Reading the fairy tale Snow Maiden in the older group. Reading the fairy tale by V.I. Dahl “Girl Snow Maiden”

GCD on the topic: “Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden".

(Complex speech lesson)

Goal: Development of cognitive and speech activity of children.


  1. Develop interest in Russian folk tales;
  2. To develop the ability to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale and when describing illustrations to a fairy tale;
  3. Enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic “Winter”;
  4. To form speech skills necessary to carry out various types of activities;
  5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, teach empathy, and reflect emotionally in speech;
  6. To develop the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale and understand its content.

Equipment: reader, illustrations for the fairy tale, subject pictures on the topic “Winter”, presentation.

GCD move.

1 - Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales? ( Yes )

Today we will get acquainted with R.N.S. "Snow Maiden", listen carefully. The teacher reads a fairy tale, accompanied by showing illustrations for the fairy tale in the presentation.

2. - Now, please listen to the riddles and guess them. And the answers were hidden in the fairy tale that I introduced you to.

1. He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? ( Snow )

2. I powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. ( Winter )

3. The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears. ( Snow Maiden )

Well done, right. Guys, please tell me what time of year the Snow Maiden appeared? ( In winter. )

How did she appear? (Grandfather and grandmother blinded her.)

Why was she called the Snow Maiden? ('Cause she's made of snow.)

What was the Snow Maiden like? (Smart, obedient, friendly, white, pretty, good, successful, pleasant.)

Why was the Snow Maiden sad when the spring sun began to warm the earth? (Because it was made of snow, and the snow begins to melt in the warmth)

Do you think this is a sad fairy tale or a funny one? Why? ( Children's answers. )

The kids have been sitting too long, now it’s time to rest.



Today we are on the mountain,

Well, there’s a slide in the yard,

Who's on the sled?

Who's skiing?

Who is closer

We're running up the hill,

Well, from the hill - somersault.

4. Conversation “Winter”

What happens in nature in winter?

What clothes do you wear in winter?

What winter holidays do you know?

What games do you like to play in winter?

What sports can you do in winter?

Name the winter months.

What other seasons do you know besides winter?

Goal: To promote the development of communication monologue speech.

Tasks :

1. Educational field "Communication".

Practice the ability to retell a fairy tale based on a series of plot pictures.

Enrich children's vocabulary with related words to the word “snow” by isolating them from the context; words-signs, by selecting signs for objects. Develop text production skills.

2. Educational area "Cognition".

Reinforce ideas about the seasons.

3. Educational field "Reading fiction".

To train children in the ability to solve riddles, to introduce them to the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

4. Educational field "Physical education".

Develop gross motor skills, the ability to perform coordinated movements, combining with artistic words, movement.

5. Educational field "Music".

Develop listening skills musical works, perceive them emotionally.

6. Educational field "Socialization".

Foster a sense of empathy and mutual assistance.

Equipment: Story pictures:

An old man and an old woman sculpt the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden is a house helper.

The Snow Maiden is sad in the spring.

The Snow Maiden goes into the forest with her friends.

The Snow Maiden turns into a cloud and flies away.

Spring costume (for a teacher), Snow Maiden costume (for a child 6-7 years old), Snow Maiden silhouettes for shading.

Record player. Audio recording of melodies: “Spring Noises”, “Winter Cold”.

Linguistic material: Words: snow, Snow Maiden, snowflake, snowfall, snowballs, snowy, etc.

Text of the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” with a teacher.

GCD move.

1 part. Organizing time.

(Audio recording of the melody “Spring Noises” is turned on)

Speech therapist: Hello children! Now I will tell you a riddle. Listen carefully and try to guess it.

Loose snow melts in the sun,

The breeze plays in the branches,

So, she came to us...

Children: Spring.

Speech therapist: Well done, the time of year has come - spring, now the second spring month is underway...

Children: April.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the screen. Here it is - April.

Speech therapist: What time of year was it before spring?

Children: Winter.

Speech therapist: Let's remember what winter months you know.

Children: December January February.

Speech therapist: Well done, they correctly named the winter months.

Now I'll read it to you small text, as soon as you hear words related to the word snow in it, clap your hands.

Be careful.

"It's coming snow. Huge snowy the flakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground. It's real outside snowfall. Sanya and Sonya are sculpting snowman. A fluffy one fell on Sonya's mitten snowflake. Kolya and Petya play snowballs».

Speech therapist: Children, what words have you heard that are related to the word “snow”? Say them.

Part 2. Main part.

(The audio recording of the melody “Winter Cold” is turned on.)

(There is a knock on the door, a girl from a preparatory school group comes in, dressed in a Snow Maiden costume, and greets the children).

Speech therapist: Who came to visit us?

Children: This is the Snow Maiden.

Speech therapist: Right. Hello, Snow Maiden. She came to us to tell you a Russian folk tale about herself, which is called “The Snow Maiden”. Sit down, Snow Maiden, tell a story, make the guys happy. Listen carefully, try to remember the fairy tale. Then we will retell it. (Annex 1).

Speech therapist: Guys, who main character fairy tales?

Children: Snow Maiden.

Speech therapist: Why is the fairy tale called “The Snow Maiden”?

Children: Because the girl was made from snow and called “Snow Maiden”.

Speech therapist: Why did the Old Man and the Old Woman start sculpting the Snow Maiden?

Children: They didn’t have children, they wanted a daughter, so they decided to make her out of snow.

Speech therapist: Why were the old man and the old woman happy?

Children: The Snow Maiden came to life and began to live and grow with them.

Speech therapist: What was the Snow Maiden like?

Children: The Snow Maiden was smart, smart, cheerful, hard-working.

Speech therapist: What kind of Snow Maiden became in the spring?

Children: The Snow Maiden became sad, sad.

Speech therapist: Why did the Snow Maiden become sad in the spring?

Children: She missed the winter, because it was made of snow.

Speech therapist: Where did the Snow Maiden and her friends go?

Children: The Snow Maiden went for a walk in the forest, to sing songs, lead round dances, and dance around the fire.

Speech therapist: What happened to her in the forest?

Children: She began to jump over the fire, jumped and melted.

Speech therapist: Why did she melt?

Children: Because it was made of snow.

Speech therapist: Is this fairy tale funny or sad?

Children: At first it’s cheerful, and at the end it’s sad.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you like the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden?”

Children: Yes.

Part 3. Dynamic pause

(Children go out to the palace and stand in a circle)

Speech therapist: Guys, let's tell and show how nature wakes up in April.

Speech therapist: Look how beautiful the snowdrop has bloomed here.

Continuation of the main part

Speech therapist: Well done, sit down. Let's continue the lesson.

Now we will look at the pictures for the fairy tale and remember the fairy tale itself.

Speech therapist: Pictures will appear on the screen. You will need to remember passages from the fairy tale that match the pictures.

What is shown in this picture?

Children: An old man and an old woman are sitting sad.

Speech therapist: Remember, match an excerpt from a fairy tale to this picture.

Children: The old man and the old woman had grief: they had no children.

Speech therapist: What is shown in this picture?

Children: An old man and an old woman sculpt a girl.

Speech therapist: Remember how this is said in the fairy tale?

Children: The old man says to the old woman:

How about, old lady, let’s make a daughter out of snow for ourselves?

And the old woman answered:

Let's have some fun, grandpa, make ourselves a snow girl and call her Snow Maiden. They went out into the yard and began to sculpt the girl. They rolled a ball of snow, arms, legs, and fixed the head. The old man sculpted a nose, mouth and eyes - well, he got a good face.

Speech therapist: And here is the next picture, what does it show?

Children: The Snow Maiden helps the old man and the old woman, bringing them water.

Speech therapist: And who will remember how this is said in the fairy tale?

Children: The Snow Maiden is growing up smart and witty, cheerful and hard-working - whatever she doesn’t take on, she argues in the rivers, but if she starts a song, you’ll listen to it. First assistant around the house.
Speech therapist: What do you see in the next picture?

Children: The Snow Maiden sits and is sad in the spring.

Speech therapist: How is this described in the fairy tale?

Children: So winter has come to an end, the spring sun has warmed the earth, and the Snow Maiden is sad every day, nothing makes her happy.

Speech therapist: In the next picture you see how the girlfriends call the Snow Maiden to the forest. How is this event described in the fairy tale?

Children: One day the girls gathered in the forest, and they called out to the Snow Maiden:

Come with us, Snow Maiden, for a walk in the forest, sing songs, lead round dances, and dance around the fire! The Snow Maiden is reluctant to go into the forest. And then the grandfather and grandmother say: “Go, go, Snow Maiden, have fun with your friends.”
Snegurochka agreed to go with her friends, they ran to sing songs and dance in circles.

Speech therapist: What do you see in this picture?

Children: The Snow Maiden jumps over the fire.

Speech therapist: Do you remember how the fairy tale talks about this?

Children: When the sun hid behind the forests, they lit a fire from brushwood, and let’s take turns jumping and jumping over the fire and making wishes. It was Snegurochka's last turn. The Snow Maiden doesn’t want to jump, but her friends pestered her: - Jump, jump, Snow Maiden! The Snow Maiden ran and jumped.

Speech therapist: And in this picture we see that the Snow Maiden has turned into a cloud. How does the fairy tale tell about this event?

Children: She turned into a white cloud and floated off into the sky. The Snow Maiden has melted.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, you definitely remembered the phrases from the fairy tale.

Let's now all try to tell a fairy tale together while looking at the screen. I will help you, try, be careful.

"Lived once …"

Children: old man with old woman.

Speech therapist: Everything went well for them, and they lived...

Children: friendly.

Speech therapist: Everything would be fine, but only grief...

Children: God didn't give children.

(Thus, with the help of finishing the phrases started by the speech therapist, the children retell the fairy tale).

Speech therapist: Well done. Whoever goes and retells us a fairy tale, we can look at and rely on the pictures.

(The speech therapist offers to retell the fairy tale to 2-3 children. If necessary, provides assistance: suggesting the necessary words and phrases)

Guys, did you like how Sasha retold the fairy tale?

Children: Yes, Sasha retold the fairy tale in great detail, but forgot to say what the Snow Maiden turned into when she jumped over the fire.

Speech therapist: You are very attentive, remind Sasha what the Snow Maiden has turned into?

Children: She became a white cloud and floated into the sky.

(The speech therapist involves children in analyzing each retelling. Children tactfully learn to note the merits and errors of retellings.)

Speech therapist: Well done guys, I really liked the way you retold the fairy tale. You tried to retell it close to the text, using beautiful (figurative) expressions described in the text of the fairy tale. Did you like the way the guys retold the fairy tale, Snegurochka?

Snow Maiden: I liked it very much.

Speech therapist: Guys, what other related word could you name for the word snow? After getting acquainted with the fairy tale “Snow Maiden?”

Children: Snow Maiden!

Speech therapist: That's right, you are very attentive.

Part 3: Summary.

Speech therapist:-Guys, what fairy tale did you learn to retell in class today?

Children: Today in class we learned to retell the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

Speech therapist: Right. To remember the meeting with you, the Snow Maiden wants to give each of you a silhouette of the Snow Maiden, which you will need to color at home.

(The Snow Maiden distributes silhouettes of the Snow Maiden to the children and, if desired, invites the children to color them).

Snow Maiden: And now it’s time for me to go to the forest, see you guys!

(Children say goodbye to the Snow Maiden).

Speech therapist: Don’t forget to retell your favorite fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” to your parents and friends at home.

Now let's smile and clap at each other.

Introduce children to works of art introduce children to works of fiction, teach them to perceive fiction, teach them to perceive fiction, expand their vocabulary by becoming familiar with fairy-tale words and expressions, expand their vocabulary by becoming familiar with fairy-tale words and expressions Objectives:

Objectives: to introduce to the creativity of the Russian people to introduce to the creativity of the Russian people to learn to characterize the characters of a fairy tale by their actions to teach to characterize the characters of a fairy tale by their actions to expand the understanding of ancient Russian customs to expand the understanding of ancient Russian customs to cultivate love for loved ones to cultivate love for loved ones to consolidate the ability to draw correctly human figure, consolidate the ability to correctly draw a human figure, independently choose paints for drawing, independently choose paints for drawing, evaluate your work, evaluate your work, cultivate the desire to complete the work you have begun. cultivate the desire to complete the work started.

Features of older preschoolers Perception becomes meaningful, purposeful, and analytical. It highlights the voluntary actions of observation, examination, and search. Therefore, a visual method is used. The development of perception is significantly influenced by speech at this time; the child begins to actively use the names of qualities, characteristics, states of various objects and the relationships between them. The memory capacity increases, which allows children to involuntarily (without a special purpose) remember a large amount of information. This is why children at this age need to read a lot.

Planned results: the child expresses positive emotions (joy, interest) when reading the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, the child expresses positive emotions (joy, interest) when reading the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during a conversation about the fairy tale, actively and interacts kindly with the teacher and peers during a conversation about a fairy tale, is interested in children's visual activities. interested in children's art activities.

Materials and equipment: exhibition of collections of Russian folk tales, exhibition of collections of Russian folk tales, illustrations for the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”, laptop, illustrations for the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”, laptop, projector, projector, CD with a recording of an aria from the opera “Snow Maiden”, CD with a recording of an aria from the opera “The Snow Maiden”, albums, brushes, paints, napkins. albums, brushes, paints, napkins.

Come on guys, let's play a little with you. Now we are also making a snow woman. (The teacher reads poetry, and the children accompany with movements) Let's take a little snow, make snowballs on our palms. Together they left, Our hands warmed up. And now it’s time to create, sculpt a snow woman. They rolled lump after lump, placed them on top of each other, and placed a third small lump on top. They shook the snow off their hands later.

Guys, not only artists painted pictures for fairy tales. Composers composed music for them. Let's listen with you classical music. - Guys, not only artists painted pictures for fairy tales. Composers composed music for them. Let's listen to classical music. (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Opera “The Snow Maiden”. Choir and orchestra Bolshoi Theater, conductor K. Kondrashin. Recorded: 1946. (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Opera “The Snow Maiden”. Choir and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater, conductor K. Kondrashin. Recording: 1946. Link: Act 4). Link: Action 4). Act 4http://mp3.classic- Act 4

And now we will draw the Snow Maiden, the one we imagined after looking at the picture and listening to the music. - And now you and I will draw the Snow Maiden, the one we imagined after looking at the picture and listening to the music. ((The teacher pays attention to how the children sit, their correct posture, whether they are holding the brush correctly, and helps with advice (individually).

Sources used Lobodina, N.V. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva / N.V. Lobodina. - Volgograd: Teacher, – P. 104, 147, 162. Lobodina, N.V. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva / N.V. Lobodina. - Volgograd: Teacher, – P. 104, 147, 162. Lapteva, O.I. Dynamic minutes and physical education breaks in kindergarten / Lapteva, O.I. Dynamic minutes and physical education breaks in kindergarten / O.I. Laptev. - Moscow: Mosaic-Sintez, P.28. O.I. Laptev. - Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, P.28. Links: Action 4 Action 4). Action 4 hudozhniki/pictures/ hudozhniki/pictures/

Summary of GCD for familiarization with fiction in the middle group
Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"
Goal: To promote the development of coherent monologue speech. Expand children's understanding of the properties of water and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warmth and turns into water; water in the cold freezes and turns into ice.
1. Educational field “Communication”.
Practice the ability to retell a fairy tale based on a series of plot pictures.
2. Educational area “Cognition”.
Reinforce ideas about the seasons.
3. Educational area “Reading fiction”.
To train children in the ability to solve riddles, to introduce them to the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.
4. Educational area “Socialization”.
Foster a sense of empathy and mutual assistance.
Experimental activities with snow
Equipment: Scene pictures for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, silhouettes of the Snow Maiden.
Educator: I brought a lump of snow to the group, what is it called?
Children. A lump of snow is called a snowball.
Educator. That's right, touch the snowball, what does it feel like?
Children. Cold.
Educator. Let's leave the snowball in the jar and see what happens to it.
Snow, snow, white snow
Spinning and falling on everyone
We made a ball out of snow
The arms and legs were stuck on.
- Guys, who do you think turned out to be, who was sculpted from the snow?
Children. Snowman.
Educator. Do you want to hear a fairy tale about a girl who was fashioned from snow and named Snegurochka?
(The teacher reads a fairy tale)
Educator. Did you like the fairy tale? Want to listen to it again?
(Re-reading the fairy tale).
Educator. Guys, who is this fairy tale about?
Children. This fairy tale is about the Snow Maiden.
Educator. Why was she called that?
Children. Because it was sculpted from snow.
(The teacher displays plot pictures for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”)
Educator. Tell a story looking at the pictures.
(2-3 children retell a fairy tale based on pictures)
Educator. Guys, what time of year does the fairy tale begin?
Children. The fairy tale begins in winter.
Educator. Why do you think so?
Children. Because the Snow Maiden was sculpted from snow, snow falls in winter.
Educator. What else can you make out of snow?
Children. Snowman, fortress, various animals.
Educator. Let's see what happened to the snowball that we left in the jar.
Children. It melted because the snow melts in the warmth.
Educator. What does snow turn into when it melts?
Children. In water.
Educator. Let's take a little break.
"We are walking through snowdrifts."
(physical education minute)
We walk on in the snowdrifts, in the snowdrifts steep-headed. Raise your leg higher, pave the way for others. We walked for a very long time, Our little legs were tired. We'll find a clearing.
And let's rest a little.
Educator. Now let's pour water into a plastic cup and put it in the cold. On your tables there are leaves with the silhouette of the Snow Maiden. We need to color the Snow Maiden’s clothes. What do you think is Snow Maiden's favorite color?
Children. Blue, light blue.
Educator. These are the colors to paint the Snow Maiden’s outfit.
(Children color the silhouette of the Snow Maiden)
Educator. While you were coloring the Snow Maiden’s clothes, I brought in our water, which we had left out in the cold. Look what happened to her?
Children. She froze, turned into ice.
Educator. Tell us what transformations took place with our snowball.
Children. The snow turned into water in the warmth and melted. In the cold, the water froze and turned into ice.
Educator. What happened to the Snow Maiden at the end of the fairy tale?
Children. She melted and turned into a cloud because she jumped over the fire.
Educator. Do you like how the fairy tale ends?
Children. No, the fairy tale ends sadly.
Educator. Let's come up with our own ending to the fairy tale.
(Children offer their own options for the ending of the fairy tale)
Educator. Well done guys, you are very kind and smart. You did well today. Let's clap for each other.

Summary of the organized educational activities children in preparatory group on the theme “The Tale of the Snow Maiden”

Vera Pavlovna Prokhodskaya, music director of the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution “ Kindergarten No. 6, Agryz", Agryz municipal district, Republic of Tatarstan.

Description of work: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic “The Fairy Tale “The Snow Maiden””. This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group, music directors and speech therapists. This is a summary educational activity aimed at developing coherent speech and musical abilities in older preschoolers.

Summary of organized educational activities for children in the preparatory group on the topic “The Fairy Tale “The Snow Maiden”.”

Integration of educational areas « Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Target: Teach children to retell a fairy tale, develop musical abilities through the perception of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”.

Educational: Activate children's speech: names of fairy tales, names fairy-tale heroes; Develop a desire to actively participate in various types musical activity. ; Consolidating the assimilation of the genitive case form.
Educational: Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills, activate articulatory apparatus using rhythmic declamation.
Educational: Cultivate kindness, goodwill, emotional responsiveness to music; develop the ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions correctly. Foster a love and interest in fairy tales.

Demo material:
Slides based on fairy tales “Snow Maiden”; musical instruments metallophone, maracas, music center, snowflake templates (for each child).

Maracas, snowflake patterns, scissors.

Methodical techniques:
Game situation, conversation, looking at slides and telling children stories based on them, rhythmic recitation “Snowflake”, improvisational dance “Waltz of Snow Flakes”, problematic situation, productive activity, analysis, reflection.

Progress of organized educational activities:
Introductory part: The music sounds “If only there were no winter...”.
Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)
- What would happen if there was no winter? (if it weren't for snow...)
- That's right, guys. If there was no winter, there would be no snow, no New Year, and we would not be able to build snow buildings, would not be able to sled and skate, would not play snowballs, would not jump into snowdrifts, would not know fairy tales about winter .
Main part:
Educator: What winter tales You know? (“Morozko”, “ The Snow Queen»…)
- Guys, what holiday will we have soon? ( New Year)
- Who comes to us on New Year's Eve? (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, fairy tale characters)
- Who does Santa Claus come with? (with Snow Maiden)
Educator: Guys, do you want to know how she appeared? Let's remember and tell the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” together (children retell the fairy tale using the slides).

Breathing exercise “Blow on a snowflake.”
- Guys, snowflakes are light and airy, let’s blow on the snowflakes, put your palms up.
- A large snowflake lies on the palm (hold the snowflake on the palm)
Let's blow a little on this snowflake.
Blow quietly - the snowflake lies, (blow slowly)
Blow harder - the snowflake flies (they blow hard).

Problematic situation.
Educator: Remember how the fairy tale ended? (The Snow Maiden has melted.)
-How can we help the Snow Maiden? (Sculpt it again).
Educator: You and I can sculpt the Snow Maiden. We'll need a lot of snow. Let's call the snowflakes.
Rhythmic recitation about snowflakes (conducted by the music director).
- Snowflakes are falling from the sky
Like white fluffs
Covering everything around
Soft, velvet carpet. (Mark the rhythm with claps, stamps, clicks, springs...)
- Let's invite the snowflakes to a round dance (playing maracas).
Sounds like “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, boys play maracas, girls dance freely, then girls play and boys dance (conducted by the music director).

Working with stencils at tables.
Educator: Look, stencils of snowflakes have appeared on the tables. Let's trace them and cut them out to make the Snow Maiden.
(Children trace snowflakes at the tables, “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky plays.)
And now we’ll make a Snow Maiden out of our snowflakes (lay it out on the floor).
- Guys, look at the Snow Maiden, how wonderful she is! Let's give our Snow Maiden some compliments
Children: Beautiful, cheerful, graceful, kind, fabulous, sweet.
- Guys, who did we help? (We helped the Snow Maiden.)
- Now you know that if there were no winter, there would be no snow buildings, Snow Maiden.
-Who will you tell this tale to? (I will tell this dad, mom, grandma...)
- Now we’ll go for a walk and make a Snow Maiden out of the snow. (Hooray!!!)

Presentation on the topic: Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”

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