Children's musical theater classes. Theater Studio for Teens

So, you have already climbed the entire Internet in search of the best option additional education for your child, re-read a lot of articles, talked with friends, separated the wheat from the chaff and decided - you need a theater studio! An excellent solution, but the most difficult is yet to come: out of thousands of educational institutions, you need to choose one, the most-most, and not be mistaken! How can you do this if all your theatrical connections are limited to a couple of cloakroom attendants and a nice old man from the buffet? The most important thing - do not get lost and do not grab the first option that comes up, consider only the best theater studios for children price Moscow | There are many such institutions in the capital and they are all different. To find the right one, let's try to clarify the criteria.

Many parents solve the problem of choice simply - they choose either the highest price or the most big name. Do not repeat their mistake, choose an institution according to the needs of the child.

As well as sport sections divided into professional and health groups, educational establishments with a theatrical bias can be divided into:

  • Drama circles "at home" - simple amateur or semi-professional theatrical hobby groups in schools, cultural centers, etc.; inexpensive, sometimes free;
  • professional theater studios - most often exist at theaters with a name and are aimed at training personnel for these same theaters; paid, admission based on strict competition.

These options deserve careful consideration, but remember that they are not equal, and the choice should be made depending on the desired result. For example, if you don’t see your child on stage, but just want to strengthen his self-esteem and instill a love for creativity, the Moscow Art Theater Studio is clearly not for you, but you should take a closer look at the circles near the house.

Children's studios at theaters and universities

For the hopeful young talents, whose future is seen by parents only in the light of spotlights or on the big screen, there are children's theater schools with big names and an impeccable reputation. Of these, it is much easier to get into a theater university and note to the right people, since the studios work at universities, and the leading theater teachers of Moscow teach in them. But getting into it can be difficult. The little candidate will have to convince admission committee that he has more abilities than most applicants.

Among professional institutions, the following are the most famous and best children's theater studios in Moscow:

  1. At the Moscow Art Theater. Needs no introduction. One of the ways to greatly facilitate the child's future admission to the Moscow Art Theater School.
  2. At GITIS. That is, at the largest theater university in Europe, thanks to which a whole galaxy of stars of the national stage, screen and direction saw the light.
  3. At the Vakhtangov Theatre. The Vakhtangov Theater will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary, it is one of the most interesting and respected theaters in the capital with a rich history.
  4. Children's theater studio named after Irina Feofanova. Since 2001, she has released many star students who have successfully entered and graduated from universities, and have found their place in the productions of the leading theaters of the capital, as well as in TV shows and movies.

The advantages of studying in studios at eminent theaters and universities are obvious, but what can be said about the cons:

  • it is expensive;
  • it is most often far from home;
  • it takes a lot of time and effort, sometimes to the detriment of basic education, because institutions are ambitious, and they study in them not for the sake of a hobby;
  • this is risky, because no one guarantees your child not only a stellar future, but even a modest role in a more or less serious production. Everything will depend on his abilities and luck, 50/50.

Theatrical hobby groups

If you are raising not a careerist, but a comprehensively developed personality with a love for art and creativity, that children's theater studio in Moscow is suitable for your child, where he will be comfortable, fun and interesting. Don't get hung up on professionalism, names, career prospects, or lack thereof. Look for talented organizers among teachers who can not only give children knowledge, but also light their little eyes with interest in theater and stage.

Useful advice: go to class, sit in the hall and look at the faces of the children, they will best recommendations whatever you can get.

Often, the curator of an amateur hobby group can achieve more from a child than an eminent theater teacher, so you should not be biased towards “circles”. Check everything that you can find near the house, do not miss any, even the smallest group of friends of the theater. Take the time to search and be sure to ask the child where he himself would like to study.

Advantages of children's drama circles:

  1. It is easy to find an option close to home.
  2. Inexpensive.
  3. It does not require too much time, does not distract from the main studies.
  4. The child chooses the place, not the place - the child. You can replace the circle you don't like with another one.

Everyone loves classes in a theater studio for childrenbecause they do not have a strict teacher who makes them learn uninteresting material, requires cramming or sitting at a desk for a long time.

  • Since 2006 2010 Theater Studio under the direction of. Mosharova V.V. (Shchukin Institute, Moscow)
  • 2004-2009 RSSU (Moscow) First higher education
  • 2009 2014 - St. Petersburg State Academy Theater Arts(LGITMIK / RGISI) course prof. Andreeva A.D. (actor-director)
  • 2012 Laureate of the project of short performances "Koroche" in the gallery contemporary art"Erarta", St. Petersburg. Special Prize jury for the play-fantasy "An Ordinary Story" (according to novel of the same name ON THE. Goncharov)
  • 2013 Director's laboratory "Twice two" Oleg Loevsky ( Youth theater Rostov-on-Don) a sketch based on the fairy tale by M. Bartenev "About the one who went to learn fear."
  • Laureate of the competition M. Sulimov "Director alone with the play" 2013. The play by W. Shakespeare "Measure for measure".
  • Pre-diploma performance - based on the play by L. Petrushevskaya "Staircase".
  • Author and performer of one of the parts of the plastic performance "Together". (The festival Baltic House, Melodrama Festival - Poland)
  • 2014 Participation in the Director's Laboratory of Genres at the MTK Theatre. Project " open doors" RAMT, sketch based on the play by V. Liubogo "We used to be birds"
  • 2014 director of the performance "Snow Flower" based on the fairy tales of S. Kozlov - Theater on the Cathedral, Ryazan
  • 2015 Laboratory "Open Space" - Irkutsk sketch based on the play by A. Ostrovsky "Pupil". (The release of the performance is scheduled for October 2015)
  • 2015 Participation in the director's laboratory "Young directors for children", organized by theater project"Open Doors" and the Center for Drama and Directing. Roshchina and Kazantseva (Moscow). Sketch based on the play "Call me Peter" by Jan Friedrich for a teenage audience.
  • 2016 Director of the play "Mosquito Dreams of Winter" Yu.Tupikina Prokopievskiy Drama Theatre, artist E.Nikitina
  • 2017 Director of the play "Emelya" based on the Russian folk tale "Po pike command" Istra Drama Theatre, artist N.Voynova

In the theater studio "Benefis" a competent approach to teaching acting skills and the main proof of this individual approach. It is possible only when all students are divided into groups: children's, adult and theater studio for teenagers. Our teachers understand that each group should have a different approach, goals, atmosphere, material being studied.

When teenagers aged 12-16 come to us, we understand that they are no longer children, but not adults either, and our task is to help them become adults.

Acting studio for teenagers in Moscow at the Benefis Theater

When forming the acting program, I proceeded from the characteristics of this age, namely:

Our theater studio for teenagers in Moscow is also different in that our students are involved not only in theatrical performances but also regularly attend informal events. They are waiting for mass trips to the theater, skits, games of "Mafia", thematic meetings and classes. There are many theater studios for teenagers in Moscow, but not everyone can boast of such an interest in the result of their students and their cohesion even after completing the course.

  1. Adolescents and children are often prone to isolation, complexes, shyness. Through classes and training theater stage children learn to behave freely both with their peers and with people older than them. They not only improve speech, diction and replenish vocabulary, but also the shoulders are simply straightened and the posture improves. The students of our studio note the increase in their own self-esteem and are glad that they can now start a conversation with a stranger and, moreover, competently defend their opinion in a conversation, incline in their direction.
  2. Children and teenagers are often quick-tempered, they do not control their emotions and break down on their parents and loved ones. Often this happens not only because it seems to a girl or a young man that he is not understood, limited, but also because he simply has no way out for his creative potential of his personality. Teenagers want to sing, dance, have fun, and often, forbidding them to do this, they tend to go "in all serious ways." By enrolling in a theater teenage studio, our students receive a legitimate platform for "rebellion" in the classroom.
  3. visit theater classes- this is a great hobby that is not only useful and relieves clamps and complexes, but also a pleasant pastime in a get-together of friends. We read classic literature, we instill good taste, studying high-quality material, we penetrate the world of art. And with children we have a special presentation and atmosphere.

Presenting acting for kids and teenagers, we did not aim to make a theater and film actor out of each student. For this we have other courses and trainings. We wanted to start the birth new personality: free from stiffness, complexes. Our students in the theater studio learn communication skills, comprehend the secrets of charisma, leadership, oratory. Indeed, in the conditions of modern realities, there is nowhere without it.

Classes for teenagers in the theater studio are held in a relaxed atmosphere among peers who have common interests, goals and problems. In the classroom, teachers learn to express their emotions, control their voice and body, and effectively conduct discussions. Experienced teachers work with teenagers, who become mentors-friends for them.

  1. Teenagers want to be liked the opposite sex, be able to joke, be the center of attention, speak beautifully and look amazing. Acting for teenagers, this is what they need during this period. After all, the skill of improvisation came to us from the theater. We can safely say that several performances within the framework of theater school and a child or teenager is no longer so petrified when he is in the spotlight, he owns his voice and body, knows how to interact with a partner, appreciates teamwork and at the same time learns to be responsible for his part of the common cause.
  2. As an adult, a teenager thinks about what he wants and knows how to do in life. He dreams about prestigious job that would please him and bring good income. But only an adult understands that extra skills, skills and crafts do not exist. Theater courses become an additional guarantor of the device in a difficult life.

It's hard to imagine successful person without the skills of oratory, beautiful and competent speech, clear diction, charisma. Here it is important not to forget that all these virtues are not always a gift of nature, but often the result of a person's work on himself! And our task as a theater studio for children and adolescents is to help acquire these necessary for Everyday life quality.

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