Personal: How to learn to write interesting texts. How to learn to write and compose poetry from scratch? brain exercises

Song? Well, who among us has not thought of this question? Agree, in the life of every person at least once there were situations when emotional excitement required a way out. It seemed that not a single existing song conveys what you feel exactly. I wanted to create something, pour out my joy, convey my pain.

But how do you create your own song? What do you need to know to do this? And indeed, is it even possible?

Everything is possible today. But you have to try, spend time, learn something new. To understand how to write a song, you need to listen a lot first. Secondly, you will have to learn to master at least the basic concepts of music theory and versification.

Today, this can be done in several ways. The first way is the usual School of Music or courses musical literacy. The second way is to master a special computer program. There are many of them on the web.

We will try to go the third way. Let's not think about how to write a song, but take a pencil and start writing right now.

We get musical instrument, necessary literature(or open a training site), start reading and experimenting. We recall that songs into a verse and chorus can be divided by the dynamics of sound: verses are usually quieter, refrains are louder. We are trying to write down the simplest melody with notes. It may not work out right away, but to understand how to write a song, such work will help.

As soon as the educational program has been completed, and the base has been studied, we proceed to the second stage. Inspiration never comes on schedule. Therefore, you should always have a notebook at hand to write down a song that suddenly came to mind. This can happen at night, in the subway, during a sea dive. Remember: inspiration should not be taken by surprise, the song must be fixed. On paper or dictaphone.

Waiting only for inspiration is stupid. If you ask famous musicians about how to write a song, they will answer that you need to work daily. Take a few hours a day and write, write ... They will give the same answer to the question of how to learn to write music.

Make sure you do what you got. Only in this way you can hear what happened, correct what you don’t like, edit the roughness.

Try to understand what exactly you wrote. It rarely happens that the song comes in its entirety. Usually only one piece appears. And it may depend on what exactly will have to be added. If the incoming lines (or music) are bright, expressive, they can be made into a chorus. If the written part is more like an ordinary story, has a heavy style or a not very clear thought, it can be made into a couplet. Or even thrown out of the song.

Remember, in any song the main thing is the mood. Create it. Come up with music: sad and lingering, light and fast. Try to combine sad words with a fast tempo: you will get a tense melody. Add minor chords to make others sad.

Try to convey feelings and the meaning of the chosen words, and their sound, and the correct rhyme. Here again you will have to turn to books or educational sites: it is there that you can find information about that, with rhymes and words.

When creating a song, try to find something in it that will hook the listener. It can be some kind of chord or expression, a combination of words and music. There is no recipe for how to create such leads. But when it is found, you will immediately recognize it. And your friends will know, too: the catchy part will stick in their head for a long time.

Well? Have you figured out how to write a song? I can answer briefly: you need to learn music, work every day and strive to achieve your goal. Then everything will work out. Maybe you won't become a star and your song won't be performed at Eurovision. But who said that the pleasure of creating your own song is less than the pleasure of receiving money?

Hello regular subscribers and guests of my blog! Pavel Yamb is in touch. In today's article, I want to talk about how to learn how to write interesting and useful content for websites.

We will look at some of the issues that arise when writing articles, and learn the best techniques for this business.

How to become a good writer

This question worries many newcomers to the world of literature. Why do some people know how to coherently express thoughts and write interesting texts, while others get illiterate essays at the level of the fifth grade? Probably the secret is that copywriters are different. Some approach the matter conscientiously, work hard on themselves, read special literature, while others do not bother themselves much, and do the work at random. It happens that after writing a couple of articles and selling them for a penny (and who needs illiterate performers?), Beginners soon give up this difficult task and look for easier ways to earn money.

There is an opinion that the ability to beautifully and competently express thoughts on paper is given from birth, but this is not entirely true. From birth, only beauty or intelligence is given, while other skills in people are developed after certain efforts. With rare exceptions, nothing in this life comes without difficulty.

Of course, you can graduate from a special literary university, after which you will write no worse than professional journalists. But this path is the most difficult and it will take you more than one year. Yes and most This time you will spend on studying subjects that are not very necessary for you.

You can also learn how to write articles on your own; for this there are paid and free videos courses and literature on the Internet. Paid courses are certainly better, but you can get undoubted benefits from free information products.

Of course, you can learn this knowledge on your own, going through trial and error. This method is also difficult, but also the most common in our time. And, in fact, why not? There is now plenty of literature, and if there is strong desire you can go through the same subjects "externally". Only no one will take exams. You study for yourself, not for a degree.

Practical application of knowledge

You can practice on copywriting exchanges, where you can see what you really stand for. But, make no mistake, the beginning of your career will be very difficult. A novice copywriter earns little: the salary of many beginners starts from 15 rubles per thousand characters without spaces. Agree that the amount is negligible. But, starting to work, even for this money, you will get invaluable experience. This will gradually lead you into a world of completely different, higher earnings.

Your style will constantly improve, and finally you will become a real master of copywriting. And this is no longer a joke - good writers earn from $ 2 and more per thousand characters.

Do you want to learn how to write articles and make money online? Right now I'm recruiting for free education according to the author's method. SIGN UP WITH PAVEL YAMBU

Now let's think about how to write quality articles. It is no secret that only those who read a lot have a good style. But if you only read anecdotes and watch only TV series and action movies, your literary style will not improve from this.

A good copywriter must love books - this is good way obtaining information for articles. If you are not accustomed to reading, it is better to immediately look for another profession - there will be no sense.

Reading the classics of prose, as well as literature written for emerging writers and copywriters, will greatly help your progress. Only in this way can a good author's style be developed. It also helps to know the basic rules of syntax. This is taught at school, but it does not bother you to repeat everything again by downloading Russian textbooks on the Internet.

It is also useful to brush up on the basic rules of spelling and punctuation. This knowledge can be tested here. It's also good to practice writing interactive dictations where you will get the opportunity to test your knowledge in practice. There is nothing complicated about this, and you do not have to write on paper.

Having opened such an online dictation, you will see the finished text, in the missing places of which there are several answers. You must fill in the missing letters at your discretion. If something was entered incorrectly, then after the dictation you can check the errors, they will write you in detail where you made a mistake and why, plus you will be graded.

But, if you already have an idea of ​​how to correctly build sentences, then you need to go through the next step: learn how to type on the keyboard with a blind ten-finger method. Without this, mastering the profession of a copywriter will not work. Free training programs are available download here.

Working with Stamina 2.5

It is best to download the program Stamina 2.5. Working with it is easy, and after a week of classes you will be able to type at a speed of 100 characters per minute. Acquaintance with the program, start with easy exercises that are in the program under the Mode button, lesson number 1.

Start with the first lesson. The main condition for success, which, for some reason, is not written about anywhere, does not seek to increase the speed of typing. If you think that you need to type quickly, and with a lot of errors, then you are deeply mistaken.

The best thing is to slowly but accurately hit the right letters without looking at the keyboard. The more collected you do this, the faster the location will be deposited in memory required letters. Therefore, do not rush, the speed will not leave you.

If you forgot the location of the letter, try to strain your memory, and gradually you will type on the machine, knowing where and what letter is located. Practice at least half an hour a day, and the blind typing method will no longer be a problem for you.

The program has other interesting options that will make your classes not only useful, but also fun. Under the Mode button, you can find the Lesson Editor, in which you can add phrases to your liking on your own.

You can also add any music that will complement your lessons. Here you can also master the Russian and English keyboard layout. Under the Options key in the submenu there is a function "Setup" (F3). There you can change the picture and set the rest of the desired parameters of the program.

Ways to write a good article

And now, when you have refreshed the rules of the Russian language in your memory, and learned how to type blindly, you can proceed to writing the first article.

Before starting work, you should think about what you will write about. Find good idea for an article is not easy for many, but there is one great way that will help us solve this problem.

Let's go to the copywriting exchange and choose a profitable topic. When will you open this page, then on the left side of the menu, at the top, find the line "Search queries".

When opened, we will see a long list of topics. Pay attention to the red numbers that are on the left side. Where there are pluses, the topic of the articles is popular, minuses mean the opposite. They talk about the given time the topic is not interesting to the customer.

After choosing a topic, let's say "refrigerator", go to a page where you will see many articles for sale. Write down the most interesting headlines for yourself, and then go to the browser search engine.

Let's say I chose an article called DIY Refrigerator Repair. The topic is popular, such an article can be quickly bought, because it carries useful information. Let's check it in the service Yandex word selection. The screenshot shows that 5,516 people are interested in this topic, which, in principle, is not bad at all.

This service is also used by webmasters of sites. It is certain that many of them will look for such articles on the stock exchange. And, therefore, there is a chance that your article will be quickly bought. Now enter its name into the search engine. Here we immediately see that we will have plenty of material for the article.

Article rewriting

Let's take the following sentence as an example and try to make a simple rewrite:

“Housewives wash window panes with a special compound.” We are faced with the task of rewriting the text so that it sounds in a new way, but its meaning is not lost.

Let's try to remake it like this: "Special compositions help housewives wash window panes."

Or like this: Modern compositions for washing glasses - excellent helpers for housewives. With them, any work turns into a real pleasure.

The last example is closer to copywriting, such texts are obtained when you close the source text and write from memory.

The most important rule: do not allow fantasies and do not strongly deviate from the meaning of the article. Otherwise, it may happen that you, with absolutely no understanding of the subject, can write an article that will be completely meaningless. And in the end, the customer will also suffer if, without checking, you publish it, if you give him such a text.

Deep rewriting

Rewriting can be done better and increase its uniquenessif you follow the following rule: divide the text in the Word into parts, and select each part different colors. After that, read the text in small passages, trying to delve deeply into its meaning.

Then close the text, and without looking into it, try to convey its content in your own words. The last option makes it possible to get a truly unique text that you don’t even have to redo after checking the uniqueness. I wrote about deep rewriting separately,.

And now that we have mastered high-speed typing and brushed up on the rules of the Russian language, you can try your hand at creating articles.

How to plan an article

The article consists of:

  • title;
  • entry (cut);
  • article body;
  • conclusions
  1. Start your article with an intriguing headline. This can be done with the word "How". "How to learn copywriting", "How to set up your blog perfectly" and so on. The name must contain a number. "Five Ways to Get to Know", etc.
  2. Introduction: Tell the reader how they will benefit from your post.
  3. Then come up with a few logical parts that will expand on the topic. Give each section a subtitle.
  4. At the end write summary draw your own conclusions and be done with it.

As a result, you should get something like this plan:

How to learn to make soap

Did you know that soap can be cooked from the products that you have at home?! This article will show you how to do it in half an hour.

  1. Required Ingredients.
  2. Soap recipe.
  3. How to flavor.
  4. How to cook.
  5. Where to sell.
  6. Conclusion:

This article showed you how to make cheap soap from affordable products... and so on. About the plan of the article, read my article at the link.

I hope this post was interesting and useful for you friends. Please put likes on social media. networks and write comments. And most importantly, write articles, learn to express your thoughts beautifully, and forward to the market. See you.

To help novice authors, we have created and are constantly refining . (Recently, I learned that it is used as study guide on one respected online writing course :)) I also constantly pay attention to articles in which experienced writers give advice on how to learn how to write interestingly.

6. Good texts are born as a result of processing.

A good writer is not the one whose texts are immediately born perfect, but the one who spends time honing them. Usually, ideas do not appear in your brain in the best way to share them with other people. It takes work. These words must be obeyed. Roll up your sleeves and fight them. Here's what Steven says:

“In many ways, advice to writers is advice on refining. Very few people are talented enough to not only make any plausible argument, but also to formulate it in clear words. Most authors need to go through the text twice to achieve this, because the order in which ideas come to the author rarely corresponds to the order in which the reader best consumes them. Often, writing good copy involves revisiting and rearranging thoughts so that the reader can easily follow them.”

And if you think that SMS, e-mails and social networks destroy literature, then you are mistaken. As researcher Christian Rudder writes, “Twitter can even improve the quality of text because it forces people to cram meaning into a limited number of characters. Linguists also measured the lexical density of Twitter and found that it was not only higher than that of e-mail, but also comparable to the level of smart magazine Slate.

For the journalists with whom we made a monthly business magazine, I advised them to "sleep" with the article. After the text seems to be completely ready, it needs to be postponed. Best of all, see you tomorrow. And the next day, read it with fresh eyes from cover to cover. However, do not forget that the best is the enemy of the good. And although I perfectly understand how difficult it can be to pacify your perfectionism (this is the fourth time I am processing this material), accept it as a fact: all the jambs cannot be tracked and cannot be corrected. Let an article with an error appear on the site, than none will appear.


Six tips from Steven to make your copy awesome:

  1. Write as you speak, draw pictures, tell stories. Be specific, help the reader see for themselves, and don't try to impress them.
  2. Beware of the "curse of knowledge". Have someone read your text and rate how easy it is to understand. Don't trust your brain.
  3. Don't hide the meaning. If readers do not understand what is being said, they lose interest in reading.
  4. It is not necessary to write strictly according to the rules. Sometimes you can break them.
  5. Read more. Never stop learning.
  6. "Good text" means "reread and revised." Never hit "send" before you've read your article a few times. But don't try to make it perfect.

Original article by Eric Barker

The Village continues to promote effective self-education. This week we decided to learn how to improve your writing skills to write a novel, a screenplay, a worthy column or a flawless report. The editor of The Village Weekend selected several books, courses, and lectures on the topic, and asked experts if it is possible to learn how to write easily and interestingly.

Sergey Volkov

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Lecturer in the History of Russian Literature at the Moscow Art Theater School, Chief Editor magazine "Literature"

The very concept of "good writing" is very relative.. Okay - for whom? Some readers will think that it is written well, others will turn up their noses. It's like with singers: in principle, everyone hits the notes, but you listen to someone as if spellbound, but you can't stand someone. But he has his fans, who, in turn, can not stand your idol.

However, if you are not particularly smart, then writing well is writing clearly, understandably, figuratively, structurally and to the point. So that there is something to profit from the reader's brains and from which to experience sensual pleasure. A linguistic feeling is also a feeling, and it must be cherished in oneself and satisfied in others.

Therefore, first of all, the writer must have something to say. He must have an idea. In the process of writing, it can branch out and become more complex, but the original clot must exist before the text. Or not a thought, but an image. Some kind of dense pulsating zone, prompting you to fall into this pulsation. In general, desire and motivation for writing are just as important as for love.

And second. To be able to write, one must write. Constantly. You can't theoretically learn to ride a bike. To ride, you have to ride. Every day. Sit down and pedal. Fall, get up and sit down again. A good "bike" for a writer can be a blog, a page in social networks. You can write there briefly, slowly learning to express what you think and feel as accurately as possible. And here is the opportunity to get feedback from readers.

For the sake of training, you can write about everything: a conversation overheard in the subway, an unexpected snowfall in April, a childhood memory that came to mind. The main thing is to find the "potential difference", some kind of tension between the two poles, the beginning and the end of the sketch, to deliberately arrange some kind of confrontation of the elements in your story. So that the reader falls into this hook and does not get off it.

And to see how to do it, you need to read. As many different things as possible. Not only literary texts but also journalism, good scientific texts, notebooks, memoirs and letters. And those who actively and well - from your point of view - write on the Web. You can imitate someone at the beginning - it is useful for apprenticeship. Mastering different manners and styles, you gradually find your own.

Here's what to go far: take and write a parody of my races about what it means to "write well." If you can catch some features of the text you just read and repeat them in grotesque exaggeration, that will be great. I applaud first.

Of course, writing skills can be developed: if I had not been convinced of this, I would not have been teaching literature courses for the sixth year now. All our skills are based on some natural inclination, but without the proper development of this inclination, nothing will come of it. In this sense, the craft of a professional lyricist is no different from that of a musician. People who come to my courses are rather beginners and even curious people who have some predisposition, but circumstances previously did not allow this predisposition to be realized. Not less than half of those who come are people working in PR and journalism, that is, who know how to compose texts and need a push to cross the line between journalism and literature. I do my best to help them overcome this line. Our courses are organized like seminars: first I give a lecture on a certain "technical" topic, and then I ask to write studies that are checked in the class. We arrange round-robin seminar discussions with their colleagues and comrades, and as a master, I summarize these discussions. I'm not reinventing the wheel: that's how the literary workshops in my native city work.

There are a number of mistakes that novice authors make. It all depends on the background they come with. If the author comes with a journalistic background, then he feels the rhythm of the phrase, knows that you can’t put the word “was” twice in one sentence, but he has gaps and flaws in the plot. Then I suggest to him that the ending does not follow logically from what happened, that the exposition is too long. As a rule, this happens due to the fact that the composed text is too closely related to the biography of the author himself (which is completely normal for the first, second, third book: remember Tolstoy with his "Boyhood"), and suggests that literary laws are different from the laws of life. And there are people with a different background - forgive me for some gender incorrectness - as a rule, adult, mature men who have something to say. They make the simplest mistakes at the phrase level - that same double "was." I show it to them. That is, I do what an editor does in a publishing house.

In the autumn, if a comet does not hit the earth, I will continue to teach such courses and still have great enthusiasm for this. It will be easier for me, because this year several similar projects- try to type in "Yandex" "literary courses Moscow" and look at the selection. These are all my friends, and I'm happy for them, because so far this market is a yawning desert.

Oleg Kashin


You have to read a lot, I would even say - read everything, that is, do not make yourself lists of authors, media or books, but really read everything in a row, including any informational garbage. You need to have an idea of ​​what and how has already been written, how they write now, how they do not write. In any business, the most important thing is the coordinate system in which you exist. For writing person such a system should be all the texts that are available to him.

Writer's block or, conversely, inspiration is not exactly a myth, but something close to it. Let Leo Tolstoy, God rest him, suffer from a writer's block, he is a genius, he can do it. You and I are simple people, we have a deadline, and they expect a text from us, everything else is nonsense. When I was young, I had problems when I couldn’t start a text for a long time, and then I opened the window for a new post in LiveJournal or a new letter in the mail, wrote there, and everything worked out right away, because writing a letter or post is easier than writing an article. It helps a lot to come up with a specific addressee to whom the text is addressed: it’s as if you are personally telling him this story, focusing on what he will be interested in, how many minutes he will listen to you continuously (and then you need to be distracted, somehow joke or change the subject ) etc. And the secret of a good text is the secret that no one knows it and it is simply impossible to predict whether the text will turn out or not, in my opinion.

What to read

Christopher Vogler. "A Writer's Journey. Mythological structures in literature and cinema »

A freshly published in Russian textbook on screenwriting from one of the leading screenwriters and film producers, a consultant to Hollywood film studios, who took part in the creation of, for example, "Fight Club" and "The Lion King".

Juergen Wolf. “Literary master class. Learn from Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dickens, Hemingway and many more contemporary authors"

How to make a daily routine and make money on creativity, why John Irving wrote without rest, and Clive Staples Lewis - from five to seven in the evening and who believed that writers should not meet each other - in his fascinating, and, moreover, useful, book tells writer Jurgen Wolf.

Robert McKee. “A story in a million. Master class for screenwriters, writers and not only »

Another essential book for screenwriters from the mentor of 35 Oscar-winning writers, Peter Jackson, Julia Roberts and a good half of the staff at Paramount and Pixar. In his repeatedly reprinted work, Robert McKee approaches storytelling systematically, offering to abandon the set of plots and come up with a dramatic structure for the story.

Mark Whitehouse, Maxim Trudolyubov, Alexander Gordeev, Leonid Bershidsky. "The dogma of the Vedomosti newspaper"

A must-read for young journalists: not only about fair dealing with facts and the rights of the interviewer, but also about the meaninglessness of the words "obvious" and "peculiar".

Lydia Chukovskaya. "In the Editor's Lab"

A touching book by the literary editor, writer and daughter of Korney Chukovsky about what prose editors faced in Soviet journals, how gifted writers write, and why some authors cannot be helped with stylistic corrections.

What to watch

Julian Friedman on the art of storytelling

A literary agent with 30 years of experience tells how, out of 6,000 applications from young writers, he has to select six every year.

Svetlana Reiter - about how to write a report and an investigation

Master class by former special correspondent and author of numerous RBC investigations.

Dmitry Bykov - about where to look for the plot and what is allowed for the writer

A small interview, it seems, of the most prolific contemporary Russian writer and a publicist about what the author's mission is and why he is allowed promiscuity.

Arzamas. "Russian classics. Start"

How Tolstoy wanted to write a novel about the Decembrists, but wrote "War and Peace", why Lermontov moves the denouement to the beginning of "A Hero of Our Time" and other secrets of classical works of XIX century, useful to anyone who plans to become an author himself - in a special project Arzamas.

Where to study

Creative Writing School

Bunin Prize winner, literary critic and HSE professor Maya Kucherskaya is launching the School of Writing, where professional authors (among them Dmitry Bykov, Alexander Arkhangelsky and Avdotya Smirnova) will teach students how to write stories, biographies and scripts, as well as talk about the peculiarities of Russian book market. Enrollment for the prose workshop is already closed, there are still a few places left in the biography, translation and script workshops.

Where: Library-reading room named after Turgenev

Price: 20 thousand rubles / course

School of Editors

Artyom Gorbunov's design bureau is opening a school that will teach editing, typography, layout, interface design, project management, negotiations and work with a client, as well as the "legal side of creativity." After almost a year of study, the best graduates of the school will be offered a job at the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house, Aktion and SuperJob companies, as well as in the bureau itself.

Where: remotely

Price: from 40 thousand for one degree of study. There are 10 free places.

Now schoolchildren need to be able to write essays: this task is included in the GIA and the Unified State Examination, which everyone takes in grades 9 and 11. The essay plays a big role in the GIA - it must be written by all students graduating from basic school. In the USE, this task is included in part C. You can often hear the opinions of schoolchildren who note that it is extremely difficult to complete the USE ideally, and not everyone will be able to “reach” part C. Especially if the graduate is not going to enter the Faculty of Philology or any liberal arts major, the incentive to write a good essay and get a high score in part C is completely gone. But we should look at this issue from a different perspective.

Think about how much your chances of passing the exam with dignity will increase if you show an excellent result on the most difficult task. Good essay in the exam will give you high additional scores, will allow you to perfectly “insure” in case you fail to remember a difficult theoretical material to score more points in other sections of the exam. It is worth learning how to write essays in order to receive positive marks for planned work and feel confident in final exams. To do this, it is enough to remember the rules for constructing and designing an essay, the algorithm of work, and follow simple recommendations.

How to learn to write essays? Several simple tips: mastering the skill of the word constantly
Many students ask the question: how to learn to write essays? Most often they want to get specific answers, capacious advice. However, to create good lyrics You need to constantly improve your speaking and writing skills. There are a few simple recommendations, which will help you develop the ability to competently and literary express your thoughts, write logically and easily, be fluent in the word.

  1. Take time to read books. Try to study classical works constantly, and not quickly review them before the lesson. Pay attention to the syllable, the construction of sentences, artistic means. Analyze texts in terms of the relationship between content and form. Correlate what the author wanted to tell in the work with the expression of these thoughts in sentences, specific words and turns of speech. Even if reading in itself does not fascinate you, remember that such work will help you learn to write texts on your own, formulate thoughts and express your own point of view.
  2. Pay special attention to the structure and narration in short stories. See how the author arranges the introduction, how events unfold, how the final part is built. Memorize interesting turns, words, features of the construction of phrases.
  3. You can also read critical articles that analyze various works fiction. Try to always set aside time for this, especially if you are assigned to read a large work. The works of researchers will help you clarify unclear points, the main artistic means, features of poetics have already been considered there, creative way author. Reading a short critical article will take you only 10-30 minutes, and will bring tangible benefits in the future.
  4. Try to follow your oral speech. If you always strive to speak correctly and beautifully, writing a competent text will not be a problem for you. People rarely write and often speak, and spoken and written language are closely related. Train colloquial speech, make it richer, avoid slang and clichés. This will not only help you write logical and correct essays, but will also come in handy in later life when you need to communicate with serious people and discuss business issues, demonstrate your abilities and knowledge.
  5. It's better not to use collections. finished essays. Remember that all these texts are familiar to experienced teachers and examiners. Even if your school teacher does not accidentally notice the substitution, the memorized texts will not be useful in the exams: there are a lot of topics, and the members of the examination committee will easily recognize the essay from the collection.
  6. Allow sufficient time for writing. Don't try to write it quickly last moment. Even if you already have a good command of the style and write competent essays, it is always much better to first write a draft version, and then re-read it and supplement it, make corrections. Often mistakes are difficult to see right away, and interesting thoughts and ideas may come to your mind a little later.
  7. Take criticism easy. If you didn’t understand something in the lesson, didn’t manage to understand the intricacies of the plot and the images of the heroes of the work, study the text at home. Read the textbook, review the work itself again, reread the key scenes. Use the services of libraries: take it there critical articles, read the comments in the collected works. In the end, you will only save time, because, having first worked on yourself, creating the necessary base, you will start writing essays much easier and faster, you will achieve better results.
  8. It is desirable to find readers. Invite your parents and friends to read your essays. They will be able to draw your attention to shortcomings, help to correct them, give helpful tips, Considering characteristics your texts.
Always keep an eye on literacy, read more fiction and do not forget about the basic tips, then you can quickly learn how to write essays.

Learning to write essays. Work algorithm
Learn to write essays according to the algorithm, work in accordance with the plan, express your thoughts sequentially.

  1. Read the topic carefully. If you are asked to formulate a title, remember: it is the topic set in the title that you will need to disclose in the text. To consider a topic well, fully reveal it and leave no gaps, select one aspect, a specific narrow problem. An example of a too broad topic: "The meaning of the novel" War and Peace "in the work of Leo Tolstoy"; an example of a narrow topic well suited for writing an essay: “Andrei Bolkonsky and Napoleon. Intersection of destinies (episode analysis)".
  2. Consider the topic carefully. Immediately start using the draft: write down the facts of the author's biography related to writing the work, quotes, and your own thoughts.
  3. Identify the main issues directly related to the topic. Find the key question among them and write it down.
  4. Start formulating your personal opinion, reflect in the draft thoughts on the topic, your attitude to the problem, work. Answer the questions:
    • What got you interested?
    • What seemed to be the most important?
    • What details, facts did you pay attention to?
    • Do you agree with the author's opinion? Briefly explain your position, provide evidence, arguments, use your reading and personal life experience.
    • What heroes did you like? Why?
    • What feelings does the work, article evoke?
    • Have you thought about this problem before?
    • How important do you think the question raised in the work is?
    • What new things did you discover for yourself after reading the work?
  5. Write down the main ideas that you want to reflect in the essay. You must have at least 12 sentences.
  6. Reread all draft materials and plan your essay. Remember that the composition must be clear:
    • introduction;
    • the main part (comments, arguments, consideration author's position, proof of your position);
    • conclusion;
    • conclusions.
    Write a plan, leaving empty spaces between paragraphs. There you can enter quotes, outline sentences and wording. Distribute all your draft materials according to the points of the plan. Do not forget about the given volume.
  7. Start writing a draft version of your essay. Be sure to carefully follow the logic of the narrative: avoid abrupt transitions, semantic shifts, do not devote too much space to details, minor digressions. State your thoughts smoothly, consistently, remember the semantic links between sentences, paragraphs. Your text should be perceived as a whole
  8. Use quotes, remember your personal experience, argue and prove your opinion, position.
  9. Pay special attention to the introductory and final parts of the essay.
    • In the introduction, formulate the problem, explain the tasks that you set for yourself when writing an essay. You can start with a thesis, reflect the meaning of the work in the work of the author, the importance and relevance of the problem raised.
    • Draw conclusions at the end. Before writing the final part, reread the essay in its entirety. It is not necessary to retell its content: summarize everything written, but in other words.
  10. Re-read the draft, find and correct all errors and inaccuracies. Carefully copy the essay into a clean copy. Reread the text and check it again.
Write an essay carefully, thoughtfully and slowly, follow the algorithm and recommendations, then you will be able to complete the task well.

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