Is Pechorin an extra person. Composition why Pechorin is an extra person

At the beginning of the 19th century, works began to appear, the main theme of which was the conflict between man and society. A modern image appears - "an extra person", rejected, and not only by people.

In the work "A Hero of Our Time" this image appears by the name of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. He comes from an influential noble family, which is why he has always been surrounded by rich people since childhood. But soon he was tired of a rich society with meaningless fun for money, that is, various balls, dinners, masquerades and so on. Gregory was more interested in science.

Pechorin's inner world was empty, the reason for this was his development. From birth, he was forced to live an empty life and his future was also empty. He wrote in his diary that if he was modest, he was accused of lying; he became secretive, since no one gave him affection; he became angry because he was insulted; he was ready to love everyone, but no one understood him and he began to hate everyone.

In the work of Pechorin, they show how the victim of the nobles. As a result, from an early age he became a soulless, rude and selfish person, each time he gradually moved away from society.

Throughout the entire work, Pechorin tries to fight the emptiness inside. However, his attempts are unsuccessful. Everything he set out to do was a failure. Pechorin knows this and suffers because of this. His torment is shown in the never-ending confrontation between humanism and cynicism. He wrote all these sufferings in his diary, in his inner struggle he deprived himself of everything necessary for existence. All these sufferings made him an "extra person" among people.

Pechorin is also morally exhausted. He does not want to meet people, talk with interesting interlocutors. Pechorin has no close friends, and he also does not like anyone. Pechorin is justified by the fact that friendship is not based on equality, but on the fear of losing freedom. As a result of this, we can conclude that Pechorin pays attention only to his freedom. He loves freedom so much that he dreams of power and wants to subjugate everything and everyone.

Dr. Werner and Vera are Pechorin's closest people. With the doctor, they are similar in their loneliness, mental disorder and mentality. Vera is the first girl in the world whom he loves admiringly and nobly, but soon they have obstacles that he is unable to solve. Fiery passion and icy indifference are always fighting in his heart. Pechorin's egoism shows his futility in everything, since he does neither good nor evil, paying attention to his aspirations and problems. This suggests that he is closed in on himself.

Option 2

Grigory Pechorin is the main character in M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". The author invested in this hero the image of the entire Russian youth intelligentsia of the 19th century. The image is collective, and Lermontov assigns the status of an “extra” person to Grigory Pechorin. It is necessary to understand why this is so.

Pechorin is a representative of the noble intelligentsia. By nature, he is a very active person, possessing great vitality and energy. However, the hero cannot find his place in life. Any business that Pechorin would not undertake is soon thrown to him. Despite his young age and mental strength, Gregory ceases to get involved in what most young people are fond of. He gave up literature, he was bored with entertainment and secular society. From the hopelessness of his situation, the hero simply embarks on a journey.

As a person with a business orientation, Pechorin could invest his time and energy in an important matter. But he can't find his life path. Wasting himself in vain, Pechorin is disappointed in life itself, but for him it is just beginning. Dissatisfied with the way he lives, the hero hurts other people around him. Through the fault of Pechorin, Bela dies and Grushnitsky dies. Wherever Grigory Pechorin's foot steps, grief occurs.

However, it cannot be said that Pechorin himself became such. Society is the cause of his spiritual devastation. After all, it was in society that the hero tried to maintain honesty and spiritual kindness. However, the soulless and devastated society did not believe and did not understand kindness. Pechorin had to become what he became.

Rushing from one to another, from selfishness to unconditional love for others, Pechorin contradicts himself. A burning desire for action and at the same time their insignificance do not give a quiet life to the hero. Every time he analyzes his own actions, which, however, does not bring any positive results. Despite his vigorous activity, Pechorin simply becomes unable to positively influence the situation. This makes him superfluous and lonely wherever he is. No wonder the author leads Pechorin to death. After all, such a person has no place in life.

No wonder the novel is called "The Hero of Our Time". In Pechorin, not only one person is shown, but all the youth of the nineteenth century. With a rich inner world, but with the emptiness of the soul and indifference to life.

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In the 19th century, the image of a person superfluous for society appears in Russian literature. This is exactly what the main character of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Grigory Pechorin.

Grigory is an intelligent nobleman, an advanced person, but he is a representative of that generation that cannot find its place in this life. He cannot stay still, he is active. The hero is constantly trying to do something, but gives up everything: literature, entertainment and secular society, which he also quickly got tired of. And then Pechorin just set off on a journey. It contains enormous mental strength that he could direct in the right direction, but the hero squanders them in vain, besides hurting others, he breaks the lives of smugglers, kills Grushnitsky in a duel, and through his own fault Bela dies. Wherever the hero goes, he always leaves grief behind him.

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Gregory did not become like this of his own free will. It was society that made him that way. He tried to tell the truth, but they did not believe him and he began to lie. He tried to love the world, but he was not understood, and then he became evil. Pechorin appears before us in the form of a man who has gone through a lot and is already devastated, albeit outwardly very young.

The main reason for the hero's troubles is his extremely contradictory nature. He rushes between two extremes - feeling and reason. Cannot find a certain balance between his own selfishness and human compassion. But still, his main contradiction is the ability to act and the insignificance of his actions.

Pechorin made himself the object of his own observations. It is as if two people live in it: "one acts, and the other judges his actions." He constantly analyzes his every action, which does not allow the hero to live in peace.

It is all these contradictions that make Grigory Pechorin an extra person. A man who cannot properly apply his great powers. No wonder M.Yu. Lermontov called his novel “A Hero of Our Time” this way, because Grigory is a collective image of all the youth of the generation of the writer. And by the death of Pechorin, the author shows that such a hero has no place in the world.

Updated: 2018-01-21

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The concept of "extra person" appears in the literature of the 19th century. The superfluous is not just a person rejected by society, these are people who do not find a place for themselves in the surrounding reality. Why is Pechorin "an extra person"? The answer lies deep in the content of the classic.

Cause of individuality

Gregory is distinguished by a selfish nature. Pechorin explains this state of inner emptiness. Why did the young man begin to look at people from the side, as if they were actors on stage performances? The boy's life was empty and monotonous. All actions were interpreted, according to Gregory, incorrectly, at their own discretion. He was analyzed by the same empty people, corrupted by laziness and prosperity. The boy wanted to be modest, they tried to convict him of something, he began to hide his feelings and thoughts.

Without receiving affection and sincere care, he becomes angry and cruel. The young man believed in love and waited for it, but because of misunderstanding he began to hate women and men. Gradually, Gregory moves away from the noble society, does not find real friends among the military. He begins to feel like a "superfluous person." Watching what is happening from the side, conducting constant experiments, where human relations are at the center, he becomes an insightful cynic who knows in advance the result of his actions.

Versatile interests

Pechorin cannot be considered superfluous due to the inability to find one's destiny due to a lack of intelligence. Gregory is smart and developed. He could give society a lot of useful things, but seeing the essence of the noble disunity, interest is lost in everything. Pechorin is fond of literature, cools down to it, becomes a regular in the capital's evenings, but the usual entertainment of youth becomes difficult and boring for him. Pechorin begins to wander around the country. Gregory is trying everywhere to find an application for his strengths and interests, but his "selfish nature" causes grief to people who get in his way. Bela, Undine, Mary - women suffering from the actions of Pechorin. It's a pity for the blind boy left with a beggar old woman with no means of subsistence. The theme of superfluous people resonates with the development of new youth.

Ability to manage and lead

Pechorin seeks to find thrills in life in order to understand the meaning and feel new bright moments. He is not afraid of Chechen bullets, goes to a duel, knowing about the unloaded pistol, enters the house of the killer Vulich. Bullets cease to frighten him, he leads the duel to a tragic result for Grushnitsky, the drunken Cossack cannot cope with Pechorin. Gregory understands that he himself is in charge of his own destiny and is able to play the fate of others. He admits that "I had a high destiny."

Pechorin feels “immense forces in himself”, but does not find application for them. The hero of his time, if we proceed from the title of the story "A Hero of Our Time", becomes an extra person. How and why is this possible?

This is a sign of the times. People who are smart, active and energetic leave society, become unsociable or cruel, they cannot change their own beliefs, but they cannot change the environment either. The hero of time is the "sad soul" of the era, according to V. Belinsky, a type of people who have turned away from society.

The result of the life of superfluous people

Pechorin dies. The author tries to convey to the reader several important truths. A person must have a goal. Senseless vegetation leads to physical or moral death. Which is scarier, I don't know. Some people live without benefiting society, but they are not interested in this either. Such people celebrate, have fun, it seems, lead a bright interesting life. In fact, this is the monotony that completes the decomposition of the soul. Pechorin could become the leader of the youth movement for the better, but he takes on the image of being bored in a storm. No resistance, no development. Life stops. Heroes turn into worthless observers, unwilling to help, destroying and slowly dying.

The image of the "superfluous person" in Pechorin.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on October 3, 1814 in Moscow in the family of a captain. Childhood years are spent in the Tarkhany estate of the Penza province. He studied at Moscow University. Lermontov spoke many languages.

At the beginning of the 19th century, works appeared in Russian literature, the main problem of which is the conflict between a person and the society surrounding him. A new image is being created - an "extra person", rejected, spiritually unclaimed by society.

In the novel A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov creates the image of such a person. This way is Pechorin.

Pechorin was born into a wealthy noble family, so from a young age he was in the circles of influential people. However, he soon got bored with the “light” of society with its empty entertainment “that can be obtained for money” - points, festive dinners and, of course, masquerades with their tedious conversations and lack of practical activities. Pechorin was drawn to education and the sciences, but quickly decided for himself that "happiness is more likely to be found in ignorance and wealth," and "he did not want fame." This hero is internally devastated. The reason for his emptiness can be found by learning about his upbringing. From the very beginning of his life, he was doomed to an empty future. Proof of this can be found by reading his diary: “I was modest - I was accused of deceit: I became secretive. I deeply felt good and evil. Nobody caressed me. Everyone insulted me. I became vindictive. I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me and I learned to hate.

Pechorin is depicted in the novel as a victim of noble people. Thus, from childhood he became a cruel, vindictive and cynical person, he gradually moved away from people, lost faith in life and love.

Throughout the novel, the hero tries to fight his inner emptiness. But all his efforts end in failure. All the things he starts are doomed to failure. He understands this and suffers greatly from it. His suffering is expressed in the constant struggle between humanism and cynicism. Pechorin describes all this in his diary. In the struggle with himself, he "exhausted the heat of the soul and the constancy of the will" necessary for an active life. All this makes Pechorin an "extra person" in public terms.

He is also weak psychologically. Pechorin does not want to make new acquaintances, communicate with smart people. He is weighed down by spiritual and emotional intimacy. He has no friends and he doesn't love anyone. He explains this by the fact that friendship is never based on equality, and by the fear of losing personal freedom.

From this we can deduce that this hero values ​​​​only his independence. He is so freedom-loving that he strongly expresses the desire to subordinate everything and everything, even love, to his will.

Pechorin's closest people are only Dr. Werner and Vera. With Dr. Werner, he shares a feeling of loneliness. They are also united by mental disorder, as well as a similar mindset.

We can say about Vera that she is "the only woman in the world." He loves her selflessly and disinterestedly. However, in these relations there are problems that are difficult for him to solve.

Pechorin is constantly fighting fiery passion and cold indifference.

Thus, the extreme selfishness of Pechorin shows his uselessness in all respects. Focusing on his own problems and aspirations, the hero does no good to anyone and does not bring happiness, we can conclude that he is closed in on himself.

Even he himself admits that he "became a moral coward."

"A Hero of Our Time" - a novel by M.Yu. Lermontov - is unusual in that it consists of five parts, each of which can exist independently, but at the same time they are all united by the image of the main character - Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. The author himself in the preface of the novel says that his image is collective: “The hero of our time, my gracious sovereigns, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.”

Lermontov draws the main character for us as a man of average height, slender, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, with small hands, blond hair. But he emphasizes a number of details: firstly, he does not swing his arms when walking, which indicates secrecy, and secondly, the author draws our attention to his eyes. “They didn’t laugh when he laughed! This is a sign of either an evil disposition, or a deep constant sadness.

Pechorin does not see a goal in life for himself, and this is his main tragedy. This is how he describes the formation of his character: “Everyone read on my face the signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of slyness: I became secretive. I deeply felt good and evil; no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive; I was gloomy - other children are cheerful and talkative; I felt myself superior to them - I was placed below. I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me: and I learned to hate. My colorless youth passed in the struggle with myself and the light; my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there. I spoke the truth - they did not believe me: I began to deceive; knowing well the light and springs of society, I became skilled in the science of life and saw how others without art are happy, enjoying the gift of those benefits that I tirelessly sought. And then despair was born in my chest - not that despair that is cured at the muzzle of a pistol, but cold, powerless despair, hidden behind courtesy and a good-natured smile. I became a moral cripple: one half of my soul did not exist, it dried up, evaporated, died, I cut it off and threw it away, while the other moved and lived at the service of everyone, and no one noticed this, because no one knew about the existence of her deceased half."

Pechorin suffers from loneliness. He regrets that there is no person on earth who could understand him. Making entries in his diary, he himself tries to understand himself, mercilessly describing all his shortcomings. He does not deceive himself, which is no longer so easy for a person.

The protagonist is quickly fed up with everything, both hobbies and people. He makes many women unhappy, ruthlessly ruining their lives. He is aware of this, but he cannot change it in any way: “I run through my memory of all my past and ask myself involuntarily: why did I live? For what purpose was I born?.. But, it’s true, it existed, and it’s true, I had a high purpose, because I feel immense forces in my soul ... But I didn’t guess this purpose, I was carried away by the lures of empty and ungrateful passions ; from their furnace I came out hard and cold as iron, but I lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations - the best color of life. And since then, how many times have I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate! As an instrument of execution, I fell on the heads of doomed victims, often without malice, always without regret... My love brought happiness to no one, because I did not sacrifice anything for those whom I loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure; I only satisfied the strange need of the heart, greedily absorbing their feelings, their tenderness, their joys and sufferings - and could never get enough.

Vera is the only one of all his women with whom he did not get bored. He still loves her dearly and suffers when she leaves.

In some ways, he can be compared with Onegin: he is also overcome by constant melancholy, he is also tired of social life. But if Onegin changes by the end of the novel, transforms, then Pechorin remains a prisoner of his boredom.

Pechorin is tired not of life, but of its absence: “In my soul is spoiled by light, my imagination is restless, my heart is insatiable; everything is not enough for me ... ”This is the main difference between Pechorin and Onegin. He mistakenly believed that he had already experienced everything, and he needed nothing more than peace and solitude.

Pechorin is a strong, whole, self-sufficient nature. He is a man of enormous spiritual strength, and the fact that he spends them on the abduction of Bela, an affair with Princess Mary, single combat with Grushnitsky, and not on long service to officials, is the most important feat of a hero of our time.

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