What is the name of my little pony everyone. My Little Pony Movie: Biographies of New Characters

The kind magical animated series "Friendship is a miracle" or "My Little Pony" won the hearts of many children. It tells about the funny adventures of charming little ponies. The main characters correspond to the fourth generation of My Little Pony toys.

The action of the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle" takes place in a fairy-tale land called Equestria. At the very beginning of the story, one of the main characters, Twilight Sparkle, who is seriously interested in magic and books, goes to Ponyville with her mentor, Princess Celestia. In this small town, which was founded by earth ponies, she will experience the amazing wonders of true friendship. Let's take a closer look at the main characters of the cartoon "My Little Pony".

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Starlet)

Twilight is a unicorn pony, the hallmark of Twilight Star is a red hexagonal star with white stars arranged in a circle. Twightlight has extraordinary magical abilities. Her tree house is a whole library full of books that the pony spends hours studying. Twilight Star is also very punctual, accurate, she never deviates from the rules. Her faithful assistant is baby Spike, a magical dragon. In the third season, Twightlight returns special marks (cutie marks) to all his friends and receives the title of alicorn princess.

Applejack (Apple Pie)

Applejack is the name of an earth pony who is passionate about the family apple business. This is a real cowgirl, her cutie mark is made up of three juicy red apples. Applejack's huge family owns large farmlands. "Apple Pony" loves to work and cultivate gardens, working for the benefit of the family. She also lovingly takes care of her little sister, pony Apple Bloom. Applejack's friends can always rely on her, she is a very reliable and loyal friend.

Fluttershy (Shy Awe)

The name Fluttershy exactly matches the character of the shy quiet girl. The timid Pegasus pony very rarely rises into the air, she has a lot of earthly affairs - Fluttershy loves to communicate with animals and directs her care to them, although this is usually not typical of Pegasus. Her special abilities are eloquently evidenced by a cutie mark, which depicts three pale pink butterflies. With great attention to Fluttershy's quiet voice, forest dwellers listen - rabbits (and especially her pet rogue Angel), ferrets and songbirds. Despite her meek nature, Fluttershy has enviable courage and is ready to defend justice in any situation.

Pinkie Pie (Pink Pie)

Pinkie Pie is not afraid to look funny and awkward, this cheerful and active earth pony is always optimistic. She rarely stops and stands still, usually Pinky sings songs and trots cheerfully. She has an amazing talent for organizing parties for friends, where everyone entertains with music, games and treats. Her love of sweets led her to the Cakes' shop, where she lives and sells sweets. In addition, she has a special "Pinky flair", that is, the ability to anticipate certain events.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Splash)

Rainbow from the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle" - a mixture of Pegasus and pony. This character cannot imagine himself without dizzying flights. The pony-pegasus performs its dangerous tricks to the sound of rock music, its "signature" number is called "Rainbow Strike". Rainbow has lightning speed, and this is precisely her talent. The hallmark of the Rainbow Splash is a drawing of rainbow lightning that emerges from a cloud. In addition to his unique talent, Rainbow boasts an original appearance style. Only she has a tail and a mane decorated in all the colors of the rainbow.

Rarity (Rarity)

Rarity is both a unicorn and a pony, she is addicted fashion trends and with great enthusiasm sews clothes in his boutique. She highly appreciates style, grace and accuracy in everything. Thanks to her talent, Rarity from My Little Pony is able to find shining gems, which is why three sapphires adorn her cutie mark. This subtle nature with a complex mental organization, which takes on any work and is even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends or in the struggle for their ideals of beauty. Lives under the same roof as a pony unicorn Persian cat Rarity named Opal, or Opalescence.

Spike (Spike)

Spike the Dragon is still very small, but he can hardly be called a child. He feels great in the company of ladies, amuses them with his jokes and antics. Unlike the hard-working Rainbow and Applejack, Spike is not averse to being lazy and taking a nap, his favourite hobby- comment on everything that happens with humor. But the dragon loves to help his friends, he always does Twightlight's errands: for example, he sends letters or sorts books in the library. Spike has a boundless love for Rarity.

The world in the cartoon "My Little Pony" is inhabited huge amount heroes. Spike, Rarity, Twightlight, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy are just the main characters. Each of them has its own character and unique abilities. All pony girls have a cutie mark that matches their name and talent.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

(Eng. My Little Pony) is an entertainment franchise launched by the American company Hasbro at first as a line of toys for girls. The debut toys, designed by three designers Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Münchwinger and Steve D "Aguanno, went on sale in 1981. The ponies had special symbols on their sides (referred to as "cutie marks") and bodies and manes are brightly and colorfully depicted. The toys have been updated many times in the course of production in accordance with market demands.Toys became popular and sold in the United States starting in 1982, and began to be sold worldwide in 1995. In the 1980s, a total of about 150 million toys were sold. In 1991, due to increased competition, the production of toys was discontinued.

Again, this line of toys began to be manufactured in 1997, their popularity turned out to be low, and in 1999 production ended again. Once again, the brand saw the light in 2003, the toys looked like toys from the 80s, and by 2010 they had sold about 100 million copies. For the fourth time, the franchise began to be embodied in 2010 and it all started with the animated series My Little Pony. Friendship is magic” (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic). And already in 2015, the brand earned more than a billion US dollars from retail sales.

To date, animated performances based on My Little Pony have been staged, animated feature film and two animated series.


Animation of My Little Pony from the mid-80s of the last century

Hasbro's toy line promotion strategy has resulted in many animated films and animated series.

In 1984, the first 22-minute My Little Pony cartoon appeared, later renamed Rescue at Midnight Castle. In 1985, the premiere of the second cartoon "My Little Pony: Escape from Katrina" took place. In 1986, the only animated feature film, My Little Pony: The Movie, was released. In the same 1986, Canadian animators launched the series My Little Pony and Friends (My Little Pony "n Friends), at first it was planned to shoot two episodes, but due to the great popularity, the creators shot two seasons. In October 2010, the premiere of the animated series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic), has already been released for 7 seasons of the series.2013 was the year of the release of another animated series on the theme of a little pony under the general title "Girls from Equestria", in 4 seasons about girls have already been released - Equestria Girls, Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock, Equestria Girls - Friendship Games, Equestria Girls - Legends of the Evergreen Forest.

Heroes and stories of cartoons "My Little Pony"

In the 1984 cartoon, the story is about the country of Ponyland. There are 3 types of ponies living in the country: ordinary, pegasus and unicorns. Once, a certain Tirban with his accomplice attacks Ponylandia. Tirban's desire is quite original - to turn four ponies into dragons and harness them in this form to his chariot. Counteracting the criminal intentions of Tirban became the core of the cartoon's plot.

The full-length cartoon of 1986 vividly describes the struggle of little ponies living in Ponyland with the evil witch Hydia, who decided to prevent the preparation of the holiday in honor of the first day of spring.

In the 1986 series My Little Pony and Friends, heroes familiar to modern little viewers appeared: a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, the dragon Spike and other friends of Sparkle. The series tells about how Twilight Sparkle goes in search of friends in the city of Ponyville, where she participates in various adventures. The case is already happening in a country called Equestria.

The series about little ponies "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" can be called new, because it was released already in the 21st century. The events of this series take place in the same fabulous country of Equestria, which is inhabited by ponies. In addition to them, various intelligent animals live here: buffaloes, cows and zebras, as well as dragons, griffins, and other fantastic individuals. The country is full of squirrels, hares, bears and other animals. Expected in 2017 new season series.

The series "My Little Pony Pony: Friendship is Magic"

The events of the series about ponies "Friendship is a miracle" takes place in a fantasy country - Equestria. Citizens of a fairy-tale country are, first of all, ponies, and then dragons, cows, griffins, zebras, manticores, buffaloes, as well as hares, squirrels and other inhabitants of mountains, forests and fields.

The natural processes of Equestria are strictly regulated. The princesses Celestia and Luna, who govern the country, ensure the rise of the sun and the exit to the moon's firmament. The weather is controlled by the Pegasus, whose factories produce clouds, rain, snow and rainbows. In addition, the Pegasi oversee the skies in the most significant settlements of the country, and, if necessary, transform them in various ways. The seasons change each other under the influence of magic or with the help of collective labor, which is due to the customs of the town and the presence in locality skilled wizard. You will laugh, but in Equestria there is a territory where everything grows and changes on its own - this is the Evergreen Forest. Therefore, for reasonable citizens of the country, this forest is a wild and scary place.

Ponies living in Equestria are divided into different types:

  • Earth ponies are simple, ordinary horses. They like to work, especially in the fresh air, which is probably why they are engaged in agricultural production.
  • Pegasus are ponies that have wings. They control the weather, respectively, have the skills of flying and walking on the clouds.
  • Unicorns are ponies that have one magical horn that helps them practice witchcraft. From the cradle they have mastered telekinesis, but other methods of sorcery are not alien to them.
  • Alicorns are special ponies that have both horns and wings. The main magicians and wizards of the country, dexterous and skillful, are carriers of rare, supernatural powers. Only five princesses represent this species: Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Hart.

My Little Pony Season 1

Twilight Sparkle learns of a prophecy that says that the Lunar Horror will return to Equestria after a thousand years of imprisonment on the Moon, and this will happen during the upcoming summer solstice celebration. Twilight tries to warn her mentor Princess Celestia of the impending danger, but the princess does not respond to the warning and sends Twilight Sparkle to the town of Ponyville to check on the readiness of the inhabitants for the celebration of the summer solstice. Twilight is reluctant to meet the ponies in charge of preparing the party. Their names are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. At the feast, instead of the missing Princess Celestia, the Lunar Horror appears and the eternal night begins.

After establishing the eternal night, Twilight Sparkle and her new friends head to the Evergreen Forest to find the Elements of Harmony, a set of artifacts that were used in the past to destroy the Lunar Terror. Overcoming difficulties, the friends find the Elements, but the Lunar Horror appears and destroys them. Twilight Sparkle realizes that she and her new friends represent the six elements - honesty (Applejack), kindness (Fluttershy), laughter (Pinkie Pie), generosity (Rarity), loyalty (Rainbow Dash), and magic (Twilight Sparkle). The Friends defeat the Moon Terror, and Twilight returns to Ponyville to further explore the magic of friendship.

In the course of the action, Twilight Sparkle and her friends find themselves in various difficult circumstances, learning a lot of new and unknown things, which they constantly tell Princess Celestia about.

My Little Pony Season 2

Discord - the spirit of chaos and disharmony, escapes from the stone prison after a quarrel. Princess Celestia encourages Twilight Sparkle and her friends to use the Elements of Harmony to restore order to the world. The friends discover that the Elements are missing. Discord believes he has defeated Twilight Sparkle and promises to spread chaos throughout Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle leads her friends to chaos-ravaged Ponyville, where they find the Elements of Harmony in the library. However, without Rainbow Dash, the Elements fail and Twilight is crushed by Discord's spells. But when she was about to leave Ponyville, Spike the Dragon showed her letters from Princess Celestia: they were all old Twilight Sparkle friendship reports. Perked up, Twilight breaks Discord's spell and returns him to the stone prison with his friends.

My Little Pony Season 3

Princess Celestia learns of the return of the Crystal Empire, which disappeared over a thousand years ago at the last will of the evil King Sombra before his exile. Celestia fears that Sombra will return and use the empire's power to take over Equestria. She summons Twilight Sparkle and sends her along with her friends Princess Cadance and Shining Armor to the empire to help protect it and prevent King Sombra's shadow from appearing. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, after talking with the inhabitants of the empire, learn about the Crystal Fair, using which they can somehow protect the empire from the king. But too late, Twilight realizes that the missing Crystal Heart is the centerpiece of the fair and a necessary artifact to protect the city.

Princess Cadance's magic power has weakened. Twilight Sparkle instructs her friends to continue the fair to cheer up the crystal ponies. She herself sets out to look for the Crystal Heart, believing it to be a test that Princess Celestia hinted at. Together with the dragon Spike, they, bypassing several traps that King Sombra placed in the castle, eventually get to the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Ponies recreate a protection spell in the empire and destroy King Sombra.

My Little Pony Season 4

Season 4 continues from the events that ended season 3, where Twilight Sparkle has honed her magic skills so much, learning the value of friendship, that she has become the new princess of Equestria. In addition, she moved into the ranks of Alicorns, because she grew wings.

Twilight Sparkle adjusts to her new wings and princess duties in preparation for the Summer Sun Festival. Before the holiday, at night, Princess Celestia was attacked by a black vine. The next morning, Twilight discovers that Princesses Celestia and Luna have disappeared, leaving the sun and moon hanging in the sky at the same time. The castle guards inform Twilight about an overgrowth of black plants from the Evergreen Forest near Ponyville. Returning to Ponyville to collect the Elements of Harmony, Twilight and her friends suspect that it was Discord who caused the black vine to grow and the princesses to disappear, but he says he is innocent. Pony Zecora gives Twilight Sparkle a special potion that supposedly helps her find out what's causing the chaos. After drinking the potion, Twilight finds herself in an unfamiliar castle with Princess Luna, who transforms into Moon Horror.

Twilight Sparkle realizes that Princess Luna's transformation is a vision caused by Zecora's potion. Twilight remembers that there is a Tree of Harmony in the forest, she goes into the forest and finds this Tree there, entangled in a black vine. Twilight Sparkle destroys the black plants and in doing so frees the missing princesses Celestia and Luna. The Summer Sun celebration begins with Twilight Sparkle performing to cheering friends.

My Little Pony Season 5

The fifth season of the series tells how Twilight Sparkle continues her work as the princess of Equestria with the help of her friends. They discover that her new castle contains a magical map that outlines Equestria's problems and ways to resolve them. Traveling, they find a city where all the ponies have the same "Cute Sign" on their sides - this is an equal sign. Friends suspect that something is wrong with the townspeople, especially after meeting with their leader, who is called Starlight Glimmer. Starlight revealed that all the ponies living in the city have given up their own marks and special talents, as they believe they can achieve true friendship by being equals. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are secretly meeting with other ponies who want their "Cute Marks" back. Friends go to the vault, which stores the marks of the townspeople. Upon arrival, all six fall into a trap and Starlight takes away their marks.

Without their Cutie Marks, the six friends were trapped. The friends decide to send Fluttershy into town to chat with the townspeople and learn from them how to get out of the trap and get their signs back. Fluttershy learns that Starlight herself never turned in her "Cute Mark" in storage, but disguised it using makeup. The next day, Starlight frees the friends from the trap and Fluttershy reveals Starlight's trick to the townspeople by splashing water on her. Starlight flees with the signs of six friends, and the townspeople return their own signs and start chasing after Starlight. As a result, the friends get their Cutie Marks back, but Starlight still manages to escape. Everyone returns to the city to celebrate the restoration of their identities.

My Little Pony Season 6

At the beginning of the sixth season of the series, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are invited to the Crystal Empire to participate in the Crystallization ceremony and the magical ceremony celebrating the birth of Princess Cadance and the foal Shining Armor. Twilight brings her new apprentice Starlight with her to the empire so that Starlight can reconnect with her childhood friend, the crystal pony Sunburst. Starlight doesn't want to date Sunburst lest he find out about her past atrocities. They eventually met and had an uncomfortable conversation. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle is shocked to discover that Shining Armor's colt is an alicorn girl with powerful uncontrollable magic. The foal's cries destroy the Crystal Heart that protects the empire, leaving it defenseless against a deadly blizzard.

The ponies are desperately looking for a spell to restore the Crystal Heart and save the Crystal Empire from the arctic snow. Starlight believes Sunburst is capable of such a feat, but when she comes to retrieve him, he confesses in desperation that he is not as powerful a wizard as she believes. Starlight confronts him about her past mistakes and they reconcile. Using the knowledge he gained during his training, Sunburst helps Starlight, and the princesses create a Crystal that restores the Crystal Heart, driving back a snowstorm from the settlement.

My Little Pony Season 7

Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord are awarded medals of honor for defeating Queen Chrysalis, bringing the Werewolf Kingdom into harmony. During the reception, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she has nothing left to teach Starlight, who has achieved great success, so Twilight turns to Princess Celestia for advice. Princess Celestia recommends sending Starlight away from Ponyville for training, but Twilight Sparkle fears the experiment will end in disaster. Celestia bursts out laughing, confessing that she had the same worries when she herself sent Twilight Sparkle to learn friendship magic. Twilight announces to Starlight that her studies are over and she can leave Ponyville. To Twilight Sparkle's delight, Starlight decides not to leave Ponyville until she feels ready to do so.

While Twilight Sparkle and her friends leave for the friendship arena, Starlight stays at the castle to help Trixie learn unicorn magic. Trixie uses a move spell inadvertently, sending Twilight Sparkle's magic card to an unknown location. Starlight is enraged by Trixie's act and a magical red cloud bursts out of her horn, which she hides in glass bottle for fear of hurting Trixie. While searching for the map, Starlight's anger towards Trixie's carefree behavior continues to grow, a bottle with a magical cloud inside accidentally cracks and the cloud bursts out of the bottle, infecting nearby ponies, causing them to attack Trixie. Starlight manages to dispel the cloud and Trixie finally apologizes for her actions. The two then find the map at the spa and return it to the castle before Twilight Sparkle and her friends return there.

"My Little Pony", cartoon 2017

In 2017, the Canadian-American full-length musical animated film My Little Pony: The Movie is expected to be released. The film is based on the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The film is in production by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media.

The film was originally scheduled for release on November 3, 2017, but was later pushed back to October 6, 2017.

In the center of the cartoon's narrative is the liberation of Canterlot. Canterlot is the capital of the magical land of Equestria, which first appeared in the very first series of the cartoon "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". This is Twilight Sparkle's hometown, where she studied under Princess Celestia. There is a royal palace in the city, and it is very important place for various events such as the Grand Ball and the Gala Concert.

The Storm King takes over Canterlot, wanting to strip the ponies magical power. The future of fantasy land is at stake! The ponies leave in formation motherland and set off on a dangerous long journey full of wonders and risky adventures to stop the bandit Storm. On the way they will have to cross magical mountains, descend into the depths of the underwater world and rise into the air on a flying frigate of pirates!

Animated films "Girls from Equestria"

The Equestria Girls cartoon series are animated films with main characters similar to the main cast of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but in these films the characters are no longer little horses, but teenage girls in high school.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls" (2013)

While with her friends in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle loses her crown as Princess of Equestria. In fact, the crown was stolen from her by a unicorn named Sunset Shimmer. Friends start chasing the thief, but she disappears into the mirror, which turns out to be the entrance to human world. Princess Celestia informed Twilight that without the crown, all other Elements of Harmony would not work and could not be used to protect Equestria. Twilight Sparkle must definitely return the crown, but only she can enter the world of people, friends must be left in this world. When entering the human world, Sparkle was followed by the stupid dragon Spike, who in the world of people turned into a talking dog, and Twilight Sparkle turned into a human girl. They begin their search for the crown in Carnelot with a building that is the city's school.

Twilight Sparkle begins to get used to her human body, and carefully observes the inhabitants of the strange new world she has entered. She meets a girl who looks a lot like her friend: it turns out her name is Fluttershy. Twilight asks Fluttershy about the crown. Fluttershy tells her that she did find the crown, but gave it to the headmaster Celestia. Twilight and Spike head to the principal's office.

During her search for the crown, Twilight Sparkle meets other students who are very similar to her friends from the pony world. She talks about her mission in the human world, including the fact that she has 3 days to return the crown. If Twilight does not have time to return the crown, then the portal will close, and she will remain for a month. Her new friends decide to help her.

Together, the friends manage to find the crown, but then Sunset comes into play, who threatens to destroy the portal to the pony world if Twilight does not give her the crown. Twilight doesn't want to hear about it, and Sunset decides to take the crown by force. Attacking the princess, Sunset takes away the crown, and, putting it on, turns into a demon. Then, having bewitched the schoolchildren, she tells them that she will not destroy the portal, because she wants to conquer Equestria using students from the human world. Sunset Shimmer attempts to destroy Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, but they join hands and form a magical defense. Sparkle understands that the Elements of Harmony are strong in this world too. The power of friendship magic helps the friends defeat Sunset. Defeated, Sunset admits her mistake and promises not to be naughty again. Friends decide to accept her into their circle, and then Twilight Sparkle and her faithful dog Spike return home to the world of ponies.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock" (2014)

The action of this animated film takes place in the Canterlot School. Former miscreant Sunset Shimmer, who reformed after being defeated by the Twilight Spark crown's magic, is attacked by most of the students despite her attempts to atone for her evil deeds. Her only friends are Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, who formed a rock band called the Rainbooms to compete in an upcoming high school music competition. The five girls discover that the magic left from Twilight Sparkle's crown allows them to grow ears, tails, and wings like Equestria ponies while playing music.

Enjoying the new experience, Sunset gives a tour of the school for three new students - Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Susk and Aria Blaze - and tells them about the music competition, unaware that they can sing magical songs. Naming their group "Dazzling," the trio perform a song that turns the other students into aggressive, competitive adversaries, urging them to turn a friendly competition into a competitive rivalry. Sunset and her friends are protected from the "Dazzling" song by their magic, but are unable to keep Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna out of harm's way. Sunset reminisces about a book that can be used to send messages to a parallel pony world in Equestria. With the help of the book, she sends Twilight Sparkle a request for help.

After receiving Sunset's message, Twilight Sparkle remembers that the members of the Dazzling are actually sirens exiled from Equestria. They feed negative emotions to amplify his singing to achieve his goal of conquering the world. Twilight uses a magic book to restore the transition between worlds, and she and Spike return to the parallel world. Twilight and the girls try to use the magic of their friendship to weaken the Dazzling spells, but unfortunately, the result is zero. Twilight Sparkle suggests using friendship magic during music competition. In the course of the competition, the Rainbooms almost make it to the finals, although their rivals interfere with them - the negative magic of Dazzling greatly affects the Rainbooms.

Help comes from where it was not expected. Spike saves the girls with the help of DJ Pon-3 - he constantly walks around with headphones and does not hear the "Dazzling" spells. He provides the soundtrack for the Rainbooms' performance as they begin to sing against the Dazzlings. While singing, the Rainbooms were joined by Sunset, who takes on her own pony form. With the help of Sunset, the Rainbooms destroy the magic necklaces that helped the Dazzlings. The Rainbooms win, the students return to their normal self, kick the Dazzling out of the competition, and cheer for the Rainbooms' victory. Twilight Sparkle and Spike return to Equestria.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games" (2015)

Traditional competitions are held in Canterlot, in which local schoolchildren meet their rivals - students of the Crystal Academy. The competition is called "Friendship Games".

In this cartoon, Twilight Sparkle, in the form of a man, studies at the Crystal Academy and really wants to transfer to study at a more prestigious institution. The head of the Crystal Academy, Cinch, strongly recommends Sparkle to participate in the Friendship Games. Otherwise, she will prohibit Twilight from transferring to another educational institution. Sparkle has to agree.

Upon arriving in Canterlot, Twilight looks around Canterlot School and accidentally notices that her amulet takes away the magic that Rarity used while trying on new outfits in front of her friends. The girlfriends finally saw Sparkle and were very happy, but it turned out that this was not the same Sparkle at all. Sunset quickly realizes her mistake and decides to consult Twilight Sparkle from the pony world, but Twilight Sparkle's amulet from Crystal Academy absorbs Sunset's magic and closes the portal between the human and pony worlds. In the same way, the mysterious amulet affects Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy when they try to befriend Twilight Sparkle from the Crystal Empire during their games.

In the first round of the Friendship Games, Twilight Sparkle wins the academic decathlon. The second round as a whole was held in an equal struggle between schools, but the Carnelot schoolchildren still won by a small margin, which gave the director of the Crystal Academy a reason to accuse the Carnelot students of using witchcraft.

At the beginning of the third round, Sparkle opens the amulet, after which he turns into a winged and horned monster, somewhat similar to a human alicorn. Now the dark Twilight Sparkle opens portals to the world of ponies. Sunset, using the same amulet, transforms into the same creature and defeats Twilight Spark with the help of friendship magic. Twilight apologizes to everyone for her behavior. Life gets better, and Princess Cadance allows Twilight to transfer to Canterlot High, while Sunset and the other students welcome her as a new friend.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legends of the Evergreen Forest" (2016)

Like the first three films about Equestria Girls, this cartoon again focuses on the main characters of the ponies, appearing as teenagers at school.

Canterlot School students head to the Everfree Children's Summer Camp. Upon arrival at the camp, the seven friends got acquainted with the camp management - Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce, her brother. Students plan their vacation and talk about what gift Canterlot will make to the camp. Suddenly, a certain Filsi Rich, who is the owner of local lands, arrives at the camp. It turns out that he was once a graduate of Camp Everfree.

At night, Timber tells the students a story about the forest spirit Guy Everfree, who, outraged by the construction of the camp, threatened to send natural disasters on him. The next morning, the guys start to fulfill their vacation plans, and suddenly they see how the pier near the river is falling apart. As a gift to the camp, they decide to build a new pier and get to work. Suddenly, a yacht crashes into an unfinished pier, and young tourists see a trail of shiny gem dust in the water, which matched the description of Gaia Everfree's presence in Timber's story. Apparently, Gaia exists! However, Twilight Sparkle believes that she is responsible for the accident.

Later, amid a seeming earthquake and another sighting of pearl dust, Twilight Sparkle's friends begin to develop their unique superhuman abilities, which they believe they can only use within the confines of the camp. Believing that her magic is infecting her friends, Twilight flees the camp. Sunset follows Twilight into the forest and, discovering her own telepathic power, convinces her to stay at the camp. As Timber, having caught up with the girls, leads them back to camp, Sunset notices pearl dust falling from his pocket and suspects that he is Gaia Everfree.

Walking around the neighborhood, Sunset Shimmer stumbles upon a cave in a quarry, from which an outlandish radiance flows. As the three of Sunset explore the cave, Twilight and Spike find two colored crystals in the cave. Out of nowhere, Gloriosa appeared in the cave, who takes the crystals and turns into the same Gaia Everfree. She ties up the three travelers and locks them in a cave, blocking the exit of the cave with rocks, and around the camp she creates an impenetrable barrier of brambles.

Twilight's friends who remained in the camp try to get out of the blocked camp, and at this time, Spike releases Twilight and Sunset Shimmer from the cave. After uniting the whole group, Sparkle, at the request of her friends, takes magic crystals from Gaia and returns Gloriosa to her normal state. On the occasion of the victory over Gaia, a fashion show is held on the river pier, and a party is organized in the cave.

My Little Pony cartoon characters

In the cartoons "My Little Pony» six main characters, united by the Elements of Harmony - a set of six mystical jewels with light irresistible power, which are used to protect the country of Equestria from various threats.

Twilight Sparkle is central character serials. In the first three seasons, she was shown as a purple unicorn with a pronounced indigo mane, and appeared as a winged unicorn (alicorn) in later seasons. She is smart, obedient, loves to learn, avidly learns all kinds of unicorn magic such as levitation, teleportation, and creating force fields.

In Equestria Girls, she is presented as a 16-year-old girl with dark purple eyes, lilac skin, and long dark blue hair. She is kind, fair, friendly and confident.

rainbow dash- a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. She does things first and asks questions later. She is literally obsessed with speed and adventure.

Rainbow Dash is one of the Equestria girls with light blue skin, long, messy rainbow-colored hair, and crimson eyes. She is incredibly brave, always ready to help her friends, and has a weakness for speed.

Rarity is a white unicorn with a purple, twisted mane, a fashionista who speaks with an accent and runs haute couture salons in Ponyville.

In her Equestria Girl form, she has blue eyes, dazzling white skin, and purple hairstyle. A talented seamstress with the manners of a fashion designer, dresses the most fastidious fashionistas at Canterlot High.

applejack- orange blond earth pony. He works as a farmer in an apple orchard in Ponyville, using his great physical strength to get apples from trees.

Canterlot School student Applejack has green eyes and blond hair. Applejack is diligent and sincere, a little wayward and uncouth.

Fluttershy- yellow pegasus with a long pink mane, has a unique affinity with animals, allowing her to understand and communicate with them.

Fluttershy in the cartoon about girls from Equestria has light yellow skin, long slightly curly pale pink hair and blue eyes. By nature, Fluttershy is infinitely kind and shy, while also shy.

Pinkie Pie- pink earth pony, cheerful, energetic and talkative. She loves to entertain her friends by throwing endless variety of parties.

In Equestria Girls, she has soft pink skin, curly and long hair. Pink colour and blue eyes. Pinky is usually cheerful, energetic and funny, sometimes seems a little deranged.

Spike- This is a purple dragon with green spikes, he acts as Twilight Sparkle's "number one assistant", helping her solve any problems and learn lessons.

Princess Celestia- a dazzling white alicorn, shown as a generous ruler of the country of Equestria. Celestia has ruled Equestria for over a thousand years, portrayed as a symbol of harmony between unicorns, pegasi and regular ponies.

Princess Moon is a dark blue alicorn who is the younger sister of Princess Celestia. She serves as co-ruler of Equestria, using her magic to raise the moon and protect her subjects' dreams at night.

Discord- this is the spirit of chaos, characterized as a senseless deceiver. A serpentine creature with a pony head and many various parts animal.

Princess Cadance- good-natured alicorn, is the niece of Princess Celestia. Former Pegasus.

Starlight Glimmer- Nice looking unicorn. Turns out to be a malevolent figure who wants to create a "perfectly equal society" using his magic.

Sunset shimmer- a light orange unicorn with a striped red-yellow mane and light turquoise eyes. The main opponent of Twilight Sparkle.

In My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, she is a student at Cantrelot School, being a former student of Princess Celestia. At first she behaves like a cocky, deceitful and unscrupulous hooligan, but she corrects herself in the course of the story.

"My Little Pony": toys

The My Little Pony children's toy series features replicas of the main characters from the animated series My Little Pony and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.

Toys "My little pony" produced by the American company "Hasbro" (Hasbro) - this is a whole epic adventure of charming ponies living in a special world of magic. The ponies visit each other, choose their outfits, hold parties, take walks in the fresh air, in general, live an everyday magical life. All horses are special, with their own names, they practically do not look alike. The toy series includes, in addition to horse figures, a variety of accessories for them, and other curious and wonderful additions: castles, houses, a carousel, carriages ... Most girls know the names of such ponies from cartoons as Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie and others. All ponies have special mane and tail colors, different habits and hairstyles. After some time, toy owners can make puppet cartoons "My little pony" themselves.

Even more interesting are the My Little Pony interactive play sets. For example, the set "Baby pony at the doctor's appointment." The kit includes a thermometer, a stethoscope, a syringe, as well as a spoon and a vial of medicine. When you press the horse's tummy, the pony utters the phrases: “My tummy hurts”, “Listen to my heartbeat”, “Give me my medicine”, “I have already recovered” and others. Communication with horses in children causes only positive emotions. When playing with colorful ponies, children develop faster and gain communication skills.

Of particular interest to children are miniature figures "My Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle." Girls especially like themed sets, such as “Pony Fashionista”, “Tea Party”, “Hairstyles”, “Traveler” and others. Little ponies can comb their manes and make fashionable hairstyles. The game set "Carousel" runs on batteries, the carousel rotates with musical accompaniment. With it, you can arrange a toy adventure park for your ponies.

Among modern girls there is a fashion for Equestria toy girls. Every mother can buy her daughter a doll of her favorite cartoon character "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls". There are several of the most accessible puppet series: the Rainbow Rock series, Friendship Games, Sports Style.

Doll girls from Equestria are different from ordinary dolls. They are small in size, about 22 centimeters high. The legs of the pupae are made in the form of hooves, dressed in bright boots that can be removed. The Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks collection, released in 2014, features dolls with updated bodies and human legs. The sets include fashionable outfits, hairbrushes, pretty stickers, hair extensions, musical instruments and other accessories.

My Little Pony Games

Children are very fond of charming and funny characters from cartoons and fairy tales. Some of the most popular among the kids are cute horses from the famous series My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, such as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and others. These characters have become the protagonists of the pony games that are entertained by many children around the world today. In most of these games, the child finds himself in the fairy-tale world of ponies, for example, in the famous city of Ponyville or in the evergreen forest. In games, children dress, feed and care for small horses. For the most part, girls have fun with pony games, because cartoon ponies are more like girls, they sing songs, bake pies and dress up beautifully.

Among the endless number of video games based on cartoon series about ponies and girls from Equestria, games that can be grouped into the Equestria Girls Dress Up category are especially popular. In these games, girls are invited to dress up one of the inhabitants of the magical land of Equestria. A lot of hairstyles, a variety of shoes and clothes - all this is at the disposal of the player. Try to become a fashion designer, and maybe the heroine will like your chosen style! The result of creative efforts can be printed out and brag to your friends.

Another one of the most popular games"Three Days in Equestria" Her storyline is very interesting and engaging. The player spends three days in the fabulous land of Equestria, during which he gets to know the main characters of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon, solves various puzzles and solves funny tasks.

The heroes of the game "Equestria Girls - Secret Kiss" Twilight and Flash are infatuated with each other, but do not want friends and girlfriends to know about it. They are not able to stay just the two of them, today they were supposed to meet in the library and chat, but someone constantly violates their privacy. Help them kiss each other without anyone noticing.

As usual, one of the most popular video games is My Little Pony Adventure. A lot of wonderful things happen in the fairy-tale world of ponies. The character of the game Applejack gets into curious and dangerous situations. She saves her friends in a dark and dangerous forest, fighting birds and hostile animals attacking her. There are traps set up by the villainess Chrysalis at every turn, but Applejack must certainly come out victorious.

The number of games based on the animated series "My Little Pony" is amazing!

Songs and music in cartoons

The animated series My Little Pony and Equestria Girls are truly musical films. Fervent songs sound in Russian and English, they charge you with a great mood for the whole day and give you smiles. I want to dance with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and sing along charming pony. In cheerful songs, the cartoon characters talk about their friendship, about the difficulties, facing and overcoming which they grow up and learn. the world. Throughout the series "Girls from Equestria" the main character Sparkle sings that sadness and quarrels are temporary difficulties of life, and most importantly, it is friendship and harmony that will definitely help overcome all obstacles and difficulties.

The number of songs in the series is amazing.

In the first season of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" the songs are: "Song of laughter"; "Song of the Gala Concert"; "Song of the ticket"; "Jump-jump-jump"; "Song of the Pegasus"; "Evil Witch"; "The Last Day of Winter"; "Song of Cupcakes"; "The Art of Sewing"; "Hush, it's time to sleep"; "Song of the Seekers"; "You share"; "Smile"; “Everything breathes miracles”; "Telegram in the form of a song"; "The best evening"; “I so dreamed of getting here”; "Polka Pony".

The second season is no less rich in songs: “Let the best will win»; "A pony that everyone should know"; "Circle of friends"; "Month since the birth"; "Pig Dance"; "Song of Flim and Flam"; "Perfect stallion"; "Song of Smiles"; "Cranky Doodle"; "Welcome song"; "Krenka has a devoted heart"; "Aria Cadance"; "Love Blooms"

Admire the songs of the third season: "The Song of Failure"; "The Ballad of the Crystal Empire"; "Song of Success"; "Babs Seed"; "Our barn"; "Morning in Ponyville"; "What the sign tells me"; "Help your friends"; "Your best friend"; "The Ballad of Celestia"; "Here she is, the princess"; "Twilight Sparkle"; "Life in Equestria".

The fourth season stands out for the number of songs: "Friends with a Big Heart"; "The bats"; "Generosity"; "Forever we are Apples"; "Glass of water"; "Pinky - the organizer of the party"; "The King is the organizer of parties"; "Pinky's sadness"; "Fool around"; "Chiz's Apology"; "Any Desire"; "Melody of trees"; "Open your heart to music"; "Flim and Flam's Miraculous Tonic"; "Wonderful Lightning Rap"; Your turn will come"; "You see a rainbow - remember."

The rest of the seasons have at least 10 songs each.

Songs of the cartoon "Girls from Equestria": "This strange world»; "Song in the Cafeteria"; "Time to act together"; "Our evening has come"; "Lifelong friend".

It is clear that the cartoon "Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock" is especially musical: "Rainbow Rock"; "Became better than they were"; "Battle"; "Bad spell"; "Chin up"; "You fell into our networks"; "My trump card"; "I like myself like this"; "The battle is coming"; "Battle of the Rainbooms"; "Like stars"; "It's time to part with the past"; "Friendship will be eternal"; "Life is the way forward."

The cartoons about girls from Equestria "Friendship Games" and "Legends of the Evergreen Forest" have six musical compositions each.

Criticism and public perception

The animated series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" received a lot of positive reviews from critics. Todd van der Werff, columnist for The A.V. Club, positively noted the presence of obvious cheerfulness and lack of cynicism in cartoons - unlike many other children's animated films that have become cult, including for adults. He praised the stylish appearance of the characters, the relative complexity of the plots for children, and good jokes that everyone likes: both children and their parents. He awarded the series a "B+" category. In contrast, Brian Truitta of USA Today reviewed the humor in the animated series somewhat negatively. Emily Ashby of Media Sense, a parenting media organization, rated the series four stars out of five, emphasizing the positive stories of friendship, tolerance and respect. Critic Liz Hovhannisian for the LA Weekly reported that the show is "absolutely sincere in its ideas of friendship without being taken too seriously." LA Times critic Robert Lloyd called the series "smarter, stronger, and more aesthetically pleasing" than any of the previous My Little Pony animations, praising its communication with both children and their parents. TV Guide magazine ranks the series as one of the top sixty animated films of all time. Critic Amid Amidi, writing for the animation website Cartoon Brew, was more critical of the series' concept, calling it a sign of "the end of the age of creators in television animation". In her essay, she expressed her concern that the creative talent of the show's author was used in the creation of the toy show, which indicates a concentration of efforts on profitable animation genres and a loss of the high position of the television animation industry.

The Equestria Girls animated films received mixed reviews from critics. Daniel Alvarez of the website Unleash the Fanboy gave the films 4 out of 5 stars, saying it is "very interesting film”, although some elements, in particular the romanticism of the plot, are weaker than in other cartoons. Gwen Ignata of The A.V. The Club gave the films a B- rating. and found some interesting songs and scenes of battles with demons, everything else is the embodiment of very hackneyed ideas from the pony series Friendship is Magic. Sherilyn Connelly of SF Weekly voted for the films as the best feature-length animation in a film critics' poll.

Interesting facts about cartoon series about little ponies

In fact, there are, of course, a lot of various interesting and funny moments in the My Little Pony series. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • The only cartoon character whose full name is mentioned is Pinkie Pie. Her full name is Pinkamina Diana.
  • Spike the Dragon is a dragon boy, but his voice is voiced by a woman named Cathy Wesluck. She is an actress, director, singer and humorist.
  • The names of the members of the Applejack pony family are actually the names of apple varieties, namely: Granny Smith, Big McIntosh, Braeburn.
  • The popularity of the series has spawned so much amateur content that when the creators choose new character to include him in the story, they have to make sure that the new character's name doesn't sound too similar to the name of a character created by the little pony cartoon fans.
  • Note! Discord is the best dancer in Equestria. When he danced on Twilight Sparkle's head, he showed off his unimaginable dancing skills.
  • Rainbow Dash is the only one main character, whose "Sign of the Cutie" is a single character. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have "Cute Signs" of 3 symbols, while Twilight Sparkle has one large symbol and 5 small ones. Fans of cartoons are interested in whether this is an accident, or some kind of mystery is hidden behind it.
  • One of the developers of the My Little Pony cartoons, Lauren Faust, stated that she was inspired by the city of Minas Tirith from The Lord of the Rings to create the city of Canterlot.
  • It was Lauren Faust, one of the creators of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, who came up with the idea for My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.
  • Some cartoon lovers have heard or read the famous My Little Pony cartoon fan fiction. It is called "Cupcakes" (Cupcakes) and belongs to the category of creepypasta. It's terrible and cruel story written by cartoon fans.
  • Few fans of pony cartoons know about the episode that was not included in the final version of the cartoon. Allegedly, the content of this episode was no less creepy than in Keksiki's fanfiction. Knowledgeable people claim that even he was visualized. The episode told about the tragic and terrible event that happened in the life of Pinkie Pie.
    The main characters of the episode:
    • Pinkie Pie;
    • Pinkie Pie's mom is Apple Pie;
    • Pinkie Pie's father is an unnamed Pegasus;
    • Pinkie Pie's grandmother;
    • Twilight Sparkle.

« Names don't translate...»

"I didn't say anything," March Hare interrupted hurriedly.
“No, I did,” said Mad Hatter.
"I didn't think so," said March Hare. - I deny everything!
“He denies everything,” King said, “don’t put it on the record!”
“Well then, then, Dormouth said.

« Names are not translated»

“Girl,” said Big Bad Wolf, “where are you going?”
"I'm going to my Grandmother," said Little Red Riding Hood, "bringing her pies."

« Names are not translated!»

Hello Mr Filsey! — I prefer "Mr. Rich."

Names are not translated - this rule is often given as an argument on the forums; it, indignantly, is used by the authors of reviews for the next "Little Red Riding Hood"; even on TV you can hear it along with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to "" in one way or another touched upon the issue of translation of names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unambiguous " don't translate". And it’s not without reason that such a reaction!

“You are a Moon Pony, Moon Pony!”

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of reproaching translators (not only the series " Friendship is the miracle”) for such “adaptations”. For example, one of the characters toy stories”, an astronaut, in the original bears the name Buzz Lightyear. The name is a reference to the real astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the surname is a space-themed word (light year). Both versions of the Russian translation, Svetik and Lighter, are unsuccessful in their own way. The first has nothing to do with space, rather reminiscent of Tsvetik from Dunno's adventures. The second one also points not to space, but to a lighter. Animated series " Kim Possible"for some reason turned into" Kim Five-S-Plus". The lost play on words with a parody of a famous spy movie has been replaced by an association - not even with a rating! - with sweets from the school cafeteria.

« Names are not translated»

- a search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which “everyone knows that names are not translated”, “this is the rule”, “this is taught in school”.

What is the rule, where did it come from? Where can you read it?

The names in the passport are not translated - this is done for the convenience of both those crossing the border themselves and civil servants. This also applies to the situation with Augustus-Serpen (besides, this is August, which is Serpen, named after Augustus, who is Octavian). For a literary text, the following rule is more likely to apply: names are not translated ... poor quality". The viewers of the first season were shocked not by the very fact of the translation of the name of the Moon Pony - Moon Pony, but by such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one and the loss of the play on words. By the way, to choose an adequate replacement for the double pun Mare(sea) - Mare(horse), night mare(mare of darkness) - nightmare(nightmare) really very difficult.

In the second season, there was a different trend, which at first was perceived with enthusiasm by many. Wonderbolts, Rapid Fire, Fleetfoot, Cloud Chaser... The first sign of the fallacy of this approach was Siterniptrag (Hayseed Turnip Truck). They will not say anything to the Russian audience and the names Jet Set, Upper Crust and Fancy Pants(they tried to keep the joke here - rather unsuccessfully). And with the rich Filsey Richam, as the bronies put it, the translators were "do-wunderbolt".

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests regarding the names of the characters. But in the end, the result can be described as a series about outfits from the first season: at first I like it, and then it comes to absurdity. In addition to the mentioned Siterniptrag in the series, for example, there are princess platinum and wise clover. Let them beat Clover the Clever didn’t work out (and it’s a pity), but who would be worse from Platinum and clover?

A kind of textbook for translators can serve as a book " word alive and dead» (http://www.vavilon.ru/noragal/slovo.html) by the famous translator and editor Nora Gal. The book is built as a review of examples of successful and unsuccessful work with the language and is especially directed against the immoderate and unjustified use of clerical style and foreign borrowings. Nora Gal analyzes a lot of translation, writing and simple speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which the literary text sounds lively and expressive, reads fascinatingly and inspires the reader's trust (based on Wikipedia). A separate chapter is dedicated to the names of the heroes works of art(http://www.vavilon.ru/noragal/slovo17.html).

The following quote from Nora Gal's book shows how an honest senator was treated:

« But, I think, the case is not trifling and therefore more distressing. Twain's novel was retranslated, almost a pamphlet, where the American electoral system, parliamentary customs, the Senate and senators were sharply and viciously ridiculed. In the sea of ​​venality and demagogy, Twain erected one island - a senator named Noble. But not every Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Could this senator be baptized in such a way that it sounds like English and yet the meaning shines through? Why not at least - a senator named Chesten! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Back to the character Filthy Rich and consider the translation of his name in more detail. Literally, this expression means " dirty rich", on which the joke is based:" Mr. Filthy? – I prefer Mr. Rich". Of course, in a literal translation, the joke will be lost - as well as without a translation at all. Why not pick up Russian analogues of the expression "filthy rich"? For example, "money bag". "Mr. Sack" is already more like a joke. “Money” is not very suitable for the role of a name, so you can beat the types of money. For example, dinero is very similar in structure to the well-known surname DiCaprio (or De Niro). And here is the new dialogue between Granny Smith and Mr. Sack Di Nero: Mr Sack? – I prefer “Mr. Di Nero”».

However, the word " Bag", to put it mildly, sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: “rowing money with a shovel”, “money bag”.

« Mr La Pato? – I prefer “Mr Grabby”» (Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolstoy... - I prefer "Mr. Rich"» (Moneybag Rich - real name is saved here)

Or in a more concise way:
« Mr. Tolsto... - I prefer "Mr. Sam"» (Tolsto Sam)

Pay attention to declensions: the masculine surname does not incline to “o” (Di Nero), as does the feminine surname to a consonant (Smith), but the absence of declension male surname into a consonant and feminine into "a" - this is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Celestia had to announce the wedding Shining BUT Armora(cf.: Mark Twain) and princesses Mi Amory Cadenz S . There really is such a rule (http://www.gramota.ru/spravka/letters/?rub=rubric_482), although on forums dedicated to translating from Japanese, users sometimes pass as a rule a ban on declension of surnames to “a” (for example, Akira Kurosawa). Apparently, this "rule" is just as justified as the ban on the translation of names.

Let's look at other names. Terrifying rumor Siterniptraga should not, of course, be translated literally: " Hay and Beet Truck» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck"). But it was possible to confine oneself to a simple name that sounds quite English - and at the same time in Russian! - reddis.

What about the names of the main characters? So far, out of six, only one and a half have been translated (yes, rainbow dash, like Moon Pony, also caused "delight" among the audience). At the same time, the name Twilight Sparkle pleasant enough to hear: in our world, a horse might well be called Sparkle.

applejack. This name in the original is related not only to apples directly, which, by the way, is played up in a teaser appletiny. Bronies found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings are present in the name (although methodologists and psychologists may not like them).

Fluttershy. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is why she trembles. In Russian, there is an idiom for this case too: it trembles like an aspen leaf. aspen!

At first glance, how can you translate Fluttershy's name like that? But further in the series there are two whole teasers: flutterguy(which indicates her new voice) and Klutzershy(sad sack). In the first case, Spike can name Osinka club, in the second, Pegasi-athletes laugh at the slow-moving Kerosene. Here's what a train conversation would sound like:

- And what about the tree? Are you talking about the apple tree? - No, I'm talking about Osinka. ... - She's not a tree, Dashie! “And I would like to become a tree!”

Not only the names of the characters help to maintain the atmosphere of the series: almost every name hides a joke, a play on words - often, as noted in the Petition, related to horses ( Manehattan, Fillydelphia, canterlot). Without the translation of some titles, the series will also lose its colors. Here, as an example, " Dodge JunkEshon”, the town where AJ is leaving. As suggested by the armor, the town can be given a name Adventurer's Shelter or cunning. It's obvious that something is wrong there!

Pegasus team name The Wonderbolts" is a reference to the American aerobatic team « Thunderbirds". And even if it didn’t work out in the Russian version, “ Wonder Lightning" is still closer and clearer to the viewer than " Wonderbolts". Fleetfoot, one of the members of the group, also remained as it is - and after all, the name speaks of her speed. The appearance and decisive (as it turns out later) character of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire. To translate or not is a moot point: on the one hand, “ Spitfire"- a famous military aircraft; on the other hand, you can give her a surname The fire(by analogy with O'Henry or O'Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by ear.

« Names are not translated?»

Let us recall here one more "lightning" - meaning the hero of the cartoon " Bolt". The bright meaning of the name was perfectly conveyed by replacing just one letter: in the Russian version, the dog's name is Volt. stay it Bolt- associations would come to mind, for example, with a construction site or a workshop (and this is at best).

There is a character with an adapted name, which "techie" associations just do not interfere with: Gadget from the Rescuers (" Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " gadget” at the time of this translation would have sounded incomprehensible. And now it will be more suitable for a computer geek, and not for an inventor.

Disney animated series, which hit our screens in the early nineties, are generally very successful in terms of both translation and adaptation. Who is not familiar Black Cloak with his catchphrase " and come on from the screw!» Neither Darkwing Duck, nor Darkwing Duck are not both a good name and a recognizable way. The name of its pilot is also adapted very well: the viewer can imagine the trajectories along which he flies Zigzag McQuack(orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The very first example was the dialogue from " alice» Carroll. The translator Demurova wrote a separate article about “ Alice", in which, in particular, attention is paid to names (" On the translation of Carroll's fairy tales”, http://lib.ru/CARROLL/carrol0_10.txt). Without going into details, we note that hatter, Mouse Sonya, Tweedledee and Tweedledee, Jabberwock With Bandersnatch would lose a part of themselves if their names were translated "on the forehead" or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions, all the names and titles in the series about ponies are "talking". Therefore, the question of whether to translate or not is irrelevant. Rather, it is worth asking how translate (more precisely adapt). If we ignore each name separately, then you can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, qualitatively.

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is also there, or the child has already put you in front of the need to go to the cinema, we advise you to familiarize yourself with short list facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with rich history the following will be useful to you. Briefly, to the point and with 100% effect on the part of the child - “mom, do you know who it is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have already noticed, everyone here is called “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns. Yes, these are those with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always-forever princesses. No, no one has seen the alicorn boys yet.

Now you have to sprinkle names (and even in two translations!), But you don’t need to memorize them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of a child.

Also, ponies have special insignia - that is, pictures on the croup - they get in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character, diligent and kind, loves to study, order and clear planning. Suffering from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. Sparkle has a cutie mark with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season, an alicorn, which automatically raises her to a host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put to them.


In a word, fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (because ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The distinction is crystals, she simply adores them, after all, these are the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, a Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she is still impudent), loves adventure books, stupid jokes and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a "cutie", a timid, shy animal lover. A Pegasus that is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy has a core inside. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Excuse me, pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party organizer, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Weehu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we'll just say that it's unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters are over. Let's just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the help of the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single hardworking girls in their 20s. Not, male characters also appear in the series. Sometimes.

Ponies are much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also there, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked (rare).


This is what ponies look like from the 80s. Those are still chubby. Nevertheless, many of the external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is how fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is a “fandom”. And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Fear not - the "bronies" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And more globally: the “fandom” of the pony is able to compete with similar communities in Star Wars or Harry Potter. Yes, dear, before us is a real cult.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" consistently pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, life changes dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very safe in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. You, of course, decide who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and consider the series to be very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here.

With us, they talk like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that "My little pony" was extremely unlucky with our localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself could already notice this. The debate about whether Twilight or Twilight is called main character will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not ponies alone this universe is alive. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every turn, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are reasonable, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what is the relationship between the upright talking cat from the movie and the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

Especially good here mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and self-invented. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. In the film, we will see mermaid ponies - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is quite already, do not hammer your head.

The series is much more dramatic than you think.

And you may well like it. At least story series, these are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, affecting the plot only in so far as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deceit and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always goes according to plan and not according to patterns, there are secrets that are carefully transferred from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that My little pony has a lot of delicious things hidden in it. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you can not remember this point: the feature film was oriented to the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left to parents.

Here's Aria Cadance, a dramatic moment from the Season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy a kind of "children's" series.

What are the names of all the ponies in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

    There are a lot of ponies in Ponyville and appear in every series. different residents this amazing city and each pony has its own name and its own abilities and distinctive features. But among this understandable happiness, key figures can be distinguished:

    Twilight Sparkle

    rainbow dash



    Pinkie Pie

    Princess Celestia

    Princess Moon

    Princess Cadence

    Sunset shimmer

    My little pony: Friendship is a miracle - an interesting and fascinating cartoon that tells about such an important quality as the ability to be friends, which is so necessary for all of us.

    Main characters:

    1.. TWILIGHT Sparkle - friendly and smart pony, loves to read;

    2.. RARITI - generous and active, likes to take care of her appearance;

    3.. FLUTTERSHY - tender and sensual, loves small animals;

    4.. PINKI PIE - funny and cheerful, never sits still;

    5.. RAINBOW DASH - dexterous and brave, everywhere and in everything she is used only to victories;

    6.. APPLEJACK - honest and hardworking, she loves her job on the farm.

    Cartoon fantasy, the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria, where in addition to ordinary heroes there are also dragons and all sorts of other fantastic creatures.

    The main character of this cartoon is the unicorn Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Princess Luna, cocky Rainbow, elegant and fashionable Rarity, hardworking fidget Applejack, timid Fluttershy, overly active Pinkie Pie.

    All these ponies solve the problems of Ponyville residents and find more and more new friends.

    This is a cartoon about the adventures of 6 beautiful ponies.

    Each of the ponies has some kind of ability!

    The main character of this cartoon is Sparkle!

    Every time she and her friends solve problems that happen in their city - Ponyville!

    This is a very good cartoon, as it teaches children to nobility, kindness and mutual assistance!

    And the names of these little ponies, pegasus and unicorns: Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack!

    My little niece loves to watch cartoons about ponies, so I know exactly the names of all the main characters of this entertaining cartoon. They have such unusual and beautiful names:

    Twilight Sparkle

    rainbow dash



    Pinkie Pie

    Princess Celestia

    Princess Moon

    Princess Cadence

    Sunset shimmer

    And here is one of the series, enjoy watching:

    Pony. Friendship is a miracle is a famous cartoon.

    Of course, you should learn more about his characters.

    Let's start with the main characters:

    Twilight Sparkle - used to be a simple unicorn, now an alicorn princess.

    The main character of the animated series about ponies.

    Here is a photo where she is an ordinary unicorn:

    And in this picture, Twilight is the alicorn princess:

    Twilight has a family, of course. She has a mother, father and older brother. Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor, married the alicorn princess Cadence.

    Here are her parents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light

    Here is her brother:

    Here is her brother's wife, who was also Twilight's nanny. Her name is Princess Cadance:

    Twilight Sparkle has a cute dragon named Spike:

    And here is Rarity, the unicorn. This is Twilight Sparkle's friend. A designer by profession, she has her own boutique.

    But Rarity's family: Sweetie Belle (sister), Magnum (father), Pearl (mother).

    And here is Fluttershy, the pegasus. Shy and modest pony. Communicates with animals.

    And here's another Pegasus, Rainbow Dash. It flies great.

    Applejack, an earth pony. He works on his farm with his family, which, by the way, is very large.

    She has a grandmother, Granny Smith, an older brother, Big McIntosh, and a younger sister, Apple Bloom.

    She has many relatives, you can’t even list them all: Gala AppleBee, Caramel Apple, Pichi Sweet, Red Gala, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cobler, Apple Pie, Apple Honey, Braybrn, Dasi Dow, Magdalena, Candy Tvrl, Candy Apples, etc. d.

    Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie), a fun-loving and mischievous earth pony. Party organizer.

    Pinky has an older sister, Maud Pie, who bears little resemblance to her younger sister:

    Other relatives of Pinkie Pie: Claudy Quartz (mother), Ignous Rock (dad), Maud Pie's sisters (she was mentioned above), Marble Pie, Limestone Pie.

    Above it was said about the main characters of the animated series and their families.

    Let's move on to other ponies. The pony has its own state, Equestria, where two sisters rule: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. These ponies are alicorns.

    Mark detectors (separate series are devoted to them).

    Apple Bloom (AppleJack's sister), SweetieBelle (Rarity's sister), Scootaloo (this is a girl, although many people think it's a boy).

    There is also a slightly unusual (cross-eyed) pegasus, Drpi Huvs (girl). Loves muffins.

    There is also Dr. Hooves, who is surprisingly similar to Doctor Who.

    I can't help but mention Lear. Lyra, the unicorn, was a bridesmaid at Cadance's wedding.

    Magician Trixie, unicorn:

    Chrysalis, werewolf queen:

    King Sombra, unicorn:

    Fluffy Puff (a pony created by one of the fans, well, I couldn't help but add it)

    It is difficult to list all the ponies in the series. Shown here are the main, most notable ponies.

    The main characters of this cartoon are six:

    1. applejack(in translation: Apple cider) - on the back leg, not apples, but on the head a cowboy hat. This pony is a farmer.
    2. rainbow dash(in translation: Rainbow Dash) - a blue pony, on the back leg there is not a cloud with rainbow lightning, the mane and tail are also rainbow. This is the fastest and most courageous pony.
    3. Twilight Sparkle - purple pony with a sparkle on her hip. He loves reading books very much.
    4. Pinkie Pie(in translation: Pink cake) - a bright pink pony, on the hip - balls. The most cheerful, loves holidays.
    5. Fluttershy(in translation: Quivering shyness) - a yellow pony with a pink mane and tail, pink butterflies on her hip. Very shy and quiet, loves all living things.
    6. Rarity(in translation: Rarity or Curiosity) - a white pony, it does not have blue crystals on its hip, but its mane is dark purple and curls into beautiful curls. she looks after herself very well, a local beauty.

    There is one six ponies who possessed the spirits of the elements of harmony. Their names are:

    1. Twilight Sparkle-unicorn (alicorn) (Twilight Sparkle) - has an element of magic. She is well-read and always sends letters to Princess Celestia (Does not have a label (cutie mark) 5-pointed asterisk with dots)

    2. Pinkie Pie-pony-(Pinkie Pie)-has an element of laughter. She is a master of parties and loves fun (Not a label has one yellow and 2 blue balloons)

    3. Rainbow Dash Pegasus - (Rainbow Dash) - has an element of loyalty. She controls the weather and she is athletic (it does not have a rainbow cloud mark (three-color lightning striking from the cloud))

    4. Fluttershy Pegasus (Fluttershy) - has an element of kindness. She loves talking with animals. (Not three butterflies have a mark)

    5. Rarity-unicorn-(Rarity)-possesses an element of generosity. Likes sewing clothes.

    6. Applejack-pony-(Applejack)-has an element of honesty. Works (busy) on the farm Sweet apple (Not labeled with three red apples) 1

    In fact, a pony in the cartoon My little pony: Friendship is a miracle lots of! And you will not immediately remember their names, although they are surprisingly very simple. Yes, and you can also confuse ponies. Only real fans remember everyone. Their names:

    Very nice and kind cartoon.

    In the cartoon, ponies are divided into three types: ponies, pegasus, unicorns. Among the six main characters, two belong to each of these types.

    Almost every child knows these kind and wonderful friends, but sometimes their names are forgotten:

    1. Pegasus named Rainbow Dash- blue (does not have wings) and the mane is not like a multi-colored rainbow. She is the bravest.
    2. Pegasus named Fluttershy- also with wings, she is yellow, and her mane is not light lilac. Fluttershy is very shy and gets along well with animals.
    3. Unicorn named Rarity- white with a purple mane and not blue spots on the back leg. She is the top fashionista.
    4. A unicorn named Twilight Sparkle- she is lilac herself, and the mane is purple, like Rarity's, only with a pink stripe and a non-pink star on the back leg.
    5. Paddle Pony - Pinkie Pie- pink, with a red mane and tail.
    6. Hard-working pony farmer named Applejack- in a hat and she is yellow.
  • Cartoon characters My little pony very popular all over the world. These little creatures, by their very appearance, are able to cheer up anyone, even the most gloomy person.

    There are a lot of characters in the cartoon, but there are only six main ones:

    1) A pony in a cowboy hat and apples on the rump is applejack.

    2) rainbow dash- This is a blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail.

    3) The purple pony in the center of the picture is Twilight Sparkle.

    4) Pinkie Pie is a pink pony with a curly red mane.

    5) The yellow modest pony with a pink mane is called Fluttershy.

    6) A white pony with a curled dark purple mane is Rarity.

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