consonant sounds. Consonant sounds of the Russian language (hard-soft, voiced-mute, paired-not paired, hissing, whistling)

Once upon a time there were four hissing letters almost at the very end of the ABC: H, C, W and SCH. The oldest among them was the letter W. She was all w rough, a little w fluffed up, talked most of the time w a faggot and loved to dress in w furry things.

She had a sister - letter SCH- creepy sch faggot and fashionista. She wore bracelets not only on both hands, but also on sch ankles. eyebrows she sch plucked with iptsami into a thin thread, and for sch ek did not spare blush. She often sch urinated because she had poor eyesight, and she was embarrassed to wear glasses. She was very cheerful and mischievous: constantly sch fucked yes sch I fell. Letter SCH did not want to be like her older sister, and therefore attached herself a ponytail. With this ponytail she loved sch kotat letter W, and that w arahala from her and angrily w sip, wrapped in w al:

Well enough already w duck and w pour, otherwise I will make you pay w traffic!

Letter u u pissed and laughed, but then she felt sorry for her sister, she sch adila kissed her in sch Echka and heartily wished her " sch astya".

Still had a letter W her quirks and passions, for example, for some reason she really did not like the letter S:

What kind of letter is this? - w she messed with other letters. - She is always only small, never capitalized, with an unpleasant thick belly, and even relies on a stick! No, I personally will never stand next to her, it's just unpleasant for me!

But how to be? - tried to persuade her other letters. - You never know how we treat anyone, but in different words we have to stand next to each other. It's our job! We are for that
exist to form different words. For example, in the word SHISHKA you have to stand next to Y.

Never! - stubborn letter W. - Let the letter be better with me And costs. I like her, she looks a little like me, only she has two legs, and I have three ... With the letter And I agree to stand next to you in any words!

But that's not possible! - other letters began to resent! - Indeed, in this word, and in others, for example: Shir, Shyna, Shyfr the letter is clearly heard S, so she should stand next to you.

And I don't want everything! - the letter persisted Sh.

No matter how other letters persuaded her, nothing helped. Moreover, the letter AND began to support her:

I also have a letter S I do not like! she said. - And I, like W I will stand next to only the letter And in all words where it should be S, for example: Life, Zhyr, Painting...

And since the letter AND stood in the first ten letters of the Alphabet and her voice was much louder than W, together they managed to insist on their own. Then I had to come up with a special rule for all writers:

« In all words, the syllables ZhI and SHI are written only with the letter I!

That's how two stubborn letters got their way.

And the letter SCH had a daughter C. Outwardly, she was very much like her mother: exactly the same ponytail, only not three legs, but two, but her character was completely different: she considered herself c center of the world and very c ennoi . Her mother was to blame for this, who constantly c taunted her and called
daughter "C arena". How then did the letter repent of this SCH because the grown daughter became for her c little problem: she was naughty, capricious and wayward.

Letter C was bright orange c wow, loved it very much c veta and tan c s. She also loved with her ponytail c cling to adjacent vowels.

She had c spruce in life - to please the young and slender G. Seeing him in the next word, she just c epenela.

My C ezar! she whispered, and G didn't pay any attention to her, and never stood next to her.

Hearing that the letters W and AND refused to stand next to the letter S, the letter C said:

I don't like letters either S and in words CYRK, CYLINDR, TSYNOVKA I will only stand
with a letter AND!

Mother sch poked her ponytail on the back of the head:

- SCH ace! You first grow up, and then set your requirements! And voob sch uh, you can't be like that sch epileptic. Must be sch edree, be friends with all the letters: you never know what words you have to stand next to!

What do I do now c fuck with her? - resented C. - Here is my aunt - the letter W- managed to insist on her own, and why am I worse than her? I may be at all c healing!..

What's special about you? - sch mother rolled her eyes. - as thin as sch epka! You only sch the Egyptians

And you want me to c How was your ellulitis? - the letter snapped at the mother C, and c reluctantly continued to insist on her own.

At the general meeting of the letters of the ABC, everyone had to discuss this issue and, in the end, they decided to give in a little to the letter C. I had to adopt a new rule:

At the beginning of a word, after the letter C, always write the letter I, except for a few words that need to be remembered, and at the end of the word, after the letter C, the letter Y is always written.

So, if you want to be considered a literate person, you need to write CI RK, CI LINDR and CI FRA but SHIP TSY and CORI TSY.

And from the words that you need to remember, they made a funny phrase:

"TSYgan came on TSY kidney, said TSY film: TSYc ! »

Each letter has its own character, its own habits, its own friends... The letter SCH was a bosom girlfriend - letter Ch. Among friends, as a rule, one is the ringleader, and the second obeys him or tries to imitate. It was the same with letters. H and SCH: at H was a stronger character, so she commanded the letter SCH, which was softer but wanted to look fashionable and
to be respected among other letters, although she was not very successful in this. A letter H and in the ABC she tried to establish her own rules. She disliked letters I and YU, didn't want to
words, they stood after her, and, looking at her, and the letter SCH began to demand that only BUT or At. This is how the rule came about:

syllables CA and CA always spelled with a letter BUT.

syllables Chu and Schu always spelled with a letter U.

Letter H was very h sensitive, and she n liked two at once to avalera: to racial and to ultra to avaler letter To and n and n a little n earthly - N. Standing next to them in some word, letter h h felt like this n tenderness, to softness and softness to categorically refused the soft sign softening their union.

- H am so good together, she said, h then anyone who sees us will feel n ashu softness, n tenderness and love.

poor letter SCH always looked with envy at her close neighbor and with sch aching pain in
my heart thought that someone had two gentlemen, and someone all his life becomes with random letters. She even once asked for a letter H make her sch a generous gift: give any of the two gentlemen. h h sincerely confessed, h then she can't burn h eat any of h good friends.

- H then for h awesome offer! - h she exclaimed, fluttering her eyelashes. - H then you offer me?

Letter SCH understood all sch the stinginess of this situation, but she so wanted to snuggle her back against n on the back of a friend, without leaving any sch Christmas trees for other letters.

Oh please! - affectionately sch the letter vanished SCH.- And then I'll start you sch eep!

Well, I don’t know ... - the letter hesitated Ch. - To I to love hard, n oh and H such n steady, n a little even n breathtaking… Well, if you want, get up next to him.

SCH happy immediately sch fucked and happily snuggled up to n a little n perplexed N. She is
immediately announced to all the letters that she had H- love, and asks for extraneous letters, including a soft sign, n to interfere with them.

And now all the writers had to remember that in combinations CHK, CHN, LF, SC and NS in words such as "before chk a", "whether ch th", "bli LF uk" "kame" nsch ik", "help schn ik "although a soft sign is heard, but writing it no need!

The letter didn't want anything SCH get behind your girlfriend H, tried to imitate her in everything, therefore, having learned that the letter H often in the suffix - chik , letter SCH began to ask her sometimes to replace her. Letter H thought for a bit and decided:

Okay, I'll stand after the letter D because I like him - he is kind. Then after the letter T- because he is the nephew of the letter D. More after the letters W and FROM- because you can’t make out when one of them is in the word, because the letter W constantly asking for trouble-free FROM replace it in different words. Well, and perhaps after the letter AND, because it is better not to mess with her ... Well, in other cases, so be it, you become. After all, we are friends! I don't feel sorry for you!

So all writers have to remember one more spelling rule:

in suffixes - chik - and - chik - nouns

-h ik - written after D, T, W, S, W:

for example: translation DC ik, re ZCH ik, interrupt ZhCh ik.

-sch ik - after all other consonants: kame NSC ik, pi LSCH ik.

It turns out that the rules of grammar in Russian depend on the nature of the letters and their mood.

As you know, the Russian alphabet includes 33 letters. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of "letter" from the sound. The letter is what we write and see, and the sound is what we hear and pronounce.

Of the 21st consonant letters, two (these are “b” and “b”) do not have sound equivalents. Others are divided into several categories by sounds, one of them is hissing. From the first grade, everyone learns a simple rule about them: “zhi” and shi are written with “i”, “cha” or “scha” is written with “a”, and the combinations “shu” or “chu” with “u”.

The phonetics of the Russian language includes vowels and consonants, indicated in the letter by certain letters.

key vowels that are under stress, there are only six:

Since there are more consonant sound formations in Russian, they are classified according to the following criteria:

  • the way of education;
  • place;
  • according to the degree of participation of noise and voice.
  • sonorants and their soft pairs (p, m, l) and "th" without a pair;
  • noisy (voiced and deaf);
  • hissing (u, h, w and w).

At the same time, W and W are always hard, and H and W are only soft.

Features of hissing sounds

Hissing during pronunciation have their own characteristics. So, the lips need to be tightened and slightly pushed forward. They cannot be pronounced with closed lips, unlike some others (for example, M). The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate with its edges, leaving a small space in the center of the tongue. It is through it that the air passes, forming a hissing sound during pronunciation.

Initially, hissing consonants were soft in Old Russian. They appeared as a result of the first palatalization, or by changing the combination of consonants with , [‘zj] and other sounds.

The initial softness of these sounds determined the fact that in many literary monuments the letters that denoted them , pronounced with subsequent vowels or "ь", for example:

  • husband;
  • ness;
  • hour;
  • comfort, etc.

However, in the process of the formation of language norms and adverbs, [w] and [g] hardened, but “h” still remained soft. The curing of [w] took place around the 14th century. At this time, spellings of the sounds [w] or [g] with the letter “y” after them appear in literary monuments. For example, "Shyshkin" or "hold".

In modern language traditionally spelling a soft sign at the end or the letter "and" to indicate the sound [s] in words such as:

  • disturb;
  • sew;
  • rye, etc.

Combinations such as soft [shtshch] or [zhdzh], which were common in antiquity, then lost the explosive element in such combinations in words such as “I'm looking for” or “yeast”.

Sample tasks on the topic of hissing consonants

The teacher who will conduct a lesson for first graders on this topic, must take on the following tasks:

  • he is obliged to create conditions for children to learn the concept of hardness and softness of consonants, for example, that “w” and “w” are always hard;
  • teach students to correctly formulate writing skills;
  • develop their written language and coherent oral;
  • use new information technologies in teaching.

After the teacher explains the essence of the lesson, he can write several letters on the board (B, L, C, K, P).

Then the question is asked which of the presented letters does not indicate any sound, for which the correct answer is b. You can also ask students to find the letter that represents the hissing sound.

  • children are invited to take turns reading the text (the skill of reading aloud is being improved);
  • choose some words and invite the children to explain their meaning (at the choice of the teacher);
  • offer to find those words in which there are letters denoting hissing consonants;
  • Have them say them out loud and write the letters on the board.

The next part of the lesson is to do work with images. Hang the pictures on the board and ask the students the following questions:

  • what objects are shown in the pictures;
  • what names contain hissing sounds;
  • which of the listed sibilants are hard and which are soft.

Working with tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are a great warm-up for kids which perfectly develops their speech skills. In the educational process, they are used in different ways, in particular, in the study of hissing consonants.

Ask the children what hissing sounds they found in tongue twisters, if they differ from each other, and what are their main characteristics.

Dictation offer to write down one of them in a notebook and ask the students to underline the hard (or soft) sibilants. Ask one of the students to do this at the blackboard.

Partial written work was mentioned above. It can also include homework. Sometimes workbooks contain tasks when you need to insert missing letters into words where certain hisses are present. They should be emphasized.

So, we examined what hissing consonant sounds are, how they can be determined, and with the help of what tasks it is possible to conduct a lesson at school on this topic.


Watch an interesting video tutorial about hissing consonants.

Didn't get an answer to your question? Suggest a topic to the authors.

In this article, we will talk about consonant sounds, their number, types (soft, hard, deaf and voiced) and other features and interesting facts.

There are 33 letters in Russian, of which 21 are consonants:

b - [b], c - [c], d - [g], d - [d], f - [g], d - [d], h - [h],
k - [k], l - [l], m - [m], n - [n], p - [p], p - [r], s - [s],
t - [t], f - [f], x - [x], c - [c], h - [h], w - [w], u - [u].

All named consonants represent 36 consonant sounds.

Russian also has 10 vowels and only 6 vowels.

A total of 33 letters (10 vowels + 21 consonants + "b" and "b"), denoting 42 sounds (6 vowels and 36 consonants), far from all speech sounds, but only the main ones.

The difference between the number of letters and sounds is due to the peculiarities of Russian writing, because, for example, hard and soft consonants are indicated by one letter.

Consonant sounds are divided into:

  • voiced and deaf
  • hard and soft
  • paired and unpaired.

There are 36 different combinations of consonants in terms of pairing-unpairing of hard and soft, deaf and voiced: deaf - 16 (8 soft and 8 hard), voiced - 20 (10 soft and 10 hard).

Hard and soft consonants

Consonants are divided into hard and soft, such a division is due to the difference in the position of the tongue during their pronunciation. When we pronounce soft consonants, then the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate. We also note that in addition to the fact that consonants are divided into hard and soft, they can be paired and unpaired.

For example, the letter “k” can mean both a hard sound [k], for example, in the word cat, and a soft sound [k`], for example, in the word glasses. We get that sounds [k] and [k '] form a pair of hardness-softness. For consonants that have a pair of hardness and softness, the following rule is true:

  • consonants sound is solid if it is followed by consonants: a, o, y, s, e;
  • and is soft if it is followed by vowels: e, e, i, u, i.

In Russian, there are letters in which the sound that they designate can only be hard ([w], [g], [c]), or only soft ([y], [h`], [w`]). Such sounds do not belong to paired sounds, but are unpaired.

Voiceless and voiced consonants

Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf sounds. At the same time, deaf consonants are pronounced practically with a covered mouth and the vocal cords do not work when they are pronounced. Voiced consonants require more air, and when they are pronounced, the vocal cords work. That is, voiced consonants consist of noise and voice, and deaf consonants consist only of noise.

Life hack for determining the deafness or sonority of consonants for schoolchildren

To determine whether the sound encountered is deaf or sonorous, and children often have difficulty with this, one should plug their ears with their hands and pronounce the sound. When pronouncing deaf sounds somewhere in the distance, they will be heard, and when pronouncing voiced sounds in the ears, they will ring straight! So you can determine what sound met. Especially during phonetic parsing of words.

Some consonants are similar both in their sound and also in the way they are pronounced. However, such sounds are pronounced with different tonality, that is, either deafly or sonorously. Such sounds are combined in pairs and form a group of paired consonants. There are 6 such pairs in total, each of them has a voiceless and voiced consonant sound. The rest of the consonants are unpaired.

  • paired consonants: b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, f-sh.
  • unpaired consonants: l, m, n, p, d, c, x, h, u.

Sonorous, noisy, hissing and whistling consonants

In Russian, sonorous, noisy, as well as hissing and whistling consonants are also distinguished. We give a definition of each of the named types of consonants, and also list which consonants belong to one or another type.

Sonorant consonants

Sonorant consonants are voiced unpaired consonants.

In total there are 9 sonorous sounds: [th '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p '].

Noisy consonants

Noisy consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. 16 sounds belong to deaf noisy consonants: [k], [k '], [p], [n '], [s], [s '], [t], [t '], [f], [f '], [x], [x '], [c], [h '], [w], [u '], and noisy voiced consonants include 11 sounds: [b], [b '], [ c], [c'], [g], [g'], [d], [e'], [g], [h], [h'].

Hissing consonant sounds

In total, there are 4 hissing consonants in Russian: [g], [h '], [w], [sh']. All of them sound like hissing, which is why they are called hissing consonants.

whistling consonant sounds

Whistling consonants [s] [s ’] [s] [s ’] [ts] are in their pronunciation anterior lingual, fricative. When articulating solid sounds [z], [c] and [c], the teeth are exposed, the tip of the tongue leans against the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue slightly arches, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. Air passes through, creating friction noise.

When articulating soft sounds [s ’] and [з `] the same happens, but the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate.

When pronouncing voiced sounds [з] and [з`], the vocal cords are closed and vibrate, but the palatine curtain is raised.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that there is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in the Russian language; everything excites, breathes, lives. Such "liveness" of our native language is the merit of its constituent words. But before you learn how to use them, you need to learn the letters and sounds. They will be discussed in this article.

When studying a language with a child, you need to clearly let him understand the differences between oral and written speech. To do this, it is important to give him the concept of what a sound is, and what is a letter.

Sounds are what we perceive with our ears. Our brain easily separates what is related to speech from other sounds and interprets them into images. We can write the sounds of speech in letters, forming words from them.

A letter is a graphic symbol of the alphabet, thanks to which we can display on paper what we hear by ear. But, here for the child lies a very big difficulty. After all, the number of sounds and letters that reproduce them on paper in different words can differ both in one direction and in the other.

How many letters and sounds in the Russian language and alphabet and their ratio

IMPORTANT: We hear sounds and can produce them with our speech apparatus. We can see and write letters! There are sounds in all languages. Even in those where there is no writing.

In a word like "chair" letters correspond to sounds. But, in the word "sun", the letter "L" not pronounced. Letters are also not pronounced. "b" and "b". They only slightly change the pronunciation of the words in which they are used.

There is also such a "school" word as "Compass". In which instead of sound [AND] pronounced sound [S].

There are still a lot of words in Russian that are not pronounced the way they are written in letters. Therefore, it is very important for a child to learn to correctly understand this difference.


Language is the main invention of mankind. Moreover, for each people who created their own language, it differs in features characteristic of this people. At a certain stage in the development of a community that uses a particular people, there is a need to record speech sounds combined into words and sentences. This is how writing appeared, and at the same time the alphabet. That is, a set of all letters used in writing, standing in strict order.

The alphabet of the Russian language has 33 letters and looks like this:

The alphabet is the base of any language that everyone who learns it needs to know. Is it possible to learn to speak without knowing the alphabet? Of course. But, in addition to being able to express your thoughts, you need to learn how to write and read. And this can not be done without knowing the alphabet.

Today, children have a lot of different aids for learning the alphabet. You can buy special flash cards, magnets, a small primer that the child can take with him on walks or trips.

In our computerized age, electronic gadgets can also be called upon to help you learn the alphabet. Type letters in text apps and name the sounds that teach them. You can connect your imagination and use graphic editors, change fonts and add fills. Create your own alphabet that will be of interest to the child. Then the training will go faster and more efficiently.

INTERESTING: Teachers came up with a very interesting and fun way to learn the alphabet. Dedicate each new day in your family to one of the letters of the alphabet. Of course, we should not forget about the rest. Bake buns in the shape of letters, make letters from plasticine with your child, draw them, collect them from counting sticks. Be sure to talk about the letter that the day is dedicated to and give examples of its use.

Vowel sounds and letters

Introducing the alphabet to a child is a very exciting activity. But, this is only one of the first steps in mastering the language. To continue the study of its elementary units, you need to learn how to divide them according to their characteristics.

Those letters that are pronounced lingeringly are called vowels.

  • There are 10 vowels in Russian "A", "E", "E", "I", "O", "U", "S", "E", "Yu", "I"
  • 6 vowels [a], [o], [y], [e], [and], [s]. Usually vowel sounds in the school curriculum should be highlighted in red.

We have already found out the difference between the elementary particles of the language.

Letters I, Yo, Yu, E - iotated. They mean one or two sounds.

From this table - this difference can be seen again:

INTERESTING: By the way, about the letter "Yo". Today it is mistakenly considered that it was introduced into our alphabet by Karamzin. But, it's not. This was done by the director of the St. Petersburg Academy, Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, on November 18, 1783, at a meeting on the occasion of the creation of the first explanatory dictionary in Russia. She suggested changing the letters "IO" to one "Yo".

Stressed and unstressed vowels

  • Stressed vowel pronounced with great force and does not change.

For example: sn e g, st ý l, sh a f

  • unstressed vowel sound pronounced with little force and undergoes changes.

For example: to O rzina (heard instead of O, sound BUT), m E two d (In the first unstressed vowel instead of E, is heard And), pl E cho (vowel And heard instead E).

IMPORTANT: The stress is not put in words with one syllable and in words with a letter Yo.

Vowels Iotated letters I, Yu, E, Yo make the consonant sound in front of them soft and create one sound: e → [e] or [i], ё → [o], yu → [y], i → [a ].

For example:

  • At the beginning of a word: hedgehog [y'ozhik]
  • In the middle of a word: shelter [at y'ut]
  • At the end of a word: gun [rouge y'o]

Hard and soft vowels directly affect consonants. For example, a consonant "P", maybe as solid (in a word "package"), and soft (in the word "cookie").

Consonants and letters

Consonants are called such because of the inclusion of consonants in their composition. There are 36 consonants in Russian:

Soft sounds are marked with an apostrophe.
And 21 consonants:

Consonants and sounds soft and hard: table

Consonants, like vowels, can be either hard or soft. For example, in the word "River", beech "R" soft, but "Hand"- solid. In general, several factors influence the softness and hardness of sounds in a word. For example, the location of a sound in a word. Soften the sounds of iot vowels ( "E", "Yo", "YU" and "I") and diphthongs that come after consonants. For example:

  • "White"
  • "Love"
  • "Friday"

Also softens the sounds of the letter "AND", and its antipode "Y", on the contrary, makes the sound hard. An important role is played by the presence of a soft sign at the end of the word:

  • "Linen" and "laziness"

A soft sign can soften the sound, even if it is inside a word:

  • "Skates"

Voiceless and voiced consonants in Russian: table

Consonants can be voiced or voiceless. Voiced are obtained with the participation of the voice in the formation of sound. Whereas in the formation of a deaf sound, the voice practically does not play its creative role.

Voiced consonants are formed when an air stream passes through the oral cavity and the vocal cords vibrate. This results in consonants such as:

To make it easy to remember deaf consonants, remember the expression: STEPKA DO YOU WANT A PIECE? - FI!

If you delete all vowels from this expression, only deaf consonants remain.

Paired and unpaired hard and soft consonants: table

By hardness-softness, most sounds form pairs:

Paired and unpaired voiced and deaf consonants: table

In Russian, it is customary to distinguish pairs of deaf-voiced consonants:

The remaining consonants are unpaired:

Sometimes there is a "forced" deafness or sonority of a consonant sound. This is due to the position of the sound in the word. A common example of such a forced state is the words: pond [rod] and booth [butka].

Sonorant- voiced unpaired consonants. There are only 9 of them: [th’], [l], [l’], [m], [m’], [n], [n’], [r], [r’]

Noisy consonants - there are voiced and deaf:

  1. Noisy voiceless consonants(16): [k], [k'], [p], [n'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [f], [f'], [ x], [x'], [c], [h'], [w], [w'];
  2. Noisy voiced consonants(11): [b], [b'], [c], [c'], [d], [g'], [e], [e'], [g], [h], [h '].

Summary table of commonly used soft and hard letters and sounds in Russian:

Hissing consonants

Consonants "AND", "SH", "H" and "SCH" are called hissing. These letters bring some zest to our language. At the same time, they make it very difficult. While studying these letters, the child should know the rules:

  • "ZhI""SHI" write with "AND"
  • "CHA""ShA" with a letter "BUT"
  • "CHU""SHU" with a letter "U"

Letters "AND" and "H" are voiced, and the other two ( "SH" and "SCH") deaf. An important feature of these sounds is that it is impossible to pronounce from without opening the mouth. Compare their pronunciation with the pronunciation "M" or "N". To pronounce hissing consonants, there must be a gap between the lips through which air will escape, creating an acoustic accompaniment to these sounds.

The letter "and short" denotes the consonant sound th

Letter "Y" or "And short" is found in almost all Slavic alphabets, as well as in those non-Slavic alphabets where the Cyrillic alphabet is used. In the Russian alphabet, this letter occupies the 11th place. It was formed from the vowel "AND" and voiced consonant J.

It is interesting that in the 18th century, when the civil type was introduced (as opposed to the church type), all superscript characters disappeared from it. And the letter "Y" missing an important part. At the same time, the sound that was designated by this letter “did not suffer” from such reforms. Return "Y" in the letter succeeded under Peter I. But, at the same time, it was not returned to the alphabet. This was done only in the 20th century.

Today, more and more philologists attribute sound "Y" to sonorant consonants. That is, to such sounds that are located between vowels and consonants, but still refers to a consonant. In addition, it is always considered soft.

Which letters have multiple sounds?

Ribbon of letters and sounds for elementary school

Very good help in learning the Russian language in various manuals. One of these benefits is "Summer of Letters". It helps to understand the difference between letters, develop reading skills in children faster and facilitate the phonetic analysis of a word.

Even at first glance "Tape of Letters" carries a minimum of information, this is far from the case. This manual can be used not only at school, but also at home. Parents can self-teach their child literacy with this tool.

In Russian, there are four letters called hissing. This is "g", "w", "h", "u". There are a number of spelling rules that prescribe the choice of letters following the hissing.


  • It would be more correct to call sounds hissing, not letters. But since letters are used to record sounds, they are also called hissing. There are four such letters in Russian. This is "g", "w", "h", "u".
  • Sometimes the letter "c" is also referred to as hissing. But the sound [ts] is not hissing. Although if you look at the rules of Russian spelling, then the letter "c" requires the same attention as the above.
  • Remember the very first spelling rules that you studied in the first grade. Yes, it is with “zhi-shi” and “cha-scha” that Russian literacy training usually begins. In subsequent classes, in the Russian language lessons, students have to learn a lot of rules, including those related to the spelling of words with hissing words.
  • One of these rules is the writing of a soft sign (“b”) after hissing ones. So in masculine nouns ending in a hissing, soft sign “b” is not written (“hut”, “ball”, “cloak”), and in feminine nouns it is always present (“lie”, “mouse”, “ night"). Adverbs ending in hissing must have “b” at the end, except for the words “already”, “married”, “unbearable”. Verbs in the second person are also written with "b" ("read", "wash").
  • Another rule concerns the choice of the letters "o" or "e" ("e"). In the endings of nouns and adjectives, after the hissing and "c" under stress, "o" is written, and in an unstressed position - "e". For example: "ivy", but "vegetable"; "porch", but "on the porch", "big", but "good". In such words as "shepherd", "hare", "little book", it is necessary to write "o" after the hissing.
  • But in the verb endings and suffixes, although “o” is heard, “e” (“e”) is written: “bake”, “uproot”.
  • Always be careful when you meet the letters “zh”, “sh”, “h”, “u” and partly “c” on the letter. Remember those rules that speak about the choice of the following letters after hissing.
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