Modern successful artists. Talented artists create extraordinary paintings

It is customary to call contemporary art all kinds of artistic movements that developed at the end of the 20th century. In the post-war period, it was a kind of outlet that once again taught people to dream and invent new realities of life.

Tired of the shackles of the harsh rules of the past, young artists decided to break the old artistic norms. They sought to create new, previously unknown practices. Opposing themselves to modernism, they turned to new ways of revealing their stories. The artist and the concept behind his creation have become much more important than the very result of creative activity. The desire to move away from the erected framework led to the emergence of new genres.

Disputes began to arise among artists about the meaning of art and the ways of expressing it. What is art? By what means can genuine art be achieved? Conceptualists and minimalists found the answer for themselves in the phrase: "If art can be everything, then it can be nothing." For them, the departure from the usual visual means resulted in various actions, happenings and performances. What is the peculiarity of contemporary art in the 21st century? This is what we will talk about in the article.

Three-dimensional graphics in the art of the XXI century

The art of the 21st century in 3D graphics is famous. With the development of computer technology, artists have access to new means of creating their art. The essence of three-dimensional graphics is to create images by modeling objects in three-dimensional space. If we consider most forms of modern art in the 21st century, the creation of three-dimensional images will be the most traditional. 3D graphics have many sides, in the truest sense of the word. It is used when creating programs, games, images and videos on a computer. But it can also be seen right under your feet - on the pavement.

Three-dimensional graphics moved to the streets several decades ago and since that time has remained one of the most important forms of street art. Many artists draw three-dimensional images on their "pictures" that can amaze with their realism. Edgar Müller, Eduardo Rolero, Kurt Wenner and many other contemporary artists today create art that can surprise anyone.

Street art of the 21st century

Previously, the occupation was the lot of wealthy people. For centuries it was hidden by the walls of special institutions, where access to the uninitiated was closed. Obviously, his grandiose strength could not languish forever inside stuffy buildings. It was then that it got out - into the gray gloomy streets. Chosen to change your history forever. Although at first it was not so easy.

Not everyone was happy about his birth. Many considered it the result of a bad experience. Some even refused to pay attention to its existence. Meanwhile, the brainchild continued to grow and develop.

Street artists faced hardships along the way. With all its variety of forms, street art was sometimes difficult to distinguish from vandalism.

It all started in the 70s of the last century in New York. At this time, street art was in its infancy. And Julio 204 and Taki 183 supported his life. They left inscriptions in different places in their area, after expanding the territory of distribution. Other guys decided to compete with them. It was then that the most interesting began. Enthusiasm and desire to show off resulted in a battle of creativity. Everyone was eager to discover for themselves and others a more original way to make their mark.

In 1981, street art managed to cross the ocean. In this he was helped by a street artist from France BlekleRat. He is considered one of the first graffiti artists in Paris. He is also called the father of stencil graffiti. His signature touch is drawings of rats, which refers to the name of their creator. The author noticed that after rearranging the letters in the word rat (rat), art (art) is obtained. Blek once remarked: "The rat is the only free animal in Paris, which is spreading everywhere, just like street art."

The most famous street artist is Banksy, who calls BlekleRat his main teacher. The topical work of this talented Briton is able to silence everyone. In his drawings, created using stencils, he denounces modern society with its vices. Banksy tends to be traditional, allowing you to leave an even greater impression on the audience. An interesting fact is that until now the identity of Banksy is shrouded in mystery. No one has yet managed to solve the riddle of the artist's personality.

Meanwhile, street art is rapidly gaining momentum. Once relegated to marginal currents, street art has risen to the stage of auctions. The works of artists are sold for fabulous sums by those who once refused to talk about him. What is it, the life-giving force of art or mainstream trends?


To date, there are several rather interesting manifestations of contemporary art. Overview of the most unusual forms of contemporary art will be brought to your attention below.


The term readymade comes from English, which means "ready". In fact, the goal of this direction is not to create anything material. The main idea here is that depending on the environment of an object, the perception of a person and the object itself changes. The ancestor of the current is Marcel Duchamp. His most famous work is "Fountain", which is a urinal with an autograph and a date.


Anamorphoses are called the technique of creating images in such a way that it is possible to fully see them only from a certain angle. One of the brightest representatives of this trend is the Frenchman Bernard Pras. He creates installations using whatever comes to hand. Thanks to his skill, he manages to create amazing works, which, however, can only be seen from a certain angle.

Biological fluids in art

One of the most controversial currents in modern art of the 21st century is drawing, painted with human fluids. Often followers of this modern art form use blood and urine. The color of the paintings in this case often takes on a gloomy, frightening look. Herman Nitsch, for example, uses animal blood and urine. The author explains the use of such unexpected materials by a difficult childhood that came during the Second World War.

Painting of the XX-XXI centuries

A brief history of painting contains information that the end of the 20th century became the starting point for many cult artists of our time. In the difficult post-war years, the sphere experienced its rebirth. Artists sought to discover new facets of their capabilities.


Kazimir Malevich is considered to be the creator of Suprematism. Being the main theorist, he proclaimed Suprematism as a way of purifying art from everything superfluous. Rejecting the usual ways of conveying the image, the artists sought to free art from the non-artistic. The most important work in this genre is the famous "Black Square" by Malevich.

Pop Art

Pop art has its origins in the United States. In the postwar years, society has experienced global changes. People could now afford more. Consumption has become an essential part of life. People began to be erected into a cult, and consumer products - into symbols. Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol and other followers of the current sought to use these symbols in their paintings.


Futurism was discovered in 1910. The main idea of ​​this trend was the desire for a new, the destruction of the framework of the past. The artists depicted this desire with the help of a special technique. Sharp strokes, influxes, connections and intersections are signs of futurism. The most famous representatives of futurism are Marinetti, Severini, Carra.

Contemporary Art in Russia in the 21st Century

Contemporary art in Russia (21st century) has smoothly flowed from the underground, "unofficial" art of the USSR. Young artists of the 90s were looking for new ways to realize their artistic ambitions in a new country. At this time, Moscow actionism was born. His followers challenged the past and its ideology. The destruction of borders (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) made it possible to depict the attitude of the younger generation to the situation in the country. Contemporary art of the 21st century has become expressive, frightening, shocking. The one from which the society closed for so long. Actions by Anatoly Osmolovsky ("Mayakovsky - Osmolovsky", "Against All", "Barricade on Bolshaya Nikitskaya"), the "ETI" movement ("ETI-text"), Oleg Kulik ("Piglet gives gifts", "Mad Dog or the Last Taboo guarded by a lonely Cerberus"), Avdey Ter-Oganyan ("Pop Art") forever changed the history of contemporary art.

New generation

Slava ATGM is a contemporary artist from Yekaterinburg. Some of his work may remind the work of Banksy. However, Slava's works carry ideas and feelings familiar only to a Russian citizen. One of his most notable works is the "Land of Opportunities" action. The artist created an inscription made of crutches on the building of an abandoned hospital in Yekaterinburg. Slava bought crutches from the inhabitants of the city, who once used them. The artist announced the action on his page on the social network, supplementing it with an appeal to fellow citizens.

Museums of modern art

Perhaps, at one time, contemporary visual art of the 21st century seemed to be a marginal environment, but today more and more people are striving to join a new field of art. More and more museums are opening their doors to new means of expression. New York holds the record for contemporary art. There are also two museums, which are among the best in the world.

The first is MoMA, which is a repository of paintings by Matisse, Dali, Warhol. The second is a museum. The unusual architecture of the building is adjacent to the creations of Picasso, Marc Chagall, Kandinsky and many others.

Europe is also famous for its magnificent 21st century contemporary art museums. The KIASMA museum in Helsinki allows you to touch the objects of the exhibition. The center in the capital of France impresses with unusual architecture and works of contemporary artists. Stedelijkmuseum in Amsterdam houses the largest collection of paintings by Malevich. in the capital of Great Britain has a huge number of modern art objects. The Vienna Museum of Modern Art has works by Andy Warhol and other talented contemporary artists.

Modern art of the 21st century (painting) - mysterious, incomprehensible, bewitching, has forever changed the vector of development not only of a separate sphere, but of the whole life of mankind. It reflects and creates modernity at the same time. Constantly changing, the art of modernity allows a person who is constantly in a hurry to stop for a moment. Pause to remember the feelings deep inside. Stop to pick up the pace again and rush into the whirlwind of events and affairs.

Here is a selection of paintings by still little-known, but very talented artists. All the guys from Russia and our contemporaries. Watch, read and enjoy.

Guys, I write here all the time about quite famous and accomplished personalities. Of course, it would be much more interesting for me to write about those artists that no one knows about yet, but what can you do - you can write about anything on the VKontakte public, and you can write on a blog only what people are looking for in Yandex and Google, otherwise, no one will go there except you. But for a change and pleasure, I, nevertheless, decided to make a selection of "Little-known contemporary artists of Russia and their paintings."

  • What else is interesting? (links to other articles).
  • Paintings by Marchuk, one of the most famous contemporary Ukrainian artists
  • The legendary dean of the faculty of graphics of the famous Repinka.

Some of these guys are still at the very beginning of their journey, and some have already become relatively established and successfully sell their works on VKontakte or on marketplaces like a crafts fair and are even known in narrow circles, but they all have one thing in common - they are still not known to the general public. But unknown does not mean deprived of talent, so I think it will be interesting for you to look. I decided to include here not only the draftsmen themselves, but also several sculptors.

Little-known contemporary Russian artists and their paintings. Illustrators and painters.

Little known artists. Color surrealistic modern in the paintings of Maria Susarenko.

I learned about this artist not so long ago and almost immediately fell in love with her paintings. Partly because she is very close to me in spirit as an artist, partly because of the admiration for technology and a riot of fantasy. Maria Susarenko is a sweet girl from St. Petersburg and a graduate of the famous St. A.L. Stieglitz. Maria Susarenko's paintings are an exuberant mix of Art Nouveau and Surrealism. They look very bright and decorative.

Pictures of little-known artists. Works by Maria Susarenko

Amazing detail!

Little known artists. Saturday Dasha.

The eternal motif of Yuralga is cats.

Funny weirdo. This is the kind of brooch I would wear.


Little-known contemporary artists of Russia. Sculptors.

Even if there are not paintings, but decorations, they are so seductive and loving that I could not resist. After all, a sculptor is also an artist. Yes, an artist can be a painter, graphic artist, illustrator or sculptor (your captain is obvious). Here are two girls whose jewelry would not shame René Lalique himself.

Little known artists. Grimoire of the Black Hen.

In the workshop "Grimoire La poule noire", which in translation is "Grimoire of the black hen" (your captain is obvious), Lera Prokopets is in charge. Lera is a miniature sculptor and simply a gorgeous lady. She works primarily with polymer clay and stones. Lera creates stunning jewelry in a style that I would call gothic art nouveau. Such, slightly witchish, dark, but graceful beauty. Well, still, it's a "grimoire of a black chicken."

Little known artists. Original Art Nouveau jewelry. Photo from the workshop "Grimoire of the Black Hen".

Hekate, Greek goddess of the night.

Morphine. Thin:) Either demons or vampires with their tongues hanging out is one of Lera's favorite motifs. The majestic and diverse Russian painting always pleases the audience with its inconstancy and perfection of art forms. This is the peculiarity of the works of famous masters of art. They always surprised with their unusual approach to work, reverent attitude to the feelings and sensations of each person. Perhaps that is why Russian artists so often depicted portrait compositions that vividly combined emotional images and epicly calm motifs. No wonder Maxim Gorky once said that an artist is the heart of his country, the voice of the entire era. Indeed, the majestic and elegant paintings of Russian artists vividly convey the inspiration of their time. Like the aspirations of the famous author Anton Chekhov, many sought to bring into Russian paintings the unique flavor of their people, as well as the unquenchable dream of beauty. It is difficult to underestimate the extraordinary canvases of these masters of majestic art, because truly extraordinary works of various genres were born under their brush. Academic painting, portrait, historical painting, landscape, works of romanticism, modernism or symbolism - all of them still bring joy and inspiration to their viewers. Everyone finds in them something more than colorful colors, graceful lines and inimitable genres of world art. Perhaps such an abundance of forms and images that Russian painting surprises with is connected with the huge potential of the surrounding world of artists. Levitan also said that in every note of lush nature there is a majestic and unusual palette of colors. With such a beginning, a magnificent expanse appears for the artist's brush. Therefore, all Russian paintings are distinguished by their exquisite severity and attractive beauty, from which it is so difficult to break away.

Russian painting is rightly distinguished from world art. The fact is that until the seventeenth century, domestic painting was associated exclusively with a religious theme. The situation changed with the coming to power of the tsar-reformer - Peter the Great. Thanks to his reforms, Russian masters began to engage in secular painting, and icon painting separated as a separate direction. The seventeenth century is the time of such artists as Simon Ushakov and Iosif Vladimirov. Then, in the Russian art world, the portrait was born and quickly became popular. In the eighteenth century, the first artists appeared who switched from portraiture to landscape painting. The pronounced sympathy of the masters for winter panoramas is noticeable. The eighteenth century was also remembered for the birth of everyday painting. In the nineteenth century, three trends gained popularity in Russia: romanticism, realism and classicism. As before, Russian artists continued to turn to the portrait genre. It was then that world-famous portraits and self-portraits of O. Kiprensky and V. Tropinin appeared. In the second half of the nineteenth century, artists more and more often depict the simple Russian people in their oppressed state. Realism becomes the central trend of painting of this period. It was then that the Wanderers appeared, depicting only real, real life. Well, the twentieth century is, of course, the avant-garde. The artists of that time significantly influenced both their followers in Russia and around the world. Their paintings became the forerunners of abstractionism. Russian painting is a huge wonderful world of talented artists who glorified Russia with their creations

The art of modern painting is works created at the present time or in the recent past. A certain number of years will pass, and these paintings will become part of history. Paintings created in the period from the 60s of the last century to the present day reflect several areas of contemporary art that can be classified as postmodernism. In the times of Art Nouveau, the work of painters was more widely represented, and in the 70s of the twentieth century there was a change in the social orientation of the art of painting.

Actual art

Artists of modern painting represent, first of all, new trends in fine art. In cultural terminology, there is the concept of "contemporary art", which is somewhat related to the concept of "contemporary painting". By contemporary art, artists most often mean innovation, when the painter turns to cutting-edge topics, regardless of their direction. The picture can be painted in and depict any industrial enterprise. Or on the canvas there is a landscape landscape with a wheat field, meadow, forest, but at the same time, a combine will certainly be drawn in the distance. The style of modern painting implies a social orientation of the picture. At the same time, landscapes by contemporary artists without social overtones are valued much higher.

Choice of direction

Since the end of the 1990s, the artists of contemporary painting have abandoned the subject of production and transferred their work into the mainstream of pure fine art. There are masters of fine portraiture, landscape scenes, still lifes in the style of Flemish drawing. And gradually, in modern painting, genuine art began to appear, in no way inferior to the paintings created by outstanding artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, and in some ways even superior to them. Today's masters of the brush are helped by a developed technical base, an abundance of new tools that allow them to fully reflect their plans on canvas. Thus, the artists of contemporary painting can create to the best of their ability. Of course, the quality of paints or brushes is important in the process of painting, but still the main thing is talent.

abstract expressionism

Contemporary artists are pursuing painting methods that allow the use of non-geometric strokes applied in large numbers on large canvases. Large brushes, sometimes paint brushes, are used. Such painting can hardly be called art in the classical sense of the word, however, abstraction is a continuation of surrealism, which appeared back in 1920 thanks to the ideas of Andre Breton and immediately found a lot of followers, such as Salvator Dali, Hans Hoffmann, Adolf Gottlieb. At the same time, contemporary artists understand expressionism in their own way. Today, this genre differs from its predecessor in the size of the paintings, which can reach three meters in length.

Pop Art

The counterbalance to abstractionism was the conceptual new avant-garde, which promotes aesthetic values. Modern artists have begun to include images of famous personalities such as Mao Zedong or Marilyn Monroe in their paintings. This art was called "pop art" - a popular, generally recognized trend in painting. Mass culture replaced abstractionism and gave rise to a special kind of aesthetics, which in a colorful, spectacular manner presented to the public what was on everyone's lips, some recent events or images of well-known people in different life situations.

The founders and followers of pop art were Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselman, Peter Blake, Roy Lichtenstein.


Modern art is multifaceted, often a new direction appears in it, combining two or more types of fine art. Photorealism became such a form of self-expression of the artist. This direction in painting appeared in the USA in 1968. It was invented by avant-garde artist Louis Meisel, and the genre was introduced two years later, at the Whitney Museum during the Twenty-Two Realists exhibition.

Painting in the style of photorealism is associated with photography, the movement of the object seems to be frozen in time. The photorealist artist collects his image, which will be captured in the picture, with the help of photographs. From a negative or a slide, the image is transferred to the canvas by projection or using a scale grid. Then a complete picture is created using painting technologies.

The heyday of photorealism came in the mid-70s, then there was a decline in popularity, and in the early 90s the genre was revived again. The venerable artists worked mainly in the USA, among them there were many sculptors who also created their works using image projection. The most famous masters of painting based on photorealism are Richard Estes, Charles Bellet, Thomas Blackwell, Robert Demekis, Donald Eddy, Duane Hanson.

Photorealist artists of the younger generation - Raffaella Spence, Roberto Bernardi, Chiara Albertoni, Tony Brunelli, Olivier Romano, Bertrand Meniel, Clive Head.

Modern artists of Russia

  • Serge Fedulov (born 1958), native of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory. Participated in several exhibitions in Latin America and Europe. His paintings are distinguished by realism and contrasting color combinations.
  • Mikhail Golubev (b. 1981), graduated from the art class of the Omsk School of Painting. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. He is distinguished by an unusual manner of creativity, all his works are reflection paintings with deep philosophical overtones.
  • Dmitry Annenkov (b. 1965) in Moscow. Graduated from the Stroganov Art Institute. Popular abroad, but prefers Russian exhibitions. Annenkov's art is realistic, the artist is a recognized master of still life.

Russian Impressionists

  • Alexei Chernigin, Russian Impressionist painter (born 1975), is the son of the famous painter Alexander Chernigin. Studied painting and graphic design at the art school in Nizhny Novgorod. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Architectural Institute with a degree in Design in Industry. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1998. Since 2001, he has been a lecturer at NGASU at the Department of Interior Design.
  • Konstantin Lupanov, Krasnodar artist (b. 1977). Graduated from the Industrial Academy at the State University of Culture and Arts with a degree in monumental painting. Participant of many art exhibitions in and St. Petersburg. Distinguished by a rare style of oil painting with swirling strokes. Lupanov's paintings are completely devoid of contrasting combinations of colors, the images seem to flow one into another. The artist himself calls his works "a cheerful, irresponsible daub", but this statement contains a share of coquetry: the paintings are actually written quite professionally.

Russian artists painting in nude style

  • Sergei Marshennikov (born 1971), one of the most famous contemporary Russian artists. Graduated from the Ufa College of Arts. His paintings are an example of blatant realism. The works give the impression of an artistic photograph, the composition is so accurate and every stroke is verified. The painter's wife Natalya most often acts as a model, and this helps him in creating a sensual picture.
  • Vera Vasilievna Donskaya-Khilko (born 1964), granddaughter of the famous opera singer Lavrenty Dmitrievich Donskoy. The brightest representative of modern Russian painting. Draws in the style of the subject nude. In the creative palette of the artist, you can find beauties from the eastern harem and naked village girls on the river bank on the night of the Ivan Kupala holiday, a Russian bathhouse with hot women going out into the snow and swimming in an ice hole. The artist draws a lot and with talent.

Contemporary Russian artists and their work are of increasing interest to connoisseurs of fine arts all over the world.

Modern painting as a world art

Today, visual arts have taken forms that are different from those that were in demand in the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern artists of the world turned to the avant-garde in a narrower interpretation, the canvases acquired refinement and became more meaningful. Society today needs a renewed art, the need extends to all types of creativity, including painting. Paintings by contemporary artists, if they are made at a sufficiently high level, are bought up, become the subject of bargaining or exchange. Some canvases are included in the lists of especially valuable works of art. Paintings from the past, painted by great painters, are still in demand, but contemporary artists are gaining more and more popularity. Oil, tempera, watercolor, and other paints help them in their creativity and successful implementation of their plans. Painters, as a rule, adhere to any one style. It can be landscape, portrait, battle scenes or another genre. Accordingly, for his work, the artist chooses a certain type of paint.

Contemporary artists of the world

The most famous modern artists differ in the manner of writing, their brush is recognizable, sometimes you don’t even need to look at the signature at the bottom of the canvas. Well-known masters of modern painting - Perlstein Philip, Alexander Isachev, Francis Bacon, Stanislav Plutenko, Peter Blake, Freud Lucien, Michael Parkes, Guy Johnson, Eric Fischl, Nikolai Blokhin, Vasily Shulzhenko.

Today, contemporary painting has gained unimaginable popularity, therefore it has become known not only for its tendency to push boundaries and explore new means of expression, but also for record sales in the contemporary art market over the past few years. Moreover, artists from almost all over the world, from America to Asia, enjoy success. Next, you will find out whose names are represented by the best contemporary painting in the world, who is he, the most expensive contemporary artist, and who is a little short of this title.

The most expensive contemporary artists

Among the myriad of names that modern painting has, the paintings of only certain artists enjoy exceptional success. Among them, the most expensive paintings were the famous neo-expressionist and graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, who, however, died at the age of 27. In our list, you will see only the first seven of those wealthy artists who are alive to this day.

Bryce Marden

The works of this American author are quite difficult to classify and bring to a single art direction, although he is often referred to as representatives of either minimalism or abstractionism. But unlike artists in these styles, whose paintings seem to have never been touched, Marden's contemporary painting retains palette knife strokes and other traces of his work. One of those who influenced his work is considered to be another contemporary artist Jasper Johns, whose name you will meet later.

Zeng Fanzhi

This contemporary artist is one of the main figures of the Chinese art scene today. It was his work called "The Last Supper", created based on the famous work of Leonardo da Vinci, was sold for 23.3 million dollars and became the most expensive painting that modern Asian painting can boast of. Also known are the works of the artist "Self-portrait", the triptych "Hospital" and paintings from the series "Masks".

In the 1990s, his painting style often changed and eventually moved from expressionism to symbolism.

Peter Doig

Peter Doig is a world-famous Scottish contemporary artist whose work is inspired by the theme of magical realism. Many of his works tend to disorient the viewer, even when they depict recognizable images such as figures, trees, and buildings.

In 2015, his painting "Swamped" managed to break the record and become the most expensive painting by contemporary artists from Scotland, being sold at auction for 25.9 million. Doig's paintings "Architect's House in the Hollow", "White Canoe", "Reflection", "Roadside Diner" and others are also popular.

Christopher Wool

Contemporary artist Christopher Wool explores various post-conceptual ideas in his work. The artist's most famous modern paintings are block inscriptions depicted in black on a white canvas.

Such paintings by contemporary artists cause a lot of controversy and dissatisfaction among adherents of traditional painting, but one way or another, one of Wool's works - "Apocalypse" - brought him 26 million dollars. Wool does not think about the titles of the paintings for a long time, but names them according to the inscriptions: “Blue Fool”, “Troubles”, etc.

Jasper Johns

Contemporary artist Jasper Johns is known for his rebellious attitude towards abstract expressionism, which dominated the painting scene early in the artist's career. Moreover, he works by creating costly canvases with flags, license plates, numbers and other well-known symbols that already have a clear meaning and do not need to be deciphered.

By the way, the most expensive paintings by contemporary artists include the work of the American "Flag", sold at auction in 2010 for $ 28 million. You can also look at the works "Three Flags", "False Start", "From 0 to 9", "Target with Four Faces" and many others.

Gerhard Richter

This contemporary artist from Germany, like many painters at the beginning of his career, studied realistic academic painting, but later became interested in more progressive art.

In the work of the author, one can see the influence of many art trends of the 20th century, such as abstract expressionism, pop art, minimalism and conceptualism, but at the same time, Richter retained a skeptical attitude towards all established artistic and philosophical beliefs, being sure that modern painting is dynamics and search. The artist's works include "Land of meadows", "Reading", "1024 colors", "Wall", etc.

Jeff Koons

And finally, here he is - the most expensive contemporary artist in the world. American Jeff Koons works in the neo-pop style and is known for his catchy, kitsch and defiant creativity.

He is mainly known as the author of a huge number of modern sculptures, some of which were exhibited in Versailles itself. But also among the artist's works there are paintings for which special connoisseurs are ready to give millions of dollars: "Liberty Bell", "Auto", "Girl with a Dolphin and Monkey", "Saddle" and others.

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