the peony, separating the petals with shadows.

2. Ways to Apply Pencil Strokes

Step 1

Colored pencils can help you achieve amazing results. There are several principles to remember; and one of them is the importance of creating layers of color shades. The overlay of shades and tones creates a much more interesting and impressive result than a single color.

The first way you can use the pencil is to create lines with soft polishing strokes while holding the pencil at an angle. Lines can be directed...

Or rounded. This type of stroke is great for soft textures and a base color layer.

Step 2

Another great way is hatching. Very similar to drawing with an ordinary pencil or pen; The tip of your colored pencil should be sharp.

Hatching is great for adding detail, as well as detailing objects or textures.

3. How to Draw Flowers with Colored Pencils

Step 1

I made a clean copy of my pencil sketch, tracing only general contours very light lines.

For this step, I recommend using grey a pencil from a set of colored pencils, not a graphite pencil. Lines made graphite pencil, may mix with the color and therefore, the drawing will look dirty.

The lines you see in the screenshot below are barely visible on the paper in real life. I increased their visibility when editing the scan so you can see them clearly.

Step 2

I used a cream colored pencil to fill in the peony shape with soft polishing strokes.

Step 3

Step 4

I used light green color to color the leaves and twigs.

Step 5

I created an extra layer to add yellow on a peony, accentuating the upper edges of the petals.

Step 6

It's about applying a group of colors, not just a single line.

Step 7

I continue to enhance the contrast with pink.

The curved parts of the petals are flooded with light, so I tried not to make them too light.

Step 8

I complete the process by adding strokes with a pink pencil.

To give a uniform look to the composition, I will also add a few touches to the cherry blossoms.

Step 9

It's time to increase the contrast even more. I added crimson red to the peony, accentuating the shadows between the petals.

Step 10

I applied hatching with an emerald green pencil to add detail.

Step 11

Step 12

It's time to line up with white pencil. I apply it over the gray strokes and shade them. The result is a smoother color transition.

This method is also known as polishing and I strongly recommend that you use it in your drawings.

Step 13

I make my work more natural by adding subtle shading to the shadows with a brown pencil. I also create a shadow under the peony.

Step 14

I add an extra layer of cream color to the peony. Now it looks warmer.

Step 15

Step 16

To make my work more interesting, I will change the range of colors to include blue strokes.

Step 17

By using gray color midtones, I intensified the shadows.

It will also be great if you add subtle shading to the petals to balance this bright composition.

Step 18

I evaluate my drawing. It looks pretty nice though, I feel like adding a few dashes of blue to the top of the peony petals would be a great finishing touch.

Our Drawing is Completed

Congratulations, we have created a beautiful spring composition! I hope you were inspired by the flowers and enjoyed the process of drawing with colored pencils.

I wish you success in applying this wonderful technique, as well as good luck in your creative projects!

Usually children draw only simple flowers like chamomile, other varieties of flowers seem to them complex. And parents, too, can not always show off their artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step-by-step diagrams, you can explain to your child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. Step by step drawing is much more effective method than trying to redraw an object from a photo.

We draw flowers with a child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them is useful for any.

From simple forms who can draw a picture of 4-6 years old, a beautiful tulip. the child will be very proud that he was able to draw this!

Here is another easy option:

daffodils- yellow favorites of June. To make them look neat and even, explain to the child that it is better to first outline a circle in which the petals will need to be entered. Erase the outline of the circle.


Lilies of the valley:

Bells: this option is already for older children, as there are many small details.

Pay attention to details while learning. different colors: the degree of curvature of the stem, the shape of leaves and petals, different types of inflorescences. Can also accompany drawing little stories or just information about a particular flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, what its smell is like. - this will help the child quickly remember the names of different colors and learn to distinguish between them.

Learning to draw flowers and teaching this to a child is not difficult at all! Try it and next time your child will draw a whole flowering meadow instead of the usual colored dots with which he used to designate flowers!

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