How beautiful to decorate the fish in the picture. How to draw a fish: step-by-step master classes for children and adults

The topic of the next lesson is how to draw a fish with a pencil in stages. To begin with, we will try to draw a river fish with a simple pencil, and in the future, we will draw other types of fish with colored pencils.

How to draw a fish with a simple pencil

First step of the lesson how to draw a fish with a simple pencil - draw smooth lines of the body of the fish to the tail and mouth of the fish. Immediately notice that the lines are narrowing near the tail. The length and height of the body of the fish should be normal.

Next, draw the mouth and tail of the fish. If you get uneven, you can erase with an eraser and try to draw the outlines of the fish more evenly. Pay more attention to this, because what shape of the fish you draw now, such a fish will turn out.

When the shape of the fish is drawn, you can start drawing the fins. Draw the fins one by one: first two dorsal fins, then the pectoral fin, below the ventral fins and anal fins.

It remains to draw the fish so-called gill cover and eye.

We have finished the structure of the fish, and now we are moving on to the second part of the lesson on how to draw a fish.

In the second part, we will draw the fins, and draw scales on the body of the fish.

To draw the fins correctly, you need to pay attention to their structure. The fins are made up of folds of skin that are stretched over the fin rays. They can be spiny (large dorsal fin) or soft (pelvic and pectoral fins). Draw them right!

Cover the body of the fish with scales. The scales are drawn in semicircular lines, one after the other. I don't think you will have difficulty with this.

The fish is drawn with a simple pencil! This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you put in a little effort, you will succeed!

Thank you for your attention to the lesson on how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step!

The topic of this lesson is "How to draw a fish", with beautiful name betta. We will draw the fish with a simple pencil, but at the last step of drawing the fish can be colored with colored pencils, since many tropical fish, including Betta, have a very bright and beautiful color.

1. Start your fish drawing with a simple outline

draw fish quite easy. It is enough to draw an elongated oval-shaped contour, draw a small circle for the eye of the fish and mark with a dash where the tail of the fish will be located.

2. In this step you need to draw the fins

Since the male betta fish has very beautiful fins, you should make this element the main one in the picture. The fins of this beautiful fish "curl" like silk, thin and transparent, with "torn" edges. But first draw the contours of the fins with straight lines, approximately the same shape as in my drawing. Draw a triangular outline of the dorsal fin with a pencil. The tail fin will be the largest in the picture, with a sharp angle at the top. Draw the lower fin and a small fin under the eyes of the fish, it is slightly moved to the left of the ventral.

3. Refine the drawn contours of the fins

At this step, you need to draw the edges of the fins wavy lines. The fins of this fish seem to "flow", so make the lines arbitrary, it is not necessary to copy my drawing. By drawing the edges of the fins with wavy lines, the fish in the picture will look elegant and graceful, and a sense of its movement will be created. Refine the outline of the fish's head, make it a little longer and sharper.

4. How to draw a head

First remove from fish pattern superfluous contour lines fins, and then draw the details of the head. Start drawing with those elements that are easier for you to draw. The line highlighting the gills, next to a small gill fin. After that, you can draw in the details of the eyes and mouth. Draw a "mote" in the eye, and then shade the pupil with a soft, simple pencil.

5. Drawing of a fish. final step

it final step drawing. To complete the drawing of the fish, all you have to do is color it in with colored pencils. But first you need to completely remove the extra contour lines with an eraser. Without color, it is difficult to convey the beauty of the Betta fish, but if you need a black and white drawing, then you can only shade the drawing with a soft, simple pencil.

The shark is the most dangerous marine animal, or rather it is a fish, and even appearance she has the right one. Large mouth with many razor-sharp teeth and a predatory look. It is these details that must first be drawn in the drawing of this fish. Otherwise, the shark is practically no different from ordinary fish.

The initial contours of the picture of the whale resemble the frame of an ordinary boat, only the rear edge is strongly raised upwards. Draw a fin almost in the center of the whale drawing. Its shape is not complicated, so I will not comment on how to draw it. Add two more lines in the drawing with a pencil and move on to the next step. The whale looks like a fish, but not a fish, but a marine animal.

It is not difficult to draw a picture of a dolphin, since its body has a similar structure to a fish, the main thing is to learn how to draw a head and observe all proportions. The drawings of dolphins are similar to the drawings of fish, only the fish are very brightly colored, but the dolphin is not.

After all, you always want to draw a picture of the characters in a read book about a traveler frog or how a frog turned into a princess. Drawing for children with a simple pencil, as well as drawing a fish, is best done in stages, at first outlining only general outlines.

Drawing a turtle is very exciting, but it is not the easiest task. The difficulty lies in the fact that the turtle has a very unusual shape, and a shell that is difficult to draw. The tortoise shell has a corrugated surface and its surface is difficult to depict in the drawing. In this lesson, we will try to draw a turtle on our own in stages.

Drawing an octopus is not difficult, it is enough to draw long tentacles and an elongated head shape and it will be clear that this is a drawing of an octopus. The octopus is very similar to the squid, but much larger. To emphasize the size of the octopus, you need to draw other inhabitants of the sea nearby, for example, a passing fish.

Drawing a fish with watercolor pencils in stages for children

Master class "Fish-iris" drawing with watercolor pencils step by step.

Author: Sopina Tatyana Evgenievna - Technology teacher, MHK, head of the art circle.
MBOU Kerch Republic of Crimea "School No. 26"

Master class for children from 10 years old, teachers, parents
Beginner course
Target: acquaintance with the graphic capabilities of watercolor pencils when creating an image of a fish.
- introduce the visual possibilities of watercolor pencils;
- to study the proportions of the structure of the fish, to train the eye;
- teach using lines, spots to draw a fish;
- repeat the order of the colors in the rainbow;
- develop creative imagination;
- cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, patience, accuracy

Step by step process of drawing a fish

Materials: landscape sheet watercolor paper, simple pencil, watercolor pencils, brush, water.

Stages of work:
1. We place the sheet horizontally. In the center we draw the torso - we draw horizontal line, divide the resulting segment into 4 identical parts. We mark the location of the head - 1 part, 2 parts - the torso, 1 part - the tail.

2. Next, we mark the head, torso, tail with lines. We make markings of the upper and lower fin on the continuation of the line of the head.

3. Draw the outline of the fins. We outline the eye just above the center line in the middle of the head - an oval.
For scales. We outline 5 lines along the vertical, and we reduce closer to the tail of the division.

4. We outline 7 lines horizontally.

We give a finished look to the scales on the body, rounding each rectangle. Erase the vertical construction lines.

5. Draw the eyes and mouth on the head. And in the lower part we paint on the second fin.
6. We draw the eye - blue, the mouth - red, the head - orange.
Scales. We draw the colors of the rainbow sequentially from red to purple horizontal strokes in medium power pencil.

7. Fins and tail. We make a stretch on the fin, repeating its shape from red to orange color. The tail is similar.

8. Blur clean water, a neat rainbow on the fish's body, head and fins.

Colors become richer and brighter.
9. When it dries, we finalize the scales. We perform tone stretching on each scale. From the line of the separating flake, we compact the tone.

10. We hatch the background with purple, blue, green, yellow vertical strokes.

I am sure you and your child will like this drawing lesson for kids, because you can draw a cute fish very easily! Take a pencil or felt-tip pen and start drawing with the kids!

Drawing lesson for children: draw a fish in stages

Draw the big arc you see in the picture below - this will be the top line of the fish's body! Pay attention, on the right, the line should end a little higher, because we need to leave room for the tail of the fish.

Draw the bottom line of the fish's torso, starting from the left side. Do not close the line on the right, but leave room for drawing the tail.

We have drawn the torso and now we will move on to drawing the tail of the fish. The tail is quite simple to draw - the upper half of the tail can be depicted as a leaf of a tree. If you look closely, you will see that half of the fish's tail is exactly the same shape as a tree leaf.

To finish drawing the tail of the fish, draw the bottom half, exactly the same shape.

We continue drawing lesson for kids and in the next step we move on to drawing the fins.

Drawing fins is also quite easy, just a couple of lines. The upper fin is larger, and draw the lower fin smaller.

Finish the drawing by drawing a cheerful "muzzle" of the fish. Separate the “muzzle” from the body with a line, draw a smile and an eye for a fish.

The drawing of a cute fish is ready! As you can see, drawing a fish with children is very easy! I'm waiting for you in next lessons, I will be grateful for comments about drawing lessons with children!

Option one

Option two

This fish looks the most natural and is fairly easy to draw. You can start with this scheme to get the first skills.

Option three

1. The main shapes that make up the fish are square and triangles. Square body, triangular head and tail.

2. Now draw the fins - they look like rectangles. Draw them tilted to the side, and the pectoral fins are triangular. Draw round eyes and a heart-shaped mouth for the fish.

3. Now add the stripes. Wavy stripes adorn the fish, they run from the top to the bottom of the body and horizontally on the tail.

4. Now you need to erase all extra lines and round off all the edges of the drawing to make the fish look better.

5. The most remarkable thing about this drawing is that this fish is a tropical fish, and as you know, tropical fish are bright and beautiful in color. Your kid can dream up, and whatever color he uses, everything will look very beautiful. Our fish is decorated with yellow and purple. And what happened to you?

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