Cobain courtney love. Retro Minute: How Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain Met

They swore, fought, beat the dishes ... A gloomy musician who became the idol of a whole generation, and an explosive vocalist of a punk band, whose scandalous image did not fit in with her phenomenal level of intelligence - friends and relatives were afraid that someday these two would simply cripple each other friend. Nevertheless, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love lived together for six years, gave birth to a daughter whom they loved more than anything in the world. But still…

To When the police entered the room, Courtney immediately understood everything. She just asked, "How did this happen?" “He shot himself. Houses. The corpse was found in the greenhouse two days later, ”the sergeant answered, looking at the floor. A few hours later, Courtney flew from Los Angeles to Seattle - on the way from the airport, she covered her ears so as not to hear the newsboys screaming heart-rendingly: “Breaking news! Kurt Cobain shot himself!"

For almost a day she was in oblivion - now falling asleep, then waking up, talking to him aloud, scolding and crying, looking for him in the dark. "This shouldn't have happened!" - she shouted to the orchids, although she understood: everything was going to this. Kurt is too tired of life. He was annoyed by the ubiquitous journalists and crowds of fans under the window, exhausted by continuous tours, he suffered from bronchitis and terrible pains in the stomach, from a painful addiction to drugs. Once Cobain even loved his depression - only in this gloomy state did he write music that brought him worldwide fame. One day he sang a new song, “I hate myself and want to die,” and soon this phrase began to be repeated by teenagers on both sides of the Atlantic. Kurt read in the newspapers that a young fan cut her wrists to his music, and her own life lost all meaning.


To Ortney loved this gloomy, always unshaven and unkempt guy in a way that she probably did not love anyone in her life. Their stormy romance began with a fight. Courtney came to the Nirvana concert and didn't like it at all; at a bar, she ran into Kurt and bluntly stated that he wrote bad songs. From such impudence, Kurt went berserk. Courtney yelled at the whole bar, and then Kurt dug into the lips of the offender. "I wanted her to shut up," he later clarified. And close friends admitted: "Actually, I wanted to meet her."


BUT How Courtney wanted it! She did not like the performance, but the vocalist simply drove her crazy - piercing blue eyes, stylish unshaven. He did not stand up in languid poses, did not squeeze the guitar, and generally behaved as if he knew everyone in the hall.

After a memorable acquaintance, Cobain and Love did not see each other for almost a year and a half. Kurt, surrounded by underage fans, ruefully told his friends: “I want to finally find a girl with whom I could spend several years together. I want peace and security. I'm tired of these flings and romances that last a month or two. I am a very old-fashioned person, I am exhausted by such relationships. And Courtney met the drummer of Nirvana and suddenly found out that Cobain liked her very much - he talked about her right and left. Moreover - just now Kurt broke up with another girlfriend.


To Ortney almost kissed the astonished drummer and rushed to pick up a special gift for Kurt. She bought a heart-shaped Victorian box and stuffed it with the finest change the house had. There were seashells, tiny pine cones and withered tea roses, on top of everything - a beloved china doll and a doll tea set. Courtney sprayed the box with perfume, tied it with a silk ribbon three times as she was taught as a child, whispered "Be mine" and mailed it to Cobain.

And this scoundrel did not respond! Can you imagine?


P After that, they met several times at national concerts, cursed and said nasty things to each other - arguing about who would become a star faster and who would become more famous. “I will become famous and buy diamonds for my wife!” Kurt shouted and heard in response: “Who will go for you?” The novel really came out stormy - their next meeting still ended in Courtney's house.


P waking up in the morning, Courtney suddenly began to sob: “Do you really like me?” And while Kurt was groping for words, she said through tears: “I think no one will ever love me again.” "Well, me too," Kurt muttered. "Yes? Well then fine". They looked at each other knowingly and since then have not parted for more than a couple of weeks. Never. Until his death.

By the time they met, Kurt Cobain was already taking drugs, he was tormented by bouts of bronchitis and stomach pain, he smoked incessantly and looked very pale. He looked like a sick child, looked pampered and fragile. Courtney, who by that time had been on a strict diet for a month, weighed ten kilograms more. She was filled with an almost motherly tenderness—he was so weak, so miserable! So beloved...


O neither got married six months later, and in the first joint interview, Kurt Cobain, America's dullest singer, joyfully declared: “I am so blinded by love that sometimes I even forget that I have a band. I could quit music right now for Kourtney." The newly-made wife only smiled happily - she already knew that she was pregnant. The newlyweds spent their days daydreaming about the big old house they would buy after the baby was born. It should have lattices overgrown with tea roses, peacocks will walk around the garden.


D Ohm they really bought, albeit without peacocks, but with a greenhouse. But two months later, the old sewer broke through and Kurt's favorite guitar was flooded with black mud, as well as a stack of CDs and notebooks with songs. It was then that Courtney found out why such a bad reputation goes about Kurt's character - for two weeks he plunged into a severe depression, did not want to see anyone and tried to commit suicide. For the first time, she realized that someday this would really happen - his health was too weak, his talent was too big and demanding, and behind him stood the most insidious enemy - drugs.


M The newlyweds were waiting for the birth of a child with fear: what if their dissolute life will make itself felt? They went to the hospital at the same time: Courtney in the maternity ward, and Kurt in the drug treatment. He decided to put an end to addiction forever, and almost died from terrible withdrawal symptoms that could not be removed with anything. Sometimes Kurt would come to Courtney and cry in pain, sitting on the edge of her bed. When the contractions began, Courtney ordered to be taken on a stretcher to her husband’s room, pulled off the blanket from him and shouted: “Come on, get up now! I'm not going to do this alone, without you!" Kurt followed her to the maternity ward, and Courtney held his hand and reassured him - on the way he passed out and was very ill. The next day, Kurt brought a gun to the hospital, deciding that the main thing in his life had already been done. Courtney took away her husband's weapon with the words: "No, I'm the first."


AT it worked out. The girl was born absolutely healthy, she was named Francis, and happy parents spent a lot of money on the most expensive outfits. Kurt even ordered a special chair for his daughter called "eternal care", which was full of toys and a self-feeding bottle. They wrote songs for her, filmed Francis on video, and even took her to the MTV Awards. Their joint photos appeared on the covers of leading music magazines - a happy, healthy family. A month later, Kurt returned to drugs.


T Now Courtney's life has become a constant battle - a battle for her love, which she has been going for too long to now give it up so easily. Courtney protected her husband from any trouble, took away his money so that he had nothing to buy nacrota. One day, Kurt found a stack of letters from his fans, which his wife put on his desk. Each was a request to give up drugs, and one ten-year-old boy wrote: “If you die, how will I live on?”


To somehow Courtney invited all his friends from Nirvana to persuade Kurt to a normal life. For five hours they threatened to leave him, fire him from the band and forget him forever if Cobain didn't pull himself together. It's useless: all this time, Kurt stupidly waited for them to finally disperse in order to take another dose. All the money went to "poison" and weapons - Kurt bought more and more pistols, guns, and Courtney almost lost hope.

She still managed to persuade her husband to go back to a specialized clinic in Los Angeles. She flew with him and stayed at the hotel, ready to rush to the hospital at the first call. A few days later he called and said, "Whatever happens, remember that I love you." Courtney jumped up, as if after a blow, but Kurt had already hung up.


P frightened Courtney turned the whole of Los Angeles. She blocked his credit card, began calling all the drug dealers she knew, looking for him at friends, in bars and pubs. Meanwhile, Kurt Cobain entered the greenhouse, where orchids were blooming, hesitated a little and pulled the trigger. They say that before his death, he tried to get through to his wife. But could not.

After his suicide, a lot of things happened in the life of Courtney Love - the Grammy Award, millions of records, a successful role in the film "The People vs. Larry Flynt." Trying to drive away the painful memories, Courtney sold the house, but she could not forgive herself that she was not on the phone that evening: if she picked up the phone, Kurt would still be alive.

And further. Since then, Courtney Love has hated flowers. Especially the orchids...

Seattle police have released a previously unknown suicide note from Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. It was found in the singer's wallet after he committed suicide in 1994. The note is addressed to Cobain's wife, Courtney Love, about whom he speaks very contemptuously.

Frances Bean Cobain

The epistle begins with a kind of wedding vow, but paraphrased in a contemptuous tone:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to take Courtney Michelle Love as a legitimate petty wife? Even when this bitch spends all your money on drugs and entertainment?

This note was included in the Kurt Cobain suicide case, but the police have not yet established when the musician wrote it. There is practically no doubt that this is the work of the singer - the author's handwriting is very similar to the handwriting of the frontman of the Nirvana group.

The text and tone of the note is drastically different from Cobain's previously released suicide note. In the original version, he calls Courtney Love a "goddess" and says that he "feels guilty in front of loved ones and fans."

A new scathing note is sure to increase speculation about Cobain's suicide and change the perception of the role a troubled marriage played in his death. Representatives of Courtney Love have not yet commented on the second message of the musician.

Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love and their daughter Frances Bean Cobain

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle on April 8, 1994, four days after his death. The official version of the singer's death is suicide.

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met in 1989. Nirvana moved back and forth in Portland, Oregon. Perhaps it was love at first sight. The couple did not see each other for two years, they met again only in 1991. They both realized that the sympathy was still mutual and they decided to hang out together. But so many other relationships in rock 'n' roll, constant gigs and as Nirvana became more and more popular during 1991, the two saw very little of each other. But they maintained their love by talking frequently on the phone and trying to see each other as often as they could. Nothing could stop their love for each other. In December 1991, the couple decided to marry. Some believe the marriage pushed Kourtney because she saw the increasing popularity of Nirvana's Nevermind album and wanted a piece of the pie.

On February 24th, 1992, the couple got married at a cliff in Hawaii. Kurt was in green pajamas and Courtney was in an old dress that once belonged to Seattle Actress Frances Farmer. Kurt didn't want it to be a big ceremony as he was afraid he would cry. Chris Novoselic and his wife Shelly weren't present at the ceremony as the two couples had just had an argument over Chris and Shelley blaming Kourtney for influencing Kurt, more specifically heroin use. They cleared things up after, but Kurt's best friend didn't attend his wedding. By the way, Kurt was crying. Nirvana was due to play Saturday Night Live for the first time (they played it twice). Courtney found out she was pregnant. The media immediately decided that it would highlight the couple's drug use. After her pregnancy was revealed, Kourtney went a little off drugs; Kurt, however, is not. Courtney later became the victim of the worst tabloid article ever written about the couple; Vanity Fair's Lynn Hirshberg decided that she would annoy Courtney apart by writing a lousy article regarding her and heroin use. She decided to make their lives hell on earth. "Back off, everyone smokes during pregnancy," Courtney justified.

Franziska (Francis) Bean Cobain was born on August 18th, 1992. The baby was away from Kurt and Kourtney for some time, although the baby felt well and was as healthy as it could be. The couple spent most of their income that year fighting the media to keep Frances safe. They bought a house for her before Christmas 1992. Frances had a very happy childhood. Kurt and Courtney took great care of her. But the couple's reputation began to decline. They also started to fight a lot more often, almost every day. But at the same time, Kurt said that the existence of Courtney and Francis makes him happy.

On March 1st, 1994, Nirvana played their last concert in Munich, Germany. The rest of the European tour has been cancelled. Later that month, Kurt was hospitalized in Rome after a failed suicide attempt (sleeping pills and champagne). "It was an accident" excused Geffen, but those who knew Kurt knew it wasn't. On April 4th, Kurt escaped from a drug treatment clinic in Los Angeles and flew home to Seattle. For unknown reasons, probably depression and stomach pains for several years, he decided to kill himself with a shotgun. Hell on earth was over, millions of fans, wife, child, and friends were left behind. The semi-automatic Remington M-11 20 ended the life of one of the biggest stars in modern rock music. Whether or not Kurt actually shot himself may not be accurate. Tom Grant is still trying to convince us that it wasn't a suicide, but a murder arranged by Courtney Love herself. Whether this is true or not is unknown. But here's what Courtney had to say after Kurt's death:
"Imagine: You are young. And you have been unlucky all your life. And suddenly, finally, you meet a man with whom you feel good. Nothing similar happened to you before. And you are in love. And you believe that this is for life. And Here's your reward - he's handsome. And he's rich. And he's a rock star. And he's good at making love. And he wants to have kids, and you want to. And he understands everything you tell him, and finishes your sentences. He is lazy, but he is spiritual, and he is talented. He wants to be enlightened. And you even have a place where you can live together. He is perfect in everything. The only happiness you will ever have.. ..And then you lose it all..."

At the end of April, the police released the contents of Kurt Cobain's suicide note, found in his purse at the scene of his death. 20 years have passed since the tragic death of the soloist of the group, and only now law enforcement agencies have decided to tell about the content of the last lines of the singer.

The Washington State Police have attached Cobain's suicide note to the materials of the criminal case, which has not yet been closed. Initially, the investigators adhered to the version that the musician himself wrote these lines, but the other day they voiced a new version. Now they claim that the author of the note is Kurt Cobain's wife Courtney Love. This is indicated by the singer's handwriting and the testimony of the late musician's biographer. The man claimed that Courtney wrote the note on their wedding day "for fun and humor."

Investigators said the note was written by Courtney Love.

A suicide note found at the site of Kurt Cobain's death states:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to accept Courtney Michelle Love as your legal wife ... Even if this pimple-faced bitch is ready to spend all your money on drugs and fornication?

The content of the note was published only recently.

Kurt carried this piece of paper in his purse for two more years after the wedding, until his death in 1994. If these words belonged to him, but the investigation would have to establish why the content of this note and the first message are radically different. In a previous letter, Cobain wrote that he "feels guilty before his fans and loved ones," and also confesses his sincere and deep feelings towards Courtney Love and their daughter Frances Bean Cobain. Kurt apologizes to his family and hopes that without him, Courtney and their daughter will live easier.

Kurt wrote about feeling guilty towards loved ones

Eyewitnesses claim that Kurt was crazy about Courtney and their daughter Frances

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home on April 8, 1994, three days after his death. The official version says that the musician shot himself. Despite this, the case of the death of the lead singer of "Nirvana" is still open and every year the police publish new evidence. One of the detectives working with Courtney Love expressed the version that the musician's wife herself could be the customer of the murder. However, she fundamentally refuses to comment on such information.

Cobain died in 1994

After his death, the music of Kurt Cobain brought his family a good income. In 2010, it became known that 37% of the musician's fortune went to his daughter Frances Bean Cobain.

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love: Sid and Nancy of the Nineteen Nineties? Like most couples, they shared everything, but Kourtney used the opportunity to steal Kurt's unreleased song material after his death. And does Courtney have anything to do with Kurt's death?

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met in 1989. Nirvana moved back and forth in Portland, Oregon. It may have been love at first sight, but there was definitely sympathy. In fact, Courtney had a crush on Kurt. The couple did not see each other for two years when they met again in 1991, Dave Grohl, who is a friend of Courtney, introduced them to each other. They both realized that the liking was still mutual and they decided to hang out together.

But so many other relationships in rock 'n' roll, constant gigs and as Nirvana became more and more popular during 1991, the two saw very little of each other. But they maintained their love by talking frequently on the phone and trying to see each other as often as they could. Nothing could stop their love for each other

In December 1991, the couple decided to get married. Some believe the marriage pushed Kourtney because she saw the increasing popularity of Nirvana's Nevermind album and wanted a piece of the pie.

On February 24th, 1992, the couple got married at a cliff in Hawaii. Kurt was in green pajamas and Courtney was in an old dress that once belonged to Seattle Actress Frances Farmer. Kurt didn't want it to be a big ceremony as he was afraid he would cry. Chris Novoselic and his wife Shelley were not present at the ceremony as the two couples had just had an argument over Chris and Shelley blaming Kourtney for influencing Kurt, more specifically heroin use. They cleared things up after, but Kurt's best friend didn't attend his wedding. By the way, Kurt was crying.

Nirvana was due to play Saturday Night Live for the first time (they played it twice). Courtney found out she was pregnant. The media decided that they would highlight the couple's drug use. After it became known about her pregnancy, Courtney went a little off drugs, Kurt, however, did not. Courtney later became the victim of the worst tabloid article ever written about the couple; Vanity Fair's Lynn Hirshberg decided that she would annoy Kourtney apart by writing a lousy article regarding her and heroin use. She decided to make their lives hell on earth.

Fuck off, everyone smokes during pregnancy," Courtney justified.

Franziska (Francis) Bean Cobain was born on August 18th, 1992. The baby was away from Kurt and Kourtney for some time, although the baby felt well and was as healthy as it could be. The couple spent most of their income that year battling the media to ensure Francis's safety. They bought a house for her before Christmas 1992.

Francis had a very happy childhood. Kurt and Courtney took great care of her. But the couple's reputation began to decline. They also started to fight a lot more, almost every day. But at the same time, Kurt said that the existence of Courtney and Francis makes him happy.

On March 1st, 1994, Nirvana played their last concert in Munich, Germany. The rest of the European tour has been cancelled. Later that month, Kurt was hospitalized in Rome after a failed suicide attempt (sleeping pills and champagne). "It was an accident" excused Geffen, but those who knew Kurt knew it wasn't. On April 4th, Kurt escaped from a drug treatment clinic in Los Angeles and flew back home to Seattle. For unknown reasons, probably depression and stomach pains for several years, he decided to kill himself with a shotgun. Hell on earth was over, millions of fans, wife, child, and friends were left behind. The semi-automatic Remington M-11 20 ended the life of one of the biggest stars in modern rock music.

Whether or not Kurt actually shot himself may not be accurate. Tom Grant is still trying to convince me and everyone else that it wasn't a suicide but a murder arranged by Courtney Love herself. This is not just so, I do not want to start a debate about this, I will leave it to everyone, let everyone decide everything for himself. There are several sources for different versions of this incident, my personal opinion is that it was a suicide.

Many questions have been asked, and most of them unanswered. Courtney herself decided to remain silent. Either time will give us the answers, or the truth will die with Courtney. But one thing is known: Kurt loved Courtney. "Love Hate Relationship"...

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