Essay on the musical activity of preschoolers for the competition. Essay of the musical director of the kindergarten “My profession is a musical gardener

Borisova Gulniza Rashitovna, musical director of the MADOU of the Embaevsky kindergarten "Spring"

Tyumen region, Tyumen district, with. Embaevo

"I'm a music director!"
I am happy when children laugh!
When joy flows in the eyes, warmth.
When they sing, play, the world is in their palm,
A world full of light, wonder and goodness!

In the life of each of us there comes a day when you need to choose your own path. And sometimes our whole life depends on what this choice will be. My path led me to Kindergarten. A cozy two-story building, a friendly, open team of like-minded people, and many, many kids. So, 30 years ago, a new page in my life began: I am the music director of a kindergarten.

Every morning I cross the threshold of my second home. With a habitual gesture, I turn on the light in the already familiar, spacious music hall. Quiet and empty, but not for long. Very soon the whole space will be filled with noisy children's voices, I will meet my inquisitive and curious pupils. Cheerful exercises, festive concerts, and warm meetings with parents are held in this hall, and most importantly, my heart and soul sing along with the guys every day.

Looking into those bright children's eyes, I remember myself as a child. At the age of 5 she was a terribly shy and timid girl, she was afraid to speak in public, but she wanted it so much! I looked with envy at those children who soloed in dancing and singing. Thinking and dreaming: “I want that too!” But… alas… One day our music director Nina Fedorovna suddenly offered me to dance instead of a sick girl. I remember it was a Moldovan dance with tambourines. What happiness was for me, a little girl, and what delight I experienced then! Bright clothes, cheerful music, it seemed that I was the only one clapping my hands! When my mother came for me that day, the teacher praised me: that I have a good sense of rhythm! And now, when I myself am the music director in kindergarten, and every day I meet with my pupils, I note that among the active ones stand out "quiet" and shy children, but this does not mean that they do not want or do not know how - just that they are embarrassed to solo. Therefore, I strive to ensure that none of them sit on chairs and watch the others dance. I try to organize our joint activities in such a way that all children take an active part in the musical process. I select such a repertoire that it is possible to organize as many children as possible in dramatizations, in musical games, in dances and songs with movements.

My desire to choose the profession of a teacher and be with children every day was probably natural. My mother worked as a music teacher at school for 40 years, my older sister works as an elementary school teacher at the same school where my mother once taught and where I studied myself. The desire not to interrupt the family tradition, studying at a music school, love for music and children determined my choice: "I'll be a music teacher!" .

My dream has come true. Every day I sit down at the piano, music flows from under my fingers, and thirty curious children's eyes look at me, which again and again wait for a trip to the World of Music.

Each of my working days is different from the previous one. Being a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, and informative. You can't be a teacher with today's children "yesterday's knowledge" . The world is developing rapidly, time is moving forward, and in order to quickly keep up with it, you need to be interested in all the problems of a small child in time and look for something that will certainly surprise and interest him.

A musical director is not just a profession, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, so that later your pupils will remember their first meetings with music, as I remember it to this day. And the wise man is right who said that it is impossible to instill love for what you do not love yourself. The main purpose of the music director is to bring the beauty of music to every kid so that he can see, understand and feel through it all the charm of this wonderful world.

The work of a real teacher, a teacher is a constant, sometimes exhausting, work that drains health and nerves. You have to devote less time to your family, your child, but what can be compared with the joy when a stupid baby, who still doesn’t really know how to talk, sings to you his "la-la-la" ! And even if they are not yet outstanding singers, dancers and musicians, but to see how at their first graduation ball "gallant cavaliers" invite "beautiful ladies" to your first children's waltz ... believe me, words cannot convey this! I'm really proud of those children who have already matured, singing and dancing on the stage of the local House of Culture. After all, they received their first skills and abilities in kindergarten, and I was involved in enriching their musical culture. Honestly, sometimes I think because of this it is worth living and working!

From the outside, it seems to many that my profession comes down to playing the piano and singing along to children at a matinee. But this is far from true! In fact "music director" is a generalist teacher. He must be able to answer all children's "why" to be able to wake up and support the desire to communicate and perceive the world around through feelings, emotions. He is both a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a sculptor and a reader, a screenwriter and director of holidays.

I not only teach children, but I myself am able to learn from my preschool children. I really like the saying of the wise Confucius: "Master and Student Grow Together" .

My little pupils teach me:

  • cheerfulness (Is it possible to come to class in a bad mood?)
  • mobility, athleticism (If necessary, I'll catch up! And down with the extra weight!)
  • restraint (never raise your voice)
  • tact (everyone has his own character, and even what one!)
  • patience (Well, when will you understand, this is a note "before" , but not "re" )
  • sense of humor (Oh, and let's laugh together!)
  • optimism (we still fight!).

I strive to ensure that children always find it interesting in my classes and holidays, so that at each of our meetings they discover something new, useful and remember it for a long time. And if they ask me what you want to do for your children in the first place, I will answer: I will continue to bring pleasure and joy to children with music lessons, make their life more colorful and happier! And music will help me in this. This is my main goal, and maybe even MISSION.

Essay "I am a teacher"

"Music of the Heart"

It's rare these days to think along with the music to the beat,

After all, more important things meet. Who will tell me that this is not so?

The prose of life is sometimes called the mess of our complex work,

But in spite of everything, bright notes of quiet music awaken.

But in fact, poetry is if kids sing nearby,

And they sound like greetings from childhood, the strings of a young, open soul.

O. Vartanyan

I begin my reflection on the mission of a teacher with the words of the famous musicologist Mikhail Kazinik: “If you want your children to take the first possible step towards the Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. For the vast majority of Nobel laureates in childhood were surrounded by music. For music is food for the brain, all subsequent scientific discoveries are hidden in the structures of music. Both Einstein with the violin and Planck at the piano are not an accident, not a whim, but a Divine necessity.”

It was music lessons that helped me to follow the path of creativity, purposefulness, to achieve success in a profession, choosing the right one means finding my place in life. Looking back, I remember the "pedagogical" taste of mother's milk, singing dad on the stage of the House of Culture, the magic hands of the musical director of the kindergarten, immersing me in the enchanting and mysterious world of music.

Therefore, after graduating from a music and general education school, having received a certificate with all the “fives”, I did not think about where to go, I went to my dream, despite the puzzled looks and exclamations of my classmates: “With your grades and into pedagogy?” Graduated from the Pedagogical College, Vyatka State Pedagogical University. Years have passed, and now I myself am trying to convey the beauty of music to every kid so that he can see, understand and feel all the charm of this amazing musical world.

I am the music director of the kindergarten! What a joy it is to see the enthusiastic eyes of children when for the first time in their lives they begin to understand the universal language of mankind - musical speech, intonation ... Education with music ennobles the soul, refines the child's feelings so much that he becomes receptive to the word, painting, music. Sometimes this does not happen right away, but you have to wait, believe in the child, and then he will definitely fall in love with the beautiful.

The profession I have chosen has its own unique characteristics. I believe that among the necessary qualities that a teacher should possess, love for children and for their profession, the ability to captivate children with an example of their own attitude to musical creativity, to support their desire for creative self-expression, is of particular importance. I always understood that I had to develop creative qualities in myself, allowing me to find non-standard approaches both to the search for new methods and techniques, and to the application of the existing musical and pedagogical experience in the classroom.

From the interest of the child, I extend the thread to his development. The interests and needs of children encourage me to find such methods and techniques of work that would contribute to the most complete disclosure of the unique potential of each child. My task, by identifying the natural inclinations of each child and developing certain abilities on their basis, is to preserve his individuality.

I consider the main function of the music director to be the education of love for music, the creation of an atmosphere of knowledge, the desire to learn more. I teach children not only to focus on their feelings, but also to understand and accept the point of view of other people, "... to think along with the music to the beat ..." In the process of joint musical activity, I give children the opportunity to contemplate art from close and far distances, the opportunity to know themselves through the knowledge of the diversity of music. And my instruments help me in this - music and my own voice.

The sound of the human voice and live music have a beneficial effect on preschoolers, make our hearts beat in unison, because the power of music is fantastic. It makes you cry, laugh, think and worry, think creatively. A person who truly loves the art of music becomes kinder, more tolerant, wiser. He is sensitive and loyal, sincere and open in his feelings, loves and understands close people and the world around him.

In the process of joint singing, children master the skills of proper breathing, and this can be regarded as breathing exercises. Physical health is connected with spiritual, their combination is very important for a person. The more young children sing, the more morally healthy and talented young people, the higher the level of musicality of society, and at the same time the culture of the country.

Musician, teacher, screenwriter, director, designer, decorator - that's how I would define my unique profession. Dedicating myself to the upbringing and education of children, I do not stop improving myself, studying and applying various programs and methods. Bit by bit I collect all the best and most interesting, in order to then give this knowledge to my children.

My main task is to look into the foggy distance of the future, to act now, in the direction that is visible. A happy childhood is a real, bright, original, unique part of life and my profession. It depends on him what kind of person the matured baby will become.Childhood does not go unnoticed. In adulthood, a person takes away all the negative and positive emotions received in childhood. Therefore, taking care of the subtle children's psyche, I strive to ensure that my pupils leave the kindergarten with a large baggage of bright and kind impressions, so that in them "... the strings of a young, open soul sound like greetings from childhood."

“Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.

My profession is a music director… It sounds dry, soulless, monotonous… However, if you take a closer look, you can find a deep meaning in these words. "Musical" - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. "Leader" - giving a hand to the ignorant, afraid, and leading to a new, unknown, beautiful ...

In my opinion, the profession I have chosen is unique! It gives light, teaches you to love, understand, empathize, feel, express, convey your feelings and emotions, attitude to the world around you with various types of art.

I can’t boast that I dreamed of this profession since childhood… Of course, the memories of the “music fairy” from kindergarten were the kindest and most tender. As a child, I was modest and shy, but the musical director of the kindergarten was able to discern my abilities for various types of musical activity, and not a single holiday was complete without my participation in concert numbers. So further my life was accompanied by music in all its manifestations: choreography, mastering the performing arts on the piano, singing in the school choir, playing keyboards (synthesizer) as part of the youth VIA, playing in the main urban group of a group of drummers. And this, respectively, is preparation for exams, competitions, concerts. Therefore, we can say that I know this aspect of life firsthand... Of course, none of this would have happened if it were not for teachers who could see, teach, suggest, direct, help express themselves, reveal confidence, introduce music from its various sides, learn to understand, distinguish and love music!

I had no doubt that my profession would be related to music, but how exactly this would happen was not determined for a long time. The final exams in general education and music schools were approaching. And then one evening I came across my album of photographs from kindergarten ... Memories of a kind, carefree childhood flooded in, I remembered holidays and performances, and then the thought came: “Why shouldn’t I become that very “music fairy” that brought joy to those lovely babies from childhood photos? The choice of profession left no more doubts. And, after 20 years of work in a preschool institution, I did not regret my spontaneous choice.

Getting an education in my specialty, I realized (with the help of highly professional teachers) that the profession of “music director” is not a banal “learned a song”, “listened to music”, “knocked on a tambourine”, but purposeful work on the development of a comprehensively developed personality of a child. At meetings in the music hall, the teacher should know and put into practice the experience and knowledge of children from various fields of education: social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, speech, physical development, and conduct all this through the prism of acquaintance with the world of music.

By means of music, the formation of the social and moral side of the future personality takes place. I try to instill in my pupils the foundations of philanthropy, justice, love and affection for close people, for my native land, for my Fatherland. In this regard, I include in my work with children works of a corresponding orientation, thematic musical leisure, holidays, entertainment, concert programs.

My pedagogical principle is to help the child open up, to let him feel his faith in the success of education. For me, every child is a unique, unique individual. He is open to goodness and beauty, sensitive to lies. As a crystal bell pleases the ear with its euphony, so the soul of a child responds to the harmony of beauty. How a child perceives himself depends on how we evaluate him. I try to find in the child’s soul the “needed string”, which will respond with a beautiful unique sound and make you believe in yourself.

I think that the special function of the music director is not the direct transmission of information, but the creation of an atmosphere of knowledge, the desire to learn more. I teach children not only to focus on their feelings, but also to understand and accept the point of view of other people "to think along with the music to the beat ...". When meeting with music, I try to give children the opportunity to contemplate art from close and far distances, to know themselves through the knowledge of the diversity of music. A.S. said this very well. Pushkin in the "Monument":

“... And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre ... "

The success of work on the musical development and education of children is impossible without the joint activities of the music director and teachers of preschool educational institutions, whose work is primarily aimed at preserving the health of children. Health saving is a priority in the work of our preschool educational institution, since according to medical statistics, the number of preschool children with chronic diseases is increasing every year. Science has proven that musical development is inextricably linked with the physical well-being of the child. Singing develops the vocal apparatus, speech, strengthens the vocal cords, regulates the breathing of children. Rhythm improves the child's posture, coordination, confidence and plasticity of movements. Listening to music improves mental health. In this regard, I include innovative methods and health-saving technologies in my teaching practice - mobile music games, dynamic pauses, finger games, breathing exercises, logorhythmics, music therapy.

All this requires great preparation, everyday emotional attitude, constant improvement of self-education. With great interest I always get acquainted with the experience of my colleagues, both at the level of the city, region, and at the All-Russian level, I try to follow the latest methodological developments in the field of musical education and apply them in my practice.

I often re-read the aphorisms and sayings of famous people and understand how accurately they managed to notice and convey in words all the subtleties of the impact of music on a person, on his soul. So, even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Music is able to have a certain effect on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people. And this is the indisputable wisdom of a person who understands the great power of music! The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted that “music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings." It is in the process of perceiving music that such feelings as delight, inspiration, joy, alertness, pity can be born. And for a child, these can be feelings still unknown, not experienced - tension, excitement, empathy. What responsibility lies with those who introduce children into this world... This responsibility lies with me as well. Our contemporary poet A. Zabelin said: "There is no music more beautiful in the world than that which sounds in the hearts of people." I think these words have a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. After all, if magic music sounds in a person’s heart, it means that goodness, joy and happiness come from him. And even in moments of sorrow, if there is music of sadness and pain in someone's heart, it is also beautiful and sincere! After all, it is not for nothing that at all times music, a song accompanied a person in different periods of his life - lullabies were sung to a baby, labor songs facilitated work, ritual songs served as the basis for numerous ritual actions - the glorification of the mysterious forces of nature.

A professional portrait of a teacher is “drawn” by his deeds: skillfully organized educational activities, interesting holidays, spectacles, entertainment, smiles on the faces of the children and, of course, creative business contacts with parents.

Parents are present at various musical events. They observe how their children have progressed in development. And in order to make these steps more confident, it is simply necessary to work in close contact with the parents of the pupils. Indeed, the modern world, unfortunately, overshadows close communication with their children, conversations, listening to "children's" music in the family circle, singing lullabies to children ... But this is so necessary for every child! How right those who argue that children must be protected from the impact of heavy rhythms and disharmony, which are often heard by modern children in the family. Therefore, I try to involve parents in joint activities with children and preschool teachers in preparation for various events; I regularly speak at parent meetings, where I conduct various game master classes, conduct individual consultations, post information in information stands, introduce parents to the system of additional education in the city of Volgodonsk, and regularly post information on the website of the preschool educational institution.

“If at the most tender age, when a person is so receptive to everything beautiful, we awaken an artist in him, develop his ear and give him the necessary knowledge, then the subsequent life of our people will become immeasurably richer and fuller” (D. Shostakovich).

What is a modern music director in a preschool educational institution? This is a teacher, psychologist, accompanist, artistic director, choreographer, screenwriter, sound engineer, director of performances and concerts, designer and costume designer all rolled into one. Life does not stand still. Generations of children change, their interests change. And, in order to be interesting for their pupils, to know what they “breathe”, they are interested in, it is simply necessary to “keep abreast of the times”. After years of a busy musical life in kindergarten, I realized for myself how important the work of a music director is for the kindergarten as a whole. This musical world is the soul of every preschool educational institution. Music unites children, their parents and educators together. The communicative properties of music are strong and unique. Perhaps this is too loud, but I think that every music director should strive to be a worthy "face" of the kindergarten.

Sometimes it's hard! But it's worth it! Because it is unusually pleasant as a result to see the result of your work in the pupils. It is very warm and joyful in my soul when a child “opens up” before your eyes, becomes a “little artist”, always eagerly strives to the music hall: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create. And how nice it is to see your graduates in the composition of various creative teams of our city and to realize that you also contributed to the development of the child's creative abilities, prompted parents, directed, gave a ticket to the vast world of art!

Everything that is important for children is always not in vain! Therefore, if you want to be useful, choose a job related to children, you can’t go wrong! I am sure that my profession will open more than one of its new facets to me. I am ready to develop, learn and remain a "fairy of music" for my pupils in the future. I am a music director and proud of it!

I would like to end my essay with the words of the famous musicologist, teacher Mikhail Kazinik: “If you want your children to take the first possible step towards the Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. For music is food for the brain, all subsequent scientific discoveries are hidden in the structures of music. I. Einstein with the violin, and Planck at the piano - not an accident, not a whim, but a divine necessity.

“If in early childhood the beauty of a musical work is conveyed to the heart, if the child feels the many-sided shades of human feelings in the sounds, then he will rise to such a level of culture that cannot be achieved by any other means”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

It was a long time ago. In the family of Nikolai and Valentina, a daughter, Masha, was born. Masha grew up as a mischievous girl, with a kind soul and a large supply of energy, moderately noisy, but that's how she tried to sing her first notes ... Less than a year later she was taken to kindergarten, where her musical and dancing abilities began to manifest.

Years passed. The girl grew up. Here is the first class. And at the age of 8, my mother took her daughter by the hand and took her to a music school.What it was, she didn't know. She only knew that she would be taught music... It was a new world for her. The world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. Masha learned to feel the universe around her ... not just to see, touch, but also to feel inside herself, passing through her heart and soul. The girl learned to merge with the music. Masha studied at a music school in the accordion class and successfully completed it. Mom and dad and her whole family were very happy about the success of their daughter.

After leaving school, Masha enters the Slavgorod Pedagogical College, because she decided to connect her life with children and music.

1996 - the final exams are over, in the hands of the long-awaited diploma. And on the threshold of kindergarten No. 4 "Firefly" is no longer a young girl Masha, but a graduate Sharova Maria Nikolaevna.

Working in a kindergarten as a music director, I found my recognition - this is music and children. Children are our future. They always demand something new, interesting, emotional. Leaving the walls of the kindergarten, everyone will go their own way. We, teachers, must do everything so that children grow up smart, healthy, reliable, worthy citizens of our country.

My pedagogical principle is to help the child open up. Each baby is a unique, inimitable personality. It is open to goodness and beauty. The most amazing thing is that together with the kids I am learning to understand music in a new way, sincerely, without deceit.

I believe that a music director should be a teacher - a generalist. He is a musician, singer and choreographer, director and screenwriter, costume designer and artist. Yes, it is difficult, but it is worth it when you see the enthusiastic eyes, the emotions of children and parents. Let not all pupils become professionals, but they will grow up to be real people.

I am very grateful to my teachers, teachers - mentors. They helped me rise to a new stage of my development.

I am characterized by the desire for the maximum personal contribution to the renewal of the kindergarten. A broad outlook, pedagogical tact, organizational skills help me to cooperate fruitfully with colleagues, parents, cultural workers, which as a result improves the quality of my events: matinees, competitions, entertainment.

I am an active participant in all events, methodological associations, I share my experience with colleagues, for many years I have been the chairman of the trade union committee of the preschool educational institution, I enjoy the well-deserved respect of colleagues and parents.

Life in kindergarten should be bright, rich in impressions, like a good, interesting book, the best pages of which will be holidays!

A modern teacher should be professionally literate, have a broad outlook, know regulatory documents, introduce innovative technologies into work with children, and be able to establish contacts with children and adults. That's the kind of music director I am.

Alfira Kalinina Ravinovna
Music director essay

Essay"I am a teacher"

O, music. How beautiful you are. You plunge us into the world of colors, feelings, emotions... You make us live, love, create... You are affectionate, gentle, sometimes angry, but only you are perceived by the heart and soul.

Is it possible to live without music? I think not. Music is not a hobby, this is a component of your life, like work, family, friends ...

Music director is more than a profession, it provides an opportunity to realize creative potential. « Musical» - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. « Supervisor» - giving a hand to the ignorant, afraid, and leading to the new, unknown, beautiful ... We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel. This profession organically combines many types of art, and at the same time music director responsible for the spiritual world pupils: after all, you are not only musician, you are a poet and composer, screenwriter and director, choirmaster and choreographer. And above all - a psychologist and a teacher!

I am proud of my profession, because I dedicate my life to children. To those who have not comprehended the secrets of our work, it seems everyday: plans, scenarios, developments…. And, in essence, it is joyful, since the purest, most sincere people are next to us - our children.

Working with preschool children, I never cease to be amazed at how amazing, funny, capable, talented, and curious they are. Each child is unique in its own way, with its own character and mood, talent and unpredictability. And the future of my students depends on what I know and can do, what I will teach them.

The highest achievement of my work is to develop creative abilities in children, to instill love and interest in art in children and their parents. When my children grow up and become adults, they will appreciate my efforts. The best reward for my work will be the opportunity for my students to live in harmony with the wonderful world music.

During my stay in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with different ages: from the younger nursery to the preparatory group for school, and I will say, without hiding, that every age has its own "highlight", their distinctive features. When you work with a younger age, you watch how they listen carefully, with their mouths open, listen to songs, try to sing along, and in the preparatory group I never get tired of admiring the successes that children achieve - they themselves sing, dance, emotionally recite poems, fantasize.

Every time the children leave the kindergarten after the prom, I remember the whole path that we have traveled together and my part of the soul goes with them.

I am proud that my former pupils greet me when they meet, share their news and achievements. I am even more happy when I find out that my students continue to study music, go to theater, dance and vocal studios. Do you think I managed to instill a love of art. Of course, not everyone is given the opportunity to become an artist, but I want to believe that children will remember our classes in kindergarten with delight, and will enter the future with confidence, will be able to easily walk through life.

The time of progress inexorably provides an opportunity for self-improvement. Of no small importance for providing the child with a positive sense of self is the content musical activity. To satisfy the curiosity of a modern child, knowledge of modern methods and technologies is necessary. I try to learn, study, test something new, fresh in the field musical education keep up with new technologies, methodologies: I widely use rhythmic recitation, flash mob, animated dances, quest, project activities in my work. I develop a love for patriotism through folklore, I select material so that there is a good, moral beginning, I take into account the themes and age characteristics of children. Thanks to this, our classes and holidays are held in an atmosphere of ease, freedom, friendly communication. I can say with confidence that musical activity is an active, creative process that promotes intensive personal growth and development. In each type of this activity, the child can successfully realize his abilities, satisfy the needs of the individual. And this is a positive feeling. And it will become even deeper and brighter if children cooperate with loved ones. people: parents, grandparents. In the process of such co-creation - children, families and teachers - boys and girls become active, inquisitive, independent and achieve good results. To make parents my comrades-in-arms, active participants in the lives of children, I conduct consultations, master classes, exchange of experience, open shows with the participation of parents, quizzes, intellectual music games, reporting concerts, excursions, joint participation in competitions, and much more. I was convinced that in the process of joint activities, children begin to perceive their parents in a new way, as allies. With our pupils, we take an active part not only in the events held inside the kindergarten, but also in city festivals and competitions and win prizes.

Kindergarten is never boring, every day is filled with something new and unexpected. It is simply impossible to calculate the situation. Where does my day start? FROM music. How does the day end for me? music. In the morning, invigorating exercises, and then wonderful trips with children to the world open up music.

At work, daily self-education in communication with children, colleagues, parents. During my work, fate brought me together with wonderful people. I learn difficult skills from more experienced and older teachers, and young colleagues are happy to support the use of new methods and technologies.

Coming home with thoughts about work, new ideas are constantly born in my head, sometimes songs do not leave me even at home, I start to sing - my family sing along with me with pleasure. Despite the workload and employment, I manage to fulfill my family responsibilities. My son is in first grade. I am interested in his school life, I know what first-graders do in singing lessons, so it is not difficult for me to organize my work in such a way that there is continuity with the school. I ask what do you want to do? His answer is to sing, and he is also my pupil.

In my free time, I like to treat myself to an exciting book, I like to participate and win in various competitions myself. The most significant award for me is the laureate of the 3rd degree in the 52nd International Festival-Competition "WORD ART", Yekaterinburg, 2016.

I think the profession music director became my vocation, helped me find my way, my place in life, gave me the opportunity to sincerely devote myself to my beloved work, give my love, knowledge to children and not burn out from it. After thinking about everything, I come to the conclusion that I am happy human: I have a wonderful family, an exciting profession.

Own essay I would like to end with the wonderful words of B. Brecht: "All kinds of art serve the greatest of the arts - the art of living on earth!" Whatever the little man becomes, whatever art he prefers, it is important that he becomes a HUMAN.

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