My little pony characters. My Little Pony Movie: Biographies of New Characters

"Children's Animated Series" titled My little pony Friendship Is Magic hit the screens American television in 2010 year. Since then, the series has gained immense popularity. This was not unusual until I stumbled upon the shocking beings of his adult followers...

About the cartoon

The world in which all events take place is inhabited by many magical intelligent zoomorphic mythical creatures such as: ponies, griffins, dragons, etc. Events unfold magical land called Equestria, where ponies live. These horses have different abilities, so some ponies have a magic horn that allows them to conjure, while others have wings that make it possible to fly and walk on the clouds, there are also ponies that have a horn and wings at once. Such ponies are called "alicorns" and rule the country. The rest of the ponies were deprived by artists of additional body parts, but they are physically stronger than others. Equestria is ruled by two sisters, Celestia and Luna, who live in a luxurious castle.


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In the story, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) comes to Ponyville on the instructions of her protégé, Princess Celestia. Twilight is absorbed in learning and does not find time to communicate with other ponies, but coming to ponyville with her assistant, the little dragon Spike (Spike), where she finds best friends.

In total, Twilight has five friends and each is unique in its own way.


rainbow dash(Rainbow Dash) Monitors the weather. She is devoted to her friends, and never leaves them in trouble, however, like everyone else. She has a bad character of a tomboy and a hooligan. Everything is decided by "fists". Has no talents, stupid:


Apple Jack (Applejack) Farmer. Engaged in the cultivation of apples and the production of alcohol. Never lies. Represents a rude hillbilly:


Fluttershy Forester. Takes care of animals. Timid and kind, but sometimes behaves loosely and obscenely:


Rarity. She sews dresses. Arrogant, capricious, but in the cartoon personifies generosity. Loves fashion and outfits, obsessed with appearance and luxury.


Pinkie Pie. Bakes sweets and amuses other ponies. Mischievous and very stupid:


Twilight. Librarian, now a princess. Practices witchcraft. Shown as a smart and well-read character:

Throughout the cartoon, together they save their horse world, or solve various everyday problems, most often completely trifling.

It looks like an ordinary children's musical cartoon with bright colors, which determines its success and children's delight. But if you carefully read the series, you will notice the following:

The first thing you should pay attention to is the universal matriarchy. In the cartoon, Equestria is ruled by alicorn princesses. All the main characters of the cartoon are female characters. Male characters in the cartoon are practically absent, even background ones. All that "men" can do is guard and carry burdens. The exceptions are so insignificant that they do not deserve mention.

We already wrote that there are four types of ponies. These are alicorns, unicorns, pegasi and just ponies. However, different ponies occupy different positions in society, depending on what type they belong to. What is the division into lower and higher castes.

The cartoon demonstrates the routine and approval of drinking alcohol. Moreover, absolutely all adult ponies drink alcohol. So, for example, in episode 2 of season 15 of series, all the ponies rush to drink cider, which is not enough for everyone, including the main characters.

The main characters live separately from their parents, and many seem to have none at all. For those heroes whose parents exist, fast paced life erased their memory. In the cartoon, even children's characters live without their parents! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle live with their sisters, the main characters.

In the cartoon, frames do not flash at all child support. But not everyone is noticeable when watching a cartoon, but it’s not in vain that animators are working on this.

- Too bright, saturated colors, fast frame changes are not good for the psyche of small children.

Whether there is a positive points in this cartoon? Yes, they are present. For example, the main characters avoid conflict situations solving all their problems together.

The cartoon demonstrates the impact on the characters of various evil qualities like, for example: stubbornness, greed and pride, but according to the plot, the main characters get a lesson and try not to do it anymore. And it could be good cartoon, if not for the destructive ideas put into the mind of the child.


Oddly enough, the cartoon has become popular mainly among teenagers and infantile men - usually they are reserved and unsociable people. The series also gained popularity among sexual perverts.

Since the cartoon itself was originally filmed exclusively for girls, the enthusiasm for it by adult guys is alarming. Fans of the animated series formed a whole community more reminiscent of a sect, calling themselves "Brony" (Brony - a fusion of the words brother - brother and pony - pony). Over 35,000 people are registered on one of the main Russian-language community armor sites, and this figure is growing steadily.

They explain their love for the children's animated series by the presence in the animated series of an indescribable plot of the animated series, excellent humor, an excellent musical component and deep ideals of friendship, which, in their opinion, this animated series cultivates.

However, there is a suspicion that they are actually attracted to childish, infantile images of characters that they find sexually attractive. Usually they prefer to hide it, but some openly write about it. You can often see ponies in stockings and explicit poses. Here are screenshots from many popular armor communities from social network"In contact with":

And, of course, they don't stop there. Here, for example, is a clipping from one site popular among armor:

And here is the Tabuna library, pay attention to the genres:

Genre "Erotic" implies a detailed description bed scenes with the participation of a pony, or a pony and a person, regardless of gender and age.

The genre "Horror" implies any action of a violent nature described in detail in the story. To the point of sadism detailed description dismemberment, bullying and suffering of characters.

Many similar stories are present on the site "Book of Fanfiction". The site "Book of Fanfiction", this is a huge collection of stories, absolutely different topics and genres. There are a lot of kids on this site. The site freely contains stories marked as a genre: "Sex with minors", that is, pedophilia. The complaint to Roskomnadzor did not produce any results.

There is also a collection of stories with exclusively pornographic content. And many more sites like this...

In the social network "VKontakte", there are many pornographic groups dedicated to the cartoon My Little Pony. They are very popular among the armor community. This is evidenced by the number of subscribers, such groups:

All this information is absolutely free access, and is not blocked by special anti-porn programs. Anyone can join such a group, it is enough to apply. It is easy to stumble upon this content when simply viewing pictures in Yandex. It is impossible not to notice that among the participants in these groups there are many minors. They usually do not write about their real age, or they write false data about themselves. Here are some of their accounts:

The relation of the Brony community to Christianity is evidenced by these reports:

Adult "bronies"

Among the adult members of the My Little Pony community, there are still not out of crazy people, but there are very few of them. Usually "bronies" rarely publish their real photos, because they are very ashamed of their appearance, but among those who post them, there are many people with an infantile and effeminate appearance.

Here are the American armors:

Russian armor:

It is known that there are many pedophiles among adult "armor", this is evidenced by images and stories of similar content, where instead of people the main characters are ponies.

Twilight caviar, or just Sparkle - main character. Sparkle is an alicorn, but was originally a unicorn. Is the embodiment of magic. Her hallmark is a purple star surrounded by white stars. Twilight has light purple fur and stripes on her tail and mane. lilac color. Sparkle is inquisitive and intelligent. She is so obsessed with reading that she has turned her home in Ponyville into a library. Sparkle is closed in herself due to the fact that she devotes a lot of time to studying. Sometimes she is skeptical and unsure of her abilities.

All the main characters of My Little Pony.
Applejack is an earthy orange pony, the epitome of honesty. Her hallmark is three apples. Applejack has a gorgeous yellow mane. She has big green eyes. On her head, you can often see a cowboy hat. Applejack is kind and honest. She is very attentive, you can trust her with everything and you can always rely on her. She lives at Apple Alley Farm, where she and her family grow apples. Applejack bakes and trades well sweet pastries. Like a real cowboy, Applejack knows how to use a lasso and speaks with a Texan accent.
Rainbow Dash is a pegasus, the embodiment of loyalty. Its distinctive sign is rainbow lightning under a cloud. Rainbow has a sky blue color and bright pink eyes, as well as a rainbow mane and tail. Rainbow is very brave and brave. Her job is to disperse the clouds, which she easily copes with. It flies fast and often performs tricks. She often saved friends and showed such uncharacteristic compassion. At first glance, Rainbow is very proud, but in fact she is very sympathetic and kind.
Frattershy is a Pegasus, the embodiment of kindness. Her hallmark is butterflies. Frattershy is yellow and pink mane. Despite being a Pegasus, Frattershy has a fear of heights. She is generally very shy and shy, but she has a special gift - a "look" that can frighten anyone. She lives near the forest in her own house.
Rarity is a white unicorn, the epitome of generosity. Her distinguishing mark is three blue crystals. URarity has a great sense of style, her purple mane is always beautifully styled. She is a fashion designer and owns her own boutique. Speaks with a slight French accent. Rarity keeps everything clean and tidy. He lives in the same place where he works - on the second floor of the Karusel boutique.
Pinkie Pie is a pink pony, the embodiment of laughter. Her full name— Pinkamina Diana Pye. She has a gorgeous curly pink mane. Pinky is cheerful and cheerful. She can't live without sweets. She is the only pony that moves with jumps. Her peculiarity is that she sometimes “breaks the fourth wall” and communicates with the viewer.

An animated cartoon about the task of one of the characters, by name Twilight Sparkle, which her teacher, Princess Celestia sent on a responsible task - to find friends and learn what friendship is.
Twilight Sparkle, who, along with all the cartoon characters, lives in the fairyland of Equestria, goes to the city of Ponyville, accompanied by the dragon Spike, whom the princess sent to look after and help the student. They meet various inhabitants of the country and make friends with some of them. Every day, Twilight Sparkle sends her report to her mentor, Princess Celestia, about new adventures and events.
Dreamland in which ponies live equestria, which is also inhabited different residents(What are the names of the characters? May Little Ponies read below), among which there are unicorns, which include the little Twilight Sparkle, as well as Earth ponies, Pegasuses and Alicorns. Each inhabitant of this country does not live just like that, but has his own duties, they are endowed with magic and magical powers.
Unicorns all have one horn, which contains their magic, they also know how to use telekinesis. They belong to the type of pony with a horn.
earth ponies are mainly engaged various types Agriculture, therefore, among all the inhabitants, they are closest to nature. Ponies are very hardworking and their species is famous for this.
Pegasi they control the weather in the country, they succeed with ease, since Pegasus are endowed with wings from birth, which allows them to fly among the clouds, which, by the way, they can also walk on.
Alicorns separate view, there are very few of them, but they are the most powerful in the country, since they embody elements of the other three types at once, they are not just ponies, but ponies with wings and a horn. They have great mystical power, there are only five of them in the whole country.
Name A photo Description Who voiced

My Little Pony list of main characters

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle
Sparkle is called Twilight, she has a very interesting body color, but her tail with a mane is blue, on which there are purple and pink stripes. She is the best student of Celestine, who is the princess in the cartoon. Sparkle is a book reader, she is passionate about magic and science. Sparkle is the embodiment of the element of magic. tara Strong,
Olga Golovanova


earth pony
Applejack - an element of honesty, this is a pony of a cheerful orange color with green eyes, she has a mane yellow color. She is also marked with the sun, she has freckles. This pony is very reliable, she is good-natured and attentive to the problems of others. She has a cowboy hat on her head. The whole family of this pony lives on a small farm called Apple Alley. The whole family grows fragrant apples and then sells them. They also bake all sorts of sweets from apples and also sell them. Ashley Ball,
Larisa Brokhman,
Olga Shorokhova

rainbow dash

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a very brave pony with a sky color and pink eyes. Dash is a very brave pony, she is not afraid of anything, and her job is to drive clouds through the sky. She feels great in the sky and moves quickly there. She wants to join the squad of the best ponies that fly. This pony is the epitome of loyalty. Ashley Ball,
Lina Ivanova,
Elena Chebaturkina


Rarity is a unicorn who works as a fashion designer. He has his own personal boutique called Carousel. He is very cute, purple mane bright color, always elegantly laid, and her body is snow-white. Rarity loves sewing and does it all the time. She is a big clean, she likes order, and she embodies generosity. Her sign, which distinguishes from others, is three crystals of the color of the sky. Tabitha Saint Germain,
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova


Fluttershy, a cute pegasus who is very afraid of heights. She has a sunny yellow body and a mane Pink colour. This pony is very fond of communicating with her brothers. She has a magical look that is unique, she knows how to own it perfectly. Her gaze can frighten any animal. But in fact, Fluttershy is shy and very often scared of any rustle, lives in a forest, she has a personal house there. She is the epitome of kindness. It can be distinguished by three pink butterflies. Andrea Libman,
Olga Golovanova

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
earth pony
Pinkie Pie is very funny pony, its color is pink, and its mane and tail are curly. She is a big fidget, she cannot sit in one place for a single minute. She loves to play pranks on her friends, arrange various parties for them, and loves sweets. She is a bakery worker whose name is Sugar Corner. She is the embodiment of laughter. It can be recognized by its distinctive badge, these are three balloons. Andrea Libman,
Lina Ivanova


the Dragon
Dragon Spike holds the position of assistant to the well-known - Sparkle. Spike's dragon was awakened by Twilight while he was sleeping in the Egg. At the magical exam, she revived him. He is very small yet, loves turquoise. He is in this moment in love, his lady of the heart Rarity. Kathy Wesluck,
Olga Shorokhova

My Little Pony minor characters

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia
Celestia is a heroine-princess, whose task is to raise the sun every day. This beauty is an alicorn, she has a very long horn and large wings, thanks to which she can fly. Her mane is constantly developing, even in the absence of a breeze. Its color is deep turquoise, and its hallmark is the Sun. Nicole Oliver,
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova

Princess Moon

Princess Luna
Her name is the princess of the moon, she is the younger sister of Celestia. Her dream is to plunge everything into a constant and eternal night. But Celestia got the better of her, imprisoning her in the moon and using the elements of harmony, and then turned her into a princess. And she turned from an evil and insidious pony into a decent and kind princess of the moon. She has dark green eyes and a dark blue mane that twinkles with lights. It can be distinguished by the blue crescent. Tabitha Saint Germain,
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova

Princess Cadence

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is Twilight's favorite babysitter. She has a special talent when ponies quarrel, she knows how to reconcile them very quickly. She has bright purple eyes, as well as purple-pink wings that help her move quickly. She can be recognized from afar, because her excellent sign is a blue heart, it is made in the form of a ring in a gold rim. Britt McKillip,
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova,
Olga Shorokhova

Shining Armor

Shining Armor
Armor, one of Twilight's brothers, who is considered the best brother and calls him SBDN, is distinguished by his blue color and dark blue stripes. Married to Princess Cadance. Cheerful and kind, brave and selfless, probably because of these character traits, he became the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Andrew Francis,
Eugene Waltz,
Oleg Virozub

Flurry Hart

Flurry Heart
Twilight's niece, daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is the only alicorn in the country that did not appear with the help of magic, but was born in natural conditions. Quite by accident, the artifact "Crystal Heart" was broken, for this reason permafrost and darkness fell on the country, but united in one crystallization, the alicorns managed to restore heat and light. Tabitha St. Germain


the Dragon
This dragon sowed the spirit of discord and chaos, but was imprisoned in stone. After some time, he was freed, but with the help of the magic of his friends, he was defeated and reincarnated as a good dragon. John de Lancey
Nikita Prozorovsky

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom
earth pony
Founded the Mark Detectors Club and became a leader. Has a yellow color. Michelle Kroeber,
Olga Shorokhova


Scootaloo, Pegasus is a girl, but with a boyish personality. Extreme, loves to ride a scooter. It has an orange color and a blue mane. madeleine peters,
Lina Ivanova

Baby Belle

sweetie belle
A shy unicorn who sings well. Relatively clumsy, dreams of becoming a designer. Claire Corlett,
Olga Golovanova

Babs Seed

Babs Seed
earth pony
A pony from a nearby town, looking for insignia along with everyone else. He has a dark ocher color with a dark pink mane with pink stripes, as well as white freckles. Brianna Drummond,
Daria Frolova


The first griffin to receive a merit badge. Talented and friendly. Erin Matthews
Daria Frolova

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer
Stubborn, insidious and cruel, although at first glance friendly, sincere and caring. Knows how to remove decals from other heroes. Kelly Sheridan,
Lina Ivanova

In addition to the above-mentioned characters, many other residents live in the country of Equestria, both good and evil.
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