Ba Zi is the 7th killer for women. Ba zi, chinese astrology, ba zi card, human destiny, earthly luck, prediction, chinese horoscope

Let's consider the relationship of the Personality element from the Ba-Tzu card with other Wu-Xing elements, taking into account the cycles of generation and destruction.

Each of the elements is responsible for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.
Friends, partners - this is the same element as the element of Personality;
Resources - an element that generates (feeds) the element of personality;
Power is an element that destroys (controls) the element of personality;
Self-expression is an element generated by the personality element;
Money is an element that is destroyed (controlled) by the element of personality.

The division of these five elements into 10 deities.
Each element, depending on its relationship with the personality element, can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, thus ten deities are formed.
An element with the same polarity (Yang or Yin) as the personality element is homogeneous. An element with opposite polarity is heterogeneous. For example, if the element of personality is Yang Water, then all the Yang elements in the Ba Zi map will be homogeneous, and the Yin elements will be heterogeneous.

Friends, partners Brotherhood
brothers and sisters, equal shoulder, parallel
Wealth robber
loss of money, competitors
Resources oblique seal
false seal, owl spirit, unconditional ideas, obscene resource
Proper printing
true, proper print, conditional ideas, decent resource
self-expression Spirit of Delight (Spirit of Food)
homogenous self-expression, creativity, wholesome production
challenge to power
official injury, spouse injury, rebellion, radical production
Power 7 assassins
false, wrong official, seventh position killer, extreme power, obscene power/power
Right Authority (Officer)
true official, proper power, normal power, decent power/power
Money propensity for wealth
oblique, lateral or false wealth, casual money, propensity for wealth, obscene wealth
Direct Wealth
true wealth, proper wealth, stable income, decent wealth

Each of the 10 deities belongs to a certain area of ​​life, indicates the character traits of a person, and also correlates with relatives and friends. For example, the correct seal is the mother, and when she comes in the 10-year cycle of luck, one can expect events related to the mother. Such relationships between gods and demons make it possible to build a tree of relatives. It is built in different ways, depending on gender and personality element.

How to Find the 10 Gods in Your Ba Zi Chart
8 Heavenly stems are analyzed: open Heavenly stems and dominant, which can be identified by the Earthly branches, as containers of hidden Heavenly stems.

It also makes sense to consider the influence of incoming energies: the energies of the Pillars of Good Luck, the energies of the coming year and month.

Brief description of 10 gods and demons

Each of the 10 deities has a favorable/beneficial and an unfavorable/unbeneficial influence. This influence depends on the strengths and weaknesses of the Ba Zi card, on the quality of the deity itself (Qi phase).


This is friendship, communication, communication, pleasantness in communication. If this sign is present in the ba-zi card, it is easier for them to find a common language with opponents, to understand someone else's point of view. If there are one or two such signs in the map, the person is pleasant in communication, sociable, capable of languages. If there are 3 or more signs in the card, this indicates selfishness, superficiality, pride. Such people often fuss a lot and conflict in vain.
If the brotherhood is not useful, the person often faces betrayal or deceit by partners. False, two-faced friends stick to him.

Wealth robber

If there is one such sign in the map, this is good, because it indicates that a person can give up wealth for the sake of mental development. For such a person, personal growth, improvement of character, the spiritual side is no less important than material values. Such people are always in the process of development.
If there are two or more such signs in the card, this indicates generosity, sometimes extravagance.
A useful Wealth Robber is all about eloquence, helping others to make money.
Useless deity Robber of wealth brings with it arrogance, arrogance.

Both the Spirit of pleasure and the Challenge of power are responsible for self-expression and give rise to the element of money, i.e. people are able to create their own business, give rise to productive ideas, and ways to enrich themselves.

Spirit of Delight (Spirit of Food)

This deity is responsible for self-love and care for yourself, for your body. The spirit of pleasure gives a person sensitivity, sensuality, sharpens the perception of all five senses. These are the deities of a good lover, a sensual woman. Men who have one or two such signs in their map are tender and sexy.
A useful Spirit of pleasure gives creative abilities, a rich imagination, a desire for self-knowledge, and creativity.
Useless Spirit of pleasure (three or more signs) - talk about stinginess, addictions, if expressed in the element of water - to alcoholism, if in the element of earth - to gluttony.

Challenge of the authorities (Injury of the official, Attack on the authorities)

This is a sign of disobedience, a desire to argue and defend one's innocence. Marks rebels, people who make their own way in life. If a person has a similar sign in fate, he often communicates in such a way that from the outside it looks very authoritarian. He clearly demonstrates that he is right, it is difficult to argue with him, it is difficult for him to object.
If there are two or more signs in the map, a person puts his interests above all else, considers himself special, loves to shine.
A useful challenge to power speaks of the makings of a leader, leader, innovator.
Useless challenge to power gives fussiness, useless conflicts, disputes.
In a female chart, two or more signs are considered unfavorable for family relationships, such a woman will try to lead at home. The role of a housewife is not for her, it is better for her to fulfill herself in another area.

Direct Wealth (Stable Wealth)

This deity endows a person with a desire for order and prudence, when every step is calculated, everything is laid out on the shelves, according to the rules. Such people are honest, decent, law-abiding, thrifty, good performers, have a pragmatic outlook on life, and know how to manage finances.
Such people achieve success through hard and hard work.
Having three or more signs in the chart, a person is inclined to pursue illusory goals.

Propensity for wealth (Slanting wealth)

A person who has two or more such signs in the map has a clear goal - money. At the same time, he pursues both material and non-material benefits - fame, recognition, awards. Such a person constantly finds ideas where to make money, feels the financial wind. If there are two or more such unhelpful signs in the map, this indicates fuss, excessive anxiety. Such people tend to make fatal mistakes in planning, quickly achieve and quickly lose what they have achieved.
If a man has several of these signs, it is more difficult for him to get married or save his marriage, as they tend to have mistresses.

Right Authority (Officer)

With such a sign in the map, a person is inclined to follow the rules and laws, to be honest and fair. such people are usually honest, intelligent, executive, capable of leading, able to properly build a conversation. Often conservative, work productively in a team.
If there are two or more such signs in the map and they are useful, then the person is inclined to "serve the law", and may be tormented by conscience using his official position in his own interests. In male and female, the card is a useful sign, as it gives responsibility, care and order.
The useless and numerous appearance of signs in the map makes people too honest and correct.

Assassin 7 (Position 7 Assassin, Oblique Power, Wrong Power)

This is another rebellious deity. This sign gives a person courage and charisma, a quick reaction and a lot of ideas. People with the seventh position will be able to find a common language with representatives of all social spheres, they will be indispensable in leadership positions, but as employees they can become a problem.
If there are two or more such signs in the map and they are not useful, such people often change jobs due to problems with superiors or excessive workloads.
If the seventh position is numerous and useful, such a person will be able to achieve great success, because he sees the situation as a whole, quickly makes decisions and finds the best way out.

Proper printing (Direct printing)

Responsible for mental resources: knowledge, intellect. Such people are polite, intelligent, helpful, educated and understand the importance of learning, respect family and family values. A kind of "correct" person, a man of rules.
If there are two or more such signs in the map and they are not useful, this will manifest itself in capriciousness, painful attachment to people, the desire for hyper-custody over loved ones, sole decision-making.

oblique seal

Responsible for the attitude of the world, indicates a person’s desire to understand himself, to find his own way. Oblique printing gives a penchant for applied sciences: psychology, metaphysics, esotericism.
If there are two or more such signs in the map, it is difficult for people to find friends, but they are not afraid of loneliness, they have good intuition, they can foresee the possible development of events.
If there are two or more such signs in the card and they are not useful, this indicates arrogance. Also, too much oblique printing in the map indicates problems in relation to parents.

Today I want to give an example of how important it is to choose a spouse for yourself and not be led by emotions and persuasion.

In bazi there are concepts of 10 spirits. There is a spirit "killer in position 7" - this is the element, the 7th from your bazi in a circle

For Wood Yang, the 7th killer is Metal Yang.

Card of a woman, GD Jia Ying. A map without an hour, but an hour would not play a special role here - the map is "wooden" all over. The SP of the day merges with the SP of the month into Wood. The Earth is useful for such a map, but Metal is the most severe destroyer. If a woman with such a card came to me and asked about compatibility with a man, I would convincingly ask her to wait and not rush into the wedding.

! The card of a man, GD Wu ​​Shen, the strongest Metal in the card, in the month of the Snake, Metal is born, so there is solid support here. Most likely, this is a card of following self-expression, or the Formation of happiness (depending on the hour), in any case, Metal and the Challenge of Power prevail here. For such a man, there are only two things - himself, his talents, and desires. In this case, the desire for power and career, because Metal is a symbol of power. This is a man with a strong mind, but cold and selfish.
Having two virtues, lunar and celestial, he can not be afraid of prosecution, and attract the attention of influential people.

Now see how these cards fit together.
1) The metal of the husband overcomes the tree of the wife.
2) The 7th killer in the palace of the Man's Spouse faces the Tree in the palace of the Woman's Spouse. This is already a bad sign. The palaces of the spouses of the spouses should not collide, otherwise the marriage will be terminated sooner or later, rather sooner.
☝The predominant energy in the chart of one spouse should not overcome the energy of the second spouse, this is extremely bad for him, no matter whether it is a woman or a man. At the very least, it will hurt, suffer from jealousy, at the most ... see how the sinister 7th killer affected the card of this woman.
She got married this year, - ⛔girls, honey, don't get married in collision with marriage palace.
Not only does her husband attack, but it's also been Bing Shen for a year now, a double attack. In addition, the year, tact and star of the year merge in her season of Metal (Monkey-Rooster-Dog). Too much Metal for a Tree born in winter.

For her, this turned out to be a tragedy - the girl gets into an accident in August, a duplicate of the year of Bing Shen, a double Monkey (the image of the collision of Wood and Metal is precisely an accident), the lower part of the body is severely crippled - and the day and hour pillar is what is below the belt.
Her parents die a month after their wedding. - a complete collision of the monthly pillar of the woman and the monthly pillar of the man, he would somehow separate her from her parents. In the partner's map, we can see the fate of marriage with him and even relatives.
And as a result - her husband leaves her alone with her pain and despair (again the clash of the Tiger and the Monkey). He is busy, he has his own affairs, he has no time for his wife, with whom he needs to mess around.

There are people-catalysts, they must be avoided in every possible way. There are useful people, they need to be approached.
This girl is useful to her relatives of the same sex, all water-wood and earth people. Perhaps her husband will come to his senses and support his wife, but with such a card, I would not count on it. He is only interested in those people who can give him money and power. This year and next year in the National Assembly, the Seal - his reputation will be destroyed.

Avoid, girls, the 7 killers that are not useful to you, and do not get married in the year of the collision with your ST of the day or year. Take care of yourself.

How to identify strong erotic desires?
Often the repeated presence of metal and water gives us the understanding that we have a very sexual person, and this could be expressed even more if the metal and water were reflected by the elements of self-expression. If it was an injury to an official, then the person, with this bright eroticism, looked intellectual.
The thirst for love has long been represented by a peach flower, seductive and seductive, fragrant and alluring, it dissolves its petals in the card, and after it, in life, the owner of the card becomes irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex. The influence of the peach flower in life is especially pronounced when in the Ba Zi card it *jumps over the wall*.
Even ancient texts said that the Killer of the 7th position, located in the earthly branch of the hour of birth, can tell us about the same passionate nature, especially if a peach blossom demon was sitting on it.
If the love flower met a confluence or a triple union, it gladly spread its amorousness to these branches, and if the peach turned out to be bathing (the floating peach water of a naked bath) - the passion was truly all-consuming and irrepressible, especially if the bathing scene was a branch of the month of birth or day. The holders of such cards were openly prone to sexual affairs, their attitudes and style were bold. The Chinese texts said: * She looked through the eyes of a student whose gaze twisted, averted, fell, butterflies flocked to her peach, and most of the time she was a slave or mistress. * There was even a Chinese saying- * Chaste three times, but hot nine times. *
Kwei Gangs were also famous for their eroticism if the flower of love was found in their pillars.
If the Lady of the Day is Water in female cards, and at the same time there was an excessive abundance of prosperous water, this spoke of the same ...
The demon of beauty (the dark red majestic bird Hong Yan Sha) also brought too many sexual feelings and / or unstable relationships, and in the cards of girls of easy virtue it happened that the Lady of the Day sat in the earth branch of the day on the star of Prosperity / Stage Queiu Lu, and in At the same time, there was a wandering I-Ma in the map, this represented her relationship with various men and could lead her to the red-light districts. The prosperity of the Lady of the Day was indicated on the same path in women's cards with absolutely no resource support, it was only necessary to come in abundance in abundance of peaches.
Mergers with the Heavenly Stem of the Day Lord also told that it is easy for a person to deal with the opposite sex, he is ready for contacts. Mergers served as a prototype for a broad relationship, and therefore it was considered a high chance for love affairs.
If easy money and direct money were found in men's cards, such a man had good intimacy with women, which gave him the opportunity to have a large number of mistresses / concubines.
If there were 7 murderers and an Officer in female cards, she became weak in her resistance to temptations, and was prone to (secret) love affairs, being with one man, she desired another, so her fate could lead to divorce. If these images were unfavorable, then such a woman was too receptive to men because of her weak self-esteem. If the 7th killer and the Correct official were found in the Celestial stems of the birth chart, she had a remarriage.
The repeated element of self-expression told that this is an intelligent person, but easily excited. His love life was full of novels and chaotic relationships, and if in the male cards the wound of an official stood on a peach in an hour, it was a sex giant who had something to show his ladies.
A lustful person - regardless of whether it was a male or female card, was also distinguished by other signs: the official was wounded successfully and the life of the card was rich in erotic fun. This was due to the fact that the wounding of an official represented sexual appetites, and if it was intense, the person did not respect the moral values ​​and traditions accepted in society (because the wounding of the official went against moral principles), and the person was open to erotic exploits and adventures.
It helped to be a womanizer also having a heavy brotherhood and a robber of wealth, this happened more in strong cards - after all, a strong Lord of the Day must be exhausted himself in order to achieve joy and balance, so he pursued a woman to satisfy the nature of his desires. And if weak wealth met the Robber of Wealth, a third person appeared in the marriage, or the man had three wives (multiple marriages / relationships).
If in a chart the Celestial Stems were united by the fusion of love with the Day Master, this was an image that this is a gentle / sensual Day Master to the opposite sex, regardless of whether it was a close combination, distant or competitive.
If water spilled over the chart and it was a Beneficial Deity - the person was unrestrained in sex, it was a strong function of the kidneys and sexual organs in male and female charts, and they were overdeveloped to satisfy desires, and it was required to deplete this energy, thus. most of the time he was a very lustful man.
Men approved and pampered their mistresses if their marital palaces contained wealth born from the injury of an official.
If in the map there was an abundance of the Spirit of Pleasure and Wounding of the Official, this represented a dirty relationship in love.
People without the Right Officer/officer in bazi were also prone to amorous affairs, but when from the time period came 7 Killer or Officer-man got control of his control, he began to respect the law and limited his needs, obeyed and obeyed, otherwise he had to to do this when dealing with people, being strictly warned, and the Chinese said about such a situation - * clamp the fox's tail. *
This is not all, just some signs of the love-passionate desires of bazi cards, intoxicated by these feelings ...

The 7th Position Assassin (7th Assassin, 七杀) is the element that controls the Day Lord and has the same polarity. He is often represented as a warrior or general. This means aggressiveness and a complete lack of sentimentality. Metaphysics teaches us that the presence of the Killer in the 7th Position in the Ba Zi chart does not bode well, since he is the only Star capable of eliminating (killing) the Lord of the Day.

He was called the 7th Position Killer because he is in the 7th position from the Personality Element. We believe:


Robber of Wealth

Injury of the Official

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Assassin in 7th Position

The assassin in 7th Position allows his master to take an aggressive approach in life, gives the ability to shoot first and eliminate interference. Such people always carry out any plan, regardless of the chances of success. For them, the very attempt to achieve the goal is more important than the result. They think that if you try many times, then success will not be long in coming, the only question is the number of approaches.

Their attitude to laws/rules is very peculiar. By nature, such people love to break the established rules, trying to take a dominant position. Most corporations are controlled by the owners of the 7th Assassin. They are not shy about the means to develop success. Revolutionaries at heart, they have an amazing ability to stay strong in times of fear and depression.

Around Wu-Sin:

Metal as Killer in 7th Position for Mister Day Wood– their judgments are pure and clear. Such people do not lose their face and often have strong convictions. And if they decide to act, then (with rare exceptions) they will never turn back.

Water as a Killer in 7th Position for Lord of the Day Fire- Escape is not an option. It is as if a tsunami or a typhoon is moving behind you - their natural destructive power is often incomparable. No discussions or negotiations, your only choice is to sail in their wake.

Tree as Killer in 7th Position for Mister Earth Day Slowly but surely moving towards victory. They are able to wait long and patiently until you yourself give in. And once you're trapped, put on the defensive, burrow into the trenches, they'll get the better of you.

Fire as Assassin in 7th Position for Mister Day Metal- intensive destruction. Such people are capable of dramatic changes, so you may not recognize them after a series of internal transformations. And this process is extremely useful for Metal, without quenching by Fire, it is just a bunch of useless ore.

Earth as a Killer in 7th Position for Lord of the Day Water- a safety valve for furious energy. In fact, it delays the moment of the onset of the inevitable - it focuses aggression, makes it point and objective, and not striving to destroy everything in its path.


You need a Position 7 Assassin if you want to achieve your goals, but use it with care - it's truly a double-edged sword. Personally, I love this Star very much, it is moderately present in my chart and has always helped me get out of life's vicissitudes, which, believe me, were not few. And a lot of women come in with a well-defined 7th Killer, and I think that's great! Yes, you need to be able to control it, because the power in it is simply enormous. And how without it - do you want a powerful magical tool? - then first learn how to use it;)!

Once every few months, in the corresponding topic of the forum of this site, another demoralized user from some other resource necessarily appears and, in utter panic, begins to ask what troubles and disasters he threatens, found in the ba zi map of a relative li, his map, map close - beloved.

What are you afraid of too? Boo!

Let's figure out whether this devil is really as terrible as our inflamed imagination paints him to us. What is this Killer 7 position. He is an Indirect Official, 7 Kills, Extreme Power, Fighting Spirit. So I remember the unforgettable quote "Georgy Ivanovich, he is Goga, he is Gosh, he is Yuri, he is Gora, he is Zhora .."

So this Goga, sorry Killer - he is not a demon, not a spirit, not a star in the ba zi map. This is just one of the 10 deities of the map. And it can be found in any of them.

A reasonable question arises, what kind of deities are they, how to find them and where did they come from?

In order to finally let you go, let's remember the sin. There are 5 elements. Each of these elements in the bu zi card has the forms of yin and yang. And each means something for each particular card. The elements are distributed in the so-called 10 deities - 5 times 2 - yin and yang. Okay, you say, but why in 7th position? And because if you count from the element of personality, or from the Lord of the day, which in this case is Yang Water, clockwise in wu xing, it will just be the seventh, just the seventh in a row. And that's it.

The deities are called, I give you the most common names:

  • Resource. Direct Print. An extraordinary resource. Oblique print.
  • Partners. Brotherhood. Equal shoulder. Rivals. Robber of wealth.

  • Ordinary expression. Spirit of pleasure.
  • Extraordinary self-expression. Officer injured. Challenge of power.
  • Direct wealth. stable wealth.
  • Extraordinary wealth. Propensity for wealth.
  • Correct power. Correct officer.
  • Extraordinary power. Killer 7 position. Indirect Official. 7 kills. Extraordinary power. Fighting spirit.

Look at the map. In the lower right corner, you will just see a diagram of the symbols of the xings, combined in pairs. They are all there. Including the Killer of the seventh position. Specifically in this map, the Killer is Yang Earth.

And now we will calmly move on to understanding what the presence of this deity in our map gives us. Especially if it is in the year of our birth, in the heavenly stem.

Position 7 Assassin or Morale indicates to us a person who wishes to concentrate a large amount of power in his hands. The character of this deity is such and it conveys these features to its owner. This deity can bring both serious career achievements and great danger to life to a person. After all, the Fighting Spirit or Assassin of the 7th position makes a person smart, hungry for power and seeking it by any means. A person with such a deity tends to act unnecessarily impulsively and take everything to the extreme. So imagine what the reaction of others to him. If the deity is unfavorable, its owner may be overwhelmed by his blunders, generally unlucky, suspicious, indecisive. He has no opportunity to demonstrate his power, although the deity incites him to do so. There are no suitable conditions. Career in this case will not be uneven, and any changes will bring new difficulties. If the card contains a lot of Killers of the 7th position, it will be extremely difficult for a person with such a card to fit into society, find his place, become ordinary. One way or another, it will fall outside the boundaries accepted in society. The deity in a woman's map not only indicates the possibility of choosing a free relationship with men, but also indicates that a woman is confident in herself and serious efforts will be needed to earn the right to be her man. Unfortunately, this often complicates a woman's chances of starting a family. Men do not want to compete with a woman in strength, power, they, as a rule, want a comfortable and pleasant life partner.

Here he is - the Killer of the 7th position. Wild but cute :)

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