Cannibalism in human history. The most cruel cannibals in the history of the ussr and russia

Road workers from Krasnodar found a phone that stored pictures of a man posing with parts human bodies. Information appeared in the media that thanks to this phone, the police revealed a family of cannibals who killed and ate about 30 people. This information has not yet been officially confirmed. Edition Life after the appearance of resonant news decided to recall the most cruel cannibals in the history of the USSR and Russia.

So, the Soviet maniac Andrei Chikatilo, who lived in Rostov, confessed to 65 murders, of which 53 crimes were proven. He obtained sexual satisfaction by eating parts of the bodies of his victims. The noses, tongues, nipples and genitals of the people he killed were often bitten off. Chikatilo was executed in 1994 by a shot in the back of the head.

Cannibal from Tatarstan Alexei Sukletin killed and ate, along with his accomplices, at least seven girls and women in 1979-1985. During excavations in the garden of Sukletin, four bags of human bones were collected. His accomplice Madina Shakirova sold human meat to her neighbors under the guise of "steam tenderloin". Maniak was arrested in the summer of 1985 and shot in 1987.

A serial killer from Novokuznetsk Alexander Spesivtsev raped, tortured, killed and ate women and children from February to September 1996. He has four proven victims. The last three victims, young girls, were brought to the maniac by his mother. Spesivtsev killed first one girl, then the second. Maniac forced the last victim dismember bodies and eat his own girlfriend's meat soup and ate it himself. He got caught by accident. During a planned round, a team of plumbers knocked on the cannibal's apartment, since he did not open it, the door was broken open and the bodies were found. The court sentenced him to compulsory treatment.

In Alma-Ata in 1998, women engaged in prostitution began to disappear. In January 1999, the dismembered remains of one of the girls were found in dumpsters. After that, body parts began to be found in different areas cities. The victims had drugs and alcohol in their blood. Later it turned out that the women were taken away and “pumped up” with drugs by Sergey Kopay, Evgeny Turochkin and Mikhail Vershinin. They marinated their victims, fried them for barbecue and made dumplings, and sold the "minced meat" in the market. Two cannibals were sentenced to capital punishment, and Turochkin to eight years in prison.

Cook Ivan Lebedev from the Murmansk region experienced an obsessive desire to try human meat. In 2011, 23-year-old Lebedev met a 32-year-old man on the Internet, invited him to visit, killed him and, as he himself claimed, ate him. However, the police failed to prove this. Later, a psychiatric examination recognized Ivan Lebedev as insane. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Lebedev was sent to a specialized hospital with intensive monitoring.

The story of the Novokuznetsk maniac Alexander Spesivtsev shocked the whole country. Not only because his crimes were unbearably cruel (the maniac killed and ate women and children), but also because the family helped the cannibal in this: the maniac's mother and sister lured the victims into the apartment and helped Spesivtsev kill.

Alexander Spesivtsev himself suffers from a severe form of schizophrenia. From childhood, he was a closed child and had almost no friends, but his mother adored him - Spesivtsev slept with her in the same bed until the age of 12. At some point, Lyudmila Yakovlevna Spesivtseva was fired from the post of school supply manager, she got a job in court as an assistant lawyer. Volumes of criminal cases and photographs from crime scenes appeared in the house, which Alexander liked to look at very much. The mother, she said, did not notice that viewing these pictures affected her son. Nevertheless, he was soon admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

After leaving the hospital, 21-year-old Alexander met a girl Zhenya and dated her for some time. Once the lovers quarreled, Spesivtsev beat the girl. Zhenya tried to break off relations with the future maniac, but he locked her in the apartment and did not let her out for a month. The neighbors did not notice anything: the Spesivtsevs always lived very closed and did not invite anyone. The exact cause of Yevgenia's death could not be established: in all likelihood, she died from blood poisoning. Spesivtsev tortured the girl so much that her whole body was covered with purulent boils. Evgenia Guselnikova became the first victim. Spesivtsev was sent for compulsory treatment.

His next victim was a young girl named Lyudmila. Spesivtsev dismembered her corpse, and his mother buried the remains in a wasteland. She brought the next three victims to her son herself. The maniac killed two girls, and forced 14-year-old Olya to dismember the bodies of her friends and eat soup made from their flesh, which he himself ate. He gave the bones of the girls to the dog. And at that moment, a coincidence made it possible to stop the maniac: the plumbers made a planned round and knocked on Spesivtsev's apartment. He refused to let them in, citing his mental illness, and then the workers called the district police officer, who broke down the door. And immediately called the operatives.

They found the girl's torso without arms and legs in the bath, and removed the severed head and chest from the tank. Olya, released from captivity by operatives, gave detailed testimony. She later died in the hospital.

And Spesivtsev himself managed to get out through the window onto the roof and escape, but he was soon caught. He was declared insane and sentenced to compulsory treatment. Spesivtsev's mother was sentenced to 13 years.

Jeffrey Dahmer

A handsome worker with a very peaceful profession (Dahmer worked at a confectionery factory) turned out to be one of the worst criminals of the last century: a sadist with homosexual inclinations, a necrophiliac and a cannibal - that's who this handsome man turned out to be.

As a child, little Jeffrey suddenly developed a craving for dead animals: he collected the corpses of rodents and birds, filled them with formaldehyde and kept them in his room. Parents who were going through a difficult divorce did not pay any attention to this. Meanwhile, Geoffrey grew up and began to realize his own homosexuality. But he fantasized not about romance with young men, but about participating in orgies with dismemberment of bodies and necrophilia.

Dahmer committed his first murder at the age of 18, while serving in the army. He met 17-year-old hitchhiker Stephen Hicks and invited him to visit. The guys drank beer, smoked weed and, according to some sources, had sex. And when the guest wanted to leave, Dahmer took a dumbbell, hit Stephen on the head, and then strangled him. He dismembered the corpse, hid it in a sack and buried it near the house.

After that, the maniac chose a special tactic: he met the victims in bars or gay clubs and invited them home, offering to pose for him naked. At home, he drugged the guys with alcohol or drugs, raped them, and then killed them. But soon these crimes seemed too boring to him: Dahmer began to have sex with the mutilated corpses of his victims and made fetishes from parts of their bodies. Then he began to experiment on the victims: he drilled through the skulls, tried to do a lobotomy, poured acid into the heads.

The story of 14-year-old Laotian Konerak Sintasomphon turned out to be the most terrible: Dahmer lured the boy to him, but he managed to escape. A naked, beaten and bloodied boy, under the influence of drugs, was discovered by two women who called the police. But at that moment Dahmer came out of the house. It is not known exactly how, but he managed to convince the police that no intervention was required: he presented the bullying of Konerak as a quarrel between two lovers. The police escorted Dahmer and Konerak back to the apartment and left. At the same time, they felt an unpleasant smell (this was the body of the previous victim of Jeffrey Dahmer decomposing), but did not attach any importance to this. The same evening, Konerak Sintasomfon was killed and dismembered. He suffered the same fate as 17 other victims of Dahmer.

But Tracy Edwards was lucky: Dahmer lured him to him and even managed to handcuff him, but Tracy managed to break free and run out into the street. Edwards attracted the attention of the police and asked them to come up to the apartment. What they found there shocked them.

Jeffrey Dahmer kept photographs of dismembered corpses and fragments of human bodies. Three heads, a heart and other entrails were found in the refrigerator. In the toilet, Dahmer kept a pot with hands and a penis, two skulls, containers with alcohol, chloroform and formalin, jars with male genital organs. Skulls and hands were found in the sideboard, in the bedside table, in boxes. A human skeleton, scalp and genitals were found in the closet. In a 260-liter barrel of acid, Dahmer held three human torsos. It also turned out that Dahmer not only killed and dismembered his victims, but also ate their flesh for food.

The state of Wisconsin banned the death penalty, so Jeffrey Dahmer, who was declared sane, was sentenced to fifteen life sentences. One life sentence entitles the offender to parole, so the authorities tried to make sure that Dahmer never went free. And he didn't come out. On November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death by his cellmate.

Vladimir Nikolaev

This man spent almost his entire life in places of deprivation of liberty - for theft, robbery and robbery. The drunkard and rowdy Nikolaev constantly got into fights, and one of them ended in tragedy: during a drunken showdown, Vladimir hit his drinking buddy so hard that he immediately died. According to Nikolaev, he did not immediately realize that he had killed a man: he took the body of the victim to his home and there he tried to bring the deceased to his senses. Realizing that his friend was dead, Nikolaev began to cover his tracks: he decided to dismember the body of the victim and take it out of the house in parts.

It is not known at what point and why Nikolaev came up with the idea to taste human meat, but he cut off a piece of flesh from the victim’s leg, boiled it and ate it. He liked this. Then Nikolaev cut off the second piece, fried it and ate it too. Then he butchered the body and exchanged part of the flesh for alcohol, and partly treated his friend. He brought the meat home, and his wife made dumplings from the human flesh, which she fed the children.

And Nikolaev prepared for premeditated murder. He again finished with a drunken drinking companion, and then dismembered his body. He ate some of it himself, and sold some on the market, passing off the human flesh as "saiga tenderloin." Once again, dumplings were made from human flesh. But this time, the taste of the dish seemed strange to the buyers, and they took it for analysis. He showed that minced meat contains traces of human blood.

Vladimir Nikolaev was arrested and sentenced to death penalty which was changed to life imprisonment. He himself claims that he has no regrets. After these words, the first solitary cell was created in the Black Dolphin colony, where the cannibal is serving his sentence: they did not dare to add another prisoner to Nikolaev.

Robert Maudsley

Robert Maudsley was born in Liverpool, in a large and, alas, not prosperous family: Robert had eleven brothers and sisters, and all of them were systematically beaten and punished by their parents. Most Robert spent his childhood in an orphanage, under the care of nuns, but at the age of eight the boy was returned to his family. A little later, the Maudsley couple were deprived of parental rights, but Robert's psyche had time to seriously suffer. As a teenager, Robert Maudsley became addicted to drugs. He could not earn a dose, he was afraid to steal, so he began to sell his body to men. Drug addiction and prostitution quickly brought the young man to a serious depression, and he tried several times to commit suicide. After the last failed attempt Robert Maudsley nevertheless decided to turn to psychiatrists.

The doctor who treated Robert noted that the patient has a very high IQ and, in addition, Robert is a balanced, intelligent and well-mannered person.

In 1974, this smart and intelligent man killed his client, a simple worker: he decided to show Maudsley photographs of raped children, and this infuriated Robert. He attacked the client and strangled him - and was soon arrested. Maudsley was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to a cell. And three years later, Maudsley and his cellmate took a third prisoner hostage. Their hostage was convicted of pedophilia, so Maudsley and his accomplice decided to teach him a lesson: they brutally abused the hostage and then killed him. When the prison guards managed to get into the cell, they saw terrible picture: A spoon protruded from the victim's broken skull. Part of his brain was missing. It was eaten by Maudsley, who after this incident was nicknamed Spoon.

After that, Robert was transferred to another prison, where he killed two more inmates on the same day. He lured one to his cell, strangled him, stabbed him with a knife and hid the body under the bed. He also stabbed the second with a knife, and then smashed the victim's skull against the wall. After this incident, Robert Maudsley was considered too dangerous to be kept along with other criminals.

Since there was no special solitary room in the institution, the authorities decided to build a special cell for Maudsley. Since moving there in 1978, Robert Maudsley has not interacted with a single prisoner. He can leave the cell for only an hour a day to walk in the cage in the open air. The furniture in the maniac's room is made of pressed cardboard, while items made from other materials are firmly screwed to the floor.

It was Maudsley who became the prototype of Hannibal Lecter from the film The Silence of the Lambs, but it is unlikely that he himself knows about it - for many years Robert Maudsley has not even communicated with prison guards and doctors.

Nikolay Dzhumagaliev

The most famous cannibal Soviet Union. Unlike his contemporary Andrei Chikatilo, who was primarily occupied with murder and sexual violence (he bit off the genitals of some victims), Dzhumagaliev was a real cannibal and ate all his victims. In his opinion, this gave him superpowers - such as the ability to see the future.

Dzhumagaliev was born in a Kazakh village and for a long time could not decide what he should do. By the age of 27, when he committed the first murder, he had already changed many professions and worked as a fireman. In addition, he managed to wander a lot around the Soviet Union, having lived in Siberia, Yakutia, Chukotka, the Murmansk region and the Urals. All attempts to get higher education ended in failure.

He committed the first murder in 1979 near the Uzunagach-Maybulak highway, attacking a lonely woman. He cut her throat and then drank her blood. Later, he cut the throats of almost all of his victims, explaining this by reading in an occult treatise that at that moment one can see the soul of a person, as if leaving the body through a wound.

Dzhumagaliev dismembered the body of the victim and took the meat with him. At home, he fried internal organs in a frying pan, made dumplings and was very pleased with this experience. Although he later admitted that for the first time he had to force himself to eat human meat through force.

In the next few months of 1979, the maniac committed five more murders. He lay in wait for victims on the highway, broke into lonely standing houses or killed his random companions. But six months later, Dzhumagaliev was arrested on a completely different case. After drinking with colleagues, he shot another firefighter with a gun. A psychiatric examination recognized Dzhumagaliev as a schizophrenic, and after a few months he was released.

Immediately after returning home, he continued his bloody activities. This time he remained at large for more than a year. During this time, he managed to commit three murders. After the latter, he was arrested. Completely ceasing to be shy, Dzhumagaliev stabbed to death one of the guests who were with him, with whom he retired to another room while drinking at home. The guests who entered the room found a naked owner enthusiastically butchering another victim. Having instantly sobered up, they rushed to the police. But the naked Dzhumagaliev ran away from the policemen, despite the December frost. He hid with his sister, and during a search in his apartment, the police found pickles with human flesh.

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The most famous cannibal of post-Soviet Russia. All possible assistance to the cannibal was provided by his mother, who lured the victims and helped get rid of the bodies.

Spesivtsev was brought up by a single mother, besides, he was born very premature and was constantly ill all his childhood. This was conducive to the establishment of a special relationship between mother and son: until adolescence, he slept in bed with his mother.

The family led a secluded life, not communicating with anyone. At school, Spesivtsev had no friends, being ridiculed. His main hobbies were criminal cases, which he read instead of books, and photographs of corpses, which he liked to look at. They were brought home from work by their mother, who worked as a lawyer's assistant.

He also failed in his personal life. The girl he liked eventually turned him down. Spesivtsev killed his failed bride first, in 1991. Then he was recognized as a schizophrenic and sent to psychiatric clinic. But three years later he was released.

After that, the maniac began to kill children and teenagers. Under various pretexts, he lured them to his apartment, where he tortured them, and then killed and dismembered them. And his mother carefully cooked human soup for him. Later, she began to help him by luring teenagers to the apartment under the pretense of helping a harmless elderly woman.

Spesivtsev did not even come to the attention of law enforcement agencies, since, according to the documents, he continued to be registered in a psychiatric clinic (probably, his mother ransomed him for a bribe, this explains the "misunderstanding" in the documents). Accident helped to discover the maniac, as in the case of the recent Krasnodar cannibals. The locksmiths checked the pipes all over the entrance and knocked on the door of the Spesivtsevs. After he flatly refused to open the door for them, they went for the district police officer.

In the apartment, they found dismembered body parts, human soup and a still living victim. Spesivtsev managed to escape while the locksmiths followed the district police officer. But a few days later he was detained at the entrance.

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The Soviet cannibal, who became famous throughout the country during the years of perestroika due to the fact that he sold the meat of his victims to his neighbors under the guise of tenderloin.

Born during the war years and spent all his childhood in hospitals, where his mother worked as a nurse. Nevertheless, he was not a schizophrenic and began to kill relatively late, which was more likely the result of alcoholic degeneration. However, he had problems with the law since his youth. While still a minor, he went to prison for rape, and as soon as he was released, he returned there again for participating in a group robbery.

He began to act simultaneously with Chikatilo and Dzhumagaliev, having committed the first murder in 1979. At this time, Sukletin worked as a watchman in the horticultural society of the Zelenodolsk region of Tatarstan. He acted according to one scheme: he brought women and girls to his house, had sexual intercourse with them, at their request or against him, and then killed them.

Then, together with his young cohabitant Madina Shakirova, he dismembered the body of the victim. Then Shakirova carefully prepared dishes from her for her roommate, and together they ate another victim.

Sukletin was a fan of the female breast. But not in the sense of admiring her beauty, but in a cannibalistic way. It was his favorite part of the body, which he ate himself. However, sometimes he allowed his cohabitant to feast on him. The bones were buried in the garden. Sometimes lovers sold surplus meat to summer residents under the guise of a steam tenderloin. At a very attractive price.

Over time, Sukletin began to look at women as food. Looking at passers-by, he, according to Shakirova, estimated them not by their appearance, but by how many kilograms of meat they would pull.

The killings continued almost every month throughout 1980. But after the sixth murder, the faithful companion left Sukletin. This time he raped, killed and ate an 11-year-old girl, and this, apparently, did not please Shakirova. After the scandal, she left her lover.

But Sukletin was not at a loss and soon got himself new passion. Then a third one joined them - a certain Nikitin, who was the new chosen one Fedorova distant relative. However, these relationships were not so successful. New darling, of course, she knew about all the secrets of her friend and after another drunken scandal she threatened to report him to the police. After that, her fate was sealed. Together with Nikitin, they raped, killed and ate Fedorova.

After that, Shakirova returned to him. Despite the disappearance of people, no one was looking for Sukletin and he was not in the field of view of law enforcement officers. It was ruined by chance. The Trinity came up with a way to make money easily. Shakirova came by taxi to the holiday village and offered the taxi driver to have sex with her. After that, Sukletin and his accomplice burst into the house, playing the role of a husband and his friend. They beat the unlucky taxi driver, took away all the valuables and demanded to bring 200 rubles the next day, otherwise threatening to spread information compromising him. Several times the criminals managed to get hold of money, but one of the taxi drivers went to the police and wrote a statement against them.

All were detained while transferring money, while Shakirova reported in detail about their cannibal hobbies. As a result of a search at the site, four bags of human bones, human fat and belongings of the dead were found.

Where now: Sukletin was accused of seven murders, declared sane and shot in 1987. Shakirova and Nikitin each received 15 years in prison.

Ilshat Kuzikov

Schizophrenic and alcoholic who has eaten at least three people. He became famous thanks to the sensational story in the Nevzorov program "600 seconds", where he was named the Cook.

Kuzikov was born in not the most prosperous family. When he was 11 years old, his father killed his mother in front of him. Already in the army, it became clear that Kuzikov had problems with his head when he almost killed his colleague with a wrench. Kuzikov was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and since then he has become a regular in psychiatric clinics.

But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the system of providing mental health care also tottered. As a result, Kuzikov found himself on his own, they forgot about him in hospitals and hospitals, and the disability pension was paid irregularly.

Kuzikov began to wander. He got acquainted with the inhabitants of the social bottom of St. Petersburg and invited them to his home for a drink. alcoholic beverages. After that, he killed the tramp and used it as a snack for alcohol. In this way, he killed at least three people.

They opened it after the neighbors complained to the police about the unbearable smell from his apartment. There was no refrigerator in the maniac's house, and the dismembered remains that he ate were stored in jars, boxes and bags.

He quite calmly told the policemen that he killed and ate tramps simply because he had no money for food.

Where now: He was declared insane and sent to a psychiatric clinic, where he died at the beginning of the 2000s.

Vladimir Nikolaev

This cannibal maniac is closer to Sukletin than to the rest of the "heroes", since he did not regale on human flesh alone, but willingly treated his friends. He spent most of his life in prison, abused alcohol, apparently, on the basis of alcoholic degeneration, he began to kill drinking companions and eat them.

From the age of 20, he registered in Soviet prisons. He sat for robberies and robberies. He committed his first murder in post-Soviet Russia. According to the cannibal himself, this happened by accident. He quarreled with another drinking buddy and, not calculating the force of the blow, killed him. He took the body home and dismembered it. In the process, I decided to taste human flesh. Having cut off a piece of meat from the leg and cooked it, the maniac found the dish very tasteless. But then he decided that he simply cooked the meat incorrectly, and on the second attempt he liked it. He ate the rest of the body of a comrade himself and at the same time treated his friends.

A few days later, Nikolaev invited a new drinking buddy to visit and killed him for the specific purpose of eating him. This time he not only treated his friends, but also sold some of the meat at the Novocheboksary market under the guise of saiga tenderloin.

It was generosity that let the cannibal down. Friends whom he treated to unusual meat found its taste very strange and took it for testing. After the examination, it turned out that the generous Nikolaev shared human meat with them.

Where now: In 1997 he was sentenced to death. But in connection with the entry into force of the moratorium, the punishment was changed to life imprisonment. For 20 years he has been serving his sentence in one of the most terrible prisons in Russia - in the "Black Dolphin".

The Uzbek family

This incident happened already in post-Soviet Kazakhstan and is out of the ordinary even by the standards of cannibal maniacs. The Uzbek family, consisting of only women, ate their relatives.

The large Uzbaev family huddled in a two-room Alma-Ata apartment and led, to put it mildly, a reclusive lifestyle. Neighbors almost never saw any of the family members, and the windows of the apartment were always closed and curtained - in any weather, any time of day or season.

An unpleasant smell constantly came from behind the doors of the apartment, but the neighbors attributed it to the uncleanliness of a strange family. About them culinary passions became known by chance. The local general practitioner, who came to the call to the entrance of the house, informed law enforcement officers about a strong cadaverous smell emanating from one of the apartments.

Law enforcement officers who arrived with a check found four mummified bodies with traces of cannibal feasts in the closet of the apartment. It turned out that in the past few months, the mother - Zagipa Uzbayeva - and her three daughters fed on their relatives - three other sisters and grandmother - Zagipa's mother.

Where now: were convicted and sent for compulsory treatment in a closed psychiatric hospital.

in every religious culture there is an idea of ​​the so-called forbidden food. For example, Hindus are not allowed to eat beef, but they can eat pigs, which are taboo among Muslim neighbors. In totality and intricacy of traditions different peoples all living things can be safely divided into two categories - what you can eat, and what you can make love with. Therefore, in all normal cuisines of the world there is a ban on the use of human meat, which, however, some unique children of the human race manage to bypass, causing fear and disgust in relation to themselves.

Dorangel Vargas

A fellow countryman of Chavez, who died in Bose, who built the world's first anarchist state, the Venezuelan tramp Jose Dorangel Vargas Gomez was born in 1957 and, having reached maturity, was awarded the media nickname "Hannibal Lecter from the Andes Mountains"

For the first time, a strange Hispanic drew attention to himself in 1995, when the remains of a missing man were found in his home. Then Vargas was sent to an insane asylum, from where he was released two years later for exemplary behavior.

In 1999, the police of the city of San Cristobal again found human flesh in the bum where Dorangel Vargas lived. This time, ten skulls and other remains of numerous victims were found. At first, the cannibal admitted that he ate people, but did not kill them. Say, the bodies were brought to him by someone else. Believing the madman, the authorities suggested that Vargas was covering up some illegal operations to remove and transport organs for transplantation. However, soon the prisoner confessed that he personally hunted passers-by in the city park and over the course of 2 years killed and ate ten men.

The Venezuelan Hannibal Lecter preferred male meat to female meat because "men are delicious, but women are not." In an interview, the maniac said that anyone can eat human flesh, the main thing is to cook it correctly so as not to get sick. Personally, Vargas preferred caviar and thighs, prepared a delicacy of tongues and a “healthy, nutritious” soup from human eyes. The cannibal did not eat the hands, feet and genitals. The killer also did not touch the fat men - because of bad cholesterol. After such confessions, Dorangel Vargas was sent to a mental hospital for life, where the cannibal lives to this day. Many of his compatriots still believe that the crazy tramp was framed, and that he was fed with corpses ... by the police themselves, protecting some “black” transplantologists

Kevin Ray Underwood

Mr. Underwood was born in December 1979, grew up, worked in a grocery store, and would have lived an unremarkable American life, if he had not been arrested in April 2006 for the murder of 10-year-old girl Jamie Rose Bolin in Oklahoma

Underwood and Bolin lived in the same apartment building. On April 17, 7 years ago, the police found the remains of the girl's body in a large plastic container hidden in Kevin's room. The killer did not resist the detectives (“Come in, arrest her, she’s here!”) and said that he beat a neighbor to death with a cutting board, strangled with bare hands, and then tried to decapitate to butcher and eat. Officers seized a meat-beater and barbecue skewers from the crime scene.

People who knew Underwood personally considered him a quiet, boring and generally reliable young man. Kevin himself, allegedly as a joke, discussed issues of cannibalism on the Internet, and was also interested in what would happen if he stopped taking antidepressants.

At his trial in February 2008, Underwood admitted that his plan was cunning and stupidly vile: kidnap a man, rape him, torture and kill him, and then cut off his head, bleed him, rape the corpse, eat the meat, and bury the inedible remains somewhere. But more than anything, Kevin wanted to “become a normal person". The meeting lasted only 23 minutes, the judge pronounced a death sentence - to execute the cannibal by lethal injection. To this day, the convict writes appeals, but each new court rejects them.

Robert John Maudsley

One of the prototypes of the literary and cinematic maniac Hannibal Lecter, Robert John Maudsley was born in the summer of 1953 in Liverpool, in a large dysfunctional family, and for the first 8 years he grew up in orphanage"Nazareth" under the care and supervision of the nuns. The Beatles were rehearsing somewhere nearby...

Returning home, the little Englishman, the future serial killer, was regularly beaten by his father, hated his family and therefore soon preferred the street where he got hooked on drugs to his father's house. In the late 1960s, Robert began to earn a living and a buzz by moving to London and becoming a call boy - a prostitute. Several times he tried to commit suicide and was put on a psychiatric register. Resentment towards parents deformed Maudsley's consciousness, and his first victim in 1973 was the pedophile John Farrell, who removed Robert and began to show him pictures of the children he abused. Maudsley "wedged" and in a fit of rage, he strangled the libertine client, having previously mocked

The court sentenced Robert Maudsley to life imprisonment without any right to be released. The reason for this decision was that the pedophile's skull was opened and part of the brain disappeared somewhere - the investigator decided that Maudsley was also engaged in cannibalism. In 1977, in a closed psychiatric hospital, Broadmoor, Robert, paired with another psycho prisoner, John Cheeseman, committed another murder. The convicts took a crazy child molester hostage, and for a long time, until death, he was tortured, after which Maudsley cracked the pedophile's skull like an egg and tasted the brains of the evon with a spoon

A year later, a recidivist killer killed two more prisoners. The first was the sex maniac S. Darwood. Maudsley invited him to his cell, where he strangled him, stabbed him to death, and hid him under his bed. From somewhere the criminal took a knife, they write as if it was homemade. The second victim that day was one Bill Roberts, whom Robert plunged a weapon into the skull and then smashed his head against the wall. Then he went to the duty officer and calmly put the knife on the table. In order to prevent further killings and cannibalism, Maudsley was placed in a special double-walled chamber made of reinforced organic glass with cardboard furniture and a concrete bunk, thereby completely eliminating the contact of a serial killer with potential victims. This chamber later served as the prototype for the “home” of the cinematic character Hannibal Lecter.

In 2000, Maudsley wrote to The Times newspaper asking that he, the loneliest man in England, be allowed to listen to classical music and start budgerigar. In case of refusal, he begged to give him an ampoule of cyanide, because the maniac was tired of “living like that.” In February 2008, it was reported that Robert Maudsley was very emaciated, was addicted to refusing food and water, and was close to death. Say, every day he is in the basement of Wakefield prison, the doctor visits. Maudsley knows nothing about The Silence of the Lambs and its sequels. One of the jailers who guarded the criminal for 25 years writes that Robert "Lecter" actually did not eat anyone's brains. Go now, find out the truth of many years ago

Armin Meiwes

The Englishman Maudsley "punished" pederasts, the German Meiwes himself is such, but, let's say, non-standard. Armin was born on December 1, 1961 in Essen, and now lives in prison for life. If dressed up, he looks like a politician or a businessman. Prior to his arrest, he worked as a computer repairman.

In 2001, the “Rothenburg butcher” posted an ad on the Internet on the website “Cannibal Cafe” looking for a victim to eat. Someone Bernd Jürgen Brandes, a crazy engineer from Berlin, responded to the crazy post. The men met on March 9, 2001 at Meiwes's house and recorded everything on video, realizing a terrible scenario, discussed in detail by the German men in the chat

Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries in which tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth to regularly feed on human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. And the healers considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in the tribe dies without any apparent reason(illness or old age), they consider it to be tricks of black magic and, in order to save others from harm, they must eat a person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The northern Indian Hindu sect, the Aghori, eats volunteers who donate their innards. However, in 2005, Indian TV people investigated and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges ( local tradition), and steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents the aging of the body.

Interesting fact: They do really good Jewelry from human bones and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Until now, local residents cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a revenge ritual.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare items left over from their victims. In the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, you can find examples of such collections.


The Wari tribe ate the pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some government missionaries slaughtered almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in the slums of Olinda have been prohibitively high since 1994, and there are still outbreaks of cannibalism.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, there was information from researchers who interviewed local residents, and they claimed to hear voices telling them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The society of active cannibals Leopard has been eating people since the last century. Until the 80s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating humans makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have followers - the Human Alligator community, which is doing this.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in South-East Asia(in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - to eat the enemy's liver.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


Cases of cannibalism in the Congo are known, and the last ones were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, the rebel factions believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: The Congolese still believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, it will scare away enemies.

Have a nice adventure! 🙂

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