Music lesson in dow winter. Musical lesson "winter fun"

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten p. Pavlovsky

Synopsis of the open lesson of educational activity "Music" in the preparatory group

Theme: "Winter walk"

Musical director: Miroshnikova I.A.


(artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative, cognitive, speech, physical)


Program tasks:

1Educational: - consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs, through the emotional perception of works of art, including P.I. Tchaikovsky

2Developing: development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities (game, dance, songs, speed and dexterity in games, coherent speech, logical thinking.

3.Educational : education in children of an emotional attitude to classical music, poetry, dance, interest in the world around them, an emotional holistic attitude towards it, a desire to take care of their health.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, songs, dance. Listening to music about winter. Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examining the frosty patterns on the windows.

vocabulary work : fireplace, stove

Equipment : winter trees, bench, illustrations about winter, magnetic board, snowflakes, projector, computer, desks, paint sheets for drawing. portrait, presentations for music

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "At the stove" C D 2 #15; "December" "Ekotez" CD 2 №8 music Zhilina CD 2 #8; song "White Blizzard sweeps" muses A. Fillipenko;

song "Sanochki" music "Snowflakes" author Stoyanov CD 2 №9

Lesson progress: .Greetings

Muses. hand-l: Hello guys!

Children :Hello!

Musical hands : Hello teacher

caregiver : Hello

Muses. hands-le Hello guests!

Guests : Hello!

Muses. hands Invented by someone, simple and wise

When meeting, greet “Good morning! ".Let's say hello to you too

chant Good morning! Smile soon

And then the whole day will be more fun

We stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks

We will be beautiful like flowers in the garden

Let's rub our palms harder, harder.

And then clap faster, faster.

We will now rub our ears, and save our health

Let's smile again. Be healthy everyone!!!

Muzruk: Guys, I brought you very good news. The queen of music invites us to a musical winter walk, but in order to get there you need to be sensitive to music, correctly perform all movements.

Musical-rhythmic movements

Let's make a nice circle

We're guys next to each other

Moving fast around

(Ekotez 50,CD2 No. 8) hands on the belt Side gallop,

And now there are big snowdrifts ahead of us. We raise the handles on the belt above the legs, pull the sock, move on ... ..

And now let's run a little - running with an overlap. stopped

Breathing exercises

And now let's take a breath (raise our hands up and gently lower them), shake off the frosty breeze and snow from the branches. (And shake it off)

Hear the blizzard howling and singing along with us

U_U_U_UUU (we help with our hands)

The wind will howl shhhhhhhhhh and we will spin with it.

Guys, we ended up in a magical winter park. and music will help us to wake up the beauty.

Sounds Music "December" P.I. Tchaikovsky Game-discussion Sit down on a bench. What season is it now? (WINTER) And what signs of winter do you know? (cold, frosty, icy, snowy, cheerful, joyful) Take a snowflake, look at it and say how it is (beautiful, patterned, cold, silvery, white, light)

Well done! Here are some winter words you know. And today we are waiting for an acquaintance with the composition from the cycle "The Seasons" What do you think about whom we will talk about now ?.

About P.I. Tchaikovsky (photo) turn on the musicCD 2 №15

Tchaikovsky wrote this work and came up with the name "At the Fireside".

Kamelek is a fireplace, stove, hearth. Now not everyone has stoves at home, but there is steam heating. Who's got ovens, raise your hands. Have you seen how the light flickers there? Here in the old days there was no steam heating, and the whole family gathered by the fireplace. In poor families, they wove, spun, embroidered by the oven. Grandmothers told fairy tales to their grandchildren, sitting by the fire. In general, they did all the evening work by the fire. And why do you think? (there was no light).

ROMA poem :

It is getting dark outside the window, only we are cozy and warm.

Maybe a fairy tale is wandering at the window This evening she looked to us.

Guys tell me what kind of music is this (sad, calm)

Finger gymnastics "Spark"

Now get your hands ready. Let's show how the fire burns. But the breeze blew and our light began to lean in one direction or the other. Now let's draw with you what we listened to the melody about

Fireplace coloring page

And now Polina and Diana will perform a song.

The song "White Blizzard"

It even got a bit chilly. Let's get warm and massage

Stand one after the other in a column one at a time.

Health-saving block Winter Massage

There is a chill-current current current along the back (fingers rise from the bottom up along the back of the neighbor)

A strong breeze is blowing - ok ok ok (stroking the back from top to bottom)

I'll give you a massage all the way up (pinching)

I will warm you, our friend (knock with the ribs of the palms)

Muzruk : He who does not sit in the cold will never freeze

A game of imagination (to the music of "Snowflakes" by Stoyanov

Muses of hands : Snowflakes spin spin and turn into figures

(children run and spin. with the end of the music they freeze, the teacher guesses. what kind of figure the children represent)

Poem Diana

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets

Snow glittering in the sun

The transparent forest alone turns black

And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost

And the river under the ice glitters

Development of a sense of rhythm (they approach the blue fabric on the floor on which the snowflakes lie)

Muzruk: Look, it's a river. She froze. Sit down on the bank Guys, snowflakes flew to us. Look at them both small and large, as well as the notes in our music. We call small notes - “ti”, and large ones - “ta”

Music "Sled" (clap the rhythmic pattern):


Have the children create their own drawing and then clap.


And now I invite you todance "Minuet" »

Song "Sled sleigh" music.Filipenko sl.Volgina

Look, there is a Christmas tree on the road, And very soon a wonderful holiday - New Year. Let's dress it up.

Musical game "We will hang the balls"

And now we’ll go along the path to kindergarten, we’ll come again !!

Did you enjoy our walk? And what did you do today?

Now let's say goodbye to our guests! We raised our hands. We took a beam. They pressed it to our hearts. We gave it to the guests!!! Goodbye!

Introspection for a musical lesson in the preparatory group "Winter Walk"

This lesson was planned by me in accordance with the thematic planning on the topic

"Hello Zimushka Zima" The participants of the music lesson are the children of the preparatory group.

The children have known me for 4 years. For the musical lesson, I prepared musical material: songs, musical works, presentations of snowflakes for building rhythmic patterns, winter trees, a bench, a portrait of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, a hoop with bells, drawing sheets, paints.

Target : 1Development of children's creative abilities using various types of musical activities on the example of works about winter.

When planning the lesson, I set the following tasks:

1Educational: - consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs, through the emotional perception of musical works, including acquaintance with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky

2Developing: development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities (play, dance, songs), speed and dexterity in games, coherent speech, logical thinking.

3.Educational : education in children of an emotional attitude to classical music, poetry, dance, interest in the world around them, an emotional holistic attitude towards it, a desire to take care of their health. .

The main signs of winter were fixed with children through all the main types of musical activity: reasoning, singing, musical movement, and improvisation. The most difficult thing for children is listening to music, so I turned on the video presentation so that the children's attention was most collected. To consolidate the heard work, I suggested that the children color the fireplace

In the second half of the lesson, such works as “Minuet”, “Sanochki” (a work well known to children) and the imagination game “Snowflakes” (for musical, rhythmic and improvisational activities) were included, and this is due to the fact that the attention of children and concentration by the end of the lesson are less stable. I spent the end of the lesson in the form of reflection, thus, having learned how deeply the children understood this topic. All forms of classes offered to children were subject to the theme “Hello Zimushka winter!”

Goals: The development of children's creative abilities using various types of musical activities on the example of works about winter. and my tasks. The children were attentive, interested in the music lesson, emotional because of their abilities. Easy to make contact. In different types of musical activity, they manifested themselves in different ways. The development of a sense of rhythm and imagination games were the most interesting for children, so they found a greater emotional response from children. I would like children to express themselves more, feel more confident, and not be afraid to speak in public. For this, I included a minuet dance in the lesson. Not everyone coped with these tasks, but for most children this condition is met. I believe that the musical lesson went at an optimal pace, in a benevolent psychological atmosphere, the tasks were completed by me at the required level. Thanks to the educators for the help and organization of the children

Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the given age of children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At each moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational reception "Greeting" in poetic form "was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relations both within the children's team and between guests and children.
The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with the test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals "Find a vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden." The quick change of techniques and change of postures during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.
Didactic activity of the educator:
All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas were integrated into the lesson Cognition: Consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color; Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary at the expense of words - the name of vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" independently express benevolence, empathize. Artistic creativity: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, consolidated indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands., Physical culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their importance. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations,

The use of the "Garden Garden" model helped in an interesting game form to realize the main educational task - the formation of children's ideas about vegetables and their place of growth. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional mood.
The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom was reflected in a student-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to keep the children interested in the lesson throughout the whole time.
The result of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.

Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

preparatory group

Software content.

1. Strengthen music perception skills: recognize and name musical works, musical instruments, determine the nature of music.

2. Develop the ability to convey the structure of a song (introduction, verse, chorus, acting out, conclusion) using modeling.

3. To improve performing activity: expressively move to the music, conveying its mood in dances and games.

4. Enrich and activate children's speech with musical terms (solo, ensemble, waltz).

5. Develop imagination, the ability to independently embody your creative idea in voicing a poem with musical instruments.

6. Cause in children an emotional response to the artistic image of the winter landscape.

7. To develop artistic perception of landscape paintings, a vision of the content and means of expressiveness of painting.

8. Develop aesthetic assessments, judgments, the ability to correlate images according to mood in painting, music, poetry.

9. To consolidate the ability to reflect in drawing impressions from music, poetry, painting.

Preliminary work.

1. Observation of winter phenomena in nature, color manifestations of the season, time of day.

2. Examination of reproductions of paintings: I.I. Shishkin “Winter”, “Hoarfrost”; I.E. Grabar “February Blue”, “The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun”; "Winter morning"; "Frost"; K.F. Yuon "Sorceress winter".

3. Listening to musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky “December”, “January”, “February” from the cycle “Seasons”; "Winter Morning" from "Children's Album"; Waltz of the Snowflakes from The Nutcracker.

4. Performance of dance improvisations to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes.

5. Completion of the creative task “Come up with a melody”.

6. Compilation of stories about music.

7. Inventing riddles, compiling stories about winter.

8. Drawing with paints on the theme “Winter Birches”.

Materials for the lesson:

Portraits of composers P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi;

Musical and didactic games: "Instruments of a symphony orchestra", "Compose a song" (modeling); "Solo and Ensemble";

Musical instruments;

Reproductions of paintings: K.F.Yuon “Sorceress Winter”; I.E. Grabar “February Blue”, “The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun”;

Audio recordings, tape recorder;

Twigs, tinsel for dancing; watercolor, paper, brushes, water, wax crayons, napkins.

Lesson progress

Children run into the hall to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "December" from the cycle “The Seasons”, stand scattered.

Musical director. Guys, today we will talk about winter, about this fabulously beautiful time of the year. Many artists, poets, composers loved winter for its magical beauty, pure, clear, sparkling colors. We will remember poems, listen to music, look at pictures about winter.

Musical-rhythmic composition “Winter Patterns”, the author of the movements is L.A. Kustova.

Enter Winter.


The fluffy snow is falling
The street is white.
I am a winter blizzard
Came to visit you!

Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and fields!

Winter. I love to sing, and I also really like magical sounds.

Musical director. Zimushka, the guys have prepared a gift for you, listen to the magic sounds.

Sounding of V. Tomilin's poem "Winter".

1 child.

Here is the hostess
Winter is coming to us. - wooden spoons with bells
Decorated, decorated. - horseshoe with bells
In bright stars, earrings - triangle
Yes, silver boots!
And the boots creak - cellophane crunch
The braids are white to toe. - glockenspiel (glissando)

2 child.

Waving his sleeve to the left - - glockenspiel (glissando)
And the meadow turned white. - glockenspiel (light strokes)
Waving his right hand - - glockenspiel (glissando)
He will raise mountains of snow. - glockenspiel (light blows)
Slightly stomp the heel - - ratchet
The river is covered with ice. - triangle
Dressed up the tree - horseshoe
Whitewashed all the houses - cellophane
Oh yes Zimushka-winter! - bell

Musical-rhythmic composition “Winter in a hut”, author of movements L.A. Kustova.

Musical director. Thank you, Zimushka, you cheered us up. We know that when you come, all nature is transformed. Birch trees are especially beautiful in winter.

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Winter. I see my favorite picture, I really want to hear a story about it.

The story of a child based on the painting by I.E. Grabar “February azure”.

Musical director. Today we will listen to a piece of music about you, Zimushka. It's called Winter.

Winter. Guys, who wrote this music? ( A.Vivaldi)

Musical director. Think about the musical instruments that play this piece of music. (ensemble violin and solo violin).

Let's play. Take your cards and get ready to listen. When the solo violin is playing, show the red card; when the violin ensemble is playing, show the blue card.

Hearing: "Winter", music by A. Vivaldi.

Musical and didactic game "Solo and Ensemble".

Winter. I am a great sorceress, I can reveal to you the secret of beautiful winter sounds. Now I'll wave my magic wand and the music will take you far, far away ... Listen!

Hearing: "Snowflake Waltz", music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Musical director. What is the name of this music? (Answers children).

What is a waltz?

Who wrote the "Snowflake Waltz"?

Tell me what kind of music (blizzard, blizzard, snowy, whirling, sparkling, iridescent, graceful, fabulous, mysterious, airy, magical, sometimes quiet, sometimes loud).

What orchestra is playing this piece? (Symphony Orchestra)

Musical and didactic game "Symphony Orchestra Instruments".

Winter. Well done boys! You know everything about music. Can the girls show how the snow flakes swirl?

Dance improvisation “Waltz of snow flakes”, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

1 child.

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
A haze hovered over the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

2 child.

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

Winter. The blizzard calmed down, it was quiet all around and only frost glittered on the branches of trees.

Singing "The sky is blue", music by E. Tlicheeva, lyrics by M. Dolinov.

Musical director. And now let's play the rhythm of this song on the metallophone, and Lera will play the melody on the block flute.

Rhythmic exercise "The sky is blue".

Winter. Guys, what picture can you choose for this song? (Igor Grabar “The Tale of Frost and the Rising Sun”)

What color scheme did the artist use to paint this painting? (Delicate pink, blue, lilac, yellow tones).

Musical director.

We love you, Zimushka,
Your frost and ice
And fluffy snow on the branches,
And the sled and the skating rink!

The song “Winter Gifts”, music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.

Musical director. Zimushka, our guys want to give you a riddle.

Modeling the song “Winter Gifts” (using geometric shapes)

Winter. What are these geometric shapes? I can't guess.

(Children explain: introduction, sing-along, chorus, act-out, conclusion)

Now I will make a riddle: what picture is similar to the content of the song “Winter Gifts”? (K.Yuon “Sorceress winter”).

I invite everyone to dance .

Musical director. You and I saw and heard how artists, poets, composers conveyed in their works different melodies of winter-winter. And now you will take the paints and draw your song about winter. And then we will present our works to Zimushka, so that by the forest on the edge, in her hut, she will remember our meeting for a long time.

Lesson 2 - visual activity.

Drawing on the theme “Zimushka-winter” with wax crayons and watercolors.

Synopsis of the final comprehensive lesson in the group preparatory to school, topic: "Winter Sorceress"

Program content:

To educate in children a sense of beauty, love for nature, for their native land through fine arts, music, poetry.
To develop the ability to give aesthetic assessments, express judgments, correlate samples of painting, music, poetry according to mood. To evoke an emotional response to an artistic image.
Continue to improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading poems, singing songs; to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
To teach children to distinguish shades of moods, a change in the nature of music. To convey the mood, the nature of music in singing, in movement, in dance. Create your own dance improvisations.

Dictionary enrichment and activation:

The old names of the months: frowning, fierce, snowy; ballet, ballerina, azure.

Painting reproductions:

I. Velts "Hoarfrost"; I. Grabar "February blue"; A. Savrasov "Winter".
Audio recording of musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Dreams", "On the troika"; A. Vivaldi "Winter"; Sviridov "Snowstorm" (waltz).
Video recording of a fragment from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowstorm".

Equipment and materials:

Music center, computer, sultans (white and silver).

Preliminary work:

Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting a winter landscape; listening to music on the theme of winter.
Reading poems about winter, talking about the content, clarifying unfamiliar words. Learning by heart poems, songs, proverbs about winter. Viewing fragments from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky on video.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall to the music, greet guests.


Guys, please tell me what time of year is it? (Winter). Yes, but winter is unfortunately ending, and I would like us to finally remember winter today and talk about this wonderful time of the year. Guys, do you like winter? Why? (Answers of children).

Indeed, winter is a fun time. On our huge planet called Earth, there are many different countries, but in each country the winter is different. There are countries where it never snows. They are called so - hot countries. Guys, what country do we live in?
Tell me please, what kind of Russian winter do we have?

Children's answers:

White, fluffy, silvery, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fabulous, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, cheerful.


Yes, guys, you are right, our winter is very different. She is cold, and with a thaw, with snowstorms and with a drop, with crisp snow.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on the rug and talk, sits down herself).


Each season has its own 3 months. Name all the winter months.

Children's answers:

December January February.


Guys, in the old days, the people called December “frown”. Why do you think? (Children's answers) That's right, because in December the sun rarely peeps through low gray clouds, a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early.

And January in the old days was called "fierce". Why do you think? (Answers of children). I agree with you, because the cold is fierce, the frosts are cracking, and the snow is creaking underfoot. And February was popularly called the “snowman”. Why? Yes, this month blizzards and blizzards sweep high snowdrifts, and gusty winds drive snow drifts across the ground.

The teacher offers to play the game "Winter signs".

Game "Winter signs"


If the night is cold
Quiet and starry
Smoke is coming out of the chimneys...


So, it will be clear in the afternoon.


Blue spots over the forest
A thin curtain of snow
Slightly less cold
Wind from the south...


Wait for the blizzard.


If a fish on a winter day
Walking right under the ice
Walking right under the ice
And his tail is pounding on the ice -
So without a doubt...


Wait for warm weather.


If the sunset in the evening
Was slightly greenish
If he lay down on the branches of frost,
Bouquet of roses on the glass
If the smoke is blue palm
Reaches to the stars
And the wind does not whistle menacingly ...


It will be clear and cold.


Do you know proverbs about winter?


(in order)

Take care of your nose in a big frost.
Snowdrift and blizzard - two friends.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
December ends the year, and winter begins.
Winter without snow, summer without bread.
Cold winter - hot summer.
Blizzard in winter - bad weather in summer.
Thanks, the frost that brought the snow.
January-father - frosts, February - snowstorms.

The teacher analyzes 1-2 proverbs with the children.


Poets, artists, composers convey their mood of winter in music, poetry, and colors. And now let's look at the paintings of Russian artists.

(Children, together with the teacher, approach the paintings and examine them to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Dreams").

Guys, all these pictures are already familiar to you. Name them and who is the author. (Answers of children).
Can you tell me how they are similar? (Landscape, winter, trees)
What is the difference? (Time of day, colors, etc.)
See how the artists depicted snow? What determines the color of snow? (from surrounding objects, from the weather, from the time of day, from lighting) Indeed, snow can create a feeling of calm, silence, stillness, as shown in these pictures. Each artist conveys his mood, his feelings in the picture.

And what mood does the painting “Hoarfrost” by Ivan Veltz evoke in you?
What is she? (Mysterious, disturbing, sad, magical, fabulous, etc.). Why do you think so? (Answers of children).

And the painting "Winter" by Alexei Savrasov? What do you think she is? (Calm, thoughtful, quiet, etc.) Why did you decide so? (Answers of children). What about February Blue by Igor Grabar? Why did the artist call her that? (Children's answers) What do you feel when you look at this picture?

Children's answers:

Good mood, joy, fun, delight, etc.)


Looking at these paintings, we saw how artists, using paint, convey the mood of winter. At first glance, you look, all the pictures are the same, but if you look closely, you can see that they are all different and this is all because our winter is different. It can be either joyful, or sad, or quiet, calm.

(The teacher invites the children to relax and play).

Physical education "Snow-snowball"

Snow, snow
Creeps along the path.
(Children's hands are raised up, gradually fall down)

Snow, snow
White blizzard.
Snow, snow
Covered paths. (Gently shake hands left and right)

Snow, snow
Melts on the palm.
(Alternately stretch forward the right, then the left hand)

We'll make snowballs
Let's play together
("They are making snowballs")

And each other snowballs
fun throwing
("Throwing snowballs")

But it's warm outside
(Clap hands)

Ears not frozen
(rubbing ears with palms)

We roll snow
(Clench fingers into fists and rotate them in front of the chest).

In a big white lump. (Spread hands to sides).

(Children sit on chairs).


Guys, not only artists in their paintings convey the mood of winter, but also the mood can be conveyed in poetry and music. Listen to a fragment of a piece of music (“On the troika” by P.I. Tchaikovsky).

What is the name of this work? Name the composer (Children's answers). Guys, what did you imagine while listening to this music? (Answers: soft snow is falling, snowflakes are spinning, a trio of horses are running along the road, bells are ringing.) What kind of music is in character? (spacious, wide, like a Russian song, solemn, cheerful, joyful).

Our winter among artists, musicians, poets is a beauty, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream. This is how it sounds in A.S. Pushkin - cold, calm and majestic. (The child reads the poem “Here the north is catching up the clouds ...”) Winter is a fun time, everyone is happy about the pranks of Mother - winter, the frost blushes the cheeks, pinches the nose. And the snow is light fluffy, very slippery, the sleds fly over it in such a way that it takes your breath away, fun in winter! (Children read A. Blok’s poems “To the naughty grandchildren ..., I. Surikov “Here is my village ...”)

Poetry always conveys the mood of a person, and the one who writes about nature involuntarily endows it with those feelings that he himself experiences. And then the moon in verse becomes gloomy and lazy, and the blizzard looks like a real evil. (the child reads a poem by A.S. Pushkin “Evening, do you remember ...”)

And another poet, Sergei Yesenin, draws winter a little sad. The lines sound calmly and sadly: “I’m going. Quiet. Calls are heard. Under the hoof in the meadow ... "

And music was written to these verses. Listen to the song "Powder", composer G. Struve (Child performs the song).

And the composer Z. Roth wrote music for S. Yesenin's poem "Birch" (Duet performs a song).

Guys, winter is magic! She bewitches nature. Today we saw how different types of art convey the mood: artists - in colors, musicians in sounds, poets - in words. But there is another type of art in which the mood, images, are transmitted by movements, in dance. This art form is called ballet. Now we will see a fragment from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is called "Snow Storm", where the ballerinas depict snow, and the Sorceress - Winter dances with them. (View snippet).

Did you like it? Did you notice: the ballerinas tried to express the gentle, magical nature of the music in the dance. They danced gracefully, softly, very plastically and gracefully. We have seen how ballerinas in ballet convey the image of snow in the movement of the dance. And now I suggest you create images where the boys will be winter trees, and the girls will be snow.

(The children are given sultans and "rain", the children perform improvisation to the music of Sviridov's "Snowstorm. Waltz". At the end of the music, the children sit on the chairs and remove the attributes. The teacher praises them, admires them. The Sorceress-Winter enters).


Hello, all honest people!




Tough day today
I came to say goodbye to you!
Over the fields, over the forests
For a long time I was the owner.
Warm white sweatshirt
Earth - mother tried to cover
All nature was dipped
In my snow-white outfit
All three months in a row.
The children were not afraid of me
The snow and wind did not frighten them:
Skating, skiing, sledding
In coats, mittens and hats
Having fun in the cold
And don't rush home!
How could I serve you
Gave a wonderful holiday.
With colorful lights
With Christmas tree, confetti, balls.
Time flew by quickly
I didn't have time to notice
That my turn is over
Spring is following me!


Zimushka-Winter, although your time is ending, we are glad to see you.
Play with us, have fun goodbye. (The round dance game “Zimushka-winter” is held - 2 times, Winter praises the children).


Sorceress-Winter, our children know a wonderful song about winter, they will sing it to you now. (Children sing the song "Russian Winter").


I really liked your song, but unfortunately it's time for me to leave.
And in memory of myself, I want to leave gifts, watch the ballet, listen to music and remember me. Goodbye! (Leaves).


So we said goodbye to winter, but spring will come soon, and spring has its own sounds and colors, which, like winter, inspire composers, poets, artists, and we will also get acquainted with their works.

Integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group.

Outline of a musical lesson.

Theme: "Winter-winter"

Lesson type: integrated.

Target : Deepening the perception of music, through the integration of various types of arts, the organization of musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution.


  1. Educational - to educate children in a sense of beauty through the influence of music, poetry and fine arts.
  2. Developing - to develop the musical and creative abilities of preschoolers in various types of musical activities, using health-saving technologies.
  3. Educational - continue to acquaint children with innovative activities that contribute to the versatile and harmonious development of the individual.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading and memorizing poems on a winter theme, memorizing songs and dances;
  2. Individual work with children;
  3. Observation of winter phenomena in nature; looking at the frosty patterns on the windows.

Equipment and materials:

  1. Music material:
  1. "February" from the cycle "Seasons" (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky);
  2. "Winter" (music by A. Vivaldi);
  3. Fizminutka "And it's frosty outside";
  4. "Ice Ceiling" (lyrics by S. Ostrova, music by E. Khanok);
  5. "Waltz" from musical illustrations for A. Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm" (music by G. Sviridov)

2. Handout, TSO:

  1. Paper carved snowflakes, candles, gouache, cardboard sheets, brushes for each child;
  2. Music center, computer, multimedia projector, phonograms of works;

Lesson progress:

The children enter the room.

Musical director: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. Such wonderful weather today! The sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone, everyone: “Good morning!”

Valeological song - chant with wellness massage "Good morning" ( Annex No. 1)

M.r .: Children, guess the riddle:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

(Answer: winter)

M.W.: That's right, today we will go for a walk in the winter forest. Let's go along the winter path and look around, admire the beauty.

Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high, pulling their socks. (They walk through the "snowdrifts").

M.r .: Look, we ended up in a fabulous winter forest. How beautiful it is here! What do you see around?

Children : Snow, snowdrifts, trees.

M.W.: Who do you think lives here?

Children : Bears, hares, foxes, etc.

M.W.: Let's shout "Aw!" Maybe someone will respond.

Exercise "Ay" - the main element of this exercise is a sliding (gliding), rising intonation with a sharp transition from one register to another. The main goal of this exercise is to activate phonation exhalation, that is, the connection of voice with breathing, which differs in energy costs from speech.

M.r .: I do not hear the answer. And you?

Children: No.

Children, at the request of the teacher, sit down on the carpet.

M.W.: Today I want to introduce you to a piece of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons". The composer dedicated a piece of music to each month of the year. February is the last month of winter. Music will take us far, far away. We will fly over the snowy forest, you will hear the conversation of snowflakes with the wind. Do you want to listen? Listen!

listening to music "February" by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons"

M.W.: What is this music? What did she tell you about? What did you hear or see? And now we will try to express the character and mood of the music in words. Here is a snowflake, we will pass it to each other and share our impressions.

Game "Magic Forest"». Children, passing a snowflake, come up with words about the winter forest, based on the mood of the music they listened to. (The forest is fabulous, crystal, ringing, magical ...)

The purpose of this game: the activation of the dictionary, the formation of skills for the active use of all parts of speech by children.

M.r .: Many composers, poets, painters loved this season for its magical beauty, pure, bright, sparkling colors.

Slow music sounds, the teacher enters in the costume of "Winter". Gets well with children.

M.r . reads the poem "Hello, winter-winter!" G. Ladonshchikova:

Hello winter winter!

Covered us with white snow

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello winter winter!

An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed -

Hello winter winter!

We put bird feeders

We fill them with food,

And pichugs sing in flocks -

Hello winter winter!

Zimushka, children know such a good song about you! Listen to it and sing along to our children.

Children sing a song"Winter", words and music by S. Nasaulenko. "Waiting for a miracle" L. Geraskin.

Then Cyril D. reads a poem:

A light cloud over the forest

Sailed fairy tale

And touched with snowflakes

Tree branches affectionately

Snowdrifts swept around

white, fluffy,

Hiding all the moves and holes,

And the tracks are fast

Gave a white coat

All bunnies-pranksters ...

Dissolved by a secret fragile

Pure winter holiday.

Winter: Through forests and fields

I was in a hurry to visit you.

Over mountains and paths

I laid snowflakes

I wove a carpet out of them,

From the sea to the mountains!

There is snow all around

Yes, the frost is cracking.

Frozen? And let's, kids, girls and boys, warm up a little! Repeat after me!

Children perform self-massagesinging "It's cold outside..."

(Doing self-massage of a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole body, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands).

Winter: Are you warm, my children? Well done! Whoever does not sit in the cold will never freeze!

M.R .: Wow, Zimushka! We warmed up with the guys! Let's all sit down and rest.

Relaxation "Snowflakes" (Appendix No. 2)

The light in the hall is turned off, an image with moving snowflakes is projected onto the ceiling. Children listen to the music "Waltz" by G. Sviridov.

The light turns on.

Winter: What beautiful music, right? (children's answers)

Guys, would you mind if I invite you to visit my hut?

Children perform the rhythmic dance "Ice Ceiling" (Appendix No. 5)

The guys go into a wooden house.

M.r.: Look, guys, at Zimushka in the hut there are patterns on the window.

Winter: Who drew patterns on the window for me?

Neither I nor you drew, where did the flowers on the window come from?


While I was sleeping, while he was sleeping

Santa Claus drew them.

At the window old man Frost

He applied the painting with ice.

Winter : Now, guys, we'll see what patterns Frost can draw.

M.r. shows illustrations through multimedia. (Appendix No. 3)

M.r .: Let's all decorate our windows with patterns. And music will help us draw beautiful patterns.

Sounds "Winter" A. Vivaldi.

Winter distributes small candles (“ices”) to children, children draw patterns on cardboard sheets with a candle, then cover the whole picture with blue gouache. Children give their "windows" to Zima.

Sources used by the teacher in preparing for the lesson:

  1. Internet resources;
  2. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" author - compiler O.N. Arsenevskaya;
  3. Power point program;
  4. "Waiting for a miracle" by L. Geraskin;
  5. "The program of education and training in kindergarten" V. Gerbova;
  6. "Methods for musical education in kindergarten" N. Vetlugin.

Application for participation in the municipal competition

"Non-standard lesson of the 21st century"

Synopsis of a musical integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Zimushka - Winter".

fostering an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the integration of poetry, painting and music
develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical and rhythmic movements;
improve rhythmic hearing;
to form in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activity;
teach children the techniques of self-massage, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation
Equipment: a multimedia projector, slides with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and illustrations on the topic, a Christmas tree, musical instruments, musical material, an envelope with the Rhythmic Lotto game.

Course progress.

Children enter the hall with a dance step to the music of A. Vivaldi "Winter" from the cycle "Seasons" and form a circle.
Musical director. Let's wish each other good morning.
A singing is performed - a greeting according to the "echo" principle.

The topic of our lesson today is "Winter". And at the beginning it sounded the music of the famous Italian composer Vivaldi, which we will listen to throughout the lesson.
We all waited impatiently for the day when she herself would come.
With the first snow and snowstorm, our good winter.
Let's put on skis, pick up sticks and go for a walk along the winter paths to the magical sounds of Vivaldi's music.
Children imitate skiing.
Look at the snow-covered forest, how quiet and silent it is .... To a village in the distance...
Dogs are barking, horses are pulling sleds .. (slide)
Children stop and position themselves on both sides of the screen.
Nice winter weather! Zimushka - winter has come, brought a lot of snow.
And frosts, and snowstorms, and fun, and fun! (slide)
That's fun, that's fun - let's play snowballs!
Children imitate the game of snowballs. Speech game "We play snowballs boldly, oh, what's the matter ...".
We are not afraid of the cold, we are hardened in winter,
In winter, we play snowballs, go sledding (slide).
Hear, bells .. This is a sleigh going along the road, the bells are ringing. Show me how to call.
Fine motor skills exercise "Bell" (D / in 9/98)
And there the hare sits on a hillock, moves its ears, warms its paws (slide).
Exercise for fine motor skills "Bunny".
Axes and hammers are merrily knocking in the village.
Exercise for fine motor skills "Hammer and hatchet".
Hello, in a white sundress made of silver brocade!
Diamonds burn on you like bright rays.
Hello, Russian pullet, beautiful soul,
Snow-white winch, hello, mother - winter! (slide)
What amazing - vivid images of winter were presented to us by the poet Vyazemsky! Let us convey this joyful mood when we perform our orchestral pieces.
Children take musical instruments. Performed: “Polka” by M. Glinka, Russian folk melodies: “Dancing”, “I went up the hill”.

Snow sparkles outside the window, voices are heard, laughter is heard.
And we have a round dance here, everyone will boldly dance!
Listen to the task, how will you dance now. The girls will spin when they hear the sounds of the waltz. And the boys will dance, putting their foot on the heel, when the dance begins to sound. If you hear a polka, then everyone jumps in a circle.
Musical and didactic game "Three dances". At the end, the children return to their places.
Fluffy white snow swirls in the air.
And quietly falls to the ground, lays down.
And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
Like a veil, everything dressed him (slide).
Look, a snowflake fell on your palm. Let's blow on her. Follow my hand to inhale and exhale correctly.
Breathing exercise "Snowflake" (M. Yu. Kartushina).
A lot of snowflakes swirled, a real blizzard!
Phonopedic exercise "Snowstorm" (M. Yu Kartushina).
And now for a little song...
Logo-rhythmic chant "White snowflakes whirled, whirled ..."
In the enchanted winter, the forest stands bewitched -
And under the white fringe, motionless, mute
He shines with a wonderful life (slide).
We will sing a song about winter. Do not forget about the correct intonation, soft attack of the sound and breathe correctly.
The Winter's Tale is performed (A. Usachev, A. Pinegin).

Continuing to listen to the music of Antonio Vivaldi, we will perform a massage of biologically active zones and an exercise to relieve tension in order to always be healthy and cheerful.
Look, there is some kind of envelope under the tree ... The envelope says that it contains a task for brave and smart children. Let's see?
Rhythm cards are given to children, on which rhythmic patterns are drawn. Children are invited to "read" the rhythm and clap. The rest of the children must guess the song. Game "Rhythmic Lotto".
Further, the music director tells short stories for performing psycho-gymnastics: “Round eyes”, “Carlson”, “Thinking”, “Unexpected joy”, “Dirt”, “Battle”. For example, the boy was very surprised when he saw a box moving across the floor .... What were his eyes like?
And now I will give you a riddle:
Black and white minx, jumper, chirp.
He loves winter, and it’s not in vain that he doesn’t fly to warm climes (slide)
That's right, forty. Let's play a game.
Children's outdoor game "Magpie".
The new year is coming. What will he bring to the people?
For everyone who works, who is honest, kind and brave
Let the wish come true, whatever he wanted (slide).

We wish each other a lot in the coming year - a lot of kindness, affection and warmth. Let's be a little kinder.. And what is kindness? …
Children dance to the music of the song “What is kindness?
After the dance, the music director offers to listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, sitting freely on the carpet. Close your eyes, imagining something pleasant. At the end of the lesson, the children sing "Goodbye" and leave the room.
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