Tourist dictionary with transcription. Translator of English words into transcription

This dictionary gives pronunciation of the English word with transcription. When you press the button with the sound icon, the announcer pronounces the word in English. You can choose to pronounce the word British or American English. Dictionary with good quality voice acting, completely different from the pronunciation of a robot.

This is one of the best free voiceover and transcription dictionaries that I have come across on the Internet.

  1. Description
  2. How does it work English online dictionary
  3. Visualization is a great way to remember a new word


word reference is electronic version pocket Oxford English Dictionary (includes 210,000 words and phrases)

If you meet a new English word unfamiliar to you, thanks to this dictionary, you will learn not only how it is pronounced, but also how the transcription of this word is written and examples of use in context. That is, you can easily translate from English with pronunciation and transcription, and vice versa, translate from Russian into English. This dictionary translates words one by one, as they say less is more. But several meanings of the word are given and it is shown how this English word can be used in a given situation. Thus it is English explanatory dictionary.

How the dictionary works:

In the window we write the word that we need to translate, select the translation language English-Russian (English-Russian) or Russian-English (Russian-English) and press Enter or on the button in the form of a magnifying glass.

Translation options will appear

To hear the pronunciation english word, click on the listen button (listen), next to the button to listen to the pronunciation there is a choice: American pronunciation English words – US or UK sounding UK. Next to the sound option you can see transcription of an English word.

And how now to remember new words?

Our English teacher taught us a wonderful way to memorize new things. English word once and forever. I still remember how it was and she also said that we will remember this new word forever, the way it is. We studied the method of memorizing the word by visualization, that is, we take the word cucumber - cucumber and imagine a green pimply cucumber and call this green and pimply one presented by us - the word cucumber. Everything is very simple! It is necessary to imagine a new word - in all details and remember how the picture presented in the brain is called in English. This method works very well!

Transcription of an English word with pronunciation

Not everyone and not always understands how, looking at the transcription, to pronounce the word correctly. Especially for children, it is difficult to explain the pronunciation of words by transcription. And this dictionary gives us a wonderful opportunity to hear the correct pronunciation of unfamiliar English words. Just click on the "listen" button and listen to the audio sound.

And in order to better remember the correct pronunciation of new English words, you can listen to them several times audio sound and who needs to look at transcription.By the way, hearing the correct audio pronunciation of the word, you can remember how to pronounce the sounds of transcription correctly.

fun facts

Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne.

If you need more than just an English translator with transcription and want to know foreign words 100%, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main sections of the site. We create thematic collections of English, German and Spanish words that you can learn in any way convenient for you. Most Popular: , . And that's not all...

Probably the best professional translation tool.

You can use it online for free, or you can buy the official desktop version. What is its feature? Only in multitran you can find a narrow-profile translation of words. Transcription to English words is required condition. By the way, professional translators from different countries work on the adequacy of the translation in given dictionary. There is support for other languages, not only English. ABBYY Lingvo- second free version online translation chiki with transcription, but may be number one for many teachers, students, schoolchildren.

Here you will find not only the transcription of the right words, but also the correct word forms, sentences, etymology of use, and much more. ABBYY dictionaries are more suitable for English learners, while multitran is a professional translation tool.

About the history of formation and creation phonetic transcription American English can be read in the material:

An English translator with transcription and Russian pronunciation allows you to easily start learning English.

Constant listening correct pronunciation of all words and the presence of their transcription is the first and necessary requirement for each student who starts from the Basic Speaker level (according to the international classification, Basic Speaker is a category of a beginner level of English proficiency).

Also, a good translator with additional features of text-to-speech and transcription will help not only to start independent study, but also necessary for the translation of the text.

Thus, even those who do not know English will be able to receive a high-quality translation with the possibility of its detailed consideration.

Some basic requirements for a translator:

  • The most accurate translation of the text;
  • The arrangement of the words of the sentence in right order, according to all the rules and norms of the language;
  • Possibility to get several translations of one word.

Consider the most popular and high-quality translation programs.


Surely, you have heard about this program more than once. It has been in existence for over 20 years. Promt developers are constantly improving the software to make it as user-friendly as possible. The level of translation of the text is also being improved.

Promt works according to a fundamentally different translation scheme than the main services.

The program can be downloaded to a personal computer from the official website, there is also an online service with which you can always translate text on any topic as accurately as possible.

In Promt there is an opportunity to get a translation of words and sentences with full transcription and detailed pronunciation.

Advice! Thanks to the updated function quick transfer you will be able to set up working with files directly so as not to copy the text into the text field of the application. This feature is very convenient if you need to translate long articles and books.

The hybrid translation technology used by Promt does not require the user to edit the incorrectly translated text.

However, unfortunately, none of the translators can translate the text perfectly, so there may be some inaccuracies in the order of the words (they will not affect the understanding of the text).

To see the transcription of a word, you should bring the cursor to it and wait one or two seconds.

Promt is a powerful software that will help you start learning English. Thanks to him, you will quickly master the ability to read in English and understand the basic constructions of the language.

Google translator

This online service does not need a special introduction, hundreds of millions of people around the world work with it every day. Google Translator is a service from Google, which is able to work with most languages ​​in the world.

Also, the program can pronounce the text and show the transcription of the necessary words. This online service features a unique robot that pronounces the text very accurately.

To see the transcription of a word and its instant translation, go to . Select the original language and the target language. Then enter a word in the language text field, its translation into the language you need will instantly appear.

The transcription is highlighted below the language text field.

To listen to the text, click on the corresponding "Listen to text" button. If you want to receive text and voice translation of all the entered words and applications, click on the "Turn on voice translation" button, as shown in the figure below.

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English today ranks first in the world in terms of demand and percentage of speakers. English is the language of international media, politics, education, economics. In almost all schools in the Russian Federation, English is the main foreign language, which junior schoolchildren is taught from the second grade, and it is also the most taught language in the world, both in primary and higher education.

Study of any foreign language, including English, one should start with the basic aspects: analysis of phonetics, alphabet, rules for pronunciation of sounds and words.

Rules for reading and pronunciation in English

Letters and sounds

First of all, comprehension of the language begins with acquaintance with the alphabet.

English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters, 5 of which are vowels: A[hey], E[i], I[ai], O[ou], U[yu] and 21 consonants: B[bi], C[ si], D[di], F[ef], G[ji], H[h], J[jay], K[key], L[el], M[em], N[en], P[ pi], Q[cu], R[ar], S[es], T[ti], V[vi], W[double u], X[ex], Y[y], Z[zet]. The sound system of the language is represented by 44 units, since some letters of the alphabet can transmit several sounds at once, depending on the combination with another letter or on the location in the word.

In the rules for reading English, we single out two main phonetic aspects and then we will talk about each of them in more detail:

  • type of syllable in English words;
  • digraphs in English words.

Types of syllables in English

An open syllable is a syllable where the final letter is a vowel, for example: shame, love, China. In an open syllable, the vowel is read, as a rule, in the same way as in the alphabet. But if the syllable is open and the last in the word, the vowel may not be pronounced, so to speak, "chew" in the flow of speech, for example, the word love - love - we will pronounce as "love".

Examples of vowels in an open syllable:

  • Letter A: face - face.
  • Letter E: be (monosyllabic word) - to be
  • Letter I: bike - motorcycle
  • Letter O : photo - photography
  • Letter U: tulip - tulip

A closed syllable is a syllable that ends in a vowel.

Examples of vowels in a closed syllable:

  • Letter A [long and wide a]: man - man
  • Letter I [i]: six - six
  • Letter O [æ - sound between a and e]: bottle - bottle
  • Letter U [sound close to a]: butter - oil

There is also a type of syllable which is written as closed syllable, but differs in that the vowel r follows the stressed vowel in the root and is not read in the flow of speech. R affects the preceding vowel, softening it slightly.

  • purpose [ˈpərpəs] - purpose
  • start - start, start
  • forth - further

There are syllables that are graphically open, but the stressed vowel is followed by the consonant r, which can be read (parents - parents) or not read (to take care - take care) depending on phonetic features the words.

Note: The double letter r in the root of English words does not affect the reading of the vowel in front of it, but only indicates that the syllable is closed, for example: terrible - terrible.

Letter combinations - digraphs

English, as one of the Germanic languages, is characterized by combinations of two vowels or consonants, which are called digraphs.

Consonant digraphs:

According to the rules of reading and pronunciation, vowel digraphs can be conditionally divided into three small groups:

  • which are pronounced as diphthongs (transition from one vowel to another): ei / ey, oi / oy;
  • which are pronounced as monophthongs or diphthongs, and the reading does not always correspond to the constituent letters, for example, au / aw: I saw, the vowel [a] is read like a sound;
  • digraphs where the first vowel is read according to the rule open syllable, for example, ai / ay, ea / ee: leave - leave - only the sound [i] corresponding to the letter e is pronounced

Note: The combination of vowels belonging to different syllables is not a digraph! In this case, only the first letter of the phonetic combination will be read, for example:

  • feet - here is long, in transcription it is indicated by the sign ":";
  • sea ​​- only the vowel [i] is read, just like the letter itself in the alphabet;
  • count - count, only sound is pronounced, which is correlated with the letter o.


Once you are familiar with the alphabet and basic phonetic aspects (syllables, digraphs), you can read words and whole sentences. But sometimes there are

difficulties - you doubt the pronunciation of a particular word, and therefore you have to resort to the help of a dictionary, where each word corresponds to a phonetic transcription.

Transcription is a graphic transmission of speech sounds with a special system of phonetic signs or symbols. It is useful to know and be able to understand transcription yourself - you can pronounce a word you do not know without outside help.

It must be said that the process of reading English words is mainly based on the transformation of a combination of letters into a combination of sounds.

Examples of words from English-Russian dictionary, data with transcription:

  • hear [hiə] - to hear
  • price [prais] - price
  • trouble [trΛbl] - trouble
  • cold [kəuld] - cold
  • skirt [skε:t] - skirt

Online pronunciation words on English language with transcription. Audio recording of English words made by a native speaker with a British accent. You can listen and memorize English words. For convenience, all material is divided into categories.

Online pronunciation of letters of the English alphabet. You can also see the English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation in Russian letters. The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters. 6 letters represent vowel sounds. 21 letters represent consonants. The letter "Y" stands for both consonants and vowels.

Online pronunciation of seasons, names of months, days of the week and parts of the day in English with transcription and translation into Russian. The delicate balance between the warmth of the ocean and the cold of arctic cyclones, rainy and sunny days often disturbed by the unpredictability of the climate in all seasons of the year in Britain, sometimes summers can be disappointing with a complete lack of heat, and winters can be extremely warm, with no snow at all.

Russian letters

English words in Russian letters. The pronunciation of English words and phrases is given in Russian letters without the introduction of special transcription marks. Russian English phrasebook contains the most necessary words and phrases in English with transcription in Russian letters

Daily routine in English

Online pronunciation words and phrases in English on the topic - "Daily routine". In addition, you can see the page

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