A civilized man is a man grafted on nature's name. Civilized

Cm … Synonym dictionary

civilized- oh, oh. civiliser. Introduced to civilization (culture, progress, enlightenment); cultural, enlightened. ALS 1. I am for illiterate blacks against civilized owners in the southern states. Chernysh. What to do? ♦ joke. Forest wild cats are not ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

CIVILIZED, oh, oh; an. Being the bearer of civilization (in 2 values). | noun civilization, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

1. civilized, an, ana, ano, ana, parch. 2. civilized, an, anna, anno, anna, adj… Russian word stress

App. 1. Being at the level of civilization [civilization I 2.], being the bearer of civilization, attached to civilization; cultural, educated. 2. Based on the achievements of civilization [civilization I 2.]; developed, legal, enlightened. 3… Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, civilized, ... ... Word forms

Barbarian untamed uncivilized... Antonym Dictionary

civilized- civilized; briefly adverb form. an, ana; briefly form adj. (cultural; such as is customary among civilized people) an, anna ... Russian spelling dictionary

civilized- 1. adj.; cr.f. civiliso/van, civiliso/vana, vano, vans. Some territories of medieval France were civilized quite late. 2. adj.; cr.f. civiliso/van, civiliso/bath, bath, baths; civilized/bathed. “Being in the cities, they [cats]… … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Silence in the era of noise. A Little Book for a Big City, Kagge Erling. The civilized world is engulfed in an epidemic of noise. Alerts coming to the mobile, the roar of transport, the sounds made by all kinds of equipment - all this is distracting and very unnerving, does not give a…
  • Silence in the Age of Noise: A Little Book for a Big City, Erling Kagge. The civilized world is engulfed in an epidemic of noise. Alerts coming to the mobile, the roar of transport, the sounds made by all kinds of equipment - all this is distracting and very unnerving, does not give a…


From the point of view of a theoretically substantiated strategy for the development of Russia and the whole world, it is extremely important to comprehend and solve fundamental, including quite specific, topical problems as general issues of modern civilization as a whole and as specific, but precisely civilizational problems of a particular country.

I will give one example. In the portrayal of a number of influential theorists and in practical activities a considerable number of European institutions contemporary issues democracies look like this: there are de centers of modern democracy, where democratic procedures and values ​​have the character of already fully defined, clear models, paradigms that only need to be transferred to other countries that have not yet been democratized; the mission of the "civilized" countries, their ruling circles, the relevant international institutions is simply to implement these models.

It is superfluous to prove that this position is purely ideological, stubbornly and not always cleverly defending the interests, views, approaches of completely certain "centers of power" and influence, but in fact - not even of certain countries, but of specific ruling groups. Not to mention the fact that the means, methods, ways of “introducing”, spreading democracy in practice turn out to be far from democratic and civilized, in the light of the civilizational process, the whole thing looks different. For both in specialized literature and in truly democratic discourse it has already been recognized that democratic practices, forms, procedures are experienced today, and everywhere, including in the so-called civilized countries, a deep and precisely civilizational crisis.

This, in particular, means that modern civilization is no longer resigned to simply following the formalisms of democracy, to the very widespread and fairly easy emasculation of democratic forms, and often to their transformation into a cover, front sign for anti-democratic reality.

The foregoing, of course, does not imply best traditions and from the very forms, procedures of democracy, but only what is on the agenda modern development the question is inserted about the essential, paradigm transformation of democracy common to the whole civilization, its processes, procedures, its values ​​and, accordingly, about the improvement, in accordance with modern demands and requirements, of the theory of democracy, including its general philosophical premises.

Or another example, already from domestic social practice. When strategic or tactical, general or specific, topical problems and tasks are formulated and solved in our country, their understanding and solution is almost never translated into civilizational approaches. And the failures that so often befall in their practical solution and stemming precisely from the civilizational backwardness of the country are almost never comprehended, not evaluated in this plane, all the more so they are not outlined in their system and integrity. Meanwhile, in the case of putting forward any serious all-Russian or regional program, it would be necessary to calculate in advance some “civilization coefficients” that both contribute to, and, in particular, hinder the implementation, execution of the planned programs (in the country as a whole, in individual regions or locally). level). For the sum of civilizational prerequisites and factors must be determined, "calculated" even in the first place.

Why, I will explain with the help of a very simple and understandable example. You can - and you really need it! - to put new ambulances in villages or small towns, as, thank God, this is being done in accordance with the national health program. But if the new cars cannot drive through rural impassability, if they break down every now and then due to potholes on typical streets of Russian small towns, if they are served by half-drunk drivers driving mainly to patients who have been poisoned by burned vodka, then it is unlikely so desired program achieve their important goals.

In my works, I try to consider in more detail those aspects of life, life, people's consciousness, which, in my opinion, should be included in the concept of "civilization coefficient", and we are talking about both its main, core components, and about the "trifles of civilization", which in fact are not trifles at all, because the most important thing often depends on them. On them - for example, on bad roads (often literally) - the engine of the most significant, hard-won state reforms and transformations stalls.

What kind of person can be called civilized as opposed to uncivilized beings, barbarians?

A civilized person is necessarily a worker and creator. The barbarian, on the other hand, not only neglects creative work, but at any moment is ready to destroy, defile what was created by nature and accumulated by history. A civilized person strives to master the latest means, the achievements of labor, its organization, the most effective labor skills and knowledge, thus adopting the experience of other people. He thinks, designs, predicts, critically reflects and constantly improves his activities. Although he does not possess his own scientific and higher technical knowledge, he has an interest and respect for them. The barbarian is at least indifferent to all this: if he works, then in the old fashioned way, at the level of a plow and a sledgehammer.

So, sound, efficient, creative, intelligent, skilled work, respect for work and proud self-respect for oneself as a worker, owner - the first group of features that distinguish a civilized individual. Such an individual cannot afford, in defiance of fundamental civility, to produce goods that no one needs or is harmful to; cannot, organically is not capable of squandering, letting go to the wind what was created not only by his own labor, but also by the efforts of other people. For he respects and preserves the work of others and the property of others no less than the fruits of his labor and his property.

The second group of features that distinguish civilized man from the barbarian, is associated with the attitude to freedom, dignity, responsibility - both one's own and other individuals, countries, peoples. Ownership is a concept that has been used with a negative connotation for a long time. But the same experience of history teaches that a civilized person is an owner endowed with freedom, common sense, the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them. The civilized individual, especially in modern conditions, tends to be a democratic individual and a member of a democratic, civil society, because his civic activity is an organic continuation, as well as a prerequisite for free and initiative labor activity.

A civilized person is characterized by natural pride in his nation, people, country, the desire to serve them with labor and talent. At the same time, true civilization is incompatible with an uncritical attitude to their history and modern life, with the humiliation of other nations, peoples, with nationalist aggressiveness. A civilized person carefully and responsibly chooses the groups, associations, associations that he enters; he categorically and resolutely opposes bloodshed, violence, destructive conflicts. The barbarian, on the other hand, is quite tolerant of the fact that property, freedom, and responsibility are taken away from him and other people. He feels a constant desire to take something away from other individuals, groups, peoples - in order to eat up, squander, destroy what was taken away; he willingly merges into an aggressive crowd, ready for bloodshed. Dictatorships rely on barbarians, totalitarian regimes, nationalist black-hundred movements.

The third group of features that distinguish a civilized person can be attributed to the conditions in which he works and rests, communicates with other people, as well as to the style of his behavior. He is distinguished from the barbarian, including the modern barbarian mired in savagery, also by the desire and ability to arrange his daily life: cleanliness, convenience, comfort Everyday life He needs it like air. Of course, a civilized individual is a human and nothing human is alien to him, including emotions.

It is no coincidence that even the ancient Greeks so exalted the value of moderation of needs and wisdom of behavior. “Measure is excellent in everything,” said the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans. There is a kind of paradox here. The needs of a civilized person are developed, rich, subtle, varied. But at least he strives to moderate them, to make them reasonably sufficient. The barbarian, on the other hand, has limited and crude needs. But given him the opportunity to satisfy them, he knows no measure.

Motroshilova Nelli Vasilievna, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of Department of the Institute

The editorial staff of United Fatherland thanks Artur Kryzhanovsky for providing the material and preparing it for publication

Civilization as a quality of a person is the ability to correspond to the existing level of spirituality, morality, the development of science and technology, education, material and spiritual culture.

A young Indian comes to the leaders and addresses them with a speech in which he urges them to abolish nicknames: - What are these relics of the past? We must become a civilized nation! chief chief addresses other leaders: - What do you say, Swift Deer? - No, I think that we should preserve the traditions of our fathers and grandfathers. “And you, Hawkeye?” "I'm against it too, because it sets us apart from the whites." The head chief turns to the young Indian again: “You heard the opinions of the chiefs, so go and think again, Dirty Ass, whether we need nicknames or not.

The wife told her husband: “Let’s get divorced in a civilized way, like all people: quietly, peacefully.” But no, he arrived drunk, with three torn accordions, a crowd of friends, gypsies and fireworks.

A civilized person is one who can be delegated without hesitation to other civilizations, knowing that he will not let him down, will not lose his face. Imagine, we are sending to another planet a man of encyclopedic knowledge, that is, who has enriched his memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed, a great practitioner, but at the same time dishonorable, low, in a word, thoroughly vicious. In the right, he, being a vicious person, to receive the mandate of a civilized person, is he worthy to represent all people living on Earth on another planet?

Civilization is the ability to see the common in the singular, the different. A civilized person is fluent in the language of the heart. His religion is the religion of love. Any spiritual tradition is a religion of love. Sectarians and religious fanatics believe that their God is the best. Whoever does not think so is subject to destruction. God is one, he has thousands of names. If a person goes to God, it makes no difference to a civilized person which way he goes to Him.

Philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov states: “We should not look for differences, we should look for commonality. There are two criteria of civilization: what are they? First: a person must become softer, and second: he must see the common in the different. It is most important. And we must become more and more civilized each time, we must learn from each situation to become softer and learn to see the common in the differences. What is needed in a family? In a family, people need to be with soft hearts and that they see commonality in differences. Because there are two in the family different person. And if we in the family do not see the common in differences, then we will modern family without understanding each other. This is now called the nuclear cell of society. If we can solve it at the family level, then we can solve it at the societal level. If we can solve it at the level of society, we can solve it at the level of religion, then we can solve it at the level of states, we can solve it at the level of the whole world. This is what civilization is. We are in decline now. We are dividing, dividing, dividing: countries are dividing, families are dividing, there is a desire to divide the country, divide everything, tear everything apart piece by piece. This is degradation, civilization is the ability to be together, the ability to love each other, the ability to see the common in development, this is civilization.”

What personality traits should a person have who is worthy to represent human civilization anywhere?

First, he must be educated, that is able to practice harmonious unity good qualities individuals with a mandatory minimum life experience, special education, culture and erudition. He is able to constantly cultivate his mind, independently solve problems, based on the knowledge that has become part of his life experience.

Secondly, it must be an integral person, that is, capable of maintaining a constant higher connection of the soul with God; live in harmony with the laws of the universe; experience a state of inner fullness, abundance, success and happiness; to be satisfied with the realization of the realization of one's life purpose; not be tormented by contradictions, pressure of vicious personality traits; systematically meet their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs; be able to give and receive love.

Thirdly, the delegate from the terrestrial civilization can be harmonious person able to live without internal conflicts, in unison of the soul and mind, to ensure the optimal coherence of the physical, social and spiritual aspects of life between themselves and the outside world.

Philosopher N.V. Motroshilova writes: “A civilized person is necessarily a worker and creator. The barbarian, on the other hand, not only neglects creative work, but at any moment is ready to destroy, defile what was created by nature and accumulated by history. A civilized person strives to master the latest means, the achievements of labor, its organization, the most effective labor skills and knowledge, thus adopting the experience of other people. He thinks, projects, predicts, critically reflects and constantly improves his activity... So, sound, efficient, creative, intelligent, skilled work, respect for work and proud self-respect for oneself as a worker, owner - the first group of features that distinguish a civilized individual. The second group of features that distinguish a civilized person from a barbarian is related to the attitude to freedom, dignity, responsibility - both one's own and other individuals, countries, peoples. The third group of features that distinguish a civilized person can be attributed to the conditions in which he works and rests, communicates with other people, as well as to the style of his behavior. He is distinguished from the barbarian, including the modern barbarian mired in savagery, also by the desire and ability to arrange his daily life: cleanliness, convenience, comfort of everyday life, he needs it like air.

In addition, a civilized person is, above all, respect for people of any race and nationality. During the years of the Great Patriotic War The Nazis were proud of their civility. They generally did not consider the Slavs as people, and because of their great "civilization" they were not ashamed to perform natural needs in front of women and children. That is, people of other nationalities are savages, barbarians, and they are not known with what fright - a stronghold of civilization. Unlike falsely civilized fascists, “Russian barbarians,” writes Valery Tokarev, “burst into villages, auls, and camps, leaving behind cities, libraries, universities, and theaters.”

When “civilized” noble Parisians walked in Versailles for the most part under the nearest bush, leaving “mines” for lovers, and men urinating in the fireplace in front of everyone, in every “uncivilized” Russian village, in every family there was a toilet and a bathhouse. No one, as in Europe, splashed slop out the window. Unlike stinky Parisians, who never parted with flea caps and found salvation to drown out their bodily stench with spirits, Russian women were clean and tidy. In Europe, wood is expensive, so they went unwashed, unwashed and smelly. For years they did not bathe, but they did not forget to shout to the whole world about their civilization.

Louis XIV, King of France was afraid of water. In all his life, the doctors were able to convince His Majesty to take a bath only twice or thrice. He preferred to powder himself with fragrant powders and wipe his face with a cloth soaked in alcohol. When gangrene developed on the king's leg, which cost Louis his life, he did not let doctors in and did not even let him wash his sore leg.

Henry IV, King of France, emitted a peculiar animal smell. He was very fond of hunting, and, returning from the next of them, did not bother washing himself or masking the smell with cologne. The mistress often told the king that he smelled of carrion. His second wife literally bathed in perfume in order to spend her wedding night with the king without disgust.

Petr Kovalev 2014

Civilization(from lat. civilis - civil, state).

Civilization - this is social form the movement of matter, ensuring its stability and ability for self-development through self-regulation of exchange with the environment (dictionary). The civilizational theory was popular in world science half a century ago, today it is in a state of crisis. As an external reflection of the World Civilization Crisis on the planet.

Concept of Civilization - can be interpreted from the position of a philosophical, scientific, cultural, historical, economic definition that affects any moment of our life, but from the point of view of the Wise organization of the House (IDIVO). In general, this is any form of the movement of matter, which is aimed at the realization of the goals of the Father by this Civilization, into the movement of matter (biological) as the development of mankind as a whole. As well as the movement of the environment in which civilization and all of humanity lives, which supports the development of man.
Civilization is constantly in development.Civilization as a form of human development together with the environment.
Environment - this is nature, social public, economic, political (ideology).
Civilization and Civilization assumes a constant evolutionary directed vector of development.
The Task of Civilization - this is the cultivation, development of humanity, to educate humanity similar to the Father, by the standards of the Metagalaxy on this moment eight manifested. To reveal the Truth of the Father as a whole and the Truth of the Father by each person and all mankind. From the point of view of the Father, each person has a promising destiny to become with the Creator with the Father,

What does it mean to be a civilized person?

It means to be a man developed from the point of view of the Father, built into environment developing by himself and together with others this environment.
Before becoming a civilized man, the Father forms us at the beginning as a man rebuilt according to new 256-ary standards. Those people who understand that they will incarnate next time, and with this life they provide the conditions for their next birth, and such a person can be called responsible for his life.

Synthetic definition of what is IDIVO Civilization.

This is a variant of the movement of the matter of mankind in synthesis with the self-regulating Metagalactic matter. Aimed at the implementation of landmark tasks Primarily Superior Father(IVO).
Civilization embraces all mankind and the problem is that large group people of the Employees cannot organize a civilization, but each person can be that small sprout of that future civilization.
Civilization suggests development of a new ideology of man.
Civilization requires professional approach to human life and not only in the profession. It should cover different directions human activity.
Metagalactic Civilization is a completely new manifestation of the Father.
At the heart of the new Civilizations IDIVO Father laid down a new doctrine called . Civilization on the planet is developing by the Metagalaxy of the eighth manifestation and is called Civilization of Truth , Civilization Creators. Truth is read back as the Thread of Synthesis. The Father has the Truth, and we people, as cells of the Father, carry a small part of the Truth, we carry it, we realize it with ourselves and with our lives.
by the most the best option the message of the teachings of Synthesis as new Fundamentals of life, standards, laws, rules, new goals of civilization will be party activity in the direction

What is civilization, "civilization", "civilized man"?

The word "civilization" comes from the Latin. civitas, which means "state centered in the city". The adjective "civilized" originally meant "urban", "educated", "educated" as opposed to "uneducated", "barbarian".

The concept of "civilization", which entered the scientific use of European scientists in the XVIII century. along with the concept of "culture", it also has several definitions (depending on the content of the concepts in which it is used). One of them considers civilization as a synonym for culture. Not everyone agrees with this understanding of civilization. Opponents, in particular, object: civilization is a combination of predominantly material conditions, and culture is primarily spiritual. Another meaning of the concept of "civilization" is the stage of social development following barbarism (according to the classification of the XIX century American ethnographer L. Morgan (1818-1881). The German philosopher O. Spengler (1880-1936) had a completely different idea of ​​civilization. The researcher considered civilization is the final stage in the evolution of any culture, which is characterized by the development of technology, the rationalization of life, the degradation of art and literature, the transformation of peoples into faceless masses.

When using the word "civilization", we mean such aspects as high level material life, accommodation, technical equipment of life, etc.

In modern everyday usage, civilization is understood by scientists in two meanings:

  • - in the first case, civilization means historical era, which replaced barbarism, in other words, marks the highest stage in the development of mankind;
  • - in the second case, civilization is associated with a geographical place, implying local, regional and global civilizations, for example, Eastern and Western civilizations. They differ in economic structure and culture (a set of norms, customs, traditions, symbols), which includes a specific understanding of the meaning of life, justice, fate, the role of work and leisure. This is how specific differences in people's behavior, manner of dressing, types of housing, etc. are formed.

Civilizational features of the communities that make up their peoples, ethnic groups set different directions for development historical process. The study of the nature of civilization, its diversity contributes to the identification of the fundamental foundations of human existence. Civilization reflects the quality of social progress, which ensures the reproduction of the main social parameters - from state, civil to everyday.

Civilization is the ability and habit of a person to follow the advanced norms of human society, to live consciously and kindly, humanly.

What kind of person can be called civilized?

A civilized person is necessarily a worker and creator. A civilized person strives to master the latest means, the achievements of labor, its organization, the most effective labor skills and knowledge, thus adopting the experience of other people. He thinks, designs, predicts, critically reflects and constantly improves his activities. Although he does not possess his own scientific and higher technical knowledge, he has an interest and respect for them.

A civilized person is an owner endowed with freedom, common sense, the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them. A civilized individual, especially in modern conditions, tends to be a democratic individual and a member of a democratic, civil society, because his civic activity is an organic continuation, as well as a prerequisite for free and initiative labor activity.

A civilized person is characterized by natural pride in his nation, people, country, the desire to serve them with labor and talent. A civilized person carefully and responsibly chooses the groups, associations, associations that he enters; he categorically and resolutely opposes bloodshed, violence, destructive conflicts.

He is distinguished by the desire and ability to arrange his daily life: cleanliness, convenience, comfort of everyday life, he needs it like air. Of course, a civilized individual is a man and nothing human is alien to him, including emotions.

The needs of a civilized person are developed, rich, subtle, varied. But he strives to moderate them, to make them reasonably sufficient.

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