Why dream of domestic fish. Why do aquarium fish sometimes dream

Each person believes exactly what he likes. But, despite different opinions, the interpretation of dreams still has some basis, and people who don’t even believe in it know that if, for example, a boy dreams, it means to be in a rush.

About the essence

If a person wants to figure it out in an aquarium, it is worth noting that such a dream can mean changes that will happen soon. However, here it is necessary to take into account various nuances. So, for example, women dream about this much more often than men, because it is water that has a female focus.

About marriage

If a young girl dreamed of fish in an aquarium, the dream book promises her a quick marriage. However, in this case, the place for the fish should be large, and in the aquarium there should be uncountable various swimmers. It is worth mentioning that if these are bright and colorful fish, then the girl’s husband will be a wealthy or even rich person. If all the inhabitants of the aquarium are diverse in their colors and sizes, this is not too good, because this means that in a future marriage there may be no understanding, and everyone will, as they say, pull clothes on themselves in the desire to take the post of head of the family. Also, this can mean a big difference between spouses in age, beliefs, and even ordinary views on life and family relationships.


If a person is in an aquarium, you definitely need to remember what kind of water she swam in. If clean, then the changes will be good, pleasant, if dirty, then sad events in life should be expected. However, when reading all the negative interpretations of dreams, it is important to remember that these are only warnings so that a person is ready for various twists and turns of his own destiny. We go further. If in a dream someone changes the water for fish, this indicates that cardinal, dramatic changes will occur in life. And, most likely, they will be exclusively positive. As for the size, seeing small fish in a large aquarium is troublesome and routine, but if the inhabitants are of medium and larger size, you should expect joyful changes, which, however, will not radically change anything, but will bring a good mood.

About fish

What else can dreaming fish in an aquarium tell about? The dream book says that if the sleeper feeds them, then this portends uninteresting and monotonous everyday life, but without a negative reflection of reality. If a person likes the process of feeding pets, this may mean that uninteresting and hard work will eventually give a positive result, and the efforts spent on its implementation will be rewarded at its true worth.

Unimportant Predictions

We consider further what fish dream about in an aquarium. If the sleeper observes dead fish, sad news or events should be expected. Losses are also possible, but not necessarily from the number of people. If the aquarium is completely empty, this may indicate that soon a person may be deceived. However, everything can be changed if you are constantly on the alert.


Why else do fish dream in an aquarium? If there are two of them floating in the container, you must definitely remember the trajectory of their movements. After all, it is this dream that can tell about how relations between close people will develop. So, if the fish swim towards each other, the couple will be fine, and no disagreements are foreshadowed, peace and tranquility. If the fish diverge in different directions, you should be wary, because, in addition to disagreements, this can even mean a break in relations with a loved one.

gold fish

It is also worth understanding what those dreaming in the aquarium mean. Generally speaking, this promises wealth to the sleeper. It can also mean easy money, such as winning the lottery. If a young unmarried lady dreams of a goldfish, this suggests that her future husband will be a rich man. If the living creatures have fun and play in their aquarium, this indicates that the person who sees the dream will go on an interesting and exciting journey with little expense.


What else can the dream of "fish in an aquarium" mean? Here it is already worth remembering various trifles. For example, if a person cleans a container where such pets live, deception or even betrayal should be expected. If one fish swims in an aquarium, some important event will soon happen, which a person has been waiting for so long. It is also important to take into account the size of the living creatures: the larger, the more desirable and important the changes will be. If the sleeper breaks the aquarium, and all the contents are poured onto it, this indicates imminent wealth and success in business, especially of a financial nature. If a person dreams that someone is looking at his aquarium, in life you need to take a good look at this person, because soon this person can become a good friend or even more, practically a relative. A dream in which someone buys an aquarium in a store suggests that rather large expenses of money are coming in life, so it is better to be more careful with your finances, for fear of unnecessary rather large purchases. The following interpretation is also interesting. If a young lady dreamed of a lot of small fish, this could promise her an early pregnancy. Especially if the lady wants to catch them with her hands.

Denise Lynn

In the aquarium, the author of the dream book, Denise Lynn, can tell. According to her, such dreams are often visited by people with a rather small monetary income, as well as those who crave praise and compliments. Why exactly? The author says that it is the fish in the human subconscious that symbolize the emotional sphere of life.


Shuvalova's dream book says that sleeping with aquarium fish does not bode well, everything will be fine and even a little better. This dream can mean gaiety, improved health, goodness or joy. If the sleeper consumes a fish caught from an aquarium, this may indicate that his influence and the power of influence on others is growing. Shuvalova interprets sick pets or even dead ones as a threat to health, because he simply took on too many responsibilities and cannot cope with them. It's time to stop the fast pace of your life somewhat, otherwise negative changes in your own health may occur.

What is the dream of an aquarium fish? Perhaps this is a sign of great success to come, or perhaps a warning of danger. When interpreting, attention should be paid to the health and activity of the fish.

Freud's dream book: aquarium fish in a dream

If you dream that you are catching her, this may mean difficulties with switching attention from current affairs, in particular, during sex. This may be a warning that over time, it will become increasingly difficult to relax and enjoy. It is necessary to find a way to break away from business and forget about existing problems in order to completely dissolve in love. Otherwise, you can become a sexually flawed person, and in a fairly short time. The inability to relax undermines the existing physiological capabilities of the body.

If a man eats fish in a dream, he should think about how he behaves in bed. Perhaps he does not pay enough attention to his partner and only cares about satisfying his own needs. If you dream of a small aquarium fish that you can’t catch in any way, this may signal a subconscious fear of embarrassing yourself in bed. Probably the reason for this was an unsuccessful first attempt in sexual terms. In this case, you need to treat the situation philosophically - what happened, it's gone.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: dreamed of an aquarium fish

The fish in the dream book of Nostradamus is the personification of inconstancy, great future difficulties. Aquarium, river or sea fish falling from the sky is a bad omen, perhaps even an omen of natural disaster or environmental disaster.

Dream options in the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • If you dream of a catch, this may mean a desire to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • If you dream of a lot of fish, then you should not rely too much on fate, as you can miss your chance.
  • A dreaming aquarium with three fish is a happy omen, perhaps good news or an event in life.
  • If one fish attacks another, this may mean the beginning of a war and an attack by submarines.
  • A dreaming rotten carcass signals unexpected rumors that can cause great harm and ruin relationships with influential people.
  • Nostradamus claims that a fish with a human face is a harbinger of a great threat, up to a nuclear war.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov: aquarium fish

Feeling the dead means illness. Eat - worry and have trouble. Seeing a living one in an aquarium is a great success in business. Trying to catch also means success, but if someone helped in catching, this may indicate the imminent birth of a child. For a woman to catch a fish means to marry a rich groom. At the same time, a rotten, decaying carcass can be a signal of an imminent increase in income.

Interpretation of sleep aquarium fish according to Menegi

In general, the image of a fish is positive, a dream can mean freedom in all its manifestations, liveliness and good health. In sexual relations, it is a phallic symbol, a living and healthy fish is a sign of good health, a sick one is regression of varying degrees and loss of vitality.

A dream about an aquarium fish in Miller's dream book

If there is clean water in the aquarium, then the dream is a harbinger of the favor of fate, perhaps in the near future it will generously bestow. If the water is dirty, loss and sorrow are possible.

For a young lady, a live and healthy fish is a symbol of happy love. If the dreamer is trying to catch her, but she is not given, then in love he will face trials.

Seeing an aquarium fish in a dream: Loff's interpretation

Small individuals are the personification of the male seed, a dream can speak of both an addition to the family and infertility, depending on their appearance, health and activity. A fish-seeer may also receive a signal of an imminent trip or journey.

If you saw aquarium fish in a dream, then what water they were in is of great importance. Well, if it was clean. It symbolizes good luck and prosperity. If in a dream an aquarium with fish was filled with dirty and muddy water, then this, on the contrary, does not promise anything but troubles and illnesses. Dead fish also do not bode well. Motley small fish dream of good luck. If in a dream you tried to catch them, get ready to replenish your family. For a girl and a woman, such a dream will mean pregnancy.

According to Miller

To understand what an aquarium with fish is dreaming of, you can refer to Miller's dream book. Fish in general and aquarium fish, including in this case, is an ambiguous dream. Everything will depend on what kind of water they swam in. If you dreamed about an aquarium with fish, and the water in it was clean and clear and was not littered with any objects, then you should wait for the start of the streak of luck. If, on the contrary, the water was muddy and dirty, this does not bode well.

If in a dream an aquarium fish was seen by a young unmarried girl, then she will soon meet her love. This dream portends a happy relationship. Here, the interpretation of dreams where aquarium fish were caught means not a very good period in life. So, if in a dream you tried to catch fish from an aquarium, get ready for trials. They will not last very long, and everything will end well if you maintain optimism and fortitude. Also, a dream book interprets such an image as beautiful fish as a chance for good luck.

By Juno

Juno's dream book will help you understand what aquarium fish dreamed about. The exact meaning of sleep, where the aquarium fish were, is affected by the quality of the water. Muddy or dirty, it will denote illness or malaise. The fish themselves in the aquarium mean that gifts or pleasant surprises await you soon.

If you dreamed of red aquarium fish, this means that stable prosperity will be provided in life. If they were blue, then the son who is born to the sleeping person will be endowed with a special gift or great talent. Also, Juno's dream book advises small fish to be perceived as a symbolic display of spermatozoa. Accordingly, if a woman sees such a dream, she will soon become pregnant.

Not just seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream, but also feeding its inhabitants means that in reality you will make a great contribution to the development of your future business. Every step you take will lead to the achievement of the goal.

According to Tsvetkov

If you want to know what little fish dream about, you can refer to Tsvetkov's dream book. Like the previous ones, the dream book advises to perceive aquarium fish as a chance for good luck in business. Perhaps new prospects will open up for you soon, and old things will begin to bring great benefits. Of course, if the fish were dead, the meaning of sleep will be the opposite, and should be taken as a signal to take care of your health. After all, a dead fish dreams of illness. If you see a dream in which aquarium fish are caught by hand or in any other way, you need to prepare for success. For women, this dream will also mean pregnancy and the birth of a child. Also, Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets an aquarium with fish as an opportunity to prove himself in the labor field.

According to Freud

If you want to know what beautiful fish dream about, you can turn to Freud's Dream Book. The famous psychologist does not describe the dream where there was an aquarium with fish as such. He takes into account only what exactly the sleeper did with this fish. For example, if a person caught her in a dream, it means that even during intimacy he cannot completely disconnect from problems. The dream advises to try to abstract from all the troubles, and then the problem will be solved by itself.

Tell your friends about your dream
save not to lose

Many people buy aquarium fish, which can be watched endlessly. Why do fish dream in an aquarium? Due to their unusual coloring, they soothe, distract from bad thoughts. Therefore, if you had a dream, an aquarium with fish in which you were definitely present, this may mean your desire to relax a little, get away from everyday problems, and take time for yourself. But this is far from the only interpretation of what aquarium fish dream of. The dream interpretation offers many interpretations depending on the details of the dream.

Why do aquarium fish dream in a dream? As the dream book says, the interpretation depends on the type of fish that you dreamed about.

If you dreamed of fish in an aquarium, after waking up, try to remember the dream as best as possible, do not miss the little things. For the interpretation of sleep, many nuances matter: what kind of fish you saw, whether the water in the aquarium was clean or cloudy, there were a lot of inhabitants in it, or little what exactly you did in a dream. Use our tips so as not to miss any important details for interpretation.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

What is the dream of a fish in an aquarium for a young and unmarried girl? Relationships with a loved one are reaching a new level, you will be made a marriage proposal. Pay attention to the color of the fish. If they were dark, therefore, your partner will not be able to fully provide for the family. You may need to take out loans to provide for the needs of your children. In the event that the fish dreamed of bright or different colors, in family life you will have to face everyday problems more than once, but everything will end well.

Why do women dream of fish in an aquarium - in reality, changes in life await her. What they will be is up to you. A hint was given in a dream, try to use it correctly in order to avoid failures and losses. If the water in the aquarium was clean and transparent, pleasant surprises await you in reality. Perhaps soon you will receive a gift that you could not even dream of. If the water was dirty, you should reconsider your outlook on life. Start changing, especially within yourself. Be less ambitious, try to avoid conflict situations.

As the dream book says, an aquarium with fish in a dream for a man means that he is faced with a choice. He has an attractive appearance, thereby being popular with the opposite sex. Fleeting novels are not excluded, which quickly begin and also end quickly. But lately, a woman who was able to reach right to the heart has not gone out of your head. One thing is upsetting, she has a family and children.

How to be in that case? First of all, listen to your inner voice, do not make mistakes. Maybe it's just not your person? Soon there will be a meeting that will turn your perception of reality upside down, you just need to wait a bit. As the saying goes: "Who knows how to wait, he gets the best." Don't forget about it.

Varieties of aquarium fish

A dream involving decorative catfish symbolizes disappointment in the inner circle. There are people around you who are trying to ingratiate themselves with you. Once again, you should not open your soul, do not talk about plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true. So-called "friends" rejoice at your failures, although they say something completely different in your eyes. At any opportunity, they will immediately “stick” a knife in your back if there will be a benefit from this. It is better to spend more time with your family, arrange joint movie viewings, romantic dinners, field trips.

If in a dream a person watches guppies, in real life changes await him. Pay attention to the color of the fish. If they were dark, fate has prepared for you not a very good gift. Disagreements in the family are possible. It is worth learning to compromise, to look for a way out of a problem situation together, without shifting responsibility on each other. Change your character, because sometimes you are simply uncontrollable. If you do not start to change, you can remain completely alone. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right in life?

Gouramis seen in a dream are a symbol of the fact that from birth a person is endowed with certain abilities. You have a gift for foreseeing and foreseeing failures and problems. True, others do not take you seriously, they often make fun of you. Do not pay attention to it, one day they will understand that your words matter.

Many aquarium neons in clear water predict joy and happiness.

Neon fish are very beautiful. Well, if they swam in the clearest water, then you can succeed in any endeavor, you just have to make a little effort for this. Relations with colleagues are even, they respect you, listen to your opinion, and often seek advice.

A bad sign, if beautiful fish were in very dirty water, not very good news awaits you. Perhaps you will learn about the deception that has been so carefully hidden from you for a long time. You should not make hasty decisions, you need to analyze everything, only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

If in a dream a person saw barbs, such a dream does not have a very good meaning. There are many envious people around you who are waiting for the right moment to hurt you. You should not once again talk about your plans for the future, otherwise, most likely, you will not succeed. It is worth giving more time to your loved one, you gradually move away from each other. Watch an exciting movie together, plan a vacation trip together, take a walk in the park or go to nature.

Why dream of a goldfish in an aquarium? She is associated with something mysterious and beautiful, because in fairy tales she can fulfill wishes. After waking up, try to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream. If you feel calm and satisfied, you can cope with any troubles. You can easily achieve success in any endeavor without much effort. The only thing you need to be careful about others. Do not let people close to you, do not open your soul to them, do not share your thoughts for the future. Otherwise, sooner or later you will have to experience disappointment.

Was the fish seen large or small

  • I dreamed of large aquarium fish - troubles and problems await you. Relations with colleagues are often tense, you are treated with distrust and hostility. It is worth once again to remain silent so as not to escalate the situation or step aside. Do not show your emotions, treat others calmly, do not react to provocations.
  • If there were several large fish in the aquarium, the environment around you is not very good. They try to put pressure on you, thereby lowering your self-esteem. Avoid communicating with such people, then life will become easier and more interesting.
  • Did a woman dream about a lot of small fish in an aquarium? Very soon, positive changes await her. With a loved one, relationships are reaching a new level, soon you will have a marriage proposal.
  • Read also: ?

What actions did you perform in the dream?

If in a dream you feed the fish, in reality you are able to cope with problems on your own, without the help of others. You can improve your financial situation. Management sees you as a promising employee, often gives you responsible work.

Do you transplant fish in a dream to another place? In real life, something is bothering you. Often, anxiety is unfounded, fear appears nowhere. Do not take trouble to heart, otherwise health problems will arise. Try to give up bad habits, eat right and exercise.

If you change the water in the aquarium, in reality your life will soon change for the better. Perhaps you will be offered to go on a long business trip. There you will meet, thanks to which you will look at the surrounding reality with different eyes. Do not miss your chance, otherwise you will regret the rest of your life.

See dead fish inside the aquarium

If in a dream a fish tries to jump out of an aquarium, in reality everything does not work out the way you want. Relations with family and friends are disrespectful, colleagues do not listen to your opinion. You would like to change the environment, but do not know how to do it.

Why dream of a dead fish in an aquarium or on the floor next to it - in this case, you should avoid conflict situations with others, otherwise you can lose everything at once. Do not look for the truth in the workplace, once again keep silent or step aside. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, otherwise you can lose your job.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

As you can see, the question of why aquarium fish dream in an aquarium cannot be answered unambiguously. On the one hand, live fish in clean water is a positive symbol that promises you a change for the better in the near future. But on the other hand, the very image of an aquarium in a dream indicates restrictions and lack of freedom, especially if the aquarium was small and the fish in it was large, or muddy water was poured inside.

According to Miller's dream book, an aquarium with fish is a sign of success in your business.

Miller's dream book - you will succeed

According to this dream book, fish in an aquarium means that you can succeed, you just need to make a little effort for this. In the near future you will be able to improve your financial situation. Why do women dream of fish in an aquarium - it's time to think about having a baby.

Wangi's dream interpretation - you are valued and respected

As this dream book says, aquarium fish in clear water means that in real life everything is going very well for you. In society, you are treated with respect, listen to your opinion, often seek advice.

Freud's dream book - you feel lonely

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream is more often for lonely people with low self-esteem. Perhaps indecision often prevents you from taking the first steps, meeting interesting people. Look at yourself from the other side, start spending more time with friends and expand your social circle: go to parties, get acquainted with representatives of your own and the opposite sex.

Modern dream book - you will receive a gift

As this dream book says, an aquarium with fish for a woman and a man is a good dream that symbolizes positive changes in life. You are able to overcome any difficulties. Probably, soon a person will receive an unexpected gift that he could not even dream of.


If you had a dream with aquarium fish, after waking up, try to remember it as best as possible, do not miss the details. Thus, it will be easy to find the answer to the question of interest. Do not miss the little things, because it was there that the hint was given. Not always such dreams can positively affect a person. It all depends on the circumstances and emotions that he experienced during the dream. But in general, seeing aquarium fish in a dream is a good sign.

Video "What is the dream of the Fish"

In world culture, fish is an important symbol that humanity endows with a special meaning. Fish are a symbol of the Gods - Oaness, Horus, Vishnu and Jesus Christ, and the Goddesses - Ishtar, Hitme-hit. They are associated with wisdom, they are a symbol of the Teacher, the demiurge - they contribute to the creation of the World. Therefore, dreams in which a person sees fish have a positive interpretation.

How to solve a dream?

Various dream books offer their own interpretation of sleep. There are also individual characteristics of the perception of signs that are transformed into a dream about fish. Water in the mental world of dreams symbolizes favorable or negative changes, is associated with spirituality.

In the water (unconscious) lies knowledge that not everyone can master. This is within the power of Teachers or fish. Therefore, there are so many different interpretations of dreams and so precisely it is necessary to analyze not only the details of the visual series, but also your own feelings, moods experienced during sleep.

Traditionally, the symbol of fish was used in mythology and religion of different countries of the world and eras. Some goddesses and gods, one way or another, were associated with this symbol. The symbol of Christ - IXΘΥΣ (fish) was obtained from the first letters of "Jesus Christ the Savior, the Son of God." He also called himself a "fisher of men", it was with a few fish and bread that the Savior fed a huge number of suffering people. Therefore, fish are still interpreted as food, renewal, rebirth.

Eastern mystics interpreted a dream about a fish as a signal of fertility, many children, and pregnancy. The fish throws a huge amount of caviar, from which hundreds of fry appear. This property formed the basis of the interpretation. In the dream books of ancient Babylon, Assyria, China, fish is a symbol of fertility.

Also, a fish in a dream has a connection with astrology. A person born under the sign of "Pisces" is receptive, has a heightened intuition, and is sensitive. Fish in a dream is evidence of important information coming from the depths of the subconscious, a signal that you need to listen to the "Inner Self".

In the myths of Ancient Greece, Eros and Aphrodite, escaping from the formidable monster Typhon, jumped into the river, turning into fish. In order not to be separated, they held on to a thin silver thread. In the drawings, they are depicted looking in different directions, which symbolizes the state between the consciousness and the soul of a person.

Being on this edge, the information hidden from the “conscious” is felt more acutely, intuition is stronger than logic. But you should not completely trust the "inner voice", it is better to analyze and understand the symbols of sleep. Perhaps a fish in a dream indicates:

  • the coldness and impassivity of the one who sees the dream;
  • unreliability, "slipperiness" of the planned project;
  • inconvenience of the situation, clumsy actions (big fish in a shallow pond).

In Denise Lynn's detailed dream book and her bestseller "The Powerful Power of Dreams" Secrets of the Dream World "you can find not only interpretations, but also their detailed analysis. Everything matters for a correct decoding - the purity of the water, the color and size of the fish, its condition and many other factors.

Ancient dream books about fish

In ancient dream books, live frisky fish in clear water promised good luck in business, dreams come true, hopes come true. It is not for nothing that in ancient fairy tales both goldfish and pike fulfill dreams. For about 5 centuries, the Noble Dream Book was compiled, supplemented and refined. More than one generation of N.G. participated in its compilation. Grishina. According to the version of this source, a dreaming fish means:

  • troubles, worries, tears- if you catch in a dream a small fish of a dark color;
  • success, joy, profit- if a large light fish is caught, but this can also mean coldness, indifference of the object of passion;
  • joy- if you dream of a fish frolicking in clear water. This also means a flock of colorful fish in an aquarium;
  • vain sacrifice, notoriety, vain worries- when I dreamed of a fish beating in my hands.

According to gypsy beliefs, fishing in a dream means misfortune in the family, and eating it means the illness of the sleeping person. Seeing a fishing net in a dream is a sign of new clothes. But a torn fishing gear promises grief and loss. To see a fishing hook - to the fact that soon circumstances will require strength of spirit, self-control, stamina from the dreamer.

The opinion of psychologists

In his famous The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud equates the fish with a phallic symbol. In accordance with this, he argued that one who dreams of fishing, catching fish, cannot move away from problems even during sex. This leads to dissatisfaction with the sexual partner and his own "stiffness". If in a dream a man sees himself eating fish dishes, then in sex he is a consumer. He does not care about the feelings and sensations of his partner.

If fishing in a dream ended in failure, then Freud insists on sorting out his fears. Perhaps a failure in a dream is a signal of a fear of failure during sex. In some cultures, sexual symbolism has also been noted. It was determined by the presence of abundant offspring, the habitat (water) has always been associated with fertility, and the shape of the fish was compared to the phallus. So Freud's interpretations are not without historical roots.

Carl Jung interprets the fish dream as an omen of the birth of a new life. According to his dream book, it does not matter whether a woman sees live or fried fish - this is a warning about pregnancy. Researchers name the person whose dream is being investigated by the protagonist.

If the protagonist often has the same dream, then this process is akin to a postman bringing letters in the absence of the addressee - the subconscious mind again and again tries to draw attention to some problem. And often it can be completely unrelated to the picture that the protagonist sees. In his perception, the fish can cause unpleasant sensations - cold, mucus, colorless eyes. Then the signs warn of trouble.

For other fish - brightness, bizarre shapes, warm seas, relaxation. Freud and Jung were unanimous in that it is worth paying attention to one's own feelings and emotions first of all.

Esoteric interpretations

In some rituals, for example, during the commemoration of the dead, Adonis worshipers placed offerings - fish - on the altar. Therefore, fish is associated with negative signs. If a young girl sees a fish, then an unwanted pregnancy or a difficult birth awaits her. Many small dark fish are problems with children.

According to the esoteric dream book, cleaning fish means the death of a close relative, whose inheritance will be fought for. To eat cooked fish means to receive this inheritance.

aquarium fish

Colorful beautiful fish in a domestic pond delight the eye in reality and portend the following in a dream:

  1. If in a dream you see fish jumping out of an aquarium, then this means a desire for new sensations, experiences, changes. Working protagonists subconsciously dream of a job change, a team change.
  2. For a businessman, seeing fish means a favorable outcome of the transaction, profit, good luck in negotiations. The more fish, and they are brighter, the more impressive the income will be. Small fish in any body of water with clear water denote a rich personal life - friendships, pleasant meetings and vivid love adventures. In Dream Interpretation Hoss, on the contrary, they personify fears, fears, illnesses. The smaller the size of the fish, the more unpleasant the consequences will be. Catching this little thing with your hands means making enemies.
  3. A woman who has a dream about aquarium fish is waiting for a meeting with a longtime admirer, from whom she will receive a matrimonial proposal. You should think about a positive answer, since the feelings of this person have been tested by time.
  4. A dream for a young girl predicts pregnancy, and if the fish are of the same color, then there is a chance of getting twins. A pair of goldfish - to a long-term wonderful relationship.
  5. An aquarium with muddy water is an unkind sign. It is possible that intrigues are woven in a close environment, the situation is heating up.
  6. Dead fish - unfortunately with a loved one, which can happen through the fault of the sleeping person.
  7. Frozen or motionless fish - a warning about stagnation in business, lack of development of relationships.
  8. If in a dream the fish are in a bank or a small aquarium, then the dream warns that the protagonist will be so uncomfortable in the team that he will have to change his working conditions.
  9. Catching fish in an aquarium is a good sign. For students, it means a lot of good grades, for those who work - a monetary reward, for job seekers - a good offer and a stable income.
  10. Buying a new, spacious container for pets means pleasant chores, acquisitions, offers and prospects.
  11. If a couple admires the cheerful inhabitants of the aquarium, then they will have a pleasant pastime together, relaxing at sea in warm exotic countries. Transferring fish from one tank to another - a quick move, a change of job, a change in life.
  12. Dreamed guppies, barbs, neons, actively moving in an unusual container, for example, a bathroom, warn a sleeping person about cunning and dodgy enemies. The faster the fish flickers, the more actively they weave intrigues. This also applies to the relationship of the couple. The protagonist's partner lies, shirks, cheats.

In the interpretation of dreams, the color of the fish is important. In Loff's Dream Interpretation, negative information is associated with dark-colored individuals. In the book, the fish symbol is associated with travel (expensive), the ability to earn a living and deeply buried fears.

There are a huge number of dream books that explain what they saw during sleep in different ways, sometimes dreams have completely opposite interpretations. Do not take general recommendations very seriously, because each person is an individual. It is worth believing that the beautiful frisky inhabitants of the aquarium will never bring worries and troubles. Perhaps, among the host of sparkling fish, a golden one will come across, fulfilling the most cherished desires.

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