How do cats walk on a large tray. Why does a cat "walk" past the tray

Animals are our constant companions, because they bring so much love, tenderness and warmth into our lives. Cats, combining independence and the ability to faithfully love their owner, are quite simple to keep at home. However, for wellness a pet and the absence of misunderstandings in life together with him, you should acquire some mandatory knowledge about the features of care.

What do you need to get first?

So you've decided to get a pet. The kid should come to your house, having already a complete set of the necessary cat "dowry":

  • high-quality food (the kitten should grow up strong and healthy);
  • bowls for food and water (in proportion to its age and weight, because, for example, a bowl for a Singapura cat weighing up to two kg in adulthood differs from a bowl of Maine Coon, whose weight reaches up to 15 kg);
  • special scratching post with an attractive smell;
  • cat litter or tray.

Here is the last item on our list - a cat tray, which is rather one of the first necessary attributes for a small kitten in an apartment. And especially it begins to manifest itself when the cat refuses to go into it.

Why is the tray so important?

Often kittens instinctively begin to use the tray. The mother cat also teaches them this by burying excrement. Therefore, most likely, your pet will already be able to use it by the age of 3 months.

This is the most successful outcome of such an important matter. But it also happens the other way around: the kitten categorically refuses to “go to the potty”, and the smell of cat urine is one of the most difficult odors to remove. In addition, this smell is very unpleasant, and if it gets on a carpet or upholstery of a chair or sofa, it can become almost eternal.

How to teach a kitten to go to the tray?

Having brought the baby to a new apartment for him, it is worth first of all to show him where his toilet is now. When arranging the tray, it should be remembered that cats observe strict confidentiality in the toilet, so the cat's toilet should be located in a calm and quiet place. Place the kitten in the tray, while using its paws, make several movements resembling burrowing. Repeat this simple exercise several times a day, especially after eating, sleeping and after playing.

If the baby managed to do everything right, be sure to praise him, stroke him. The kitten must understand that his actions are appreciated, then he will want to receive affection from you more often and going to the toilet will become a familiar procedure for him. And for you - the absence of a headache.

One option for litter box training is to place not one, but several cat litter boxes. This will allow the baby, firstly, to quickly reach him if necessary, and secondly, to make a choice and feel more independent. Independence is one of the main character traits of cats. In addition, this option is especially suitable if you do not always have time to remove the soiled filler and replace it with fresh one - one of the trays will be cleaner anyway.

In pet stores, there is a product such as a special spray that attracts cats to their toilet. This is also one of the ways to accustom a kitten to his tray. The effectiveness of this method is very relative, this tool helps someone "excellently", someone does not help at all. But you can try it.

What to do if the kitten does not go to the tray?

If you see that the baby did not use his tray for its intended purpose, you should not punish him, much less beat him. Little kitty, who has fallen into a new place for him, may simply be confused or frightened, and therefore make a mistake. A loud cry also frightens the animal, while he does not understand why you are swearing. It is better to strictly explain to your pet why you are unhappy, and then thoroughly wash the place that your pet has soiled with a cleaning agent. You can also spray this place with a special spray that has a sharp smell unpleasant for cats. The kitten should be taken to its tray and in a soft, calm voice explain that it is better to go to the toilet here.

You can attract a kitten to your tray by changing the filler - today there is a huge selection of both manufacturers and types of cat litter. Therefore, if your fluffy (or not so) baby refuses to go to his toilet, try changing the filler. And to determine which filler is more to your pet's liking, you can pour it into two different trays different types fillers: where the kitten will go to the toilet more often, that filler should be left to him.

There are also several various types trays for cats. Try to experiment with them and find exactly the look that suits your kitten. For example, trays with walls and a roof (the so-called closed ones) are perfect for very modest and shy kittens, as well as those who bury their feces very intensively - this will save you from scattering filler throughout the apartment.

Also make sure that the existing tray does not have too high sides - it is inconvenient for the kitten to climb into it due to its small size. As your baby grows, the litter box will likely need to be replaced with a more comfortable litter box with higher sides.

And also make sure that the cat litter box is constantly clean, because cats are very squeamish animals, and they are unlikely to want to go into a dirty litter box.

If, despite all efforts, the kitten continues to stubbornly go to the toilet past his tray, he has constipation or diarrhea, be sure to take him to the veterinarian - timely monitoring of his condition will save you and your baby from many possible problems.

If the cat went to the tray stably and without whims, and then suddenly his “surprises began to appear not in the tray, but nearby, and this happens more and more often - look for the reason in the tray or in the filler. There can be no other options.

The most common reason why cats don't poop in a litter box is smell. Many cats and cats refuse to "do business" in the tray if it already smells. A cat's nose is much more sensitive to smells than a human's. If you are using a litterless litter box with a grate, clean it more often with a neutral odor toilet cleaner and rinse with plenty of water. If an indelible plaque has already formed on the tray, you will have to replace the tray with a new one.

There are such "thin feline natures" who generally categorically refuse to go to the tray if it is not cleaned there. Usually such a cat will tell you that the tray can and should be washed immediately after the toilet. If the owners are at work all day and there is no way to constantly wash the cat tray, you will have to retrain the pet: pour good filler absorbing odors. Alternatively, if space permits, several trays can be placed.

If a grown cat began to crap past the tray, another option is possible - the tray has become simply small for him, so the unfortunate one misses, trying to fit on a tiny "patch". Buy a bigger tray for your pet - and the problem will be solved. The optimal size is one and a half times longer than a cat (without a tail).

Even the most expensive and high-quality filler has a limited lifespan. The clumping drive is recommended to be completely replaced approximately every 2-3 weeks. And thoroughly wash the tray itself. If you do not do this, but simply add a new filler to replace the removed one, then the residue gradually acquires an unpleasant odor, so the cat shits next to the tray, expresses its protest.

Trouble can also occur during the period of changing the filler. Remember, if “heaps” and puddles near the tray appeared after replacing the filler (especially when using a different type of filler) or the tray itself, you will have to choose another option: the cat obviously didn’t like something in the novelty.

The cat shits on the bed: what to do?

Is there an odorous stain on your bed? At first, you do not believe your eyes ... But you have to believe your own nose: cat "gifts" cannot be confused with anything. It makes you want to properly reprimand the scoundrel, or even hit on the arrogant red (or black, that's not the point) muzzle. Stop! So you won't achieve anything. Experienced cat owners will immediately say: punishing a cat is a pointless exercise.

You can sharply express your displeasure, and even punish the animal. But only if you caught him directly at the time of the "crime". Moreover, in no case should it be used for punishment. own hand. The owner's hand should be associated in a pet only with pleasant things: affection, food. For educational purposes, it is permissible to lightly slap with a folded newspaper, a rustling (and therefore scary) bag, or even better - sprinkle water from a spray bottle - unpleasant and absolutely painless.

Most often, the owner has to deal not with the “criminal” himself, but with the result of his “crime”. Moreover, the culprit himself usually hides, knowing full well that the owner's wrath is inevitable. It is often enough just to look at the cat to understand that he has messed up somewhere. And here you will have to analyze your behavior, family relationships, innovations in order to understand the reason for such a defiant violation of order. After all, it is clear that the pet itself is well aware of the inadmissibility of such behavior and does it on purpose, wanting to demonstrate something ... What is it?

One reason is puberty. The grown cat is actively looking for a girlfriend, expressing his desire with his voice, marks on the doorposts. If the owner does not react in any way, then the pet may be “offended”: in the end, it is the beloved owner who usually solves any problems. And the cat will express his resentment in such an unpleasant way.

How to proceed? If your plans do not include the creation of a home cattery, if your cat is not a valuable breeding animal, the best option is castration. In vain, some (especially men) think that in this way they are depriving their pet of the “joys of life”. In fact, the cat will become much calmer and happier when it does not periodically literally “climb the wall” from sexual hunting. And his behavior is likely to change for the better.

Hosts thoroughbred cat more difficult. Even if a "queue" of brides is periodically lined up to the cat, there will certainly be periods of calm. In addition, most clubs set limits on the number of matings per year. And what to do if you come across a very "temperamental man"? A simple and harmless way to slightly reduce the intensity of manifestations in a cat is the homeopathic preparation "Cat Bayun", which contains sedatives. It is given according to the instructions 3 times a day.

Another reason why a cat shits in the master's bed is a disease. The pet wants to “get through” to the slow-witted owners, to explain to them that it is in pain and discomfort. This usually occurs due to urolithiasis, kidney disease, constipation and anal fissures, which makes the process itself painful for the animal. If the owners do not notice the torment of the pet, then in this way he just wants to inform them: “I feel bad!” The most appropriate behavior would not be to punish the unfortunate animal, but to visit the veterinary clinic.


With any deviation in the behavior of the cat from the usual, the most correct reaction of the owners is to first make sure that the pet is healthy.

Means that the cat did not crap

It will not be easy to wean a cat from shitting on the master's bed without understanding the reasons and eliminating them. Most effective way- physically block access, simply put, close the door. However, the owners must be prepared for the escalation of the situation. Alternatively, the cat will break through at any opportunity and already mischief literally before our eyes. The pet may choose another tactic - the excrement will soon be found in your favorite slippers or evening shoes.

Another method suggested folk wisdom» - to cover the bed with newspapers or rustling plastic bags - also does not always work.

It is much more effective to use scents. The smell of citrus fruits, bleach will scare away the cat. If the cat shits in the corner, then the place is washed with a solution of bleach. It is better to sprinkle furniture with lemon juice or press on an orange peel. There are also special sprays that scare away cats. However, their smell is often too harsh even for the human nose. In addition, the smell is not a panacea. It will disappear - and the cat will again take up its own.

Sometimes a cat starts to shit if it appears in the house New furniture, new member families. For him, this is a stressful situation, the possibility of losing status, extraneous smells. And The best way to demonstrate to everyone "This is my house!" - mark the maximum number of items with your excrement. If you are in such a situation, the best option there will be increased attention and respect for the pet, every kind of demonstration of his status. Then the cat will calm down for "its" territory - and the problem will be solved by itself. A simple wiping of objects with a cloth that was previously “washed” by a cat or a cat can also help. There are many glands on the muzzle of cats that secrete specific odorous substances - it is not in vain that they rub against everything. Objects treated in this way will acquire an almost imperceptible smell for a person, but quite noticeable for a cat. And therefore, additional "processing" is not required.

Have you ever wondered why your pet walks past the tray? Sooner or later, unfortunately, everyone faces this. When a cat urinates in the wrong place, the owners often blame her for the so-called "stubbornness". But in fact, everything is not so simple, and cats have other arguments in this regard.

Very often, the owners get tired of the tricks of their wards and get rid of them out of desperation. But the fact is that the owners cannot understand the natural behavior of animals, given to them by nature.

So, the most common problem of unwillingness to urinate in the right place is the cleanliness of the cat. That is, the cat will show that it does not intend to sit in a dirty tray and sit next to it. Well, in this case, there is only one way out: remove from the tray in time, eliminate the smell.

A cat may go to the toilet past the tray for the following reasons:

  1. One tray. It also happens that our furry friends cannot do all their business in one tray. So, you need 2 trays to cope with small and large needs.
  2. Has your animal ever refused to go into a completely clean tray with fresh litter? So, it turns out that the reason strange behavior maybe in a scoop, which stands next to the container. There was a smell on the scoop and that's it, it already scares your cat away.
  3. Wrong tray size. Yes, it is the size that affects how willingly the cat will empty into this tray. The cat's toilet should not strain it, let alone crowd it; after all, this is a place that, of course, should be comfortable and clean.
  4. Isn't it a tray? If your pet at least once relieved himself in the wrong place, then you know that he will go there the next time, but by the smell. This place is marked, which means it's already a tray. So that the animal does not crap in this place, you need to eliminate the smell. And do not try to treat with bleach, it will only increase the smell (due to ammonia, which is contained in both there and there).
  5. They interfered with the process. And who would like it if someone was watching your personal file? Of course, no one will like it. It's also annoying for cats. Even the fact that they are spying on her is out of the question about extraneous noise.
  6. Detergent odors. After cleaning the tray, the smell may remain on it, which is not entirely pleasant for the cat. It is he who scares the fluffy.
  7. Bad place for a toilet. It happens that the owners choose a corridor as a place for a cat tray - this is not a very good choice. Better, of course, a toilet or bathroom. In general, the place where it is quiet and secluded and it is desirable that you go there infrequently.

Now you have got acquainted with some rules and behavior of cats. And it's not that hard, it turns out. You just need to follow the rules and control the situation.

The magazine "" recalls: If you suddenly notice that your pet has made a puddle, do not despair, analyze the situation, think about what is wrong in the "cat litter box".

  1. Why do cats walk past the litter box?

    Hygiene problems arose when the cat received the status of a resident of the city and its living space was limited to an apartment. Rural and homeless murks prefer to relieve themselves exclusively on the street. Their owners are unfamiliar with the concept of "cat tray" or "odor-trapping adsorbent filler." Animals choose a secluded corner in the garden, carefully prepare a place for themselves, tearing the ground with their paws, and at the end of the procedure they sprinkle everything with earth.
    City cats are different. they should relieve themselves in the places designated for this by a person, in special trays located in a convenient (from our point of view) place. And only there!
    Deviation from the conditions set by us, a pile or puddle in the middle of the room, and even on the carpet, causes us legitimate indignation. Having scolded the "terrible" kitty and poked her nose into the deed disgrace, we explain to her for a long time that this should not happen again in the future, then we take up the rag and clean everything up. Then we put the "hooligan" in the tray and say that you need to "walk" exclusively here and nowhere else. But once again, after returning from work, we again try to look out for possible puddles.
    In fact, as with many similar behavioral problems, the reason for abandoning the tray is the owner’s inattention, the inability to assess the situation from the point of view of the cat, often ordinary human laziness or simply the cat’s ill health.
    At its core, a cat is a very clean animal, whose hygiene habits are dictated by the instinct of self-preservation, and any deviation is caused either by our inability to create a comfortable toilet for the cat, or by the disease of the animal itself.

    A cat never shits just like that, to spite us or in retaliation for his grievances. Try to understand why she does not use the litter box and how to wean her from this bad habit.

  2. First of all, assess the physical condition of your cat. Refusal of the tray is the first sign of many diseases, and outwardly the cat may seem completely healthy. It is best to take the cat to the veterinarian for a thorough examination and do urine and stool tests. This is especially important when it comes to an elderly cat. Arthritis may bother her, it hurts her once again to raise her paw to climb into the pallet. Kidney disease and inflammation are very common in cats Bladder, all this also leads to leaving puddles anywhere. Constipation, abdominal pain, diabetes, or an overactive thyroid, even a sore on the ball of your foot, can all cause litter failure. Still, puddles throughout the apartment are most often caused by some kind of ailment.
    If the cat is healthy and the doctor did not reveal any abnormalities, then in this case such behavior is a direct reproach to us, the owners, who have forgotten one of the main commandments of "cat people". Keeping the litter box clean is the responsibility of every cat owner. The cleaning procedure will not take much time, it is not necessary to shake out all the filler daily, it is only important to remove the contaminated filler. needed once a week spring-cleaning litter box: rinse litter box hot water with the addition of "Domestos", then rinse thoroughly.
    The next reason for rejecting the tray is the quality of the filler itself. What kind of litter will your cat prefer? Maybe the cheapest? Or vice versa, the latest "brand? At first, when you buy a kitten - consult with the breeder what kind of filler the kitten is accustomed to. And use this. old filler. And each time increase the amount of new filler. So it is easier for the cat to get used to the new one. Watch the cat. If she still sits on the usual filler, fumbles in the tray for a long time, and then literally flies out like a bullet, meowing hysterically - it means "new" the filler does not suit her, even if it is the best of all.better not risk it - cats are capricious and picky in the sense of their toilet.
    Whatever product you choose, the last word always for the cat. She doesn't care that the ultra-modern granules are very hygienic, practical and neutralize all unpleasant odors. A cat may stubbornly prefer, for example, simple sand or sawdust.
    Does the amount of filler in the tray matter? - Better layer 5-6 cm.
    Can I buy a new tray and replace it? - If the cat does not like the shape and size of the tray, you will have to buy a copy of the old tray. A not always closed tray (in the form of a whole house - it is also called a "bio toilet") is good for a cat, she may not like it at all. After all, cats should see everything around, as if surveying the territory. The tray must match the size of the animal.
  3. A well-chosen place for the toilet is a guarantee that the cat will be a smart and clean cat.

    The main thing is that in the place where the tray is located, it should be quiet and calm, the noise can frighten the cat, even if it is the noise from the washing machine.
    Don't put the litter box next to your cat's food. They never eat in the same place where they go to the toilet. Do not put lots on the aisle. Only a secluded place!
    Sometimes it happens that a cat walks "in a small way" diligently, and "in a big way" prefers to walk somewhere nearby. Problem solving is easy! Set up two trays with different litter and make sure your cat never does both "things" in the same place.
    If several cats live in the house, then toilet problems arise more often, which means that each cat should have its own toilet, and it's good to have one more - a spare one. If the cats are in a quarrel, then one of them may prefer a place in the room to the usual tray. Then separate the quarreling cats for a while, let them calm down, and then you can reconcile them by letting them into one room. Caress them. Feed together. If there is both a dog and a cat in the house, then it is better to put the tray in a place inaccessible to the dog (although this is not easy). Then the cat will be comfortable.

  4. She put on by!! Horror! What to do?

    If nevertheless "embarrassment" occurred, what to do? Stop, calm down, do not shout, do not poke your nose into what you have done! The cat will still understand nothing! But he will only harbor a grudge against you, and even more "hate" his place. (It will be associated with painful sensations, the cause of which is your incontinence). One spank can break the idyll that has developed between you. Maybe she's unwell? Experiment with the filler, tray, place for the tray, during your absence, limit the cat's territory to one room with a tray. If you are at home, watch the cat, its behavior. You can put the tray in the place where the cat messed up, and then gradually move the tray to the place you need. But that doesn't always help.
    The sooner you guess true reason refusal to use the toilet and take appropriate measures, the stronger the cat will become clean again.

    Do not forget that good relationship with a cat in any situation - whether she behaves impeccably or "hooligan" - will help to overcome all difficulties.

  5. It seems to me that cats take revenge in this way. One has only to scold and begin. Everyone loves affection and does not tolerate strict upbringing.
  6. Ilona Lavnik said:

    It seems to me that cats take revenge in this way. One has only to scold and begin. Everyone loves affection and does not tolerate strict upbringing.

    Click to reveal...

    There is also such a reason.
    In general, it is useless to punish a cat, as well as to poke her nose into a puddle, especially after a while. She has already forgotten what she did and will not understand why you are punishing her. Or maybe even think that you are showing the place where you need to go to the toilet.

  7. What to do if the cat stopped going to the tray?

    First of all, you need to pull yourself together and face the truth: a cat is not a person and it is pointless to look for human motives in her actions. The reason why the cat suddenly stopped using the litter box is most likely specific and moral character cats are completely unrelated. Therefore, it is useless to appeal to feline prudence, and poking your muzzle into a pile or puddle, and even more so spanking with a slipper and screaming, is cruel and harmful.

    What are the reasons for the unscrupulous behavior of a cat and how can the situation be corrected?

    One of the most common reasons that an already adult cat or a cat unexpectedly chose not their usual tray, but a secluded corner, an old rug, or even a soft and warm master's bed as a place of “thinking about the eternal” is pain. Numerous diseases can cause the so-called "pain syndrome", which leads to a change in the behavior of animals. Its mechanism is as follows: a cat, pissing in a tray, feels pain and connects it with the tray. Subsequently, this kitty will look for another place to urinate, sometimes choosing something soft and cozy where she feels completely safe.

    Therefore, the first actions of any responsible owner should be aimed at eliminating a possible disease: contact a veterinarian, do the necessary tests and studies (as a rule, if the cat pees in the wrong place, the doctors of the Zoovet veterinary center recommend taking urine tests, possibly blood and do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to exclude the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system).

    If the health of the cat does not cause concern, the next thing to exclude is sex marks. If a young animal reaches sexual maturity (1-1.5 years or earlier) and at the same time begins to mark, then castration will become the main method of correcting behavior. Distinctive features territory marking: cats mark with a “jet”, while furniture, vertical surfaces, and household items suffer. Cats mark with a small amount of urine in different places, sometimes also with a jet (as a rule, marking the territory in cats coincides with the period of "sexual hunting").

    Third possible cause ignoring the tray may be severe stress associated with the appearance of a new family member (person or animal), moving, repairing, buying new furniture, or a cat's fright at the very moment when she decided to use her tray. Such stress may well be excessive for the cat and often leads to the fact that the cat begins to choose to defecate in a more secluded and protected place than former place tray. In this case, it is necessary to stop or minimize the effect of the factor that frightens the cat as soon as possible and create conditions so that she can use the tray without fear (it is highly desirable to use light sedatives: Feliway (diffuser) or herbal drops: "Fitex" or "Cat Baiyun"). It would be best to place in each room where there were “cat surprises” a tray with a familiar and pleasant cat filler, and when she starts using them regularly, you will need to slowly start cleaning them up, but no faster than one a day.

    If objective reason such an unpleasant change in the behavior of the cat cannot be detected, then it is possible that the size of the tray (too large or small according to the cat) causes dislike, the filler (you need to try using several types of fillers to choose the one that the cat likes. As a rule, cats choose more small and loose filler, like Catsan'a, in which you can pre-dig). Also, the cat may not like the place where the tray is located (noisy, located on the aisle, open, unprotected place).

    The following must be done:

    Put several trays in favorite places for the cat, different sizes and with different heights of the sides, if the cat continues to ignore the trays, change the filler and choose the one that the cat prefers. Carefully monitor the cat during this period - if you notice that she began to scrape the floor, meow suspiciously, fuss in one place - you need to carefully put her on the tray, affectionately saying how wonderful she is.

    In no case should we forget that it is the smell that signals the cat where her toilet is! Any of the above methods of correcting the cat's problematic behavior must be backed up by the complete elimination of the smell of cat urine and excrement in unwanted places. To do this, thoroughly wash the places where the cat urinated or defecated with a solution that does not contain chlorine (chlorine will only increase the smell of urine). Can be used washing powders marked "bio" and special products for getting rid of the smell of cat urine, which are now commercially available in sufficient quantities. To consolidate the result, it is better to treat these places with a strong-smelling agent that is unpleasant for the cat: Asterisk ointment, a special repellent, or decompose lemon or orange peels.

    The ideal option is to make the place that you do not want to give to the cat for a toilet inaccessible and / or unpleasant for him. To do this, narrow manholes and passages can be barricaded plastic bottles and cardboard boxes(they can also be treated with a repellent spray on top) so that the cat cannot crawl through there. If the cat preferred the bed to the tray, then cover it with polyethylene, on which stick double-sided tape on top. The cat, having jumped on the bed, will stick, get upset, and understand that this place is not so pleasant and cozy, and in general, the tray is much more convenient for the toilet! It will be possible to remove bottles, boxes and polyethylene in about 2 months, when the cat will completely forget that it once dreamed of a cozy corner under the bed.

    And most importantly, remember that a cat, of course, will not be able to resist human patience, generosity and perseverance, and the joy of hitting the tray will reward all the efforts expended!

    © 2008 Shiron Lyudmila
    Consultant veterinary center "Zoovet"

  8. - Didn't you learn to knock?

Why does a cat walk past the toilet, misses. What to do? How to make the right tray yourself

If the cat does not get into the tray, pissing past, then he is uncomfortable. How to make a handy do-it-yourself litter box (10+)

Why does the cat walk past the litter box? What to do

Why is the cat pissing past the tray?

Faced such a problem: the cat regularly misses the toilet tray. She sits down, as expected, digs a hole, then hangs her tail outside the toilet and ... the job is ready. As a result, I had to wash the bottom of the plastic tray from urine, as well as the floors around and under the tray - a little pleasure.

What is the reason? Think that the main problem The fact is that the people who design cat trays have never had cats at home themselves. They probably prefer aquarium fish. And my cats live all the time. And I noticed that they have no eyes under the tail. Accordingly, they can't accurately aim when they relieve themselves. The tray should be designed so that the cat simply cannot make a mistake when urinating.

What to do?

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