How to teach a child to draw: drawing for children. How to draw a crab - detailed instructions How to draw a crab step by step for children

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, even Small child. Naturally, parents can also help small children draw a crab. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a crab, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing any animal, even when drawing a crab, you need to pay attention to the anatomical features, without knowing which the correct drawing will not work in principle. If it is not possible to see live, the Internet is full of photos to study the issue of anatomy. You can also find a video in order to understand how he moves and what muscles are involved in this.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time with constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Step one. Create something like this on a sheet football field. A small square inside and a little more around it.

Step two. In the inner square we will place a round body, on the outside there will be claws.

Step three. We outline the contours of the body more clearly, highlighting the structural parts in it.

Step four. Let's remove first auxiliary lines, then we will slightly tweak the hind limbs of the crustacean.

Step five. To make the shell look hard and dense, like in any respectful crab, we add neat using hatching.

So you learned how to draw a crab and I hope you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Oh, and buttons. social networks it's not just like that =)

We are learning to draw arthropods and next in line is the Crab. That is, I really like these amazing creatures - in general, some kind of aliens. Once I happened to watch a program about crabs on TV - they rush through the jungle in thousands of crowds on the tips of their pointed legs to get into the ocean on the appointed day at the appointed hour in order to continue the genus of crabs. This is amazing.

However ... I myself am interested in learning to draw a crab, but do people need it?

Look at the statistics: Oh! How to draw a crab - 615 requests per month, "crab coloring" - 218. Not bad. Crabs are popular. We need to know about their lives.

O!!! Ta-a-ak ... in the search for every second sentence to read about how to cook crab dishes. Perhaps, early here I congratulated the crabs that they are interested in - popularity has some kind of unhealthy connotation and smack of crab sticks.

Such things: such a creature is a man - loves, loves, and will eat.

Okay, before we eat them all, let's draw a crab.

The crab is a relative of the crayfish. He is also ten-legged and these legs have different specializations. And these legs are attached from below to the jawbone. Wow! The word is expressionistic. The thorax is protected by a strong shell and a short abdomen is tucked under it from behind.

In front, from under the shell, eyes are visible, they are retractable - on stalks, and there are also near-mouth devices. Crabs feed on what they catch or on carrion. Food is torn apart by large claws located on the front pair of legs. The rest of the paws are visible in all their glory. Let's get down to business.

We draw a crab in stages

We draw in stages. First, the axis of symmetry and the shape of the body: the crab is shown not from above, but from a perspective - the body looks very wide due to the perspective contraction.

We distribute the legs: the symmetry of the body structure requires drawing paws strictly each opposite its pair. However, the very position of this paw is already more arbitrary, but it should be ensured that the lengths of the paws are equal. We do not lose sight of this circumstance.

And also the fact that each paw consists of three segments (that is, that part of the paw that we see). Under the shell (hidden from us), the structure of the legs is much more complicated: there is a “basin” and a “swivel” ... There should be interesting details ... in the sense, you see, arthropods are very similar to certain mechanisms with articular and cranked levers.

Let's take a closer look at the claw: it is not designed like tweezers. Partly reminiscent of wire cutters, or rather a gas key.

So, there is a picture, and it may well serve as the basis for the coloring Crab. Color and cut is a good practice for hatching and cutting out along a complex contour.

But somehow it’s not enough for me - I just got into the taste.

Let's draw a crab - lesson 2

It will be such a handsome man:

Draw a general plan with a pencil:

Refine the shape of the shell:

Let's draw the front paws with claws - in this crab they are small and unimpressive. Well, it's up to him what kind of claws he should have:

Let's designate the places where paws grow:

And completely draw all the legs - we get the coloring Crab 2

And without losing pace, we draw the third coloring - the Far Eastern king crab.

Coloring Crab - 3

I found a big beautiful spiked crab on the Internet - great! Here, on its basis, we will come up with a coloring with a jagged pattern.

Let's draw a king crab. This is not an ordinary crab, which is brought from the sea dried in a box. No-o-no - the king crab has paws up to a meter in scope. And a body the size of a plate. It is red, hard and covered with spikes (however, these spikes do not protect it from humans, the king crab is mercilessly destroyed - it is considered a delicacy).

It looks like this:

Picture from the Internet: king crab

So, we designate the axis of symmetry, draw the body ... that is, the jaw-chest. Two outgrowths in front. We distribute long legs. On the two front, medium-sized claws are strongly bent inward. The rest of the legs are very sharply bent and pointing back. Their ... three pairs? Hmm, but this is a ten-legged cancer. Where's the other pair of legs??! I count again - eight! Run to Wikipedia ... uff! - it was relieved from the heart - the legs of the last pair are very small and bent under the body, they are not visible from above. With these legs, the crab cleans the rest of the legs, such is their specialty. Okay, I consoled myself, it turned out that I had not lost count.

Such a picture will be an excellent basis for coloring with drawing. Maybe first graders can do it.

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You do not know how to teach a child to draw? Start with simple lessons drawing for children. If a child shows interest in creativity, then teaching a child to draw is not so difficult. For example, you can draw a cute crab with your child. These drawings are easy to draw!

How to teach a child to draw: draw a crab

So, you have a sheet of paper and pencils. For drawing with children, a curly ruler is also desirable, with which it is very easy to draw different geometric figures. For example, the eyes, which consist of circles. We will draw them in the second stage, but for now we will draw the crab's body.

The shape of the body is similar to an oval, which is extended upwards. Try to repeat such a figure in your drawing. Step back on the sheet at the top with enough space to fit the crab's claws.

Now let's move on to drawing the eyes. The eyes are made up of three circles different size. The middle circle will be completely filled in - this way it is easy to draw eyes for different drawings.

Let's draw the second eye and smile. The second eye is drawn in exactly the same way, only the circles inside are facing the other way.

Next step of the lesson how to teach a child to draw- drawing the paws of a crab. Start drawing from the far paw, which is at eye level.

Draw the legs of the crab in the same way, only on the right side. It's easy enough to draw them.

It remains for us to draw only the claws of the crab. In their drawing, too, there is absolutely nothing complicated.

Well, draw the second claw on the right. Finish the drawing by coloring the funny crab.

Constantly drawing with children interesting drawings, you can easily teach your child the first simple drawing skills.

In this tutorial we will learn how to draw a crab. Of course, the real one, but first I must say about the gaming crab that has settled down in society. This is considered an extremely crooked player, who quickly dies at every good opportunity, trolls all kinds of chats and forums around the clock, benefiting from the game except by investing thousands of rubles in it. The slang has moved out of the game sphere, and is now used to refer to loser trolls who aggressively use their meager ego to humiliate and dominate, but receive permanent bans and constructive criticism. From the point of view of banal erudition, a crab is an ordinary creature of God, a type of crustacean. They don’t fit into the game world, they live an ordinary, measured life: they wake up at the dawn, eat algae, molluscs, worms, breed in conditions of slavery and piece breeding, and die on people’s dining tables.

But even here it is not so simple:

  • Some crabs are supposed to bless a person all their lives. These are heikegani crabs, originally from Japan. The fact is that their shell resembles the face of a samurai, and the fishermen, catching these, released them, perceiving them as the reincarnation of dead warriors. From a scientific point of view, under natural conditions, this species should have disappeared from the Earth a long time ago.
  • Crab claw - perfect way win the female. And you don't have to beat her up. Fiddler crabs have one claw many times larger than the other, and this helps them attract girls. How can you walk with one pumped up arm and turn that side all the time? But, apparently, this attracts female crab.

With smooth scrolling, we got to the beginning of the drawing process.

How to draw a crab with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create on the sheet a kind of football field. A small square inside and a little more around it. Step two. In the inner square we will place a round body, on the outside there will be claws. Step three. We outline the contours of the body more clearly, highlighting the structural parts in it. Step four. First, we will remove the auxiliary lines, then we will slightly correct the hind limbs of the crustacean. Step five. To make the shell look hard and dense, like in any respectful crab, we add neat shadows using hatching.
I look forward to your feedback and ideas on the comments page. Write to me, what other lessons to prepare for you?

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