10 most prestigious. What works are considered prestigious


A prestigious profession promises a high income, career advancement, respect or even envy from acquaintances and friends. All this contributes to the fact that prestigious professions will be in high demand among university applicants, and universities, in turn, will provide a wide range of such specialties.

Among modernity, representatives of the IT sphere are in the first place, which is not surprising: so many specialists in the field of programming, web design, site setup have never been required. In the age of computer technology development, representatives of the IT industry will never be left without work, moreover, they can count on more than high salaries.

In second place are those who have long occupied the top lines of ratings among the professions of the specialty lawyer, prosecutor,. Of course, the competition in this area is great, and some experts have long been talking about the saturation of the market with lawyers of all stripes. And yet, the popularity of the profession is only growing, and the emerging law firms and the vacancies that do not disappear from a wide variety of companies indicate that the demand for good lawyers is not going away. At the very beginning of a career, salaries for lawyers are usually low, but you can make an excellent career in this area. Lawyers are required in many areas of business and politics, so this specialty offers graduates the widest opportunities for their application.

Equally popular is the employment of those who were not afraid to start their own business or rise to the rank of the head of the company. The activities of a director, businessman, leader, top manager attract with their high position and opening opportunities in terms of earnings and freedom of action. Not all novice specialists, however, understand what is required of such managers and directors in their work and what responsibility for many employees and the fate of the company lies on their shoulders.

Attractive in terms of prestige, income and opening prospects are the professions, economist and. The activity of any business is connected with finance, and even companies involved in other areas cannot do without competent economists. Therefore, this field of activity remains highly paid, and the demand for specialists in this field does not dry out.

Among the popular professions, several other specialties are also noted. This is an architect, marketer, doctor, psychologist, fashion designer. All these professions can be very profitable, and are considered prestigious in society. In addition, they are not as familiar as an economist and a lawyer, so they arouse additional interest among the interlocutors. A touch of suspense and unfamiliarity will give even more weight to specialists in these areas.

The research center of the international personnel portal HeadHunter conducted a study on the topic " What professions do you consider the most prestigious?". The survey involved 1581 respondents from different regions of the country. The results of the survey turned out to be somewhat predictable: professions associated with stability, high incomes, confidence in the future, as well as career opportunities and general market demand are in the lead.

We present to you top 10 most prestigious professions in 2015.

Professions associated with money are traditionally respected. Economists and financiers were no exception. The average salary of an economist in Russia is 30 thousand rubles. Most of all, people of this profession are in demand in three regions: Sverdlovsk, Moscow, and Leningrad.

9. Bankers

Bankers are quoted higher than economists. The average salary of a banker in Russia is 45,000 rubles. Large money centers - Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk regions - are the most profitable in terms of finding a job for people in this profession.

8. Engineers (various industries)

Higher technical education has traditionally been highly valued in the CIS countries since Soviet times. From a material point of view, the average salary of an engineer varies from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. The republic of Ingushetia respects engineers most of all - there the average salary of an engineer is 75,333 rubles. According to the portal, in the future the prestige and demand for this profession will only increase, and people with a technical and economic education plus knowledge of any European language will be especially needed.

7. Creative professions (designers, artists, artists)

These professions are “newbies” in the ranking of the most respected professions. Most of all, designers are popular in the Magadan region - there the average salary is 52,500 rubles; The Moscow region takes the second place.

6. Pilots and astronauts

These heroic professions are covered with a halo of romance and traditionally enjoy high respect among the population. And in material terms, they look good - the average salary ranges from 100 to 120 thousand rubles. Pilots are highly valued in the Krasnodar Territory, followed by the Republic of Tatarstan and the Amur Region.

5. Doctors

The average salary of a general practitioner is about 38 thousand rubles. The highest paid doctors live in the Kamchatka Territory, where their average salary is 75,000 rubles. In second place is the Republic of Kalmykia, and in third place is the Leningrad Region.

4. Lawyers, lawyers

The most highly paid among lawyers are considered to be specialists in civil law - their salary is an average of 110 thousand rubles.

3. Top managers

The average salary of a top manager is 50 thousand rubles. Predictably, they are most in demand in the Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk regions, but they are paid the most in the Saratov region, where the average salary of a top manager is 185 thousand rubles. The next place is the Samara and Rostov regions.

2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen

It is difficult to determine the average salary level of entrepreneurs. The reason lies in the specifics of doing business in Russian, when most of the income is in the shadows.

1. Programmers and IT specialists

Three out of five respondents consider this profession to be the most prestigious - perhaps because it represents a golden mean between opportunities, needs and costs. The average salary of a Russian programmer is about 38 thousand rubles, while programmers who know how to work with Navision / Axapta earn about 92 - 80 thousand rubles. Most of all, programmers are valued in the Moscow region. This profession is in high demand, which is not surprising, given how rapidly the IT sector is developing in Russia and in the world.

It is assumed that for at least a few more decades, specialists in the creation, debugging and maintenance of software will be among the most needed and highly paid.

One of the most difficult steps in the life of any person is the choice of their future field of activity. Graduates and their parents, as well as millions of applicants, are interested in identifying prospects and the best positions for themselves and their loved ones. Each of them closely studies the most prestigious professions, trying to find an ideal business that will bring material and moral satisfaction.

A word about prestige

Job search is often based on the prestige of a particular position. What is included in this concept? People tend to have some authority, to be the first among the best. Therefore, the future profession is simply obliged to become attractive to the entire surrounding environment of a person. Most often, the choice falls on a job that is talked about a lot. And, preferably, only with positive connotations. These include an attractive salary, comfortable conditions and other factors. It often happens that the fashion for a particular profession is instilled in the people thanks to the mass media, which have a tremendous influence on the inner world of the population.

The design industry is constantly evolving, so the demand for good professionals continues to grow.

What to choose from?

Entire lists are compiled of popular professions. Top 10, Top 100 and thousands of other headlines can be found on the web for the most prestigious jobs of our time.

Today's youth sees in this their security and success. Applicants often opt for a specialty, starting from its popularity. In addition, almost every university in the country is ready to provide an opportunity to study in the most prestigious areas from the list of in-demand professions. Every year, the doors of new educational institutions are opened for students, unique faculties conduct admission.

What to choose?

Every year, labor market specialists announce the TOP-10 most demanded professions for general study. This list is compiled after careful monitoring of supply and demand for certain areas of activity. That is why such information plays an important role for those who are unable to make their own choice. Nowadays, the list of popularity has undergone some changes.

The first line has been confidently occupied by the legal field of activity for several years now. Moreover, this profession is popular both among women and among the stronger sex. Huge demand creates difficulties in entering the law school: educational institutions simply do not have such a number of places. However, those people who managed to get a diploma are able to get a job with a very decent pay. The income of a lawyer can fluctuate and significantly exceed the figure of 100 thousand rubles.

The next step of the pedestal is programmers and IT specialists. In recent years, work related to information technology has been in demand in all regions. High income is often provided by employment in several organizations at once. The most valuable personnel in this area are 1C programmers.

The third line belongs to specialists in . Working with the client base, selling the services and products of the organization, advertising are just some of the responsibilities of a successful professional in this field.

Medical workers occupy the next position in the ranking. Education in this specialty involves a longer period. But a practicing doctor will be in demand at any time. In addition, private medical institutions are becoming increasingly popular. And this is already a sure way to good earnings. The greatest need exists for specialists with a narrow profile.

Engineer is the fifth of the most demanded professions nowadays. Industrial production is in dire need of professionals in their field. That is why graduates of technical universities can count on work in one of the most prestigious industries.

The next step is designers and web programmers. Computer software is certainly one of the most promising areas of activity. No organization will function adequately without presenting its services on the web. In addition, this industry is constantly and rapidly evolving. Accordingly, the demand for good specialists continues to grow.

In seventh place are the auditors. Work in the financial sector has been attracting applicants and graduates for several years. Checking and control of financial statements, revision of financial documents, consultation and adjustment of accounting are the main duties of the auditor. What is attractive about this position is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff. He can also be invited from outside.

The eighth drain is occupied by marketers. Do you want to attend social events, analyze novelties in the market of goods and services? Then this position is the best option. Any company can achieve success through competent marketing. Hence the high demand for specialists is born.

Ninth - sales managers. Representatives of this specialty can be found everywhere. The service sector exists largely thanks to the workers in this area. The sales manager must be highly active, well versed in the product or services offered, be able to find a common language with any client. For more than a decade, this profession will attract applicants from all over the world.

Bank employees close the top ten. The following factors are characteristic for this position: decent pay, comfortable working conditions, career growth and others. And its demand is easily explained by the constant demand of the population for the services of banking and other financial organizations.

Attractive in the work of the auditor is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff.
  • the most profitable specialties (entrepreneurs, notaries, ministers, show business workers);
  • the most criminal professions (police officers, ministers, employees of security companies);
  • (rescuers, military, bodyguards, space industry workers, stuntmen) and others.

It is very important to understand that this list undergoes the most unexpected changes over time. Modern ranking leaders in the near future are able to significantly lower their positions. Everything goes to the fact that in a few years representatives of technical specialties will confidently gain a foothold in the first lines.

The main thing in a difficult task is to understand where a person can enjoy the performance of his duties. There is one indisputable truth: "No one will be able to earn all the money in the world." You need to remember this and follow some rules. Financial income should help create confidence in your future. It is important to grow personally, as well as devote time to self-development, doing what you love. It will never be too late to learn. It is important to believe in your strengths and capabilities! Well, work should give a person only positive emotions.

It's amazing how the list called "Prestigious professions" has changed over the years. Even 3 years ago, lawyers and managers were in the first place, but now they have faded into the background. This is due to targeted programs in our country, as a result of which universities have a large number of state-funded places in technical specialties.

So it turns out that even if a school graduate does not want to study in this direction, the living conditions dictate their own. Indeed, it is easier to enter a place financed from the budget, for example, at a polytechnic university than at an economic institute. And many parents simply cannot afford to pay for education. So, dear students, do not despair, because in the next 10 years not a single engineer will be left without a job. So, at least, say the media.

The most prestigious professions start with IT specialists. Now information technologies are developing at a frantic pace, and graduates of higher and secondary educational institutions who have an understanding of web design, web programming, information security, software and know at least one foreign language (English is preferred) will be successful.

I cannot fail to note that an engineer is currently a very prestigious job, especially if he is an economist or a lawyer at the same time.

In general, prestigious professions, as far as I can conclude, are not necessarily the most profitable. For example, from the above - the first specialist can receive a decent remuneration by working in several companies part-time. But an engineer at a plant, although he is a link in important production processes, does not always earn according to his specialty.

Ecologists and chemists are also prestigious professions, according to the opinion of the population and the predictions of specialists. Soon the authorities will seriously take care of the environment, its restoration and improvement - as reported in the news. To be honest, this is hard to believe, because now new plants are being built at an incredible speed, which are not safe for the environment.

But chemists are certainly a prestigious profession, because it is related to the target program of the government, because activities are currently being carried out to search for

I would like to note that prestigious professions include medical workers, which is good news. Judging by a recent survey, many parents would like their children to study at this faculty. Now there is a shortage of sympathetic, sympathetic doctors. Therefore, I would like to hope that people go there to study, feeling the importance, because, as you know, a health worker is

By the way, teachers and university professors are also prestigious professions that people associate with literacy and intelligence. At the same time, they are in the last places in terms of wages, which is another proof that prestige is determined rather by the recognition and attitude of society.

Why is it wrong to say that prestige is also determined by the needs of the market? Yes, because at the beginning of the ratings you can meet such professions as a manager, accountant, economist, financier, although the market is oversaturated with these specialists.

I also want to mention a separate story with them. Many, according to the survey, consider this profession to be quite profitable, even one of the highest paid, but they recognize it as the least prestigious. But at the same time, many would hardly have refused the title of official.

Thus, a prestigious job is an ambiguous concept, and, despite all the ratings, it is worth deciding for yourself who to be. And let your profession remain without public recognition, but for you it will not be hard labor, but a daily holiday.

When looking for a promising job or in an effort to get an up-to-date education, many look at the TOP of highly paid professions in Russia. After all, everyone wants to have a profitable, sought-after and

Doctors occupy the top seven places on the list of the most prestigious and profitable professions in America. For example, an anesthesiologist in the United States earns an average of $290,000 per year. The salary of a surgeon is 260 thousand dollars, a gynecologist - 210 thousand and so on. Even the manager of a store in America receives a more modest salary than an anesthesiologist's nurse.

5. Financier, economist.

6. Businessman.

7. Deputy, minister, civil servant.

8. An employee of a computer company, a programmer.

9. Auditor, accountant.

10. Showbiz worker.

It is worth noting, however, that the highest paid professions in Russia are constantly changing, as their demand is changing. To date, lawyers are no longer specialists who earn the most. Many legal workers have very small salaries. And finding a job in the specialty immediately after receiving a diploma is very problematic. So girls who graduated from a law school have to work as secretaries in courts where there is neither prestige nor profit.

Prestigious and highest paid professions in Russia

What professions are guaranteed to bring income? One can argue with the VTsIOM rating, because the salary of a minister cannot be less than the salary of a lawyer or even a director. The highest income in our country comes from the profession of "highest-ranking official", and hardly anyone will dare to argue with this.

Next on the list of "The highest paid professions in Russia" is a senior position in the field of gold, aluminum, nickel and copper. These professions have always brought good profits, and will continue to do so until the earth runs out of natural resources. Entrepreneurs take the third honorable place in the list. Fourth - bankers and those close to them.

The salary of a bank employee has always been high, and to this day the situation has remained the same. But getting a job as a manager of a large organization is not so easy. Fifth place in the ranking is given to specialists working in the field of innovation. And if we believe the forecasts of sociologists, then very soon it will be possible to bet on technical specialties, the profitability and prestige of which will increase significantly.

In general, we can sum up that the profitability of the profession, of course, matters, but still it is better to focus not only on this factor. The job should suit your interests and personality. After all, everything is constantly changing in the world, and it is quite possible that the profession that you have chosen for yourself will become the most profitable and in demand.

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