What does the muse from Winx look like. Fairy Muse from Winx - pictures, songs and photos

For the first time, this heroine appeared, like the rest, in the first season of the series in the second series. Muse's birthday is May 30th. And she was born on the planet Melody. The girl's mother is a great singer who died when her daughter was still a baby. The father, a professional pianist, after the midday stress from the death of his wife, he himself abandoned music lessons and forbade his daughter to study it. This ban led to a quarrel between the daughter and the father.


There's a lot in a girl bad habits, you can even say that she has them in abundance. This nimble and always cheerful fairy loves to play pranks on her friends, but unfortunately all her jokes can often offend a person and they border on black humor.


A fairy named Muse has a rather unusual and at the same time interesting appearance You can tell she has an Asian appearance. Her skin is white, and she looks very advantageous against the background of long black hair and almond eyes. A girl with such an appearance is hard not to notice. The wings of this fairy are transparent and have a blue tint, in the middle of the wings there are lilac stripes. The girl's charmix is treble clef, as well as a bag that is placed on the hips in the form of a CD player.


Fairy Muse has the same abilities that her mother possessed, they were transferred to her from her mother. And the fairy's mother was a fairy of rhythms and music.

Interests and hobbies

Muse devotes all the time that is possible to playing the guitar and saxophone, she also loves to be in the company of her friends. It is worth saying that the girl absolute pitch and voice and this is her huge plus.

At the beginning of the training, Musa liked a guy named Riven, but it so happened that this young man was under the influence of the witch's spell. Muse's heart seemed broken, and this incredible pain made the sweet but mischievous girl's hatred for witches even stronger.

Pictures Winx Muse

The muse appears from the very beginning of the first season.

Her mother was a singer but died very early. The father was a pianist, but he stopped playing music and did not allow the Muse to do this, because of which the father and daughter quarreled.

Muse is a fairy responsible for harmony, and music is her essence.


Muse loves to play and sing, her favorite instruments are guitar and saxophone. She can cheer up anyone, but she can also play a joke.

Until season 3, she had terrible manners, until she met pixie Thune. It was she who made Muse behave more cultured, and in season 3 we see the heroine is already completely different. In this way, pictures on the site show it.

In the 1st year, Musa fell in love with a guy whose name is Riven. Their relationship cannot be called equal. At first, Muse sought Riven's attention, but then he fell under the spell of the witch Darcy from. After Riven was able to free himself from the evil magic, he revealed his feelings to Musa.

Heroine transformations

They become a couple, but on their way there are constantly obstacles that the heroes create for themselves. Riven is jealous of her beloved now to Naboo, then to Jason Quinn, but, in the end, everything is getting better. Pictures and photos of Musa and Riven are also on the portal.


Muse's winx looks like Asian girl. However, the creators of the cartoon gave her white skin and blue eyes.

Her hair color is black, and her hair is tied in two ponytails. Every day, the fairy wears a scarlet top with straps, ribbons on her arms. lilac color, slightly shapeless jeans and sneakers. In the second season, she looks more feminine.

The fairy wears trousers, a turquoise plaid top and a red belt. Season 4 shows Muse, who has completely changed her style. She wears a plaid skirt with a pink sweater, light colored stockings and pumps. The fairy wears her hair loose.

The appearance of the Muse in the transformation of a fairy is more feminine. She wears a scarlet skirt and sequined top, boots of the same shade, and wears headphones on her head. Her wings are translucent, sky-colored, decorated with stripes. Pictures, cartoons and photos will help you evaluate what the Muse looks like.

Each transformation of the Muse is also accompanied by a new outfit. Muse winx Enchantix wears a bodice and skirt in scarlet and yellow tones. On the hands of Muse Enchantix are gloves of a pinkish hue, on her feet - yellow color ribbons. Enchantix's hair is tied into two ponytails with elastic bands made in the shape of rose petals. Musa Enchantix wears a small crown on her head. The wings are paired, decorated with purple pebbles.

Muse winx Sirenix is ​​dressed in a red top with sequins. She is wearing a red leotard with burgundy stripes, a light green skirt. On the right hand Muses Sirenix red ribbon bandage, hair ponytails on the head. On the feet of the fairy Sirenix are red ankle boots, the wings are also red, single, carved.

coloring pages

On our site you can find pictures and coloring pages of Winx Muse. They illustrate the various transformations of the Muse, her outfits and behavior in different life situations. You can download pictures and coloring pages or print them out, creating your own fairy clothes workshop.


Also on the site there is a "Winx song of the Muses". Each season has its own version of the song. So, most of them are energetic, cheerful, like the fairy herself. And in season 6, a slightly sad, thoughtful melody comes up. To listen to "Winx Song of the Muses" whenever you want, download it from our website.

How to draw a fairy?

Drawing Muse winx is easy. To do this, you need to know how to draw it in stages.

  1. First you need to draw a circle and indicate the directions of the face. Step by step we draw the head, then the ear and bangs.
  2. At the second stage, you should gradually designate the eyes, mouth and nose.
  3. Let's start drawing the ponytails.
  4. Then, with schematic lines, we try to draw the body of the Muse winx.
  5. Then we try to draw a blouse.
  6. We finish the second hand and some details.
  7. It remains to draw some details in stages, and the picture is ready.

This is how easy it is to draw the Muse in stages.


Muse doll completely copies the cartoon character. Not only outfits and facial features, but even makeup, facial expressions and others small parts completely match. The Muse doll is made of high quality plastic. It can be washed, and clothes can be safely washed. When dropped, the doll does not break. The wings of the doll are removable and sold as a set.



Belevix Deluxe.

If you like the character Muse from the cartoon, please visit our website. Here you will find many interesting materials dedicated to your favorite fairy.

Winx biography:
Name: Muse

Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Home planet: Melody
Power: Magic of music and rhythms
Interests: Music, dancing
Favorite Color: Red, purple, blue, white
Boyfriend: Riven
Best friend: Layla
Roommate: Tecna
Pixie: Tune
Personality: Creative, cheerful, cheerful, friendly, musical, strong, but very irritable and touchy
BIO: Muse comes from the planet Melodies. In the Italian version, she is the princess of Melody, but the English have distorted everything, and now Muse is not a princess. Muse's childhood was very difficult: her mother, the great singer of the planet, died when Muse was small, and her father became so self-absorbed after the death of his wife that he devoted little time to Muse. Now she is at odds with her father. In Alfea, she constantly experiences adventures with her friends. At Winx, she's the guy in the skirt! She dresses like a hip-hop or rapper, and generally loves hip-hop. Muse loves to play musical instruments especially on guitar and saxophone. In her freshman year, she really liked a guy named Riven and she tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches is Darcy. Once Darcy almost killed Muse... Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypnotic gaze and he was completely in her hands. Subsequently, he was able to get rid of the influence of Darcy, and he confessed to the Muse that he liked her. For Muse, this was already something, but still, for her it was not enough. In her sophomore year, Stella arranged a date for Muse with another, handsome guy, whose name was Jared. Muse liked him, but she couldn't help thinking about Riven... Soon Riven confessed his love to Muse. She was completely sure of his words. In her second year, Muza sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang ... On that day, she just finally made up with her dad. Muse everyone says that she has musical voice, although it is only heard when she sings. She loves to play pranks on her friends and sometimes it is black humor. She gained her charmix the third, in reality Rezot, when she told Riven everything she felt for him. Muse constantly quarrels with her pixie Tune, who dictates to her what manners and style should be real lady. At the beginning of the third school year Muse met and became friends with Galatea, the princess of the Kingdom of Harmony, neighboring Melody. On the journey for the Water Stars, Musa realized that Riven was very dear. Riven was jealous of Musa for Ophir (Naboo) and challenged him to a fight. He was glad to know that there was nothing between them, and even apologized to both of them, which is very unusual for him. Muse received her 3rd enchantix when she pulled Galatea out of the fire set by Stormy in the Alfea library. healing power Enchantix Muse put out the dark fire and restored the wings of Galatea, mercilessly broken by Aisi. To receive the Water Star, Muse had to choose between her mother and saving the world. The girl was very hurt, but she did not follow her mother, for which she was rewarded with a star. While fighting the monster, Bloom and Karos were summoned by Musa. The three of them defeated him by combining the power of Sound Wave, Dragon Fire and Thumb. Bloom and Karosa congratulated Musa and gave her a second star.

Layla (Aisha)
Name: Leila (Aisha in Italian version)
Age: 17 years old (in the second season)
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac Sign: Chimera
Home planet: Andros
Power: Fluid Magic
Interests: Sports, dancing
Favorite color: Green, brown
Boyfriend: Naboo (Ophir)
Best friend: Musa

Pixie: Piff
Personality: Very brave, does not tolerate her own failures, athletic, energetic, adventurer
BIO: Layla was born on the planet Andros, where she is a princess. Leila did not enter Alfea immediately; for one academic year she was homeschooling. The girl tries to manage on her own, using magic only in extreme cases. She has known pixies for a very long time, they used to be hers best friends. Layla is one of the few people who knows about the village where all the pixies live. When the pixies were kidnapped by Lord Darkar, it was she who rushed to save the little ones. Leila believes that the girls from the Winx Club lack sports training. She doesn't understand how she can get by with just magic or technology. In addition to sports, Leila loves to dance. She knows many kinds of dances different peoples and styles. The girl is very lucky with pixies, as Piff is able to turn her nightmares into sweet dreams. His best friend she considers the Muse. Leila's fears are darkness and too wide premises. Layla's style is all sporty. She may not be able to fully control her strength, but she dreams of becoming a real Winx. She got her fourth charmix when she overcame all her inner fears. At the very beginning of the third season, Andros was attacked by Valtor, and Leila was very worried about her planet, people and parents. The Winx Club went to Andros to help their friend stop the evil sorcerer. During the battle, Valtor bewitched Leila, blinding and depriving her of her sight, which the girl suffered with difficulty. She regained her sight with the healing power of her enchantix. When Leila found out that she would have to marry not for love and that the groom had already been chosen for her, she was very upset, but she tried not to think about it, and decided to use the freedom that she still had. Leila was terribly annoyed by a guy named Ophir, who followed her everywhere. She considered him an enemy and a spy of Valtor, despite what he said; she terribly disliked his attempts to draw attention to him. Layla only believed him when he saved her from a monster and a centaur. By the end of the trip, she began to sympathize with him, and later she even invited him to a disco. The girl was very surprised to learn that Ophir was the same Naboo whom she was to marry, and for some time she did not even understand why he did not tell her the truth. Layla received her enchantix first when she cured the mermaid queen on Andros instead of regaining her sight. Layla, Flora and Bloom did not participate in obtaining the Water Stars, but they were glad to know that their girlfriends coped with the task. Together with Flora, Layla restored magical forest, which was burned by Valtor during the attack on Alfea. Likes to ride on the Technomobile.

Name: Tekna
Age: 16 years old (in the first season)
Birthday: December 16
Zodiac sign: Triton
Home planet: Zenith
Power: Tech Magic
Interests: Science, technology
Favorite color: Purple, black
Boyfriend: Timmy
Best friend: Flora
Roommate: Musa
Pixie: Digit
Personality: Courageous, diligent, intelligent, intelligent, cheerful, cautious, quick-tempered, stubborn, sometimes seems cold
BIO: Tekna is the most ordinary girl from the planet Zenith, where most people are scientists or inventors. Since childhood, the girl has been fond of technology and now she simply cannot live without her PDA, which she constantly takes with her. In Alfea, Tekna is the best student, her knowledge is simply limitless! She is much smarter than she looks. Although in medicine and potions, she still can’t outrun Flora. The peculiarity of Tekna is that she is half android, as people with special powers are called on her planet. He loves outdoor activities, playing sports and skating. Also, he cannot live without electronic games. She is a very brave fairy. The girl constantly thinks through the detailed and detailed plans actions. In the first year, it seemed that Tekna was more friends with Muse, but then she realized that her real friend This is Flora. She also constantly denied that there was anything between her and Timmy and that they were nothing more than friends, although she herself secretly dreamed about him. When it comes to clothes, Tekna loves to dress in high-tech style. She dresses simply as she is a minimalist. Her pixie Digit is very similar to her mistress, especially in character and a little appearance. Tekna opened her penultimate charmix, in reality Rezot, when Timmy was in danger and she was very worried about him. The girl loves to invent new useful things. Her teleporter and protective field blocker helped the girls a lot on their journey to Andros and Eraklion. Tekna the fifth received her enchantix when she entered the portal of the Omega dimension, and, closing it with the help of healing powers, saved Andros. Getting the enchantix was harder for Tekna than the others. Closing the portal, she found herself imprisoned on an ice planet with a crowd of dangerous criminals. Thanks to her intelligence and ingenuity, she was able not only to adapt, but also to survive in such an environment. To get the Water Star, Tekna had to choose between Timmy and the world of logic and technology, where she could not experience feelings, express her emotions. With difficulty, she said goodbye to Timmy and entered the world of logic, then received the Water Star. Together with the Star, Tekne regained the ability to feel and love. In her workshop, Tekna made a Technomobile (she worked on the Technomobile for almost a month) and drove Flora in the car. Leila also loved to ride the Technomobile.

Name: Flora
Age: 16 years old (in the first season)
Birthday: March 1
Zodiac sign: Dryad
Home planet: Linphea
Strength: Earth and nature magic
Interests: Romance, nature
Favorite color: Purple, green
Boyfriend: Helia
Best friend: Tekna
Roommate: Bloom
Pixie: Chatta
Character: Kind, sweet, gentle, responsible schoolgirl, peaceful, easily vulnerable, modest, romantic.
BIO: Flora was born on the planet Linphea, where all magic is connected with nature. Flora's mom, Rose, is one of the cutest people on the planet and runs her own potion shop. Flora's dad - Root, an agronomist, spends a lot of time in gardens and parks. Flora and dad are not very good a good relationship. At first, Flora was afraid that she would not be able to make friends in Alfea, as it is a little difficult for her to meet new people. From the very first day of her studies, Flora showed extraordinary success in potions. Often brews special potions for her plants. Flora's room resembles a small garden. In the second season, she met Helia. When she met him, she really liked his drawings, on the same day she really fell in love with him when he saved her from a monster ... True, at first she was not sure of Helia's feelings, although her friends assured her that he loves her: after all, he painted her portrait and wrote a poem for her. In the classroom, Flora began to constantly be distracted and dream about a guy, how they would get married. The girl decided to write him a letter confessing her feelings, but when she met him, she was afraid to give it away. For this, her pixie Chatta constantly called her a coward. When she and her friends were relaxing in the reality of Rezot, Helia suddenly appeared ... And when asked what he was doing here, he said that he wanted to check how the most beautiful flowers on the wild lands. And it seemed to Flora that he was talking about her ... Receiving charmix is ​​also associated with Helium. Flora got her charmix the latest in the pixie village, when she overcame her fear and confessed her love to him ... In the third year, Flora became much more confident, continued to grow plants. Flora the fourth received her enchantix on Linpheus when she saved her sister Millie from dangerous waters and nearly drowned herself. The healing power of Flora's enchantix brought the magical Black Willow to life. Thanks to this, the girls were able to teach the Trix a lesson and remove the spell of Valtor from Miss Faragonda, returning the headmistress to her former appearance. Flora, like Leila and Bloom, did not participate in the test for obtaining Water Stars. The element of Fire, which Valtor sent to burn Alfea, destroyed the entire magical forest, which made Flora very worried. Luckily, by combining the powers of Nature and Water, Flora and Layla were able to restore it.

Name: Stella
Age: 17 years old (in the first season)
Birthday: August 18
Zodiac sign: Mermaid
Home planet: Solaria
Power: Magic of the sun and moon
Interests: Everything related to style, fashion and beauty
Favorite Color: Gold, yellow, orange
Boyfriend: Brandon
Best friend: Bloom
Roommate: Lives alone
Pixie: Cupid
Personality: Elegant, full of charm, graceful, gentle, selfish, glamorous, impudent
BIO: Stella is the princess of the planet Solaria. Her parents, Radius and Luna, are divorced, and Stella is very worried about this. Until the age of 6, Stella was not a beauty, but quite the contrary. She suffered all her childhood because of this. But one day she decided it was time to change that. And so, from an ugly, bespectacled five-year-old girl, she turned into the first beauty of magical reality. She entered Alfea twice. In her freshman year, she was kicked out of school for accidentally blowing up the Potions room. Because of this, she is older than her friends on whole year . Before leaving for Alfea, Stella visited Earth, where she met Bloom and invited her to a magical school. Stella took part in the Miss Magics beauty contest and won it. Although at first the first place went to one girl from the Cloud Tower, but she received the crown of the winner by fraud, and when she was exposed, Stella became the winner. Stella does not like to study and she does not have the best results. She does not understand why she should study if she will become the queen anyway. When Stella found out about Sky and Brandon's deception, she literally lost her temper, in particular due to the fact that Brandon is not a prince. Stella possesses the ring of the planet Solaria, which, when fighting witches, transforms into the wand of Solaria. Stella did not understand why the witches were so vehemently trying to take the ring away from her, although she later found out that her ring was stronger than she thought. In her sophomore year, Stella, along with Bloom, Layla, Brandon, and Sky, set out to save the pixies. A little pixie named Cupid (Amore) chose Stella as her partner and said that she was very beautiful. But during this adventure, Stella almost lost Brandon. The princess of the underworld, Amentia, fell in love with Brandon and wanted to marry him to herself, and for this she decided to get rid of Stella. Stella was not killed, but sent away from the underground kingdom. At first, Stella could not turn into a fairy, since there was no sun there. Although later she and her friends were able to save her boyfriend from the wedding. Stella was the second to get her charmix, in reality, Rezot, when she made up with Leila, the new Winx. Even before the start of the third year of study, King Radius gave Stella a "Princess Ball", where he announced that Solaria would soon have a new queen, as he would marry Countess Cassandra. Stella and Chimera (Cassandra's daughter) managed to get to know each other and hate each other. The Countess and Chimera, with the help of Valtor, bewitched Stella, turning her into a monster, and Radius. The forces of friendship, love and the magic Mirror of Truth removed the spell from Stella. The girl was very worried about her father, who was controlled by an evil countess. With the help of the boys, the Winx infiltrated Solaria's palace during the wedding ceremony, and Stella, by the power of her enchantix, was able to free Radius from Cassandra's influence. Stella got her 2nd enchantix on Eraklion when she saved her father from a mad dragon. To get the Water Star, Stella had a choice: beauty or the Star. Apparently, the Mirror of Truth taught the girl that beauty is not the most important thing. Abandoning beautiful face in favor of the “mug” (as she called her “new” face), Stella received the Star, for which she was rewarded: the Nymph-Keeper of the Water Stars appreciated Stella’s sacrifice and returned her beauty to her.


Name: Bloom
Age: 16 years old (in the first season)
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Home planet: Domino (Sparks), but grew up on Earth
Power: Fire Dragon Magic
Interests: Dreams, magic
Favorite color: Blue, blue, red, purple
Boyfriend: Skye
Best friend: Stella
Roommate: Flora
Pixie: Lockett
Personality: Courageous, kind, friendly, trusting, stubborn, dreamy, jealous, honest, always gets things done.
BIO: Bloom is the last crown princess ever beautiful planet Domino (Sparks), now turned by evil witches into a large block of ice. When Bloom was young, the legendary Fire Dragon chose her as the guardian of his power. Soon, Bloom was sent by her older sister Daphne through a portal to Earth in order to prevent evil witches from taking away the power of the Fire Dragon from the girl. Back on Earth, firefighter Mike found a little girl on fire that did no harm to her. Not finding the baby's parents, Mike and his wife Vanessa began to raise the girl and fell in love with her like their own daughter. For her fourteenth birthday, Mike and Vanessa gave Bloom a little rabbit with big ears, whom the girl named Kiko. There was no magic on Earth and Bloom knew nothing about her origin and her power. The girl was very fond of fairy tales and secretly dreamed of magic. Once in the park, Bloom discovered in herself magical abilities when she tried to save the fair-haired fairy girl. The girl's name was Stella and she invited Bloom to go with her to Alfea, a magical school for fairies. It turned out that you can enter Alfea only by invitation, and Bloom pretended to be the princess of the planet Velister Varanda. However, later she confessed everything and stayed in Alfea. In her freshman year, Bloom really wanted to know where she got her Magic power. In addition, in a dream she very often had a strange girl who looked like one of the ancient nymphs. And one day Bloom found out that she was the princess of the planet Domino (Sparks), that that girl was hers. Native sister Daphne, who saved her sister from enemies and now lives in the royal palace of Domino (Sparks) in the form of a ghost. At the end of her first year, Bloom confronted three evil witches who took her power away from her and wanted to conquer Magix. The Winx Club stopped them, and the witches were sent to the good Lightstone Correctional Center. In her sophomore year, Bloom learned more about her home planet and her family. During the mission to rescue the little pixie fairies, Bloom found a partner in the form of Lockett - the pixie portals. Bloom was bewitched twice by Lord Darkar and turned into a witch by him. The first time she was saved by Professor Avalon, and the second time, thanks to Sky's love, she was able to get rid of the spell and regain her former appearance. She was the first to find her charmix when she saved her friends in the reality of Rezot. In their third year, Bloom and her friends encountered a new villain - the powerful sorcerer Valtor, who was trying to capture all magical realities. A little later it turned out that it was he who was involved in the destruction of Domino (Sparks) and the disappearance of Bloom's real parents. During the festivities on Eraklion, Bloom almost lost Sky. He was bewitched by Diaspro using the power of Valtor. Bloom was very grateful to Stella, who was able to remove the spell from her boyfriend. At the end of the school year, Bloom managed to find out that her real parents were alive and, with the help of her friends, stopped and destroyed Valtor. Bloom found her sixth enchantix on the dragon island of Pyros when she activated her positive powers and believed that she could stop Valtor. However, due to the peculiar method of obtaining, Bloom's enchantix, unlike the others, was not completed, and the girl tried in every possible way to become stronger. To gain new strength to fight Valtor, the girls went after the Water Stars, which could extinguish the power of the Fire Dragon. But due to the incompleteness of the enchantix, Bloom could not participate in obtaining the stars. To defeat Valtor, Bloom risked her life and almost died in the last two fights, but completed her mission.

Musa (Winx Club)- one of the fairies that make up the Winx Club. Her clubmates in the animated series "Winx Club - Fairy School" become bloom,Stella , Flora , TecnaandLeila.

Character Musa (Winx Club) / Musa (Winx Club)

Musa (Winx Club) was born on May 30 on the planet Melody. Her mother, a great singer, died when Muse was not even six years old, and her father, professional pianist, decided to give up music forever and forbade his daughter to develop musical talent. Because of these disagreements, she was at odds with her father for a long time.

Muse is the fairy of harmony, the power came from her mother. She knows how to amuse her friends and manages to joke about the arrogant Stella. Muse loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and saxophone. In the first year of study at Alfea, Muse liked Riven She was trying to get his attention. She had a rival, one of the witches Trix - Darcy. Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under hypnosis Darcy and was completely in her hands. Because of this Muse began to hate all the witches, and they answer her the same. Later, Riven was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and he confessed to Muse that he liked her.

Musa has a wonderful musical voice. She loves to play pranks on her friends and sometimes her humor is black. AT "Winx Club - Fairy School Season 2" Muse sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang. It was on this evening that she reconciled with her father, and he allowed Muse to continue her musical career.

The bonds of friendship bind the Muse to the pixie good manners- Thune, although they were complete opposites. The music was full bad habits, because of which they often did not get along with each other, but Tune still managed to re-educate Musa.

Muse has an Asian appearance. She is white with blue eyes. Her hairstyle is two black high ponytails with a bluish tint, short in the first and second seasons, and already long in the third. Muse's daily outfit: a red top with one strap, a lilac armband that fits on both arms, but more often on the right, baggy jeans with long patch pockets and youth sneakers

Muse's outfit in the guise of a fairy consists of a red shiny top and skirt, connected by a transparent red fabric, red boots on a high platform and lilac headphones. The wings of the Muse are transparent blue with lilac stripes in the middle. Musa's Charmix - a musical treble clef and hip pouch in the form of a CD player.

Musa is from the planet Harmonic Nebula. When Muse was very young, her mother died, and now she lives with her father. Although her mother had a fantastic voice and her father was a pianist, after the death of his wife he abandoned music and demanded it from his daughter. Once he even threatened to take Muse from Alfea (Alfea) for appearing at a concert in the Red Fountain (Red Fountain). At the beginning of the series, Muse is 16 years old, her birthday is May 30th, and her magic sign is Elf.

Muse loves music, dancing, singing, she loves to play all kinds of instruments, but her favorite is the flute. Muse always plays very well, but she does it best when she plays for herself alone. Muse does not like simple songs, she loves songs that have deep meaning, and the texts of which are written with soul.

Of all the Winx club girls, Musa has the best marks in Alfea, with the exception of Tecna. Outwardly, Muse is very beautiful: she has fair skin, an oriental face type and blue eyes. Her strength is music and she in turn draws her energy from music. Pixie Muzy-Tune (Tune), pixie manners, and they quarrel very often, because they are almost complete opposites.

In behavior, Muse is sometimes very similar to a tomboy boy, but at the same time she is the most vulnerable of all the girls of the Winx Club. And in life she is more of a loner, and their relationship with Raven (Riven) was very problematic. In the third season, she even made the decision to break up with Raven, but soon they began to meet again.

In the series:

In the first season, Muse is shown as a tomboy. She shows herself as a witty and funny girl. Despite this, she is very vulnerable and acutely perceives her failures and problems in her relationship with Riven. Like other Winx in the first season, she learns to be part of the team and a friend.

In the second season, Musa gets closer to Layla because they both feel like outsiders in some way and both love to dance. At the same time, Muse gradually draws closer to Riven, and even earns her own Charmix when she decides to trust him. At the end of the season, they finally start dating and show their feelings for each other for the first time.

In the third season, along with other Winx, Muza learns about the new transformation of fairies - Enchantix and earns it when she does not agree to leave her friend who could die in a library fire. But perhaps the most important moment for Muse, and very difficult is the moment of choice between the last Water Star and the opportunity to meet again and live with her mother. And although this was one of her most cherished desires, Muse could not sacrifice the peace and tranquility of the whole universe and refused in favor of last star. This act deserves respect.

In the fourth season, Musa and the other Winx went to Earth in search of the last fairy of the Earth. Muse showed her talent as a singer on Earth, so much so that an important producer noticed her. And here again, once again, the Musa / Riven pair had to go through tests of doubt, trust and testing of feelings. Perhaps, the share of this couple more than others falls different problems and difficulties. Even more precisely mutual misunderstanding.

In the fifth season, Musa will receive a new Sirenix transformation, and will face a new enemy, Tritonus. The details of this adventure will be known later, when Winx season 5 will be released.


Muse's daily outfit consists of a red top, a lilac armband, which is placed on both hands, but more often on the right, baggy jeans and red sneakers. Her outfit from Season 2 looks different. It consists of a turquoise plaid top, a red belt worn over the top and trousers, and half gloves.

In the first two seasons, Muse appears with an unchanged hairstyle - two short ponytails, and in the third she grew them with the help of a spell and now walks with long ponytails. This happened in the first episode of the third season, in which Muse agreed to a change in her appearance. Her Winx outfit consists of a red glittery top and a matching miniskirt, with sheer pink fabric connecting them. The Winx outfit also includes high red boots and lilac headphones. The wings of the Muse are transparent blue with lilac shelves in the middle. Charmix (Charmix) Muses is a musical key and hip bag in the form of a CD player. Musa earned her Charmix for speaking her feelings to Raven despite Darcy's presence.

In subsequent seasons, Muse repeatedly changed various outfits, along with other Winx, changing into sports, ballroom and casual outfits. But her color scheme has always remained red-burgundy.

Magic abilities:

Since the Muse of the planet Melody, her abilities and attacks are somehow connected with music and sound waves. Muse can create sound vibrations and impulses that lead to an explosion. Or surround the enemy with virtual speakers and deafen them with incredibly loudbasses. She is able to hypnotize opponents and block line of sight and reach. The muse is able to create protectivewalls and barriers.


Winx creator Inginio Straffi said in an interview that the image of Muse was partially written off from actress Lucy Liu.

The name of the Muse, may be related to Greek goddesses arts - Muses, or the word Music, which equally reflects its character.

In the original version of the series, Muse was supposed to have short green hair and carry a flute with her everywhere.

Many believe that Muse is very similar to Kaworu from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.

Muse's basic hairstyle has changed more often than others throughout the series.

Muse, unlike most of the Winx girls, is not the princess of her home planet.

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