Translation into pencil drawing online. How to make a photo as drawn with Photoshop

Exist talented people able to create amazing realistic paintings. But if you're not one of them, today's tutorial will help you achieve a similar effect using Adobe Photoshop. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a painted image effect from a photo. In this case, you do not need to wield a brush, since the whole process is based on effects.

The effect we want to achieve in this tutorial simulates realistic brush strokes. This technique is great for turning a photo into an illustration, such as creating retro posters.

Open your image in Photoshop. The example uses a portrait from Shutterstock. Add a Curves adjustment layer and darken the dark areas and brighten the light areas to increase the contrast.

Press CMD/Ctrl+J twice to duplicate the background layer twice. Switch to the top copy and select High Pass/Color effect from the Filters menu.

Adjust the effect so that image details appear against a gray background. A small value - about 1-3px - will help to avoid creating a halo.

Change the blending mode for this layer to Linear Light / Linear light. Now the image looks sharper. These sharpened areas will help us create brush strokes, particularly in the hair.

Merge the High Pass effect layer with a copy of the background layer below it, then choose Filter > Stylize > Diffuse from the menu.

Select Anisotropic / Anisotropic diffusion mode. it key moment in creating the effect of strokes.

If you look at the work up close, you will notice ugly places in areas where diffusion is repeated. Now we will fix it.

Select Image > Image Rotation > 90° CW from the menu, then press CMD/Ctrl+F to repeat the Diffuse filter.

Repeat the same procedure by rotating the image 90° again and apply the Diffuse filter again. Repeat this step a third time and rotate the image again to get it in the correct position.

Filter Diffuse / Diffusion created a cool brushstroke effect, but blurred the image a bit. To fix this, select from the menu Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen/Filter> Sharpen>Custom Sharpness. Use a value around 100% but on a small radius so you don't overdo it.

The result already looks good. Diffuse / Diffusion has created swirling details on the skin, which makes the image even more like it was painted. But there is one more step that can be taken to make the work look like it was drawn on a computer. Select Surface Blur from the menu Filter>Blur/Filter>Blur. Set the Radius to about 50px and Threshold to about 15. If you set these parameters correctly, the effect will only affect large, flat areas of the image.

Our drawn image effect is ready!

Up close, the effect looks especially good.

Translation - Duty room

In this simple tutorial, I'll show you the technique of how to regular photo Using Photoshop, you can make a drawing, as if painted with colored paints. The bet is made on the circled edges. It turns out the effect that at first the drawing was sketched with a pencil, and then it was painted over, leaving an underlined stroke of the contours.

Original Image:

Final result:

Step 10

Activate the bottom black and white layer and set the blending mode to or , depending on how your photo looks.

With mode overlap:

With mode Soft light:

To reduce the intensity of the color, you can lower the value on the second black and white layer or on the background layer.


The finished result should look something like this:

When choosing a photo for processing, please note that the best way This tutorial allows you to style images with nature or with flowers. Macro shots are also suitable for the lesson. Processing portrait or animal shots will likely not look as impressive.

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Styling a photo is always very interesting for beginners (and not so) photoshoppers. Without long introductions, I will say that in this lesson you will learn how to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop.

The lesson does not pretend to be of any artistic value, I will just show a few tricks that will allow you to achieve the effect of a hand-drawn photo.

One more note. For successful conversion, the photo must be quite big size, since some filters cannot be applied (they can, but the effect is not the same) to small images.

So, open the original photo in the program.

Make a copy of the image by dragging it onto the new layer icon in the layers palette.

Then desaturate the photo (the layer we just created) with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+U.

We make a copy of this layer (see above), go to the first copy, and remove visibility from the top layer.

Now we proceed directly to the creation of the drawing. Go to the menu "Filter - Strokes - Cross Strokes".

Using the sliders, we achieve approximately the same effect as in the screenshot.

Then we go to upper layer and turn on its visibility (see above). Go to the menu "Filter - Sketch - Photocopy".

As with the previous filter, we achieve the effect, as in the screenshot.

As a result, we get something like this (remember that the results will be fully visible only at a 100% scale):

We continue to create a picture effect in Photoshop. Create a print (merged copy) of all layers with a keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.

Then go back to the menu "Filter" and choose the item "Imitation - Oil Painting".

The applied effect should not be too strong. Try to keep as many details as possible. The main starting point is the eyes of the model.

We are nearing the end of the styling of our photo. As we can see, the colors in the "picture" are too bright and saturated. Let's fix this injustice. Create an adjustment layer "Hue/Saturation".

In the layer properties window that opens, muffle the colors with the slider saturation and add some yellow color on the model's skin with a slider color tone.

The final touch is the overlay of the canvas texture. Such textures can be huge number find on the Internet by typing the appropriate query in the search engine.

Drag the image with the texture onto the model image and, if necessary, stretch it to the entire canvas and click ENTER.

Change the blending mode (see above) for the texture layer to "Soft light".

Here is what should happen in the end:

If the texture is too pronounced, then you can lower the opacity of this layer.

Unfortunately, the requirements for the size of screenshots on our site will not allow me to show the final result at 100% scale, but even with this resolution, you can see that the result, as they say, is obvious.

This lesson is over. You yourself can play with the strength of the effects, the saturation of colors and the imposition of various textures (for example, you can impose a paper texture instead of a canvas). Good luck in your work!

Good day to all, Dear friends, readers and everyone who came to my blog. Firstly, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Happy Great Victory! Our grandparents once kicked the ass of the Nazis. And it's cool. There is a reason to be proud of Our Country (and not even one)! Well, secondly, let's get down to business. I just recently saw a friend of his portrait drawn in pencil. And I thought: “But it’s very cool to have your own pencil drawing».

But unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity: either they are too lazy to do it, or they don’t want to spend extra money, or there is simply nowhere, etc. But I want to make you happy. This process can be simulated, and I will be happy to show you how to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop easily and in just a couple of minutes. It may turn out not one to one, but believe me, it looks just great. So stretch your fingers, crunch them and let's go!

  1. Open the image in our favorite editor and immediately duplicate the layer. To do this, press the key combination CTRL+J. Created an exact copy of the layer? Excellent!
  2. We need to desaturate the newly created layer, i.e. . The easiest way is to go to the menu "Image" - "Correction" - "Desaturate". Has the photo become b/w? Excellent.
  3. Now let's duplicate another layer, only this time we will not duplicate the original, but a black and white copy.
  4. The newly created copy must be inverted. To do this, go to the menu "Image" - "Correction" - "Invert" or just click CTRL+I. Do not be afraid that the picture has become a negative. So it should).
  5. Now, without leaving the negative layer, open the list of blending options and select "Base Lightening". Everything should be flooded with white light, but don’t be scared, as Elena Malysheva says: “This is the norm!”.
  6. Now we go to the familiar filter "Gaussian blur". If you do not remember where it is, then go to the menu "Filter" - "Blur" - "Gaussian blur". Now move the slider so that it looks like a pencil sketch. I have this value equal to 2, but there is no standard here, so adjust it yourself according to your case.

For good, we already have a good imitation of a pencil drawing, but if you wish, you can do it even better. Want to? Then we look further.

In general, this is how we get a pencil drawing. Of course, there are other ways, and to be honest, they are more realistic, but also more complex, so I will talk about them in other articles. Well, how do you like this imitation? Has the right to life? I think yes.

But if you are still poorly versed in Photoshop and want to quickly learn it, then I recommend that you learn this video course. It has everything you need, and you watch everything in the format of video tutorials, which is much more convenient than text. In addition, everything is told in a simple understandable way. human language in order from easy to difficult. In general, be sure to check it out.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

You can easily achieve this with short period. In this lesson, you will learn how to create drawings from a photo using brushes. If you use a graphics tablet in your work, you can achieve an even better effect. In a similar lesson, another option was considered for creating a pencil drawing from a photograph. So, let's begin!

Here is the result you should get:

The lesson used an image from a paid resource, but you can easily find it on the Internet and free photos a similar topic.

1. Image adjustment

Step 1

Open our source in Photoshop. Double click on the Background layer to unlock it and name it Layer 1. Create New layer and name it Layer 2. Set the foreground color to white and then use the fill(G), fill it with white. Place Layer 2 under the source layer.

Convert the color image to black and white. Make the photo layer active and go to the menu Image - Adjustment - Hue / Saturation and in the settings window that appears, reduce the Saturation to -100.

2. Create a picture effect

Step 1

Let's move on to creating the drawing effect itself. Add a layer mask to the tiger layer. To do this, click on the layer mask icon and immediately fill it with black using the tool fill(G).

Next, switch the foreground color to white. The background color should be black. Activate the tool Brush(B). Choose from a set of brushes Flat blunt with short stiff bristles, set the size to 60 pixels. and start applying strokes on the black layer mask (you can experiment with brushes and sizes and choose another one you like).

Step 2

By continuing to paint strokes with a white brush on the layer mask, we restore the image, giving it the texture of the picture. Try to keep the brush strokes like hatching or cross hatching, which mimics the technique of pencil drawing.


Tool moving(V) Center the image of the tiger in the document and add strokes until you are satisfied. When finished, duplicate this layer with the keys Ctrl+J.

Step 4

Now you need to enhance the effect of the picture. We go to the menu Image - Correction - Levels and set the settings for the RGB channel as in the screenshot, thereby enhancing the contrast and highlighting strokes. After that merge all layers together Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E.

Step 5

You can stop at the result, but it’s better to spend a couple more minutes and make the drawing as close as possible to the real one, made on paper. We will do this with the help of a gradient, we will try to achieve the effect of a photograph of a picture. Right-click on the layer with the picture and in the drop-down menu go to the option Overlay options(you can just double-click on the layer with the left mouse). Choose a layer style Gradient overlay, set the values ​​​​as in the screenshot.

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