Ready-made essays in the areas of "Time", "Home", "Love", "Way", "Year of Literature". Collection of ideal essays on social studies Phrases for building an essay

General information from FIPI:

« Time”- the direction is focused on a broad understanding of time as a historical and philosophical category, perceived in the interaction of the momentary and the eternal, the real and the imaginary, the personal and the universal, the past and the future. At the center of the discussion is man and time, society and era.

Each of the directions is a solid abstraction. Whether this is good or bad is not for me to judge. Of course, this has certain advantages, because you can pick up any work here. But you must understand that the point here is not only in them, but in the ability to write, to see the important, necessary, which will be useful to you to reveal the topic. And whether they will even directly intersect with time is a question that will remain unanswered until December 2. Yes, there will be a trial in November, but judging by last year, there is nothing in common between these topics. Therefore, your business is small - read and write.

How many sayings can you remember that mention the word "time"? Their mass. The first one that comes to mind is "Time heals". It heals, but, alas, does not rejuvenate. It has already been indicated above from what positions you may have to reason, so we will now try to briefly run through some of the voiced works.

AT " Fathers and children"time divided the heroes into 2 camps: those whose "song is sung", in the words of Bazarov, and those who have to live for more than a dozen years. Time is merciless here. Nikolai Petrovich tries to be on the same wavelength with his beloved son, constantly studying self-education, but bitterly understands that worldview and attitude differ, although Bazarov’s pressure affects here.
When Turgenev was asked why he had prepared just such an ending for his hero, Yevgeny Bazarov, he replied that the time had not yet come for him, he appeared too early, there were too few supporters and people who would be able to support him, so no other the author could not think of a fate. Time acted as a barrier for the protagonist, it was he alone who was able to overcome it, while everyone else who was with him preferred to remain observers.

Three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days - that's how much Ivan Shukhov spent in the Stalinist camps, the hero of A.I. Solzhenitsyn " One day Ivan Denisovich"The narrative was based on a description of just one day, short 18 hours, which reflected the lives of thousands of people, defenseless and powerless. The world of Stalin's camps has its own rules and laws, time here is punishment, it flows slowly and completely monotonously, it does not no beginning, no end. To the ten years that the average Gulag prisoner received, an additional 5-10 years could easily be added. Therefore, for all those who got here, life was divided into before and after ...

The directions in which the topics of essays will be composed for graduates have become known. The Council for the final essay, headed by Natalia Dmitrievna Solzhenitsyna, identified five thematic areas: "Time", "Home", "Love", "The Way", "The Year of Literature in Russia".

If desired, graduates of previous years can also write an essay, - the Ministry of Education and Science explained to RG. - Themes are developed in closed mode.

Most of the students coped with the essay and almost did not exceed the allowable number of errors - 5 per 100 words. Another thing is what style and style they wrote creative works. Teachers don’t really want to talk about this, but university teachers are not enthusiastic about essays. The Moscow City Pedagogical University checked 1300 papers.

Unfortunately, most of the essays are stereotyped and resemble in structure part C from the Unified State Examination, - said rector Igor Remorenko. - For almost everyone, the last paragraph begins like this: "In conclusion, I want to say ..."

The well-known writer Andrei Astvatsaturov, who teaches at the university, told RG what knowledge of literature yesterday’s schoolchildren come to universities with: “At the exam, you learn from a student that the poet Batyushkin and Boratyshkin were Pushkin’s contemporaries. Sometimes something funnier .. .". However, is it any wonder if all the previous years students were simply trained for tests? ..

Tips for graduates

"Time". In the center of the argument is man and time, society and era.

"House". This is the unity of small and large, the ratio of material and spiritual, external and internal.

"Love". There is an opportunity to look at love from different perspectives: parents and children, men and women, a person and the world around him.

"Path". These are road impressions, and thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and means to achieve it.

"Year of Literature". The topics will be addressed to the reader, who lives another year of his life with a book in his hands. Here you will need a reader's outlook and the ability to talk about great literature.

From the FIPI website

Direct speech

Natalia Solzhenitsyna:

Directions are given not for students, but for teachers and theme developers. Students will write essays on specific topics. In total, at least 300 different essay topics will be prepared. Why so much? Topics will be different for each time zone. Those who receive "fail" will be able to rewrite the work in February and May, and the topics will not overlap with those that were on the main day.

Each student on the day of the exam will receive 5 specific topics that he will be able to reveal on the works of his choice. The networks are panicking: what if a person, revealing the theme of love, wants to take "Lolita" or "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Well, if a graduate cares about this, it's better to write than to drive him underground with his experiences, but I doubt that this will happen in reality. In addition, these books are now marked "18+" in accordance with the law on the protection of children against undesirable information, however, the discussion about the application of this law continues. But the direction "Love" gives rise to dozens of topics: it is love for one's profession, for parents, for the Motherland, big or small, it can be love for animals, for mountains or the sea, for painting or music, love can be bright and tragic, selfish and sacrificial.

Some teachers suggest giving authors next to the topics that you can rely on when revealing the topic. This was not expected, we tried in every possible way to get away from school literary criticism, from imposing templates on children. The teacher can discuss which authors and which works to take, revealing a particular topic, in the classroom. Suppose we indicate three or four authors to the topic of the essay. This will not save a weak student, but only hobbles a strong one.


Elena Zinina, Scientific Secretary of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI):

Comments on the directions are composed in such a way that they do not suggest the topics of the essays, but at the same time they would give certain guidelines, show various possible angles of formulations. A more specific comment could provoke the development of rehearsal themes for compositions, various kinds of cheat sheets, including by the forces of unscrupulous publishers. Topics will be announced 15 minutes before the essay starts. I assure you they will be easy. It is allowed to use a work of art, domestic or foreign, folklore, memoirs, journalism, poetry. Requirement: The essay must contain at least one poem. The use of religious literature, including the Bible, the Koran, is not prohibited.

What essays were written by high school students at the beginning of the twentieth century

The word as a source of happiness.

Why is life compared to travel?

Motherland and foreign side.

About the transience of life.

What items make up the wealth of Russia and why?

About the high dignity of the human word and writing.

About the fragility of happiness based solely on material wealth.

The fading of our garden in autumn.

Meeting troops returning from the campaign.

Sample Topics and works of the final essay direction "Time"

" Stop, moment! You're great!" I. Goethe)

V. Krupin "Drop the bag!"

Poems by S. Yesenin

Y. Yakovlev "Awakened by nightingales". (The mischievous, restless Selyuzhonok was once awakened by nightingales in a pioneer camp. Angry, with a stone in his hand, he decides to deal with the birds, but freezes, fascinated by the singing of the nightingale. Something moved in the boy’s soul, he wanted to see, and then portray the forest wizard "And even though the bird molded by him from plasticine does not even remotely resemble a nightingale, Selyuzhonok experienced the life-giving power of art. When the nightingale woke him up again, he raised all the children from their beds so that they too could hear the magic trills. The author claims that the comprehension of beauty in nature leads to comprehension of beauty in art, in oneself.)

D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful” (In the book, a well-known Russian publicist talks about the need to feel happiness for a person. Likhachev believes that it is necessary to maintain a joyful attitude to life under any circumstances. )

" Happy hours do not watch"

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

I.A. Bunin:

We always remember happiness.

And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it

This autumn garden behind the barn

And clean air pouring through the window.

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

A. Kuprin "Shulamith" (King Solomon, by the power of his love, turned Shulamith, a simple

The girl from the vineyard, to the queen...)

"For lovers, the clock usually runs forward." ( William Shakespeare)

« The only measure of time is memory » (Vladislav Grzegorchik)

Chingiz Aitmatov called a man, who does not remember his kinship, who lost his memory, mankurt (“Stormy stop”). Mankurt is a man forcibly deprived of memory. This is a slave who has no past. He does not know who he is, where he comes from, does not know his name, does not remember childhood, father and mother - in a word, he does not realize himself as a human being.

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita" The power of good, the human power that Yeshua embodies in himself, is that he sees the soul of another, understands him and tries to help him. This is precisely what the prisoner strikes Pilate first of all. Yeshua performed the greatest miracle: he gave a place in his soul to a person who threatens his life, can become his executioner, "he fell in love with him! Humanity remembers both of them, only for different reasons

The measure of life is not in duration, but in how you used. (M. Montaigne)

A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry". Chimsha Himalayan

And, dreaming of a manor with gooseberries, he is malnourished, denies himself everything, marries for convenience, dresses like a beggar and saves money. He practically starved his wife to death, but he fulfilled his dream. How pitiful he is when he eats sour gooseberries with a happy, self-satisfied look!

History is the best teacher the worst students. (I. Gandhi)

M. Tsvetaeva writes:

Brothers, here it is. The bet is extreme!

For the third year already, Abel has been fighting with Cain ...

People become weapons in the hands of the authorities. Breaking into two camps, friends become enemies, relatives become forever strangers.

M.M. Sholokhov "Don stories". Sholokhov is one of those who spoke of the Civil War as the greatest tragedy that had grave consequences. The civil war for Sholokhov is a catastrophe in which human ties are destroyed. There are no right and wrong here, which means there can be no winners. But, apparently, history really has bad students, and again a civil war ...

" What a patriot, what nation did not belong would he, would not like to tear out a few pages from national history?

P. Vyazemsky)

The verdict on the state system based on injustice and lies is passed by A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”

A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

Sholokhov "Don Stories" In "Don Stories" Sholokhov expressed all his attitude to the terrible events of the civil war, which was the tragedy of the Russian people. War is fatal for both sides in general and is triple tragic when brother fights against brother, neighbor against neighbor, against each other. For a nation, a civil war is a great tragedy, since it does not bring any positive progressive result, such as, for example, national liberation wars. Such a war brings only irreparable losses, cripples souls, divides native people into "their own" and "enemies", which can become a member of one's own family - father, son, brother, brings senseless, unjustified cruelty, a surge of the most cruel, dark and gloomy emotions.

" History is the witness of time, the light of truth, life of memory, teacher of life, messenger antiquity." Marcus Tullius Cicero

A.T. Tvardovsky in his poem “By the Right of Memory” calls for rethinking the sad experience of totalitarianism.

A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem". This poem is evidence of real events, "the light of truth"

A. Tvardovsky knew firsthand about the war, but all his life he felt guilty before those who

Didn't return:

I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

In that they

Who is older, who is younger -

Remained there

And it's not about the same

that I could

But he couldn't save

It's not about that, but still, still, still ...

This is a poem about those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. But does it have

Meaning? The main thing is that in the war, whether in Finnish, German, Chechen or some other,

People are dying. Is this not a warning to mankind?

O. Ermakov "The last story about the war." Having been in the war, the hero of the story, Meshcheryakov, did not learn how to kill, but the war still poisoned his life. She firmly took a place in his memory, a memory

they didn’t leave her for a minute

I. Bunin's story "Antonov's Apples" vividly and colorfully presents the image of the village, which is associated with "early, fresh, quiet morning." The author's thoughts are turned to the past, in which there remains "a large, all golden, dried up and thinned garden" with "maple alleys", where you can enjoy the "delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness ..."

" History is a witness to the past, an example and a lesson for the present, a warning for future." (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" When reading the story, bright pages of the past of our country rise before us

Rasputin V.G. "Farewell to Matera". The ancient village is endowed with historical memory, the loss of which is tantamount to death for the inhabitants.

This novel is a signal of the danger threatening man, humanity from


oh the power of machines and the power of the state - it doesn't matter what.

E.Zamyatin Roman "We".

Happiness in the One State is seen as implanted from above by the control apparatus, which is led by the Benefactor and his assistant Guardians, who zealously guard people from true feelings. Total surveillance, torture, executions are the necessary attributes of the United State. At the end of the novel, everyone is subjected to the Great Operation - Fantasy is removed, the last

th relic of the soul, atavism.

" Do you agree with the statement that personality may be immortal, thanks to its creations and deeds?

A.S. Pushkin wrote in The Bronze Horseman

Nature here is destined for us

Cut a window to Europe...

These lines were written about Peter the Great. He is a man who changed the course of history, one of the most prominent statesmen who determined the direction of Russia's development in the 18th century. Peter launched large-scale reforms of the Russian state, changed the social

Way of life: he cut off the sleeves and beards of the boyars. He built the first Russian fleet, thereby protecting the country from the sea. Here he is, that person, that person who accomplished a lot of great and heroic things in his life, made history

A. S. Pushkin dedicated his lines to V. A. Zhukovsky:

His poetry captivating sweetness

Centuries of envious distance will pass ...

A. Kuprin wrote the story "The Wonderful Doctor", based on real events. Mertsalov, exhausted by poverty, is ready to commit suicide in despair, but the well-known doctor N.I. Pirogov, who happened to be nearby, speaks to him. He helps the unfortunate, and from that moment on, the life of the failed suicide and the life of his family changes in the most happy way. This story speaks eloquently of the fact that the act of one person can affect the fate of other people.

In the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, one of the central problems is the problem of the role of the individual in history. Alexander the First, Napoleon, Kutuzov - this is an incomplete list of historical figures shown in the novel. Who among them can claim to be the creator of history, a great man? According to Tolstoy, a great man bears in himself the moral foundations of the people and feels his moral obligation to people. Alexander the First cannot always understand what is most important for the people, the country at the moment. Napoleon's ambitious claims betray in him a person who does not understand the significance of the events that are taking place. “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth,” Tolstoy passes such a sentence on Napoleon. He calls Kutuzov a great man, since he set the interests of the whole people as the goal of his activities. It expresses the people's soul and patriotism.

F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The real reason for Raskolnikov's crime was the desire to test his theory. Its essence was that Raskolnikov divided all people into those who "have the right" and "trembling creatures." The former live in obedience, the latter transgress the law, destroyers. Lycurgus, Mohammed, Solon, Napoleon - all these great people were criminals who shed a lot of blood. It is these people, according to Raskolnikov's theory, that "move the world and lead it to the goal." insolvency

Dostoevsky debunked the theory of the protagonist of the novel by the whole course of action, by the fact that the most humiliated and insulted heroine, Sonechka Marmeladova, turned out to be spiritually superior to the rest, by the fact that, testing his theory in practice, Raskolnikov subjected himself to terrible moral torments.

" Don't let life slip between your fingers." I.S. Turgenev.

G.R.Derzhavin. In the "Last Poems" of the great poet of the 18th century, we read about the "river of time". Time, rushing forward, leaves "all the affairs of people" to eternity.

It would be sad if our descendants forgot the deeds of their predecessors

. But a person has a memory, so in his heart will live forever "through the sounds of the lyre and the trumpet" "peoples, kingdoms ..."

The problem of time is inextricably linked with life and death, youth and old age. These motifs unite “Poems in Prose” by I.S. Turgenev.

LN Tolstoy "War and Peace". Prince Andrei is an outstanding, intelligent, honest, noble person. He is looking for happiness and the meaning of life, however, only for himself. He lacked selflessness

, selflessness, but, nevertheless, dreaming of a feat and glory for himself, he wishes the country victory.

Life searches lead us to comprehend the meaning of life. Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, life is fleeting. This is a moment, and therefore it is impossible to let life "slip between the fingers."

Time is the greatest value in human life. Only it allows us to realize the value of all life and what is happening around. Time does not wait for anyone, leaving on the pages of being days, weeks and years filled with a wide variety of events and emotions. In this block, we decided to highlight the most pressing problems related to the problem of time. So we will be able to show how its value was presented by writers in their creations.

  1. Sholokhov - Quiet Don. This work absorbed many phenomena of the heyday of the Don Cossacks. The novel is replete with heroes and events that take place in their lives, but for the most part the reader's attention is riveted to the main and tragic hero of the work, Grigory Melekhov. On the pages of the novel, Gregory is revealed as a character with a constantly rushing soul, inside him there is an ongoing struggle of thoughts and aspirations. Either we see the hero as an exemplary family man, or as an ardent lover, or as a Cossack demonstrating wisdom and rationality in decisions, or as a confused and fickle warrior. Multiple tests of love, family, friends, Cossacks change a man, forcing him to show himself from completely unexpected sides. And if at the beginning we see the large and friendly family of the Melekhovs, then at the end of the work Sholokhov shows us the unfortunate reality of the life of the Don Cossack after all the upheavals that have fallen on her, where only son Mikhail and sister Dunyasha remain alive.
  2. Tolstoy - Resurrection. After reading this work, you really understand how the life of one person can depend on the stupid and thoughtless actions of another. In the novel, the author collides and intertwines the destinies of two completely different characters in terms of lifestyle, character and prosperity - Katya Maslova and Dmitry Nekhlyudov. One careless act of a man forever changes the already difficult fate of Katya, starting a series of events that ultimately lead the heroine to the path of a prisoner. Realizing his negative influence on the current position of Katyusha, Nekhlyudov is trying by all means to atone for his guilt and even wants to marry her, but for a woman his motives are now an empty phrase. An insidious connection with Nekhlyudov, a brothel, a murder charge and, in the end, a prison change Katya, forcing her to accept her cross and adapt to new living conditions. The author carries the heroine through the betrayal and cruelty of others, but in the end gives her a spiritual resurrection and a person who truly loves her. So, from a sweet and innocent Katyusha turned into a sensual, strong heroine, who is an image of pure and noble femininity, with nascent revolutionary ideals. All these consequences are the influence of time. It was because of the harsh laws of her era that Katerina could not get a decent job. She was originally second rate for the master's aunts and for himself, so Nekhlyudov feels not his personal guilt, but the guilt of his entire class, all the eras of prosperity of some and the vegetation of others.

Transience of time

  1. Ostrovsky - How steel was tempered. Pavka Korchagin is a symbol of the new revolutionary time. From an early age, the boy shows interest not in "dry" schooling, but in real and painstaking work. Pavka's life is a constant wandering, the search for the meaning of his existence, which he later finds in the revolution. The hero is an ardent defender of revolutionary ideas and communism in general. Throughout his short but very fulfilling life, a man shows the best sides of a rebellious, but very fair character. It is important to note that family and love do not occupy a significant place in the life of the character, he devotes himself entirely to the social idea and its prosperity. Acquaintance with various heroes, as if high-speed trains rush past his fate, leaving a mark on his ideological positions. The cruelty of the civil war, the construction of a narrow-gauge railway and trials of love harden the character of the young man, but the inaction that has come due to a progressive illness kills all the hopes of the hero to be a devoted servant of communism. The time allotted to him quickly ends, but the young man does not lose heart and, despite the severity of the illness, writes a book that expresses the struggle for justice of the same young, ardent and ambitious future Korchagins.
  2. Gorky - Old Woman Izergil. The life of the central heroine of the story, the old woman Izergil, seems to us surprisingly bright and fascinating. Indulging in memories, she reproduces the stages of her long life journey, immersing the reader in the events that once happened to her. Life by the sea with his mother, love for a fisherman, life with a red-haired Hutsul, a harem with a Turk in which Izergil lived for a week, the humiliation of a Pole monk, a pan with a chopped face, a Magyar and a gentry - all these people left their mark on the fate of the old woman Izergil, forcing again and again to go through another life test. At the time of the story, she is depicted as an old woman with dry, cracked lips, a pointed chin, a wrinkled nose, and gray hair. The brightness of youth, which the old woman Izergil told about, was extinguished by time, and now only the memories dormant in her memory reminded her of her. An old woman lives among young people, who enthusiastically listen to her colorful stories. But the lost charm cannot be returned, and the woman consoles herself only with the fact that she once was. And the author, using her example, shows that time must be spent with benefit, otherwise you can live life in vain, leaving nothing worthy behind.
  3. Can't turn back time

    1. Gorky - At the bottom. What does it mean for a person to be on the social bottom? Realize that you are not capable of more, and accept your situation as it is? These questions are asked by the heroes of the play, trying to understand what is in store for them next. From the mouths of the overnight shelters, we learn how they ended up in the dirty cellars. Each of those who found themselves here has their own tragic story that deserves attention. At one moment, the rooming house, like a ray of light, is illuminated by the appearance of the wanderer Luka. The preacher instills in people the hope that it is not too late to change everything, it is not too late to rise from the bottom and again feel the joy of life, not existence. Hope is born in the hearts of the poor, but it requires constant encouragement in order to get stronger and be realized, but at the most important and turning point for some heroes, the wanderer disappears as quietly as he appeared. The actor, unable to come to terms with this, hangs himself. Others grumble about the departure of Luke and the hope given to him. The happy time of hope has gone forever into the shadow of memories, and the time given by Luke for rebirth has been wasted. The inhabitants of the rooming house let him through, never having tried to "resurrect" mentally and physically.
    2. Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment. Sonya Maremladova is, of course, one of the characters in the novel Crime and Punishment that is attractive and sympathetic to the reader. Despite her vicious activities, she remains a pure, sublime and very wise girl. Meeting with Raskolnikov forever changes the lives of both heroes and gives hope for favorable changes: Sonya - to find true female happiness with Raskolnikov, and Rodion - repentance, spiritual purification and a soul mate nearby. Perhaps they would like to rewind time, cross the pit of Sonya's fornication and Raskolnikov's fall into sin, never crossing fatal boundaries, but this is not possible. It remains for them to go forward with new thoughts and motivations, bypassing the failures of the past life. The main thing is that Sonya and Rodion entered each other's destinies, giving a mutual chance for healing.

USE Arguments in Literature on Various Issues: A Selection to Help Teachers and Students

In the essay-reasoning of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language (task 25), the examinee must express his opinion on the problem raised by the author in the original text, agreeing or disagreeing with the author's position, (K4). We provide a table of subjects and arguments of the exam on them.

Having formulated your own position, you need to select specific examples-illustrations based on personal reader experience, to introduce them into the text of the essay-reasoning, you can use the following phrases :

  • To prove the validity of all of the above, I will give the following literary example. Let's remember the story / novel / play ... (the author is indicated and the title of the work is given). In this work ... / The main character of this work is distinguished by ...
  • Russian classical writers have repeatedly spoken about this in their works. Let's remember the story / novel / play ... (the author is indicated and the title of the work is given). In this piece…
  • Evidence of this can be found in the literature ...
  • A similar attitude (act) is also found in books (in a novel, story, short story) ...
  • As evidence (confirmation), examples from ...
  • Indeed (indeed, certainly) ...
  • Remembering... from...

Jump to second argument:

  • The following literary example, it seems to me, is another additional argument in favor of the fact that ...
  • Let me give you another literary example that shows ...
  • About how important ..., the writer says in his story / novel / play ...

The paper presents examples-illustrations from the works of classical writers and modern authors to argue their own opinions on some problems encountered in the source texts of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Problematics of USE essays and examples-illustrations for arguing one's own opinion

Literary examples-illustrations for the argumentation of one's own opinion

The role of nature in human life

Nature gives a person harmony, strength, calmness, helps to cure mental fatigue.

  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (episodes "The Sky of Austerlitz"; "Old Oak")
  • Looking at the high sky of Austerlitz, the wounded Prince Andrei realizes that the former aspirations for glory, for the love of human vanity and therefore are insignificant. He is disappointed in the exclusivity of the individual.
  • The description of the old oak helps the reader to perceive the state of Andrei Bolkonsky. The first meeting with the oak took place when Prince Andrei, in a depressed state of mind after being wounded at Austerlitz and the death of his wife, goes to the Ryazan estates of his son. The surrounding nature is consonant with the state of the hero. At the sight of a dead, unblown oak that he met in a birch grove, he comes to the hopeless conclusion that his life, like the life of the old giant oak, has ended: "Our life is over!"

But Andrey, renewed, full of joyful feelings, again passes by a birch grove, the surrounding nature is in harmony with his cheerful mood. Looking at the blossoming oak, Andrey comes to the conclusion: "No, life is not over at 31."

The problem of perception of nature

People endowed with a poetic sense have access to a deeper understanding of nature, associated with a special worldview.

  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (episodes "Night in Otradnoye", "Winter Christmas Night")
  • Pictures of a moonlit night in Otradnoye emphasize the poetic nature of Natasha Rostova, who subtly feels the magical charm of the surrounding nature. Impressed by what she saw, Natasha wants to strain and fly.
  • On a winter holy night, when the masqueraded Rostovs go to the Milyukovs, the emotional and receptive Nikolai feels the unusualness of the situation: the familiar winter forest becomes fantastic, fabulous, mysterious for him. Natasha has the same feelings. Nature in this episode is a celebration of young feelings.
  • Nature in these episodes is so piercingly beautiful that it elevates a person above everyday life and prosaicness, lifts and inspires.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature (ecology) (how does scientific and technological progress affect the relationship between man and nature?)

Often, nature becomes for people only a means of solving material problems; consumer attitude to nature is fraught with catastrophic consequences both for the environment and for the person himself; caring attitude to nature is the civic duty of every person to the country and its culture.

  • Ch. Aitmatov "Slaf"
  • Ch. Aitmatov tells about the ecological tragedy that occurred in the unique Mayunkum savannah. Fulfilling the plan for meat procurement, a person savagely destroys all living things that come his way while hunting saigas.
  • V. P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"
  • The writer knows that it is necessary to shoot game for hungry geologists, that people need fish, forest, water energy. But at the same time, he thinks about how to preserve nature for future generations.

Modern teenagers differ from their parents because they live in a different era, different - today's time; however, their views and morals deserve respect, so adults must learn to understand their children, and then the gap between them will disappear.

Adult children often do not understand that over time, the manifestation of love for parents must change, because elderly parents need effective help and care.

  • I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (ideological conflict between Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov)
  • The disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov touched upon the main issues on which the revolutionary democrats and liberals differed in their views: the choice of the path for the further development of the country, liberal accusation and overthrow of the foundations of the autocratic serf system, understanding of materialism and idealism, attitude to science, art, people.

All the principles of Pavel Petrovich boil down, in essence, to the defense of the old system. The principles of the nihilist Bazarov also come down, ultimately, to one thing - to destroy this order.

Education should not be reduced only to mental development, the pupil should be instilled with moral standards of behavior, accustomed to socially useful work.

  • DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"
  • Revealing the topic of education, Fonvizin speaks through the mouth of Starodum that education should be the key to the well-being of the state. It is necessary to educate the nobles as citizens, as advanced and enlightened figures of the country, the writer believes.
  • M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" (Professor Preobrazhensky - Dr. Bormental - Sharikov)
  • Philip Filippovich, trying to educate Sharikov with a word, often loses his temper from the unheard-of rudeness of the "pupil", breaks into a cry, he does not convince, but orders, this causes even greater resistance from the "student". Doctor Bormental, taking up the education of Sharikov, uses other methods: he is cold-blooded and restrained in relations with the "student". Sharikov obeys Bormental because he is afraid of him. But fear breeds not respect, but hatred. How should a person be educated? We see that neither theory has withstood the test in practice. Sharikov hears only what corresponds to his aspirations, laid down by nature, it is impossible to educate him - neither with a stick nor a carrot.

The problem of personality formation

The desire for moral self-improvement, the desire "to be quite good, to bring good to people" gives its results.

  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • The path of ideological search for Pierre Bezukhov is not easy. Having gone through the realization of the mistakes made in search of truth and the meaning of life: the idle life of a secular reveler, an unhappy marriage with Helen, a duel with Dolokhov, disappointment in Freemasonry, he realized that he could not indifferently see the suffering of other people. Being in captivity, Pierre comes to the conclusion: "Man is created for happiness."
  • M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (the path of Ivan Bezdomny)
  • The history of the Master, his tragic fate led Ivan to the understanding that he lives in a country of arbitrariness and lawlessness, where talent, conscience and truth are being destroyed. The meeting with the Master helped Ivan Bezdomny gain faith, intelligence, realize his ignorance and delusions. He begins to evaluate his work in a different way, considering his own poems "monstrous." As a result of great mental work, Ivan learns cultural traditions and becomes enlightened. Now he is Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrov, the ideological successor and spiritual heir of the Master, an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy.
  • K.D. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow"
  • K. Vorobyov shows the path of the Kremlin cadet Lieutenant Alexei Yastrebov to victory over himself, over the fear of death, to self-confidence. A sense of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland makes Alexei be demanding of himself, worry and think about everything that happens to him and the cadets of his company. This feeling helps him overcome the fear that he experienced in the night battle, survive the death of Captain Ryumin, who died in his arms, survive everything that happened to his company. Aleksey, at the limit of his strength, rises towards the German tank and wins not only over the enemy, but also over himself, over the fear of his own death.

It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person without teaching him to respect his ancestors, the history of the country.

  • A.T. Tvardovsky
  • In a poem “I was killed near Rzhev…” the poet speaks about the importance of the memory of those who died in the war.
  • In a poem "By Right of Memory" A. Tvardovsky asserts the human right to memory. The poet, who survived the tragedy of “double fatherhood”, when loyalty to the “father of nations” was proved at the terrible cost of renunciation of his own father:

Forget where you came from

And realize, do not bite:

To the detriment of love for the father of nations -

Any other love

warns his contemporaries:

Who hides the past jealously

He is unlikely to be in harmony with the future.

Tvardovsky is convinced that it is necessary to remember one's roots, one's relatives and loved ones - this is not just a right, but also a duty of a person. We have no right to lose sight of anything. As long as we remember, our ancestors, their deeds and deeds are “alive”. Memory is a privilege of a person, and he cannot voluntarily give it up to please anyone.

  • A. Voznesensky "Moat"
  • A. Voznesensky in the poem "The Ditch" with pain in his heart tells about the crime of people who, in pursuit of money, succumbing to "hunger", forgetting about the sacred memory of the victims of the war, break the ditch where the Nazis dumped the bodies of the executed civilians during the war. The poet speaks of the rupture of spiritual and moral ties between generations.

True love is the highest state of a person's soul, the ability to overcome selfish, possessive urges for the sake of another person; true love comes to those who are able to live for another.

  • A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet"
  • Great happiness - to love - was experienced by the lonely poor telegraph operator Zheltkov, who for eight years had been unrequitedly in love with Princess Sheina. He loves truly, with passionate, unselfish love. Zheltkov is grateful to Vera Nikolaevna for evoking this wonderful feeling in his heart.

The Problem of True Friendship

True friendship implies spiritual intimacy and selfless self-giving.

  • V.L. Kondratiev "Sasha"
  • V.Kondratyev tells about Sasha's friendship with Lieutenant Volodya, whom he met on the way to the hospital. Sashka accepts the guilt of Volodya, who threw a plate at a fat major, who comes to the evacuation hospital to calm down the soldiers dissatisfied with the food. Sashka understands that Volodya will not be forgiven for this act, they will be punished to the fullest extent of wartime, and he, an ordinary soldier, will not be punished severely - they will not send him further than the usual “front end”.

The problem of jealousy (What is jealousy?)

Jealousy is a natural feeling, which, on the one hand, is associated with disbelief in oneself, and on the other hand, with distrust of the one you love; through the rejection of egoism, one gains a genuine feeling of love, overcomes jealousy.

  • M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade"
  • In the drama M.Yu. Lermontov's "Masquerade" unreasonable jealousy leads Arbenin to the murder of Nina, whom he truly loves and whose feelings he values.

People living in a big city, succumbing to the fast pace of life, are immersed in their worries, so a person is often lonely.

  • A.P. Chekhov "Tosca"
  • The ingenuous story told by A.P. Chekhov makes one think about the loneliness of a person in a big and noisy city. The unfortunate old cab driver Iona Potapov, who is deeply worried about the death of his son, vainly seeks sympathy from people. But no one wants to listen to him and share with him the bitterness of loss. And only the horse, calmly chewing hay, could Jonah pour out his grief.

The problem of honor and dignity

Honor, dignity are true values ​​that are affirmed by actions.

“The defense of the Motherland is the defense of one’s own dignity” (N.K. Roerich).

  • A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
  • “Take care of honor from a young age” - such an instruction is given to Pyotr Grinev by his father, sending his son to the army. Pyotr Grinev seeks to fulfill his father's precepts. During the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, he behaves like a brave officer, honestly doing his duty.
  • M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"
  • In "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M.Yu. Lermontov shows the enduring value of honor. Kalashnikov is a merchant whose aspirations, it would seem, should be limited to profitable trade. But when the honor of the family is hurt, when human dignity is violated, he goes into a deadly duel with the royal guardsman.
  • V.L. Kondratiev "Wound leave"
  • Despite the lieutenant's shoulder straps, at the school, Volodka, the hero of V. Kondratiev's story “Vacation for injury, at first did not know how to fight and command and was afraid. To hide fear, he thoughtlessly climbed ahead, so he put a lot of people and in vain. His dignity as a soldier and commander is born out of a sense of guilt before those who died because of his stupidity and cowardice. From the spectacle of front-line Moscow, communication with Muscovites, out of love for him and his own feelings, out of his mother's carefully concealed fear for his life. He returns to the front, to his own, although there is an opportunity to stay at the rear. And he is not driven by the need to assert himself in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. He goes to protect everyone with whom he has brought his wounded leave: Moscow, his mother, Muscovites, Yulka, Tonya.

Music (art) can not only be enjoyed, it gives a person joy, comforts in difficult times, helps to realize that he is not alone in the world; makes a person think, awakens feelings, calls to action.

  • V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"
  • Through the unpretentious music of the groom Joachim Petrus, the hero of the story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician", blind from birth, discovered the life of the people, the beauty of his native land, found harmony with himself and those around him. His eyes remained blind, but his soul was healed.
  • Gleb Mekhed "Violinist"
  • The hero of Gleb Mekhed's story "The Violinist" Ignatiy Semenovich Muzov is a lonely, unfortunate violinist, trying to hide from the prose of life in the world of music, which "undividedly owned his soul." In painful moments for him, he took out a violin from a case and was transferred to "the world of Music, far from the chaos of life, lost in eternity, where wonderful and bright images lived."

1. Aitmatov Ch.T. Scaffold: Novel / Foreword. E. Surkova. - M.: Young Guard, 1987.

4. Bulgakov M.A. The Master and Margarita: A Novel. - M .: "Svarog", 1994.

5. Bulgakov M.A. Heart of a Dog: A Novel. Tales. Stories. - M .: CJSC Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 2000. (Series "Russian Classics").

5. Voznesensky A. Rov: Roman newspaper, 1989, No. 21/22.

6. Vorobyov K.D. Killed near Moscow. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. - (School student's library).

7. Kondratiev V.L. On the Ovsyannikovsky field: Tales, stories. - M.: Izvestia, 1985. (Series: Library of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples")

8. Korolenko V.G. Blind Musician: A Tale. - M.: Children's literature, 1973.

9. Kuprin A.I. Olesya; Duel; Garnet bracelet. - M.: Fiction, 1984.

10. Lermontov M.Yu. Selected works / Ed.: G. Belenky, P. Nikolaev and others; Comp., intro. article and note. V. Korovina - M .: Fiction, 1987. (Teacher's Library).

11. Mehed G. Violinist: Roman newspaper, 2006, No. 11.

12. Pushkin A.S. Works. In 3 volumes. T. 3. Eugene Onegin. Novels and stories. Journey to Arzum. Note K.I. Tyunkina. M.: Fiction, 1978.

13. Tvardovsky A.T. By right of memory: Roman newspaper, 1989, No. 21/22.

14. Tolstoy L.N. War and Peace: Collected Works in twelve volumes. - M .: Pravda Publishing House, 1987. Volumes 1 - 4.

15. Trifonov Yu. Another life. - M .: Izvestia, 1979. (Series: Library of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples").

16. Turgenev I.S. Selected works / Ed.: G. Belenky, P. Nikolaev, A. Ovcharenko and others; Comp., intro. article by V. Shcherbina; note comp. section "Applications" Vl. Kataev. - M.: Fiction, 1987. (Teacher's Library).

17. Fonvizin D.I., Griboyedov A.S., Ostrovsky A.N. Selected works / Ed.: G. Belenky, P. Nikolaev, A. Puzikov; Comp. and intro. article by V.Turbina; Comp. section "Appendices" Yu.Dvinskaya. - M.: Fiction, 1989. (Teacher's Library).

18. Chalmaev V.A. "Word, do not break into a groan ...". Konstantin Vorobyov: at the origins of the people's war.

18. Chekhov A.P. Leads and stories. Cherry Orchard./ Comp. E.M.Zhezlova. - M.: Moscow worker, 1979.

1. Baronova M.M. Russian language. USE-Textbook. - M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2011.

2. Davydov S.I., Severenko Yu.D. Russian literature. - M .: "Higher School", 1965.

3. Dolinina N.G. Through the pages of "War and Peace": notes on Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" / Fig. A. Slepkova. - Ed. 3rd. - L .: Children's literature, 1989.

4. Drabkina S.V., Subbotin D.I. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing for the exam. Russian language. Tutorial. - Moscow: Intellect Center, 2015.

5. Zolotussky I.P. There, at war. - Literature at school No. 2, 1995.

6. Eremina O. The theme of memory in the lyrics of A.T. Tvardovsky. - Literature No. 15, 2004.

7. Kogan A. ... Lived and died like a soldier. About Vyacheslav Kondratiev, his life and work, his difficult fate. - Literature at school No. 2, 1995.

8. Kuznetsova M.S. “This eternal, kind music, from which one so wants to live”: Gleb Mekhed’s story “Violinist”: Grade 11. - Literature at school with the application "Lessons of Literature No. 8, 2009.

9. Pashchuk N., Terentyeva N., Kulikova V. Problems of the century in Russian literature of the XX century. - Literature No. 15, 2000.

10. Russian Literature: A Textbook for the 9th Grade of a Secondary School / Ed. Prof. B.I. Bursova. Edition 8th. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1975.

11. Ryzhova T.V. The story of M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" at the lessons in the VIII grade. - Literature at school No. 6, 1995.

12. Chalmaev V.A. "Word, do not break into a groan ...". Konstantin Vorobyov: at the origins of the people's war. - Literature at school No. 4, 1998.

13. Shapiro N. The problem of education in D.I. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth". - Literature No. 17, 2004.

14. Shvets T. "Protection of the Motherland is the protection of one's own dignity" (N.K. Roerich). - Literature №17, 2004

15. Yagupova N.P. What house did Ivan Bezdomny find? "The Master and Margarita". - Literature at school No. 2, 1998.

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USE Arguments in Literature on Various Issues: A Selection to Help Teachers and Students
USE Arguments in Literature on Various Issues: A Selection to Help Teachers and Students

The problem of respect for time (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)

The Russian Soviet writer D.A. Granin, in the text presented for analysis, raises the important problem of careful attitude to time.

Granin built his thoughts on the impressions from reading the work, the author of which is not indicated. It struck Daniil Aleksandrovich so much that he decided to continue the thoughts he liked. Granin talks about the transience of time, about how people treat him differently. Some business people They think that they are the masters of time, but they are not. In fact, time commands a person. I especially liked the idea that time is wealth, just like natural resources.

I support the writer's point of view and I think that the one who learns to save precious time will become a happier and more successful person in life.

On this occasion, I am reminded of the work of E.A. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time." This is an instructive story for all children who waste their time allotted for education. Boys and girls who only had fun and played unemployed suddenly turned into decrepit old men .And only good deeds and the fight against their own laziness brought the guys back to childhood.

The Soviet writer M.S. Shaginyan has an interesting essay in which she appeals to young people to save precious time. The author writes that many young men and women “kill” him. Years later, no longer a young man understands that time, allotted for education and self-development as a person is missed. Therefore, you need to spend every minute, every hour of your youth and youth for the benefit of yourself and your family.

Thus, the text of D.A. Granin is quite instructive and, it seems to me, is intended primarily for me and my peers. I understand that life is not endless, which means that one must study and work in order to fully realize oneself.

The problem of respect for time (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)
An essay on the topic The problem of careful attitude to time according to the author Arguments of the Unified State Examination also has a summary of the work

Problem time arguments

The author of the novel focuses on time, comparing the era of Christ and contemporary Moscow in the late twenties of the twentieth century. Despite the past two thousand years, people still remain the same greedy, selfish, glory-hungry adulterers. Time has not changed human nature. He is also subject to all sins, as if at the beginning of time. But time has passed, and it's time to get better. However, all Muscovites yearn for the same thing as Judas, they suffer from the fear of losing their post, like Pilate, they lie and profit, like Likhodeev. Time is a useless category if a person does not change ... Alas!

In his poem, the author tried to present an image of, probably, the most cruel time in which the fate of the lyrical hero had to live. Remembering his own fate and the fate of his father, the author writes about the deceit of the “father of peoples”, who hid fear and hatred for dissident citizens of his fatherland behind his words.

For a long time, children became fathers,

But for the universal father

We were all in the answer

And the judgment lasts for decades

And there is no end in sight.

The court of time is the most cruel and at the same time fair court. Only at a distance is the true face of time seen.

And for nothing they think that memory

Don't value yourself

What will drag out the duckweed of time

No, all the past omissions

Now duty commands to say.

The category of time in the story has a very important compositional significance. The whole plot of the story is based on time. One day, in which the moment was combined, decisive not only for the moment, but for the whole life. Starting with the rise of Ivan Denisovich half an hour before the general wake-up call, ending with the moment of falling asleep and counting the days spent in custody. But time is still a manageable category, the authorities moved the rise an hour earlier, thereby creating the illusion of time management. In fact, everything is decided not by time, but by the will and discipline of a person who is able to invest the whole meaning of life in a minute, to gain freedom while in prison.

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